Removing movie clips in arrays

Hi there
I have this code in my Flash file:
for(bubble in bubbleArray){
     bubbleArray[bubble]._y -= 3;
     if(bubbleArray[bubble]._y < 370){
I'm wondering, when I remove the movie clips should I also be popping them from the array?
I have an onEnterFrame function that attaches the movie clips and pushes them into the array, so I'm worried that if I don't pop them the array will continue to increase in size and slow down the movie. Is this the case, or will they be automatically removed from the array by the removeMovieClip() method above?

Looks like I spoke too soon. I imagined that removing them from the array would be easy, but I'm struggling.
The movie clip that is removed from its parent clip and should be removed from the array will not always be the first element in the array, and I'll need to remove multiple clips at a time. I've put in a trace action to trace the length of my array, and after about ten seconds it contains about 2500 elements, most of which have already been removed using the removeMovieClip() method. I'm worried this will slow down the movie.
So to clarify: How can I remove these elements from my array when I remove them from the stage?
I tried to include something like:
while(bubbleArray[0] == undefined){
but it caused Flash Player to freeze up. Also, if I trace bubbleArray[0] it is only "undefined" before something is pushed into the array. Once the clip has been removed from the stage, the trace just returns a blank line, not "undefined".
I'd appreciate any help.
Here is all my code:
var i:Number;
var j:Number = 0;
var minBubbles:Number = 10;
var maxBubbles:Number = 20;
var bottomBubbleLimit:Number = 0;
var topBubbleLimit:Number = 1;
var bubbleNumber:Number;
var bubbleX:Number;
var bubbleY:Number;
var bubbleScale:Number;
var bubbleMinScale:Number = 30;
var bubbleMaxScale:Number = 100;
var fewerBubbles:Number;
var ring:String;
var ringArray:Array = [ringAnimation.ring1, ringAnimation.ring2];
var bubbleArray:Array = [];
ringAnimation.onEnterFrame = function(){
    for(ring in ringArray){
        if(ringArray[ring]._y > 370){
            bubbleNumber = (minBubbles + (Math.random() * (maxBubbles - minBubbles)));
            for(i = 0; i < bubbleNumber; i++){
                bubbleX = ((ringArray[ring]._x - (ringArray[ring]._width / 2)) + (Math.random() * ringArray[ring]._width));
                bubbleY = ((ringArray[ring]._y - (ringArray[ring]._height / 2)) + (Math.random() * ringArray[ring]._height));
                bubbleScale = bubbleMinScale + (Math.random() * (bubbleMaxScale - bubbleMinScale));
                ringAnimation.attachMovie("bubble", "bubble" + String(j), this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:bubbleX, _y:bubbleY, _xscale:bubbleScale, _yscale:bubbleScale});
                bubbleArray.push(ringAnimation["bubble" + String(j)]);
    for(bubble in bubbleArray){
        bubbleArray[bubble]._y -= 3;
        if(bubbleArray[bubble]._y < 370){
    if(ringAnimation._currentFrame == 6){
    }else if(ringAnimation._currentFrame == 12){
fewerBubbles = setInterval(reduceBubbles, 600);
function reduceBubbles(){
    if(minBubbles > bottomBubbleLimit){
    if(maxBubbles > topBubbleLimit){
    if(minBubbles == bottomBubbleLimit && maxBubbles == topBubbleLimit){

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    import mx.transitions.*;
    _global.thisX = 30;
    _global.thisY = 70;
    _global.stageWidth = 600;
    _global.stageHeight = 400;
    var gallery_xml:XML = new XML();
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    try {
    if (success) {
    var images:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;
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    for (var i = 0; i<images.length; i++) {
    } else {
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    for (var i = 0; i<galleryLength; i++) {
    var thisMC:MovieClip =
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("image"+i+"_mc", i);
    mcLoader_mcl.loadClip(gallery_array.src, thisMC);
    preloaderMC = this.attachMovie("preloader_mc",
    "preloader"+i+"_mc", 5000+i);
    preloaderMC.bar_mc._xscale = 0;
    preloaderMC.progress_txt.text = "0%";
    thisMC._x = _global.thisX;
    thisMC._y = _global.thisY;
    preloaderMC._x = _global.thisX;
    preloaderMC._y = _global.thisY+20;
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    var mclListener:Object = new Object();
    mclListener.onLoadStart = function() {
    mclListener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc, loadedBytes,
    totalBytes) {
    var pctLoaded:Number =
    var preloaderMC =
    preloaderMC.bar_mc._xscale = pctLoaded;
    preloaderMC.progress_txt.text = pctLoaded+"%";
    mclListener.onLoadInit = function(evt:MovieClip) {
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    var thisHeight:Number = evt._height;
    var borderWidth:Number = 2;
    var marginWidth:Number = 8;
    evt.scale = 8;
    evt.lineStyle(borderWidth, 0x000000, 100);
    evt.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 100);
    evt._xscale = evt.scale;
    evt._yscale = evt.scale;
    evt._rotation = Math.round(Math.random()*-10)+5;
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    this._xscale = 30;
    this._yscale = 30;
    this.origX = this._x;
    this.origY = this._y;
    this.origDepth = this.getDepth();
    this._x = (_global.stageWidth-evt._width+30)/2;
    this._y = (_global.stageHeight-evt._height+30)/2;
    {type:mx.transitions.Photo, direction:0, duration:1,
    easing:mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, param1:empty,
    evt.onRelease = function() {
    this._xscale = this.scale;
    this._yscale = this.scale;
    this._x = this.origX;
    this._y = this.origY;
    evt.onReleaseOutside = evt.onRelease;
    next_btn.onRelease= function() {
    back_btn.onRelease= function() {

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    you can pass a reference from your main class to your array class. eg,
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    var arrayClass:ArrayClass=new ArrayClass(stage);
    // ArrayClass
    public class ArrayClass{
    private var _stage:Stage;
    public function ArrayClass(s:Stage){
    private function dowhatever():void{

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    var clipcopies:Array = new Array();
    for (var rows:uint=0; rows <5; rows++)
              for (var cols:uint= 0; cols <2; cols++)
                        for (var cops:uint=0; cops <2; cops++)
                                  var persona:clips = new clips();
                                  persona.scaleX = .5;
                                  persona.scaleY = .5;
                                  persona.x = (cols * (persona.width+20) + 10)+(cops*300);
                                  persona.y = (rows * (persona.height+20) + 10);
    function clickPersona(e:MouseEvent):void
              var thisclip:uint = clipcopies.indexOf(;

    If I've understood your code correctly, clips on the left will have even numbered indexes or 0 as their index.  Clips on the right will have odd numbered indexes.  I would try:
    var clipcopies:Array = new Array();
    for (var rows:uint=0; rows <5; rows++)
              for (var cols:uint= 0; cols <2; cols++)
                        for (var cops:uint=0; cops <2; cops++)
                                  var persona:clips = new clips();
                                  persona.scaleX = .5;
                                  persona.scaleY = .5;
                                  persona.x = (cols * (persona.width+20) + 10)+(cops*300);
                                  persona.y = (rows * (persona.height+20) + 10);
                                  persona.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickPersona );
    function clickPersona(e:MouseEvent):void
              var thisclip:uint = clipcopies.indexOf(;
             if (thisclip % 2 > 0) // then thisclip is an odd uint - ie clip is on the right
                   removeChild(clipcopies[thisclip-1]); // remove the clip on the left
              }else{  // then thisclip is an even uint - ie clip is on theleft
                   removeChild(clipcopies[thisclip+1]); // remove the clip on the right

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    Managing things you create dynamically can be tricky business... I don't yet know why.
    One way of doing this is to manually plant pContainer as an empty movieclip symbol in frame 7 rather than creating it dynamically.
    Another thing to try would be to use the removeChild command before you move away from frame 7.  So you might need to have a conditional in your button that tests the currentFrame value and then executes the removeChild command before moving to the destination frame.

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    var randomImages:Array = [];
    var randomCount:Number = 1;
    var r:Number;
    for (var i = 0; i<randomCount; i++) {
    r = Math.floor(Math.random()*myImages.length);
    randomImages[randomImages.length] = myImages.splice(r, 1);
    currentPage = the random movie clip;
    Thank-you for any help!!

    Anytime you want to see what something is, use the trace() function... it is an essential code design tool that outputs whatever you ask it to in the Output window....  trace(currentPage);
    For the code I showed currentPage would have been one of the instance name String values from the array.  If you had taken the quotes off of the names in the array, it would be a reference to the actual instance.
    As far as the new code you show, I don't know what you are trying to do, nor what it is not doing that you expect it to, but the last two lines have no relationship to the lines preceding it.

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    pills.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, arrest)
    function arrest(pEvent:MouseEvent):void{
                        var carimage: policecar= new policecar();
    and the remove is under a different clip
    bars1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, barsout)
    function barsout(pEvent:MouseEvent):void{
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    function addMovie()
    var toAdd:MovieClip = new Example(); // example extends
    I'm assuming that toAdd will be nulled when the function is
    complete, because it's a local variable. Then if I put code inside
    the movie clip at a certain frame or in a function in the class
    Example to get rid of it:
    I'm assuming that's all i need to do to get rid of it. I
    can't null the instance of the class Example using this = null from
    inside it, and the only reference to it is the child reference from
    the parent.
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    of example eligible for GC?

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    Main scene:
    "sally" scene:

    OK :)
    sally_mc (I changed it to a button, so now it will be
    refrenced as sally_btn) exists in the very first frame of the first
    scene ("main")of the movie. You have to click it to go to the scene
    called "sally" Within the scene called "sally", there is a question
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    replaced with what looks like a padlock, which I have called
    sallylock_mc (it is a movie clip, don't know if it has to be or if
    it should be something else.) Also, I want the padlock to only
    exist/be visible on the "main" scene. I've found that when I go to
    the other scenes, the padlock is there, ontop of everything else.
    I've attached the code in "main", and in "sally":

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    appreciate any help you could give me.

    you need to perform a hitTest to determine if the item is
    within the bounds of your trashcan, you can also use _droptarget,
    but I prefer hitTest with a shapeflag parameter. depending on your
    code, when you call stopdrag onRelease, run your test there.
    the_mc.onRelease = function() {
    if(_level0.trashcan.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {

  • Unable to Remove Movie Clip

    Hello... I am an ActionScript newbie. I followed a tutorial
    from computer arts magazine, to create a portfolio using
    actionscript and xml. I linked the portfolio to several scenes in
    flash, such as contents and contact details. My problem is that
    when I placed a button "back" on the main stage of the portfolio,
    to redirect to the contents page, the list of artworks thats
    populated from xml remains on the next scene, or any other scene i
    link it to. I tried using unload movie clip, but nothing is
    working. Please Help. This is my actionscript:
    I don't if this helps, but I get this message in the output
    panel: Target not found: Target="_root.btn_projectsundefined"

    check the flash help files. there's no better way to debug
    your flash applications than the liberal use of the trace()
    for example:

  • Movie Clips in Array

    I am trying ot push attached Movieclips into an Array
    btnUp.onRelease = function():Void {
    var grp1:MovieClip = test.attachMovie("Group1", "mcOne", 1);
    I think this works.
    What I am trying to do is that after the user select the
    movieclips he or she wants (40 choices total) they will be pushed
    into an array and that when they select finished choosing the
    movieclips will appear in order in which they chose them in another
    frame or movieclip. But when it comes to arrays I am

    the code to display the selected movieclips (in order) is
    after the comment.
    when you're ready to start the display, set index=0 and use
    that code after the comment.
    to have those movieclips appear at a designated _x,_y assign
    myarray[index]._x and myarray[index]._y to suit your needs.

  • Cant remove movie clip in preloader

    For some reason the mc is not removed from the stage when my preloader is finished loading ...
    function Preloader(event:ProgressEvent):void {
         var mc:preloader = new preloader();
         var percent:Number=Math.round(event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal*100);
         if (percent==100) {
    xml_loader.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, Preloader);
    Am I missing something here?

    each time Preloader() is called you're creating a new preloader instance (all with the same reference, mc).  so, if you call Preloader() 25 times, you're adding 25 instances of mc and, on the final call to Preloader(), you remove one mc instance and stop the calls to Preloader().
    to remedy, use:
    var mc:preloader=new preloader();
    function Preloader(event:ProgressEvent):void {
         var  percent:Number=Math.round(event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal*100);
    // do something with mc to reflect percent
         if (percent==100) {
    xml_loader.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,  Preloader);

  • Removing movie clips

    I have this bit of code all by itself in a frame on the main
    it works great if squarechild exists. but if squarechild
    doesn't exist the main timeline just stops. In AS3 how do you say
    "if squarechild exists, remove it, if it doesn't, just keep going"?
    Thanks for your help

    If you look just a little ways down the forum page, you'll
    find some info that may help. Here's the link in case it's not
    obvious: =1428651&enterthread=y

  • Removing Movieclips from an Array Displayed on stage

    Hi Everyone ,
    I am new to AS3 so please forgive me in advance if I end up annoying anyone ;(
    I need some help in removing Movie Clips from the stage , these were initially loaded off an array
    Here is the Code with the NEXT Button , : for both ARRAYS , Notes and Notes15 ( referring to 15th frame)
    function nextframepop2(Event:MouseEvent):void{
    trace("Mouse Enabled");
    function nextframepop1(Event:MouseEvent):void{
    trace("Mouse Enabled");
    removeChild(notes[1]); // This is Line 635 , but I am not sure what I am doing wrong here.
    I am calling this Function with an If Statement , I need to make sure all the Movie Clips are loaded before the End User decides to move to next slide.
    Here is what I get when I run the Next Button ,
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at PORTDemoPresent_fla::MainTimeline/nextframepop1()[PORTDemoPresent_fla.MainTimeline::frame 2:635]
    Can anyone please help ?

    Based on what you show it is likely that some other function (like the one before it as shown) has already removed the object.  What you should do is learn to use the trace function to troubleshoot your code.  In this case put in a trace anywhere you add or remove the same object that tells you whether it is added or removed and which line of code it is, realizing that you might be storing the same object with different references to it.  That way you should be able to isolate where things are being removed when you don't expect them to be.

Maybe you are looking for