Renumber/Batch rename layers

Hi, is there a quick way how to renumber or batch rename all layers in a file so they would be named in consequent numbers? Doesn't have to start from exact number, I was wondering if maybe there is some sort of script that would help me with that? Thanks a lot

This thread is kind of old, but I found JET's script to be extremely useful, and like Steven, I also needed it to start from the bottom layer.  So I updated it a little.
Set "fromTop" to "true" if you want it to name the top-most layer #1.
Set "fromTop" to "false" if you want the bottom-most layer to be #1.
#target Illustrator
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var fromTop = true;                 
        // if true,  the top layer will be #1
        // if false, the bottom layer will #1
function renumberLayers(fromTop){
    var topLayers = docRef.layers;
    for(i=0; i<topLayers.length; i++){
        var currLayer = topLayers[i];
        if(fromTop) var newNum = i + 1;
        else var newNum = topLayers.length - i;"Layer "+newNum;
        subLayers= topLayers[i].layers;
        for(j=0; j<subLayers.length; j++){
            var currSubLayer = subLayers[j];
            var newSubNum = subLayers.length - j;
  "Layer "+ newNum+"."+newSubNum;
            for(k=0; k<subSubLayers.length; k++){
                var currSubSubLayer = subSubLayers[k];
                var newSubSubNum = subSubLayers.length - k;
      "Layer "+ newNum+"."+newSubNum+"."+newSubSubNum;
////END SCRIPT////

Similar Messages

  • PS3 script to batch rename layers

    Sometimes, I make copies of layers (for example: copy little diamonds to align into a shape of the letter M). Each time I "alt+drag" the content in that layer (to make a copy of it), PS makes a copy and then appends the name of the layer to something like "diamond copy 3". After making a ton of copies (and because I'm anal about having actual names for each layer), I want each layer to read "diamond". Instead of manually renaming all these layers, is there a way to highlight the affected layers and choose to rename all layers according to what you want?

    Try this. Just select the layers you want 'copy' removed from and run this script.
    if( app.documents.length > 0 ){
    app.activeDocument.suspendHistory('Rename selected layers','removeCopyFromSelectedLayersNames()');
    function removeCopyFromLayerName(){
         if( getSelectedLayersIdx().length > 1 ){
              var selectedLayers = getSelectedLayersIdx();
              makeActiveByIndex( selectedLayers[0], false );
       var startLoop = Number( !hasBackground() );
       var endLoop = getNumberOfLayer() + 1;
       for( var l = startLoop;l < endLoop; l++){
            while( !isValidActiveLayer( l ) ) {
              var oldName =  getLayerNameByIndex( l );
              var newName = oldName.replace(/\scopy\s?\d*$/i,'');
              putLayerNameByIndex( l, newName )
         if( selectedLayers != undefined ) makeActiveByIndex( selectedLayers, false );
    function removeCopyFromSelectedLayersNames(){
         var selectedLayers = getSelectedLayersIdx();
         for( var l = 0;l < selectedLayers.length; l++){
              var oldName =  getLayerNameByIndex( selectedLayers[ l ] );
              var newName = oldName.replace(/\scopy.*$/i,'');
              makeActiveByIndex( selectedLayers[ l ], false );
              putLayerNameByIndex( selectedLayers[ l ], newName )
         makeActiveByIndex( selectedLayers, false );
    function getNumberOfLayer(){
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Dcmn'), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
    var desc = executeActionGet(ref);
    var numberOfLayer = desc.getInteger(charIDToTypeID('NmbL'));
    return numberOfLayer;
    function getLayerNameByIndex( idx ) {
        var ref = new ActionReference();
        ref.putProperty( charIDToTypeID('Prpr') , charIDToTypeID( 'Nm  ' ));
        ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( 'Lyr ' ), idx );
        return executeActionGet(ref).getString(charIDToTypeID( 'Nm  ' ));;
    function putLayerNameByIndex( idx, name ) {
         if( idx == 0 ) return;
        var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
            var ref = new ActionReference();
            ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID( 'Lyr ' ), idx );
        desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref );
            var nameDesc = new ActionDescriptor();
            nameDesc.putString( charIDToTypeID('Nm  '), name );
        desc.putObject( charIDToTypeID('T   '), charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), nameDesc );
        executeAction( charIDToTypeID('setd'), desc, DialogModes.NO );
    function getActiveLayerIndex() {
         var ref = new ActionReference();
         ref.putProperty( 1349677170 , 1232366921 );
         ref.putEnumerated( 1283027488, 1332896878, 1416783732 );
         var res = executeActionGet(ref).getInteger( 1232366921 )
                                                           - Number( hasBackground() );
         return res;  
    function isValidActiveLayer( idx ) {
         var propName = stringIDToTypeID( 'layerSection' );
         var ref = new ActionReference();
         ref.putProperty( 1349677170 , propName);
         ref.putIndex( 1283027488, idx );
         var desc =  executeActionGet( ref );
         var type = desc.getEnumerationValue( propName );
         var res = typeIDToStringID( type );
         return res == 'layerSectionEnd' ? false:true;
    function hasBackground(){
        var res = undefined;
            var ref = new ActionReference();
            ref.putProperty( 1349677170 , 1315774496);
            ref.putIndex( 1283027488, 0 );
            executeActionGet(ref).getString(1315774496 );;
            res = true;
        }catch(e){ res = false}
        return res;
    function getSelectedLayersIdx(){
         var selectedLayers = new Array;
         var ref = new ActionReference();
         ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Dcmn'), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
         var desc = executeActionGet(ref);
         if( desc.hasKey( stringIDToTypeID( 'targetLayers' ) ) ){
              desc = desc.getList( stringIDToTypeID( 'targetLayers' ));
              var c = desc.count
              var selectedLayers = new Array();
              for(var i=0;i<c;i++){
                   selectedLayers.push(  desc.getReference( i ).getIndex());
              var ref = new ActionReference();
              ref.putProperty( charIDToTypeID('Prpr') , charIDToTypeID( 'ItmI' ));
              ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Lyr '), charIDToTypeID('Ordn'), charIDToTypeID('Trgt') );
              selectedLayers.push( executeActionGet(ref).getInteger(charIDToTypeID( 'ItmI' )));
         return selectedLayers;
    function makeActiveByIndex( idx, visible ){
         if( idx.constructor != Array ) idx = [ idx ];
         for( var i = 0; i < idx.length; i++ ){
              var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
              var ref = new ActionReference();
              ref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID( 'Lyr ' ), idx[i])
              desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( 'null' ), ref );
              if( i > 0 ) {
                   var idselectionModifier = stringIDToTypeID( 'selectionModifier' );
                   var idselectionModifierType = stringIDToTypeID( 'selectionModifierType' );
                   var idaddToSelection = stringIDToTypeID( 'addToSelection' );
                   desc.putEnumerated( idselectionModifier, idselectionModifierType, idaddToSelection );
              desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( 'MkVs' ), visible );
              executeAction( charIDToTypeID( 'slct' ), desc, DialogModes.NO );

  • Batch rename selected layers

    I'm trying to find a script that can help batch rename/renumber a group of selected layers.
    So far I've been able to find a script that renames every single layer in a Photoshop document (overkill). Or there's the CS6 Tab rename trick (too slow).
    I routintely export PSDs from Illustrator for use in After Effects. But in Photoshop, I'll get a couple hundred layers named <path> or <path> + <path> or <group>. Renaming by hand is out of the question. But I don't want to rename every layer the same.
    Any suggestions?

    I wrote one for you here... names.html

  • Script to rename layers comps batch?

    Does anyone know any script to rename batch comps layers in a sequential numbering? For example: layerComps01, layerComps02, layerComps03 ...

    // 2014, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    for (var m = 0; m < myDocument.layerComps.length; m++) {
    myDocument.layerComps[m].name = "comp"+bufferNumberWithZeros(m+1, 2)
    ////// buffer number with zeros //////
    function bufferNumberWithZeros (number, places) {
      var theNumberString = String(number);
      for (var o = 0; o < (places - String(number).length); o++) {
      theNumberString = String("0" + theNumberString)
      return theNumberString

  • Script to batch rename/number layers in Illustrator CS6

    Is there a script that I can use in Illustrator to batch rename all sub-layers? I would also like to be able to add sequential numbers to each layer too. I saw an older post that contained a script to do this but it seemed outdated and doesn't work on CS6. Here it is for reference, maybe someone can modify it to work for CS6?
    ////START SCRIPT////
    var currLayer=topLayers[i];
    var newNum=i+1;"Layer "+newNum;
      var currSubLayer=subLayers[j];
      var newSubNum=j+1;"Layer "+ newNum+"."+newSubNum;
        var currSubSubLayer=subSubLayers[k];
        var newSubSubNum=k+1;"Layer "+ newNum+"."+newSubNum+"."+newSubSubNum;
    ////END SCRIPT////

    You got me to investigate if other files and layer structures work, and I found one that partially worked. It stopped working after renaming the first top layer and sub-layers within that.
    Here's what kind of worked:
    before: after:
    Here's the structure that I ultimately want to edit and rename. They are the end levels, sub-sub-sub layers. I want all of them to be renamed to "applyColor1" "applyColor2" etc.

  • Batch rename / renumber images in folder..problem :(

    I am trying to rename/renumber a folder of 100 pictures, so they are all in 3 digits, but remain in the order & have the same number associated with the same file.  Right now the folder is numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc..  I attempted to do the batch rename through Photoshop to make the folder 001, 002, 003.etc, BUT when I did this, the first picture 1 turned into 001..which is great...but the old 2 turns into 002, but is actually what 10 used to be. 
    19 turns into 011 instead of 019
    40 turns into 035 instead of 040
    Why is Photoshop changing the original number to a 3 digit, but changing the number it should have been.  I just want it to be 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012... 
    Seems so simple..but I'm missing something!
    I would greatly appreciate any help! 

    You seem to be asking "why?" rather than seeking a better alternative...
    Isn't it clear that the Adobe software is accessing the files purely alphabetically, rather than numerically?
    Take this sequence of text lines and alphabetically sort it with any program:
    You'll get this:
    Windows Explorer, on the other hand, has a more sophisticated sorting algorithm that marries alphabetic and numeric sorting of filenames, because Microsoft realized that people like you often want to see things in numeric sequence - so you will see the files on disk appearing in the order you expect, even though it's not alphabetic.
    I believe you've already been given the answer:  Use an application other than the ancient Adobe software to do the file renaming.  Several alternatives have already been named.

  • Batch Rename PSD Layers to File Name Script?

    I just recieved several thousand .PSD files for a job containing a single layer (named "Layer 1") on a transparent background. I'm trying to find a way to batch rename the layer in each of these files as the file name, sans the file extension. Is there a script out there that can do this for me? Forgive me, I am not too hip with scripts.
    Windows 7 PC, CS6
    Thank you!

    Save the line below into a plain text file and give it the .jsx extension. = decodeURI(*)(\.[^\.]+)/)[1];
    Then create an action that runs that script. Then run File-Automate-Batch using that action.

  • How do I batch-rename objects/paths (not just layers)?

    Question from a complete n00b:
    I need to rename a large number of selected objects/paths. This is because I want to use another script that only works when my objects have the default name, "<Path>". So really, I just need to remove existing names of objects.
    This other script is here:
    Of course, I could manually remove names by double-clicking on objects in the layers palette and deleting the name, but that's no fun.
    I've found some great scripts for renaming layers, but nothing for non-layer objects.
    First, I'm trying to remove names from ALL objects in the document.  once that's working, I want to only remove names of selected objects.
    Here's my very simple non-working javascript - (the whole thing): = "";
    my test Ai file is also really basic: a few rectangles, some of which have been named in the layers palette.
    When I run this, I get:
    Error 21: undefined is not and object.
    Line: 1
    -> = "";
    I've tried a number of other approaches, and either get "undefined is not an object" or nothing happens. 
    pageItem has "name" as a writable property, so I think it's what to use, but I really don't know what I'm doing - help!
    I'd also happy to use actions, but I'm stuck on that too.

    Here's my final script:
    ////START SCRIPT////
    //how to use: select objects that you want to rename, then run script
    //note - new name may not display until you unselect objects
    var docRef = activeDocument;
    for (var i=0; i < docRef.pageItems.length; i++)
           if (docRef.pageItems[i].selected == true)
                   docRef.pageItems[i].name = "";
    ////END SCRIPT////
    currently, it renames with no text.  In other words, it removes existing names.
    One thing that was messing me up was that new names are not immediately displayed - you have to unselect your selected objects before names in the layers palette refresh.

  • Script: rename layers?

    Hi, is there a quick way how to renumber or batch rename all layers in a file so they would be named in consequent numbers? Doesn't have to start from exact number, I was wondering if maybe there is some sort of script that would help me with that? Thanks Pavel

    Thank you for the script. It is very useful.
    Could you help me with one thing? If I want to add letters "ca" in front of the number, where should I add "ca" and how to do that?
    The present script is 1, 2, 3, 4... on each layer.
    I want the script to be ca1, ca2, ca3, ca4... on each layer.
    Please help me out.

  • How do I remove a number sequence using batch rename

    I know I've done this in the past but cannot seem to work it out today.
    I have a series of images "_####_[layercompName].png".  I would like to remove the underscores and numbers.  The underscores removal is easy, but how do I remove the numbers (####) when they are different for each filename?  I would like the end result to be [layercompName].png
    The reason I have these filenames in the first place is that I have run the photoshop script "layer comps to files", and this adds a number sequence prefix.  I have tried to alter the script following various instructions I've found from trawling the internet (this one included How do you remove the number sequence when exporting layer comps to files? CS6. Windows 8.) but without any luck.  So now I'm resorting to batch renaming in Bridge.

    Here you go, taken straight from: DesignEasy: How to Remove Sequence Numbers and Empty Spaces When Exporting Layers and Layer Comps
    Run Adobe Bridge and navigate to the folder with exported files.
    Select all files which have sequence numbers.
    Go to Tools > Batch Rename.
    Choose: String Substitution from the first drop-down list in New Filenamessection. From the second drop-down choose: Original Filename. In the Find: text field type: _\d{4}_ (underscore, backslash, letter d, open bracket, number four, closed bracket, underscore). Leave Replace with: text field blank. Ensure that you have Replace All and Use Regular Expression checked as shown on the screenshot below.
    Click on the Preview button in the top right corner and ensure that files will be renamed as you want.
    Click on Rename button and you are done.
    In case you are first time doing this and you still have doubts if everything will work as expected, check Copy to other folder option when renaming files. This option is located near the top left corner under: Destination Folder.
    Another thing I want to mention is to remove everything that you have below String Substitution options. In case you see additional renaming options just click on minus (-) sign on the right side to remove them.
    How to remove/substitute empty spaces in the file name using Adobe Bridge
    It is pretty similar process. The only difference is that you should type: \s (backslash followed with letter s) in the Find: text field. You can leave Replace with: text field blank or to type underscore.

  • Sedname - Batch rename files using sed

    Renaming files using sed is nothing new, but this script makes the process a little more friendly and adds a few features, including insertion of sequential numbers and a simulation mode.  The output of any find command can also be piped through sedname.
    sedname version 1.0.0
    Batch-renames files using a sed script
    Usage: sedname [OPTIONS] SEDSCRIPT FILE ...
    Usage: find [...] | sedname [OPTIONS] SEDSCRIPT
    Example: sedname 's/\(.*\)\.jpg/\1.jpeg/' *.jpg
    Example: find /mypics | sedname 's/\(.*\)\.jpg/\1.jpeg/'
    --sim simulate only
    --dir rename directories too
    Use #D to insert a number with D digits forming a unique filename
    Example: sedname 's/thisname.*/thatname#3/' *
    ( changes thisname* to thatname001, thatname002, ... )
    Use #0 in replacement name to insert a number if needed
    Example: sedname 's/thisname.*/thatname#0/' *
    ( changes thisname* to thatname, thatname1, thatname2, ... ) … t-sedname/

    What does it have over zsh's zmv:
    # Remove illegal characters in a fat32 file system. Illegal characters are
    # / : ; * ? " < > |
    # NOTE: ``-Q'' and (D) is to include hidden files.
    $ unwanted='[:;*?\"<>|]'
    $ zmv -Q "(**/)(*$~unwanted*)(D)" '$1${2//$~unwanted/}'
    # Changing part of a filename (i. e. "" -> "")
    $ zmv '(*)hell(*)' '${1}heaven${2}'
    # or
    $ zmv '*' '$f:s/hell/heaven/'
    # remove round bracket within filenames
    # i. e. foo-(bar).avi -> foo-bar.avi
    $ zmv '*' '${f//[()]/}'
    # serially all files ( >, >, ..)
    $ ls *
    1.c foo.fnord
    $ c=1 zmv '*.foo' '$((c++)).foo'
    $ ls *
    1.c foo.fnord
    # Rename "file.with.many.dots.txt" by substituting dots (exept for the last
    # one!) with a space
    $ touch {1..20}-file.with.many.dots.txt
    $ zmv '(*.*)(.*)' '${1//./ }$2'
    # Remove the first 4 chars from a filename
    $ zmv -n '*' '$f[5,-1]' # NOTE: The "5" is NOT a mistake in writing!
    # Rename names of all files under the current Dir to lower case, but keep
    # dirnames as-is.
    $ zmv -Qv '(**/)(*)(.D)' '$1${(L)2}'
    # replace all 4th character, which is "1", with "2" and so on
    $ zmv '(???)1(???[1-4].txt)' '${1}2${2}'
    # Remove the first 15 characters from a string
    $ touch 111111111111111{a-z}
    $ zmv '*' '$f[16,-1]'
    # Replace spaces (any number of them) with a single dash in file names
    $ zmv -n '(**/)(* *)' '$1${2//( #-## #| ##)/-}'
    # or - with Bash
    $ find . -depth -name '* *' -exec bash -c '
    > shopt -s extglob
    > file=$1
    > dir=${file%/*}
    > name=${file##*/}
    > newname=${name//*([ -]) *([ -])/-}
    > mv -i -- "$file" "$Dir/$newname"' {} {} \;
    # Clean up file names and remove special characters
    $ zmv -n '(**/)(*)' '$1${2//[^A-Za-z0-9._]/_}'
    # Add *.py to a bunch of python scripts in a directory (some of them end
    # in *.py and give them all a proper extension
    $ zmv -n '(**/)(con*)(#qe,file $REPLY | grep "python script",)' '$1$'
    # lowercase all extensions (i. e. *.JPG) incl. subfolders
    $ zmv '(**/)(*).(#i)jpg' '$1$2.jpg'
    # Or - without Zsh
    $ find Dir -name '*.[jJ][pP][gG]' -print | while read f
    > do
    > case $f in
    > *.jpg) ;
    > *) mv "$f" "${f%.*}.jpg" ;
    > esac
    > done
    # remove leading zeros from file extension
    $ ls
    filename.001 filename.003 filename.005 filename.007 filename.009
    filename.002 filename.004 filename.006 filename.008 filename.010
    $ zmv '(filename.)0##(?*)' '$1$2'
    $ ls
    filename.1 filename.10 filename.2 filename.3 filename.4 filename.5 ..
    # renumber files.
    $ ls *
    foo_10.jpg foo_2.jpg foo_3.jpg foo_4.jpg foo_5.jpg foo_6.jpg ..
    $ zmv -fQ 'foo_(<0->).jpg(.nOn)' 'foo_$(($1 + 1)).jpg'
    $ ls *
    foo_10.jpg foo_11.jpg foo_3.jpg foo_4.jpg foo_5.jpg ...
    # adding leading zeros to a filename (1.jpg -> 001.jpg, ..
    $ zmv '(<1->).jpg' '${(l:3::0:)1}.jpg'
    # See above, but now only files with a filename >= 30 chars
    $ c=1 zmv "${(l:30-4::?:)}*.foo" '$((c++)).foo'
    # Replace spaces in filenames with a underline
    $ zmv '* *' '$f:gs/ /_'
    # Change the suffix from *.sh to *.pl
    $ zmv -W '*.sh' '*.pl'
    # Add a "".txt" extension to all the files within ${HOME}
    # ``-.'' is to only rename regular files or symlinks to regular files,
    # ``D'' is to also rename hidden files (dotfiles))
    $ zmv -Q '/home/**/*(D-.)' '$f.txt'
    # Or to only rename files that don't have an extension:
    $ zmv -Q '/home/**/^?*.*(D-.)' '$f.txt'
    # Recursively change filenames with characters ? [ ] / = + < > ; : " , - *
    $ chars='[][?=+<>;",*-]'
    $ zmv '(**/)(*)' '$1${2//$~chars/%}'
    # Removing single quote from filenames (recursively)
    $ zmv -Q "(**/)(*'*)(D)" "\$1\${2//'/}"
    # When a new file arrives (named file.txt) rename all files in order to
    # get (e. g. file119.txt becomes file120.txt, file118.txt becomes
    # file119.txt and so on ending with file.txt becoming file1.txt
    $ zmv -fQ 'file([0-9]##).txt(On)' 'file$(($1 + 1)).txt'
    # lowercase/uppercase all files/directories
    $ zmv '(*)' '${(L)1}' # lowercase
    $ zmv '(*)' '${(U)1}' # uppercase
    # Remove the suffix *.c from all C-Files
    $ zmv '(*).c' '$1'
    # Uppercase only the first letter of all *.mp3 - files
    $ zmv '([a-z])(*).mp3' '${(C)1}$2.mp3'
    # Copy the target `README' in same directory as each `Makefile'
    $ zmv -C '(**/)Makefile' '${1}README'
    # Removing single quote from filenames (recursively)
    $ zmv -Q "(**/)(*'*)(D)" "\$1\${2//'/}"
    # Rename pic1.jpg, pic2.jpg, .. to pic0001.jpg, pic0002.jpg, ..
    $ zmv 'pic(*).jpg' 'pic${(l:4::0:)1}.jpg'
    $ zmv '(**/)pic(*).jpg' '$1/pic${(l:4::0:)2}.jpg' # recursively
    (from zsh-lovers)
    Edit: tried it now, and had to remove this silly block to make it let me use alternate delimiters:
    if [ "${sedscript:0:2}" != "s/" ]; then
    echo "Invalid sed script: $sedscript" > /dev/stderr
    exit 1
    Last edited by JohannesSM64 (2010-05-31 15:29:44)

  • Adobe Bridge Batch Rename Stopped Working

    ive been using bridge exclusively to rename/
    organize my files and today for some odd reason it just will not work. i select the files i wish to rename and then select batch rename and name/numer the files as ive always done before and when i click rename nothing happens at all. i cleared out my cache to no avail and im now officially stumped. any help is appreciated. thanks!

    Your problem does seem odd.  Difficult to troubleshoot by remote, so run a few tests and see if you can narrow the problem down.
    By any chance are you trying a batch re-name of files on an external drive?  If so may be permissioning problem.
    Do you have this problem in all folders or just one?  If one there may be a contaminated file or name (i.e. flower.jpeg.jpeg)
    To avoid fouling up your files copy a dozen or so and put in "test"  folder then run these tests.
    Can you do a simple rename of one file?
    Can you do a batch rename of one file?
    If the above is true can you do batch rename for all files in this folder?
    If so does the extension make any difference - jpeg, psd, etc.?

  • Adobe Bridge CC: Batch Rename using any metadata field

    How can I add certain Metadata fields to the pull down menu in the batch rename function?
    I need to do a batch rename of files, but using metadata fields that are not available as an option on the pull down menu.
    Hoping to use any or all of these:
    Audio : Artist, Album, Genre
    IPTC Core : Description, Keywords, etc..

    I don't think there is any way in which you can add to the built-in functions…
    Unless this is actually provided by one of the Adobe start-up scripts… ( I've not see it when digging about )
    You would probably need a scripted solution that can give you drop down menu of the extra options you want.

  • How can I Batch Rename Files in Aperture?

    Yesterday I imported some new photos and accidentally used the settings from my last import which named my images in a way that needs to be changed. I have already rated and edited many of the images so I don't want to reimport them from my memory cards.
    Is there a way to batch rename the images - preferably to the original file name from the camera? If not a custom name would be fine.

    Metadata->Batch Change

  • Batch Renaming with Counter

    I am trying to do batch renaming with a counter. Unfortunately every time I try to use a counter, it stays the same number.
    For example/
    I have two clips that I want to rename Ceremony 1 and Ceremony 2. When I do the batch renaming, the clips change to Ceremony 1 and Ceremony 2. The counter doesn't work.
    I could do keyword collections or rename them individually, but I have too many clips.
    I hope someone could help me.

    I figured it out. As you saw above, I wasn't having a problem batch renaming the title of the clips. I was having a problem with the counter. I learned in a previous posting that when you change the name of a subclip of a clip, it changes the name of both the original clip (clip in event browser, not hard drive) and the other subclips associated with it. It doesn't matter how you rename the clip (changing the name in the Name box of the Inspector, change it by clicking the name of the clip once in the event browser and typing it in, or using custom naming (click on the gear button in Inspector to find it), the name will always change correctly. For some reason (I guess a FCPX thing lol), you can't use the counter in custom naming correctly unless you change the original name through custom renaming. If you change the original name of a clip the other two ways, then try to change the new name of the clip using custom renaming with the counter, the counter will always stay the same number.

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