Replace sql.. using ADF

How can I use ADF to insert data into table instead of <sql:update...>statements?
<sql:update var="newTable">
create table mytable(
nameid int primary key,
name varchar(80)
<Inserting three rows into table
<sql:update var="updateCount">
insert into mytable values(1,'Paul')
is there tutorial available for this particular case?
thanks in advance

If you are using ADF Business Components you can just issue commands to the database using the connection of the AM and using a separate transaction.
There is an example as part of the Coding Tips for ADF BC here:

Similar Messages

  • For everyone facing unexpected the JBO-25014 error using (ADF) BC

    I think I might have a hint for everyone facing JBO-25014 (Another user has changed the row with primary key oracle.jbo.Key) errors during updates.
    I noticed that during updates, we got unexpected behavior: we have a table with an update row trigger defined on it, where we set values for some columns. During updates via ADF BC (we work with JDev 10.1.3 SU3 and JHeadstart 10.1.3 build 78 against Oracle, and we noticed that the value of one of the fields updated via triggers was emptied, although the update could in no way hit the logic for this field. So I reproduced the behavior in the Application Module Tester and also reproduced it in SQL*Plus using a PL/SQL procedure: the problem occurs because of Oracle's RETURNING statement, which is used in ADF BC for fields that need refresh after insert of update. We seem to hit bug 4515623: "Update...RETURNING with a trigger can produce corrupt column data".
    This should be solved in RDBMS (not there yet) and (already released). I still have to test whether does solve our problem, but I thought I would let you know in advance. Maybe someone can test before I can (I have to set up a 10G DB first, since I work with,
    Toine van Beckhoven

    Here is additional info on this behavior. I was able to install a 10G DB ( where I could reproduce the problem. After that I installed patch and tried out it the bug was solved. However: the bug is solved, but not correctly, a new bug is introduced which is still a major problem when you use ADF BC on top of tables with Before Update triggers (but as you can see below, with update triggers containing conditional logic!). So this is really a database problem, but with impact on applications using the refresh after update property in ADF BC! The new bug is known as bug 5115882.
    Here is the script I used to pinpoint the problem (I highlighted the things that really show the problem):
    DROP TABLE test_ts;
    CREATE TABLE test_ts (test_ts_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    status SMALLINT NOT NULL, someotherfield VARCHAR2(1), edittime DATE);
    ON test_ts
    -- always update edittime
    :NEW.edittime := SYSDATE;
    -- only update someotherfield conditionally (when status=1)
    IF :NEW.status = 1
    :NEW.someotherfield := 'Y';
    END IF;
    PROMPT Create one row, with status 1 and someotherfield initially 'N'
    INSERT INTO test_ts
    (test_ts_id, status, someotherfield, edittime
    VALUES (1, 1, 'N', SYSDATE
    SELECT test_ts_id, status, someotherfield,
    TO_CHAR (edittime, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') edittime
    FROM test_ts;
    SET serverout on
    PROMPT Update the row, with status 2 --> trigger logic will not fire
    l_someotherfield test_ts.someotherfield%TYPE;
    l_edittime test_ts.edittime%TYPE;
    FOR i IN 1 .. 100000000
    UPDATE test_ts
    SET status = 2
    WHERE test_ts_id = 1
    RETURNING someotherfield, edittime
    INTO l_someotherfield, l_edittime;
    ( 'Returned SomeOtherField (should be ''N'' but is empty in '
    || l_someotherfield
    ( 'Returned EditTime (should be greater than selected one before): '
    || TO_CHAR (l_edittime, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('-');
    PROMPT However: someotherfield is really 'N' so why is it returning NULL --> bug
    SELECT test_ts_id, status, someotherfield,
    TO_CHAR (edittime, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') edittime
    FROM test_ts;
    PROMPT Update the row, with status 1 --> trigger logic will fire
    l_someotherfield test_ts.someotherfield%TYPE;
    l_edittime test_ts.edittime%TYPE;
    FOR i IN 1 .. 100000000
    UPDATE test_ts
    SET status = 1
    WHERE test_ts_id = 1
    RETURNING someotherfield, edittime
    INTO l_someotherfield, l_edittime;
    ( 'Returned SomeOtherField (should be ''Y'' and is ''Y'' also in '
    || l_someotherfield
    ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line
    ( 'Returned EditTime (should be greater than selected one before): '
    || TO_CHAR (l_edittime, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('-');
    PROMPT And see: someotherfield is indeed 'Y' so expected behavior
    SELECT test_ts_id, status, someotherfield,
    TO_CHAR (edittime, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') edittime
    FROM test_ts;
    Output on
    Table dropped.
    Table created.
    Trigger created.
    Create one row, with status 1 and someotherfield initially 'N'
    1 row created.
    1 1 N 16-07-2006 15:11:35
    1 row selected.
    Update the row, with status 2 --> trigger logic will not fire
    Returned SomeOtherField (should be 'N' but is empty in --> bug
    Returned EditTime (should be greater than selected one before): 16-07-2006 15:11:37
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    However: someotherfield is really 'N' so why is it returning NULL --> bug
    1 2 N 16-07-2006 15:11:37
    1 row selected.
    Update the row, with status 1 --> trigger logic will fire
    Returned SomeOtherField (should be 'Y' and is 'Y' also in Y
    Returned EditTime (should be greater than selected one before): 16-07-2006 15:11:40
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    And see: someotherfield is indeed 'Y' so expected behavior
    1 1 Y 16-07-2006 15:11:40
    1 row selected.
    Output on
    Table dropped.
    Table created.
    Trigger created.
    Create one row, with status 1 and someotherfield initially 'N'
    1 row created.
    1 1 N 16-07-2006 23:47:51
    1 row selected.
    Update the row, with status 2 --> trigger logic will not fire
    Returned SomeOtherField (should be 'N' and is indeed 'N' in N --> ALLRIGHT, this correct, but look further...
    Returned EditTime (should be greater than selected one before): 16-07-2006 23:47:51
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    1 2 N 16-07-2006 23:47:54
    1 row selected.
    Update the row, with status 1 --> trigger logic will fire
    Returned SomeOtherField (should be 'Y' ...but is the old value 'N' in N --> so a new bug has been introduced so a problem still remains!
    Returned EditTime (should be greater than selected one before): 16-07-2006 23:47:54
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    And see: someotherfield is indeed 'Y' so the Returned value is now not correct, like it was in
    1 1 Y 16-07-2006 23:47:56
    1 row selected.
    I am affraid we need to look at workarounds, because we rely heavily on before update triggers in the DB with conditional logic. I do not really want to change my triggers (for example removing conditional logic...). And it seems that waiting for the Oracle RDBMS to really solve this problem is not viable either (I saw notes that it will be solved in 11G, not in 10 or 9!).
    Anyone from the ADF development team that recognizes this problem and is able to verify that this really is a RDBMS problem? The testcases above run on every DB version as a regular user (for example SCOTT) with some create privileges),

  • Error while calling .svc web service from pl/sql using utl_dbws

    Hello Folks,
    I am calling a .svc web service from pl/sql using utl_dbws and encountering the following error
    javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: The message with Action '' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver. Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, None).
    Can you help me find what am I doing wrong?

    Here are the details
    1. What version?
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    2. What error message ... we need the full and complete error stack not your interpretation of it.
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: The message with Action '' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver. Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security requirements, e.g. Messag
    3. "I am calling means what?" We need the full and complete statement showing the values of all parameters.
    The input to the web-service is a xmltype containing address information and the web-service returns a string
    l_service UTL_DBWS.service;
    l_call UTL_DBWS.CALL;
    l_wsdl_url VARCHAR2 (32767);
    l_namespace VARCHAR2 (32767);
    l_service_qname UTL_DBWS.qname;
    l_port_qname UTL_DBWS.qname;
    l_operation_qname UTL_DBWS.qname;
    l_xmltype_in SYS.XMLTYPE;
    l_xmltype_out SYS.XMLTYPE;
    l_return VARCHAR2 (32767);
    l_wsdl_url := '';
    l_namespace := '';
    l_service_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname (l_namespace, 'SName');
    l_port_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname (l_namespace, 'BasicHttpBinding_ISName');
    l_operation_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname (l_namespace, 'Iden');
    l_service :=
    (wsdl_document_location => urifactory.geturi
    service_name => l_service_qname
    l_call :=
    UTL_DBWS.create_call (service_handle => l_service,
    port_name => l_port_qname,
    operation_name => l_operation_qname
    l_xmltype_in :=
    ('<IdenRequest xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <address />
    <street>W Test </street>
    l_xmltype_out :=
    UTL_DBWS.invoke (call_handle => l_call,
    request => l_xmltype_in);
    UTL_DBWS.release_call (call_handle => l_call);
    UTL_DBWS.release_service (service_handle => l_service);
    l_return := l_xmltype_out.EXTRACT ('//Iden/text()').getstringval();
    RETURN l_return;

  • MYSQL error in JDeveloper 10g using ADF Swing

    I am trying to update data in mysql database. But the following error appears in JDeveloper 10g using ADF Swing
    Mysql library is mysql-connector-java-3.1.12
    What is the problem ? INSERT and SELECT queries do not give errors. But UPDATE has problem.
    Thank you in advance.
    Sony Kalkan
    (oracle.jbo.DMLException) JBO-26041: Failed to post data to database during "Update": SQL Statement "UPDATE banner Banner SET imptotal=? WHERE bid=?".
    ----- LEVEL 1: DETAIL 0 -----
    (java.sql.SQLException) You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'Banner SET imptotal=22 WHERE bid=1' at line 1

    After i put a jtable,navigator on the form using appmoduledatacontrol on the top-right side of the jdeveloper, i run the form. Everything goes ok listing rows of data. But the error appears when i change the value of a field on the table and updating it using navigator.
    Thank you very much.

  • How to migrate an existing Microsoft SSIS deployment if it is decided to replace SQL Server with an Oracle database?

    Hi Oracle Gurus!
    Currently, I am designing an ETL solution that transforms and loads a lot of data from flat files and sends it to an SQL Server 2008 R2 database for storage. However, at a future point of time, it may be decided to add or even replace SQL Server with an Oracle 11g database.
    Currently, I am writing script transforms in C# to dynamically generate SSIS packages to tansform and load the data into SQL Server. But considering that in future, an Oracle 11g or 12c database might be added to, or replace the SQL Server database, how do I make my script transforms (or whatever else I am developing currently for SQL Server) reusable to the extent possible?
    Or more precisely, what steps do I take, from an Oracle point of view, to ensure that any future migration of data to an Oracle database would be smooth to the extent possible?
    Looking up to my Oracle Gurus for enlightenment in this matter!
    Novice Kid

    When you're writing your on C# code to load data into the SQL Server you have to modify the routines so that they will work with Oracle.
    One approach is to use the extproc agent which would allow you to directly call external programs with all the logic in it to perform the load of your files and to put the data into the Oracle database. Another option would be to use utl_file package (or equivalents) which will allow you to open external files from your Oracle database and to directly read its content and then to pass it to the related tables.

  • Logging using ADF

    I want to replace System.out.printlln that I put during development with some logger utility such that whenever I want log I can enable without any bouncing server etc and disable again.
    I checked and found ADFLogger but not sure about its usage whether I will be to achieve enabling/disabling logging on the fly and where exactly it will dump log. Some example.
    I am using ADF/WLS 11g.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks much

    Do not use System.out.println(). My opinion is that any code that has System.out.println() in it would fail code review.
    Use something like:
    (in your class definition):
    private static final ADFLogger _LOG = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(<your class name>.class);then, when you want to log something:
    _LOG.fine("here is my message"); // or use .config, .severe, .info, .finer, etc.
    // you can also do this
    _LOG.fine("Here is a message with a placeholder {0}", someVariableThatShouldReplace{0});It's really not that hard.

  • Writing sql in adf bc

    Now i'm doing my final year project(6 months) and currntly i'm doing project in adf faces business components with jsf . here i want full demo to create jsf page using adf faces upto database linking includes dml options behind the adf button(any) component. how do i write sql query in adf faces. please reply me soon.
    With regards

    Create a new fusion web application
    Connect to a database (View menu - Database Navigator)
    In the model project you can create view objects using sql query
    In the view controller project create jsf pages (just to learn you can use task flows for navigation)
    From the Data Controls palette drag n drop as forms, multiple selections, single selections, table or tree component.
    First of all I would go through tutorials. Good luck!

  • Authenticate SSAS user using ADFS

    We have developed some SSAS cubes, but client is not able to access then as the client is on a different domain. We need to expose our OLAP services over HTTPS and authenticate client using ADFS claims.
    Please let me know if this is possible, and how to host/ setup OLAP services over HTTPS using IIS.

    Hi Ritesh,
    According to your description, the users and the SQL Server Analysis Service server are not on the same domain, what you want is that let user enable browse the cube data, right?
    In this case, here is a blog which describe how to connecting to SQL Server Analysis Services using a Different Domain Account that the user currently log on (SSAS on Different Domain and the user logon to another Domain), please see:
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • JDBC Thick connection using ADF

    Hi All,
    I am doing Thick Oracle connection using ADF but i am getting this error...
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc11 in java.library.path
    following is my code..
    try {
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@dbndevp", "mfonline", "mfonline");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    So how can i do it in ADF......
    Edited by: Santosh Vaza on Dec 31, 2010 6:14 PM

    Suppose i have a backing bean class then how would i get connection to database, Suppose that i am using 2 connections to 2 different database.Case 1: If you are using ADF Business Components (or some other framework that implements "business services" layer)
    In this case ADF BC implement the "business services" layer in the application architecture and they are responsible for the interaction with the DB. You should encapsulate there all the program logic that interacts directly with the DB. You can invoke ADF BC methods from managed beans but you should not implement any direct DB operations in managed beans (in particular you should not open DB connections, parse and execute SQL statements in managed beans). If you need to work with 2 different databases, then you have to define 2 different ApplicationModules (with connections to these databases). There is an important disadvantage - ADF BC does not support global transactions (e.g. XA-compatible transactions), so if you need distrubuted transactions, then either you could use DB-links (if both databases are Oracle ones) or you will need a different framework.
    Case 2: If you are not using any framework that implements "business services" layer
    In this case you should not use DriverManager, but you could get DB connections from JDBC DataSources. In this way you would benefit from the connection pooling of the DataSources and you would avoid the heavy overhead of creating and closing DB connections. (When you close a DB connection acquired from a DataSource, in fact it is not closed but it is just checked back into the DataSource's connection pool).

  • Best way Of providing user authentication using ADF security...

    I have a web application . I want to implement to ADF security to the application.. What is the best approach of doing this? I have the user information in the database tables along with the roles and other information. I want to these tables for authorization ?
    What is the best approach to do this? It would be great if u could help ..
    I ma using 11g release 2
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the quick response.
    I have been looking at the post but i found one of the forum post in which the person was saying the SQLAuthentication doesnt work ..
    "Be wary when using ADF Security (OPSS) with a SQLAuthenticator.
    This is feedback I got in SR 3-4124753004 :
    "If the you want to use DB as the identity store, then the supported way is to buy OVD server license and configure DB adapter in OVD and then configure an OVD authenticator in Weblogic. SQLAuthenticator will not be used as identity store. And, we do not recommend to use LibOVD for DB identity store. OVD server is the recommended and supported way."
    related bugs are :
    related forum threads are :
    - "ADF Security : identity store : tables in a SQL database"
    - "OPSS : addMembersToApplicationRole : The search for role failed"
    Jan Vervecken"
    Is this true?

  • Using ADF calendar to show employee absences

    (Actually this question belongs to ADF as well as posting in both the forums)
    We are having JDeveloper
    We need to show employee absence calendar in ADF page.
    Question 1) We believe we can use ADF Calendar component for this. Kindly confirm.
    I gone through "How to Use the ADF Faces Calendar" section in ADF Guide and tried to implement Employee Absence Calendar accordingly (based on seeded oracle table - PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES.)
    However step 2 mentions creating 3 named bind variables in VO:
    A string that represents the time zone
    A date that represents the start time for the current date range shown on the calendar.
    A date that represents the end time for the current date range shown on the calendar.
    I created these 3 named bind parameters accordingly. However when I run the page with ADF calendar, it shows following error:
    Attempt to set a parameter name that does not occur in the SQL: timeZone
    Question 2) How to resolve this error?
    Kindly advise.

    Hi minh-hieu,
    According to your description, you want to calculate YTD value of Sales Amount. Right?
    As we tested in our environment, the expression you assign in This function is correct. It can return the YTD values properly:
    So please pay attention to the set expression in your SCOPE statement. Try the code below:
    SCOPE(MEASURES.[YTD Sales]); --Calendar YTD
    THIS = AGGREGATE( PERIODSTODATE([Date].[Year].[Year], [Date].[Year].CURRENTMEMBER), [Measures].[Sales Amount]);
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using ADFS with SharePoint Foundation 2013?

    We have a WSS 3.0 web site used primarily for sharing documents with business partners who do not work for our company.  We plan on doing the 2 step upgrade to SharePoint Foundation 2013
    Our internal users also use it but normally just use internal network file shares if they aren't planning to share the documents with external users.
    Each business partner's company has a sub site within our main WSS site and documents are uploaded to that section of the site if we want to share documents with employees of that company. 
    Since we use AD for authentication, to make this work, we create AD user accounts for each external user and add them to a security group that gives them access to only their company's subsite on the main site.  
    We have to maintain their passwords, reset them and delete/disable them when that person no longer needs access.  Each business partner has a limit on the number of users who can get one of our AD accounts due to limits on the number of CALs available
    to them.  It is messy because these users often forget their passwords since they aren't using these accounts every day.  
    Is there a better way to do this so that we no longer have create and maintain user accounts for external users other than having to do a domain trust with all these other domains?
    I have heard of ADFS, but will it allow us to still control which sites and documents the external company users can access if we are not creating and managing the accounts and adding them to the correct security groups ourselves?
    We don't want every user from the partner's domains to be able to access the site.  If we use ADFS, how do we keep control of which external users have access to the site?

    Yes, you would add permissions just the same way you do with users from your local Active Directory. And yes, if you chose the email address to be the user's identifier, you would simply ask for the email addresses that you wanted and input those to the
    appropriate permissions on your SharePoint sites.
    You'll want to take a look at this:
    Also another thing to keep in mind is that you'll need to have those 3rd parties set up ADFS themselves, and you'll create an ADFS Trust between you and the 3rd party.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Using ADFS authentication to perform SSO via HTTP GET request

    Can i authenticate users (those users are clients, at home) to a web application using ADFS without SAML tokens?
    The situation is that i want the clients to perform SSO to the website via a link they receive in their mailboxes. 
    I thought about a solution that combines JWT in a URL link that each user will get to his private mail. this link will contain the users' claim (such as ID Num, given from AD DS Server dedicated especially for them).
    Thus, the user will receive an email with a link that already contains a short period of time JWT to perform SSO to the webapp.
    Is it possible ? anybody heard about a similar solution ?

    Thanks for your message
    Here is the my requirment
    The basic flow of a Where 2 Get It REST API call is:
    1) create the required XML structure,
    2) URI encode it,
    3) make a HTTP GET request,
    4) then parse the return XML document.
    Currently i have some data in ABAP structure with 5 fields, i need to create XML from the those 5 fields,and needs to be URI
    encode it, and then needs to make a HTTP get request to connect Where to Get It REST API, finally it will return XML document via HTTP Get request , and then needs to convert the return XML to  ABAP structure for further processing .the above 4 points will be implemented in my report.
    Any  body could help on this

  • Problem in running application(using ADF) on BEA Weblogic Server

    I am Gunardy Sutanto from Indonesia. Currently, I had a problem in deploying application which is using ADF framework in BEA Weblogic Server(WLS 8.1). I also add all the libraries which were required for running this application. But I found some error when I ran this application. About the error message that I found from log file which is generated by BEA Weblogic Server 8.1, herewith I attach the detail of the error message :
    <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101020> <[ServletContext(id=27825828,name=bp_presentment,context-path
    =/bp_presentment)] Servlet failed with Exception
    oracle.jbo.PCollException: JBO-28030: Could not insert row into table PS_TXN, collection id 16,408, persistent id 1
    at oracle.jbo.PCollException.throwException(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.doPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.doManagedCheckin(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
    at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.endRequest(
    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.invokeEndRequest(
    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    ## Detail 0 ##
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.updateBlobs(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(
    at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(
    at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.doPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.doManagedCheckin(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
    at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
    at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.endRequest(
    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.invokeEndRequest(
    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    I hope this is enough for somebody for solving this problem. If someone have the solution for this problem, please contact me by e-mail to [email protected].

    I already set the value for jbo.server.internal_connection and then deployed to Weblogic Server. When I was tested the application, all the records from table had shown on the screen but I found the application can't insert row to table PS_TXN. I I want to know it always happened?
    Herewith I attach the detail log from log file which was generated by Weblogic Server:
    oracle.jbo.PCollException: JBO-28030: Could not insert row into table PS_TXN, collection id 162, persistent id 1     at oracle.jbo.PCollException.throwException(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.doPoolMessage(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.doManagedCheckin(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
         at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.endRequest(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.invokeEndRequest(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    ## Detail 0 ##
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.updateBlobs(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.OraclePersistManager.insert(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateElem(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivate(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollNode.passivateBranch(
         at oracle.jbo.pcoll.PCollection.passivate(
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
         at oracle.jbo.server.DBSerializer.passivateRootAM(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateStateInternal(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.passivateState(
         at oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl.doPoolMessage(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.sendPoolMessage(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.doManagedCheckin(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
         at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.SessionCookieImpl.releaseApplicationModule(
         at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.endRequest(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.invokeEndRequest(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    Besides that, I found new error when I was starting Weblogic Server. Herewith, I attach the detail of the error message:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/collections/FastHashMap$KeySet
         at org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap.keySet(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.destroyDataSources(
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.destroy(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.destroyServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.destroyServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.destroyServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.destroyServlets(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.destroy(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletContextManager.removeContext(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.HttpServer.unloadWebApp(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.destroyContexts(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.rollback(
         at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.rollbackModule(
         at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.rectifyClassLoaders(
         at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.prepare(
         at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.prepare(
         at weblogic.drs.internal.SlaveCallbackHandler$1.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    So, I need someone to sove this problem. I am looking forward for hearing from you.

  • Report To Show SQL Used In A Report

    I am creating a set of quality reports using the apex views.
    I would like to create a report to check the sql used in classic reports, but can't seem to find the right view to use.
    If it was a interactive report I would use the SQL_QUERY column in the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR view, but this does not seem to exist for classic reports
    Help appreciated.

    Gus C wrote:
    I am creating a set of quality reports using the apex views.
    I would like to create a report to check the sql used in classic reports, but can't seem to find the right view to use.
    If it was a interactive report I would use the SQL_QUERY column in the APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_IR view, but this does not seem to exist for classic reports
    You can use the Data dictionary view APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS. There's a field called "REGION_SOURCE" - just filter for the appropriate region type.
    Help appreciated.Really? What about Re: Validate Date and Time? If you want to show genuine appreciation for help given, why not award "correct/helpful" points to posts which helped you solve your problem, as per the forum introduction post:
    * It is considered good etiquette to reward answers with points (as "helpful" - 5 pts - or "correct" - 10pts).
    Having a brief look through your list of recently answered questions, you don't seem to award helpful points, even when you've explicitly saying (paraphrasing) "Thanks for your help". Maybe it's a tipping thing - perhaps you subscribe to the doctrine of Mr. Pink but, hey if it helps you get your question answered and it literally costs you nothing but a few seconds of effort, why not throw us a bone by awarding a point now and then?

Maybe you are looking for

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