Replacing text in a text file with special characters

Hi all,
in my test text file i found an interesting issue, where i can't replace text that looks something like this "New Text Document - Copy (2).txt"
(gc $logeps)|foreach{$_ -replace "$($",""}|Out-File $logeps
the context of my $($ is "New Text Document - Copy (2).txt"
how can i escape the parentheses characters inside of a variable that i am passing?

That should work if you're running PowerShell 3.0 or later, but in older versions, you'd run into errors if you try to run .Replace on an array of strings.
While I prefer the string .Replace method in this instance, for future reference, if you want to escape a literal string so it can be used in a regular expression, call the [regex]::Escape method:
$pattern = [regex]::Escape($file.Name)
(gc $logeps) -replace $pattern | Out-File $logeps

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    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Flags;
    import javax.mail.Folder;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.MessagingException;
    import javax.mail.Multipart;
    import javax.mail.Part;
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         * @param args
         * @throws MessagingException
         * @throws IOException
         public static void main(String[] args) throws MessagingException, IOException {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
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              // Get directory
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              System.out.println(i + " - "+ message.getSubject() +" - " + message[i].getSentDate() );
              Object content = message[i].getContent();
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         } else {
         // Close connection
         public static void handleMultipart(Multipart multipart) throws MessagingException, IOException {
              for (int i=0, n=multipart.getCount(); i<n; i++) {
         public static void handlePart(Part part) throws MessagingException, IOException {
              String disposition = part.getDisposition();
         String contentType = part.getContentType();
         if (disposition == null) { // When just body
              System.out.println("Null: " + contentType);
              // Check if plain
              if ((contentType.length() >= 10) && (contentType.toLowerCase().substring(0, 10).equals("text/plain"))) {
              } else { // Don't think this will happen
                   System.out.println("Other body: " + contentType);
         } else if (disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.ATTACHMENT)) {
              System.out.println("Attachment: " + part.getFileName() + " : " + contentType);
              saveFile(part.getFileName(), part.getInputStream());
         } else if (disposition.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE)) {
         System.out.println("Inline: " +
         part.getFileName() +
         " : " + contentType);
         saveFile(part.getFileName(), part.getInputStream());
         } else {  // Should never happen
         System.out.println("Other: " + disposition);
         public static void saveFile(String filename, InputStream input) throws IOException {
              if (filename == null) {
                   filename = File.createTempFile("xx", ".out").getName();
              // Do no overwrite existing file
              File file = new File(filename);
              for (int i=0; file.exists(); i++) {
                   file = new File(filename+i);
              System.setProperty("file.encoding", "iso-8859-1");
              FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
              BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
              BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(input);
              int aByte;
              while ((aByte = != -1) {
    The problem occurs in:
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
    BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(input);
    int aByte;
    while ((aByte = != -1) {
    Edited by: user10283976 on 30/03/2012 07:36
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    Edited by: user10283976 on 30/03/2012 07:41
    Edited by: user10283976 on 30/03/2012 07:42

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    Here is the ASCII Code >> 125
    Here is the ASCII Code >> 126
    Here is the ASCII Code >> 127
    Here is the ASCII Code >> 63
    Here is the ASCII Code >> 63
    Here is the ASCII Code >> 63
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    Thanks for the help.
    Edited by: user12018221 on May 25, 2011 1:48 PM

    one option is to specify validateXML on the partnerlink (that describes the file adapter endpoint) such as shown here
    <partnerLinkBinding name="StarLoanService">
    <property name="wsdlLocation"> http://<hostname>:9700/orabpel/default/StarLoan/StarLoan?wsdl</property>
    <property name="validateXML">true</property>
    hth clemens

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    The problem is, that it won't read national characters as Ö, Ü etc., they simply dissapear.
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      | helper function for csv parsing
      FUNCTION hex_to_decimal(p_hex_str in varchar2) return number
      --this function is based on one by Connor McDonald
        v_dec number;
        v_hex varchar2(16) := '0123456789ABCDEF';
        v_dec := 0;
        for indx in 1 .. length(p_hex_str) loop
          v_dec := v_dec * 16 + instr(v_hex, upper(substr(p_hex_str, indx, 1))) - 1;
        end loop;
        return v_dec;
      end hex_to_decimal;
      | csv parsing
      FUNCTION parse_csv_to_imp_table(in_import_id in number) RETURN boolean IS
        PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
        v_blob_data   BLOB;
        n_blob_len    NUMBER;
        v_entity_name VARCHAR2(100);
        n_skip_rows   INTEGER;
        n_columns     INTEGER;
        n_col         INTEGER := 0;
        n_position    NUMBER;
        v_raw_chunk   RAW(10000);
        v_char        CHAR(1);
        c_chunk_len   number := 1;
        v_line        VARCHAR2(32767) := NULL;
        n_rows        number := 0;
        n_temp        number;
        -- shortened
        n_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
        n_position := 1;
        -- Read and convert binary to char
        WHILE (n_position <= n_blob_len) LOOP
          v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data, c_chunk_len, n_position);
          v_char      := chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
          n_temp      := ascii(v_char);
          n_position  := n_position + c_chunk_len;
          -- When a whole line is retrieved
          IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
            n_rows := n_rows + 1;
            if n_rows > n_skip_rows then
              -- Shortened
              -- Perform some action with the line (store into table etc.)
            end if;
            -- Clear out
            v_line := NULL;
            n_col := 0;
          ELSIF v_char != chr(10) and v_char != chr(13) THEN
            v_line := v_line || v_char;
            if v_char = ';' then
              n_col := n_col+1;
            end if;
          END IF;
        END LOOP;
        return true;
         -- some exception handling

    Uploading CSV files into LOB columns and then reading them in PL/SQL: [It&#146;s|] Re: Reading a Blob (CSV file) and displaying the contents Re: Associative Array and Blob Number of rows in a clob doncha know.
    Anyway, it woudl help if you gave us some basic information: database version and NLS settings would seem particularly relevant here.
    Cheers, APC

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    [bogdan@myhost ~]$ locale
    [bogdan@myhost ~]$

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      I am uplloading one file with special character then it gives error. Please let me know solutions on this is soon as possible.

    hi are you looking for the file to be transferred with the special character then declare it wil the char field...and send it..
    or the special charactera are coming unnecessary use the command ............replace all occurances  to avoid this..

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    Thanks and regards

    HI Raghu,
               Use the function module 'GUI_UPLOAD'.
               In that you have to specify the field_separator value = 'X' in export section.

  • Renaming files with invalid characters in their names on NTFS partitions, introduced by operating systems other than Windows

    Essentially, Linux created some files with colons (:) in the name on a NTFS partition where I have Windows installed. I have since uninstalled Linux, but now I can only view these files in Windows Explorer. I can't open them, I can't even rename them to
    correct the problem. It's as if they don't exist, because of the invalid search paths.
    If I try to rename them in Windows Explorer I get following message.
    The file name you specified is no valid or too long.
    Specify a different file name.
    Well isnt' that something?... isn't that nice? Windows is able to display these files, but it doesn't allow me to open them and it certainly doesn't like me to rename them. So why is it whining about it then, when I'm trying to help? It says "try a different
    file name". Yeah, right! Like I haven't tried that one already! It doesn't matter what file name I input it will never accept it.
    So what am I supposed to do now? Ditch Windows and go back to Linux? Surely, Microsoft doesn't like the sound of that. Sure, I could reinstall Linux or run a Linux live system to correct the problem. But what good is Windows then? I might as well switch to
    Linux altogether.
    After doing some research I now know by fact that it's (kind of) possible to rename files from UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems to those compliant with Windows by using something called file name character translation. To some level this is essential and
    necessary for Windows interoperability with other operating systems (Windows is not the only operating system in the world). But this seems to be very complicated and I can't get my head around it. My brain is in overload. I don't know where to start.
    Once there was a...
    There's the Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5. The first two versions were based on MKS Toolkit, a package licensed by Microsoft from MKS Inc. The later versions were based on the similar Interix product, after Microsoft purchased the company
    that made it.
    Then there's the new Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA). These are services for UNIX components. They are supposed to have Client for NFS v3 included as well. But the server components from the SFU line is missing (e.g. Server for NFS). These are included
    in Server editions of Windows.
    Then there's the Microsoft Knowledge Base article
    289627: "How to Enable File Name Character Translation". This article seems to describe exactly my situation.
    Windows and UNIX operating systems have restrictions on valid characters that can be used in a file name. The list of illegal characters for each operating system, however, is different. For example, a UNIX file name can use a colon (:), but a Windows
    file name cannot use a colon (:). If a UNIX user attempts to create a file with a Windows illegal character on a Windows Services for UNIX network file system (NFS) share, the attempt is unsuccessful and the UNIX client computer receives an input or output
    It goes further than that. At first glance, this KB article also seems to offer a solution to this exact problem, with examples as shown below.
    For example, the following maps the UNIX colon (:) to a Windows dash (-):
    0x3a : 0x2d ; replace client : with - on server
    I checked these values in charmap.exe and they are correct. Except for 2D not being a "dash", it's rather a hyphen ("hyphen minus" to be exact), but these two have pretty much the same appearance and they get interchanged a lot, I'm sure
    they are used to it by now. (Yes, the characters! They don't mind.)
    Then there's this registry key.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Server For NFS\CurrentVersion\Mapping
    Well, of course, I don't have Server for NFS. So this is a dead end. Well, actually, it was a dead end from the beginning...
    1. First of all, I'm not working with a network share on a NAS or SAN storage. The files are on the local disk drive where Windows is installed, so that's a DAS for you.
    2. I don't have SFU! Well obviously, I'm on Windows Vista! So that means SUA!
    3. SUA are service components only. No server components. Can you guess what that means? Yeah... no "Server for NFS" since it's a server component.
    4. Windows Vista is a client side operating system! Server for NFS is only offered for use with Windows Server systems.
    5. Back to square one!
    So there you have it. They all lived happy for the rest of their lives...
    I'm stuck here. Can someone tell me what to do? I mean beyond the obvious option to use Linux to fixa a Windows problem? The NTFS file system itself supports colons in file names. It's Windows that doesn't, and so by default it proclaims it invalid character.
    Surely, even a Windows client operating system like Windows Vista should be able to allow the user to at least rename files with invalid characters to something more sensible (from the system point of view) and valid, if not being able to open them as they
    are. Just add some crazy voodoo code to it and it will work. If you can make it possible on Windows Server with UNIX user-mode subsystem on NT kernel, then what's stopping you from giving the Windows client system the same benefit?
    So what now? Purchase a Windows Server 2012 R2 license, copy my invalid files to a NAS share with NFS on a UNIX or Linux system, and have a go at the Windows registry and Server for NFS? Yeah... you're right, it's probably a bit over the top...
    On a second thought... I might as well install Linux again. There are countless situations where Linux has helped me solve problems related to, and more often than not caused by Windows.

    Essentially, Linux created some files with colons (:) in the name on a NTFS partition where I have Windows installed. I have since uninstalled Linux, but now I can only view these files in Windows Explorer. I can't open them, I can't even rename them to
    correct the problem. It's as if they don't exist, because of the invalid search paths.
    If I try to rename them in Windows Explorer I get following message.
    The file name you specified is no valid or too long.
    Specify a different file name.
    Well isnt' that something?... isn't that nice? Windows is able to display these files, but it doesn't allow me to open them and it certainly doesn't like me to rename them. So why is it whining about it then, when I'm trying to help? It says "try a different
    file name". Yeah, right! Like I haven't tried that one already! It doesn't matter what file name I input it will never accept it.
    So what am I supposed to do now? Ditch Windows and go back to Linux? Surely, Microsoft doesn't like the sound of that. Sure, I could reinstall Linux or run a Linux live system to correct the problem. But what good is Windows then? I might as well switch to
    Linux altogether.
    After doing some research I now know by fact that it's (kind of) possible to rename files from UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems to those compliant with Windows by using something called file name character translation. To some level this is essential and
    necessary for Windows interoperability with other operating systems (Windows is not the only operating system in the world). But this seems to be very complicated and I can't get my head around it. My brain is in overload. I don't know where to start.
    Once there was a...
    There's the Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5. The first two versions were based on MKS Toolkit, a package licensed by Microsoft from MKS Inc. The later versions were based on the similar Interix product, after Microsoft purchased the company
    that made it.
    Then there's the new Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA). These are services for UNIX components. They are supposed to have Client for NFS v3 included as well. But the server components from the SFU line is missing (e.g. Server for NFS). These are included
    in Server editions of Windows.
    Then there's the Microsoft Knowledge Base article
    289627: "How to Enable File Name Character Translation". This article seems to describe exactly my situation.
    Windows and UNIX operating systems have restrictions on valid characters that can be used in a file name. The list of illegal characters for each operating system, however, is different. For example, a UNIX file name can use a colon (:), but a Windows
    file name cannot use a colon (:). If a UNIX user attempts to create a file with a Windows illegal character on a Windows Services for UNIX network file system (NFS) share, the attempt is unsuccessful and the UNIX client computer receives an input or output
    It goes further than that. At first glance, this KB article also seems to offer a solution to this exact problem, with examples as shown below.
    For example, the following maps the UNIX colon (:) to a Windows dash (-):
    0x3a : 0x2d ; replace client : with - on server
    I checked these values in charmap.exe and they are correct. Except for 2D not being a "dash", it's rather a hyphen ("hyphen minus" to be exact), but these two have pretty much the same appearance and they get interchanged a lot, I'm sure
    they are used to it by now. (Yes, the characters! They don't mind.)
    Then there's this registry key.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Server For NFS\CurrentVersion\Mapping
    Well, of course, I don't have Server for NFS. So this is a dead end. Well, actually, it was a dead end from the beginning...
    1. First of all, I'm not working with a network share on a NAS or SAN storage. The files are on the local disk drive where Windows is installed, so that's a DAS for you.
    2. I don't have SFU! Well obviously, I'm on Windows Vista! So that means SUA!
    3. SUA are service components only. No server components. Can you guess what that means? Yeah... no "Server for NFS" since it's a server component.
    4. Windows Vista is a client side operating system! Server for NFS is only offered for use with Windows Server systems.
    5. Back to square one!
    So there you have it. They all lived happy for the rest of their lives...
    I'm stuck here. Can someone tell me what to do? I mean beyond the obvious option to use Linux to fixa a Windows problem? The NTFS file system itself supports colons in file names. It's Windows that doesn't, and so by default it proclaims it invalid character.
    Surely, even a Windows client operating system like Windows Vista should be able to allow the user to at least rename files with invalid characters to something more sensible (from the system point of view) and valid, if not being able to open them as they
    are. Just add some crazy voodoo code to it and it will work. If you can make it possible on Windows Server with UNIX user-mode subsystem on NT kernel, then what's stopping you from giving the Windows client system the same benefit?
    So what now? Purchase a Windows Server 2012 R2 license, copy my invalid files to a NAS share with NFS on a UNIX or Linux system, and have a go at the Windows registry and Server for NFS? Yeah... you're right, it's probably a bit over the top...
    On a second thought... I might as well install Linux again. There are countless situations where Linux has helped me solve problems related to, and more often than not caused by Windows.

  • FTP-Adapder - Password with special characters

    I hope anybody can help me.
    I have configuriered a sender FTP-Adapter, for login we have a Password with special characters like § or $.
    in the Monitoring now we get this error: ' 530 User cannot log in.'
    if I use a password without the special character, I can Connect to the FTP-Server.
    How can I configure the XI(7.00) to use a password with this characters.
    Thanks for your help
    Mario Grießer

    Hi Mario,
    Check the below thread which might through a light on your issue:
    Re: brbackup using ftp

  • Problem figuring out the encoding for filenames with special characters

    I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but this does seem like an OS issue.
    I brought in a lot of mp3 and m3u files from a Windows machine to my new Mac. Some of the mp3 files have accented characters in their names, and these names appear in the m3u files. But if I add the m3u file to iTunes, it fails to recognize these names and so I lose all the mp3's with special characters in their names.
    I tried to fix this by grabbing the files name in Python, but that didn't work either!
    Here's an example: the file's name is "Voilà l'été.mp3"
    The m3u files says "Voil\xe0 l'\xe9t\xe9.mp3" -- this doesn't work.
    From os.listdir(), I get Voila\xcc\x80 l'e\xcc\x81te\xcc\x81.mp3", but sticking it in an m3u files doesn't work either. (Note that here the characters are encoded as unaccented letter + two byte code for the accent).
    When I try these strings from python, e.g. doing os.stat(), they both work; but iTunes doesn't understand any of them!
    I'd appreciate any hints on how to enter these names in the m3u file so that iTunes can read it. Thanks!

    I know nothing about "m3u" files and how iTunes interprets the file names in them, but if it is not a relative/absolute path problem, then how about just putting the raw file names (not the ones with backslash escape) in m3u file? For example, just put
    Voilà l'été.mp3
    in m3u?
    As for Unicode encoding, HFS+ file system uses the "decomposed form" for accented characters. This means, as you write, à is hex "61 cc 80" in UTF-8, i.e., "a + COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT". The pre-composed form is hex "c3 a0". But my experience is that in most cases both pre-composed and decomosed forms work at the user level (not at the lowest file system level).

  • Problem with special characteres

    Hi. I have a problem with java. I�m making an application that works with special characters and displays correctly on my local machine, as I use escape characters such as &igrave; for �. The problem is when I deploy the application on a unix machine. All of the special characters (�, �, �, etc) appear like a �?� (question mark). Any tips, please?
    Thanks in advance

    Andy2008 wrote:
    Hi. I have a problem with java. I&#146;m making an application that works with special characters and displays correctly on my local machine, as I use escape characters such as &igrave; for �. The problem is when I deploy the application on a unix machine. All of the special characters (&#145;, �, �, etc) appear like a &#147;?&#148; (question mark). Any tips, please?First step: read [this excellent introduction into Unicode|], it will give you the basics you need to solve this problem.
    How do you input and output those characters? Simply print them to the console? Or write them to a HTML file (since you mention &<something>; notation)?
    "?" is normally the result when you convert a String (which is always in UTF-16 encoding in Java) to an encoding that can't represent your characters (ASCII for example).

  • Empty datafile with special characters in name

    Hello all
    I'm having an issue with an empty datafile that is in recover mode.
    Previously the following has been successful :
    alter database create datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' as 'fully_qualified_file_name' ;
    recover datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' ;
    alter database datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' online;
    However this time it doesnt work as I get errors :
    ORA-01516: nonexistent log file, data file, or temporary file
    Using the file id doesnt work either.
    When I created a control file trace I can see the datafile has special characters in the name :
    '/oracle/PRD/112_64/dbs/PSPR3I ^?;^?'
    As it is empty, would it be possible to create anothr empty datafile
    using :
    alter database create datafile '/oracle/PRD/112_64/dbs/PSPR3I ^?;^?'
    as '/oracle/PRD/spdata2/r3i_8/r3i.data8';
    then recover datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' ;
    alter database datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' online;
    How do oracle commands cope with special characters?
    Thanks for your advice

    user6737818 wrote:
    Hello all
    I'm having an issue with an empty datafile that is in recover mode.
    Previously the following has been successful :
    alter database create datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' as 'fully_qualified_file_name' ;
    recover datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' ;
    alter database datafile 'fully_qualified_file_name' online;
    However this time it doesnt work as I get errors :
    ORA-01516: nonexistent log file, data file, or temporary file
    Using the file id doesnt work either.
    When I created a control file trace I can see the datafile has special characters in the name :
    '/oracle/PRD/112_64/dbs/PSPR3I ^?;^?'
    It should work using a file number as the source file definition and a new name for the new file. Works for me:orcl> alter database create datafile 7 as 'c:\tmp\newname.dbf';
    Database altered.

  • Problem with specials characters like '€' or 'œ'

    I'm having troubles with specials characters such as '€' or 'œ'.
    I use an application connected to a database on a w2003 server.
    Characterset of the database is FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8MSWIN1252.
    In my workstation the value of [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME0\NLS_LANG] is also FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8MSWIN1252.
    But when I type such specials characters through the application, they are replaced by '¿' in the database. The datatype of this column is varchar2.
    Can anyone help me ?
    Edited by: Antoine.M on Aug 19, 2009 12:45 PM

    Is your application a java application ? if so, pl see MOS Doc 365874.1 (Euro Symbol/Trademark Symbol is Garbled When JDBC Thin Driver Retrieves Data from a Database with Characterset WE8MSWIN1252)

  • Unable to access files containing special characters (accents) on a SMB share

    I can't access some files on a SMB share.
    Those files have one thing in common, that is they contain accented characters (àèéìòù).
    I can't access them from finder, terminal, or other softwares.
    It works fine when accessing them from a Windows 7 client.
    How can I fix this issue?
    Is there some SMB option to specify the UTF8 encoding?
    In addition, when I create a file with such characters from my mac, the special character shows as ?? on a non-mac client.

    it turns out I had way more filenames with accented letters that worked well with MacOS X.
    the difference is subtle: those OS X didn't like were like a "composition" of two character (sorry, I don't know the encoding details), that is a vowel and a unicode special character that modifies the previous char adding an accent.
    I discovered this while renaming the files from a Windows client, by placing the cursor after "é" in "perché" and hitting backspace, it turned into "perche", and hitting backspace again deleted the "e", turning into "perch".
    so I fixed those few invalid filenames.

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