I have created a matrix report. While i try to run it , it gives
me an error as follows
REP-1814 Report can not be formatted. Object 'vertically' can
never fit within 'R_G_BRAND'
Its a matrix report. I looked at some of the documentation
regarding this, but could not solve the problem. I can send my
report if required. Please tell me how to solve this. It is very
very urgent.

I think knows Matrix reports very well Thiruchendhuran

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  • Invalid Number Error Please help Urgent

    I am trying to create a report in discoverer where in I get an invalid number error for the statement
    ,DECODE(final.TYP,'Sales',to_char(final.future_supplpy),'B/O','B/O') sale_type.
    We have the requirement that when TYP is Sales i need to display future supply and when the TYP is B/O i need to display B/O.
    The query runs perfectly fine in TOAD but in Discoverer Desktop when i run the report i get an error message
    invalid number.
    Please help its urgent

    Hi Ashwani
    First of all, your statement appears to not be handling anything other than Sales or B/O. Is that deliberate? If not, you need a default, catch all value at the end like this:
    DECODE(final.TYP,'Sales',NVL(final.future_supply,to_char(final.future_supply),'B/O','B/O', default_value) sale_type
    You also might want to make sure there aren't any NULL values in future_supply or in TYP and if there are you might want to consider using an NVL for these, like this:
    DECODE(final.TYP,'Sales',NVL(to_char(final.future_supply,NULL),'B/O','B/O', default_value) sale_type
    Also, when using DECODE you don't always need to use TO_CHAR as the DECODE conversion to a string typically takes place automatically. CASE is different as it insists that all results are of the same data type.
    Hope this helps
    Best wishes


    I am getting following error
    REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit.
    when I try to run my reports through browser.
    can any one please help me.
    Its very urgent.

    I think knows Matrix reports very well Thiruchendhuran

  • Report format - Please help urgently

    We have an AR report with the following format.
    Customer - Document No -Payment terms
    Currently, the report rows shows for one customer ( Text and Key) for various document number and Payment terms.
    Customer 1 - Document no1 - payment terms1
                      - Document no2 - payment terms2
                      - Document no3 - payment terms3
                      - Document no4 - payment terms4
    Customer 2 - Document no5 - payment terms5
                      - Document no6 - payment terms6
    But, the requirement is as below. Every line needs to show the customer no for all the rows.
    Customer 1 - Document no1 - payment terms1
    Customer 1 - Document no2 - payment terms2
    Customer 1 - Document no3 - payment terms3
    Customer 1 - Document no4 - payment terms4
    Customer 2 - Document no5 - payment terms5
    Customer 2 - Document no6 - payment terms6
    Please help.
    BW Learner

    Right click on the query results and choose properties at the bottom of the pop menu.  Uncheck the option titled "Suppress Repeated Key Values" then click okay.   Your query will update the results and you should see all characteristics now, even if they are repeated.

  • Purchasing Report Errors - Please Help

    Hey everyone!
    I am an SAP newb so bear with me please. I am having issues with a the Purchasing report on our system.
    The report takes parameters determining the time period for which the report is to be run, ex: from Jan 1 2008 - Aug 1 2008.
    The values returned by the report are:
    Item code
    Item Name
    Purch Unit
    Available units
    Units on Order (how many are currently dedicated to an already placed order)
    Purchase Factor
    Purchase Price
    Purchase Currency
    Avg Price
    Stock Value
    MonthToDate Sales (calculates total sales for item within time period)
    Average Sales (calculates the average sale for item within time period)
    Sales Factor
    Month on Order
    Month on Stock
    The Problems are occuring with: Month to Date Sales and Average Sales. As well as Month on Order and Month on Stock, however these are secondary.
    The report in SAP is as follows:
    declare @FrmWhs varchar(8),
    @ToWhs varchar(8),
    @WhsLst varchar(254),
    @GroupCode int,
    @FrmItm varchar(20),
    @ToItm varchar(20),
    @MthAgo int,
    @GroupName varchar(20),
    @HistStart varchar(6),
    @HistEnd varchar(6),
    @ShowInactive varchar(1)
    SELECT @FrmWhs = T0.U_FrmWhs,
    @ToWhs = T0.U_ToWhs,
    @WhsLst = T0.U_WhsLst,
    @GroupCode = T1.ItmsGrpCod,
    @FrmItm = T0.U_FrmItm,
    @ToItm = T0.U_ToItm,
    @MthAgo = T0.U_MthAgo,
    @HistStart = T0.U_Hist1,
    @HistEnd = T0.U_Hist2,
    @ShowInactive = T0.U_Inact
    FROM dbo.@XXPURCH T0, dbo.OITB T1
    WHERE T0.U_FrmWhs = '%0'
    AND T0.U_ToWhs = '%1'
    AND T0.U_WhsLst = '%2'
    AND T1.ItmsGrpNam = '%3'
    AND T1.Locked = 'X'
    AND T0.U_FrmItm = '%4'
    AND T0.U_ToItm = '%5'
    AND T0.U_MthAgo = %6
    AND T0.U_Hist1 = '%7'
    AND T0.U_Hist2 = '%8'
    AND T0.U_Inact = '%9'
    SET @GroupName = '%3'
    IF @GroupName = ''
    SET @GroupCode = 0
    SELECT @GroupCode = T2.ItmsGrpCod
    FROM dbo.OITB T2
    WHERE T2.ItmsGrpNam = @GroupName
    SET @FrmWhs = '%0'
    SET @ToWhs = '%1'
    SET @WhsLst = '%2'
    SET @FrmItm = '%4'
    SET @ToItm = '%5'
    SET @MthAgo = %6
    SET @HistStart = '%7'
    SET @HistEnd = '%8'
    SET @ShowInactive = '%9'
    exec dbo.xxPurchReport @FrmWhs,@ToWhs,@WhsLst,@GroupCode,@FrmItm,@ToItm,@MthAgo,@HistStart,@HistEnd,@ShowInactive
    I do not fully understand how the SQL query (the stored procedure) dbo.xxPurchasing Report calculates these numbers. If it is helpful, I could post the SQL query in its entirety or in part.
    Thank you very much for your willingness to help. It is quite frustrating for me and it is so great to have knowledgeable people here to help

    Thanks. That makes sense.
    I am not a database guy, but from my limited knowledge, so here is the query in its entirety:
    ALTER  proc xxPurchReport (
         @FromWhs varchar(8) = null,
         @ToWhs varchar(8) = null,
            @WhsList varchar(255) = null,
            @GroupCode int = null,
         @FromItem varchar(20) = null,
         @ToItem varchar(20) = null,
         @MonthsAgo int = 1,
            @HistStart varchar(6) = null,
            @HistEnd varchar(6) = null,
            @ShowInactive char(1) = 'Y')
        set NOCOUNT ON
        DECLARE @StartDate datetime,
                @EndDate datetime,
                @Today datetime,
                @Periods int
        CREATE TABLE #tempwhs(WhsCode varchar(8))
        if @WhsList is null or LTRIM(RTRIM(@WhsList)) = ''
           if @FromWhs is null
              set @FromWhs = ''
           if @ToWhs is null or LTRIM(RTRIM(@ToWhs)) = ''
              set @ToWhs = 'ZZZZZZZZ'
           insert into #tempwhs
           select WhsCode
             from OWHS
            where WhsCode between @FromWhs and @ToWhs
           set @WhsList = ',' + @WhsList + ','
           insert into #tempwhs
           select WhsCode
             from OWHS
            where charindex(',' + WhsCode + ',',@WhsList) > 0
        if @GroupCode = 0
           set @GroupCode = null
        if @FromItem is null
           set @FromItem = ''
        if @ToItem is null or LTRIM(RTRIM(@ToItem)) = ''
            set @ToItem = 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ'
        if @MonthsAgo is null
           set @MonthsAgo = 0
        if @MonthsAgo > 0
           set @MonthsAgo = @MonthsAgo * -1
        select @StartDate = dateadd(mm,@MonthsAgo,cast(cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)) + right(cast(month(getdate()) + 100 as varchar(3)),2) + '01' as datetime)),
               @EndDate = dateadd(mi,-1,dateadd(mm,@MonthsAgo,dateadd(mm,1,cast(cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)) + right(cast(month(getdate()) + 100 as varchar(3)),2) + '01' as datetime)))),
               @Today = cast(convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112) as datetime)
        if isnull(@HistStart,'') = '' or isnull(@HistEnd,'') = ''
           select @HistEnd = left(convert(varchar(8),@StartDate - 1,112),6),
                  @HistStart = left(convert(varchar(8),dateadd(yyyy,-1,@StartDate),112),6)
        select @Periods = count(distinct period)
          from XXSalesHistory
         where period between @HistStart and @HistEnd
         select itemcode,whscode,cast(round(cast(sum(totsale) as decimal(12,5)) / @Periods,2) as decimal(12,5)) as AvgSale,
                cast(round(cast(sum(totqty) as decimal(12,5)) / @Periods,0) as int) as AvgQty
           into #tmpavg
           from XXSalesHistory
          where period between @HistStart and @HistEnd
          group by itemcode,whscode
          order by 1
        Select ItmGrp.ItmsGrpNam,lines.ItemCode,lines.WhsCode,
               items.CardCode as DefaultVendor,items.ItemName,
               whs.OnHand,items.SalUnitMsr as SaleUnit,items.BuyUnitMsr as PurchUnit,whs.IsCommited,
               (whs.OnHand - whs.IsCommited) as Available,whs.OnOrder,items.PurFactor2,
               isnull(purprc.Price,0) as PurchasePrice,
               isnull(purprc.Currency,'USD') as PurchCurrency,
               cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN items.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE items.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)) as CS,
               whs.AvgPrice,prc.Price,isnull(prc.Currency,'USD') as Currency,isnull(whs.StockValue,0) as StockValue,
               cast(sum(case lines.usebaseun
                   when 'Y' then   Lines.OpenCreQty
                   else ( Lines.OpenCreQty  * Items.NumInSale) end) as integer) as MtdSales,
               isnull(hst.AvgQty,0) as AvgSales,items.SalFactor2
          into #temprpt
          From OINV Main,
               INV1 Lines,
               OITM Items,
               OITB ItmGrp,
               OITW whs
                    left outer join #tmpavg hst
                         on hst.ItemCode = whs.ItemCode and hst.WhsCode = whs.WhsCode,
               ITM1 prc,
               ITM1 purprc
         Where Main.DocDate between @StartDate and @EndDate
           And Main.Instance = 0
           And Main.Canceled = 'N'
           and Main.DocEntry = Lines.DocEntry and lines.LineTotal <> 0
           and lines.ItemCode between @FromItem and @ToItem
           and lines.whscode collate database_default in (select WhsCode from #tempwhs)
           and Items.ItemCode = Lines.ItemCode
           and items.PrchseItem = 'Y'
           and (@ShowInactive = 'Y' or Items.frozenfor = 'N')
           and ItmGrp.ItmsGrpCod = Items.ItmsGrpCod
           and ItmGrp.ItmsGrpCod = isnull(@GroupCode,ItmGrp.ItmsGrpCod)
           and whs.ItemCode = lines.ItemCode and whs.WhsCode = lines.WhsCode
           and prc.ItemCode = items.Itemcode
           and prc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 6 else 2 END)
           and purprc.ItemCode = items.Itemcode
           and purprc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 10 else 1 END)
         Group BY
            cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN items.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE items.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)),
        select grp.ItmsGrpNam,itm.ItemCode,whs.WhsCode,itm.CardCode as DefaultVendor,
               itm.ItemName,whs.OnHand,itm.SalUnitMsr as SaleUnit,itm.BuyUnitMsr as PurchUnit,
               (whs.OnHand - whs.IsCommited) as Available,whs.OnOrder,itm.PurFactor2,purprc.Price,
               isnull(purprc.Currency,'USD') as PurchCurrency,
               cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN itm.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE itm.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)) as CS,
               whs.AvgPrice,prc.Price,isnull(prc.Currency,'USD') as Currency,isnull(whs.StockValue,0) as StockValue,0,
               isnull(hst.AvgQty,0) as AvgSales,itm.SalFactor2
        from OITM itm,
             OITB grp,
             OITW whs
                  left join(INV1 lines inner join OINV main
                    on lines.DocEntry = main.DocEntry and lines.LineTotal <> 0
                       and main.Canceled = 'N' and main.instance = 0
                       and Main.DocDate Between @StartDate and @EndDate)
                    on whs.ItemCode = lines.ItemCode and whs.WhsCode = lines.WhsCode
                  left outer join #tmpavg hst on hst.ItemCode = whs.ItemCode and hst.WhsCode = whs.WhsCode,
             ITM1 prc,
             ITM1 purprc
            where itm.ItemCode between @FromItem and @ToItem
              and itm.PrchseItem = 'Y'
              and (@ShowInactive = 'Y' or itm.frozenfor = 'N')
              and grp.ItmsGrpCod = itm.ItmsGrpCod
              and grp.ItmsGrpCod = isnull(@GroupCode,grp.ItmsGrpCod)
              and whs.ItemCode = itm.ItemCode
              and whs.WhsCode collate database_default in (select WhsCode from #tempwhs)
              and main.DocEntry is null
              and prc.ItemCode = itm.Itemcode
              and prc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 6 else 2 END)
              and purprc.ItemCode = itm.Itemcode
              and purprc.PriceList = (CASE WHEN whs.whscode = '02' THEN 10 else 1 END)
        group by grp.ItmsGrpNam,itm.ItemCode,whs.WhsCode,itm.CardCode,
           cast(whs.OnHand / (CASE WHEN itm.PurFactor2 = 0 THEN 1 ELSE itm.PurFactor2 END) as decimal(16,2)),
        select r.*,
               cast((CASE WHEN r.OnOrder = 0
                THEN 0
                ELSE (CASE WHEN r.AvgSales = 0
                           THEN (CASE WHEN r.MtdSales = 0 THEN 999 ELSE r.OnOrder / r.MtdSales END)
                           ELSE r.OnOrder / r.AvgSales
                END) as decimal(9,1)) as MonthsOnOrder,
               cast((CASE WHEN r.Available <= 0 THEN 0
                     ELSE (CASE WHEN r.AvgSales <= 0 THEN 999
                     ELSE r.Available / r.AvgSales END) END) as decimal(9,1)) as MonthsInStock
          from #temprpt r
         order by 1,2,3
    I hope that is not too overwhelming, it is for me so any help you have to offer is truly appreciated. I am not trained in SAP but they have no one else. Thanks alot everyone!

  • Failed to get mod_osso global context error, please help urgently

    Hi All,
    I have installed Oracle 9ias Infrastructure successfully. I am trying to create new users for OID.I used the url: http://host:7777/oiddas to go to the Internet Directory page.Following the instructions to create new users for OID, I clicked on the Directory tab on the page.It gives an Oracle SSO error.When i checked the error log it says "failed to get mod_osso global context".Can anyone help me here.Thanks in advance.

    Wrap your data refs in {}:
    return lookupFunction('{price}');
    and ensure that you have Spry 1.6.1.

  • B2B installation error=please help urgent

    I am getting below error at the time on intsallation of B2B in client machine.
    I have done the successful installation of j2ee and webcache.
    But during b2b instalation its getting struck at below configuration.
    Please find below error from log:-
    Launched configuration assistant 'Enterprise Manager Agent Configuration Assistant'
    Tool type is: Recommended.
    The command being spawned is: 'D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b/bin/emctl stop em'
    Exception occured during spawning :CreateProcess: D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b/bin/emctl stop em error=2
    Configuration assistant "Enterprise Manager Agent Configuration Assistant" failed
    Complete log:-
    Configuration assistant "Register DCM Plug-Ins With EM" succeeded
    Result code for launching of configuration assistant is: 0
    Launched configuration assistant 'Enterprise Manager Agent Configuration Assistant'
    Tool type is: Recommended.
    The command being spawned is: 'D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b/bin/emctl stop em'
    Exception occured during spawning :CreateProcess: D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b/bin/emctl stop em error=2
    Configuration assistant "Enterprise Manager Agent Configuration Assistant" failed
    Result code for launching of configuration assistant is: 1
    The OUICA command is launched from D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\oui\bin\ouica.bat.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    *** Starting OUICA ***
    Oracle Home set to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b
    Configuration directory is set to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs. All xml files under the directory will be processed
    Parsing configuration file config.xml ....
    Ended Parsing configuration file config.xml
    Start Processing configuration tool Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\dbma\logs\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Buffer size for copying file is set to 2048
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\dbma\logs\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\dbma\logs\*. Nothing will be copied.
    End Processing configuration tool Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\bdump\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\bdump\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\bdump\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\cdump\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\cdump\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\cdump\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\udump\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\udump\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\udump\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\create\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\create\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\..\admin\iasdb\create\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\bdump\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\bdump\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\bdump\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\cdump\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\cdump\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\cdump\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\udump\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\udump\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\udump\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\create\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\create\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\admin\iasdb\create\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\rdbms\audit\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\rdbms\audit\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\rdbms\audit\*. Nothing will be copied.
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\dbca\logs\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\dbca\logs\*
    WARN: Could not find any file matching the expression D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\dbca\logs\*. Nothing will be copied.
    End Processing configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Internet Directory Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dipca.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dipca.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dipca.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dipca.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dasca.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dasca.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dasca.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\dasca.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool Internet Directory Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Directory Integration Platform Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\odca.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\odca.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\odca.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\odca.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool Directory Integration Platform Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Infrastructure Schema Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\schemaload.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\schemaload.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\schemaload.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\schemaload.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool Infrastructure Schema Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Ultra Search Security Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\opca\ultrasearchInst.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\opca\ultrasearchInst.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\opca\ultrasearchInst.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\assistants\opca\ultrasearchInst.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool Ultra Search Security Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Delegated Administrative Service Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\ldap\log\oidca.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool Delegated Administrative Service Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Single Sign On Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\sso\log\ssoca.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\sso\log\ssoca.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\sso\log\ssoca.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\sso\log\ssoca.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool Single Sign On Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool Infrastructure modo_sso Configuration Assistant....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\infratool_mod_osso.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\infratool_mod_osso.log
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\infratool_mod_osso.log from the file path expanding...
    WARN: Source file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\config\infratool_mod_osso.log could not be found. Nothing will be copied for this file
    Number of file(s) copied is 0
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool Infrastructure modo_sso Configuration Assistant
    Start Processing configuration tool OPMN Configuration Assistant-start OPMN....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\*
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\B2B~OC4J_B2B~default_island~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\dcm-daemon~dcm-daemon~dcm~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\HTTP_Server~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ipm.log from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\OC4J~home~default_island~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ons.log from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\service.log from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\states from the file path expanding...
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\B2B~OC4J_B2B~default_island~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\B2B~OC4J_B2B~default_island~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\dcm-daemon~dcm-daemon~dcm~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\dcm-daemon~dcm-daemon~dcm~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\HTTP_Server~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\HTTP_Server~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ipm.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\ipm.log
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\OC4J~home~default_island~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\OC4J~home~default_island~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ons.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\ons.log
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\service.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\service.log
    Number of file(s) copied is 8
    Number of directories copied is 0
    End Processing configuration tool OPMN Configuration Assistant-start OPMN
    Start Processing configuration tool OPMN Configuration Assistant-start HTTP server....
    Preparing for copying D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\* to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs
    Expanding source path D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\*
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\B2B~OC4J_B2B~default_island~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\dcm-daemon~dcm-daemon~dcm~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\HTTP_Server~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ipm.log from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\OC4J~home~default_island~1 from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ons.log from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\service.log from the file path expanding...
    Adding the file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\states from the file path expanding...
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\B2B~OC4J_B2B~default_island~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\B2B~OC4J_B2B~default_island~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\dcm-daemon~dcm-daemon~dcm~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\dcm-daemon~dcm-daemon~dcm~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\HTTP_Server~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\HTTP_Server~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ipm.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\ipm.log
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\OC4J~home~default_island~1 to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\OC4J~home~default_island~1
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\ons.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\ons.log
    Completed copying file D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\opmn\logs\service.log to D:\oracle\product\10.1.2b2b\cfgtoollogs\service.log
    Number of file(s) copied is 8

    Please raise a SR with support though it looks like installation configuration/env issue.

  • Object IO Stream ERROR  please help, urgent

    I am writing an applet + servlet to access MySQL database, the data are like order and order line,
    When I click Insert button, the data (both order and order line) insert properly,
    But when I want to reload them,
    I created a JFrame to show a list order _id , 
    When the user choose and click a JButton,
    It will call the applet to retrieve all data back,
    But the data were not recieved by servlet.
    Each time I want to access database, My applet will call the servlet and create new ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream.
    The connection are below:
    public URLConnection getCon() {   
    URLConnection con = null;
    try {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, urlSuffix);
    URL dataURL = new URL(protocol, host, port, urlSuffix);
    con = dataURL.openConnection();
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "con = " + con);
    catch (...) {      .....    }
    return con;
    so It returns an URLConnection connecting to "urlSuffix" .
    Then I pass 2 String to the servlet , the mode and the sql
    Where mode is "INSERT" / "SELECT" idicating where should do next.
    When servlet recieve any data, it will put the value out to System.out,
    so suppose when it recieve "INSERT" , it will print "INSERT" into System.out
    To retrieve data,
    I used to create a new JFrame ,
    used the same method ,
    con.writeObject("SELECT * FROM TABLE");
    The order id were loaded, and let user to select the order from a JList,
    And THEN the user should click submit button,
    and call the Applet to retrieve data,
    //WHEN BUTTON CLICK call Applet.loadOrder( JList.selectedIndex())
    public void loadOrder(int i){
    con = getCon();
    ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(con.getOutputStream);
    But the servlet gives no response to me (suppose it should print "SELECT" into System.out.
    The servlet cannot recieve any object,
    I have try to use the JFrame to call INSERT< it works also, but not in retrieve data only

    flush() or close() the ObjectOutputStream. There are probably still bytes in the buffer.
    - Saish
    "My karma ran over your dogma." - Anon

  • Please Help Urgently to refresh the report on the change in data

    We want to refresh report at runtime for the Drill Down report if any user changes the Data. We changes the data from the form which is called from the report and we want to this effect on the report on the prompt.
    Is there any method to close the report while it is in the queue of Background Engine? Can we refresh the report ? Please help urgently.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Reports goes out to the database and fetches the data (not a snapshot) and returns the information, formats it and displays it. The only way to refresh, is to rerun the report.
    If your are running from the server, you need to make sure you are not fetching from cache (you determine this from destype and set the life of the cache in the servername.ora file).
    I am unaware of any way to programatically close the report once displayed. The user must take action to close the report (unless you call the operating system to kill the display). When you rerun the report from Oracle Forms, you will get fresh data.
    The Oracle Reports Team jls

  • I can't download the apple ios 5 for the ipad. after downloading around 10 % an error no. 3259 occurs. it's a network error. please help . it's urgent. i am having apple ipad 2 3G wifi

    i can't download the apple ios 5 for the ipad. after downloading around 10 % an error no. 3259 occurs. it's a network error. please help . it's urgent. i am having apple ipad 2 3G wifi.

    i switched off all the security settings and all the firewalls.
    i m unable to install any of the app on the ipad
    so i saw the apple support and it said to update the older version of my ipad.
    and niether am i able to download the update nor am i able to download any app and install it in my ipad2
    i also tried to download an .ipsw file (ios5 update) from torrentz bt i am also unable to install from that as itunes rjects that file and gives an error. and also tries to delete that file. plz anyone help urgently.

  • Group values on Barchart - Please help Urgent

    I am plotting a bar chart.
    I am plotting chart "on change of" first group name.and showing 3 values which i get in formulas.
    I had to place these formulas in lowest level of subgroup just above the details ( i don`t need any details).
    i am getting all the values properly.
    But it is plotting the graph with group A values as group B values.
    In other words,
    on starting group all the 3 values will be zeros.By the end of this group (after details) i will get 3 values.
    I want to plot chart with these values as starting group values.
    But as took "on change of" group name it is plotting zeros initially and the result of group A  as the result of Group B and so on.
    Please help me how can i plot chart after a group is evaluated.
    I placed my chart in report header
    Please help me .

    I am using bar Chart ( side by side bar chart).
    This time i would like to explain in more detailed.Please find my layout and preview as pictures in the following links.
    I want show msx3 in the bar chart .so first i initialized it to zero and counted all the records which suits my criteria and showing the same value in the bar against that group.( i am explaining with one formula msx3 only..anyway remaining are similar).
    This value is initially zero and will give a count number at the end of this Group #1 Name ( plz see pictures).
    My problem is i have take "On change of" Group# 1 Name in the data of chart expert and showing the formulas ( with don`t Summarize  option checked).
    It is giving me the result properly but plotting the values of first iteration ( when the first time the group is evaluated) ans result of second iteration.I understand this is because of "on change of " option ,when it is plotting all the values will be zeros.
    I have to plot the chart with values after evaluating the group #1 but not before evaluating it.
    Please give me any idea over it.I am not an expert and it is urgent.
    Please help.

  • Please Help - Urgent

    Hi everyone, I�m having problems with Java Mail, I have just installed it along with the java activation framework, they are located in the following directories:
    JavaMail: C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\javamail-1_2[1]
    Java activation framework: C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\jaf1_0_1[1]
    I have the classpath set as: C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\mail.jar;C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\activation.jar
    When I try to compile the sample code provided with these packages, using Jbuilder 2 I get the following errors:
    Error (36): cannot access directory javax\mail.
    Error (37): cannot access directory javax\mail\internet.
    Error (209): class message not found in class msgsend.
    Error (210): class MessagingException not found in class msgsend
    Error (134): class Session not found in class msgsend
    Error (134): variable Session not found in class msgsend
    Error (139): class Message not found in class msgsend
    Error (139): class MimeMessage not found in class msgsend
    Error (141): class InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (145): cannot access class Message.RecipientType;neither class nor source found for Message.RecipientType.
    Error (146): Variable InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (148): cannot access class Message.RecipientType;neither class nor source found for Message.RecipientType.
    Error (149): Variable InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (151): cannot access class Message.RecipientType;neither class nor source found for Message.RecipientType.
    Error (152): Variable InternetAddress not found in class msgsend
    Error (162): Variable Transport not found in class msgsend
    Error (170): class Store not found in class msgsend
    Error (172): class URLName not found in class msgsend
    Error (172): class URLName not found in class msgsend
    Error (189): class Folder not found in class msgsend
    Error (195): Variable Folder not found in class msgsend
    Error (197): class Message not found in class msgsend
    Error (197): class Message not found in class msgsend
    If I try to use another Java package to compile it I get even more errors (52), I cannot compile it by using the Javac command line compiler, it just says �Bad command or file name�.
    Can anyone tell me Why this is happening and how I might be able to fix it please, I need to start learning Java Mail quickly but at the moment I can�t even begin to do this until I can understand how to get this sample code to work.
    Thanks Everyone

    First of all... don't post with topics like "Please Help - Urgent". The topic is supposed to reflect what the question is about.
    Secondly... think for a second. If mail.jar is in C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\javamail-1_2[1]... why are you with your classpath saying that mail.jar is in C:\jdk1.3.1\lib ?
    You classpath is supposed to point directly at you jar-files.

  • Starting tomcat problem, please help urgent

    I installed jwsdp on windowsXP . The log file gives this following error when i try to start tomcat: Access is denied
         at Method)
         at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
         at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.addRepositoryInternal(
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.<init>(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory.createClassLoader(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    Bootstrap: Class loader creation threw exception
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: addRepositoryInternal: Access is denied
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.addRepositoryInternal(
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.<init>(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.ClassLoaderFactory.createClassLoader(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

    I have a similar problem, i try to deploy a JAR file built on AIX 5.2 platform (jvm 14.1) into Tomcat 5.5.7 running on Windows platform when i try start Tomcat it's fail with the fellowing message
    SEVERE: Error deploying web application directory usi
         at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.<init>(
         at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.<init>(
         at org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator.getManifest(
         at org.apache.catalina.util.ExtensionValidator.validateApplication(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectories(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(
         at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

  • Windows - No Disk Error - Please help!

    Windows - No Disk Error - Please help!
    I have the following set up:
    * Lenovo T-61p
    * Windows XP Pro, SP 3
    * HP Photosmart 8250 printer (with nothing plugged into the various card readers, and USB slot in the printer)
    I am getting the following error:
    Windows - No Disk
    Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75CE023C
    0x84C40C84 0x75CE023C
    I have done a lof experimenting and thru process of  elimination, and believe I have determined that this only happens when the HP Photosmart 8250 printer is plugged in to the USB slot of the computer.
    I can stop it from happening by safely removing hardware, and removing the drive that the 8250 creates on your computer when you plug it in.  In my case, this is drive E.  I'm guessing if there was something in the the various card readers, and USB slot in the printer, that's what those would be, but I don't those use those functions of the printer.
    I understand there is more at work than simply the printer, because I did not used to get this error, so some software changed as well, that is scanning all ports, and finding a drive that has no disk, and producing the error.
    A simple google search finds a lot people all over the world having this problem, and are solving it in different ways, because the suspected source is different: Norton, HP, etc.
    I have tried everything I have read, and the only thing that works was my own idea, of manually safely removing the drive the printer creates each time I plug in the printer.
    Anyone every any better, more permanent solutions?  Or know what the real root of the problem is?  What is scanning all the drives and being showing an error message because it found an empty drive?
    Thanks and Happy Holidays/New Year!

    I've been getting the same error on my 4G nano for the past week. I've had my nano for about a month and the first few weeks were fine. Tried it on 2 different computers (Vista and XP) and same problem. Tried it on a 3rd (XP) and it started ok. Problem started coming back after a day.
    I was able to find a quick fix though. I noticed that sometimes the message says something like "iexplore.exe... no disk..." even if I don't even use IE. What I do is end iexplore.exe on task manager before running iTunes and syncing my nano. I don't get the error whenever I do this, but one drawback is that the contents of my nano suddenly pops up in a window - even when disk use is not enabled.
    I've reset/restored my nano dozens and dozens of times to make sure it's clean. Leads me to believe it's a driver issue. Either that or I have a friggin malware problem I can't seem to find.
    I'll be posting updates every now and then. I'm no expert so I'm hoping an Apple expert also steps in to give some input.


    HI ALL
    please tell me the method of implementing password
    provision for some folders/files in the system.
    it should ask for password authentification before
    opening when i click on the folder.
    please help urgent

    Hi Swaroopba,
    It can be very well done thru Form based Authentication.
    For eg let me explain with respect to Tomcat.
    Go to
    $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF directory.
    Please add the following code in it.
    <web-resource-name>Protected Area </web-resource-name>
    <!-- Define the context URL's to be protected -->
    Please add the following code in it. And you have to specify the roles for it.
    I hope this will be helpful for you.
    Or if you want it in an application, please let me know.

  • My ipod generation 5 will not come out of recovery mode. i was simply updating my software and this happened. it will not let me restore it comes up with and error. please help, thanks.

    my ipod generation 5 will not come out of recovery mode. i was simply updating my software and this happened. it will not let me restore it comes up with and error. please help, thanks.

    Hey erinoneill24,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sounds like you can't update your device. You don't mention an error that it gives you. Take a look at both of these articles to troubleshoot.
    iPod displays "Use iTunes to restore" message
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    If you started your device in recovery mode by mistake, restart it to exit recovery mode. Or you can just wait—after 15 minutes the device will exit recovery mode by itself.
    Have a nice day,

Maybe you are looking for