Req for  Dynpro java.

Can Any on suggest  book for the  sap dynpro java.(author)

Hi Kannuriajay1
Please check SAP Press for more details for Web Dynpro for Java Books :
Refer the some content for
[Inside Web Dynpro for Java|]
Code Review Checklist for Web Dynpro for Java
Hope it helps

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    Hi Piyush,
    Pls refer below links,
    Single Sign On with ABAP WebDynpro

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    Hi Meenge,
    Please check below document for finding root cause for "Failed to start deployable object part info for <development component> and application <application name>"
    Hope it helps

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    Best Regards.

    Hi Deepti,,
    Refer to the following thread which says that you must retrieve the data from the CRM backend system using standard BAPI's or customer Remote enabled function modules (socalled RFC's) and to access the backend system you will have to set up an RFC connection with CRM system.
    Regarding web dynpro and CRM
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jhansi Miryala

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    Many Thanks,

    Hello Michael,
    Yes, the Web Dynpro  for Java Personalization is working perfect for non-anonymous users.  The issue is when I view same iView using anonymous URL http://<servername>:<port>/irj/portal/anonymous the personalization is not showing just defaults back to the original Web Dynpro Java application settings.  The iView that I created and personalized is the new Logon Help Dynpro Java application (LogonHelpApp).  Is there some permissions that restricts anonymous user to view personalization?
    Koti Reddy Iu2019m using the Web Dynpro for Java Administrator Personalization.  Here is the documentation [ | ]
    Thank You for your help,

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    kiran LVS

    did you have a look at this page ?
    Kind regards

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    Hi Stefan,
    This correct see SAP Note [947081|]
    If the locale for the Web Dynpro iView is changed in the portal (through portal personalization), this is not reflected in the running login session. The user needs to logoff and login again, in order to see the locale change in the Web Dynpro iView.

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    Please help me,

    Dear Viviane,
    In the webdynpr java application, you can use the data from SAP system. like you can use RFC's, Bapi's in your webdynpro application.
    Refer to [Linking RFC to Web Dynpro|] and
    Best Regards
    Arun Jaiswal

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    Krishna Balaji T
    Edited by: krishna balaji on Nov 13, 2008 8:00 AM

    Check out this link. It will give you an idea how to integrate Aobe island comp with web dynpro.

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    Here is the link to the new Weblog topic "Simple way to debug ESS and MSS Web Dynpro Java applications"

    Thanks Siddharth. I was trying as you suggested, I was trying to add the link to the FAQ's but looks like the wiki is locked or I dont have permission to create a page in it. Is there any other way to do it?
    Edited by: Yugandhar  Reddy on Mar 28, 2011 5:04 PM

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    Thank you very much in advance!

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    Kindly let us know the steps to be followed in this case to sort the date column of a table in Simple Date format as we do not want date in the sql format to be displayed.
    Thanks & Regards,

    You might want to check whether both your browser's language settings are identical. The browser language could also determine the date format.
    As a workaround, you could add an extra attribute to your context, and set the calculated property to 'true'.
    In your table, add a new column and bind to this new attribute, and hide your original date column
    If you sort using the date column that's hidden now, you could use the calculated field to fixed-format your date the way you prefer (by using the SimpleDateFormatter class for instance)

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    My Requirement is user can register his/her user id in SAP Portal 7.3 UME database.
    Please suggest me.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Amit,
    Generated Documentation (Untitled)
    This is what you're looking for, there's no real cook-book -- though Amey mentioned there might be some material on SDN, perhaps some tutorials.
    You should be looking into, methods newUser(String) which gives you and IUserMaint and commitUser(IUserMaint, IUserAccount) -- IUserAccount can be obtained using, method newUserAccount(String)
    Hope it helps,

  • How to set a variable in portal session using web dynpro java.

    I have created a web dynpro application, which is running inside portal. I have created a role called "R1". Inside role R1, i have created 3 workset W1, W2 and W3. and inside each workset i have some pages and iviews.
    My requirement is when user logins to the portal , and when he clicks on role R1 for the first time, a login page should come (so that we can do revalidation), and when he enters his password again in that login page , then only workset W1, W2 and W3 should be visible/accessible to him and after successful revalidation, if he clicks again on role R1, in that particular portal session, than that login page should not come.
    for this, i thought i will set a variable in portal session, whenever user successfully revalidated himself, and if after successful revalidation he clicks again on role R1, i will check in doinit method of webdynpro whether variable is set or not (which i already set on successful revalidation), and if it is set then i will do Donavigation else i will present login page to the user.
    Can anyone tells me how to set a variable in portal session using web dynpro java.

    Try this:
    WDScopeUtil.put(WDScopeType.CLIENTSESSION_SCOPE, key, value)
    WDScopeUtil.get(WDScopeType.CLIENTSESSION_SCOPE, key)
    String value1=WDScopeUtil.get(WDScopeType.CLIENTSESSION_SCOPE,"Key1").toString();

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    Thank you.

    Webdynpro content is considered heavy and I dont think we can use it in LPD.
    Note 916545 - Central Note for External-Facing Portal (NW 7.0)
    Check under application.
    Sandeep Tudumu
    Edited by: Sandeep Tudumu on Sep 17, 2008 8:56 PM

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