Response.sendRedirect issue in

I upgraded recently from to and i am experiencing issues with
response.sendRedirect(): in my JSF backing bean. The system simply does not redirect there and displays something else that it is not supposed.
Any one experienced similar problems with sendRedirect() method?
Edited by: user2575264 on Aug 12, 2010 3:28 PM

Hi Balaa,
Check the following document on My Oracle Support;
Follow the links and you will get some workarounds. Maybe you get it working.
Good Luck,
Daan Bakboord

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  • Issues in response.sendRedirect

    I access a jsp using the url http://hostname/App/index.jsp. Running OracleAS in posrt 80.
    When I redirect to different page using the code response.sendRedirect("/App/english/index.jsp");
    The page redirected to http://hostname:7778/App/english/index.jsp.
    I don't know from where the port 7778 is taken. Please provide steps to correct this issue.
    Some more info: I have two OracleAS server it works fine in one server and it doesn't work on the other server.

    Try running netstat -ab from command line to see what service is listening on port 7778. If your page is already at App virtual dir when you redirect, why not have redirect simply go to the english virtual dir?

  • Response sendRedirect is not working in JSF

    I am getting an error on calling response.sendRedirect() method in my backing bean. This piece of code is for redirecting:
                if (userCredentials.isExpired() || userCredentials.isInThreshold()  ) { // Just checking for some boundary conditions
                    ViewHandler vh = ctx.getApplication().getViewHandler();
                    String viewUrl = vh.getActionURL(ctx, PATH_FOR_CHANGE_USER_PAGE);               
                    ExternalContext ectx = ctx.getExternalContext();
                    HttpServletResponse response =
                    response.sendRedirect(viewUrl);   /// This is where the error is thrown.
                }Here is the stack trace:
    SEVERE: Error Rendering View[/xhtml/home/AppHomePage.xhtml]
    javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: /layout/header.xhtml @27,78 value="#{UserInformation.userName}": Error getting property 'userName' from bean of type com.mrc.web.infrastructure.login.UserInfo: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed, be sure not to write to the OutputStream or to trigger a commit due to any other action before calling this method.
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    *Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed, be sure not to write to the OutputStream or to trigger a commit due to any other action before calling this method.*
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper.sendRedirect(
         at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.redirect(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.redirect(
         at com.mrc.web.infrastructure.login.UserInfo.getPasswordThreshold(
         at com.mrc.web.infrastructure.login.UserInfo.getUserName(
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor196.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
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         at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(
         at com.sun.facelets.el.TagValueExpression.getValue(
         at com.sun.facelets.el.LegacyValueBinding.getValue(
         ... 39 moreI dont think i am calling the 'sendRedirect' method anywhere before this code(if i understood the error message).
    Please help me with some pointers.
    Edited by: sriki79 on Jul 26, 2010 5:06 PM
    Edited by: sriki79 on Jul 26, 2010 5:06 PM
    Edited by: sriki79 on Jul 26, 2010 5:07 PM

    Yep, content has already been flushed to the browser and then the redirect cannot work anymore. Move the redirect logic to a filter I'd say.

  • Problem in response.sendredirect()

    I am using response.sendredirect() to forword a request to an absolute URL out side my current environment.
    but it's not still tries to process the request in the same environment...
    what can be the problem???

    yes i am passing the absolue URL to the Method.

  • Response.sendRedirect doesn't work

    I implemented the post authentication class. I added some code to the onLoginFailed method and i am trying to redirect user for my own page and not the standard error page of opensso (IdP). When using response.sendRedirect("/my_page") i got an error message telling me that redirection has failed because record already committed.
    I think the problem is due to the original redirection done by the IdP, isn't it? Is there a solution to redirect user for my own login failure page?

    How about this.
    Do a combination of the two.
    Use the post auth plugin to do your work with LDAP it has access and has all the needed information.
    Add the attributes to the ?session?header? in the post auth plugin maybe?
    Use the default failrue url you are sending them to to pull the info out of the session headers and do whatever is needed at that point?
    I would try just populating one attribute first and redirecting using the default failure url to some simple page that prints out to validate if it would work.

  • Response.sendRedirect() doesn't work immediately

    I'm moving my application to JDK 1.4 and IAS 10g.
    It's alright, but I noticed one problem.
    For long operation I created my way to display a "Working..." page.
    I use response.sendRedirect() to an HTML page, with the "Working..." message, that reload itself every five seconds (due to the fact that the message will be replaced, as I explained later).
    Once the operation has terminated it change a session variable that is loaded by the HTML page and it replace the "Working..." message with a "Done!" message.
    The problem is that in IAS 10g it doesn't redirect to the HTML file immediately, it seems that "wait" the operation is almost finished: il redirect to the HTML file displaying "Working...", and after the first reload of the page (5 seconds) it display "Done!".
    This is the part of the code:
    String urlToLoad = "/myApp/tools/template/cache/tempxyz.html";
    // SESSION VALUE: "Working..."
    // END OF METHODThe "response.sendRedirect(urlToLoad);" instruction is executed without any error.
    I also tried to use the absolute path with "http://name_server", but it still doesn't work.
    I hope I explained my situation.
    I already read many post in this and others forums, but I didn't found any working solution.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

    You could try putting your operations into a new thread... but I don't see why that would be necessary...
    String urlToLoad = "/myApp/tools/template/cache/tempxyz.html";
    // SESSION VALUE: "Working..."
    Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        // OPERATIONS
    // END OF METHOD(Or put the operations in a method in another class that implements the Runnable interface, ... whatever)

  • Response.sendRedirect doesn't work with IAS 10g

    I'm moving my application to JDK 1.4 and IAS 10g.
    It's alright, but I noticed one problem.
    For long operation I created my way to display my "Working in progress..." page.
    I create an HTML file into a cache folder and I redirect to that file that reload itself every five seconds.
    Once the operation is terminated it change a session variable that is loaded by the HTML page and it ends the "Working in progress..." message.
    The problem is that in IAS 10g it doesn't redirect to the HTML file immediately, it seems that "wait" the operation is almost finished: il redirect to the HTML file, and after 5 seconds it loads the end message of the operation.
    This is the part of the code:
    [WRITE FILE IN c:\application\tools\template\cache as tempxyz.html]
    String urlToLoad = "/myApp/tools/template/cache/tempxyz.html";
    The "response.sendRedirect(urlToLoad);" instruction pass without errors.
    I hope I explained my situation.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

    Thanks Qiang,
    Ive done exactly as youve said and it must be a rewriting problem as you suggested. Here is the header from accessing the servlet on the Linux host machine (IP called 'BEAST')
    => `test'
    Connecting to connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
    1 HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
    2 Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 09:12:27 GMT
    3 Server: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    4 Content-Length: 183
    5 Cache-Control: private
    6 Location: http://BEAST:7779/webapp/testJ.jsp
    7 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
    8 Connection: Keep-Alive
    9 Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    Location: http://BEAST:7779/webapp/testJ.jsp [following]
    --10:12:27-- http://beast:7779/webapp/testJ.jsp
    => `testJ.jsp.3'
    Resolving beast... done.
    Connecting to beast[]:7779... connected.
    That worked fine. Here is the header on my windows machine on the network ( IP :
    HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
    Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 09:03:21 GMT
    Server: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server
    Content-Length: 183
    Cache-Control: private
    Location: http://BEAST:7779/webapp/testJ.jsp
    Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    I think the problem must be that the response is telling it to redirect to BEAST (which is the name of the server) but the windows box cant resolve the name. Must be why i get the page cannot be displayed.
    The code in the servlet 'test' to redirect is just:
    Any ideas would be much appreciated on how I can fix this other than setting up a local DNS server?!

  • Response.sendRedirect is not working for IE5.5

    Hi All,
    I am using response.sendRedirect method to go to different page from jsp file. It was working file before IE was upgraded to version 5.5. It is still working fine with Netscape.
    With IE, it remains on the same page even after executing response.sendRedirect method. IT ACTUALLY GOES TO ANOTHER PAGE AFTER SELECTING REFRESH. Could this be a CACHE problem. However, I tried to append the URL with some random number every time it executes response.sendRedirect method just to make it a different URL and still getting the same result.
    Any Help will be greatly appreciated.

    Every time I clear the History Cache, It works for the first time and after that it remains on the same page.
    I tried to set the days to store the hist pages as 0.
    please let me know if any other browser settings OR program changes required.

  • Response.sendRedirect() problem

    Hi all,
    I in facing a problem during using response.sendRedirect() or there is some mistake, please help me...
    I have written two jsp files:
    i.e. first.jsp and second.jsp
    FIRST.JSP is as follwing:
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    and SECOND.JSP is as follows:
    <%@ page import="*" %>
         String coding=request.getParameter("name").trim();
         My name is <h1><%= coding %></h1>
    but when i write the follwing in address bar:
    an error occurs:
    NullPointerException messae is received. I am using Apache Tomcat/4.1.29.
    Please help me, and tell if ther is any thing missing in this code....
    Thankx in advance...

    When you use redirection, you are sending a header back to the browser which tells it to go somewhere else. This results in an entirely new request. Because of this, any request info from the first page will not be in the second. The advantage of redirects is you can tell the browser to go to any other server.
    If you want to maintain the same request info, you can use forward. Forward only passes control in the server to another page. The browser will have no idea that this is happening, and it cannot go to another server.

  • Response.sendRedirect(URL), problem if '&' is usd as part of paramete value

    i have to redirect to a page having following URL
    now & is part of value rather than a separater of parameters.
    whenever i redirect it as
    strURL = "http://localhost:8080/cms/redirector.jsp?ckUrl=";
    it will not work properly, will try to access only
    Please help.
    Best regards,
    Waseem Aslam

    Encode the URL, the & should be & amp;.
    You may find the URLEncoder useful.

  • Is it a bug in WLS6.0 of response.sendRedirect()?

    I got a very strange problem that I found that the code like that:
              runs well, but the code like that:
              doesn't work, WLS tells me page not found! Its mean WLS can't go back more than one lever directory!! It's not fun!! Can somebody help me?

    Where can I download my test ear file.
    Any way I am keep my source here.
    My Servet Source
    package com.ritesh.tempwork;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
    * Initialize global variables
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    * Service the request
    public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
         request.setAttribute("result",new ActionResult());
         this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/test.jsp").forward(request, response);
    * Get Servlet information
    * @return java.lang.String
    public String getServletInfo() {
         return "com.aclcargo.servlet.ActionMultiplexer Information";
    * Insert the method's description here.
    * Creation date: (7/13/2001 5:30:57 PM)
    public void destroy()
    My Action Result class
    package com.ritesh.tempwork;
    i[i]Long postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

  • In Servlet, response.sendredirect using iPlanet

    I'm from INIDIA. I have some problem in using response.sendRedirect. I'm using iPlanet application server. I tested on Java Web Server and it's working fine there but please advice me, how it'll work on iPlanet.

    Should work the same way. If you have an actual problem when you try it, let us know.

  • Getting java.lang.IllegalStateException  when try response.sendRedirect(cv)

    I am getting this error java.lang.IllegalStateException when i am trying to send response to a jsp page
    here is my code
              Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test","root","root");
              PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(sql);
              int i = 0;          
              i = i+1;
              i = i+1;
              i = i+1;
              catch(Exception e){

    here is the error
              Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test","root","root");
              PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(sql);
              int i = 0;          
              i = i+1;
              i = i+1;
              i = i+1;
              catch(Exception e){

  • About  parameter length in response.sendRedirect()

    I want to pass a long String in response.sendRedirect(), but it failed.
    Is the length limited?
    Can i change it? If not, how i pass the String?

    The sendRedirect command always sends a GET request. GET requests do have a limited length to their parameters.
    How you pass the String is dependent on where you are redirecting to...
    If you are redirecting to a source in the same web app, then the first thing you should try is to not pass the string at all. Perhaps pass some key words, send the redirect and let the other side generate the full String. Or you could put the long String in the user's session, send a redirect with the attribute name as a parameter, then retrieve it from the session on the other side.
    If you are redirecting to a source outside of your control, you may need to do an HTTPURLConnection using the POST method and copy the results to the user's browser...

  • How to handle response.sendRedirect(url) in a portlet w/ webflow?

    I am using a webflow to navigate within a portlet. There are three jsp pages or
    nodes in the portlet. One of the jsp pages has the following logic:
    if (A) { response.sendRedirect(url1)}
    else if(B) { response.sendRedirect(url2)}
    else{display rest of this jsp page}
    I think I have the correct portlet urls. I used WebflowJSPHelper.createWebflowURL(...).
    The problem is when it tries to redirect, the whole portlet disapears leaving
    only the title bar. I check the weblogic log file and there is an exception about
    RuleSetNotFoundException. Does anybody know how to handle this problem? Can
    I use sendRedirect method in a portlet?

    Go to source code library and copy the redirect sample code in
    your application domain. This program expects you to make come changes in the
    portal workflow.
    "Edoardo Boechat" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Dear James,
    Maybe I'll be boring, but I'll give you my expirience with "sendRedirect".
    When you use sendRedirect you send back to the browser a new URL that
    him will
    use to obtain the content that will be exposed, in other words, It's
    a client
    side operation.
    The portlet machanism work on the server side of the application. So
    why you are
    using sendRedirect? If one of that conditions happen, are you interesting
    in expose
    a content of another web site?
    If you want to expose the content of another web site, use the wizard
    to generate
    a example jsp page who do this correct in a portlet and adapt the code
    to your
    Otherwise, you are using a wrong concept. If it's a server side operation
    need to use "forward" or "include" operation to do what you want.
    I expect be helpfull,
    Edoardo Boechat.
    "James" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am using a webflow to navigate within a portlet. There are threejsp
    pages or
    nodes in the portlet. One of the jsp pages has the following logic:
    if (A) { response.sendRedirect(url1)}
    else if(B) { response.sendRedirect(url2)}
    else{display rest of this jsp page}
    I think I have the correct portlet urls. I used WebflowJSPHelper.createWebflowURL(...).
    The problem is when it tries to redirect, the whole portlet disapears
    only the title bar. I check the weblogic log file and there is an exception
    RuleSetNotFoundException. Does anybody know how to handle this problem?
    I use sendRedirect method in a portlet?

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