Restore from time machine

I am trying to upgrade the hard drive on my Macbook, and ran across an OS version problem.
1. I backed up my old drive to Time Machine on a portable HD.
2. I swaped out the old drive with a new one with more capacity.
3. I booted up with the Mac OS X Install DVD that came with my Macbook. Installs fine.
4. The system reboots after installing the OS, then asks if I want to transfer from existing Time Machine. I select that option and then select the external HD that has my Time Machine back up.
5. I can't proceed because the message says that the Time Machine backup is a more recent version of the OS than the OS on the laptop. It says to upgrade my OS, then proceed.
6. I check for software updates and install all available updates.
7. Now what? Where do I go to install the Time Machine backup?

I also went through the rather painful process of migration assistant, and encountered similar issues.
One thing I discovered is that you must have the same version of OS X installed in order to properly restore your apps.
I would suggest that you make sure you have the same version of OS X installed that was installed since the last backup.
What I ended up doing was going to the App store and re installing all my app store purchases. Then, I also manually restored some missing apps directly from time machine.
I also found out that some of the applications I purchased from other manufacturers (I won't judge, I use Chrome and MS Office as well), needed a new install. Bummer.
Also, I noticed that some applications (purchased from other manufacturers) needed to be "re activated", or registered all over again. A frantic search for serial numbers and activation codes ensued.
It was a little harsh, but I got through it OK. This experience helped me understand time machine, but I will think twice before doing another clean install. Good Luck

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    My rules are still there, so perhaps Apple support speak with resource forked tongue.
    Comparing an old (pre ML) rules file from 20th June with the ML one, the differences are:
    The file name was: MessageRules.plist, the ML one is SynchedRules.plist. Both are in my V2 folder, but the old Rules have been copied (by Mail, not me) into the new SynchedRules file.
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    You can see these differnces in the "preview" part of Finder Show Info, if you have the two files to compare.
    Thus, just copying and renaming the old Rules file probably won't work, because of this difference. Mail probably just makes a new file because the copied file isn't as expected. It should be possible to edit the old plist file to remove the "Active" line, and rename it to SynchedRules.plist (but see below). The top is slightly different, just below <dict>, as this relates to the Active line. There are a  couple of lines at the bottom that aren't in the new file.
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    Make a copy of the files first just in case...

  • I'm having a problem with logging into a FileVault-protected user account after restoring from Time Machine backup.

    Hi all,
    My computer had been running really slowly for a while, so I decided to erase the whole hard drive and reinstall the operating system, and then I was going to restore the files I cared about from Time Machine. The main account, which had all my documents and photos, was FileVault-protected. The last thing I did before erasing the hard drive was to run one last Time Machine backup. As far as I remember, I always ran Time Machine backups with the FileVaulted user logged in.
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    I've tried a number of tips that came up from questions about similar issues on the Apple support forum, but had no luck. Is there any way to get these files back? Did they ever even get backed up?

    Hroodbwai wrote:
    I can't find it! not sure what's going on but the only folder shown is the " Shared" folder.
    Did you have only the one user account? If there were others, they should also be in the "Users" folder. You probably won't have access to the files inside them, but they should be there.
    From what can make out, it looks like it's not backed up any of the files for the filevault account. Can't see user folder when looking through previous backups in Time Machine galaxy view.
    Are you doing that from a Finder window set to your internal HD, or your computer name? It should look something like this (with the Finder in List view):
    I'd been logging out and backing up manually on a regular basis.
    Scheduled backups should run normally; but they won't back up the File Vault sparse bundle, nor will any run manually.
    The only time it's backed-up is when you actually log out.
    You should have seen this window on logout:
    followed by this one:
    If you didn't see the second one, or cancelled it, the account wasn't backed-up.

  • Restoring from Time Machine doesn't work

    I am attempting to restore from Time Machine on my 13" Late 2008 MacBook, but the restore stops about halfway through.
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    I also have a lot of important data on the Time Machine and fear that whatever afflicted my MacBook may afflict the MacBook Pro I intend to get soon, which I will load my TM onto.
    Any and all help is deeply appreciated.
    -Sam Taylor

    I have always had problems restoring from my backups.   I just replaced my hard drive and did a restore and now there are no icons in the dock (all ?'s) and I cannot click on my Applications folder in any finder window.  (Oh, and the fans run constantly at top speed after being on for about 3 minutes.) 
    This is probably the 10th restore I've done in the past couple of years and I don't think one has worked for me. 

  • Quirks and problems after a restore from Time Machine

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    Is there a general purpose restore tonic that will fix all these quirks?
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    In Safari, some of that password stuff is indeed handled by cookies from the various sites, but a lot of it is actually handled by the "autofill" function which fills in form fields (in this case name and password) with whatever you last used there -- independent of any cookies.
    While running Safari, go to Safari / Preferences... Go to Security. Be sure that you are allowing cookies to be received in the first place.
    Then go to Autofill. See if you have the item checked to allow recording and automatic filling of "User names and passwords". You can edit the list of them to see what's currently in there.
    If this doesn't do it for you, you might want to try selecting Safari / Reset Safari... from the menu bar. The panel will allow you to select which data items to reset.

  • How to restore from Time Machine WITHOUT install discs using a second Mac

    It's a question that is asked repeatedly all over the web by Mac users like me that bought in to Time Machine (TM) on the assumption that if their computer died one day it would be a piece of cake to restore from it, only for that day to come and then to be told "ahh, okay the first thing is to get your computers install discs..." (loud crashing sound of world falling around ears).
    I've never been able to afford a new Mac and both of my machines were bought second-hand. Neither came with Leopard (both have Tiger and have been upgraded to Leopard via the net). This was never supposed to be a problem as I've been backing up with TM. However it appears that Tiger discs are as much use as an inflatable dart board when it comes to using TM. So I've been faced with the possibility of having to spend £130 (about two hundred Pres Sheets, Yankees) on the Leopard install discs just so that I can have the option of restoring from TM. Bonkers.
    However after much nashing of teeth, a very long weekend learning all sorts of things about 'Target Mode', 'Single User Mode', 'Verbose Mode', 'Open Source 9' etc the following solution has worked without the need to go out and buy those over-priced discs...
    What you will need:
    1 broken Mac requiring restoration
    1 second donor Mac running Leopard (or Snow Leopard so long as the broken Mac can run it)
    1 firewire cable with the correct fitting at either end to attach both Macs together
    1 Time Machine backup
    Note: The following is for when you have given up trying to boot from your hard drive. In my case I couldn't boot in to Safe Mode etc. so was forced to format my drive and re-import everything. If you've read this far I'm assuming your at the same point as well and have tried everything else that's out there first.
    Also - both my Macs are Power PC's so can't run Snow Leopard, so I can't say 100% this will work with SL (Intel) machines. From what I've read Snow Leopard will work with this procedure too, but if you've found differently please feel free to add your experiences below...
    STEP ONE: Format the corrupt Hard Drive or replace with a fresh HDD
    *Link the two computers with a firewire.
    *If you're replacing your HDD, remove your corrupted hard drive from the 'broken' machine and insert a new one.
    *Power up the broken Mac whilst holding down the 'T' key. This will start it up in Target Mode and you'll get a nice firewire symbol floating around that machine's screen.
    *Power up the second 'healthy' Mac. This will be our 'donor' machine. When it starts up after a few seconds you will see the hard drive of the broken Mac appear on the donor Mac's desktop.
    *Using your donor Mac's 'Disc Utility', format the broken Mac's hard drive (now's the time to partition it etc. if you want to).
    STEP TWO: Clone your donor Mac
    Your broken Mac is no longer broken and now needs a new OS. But you don't have the discs, right? Well get this... you can clone your donor mac on to your machine, even if they are totally different i.e. a laptop on to a tower.
    *Again using Disc Utility, click on your donor Mac's hard drive. The restore tab appears as an option.
    *Click on restore and drag the donor Mac's hard drive that contains the operating system in to the Source box.
    *Drag the newly formatted hard drive on the broken Mac in to the Destination box.
    *Click restore. Your donor Mac's hard drive will now be 'cloned' on to your no-longer-broken Mac. Once this is done, eject the first Mac's hard drive from your donor Mac's desktop. You no longer need the donor Mac.
    Ta daa! Your machine now starts up happy and smily again. Time to restore all that stuff that's been sat on your Time Machine drive...
    STEP 3: Restore from Time Machine using Migration Assistant
    This is the really clever part that prompted me to write this piece in the first place. Time Machine IS accessible without those Leopard install discs you don't have. You need to use something called 'Migration Assistant'.
    *Start up your machine as normal and you'll see it is an exact clone of the donor machine. Weird huh?
    *Attach your Time Machine hard drive. It will show up as an icon on the desktop and because of it's size, you'll be asked if you want to use it as a Time Machine backup. Err, NO YOU DON'T! Click 'cancel'.
    *Open Migration Assistant (if you can't find it just type it in to Finder and click). There are three options, the middle one being to restore from TM or another disc. Yup, you want that one.
    *Migration Assistant will now ask you what you want to restore in stages, firstly User Accounts, then folders, Apps etc. It will even import internet settings
    And that's you done. Let Migration Assistant do it's thang... altogether I had about 140gb to restore, so it wasn't exactly speedy. This wasn't helped by the fact that my TM hard drive is connected via USB (yes, I know). Just leave it alone and it'll whirr happily away...
    Before I go - you don't have an option of when to restore from, and will restore from the last Time Machine save. At least then you should be able to access TM and go 'backwards' if you need to.
    Also - for a Mac expert, the above will be up there with 'Spot Goes To The Farm' in terms of complexity. However, for the rest of us the above is only available in fragments all over the net. By far the most common response to 'how do I restore from Time Machine without install discs' is 'you can't'. If I'd found the above information in one place I could have saved a lot of hair pulling and swearing over the last couple of days, so forgive me for sharing this workaround with the rest of the world. Meanwhile your expertise will come in very handy for the inevitable questions that will get posted below, so please feel free to help those people that won't be sure if this solution is the right one for them. I'm no expert, I just want to help people that were stuck in the same situation (and looking at the web, there's a LOT of them).
    Hope this is of use to someone, thanks and *good luck*!

    Most maintenance and repair, restore and install procedures require the use
    of the correct OS X install DVD; be it an original machine-specific restore/install
    disc set or a later retail non-specific general install disc set.
    By having an unsupported system, perhaps installed via an illegal download or
    other file-sharing scheme, where no retail official discs are involved and the
    initial upgrade was done by other means outside of the License Agreements,
    you are asking us to discuss a matter of illegal installation and use of a product.
    There are no legal complete OS X system download upgrades online; only bits
    that are update segments to a retail or as-shipped machine's original OS X install.
    +{Or an installation where a previous owner had correct retail upgrade discs, &+
    +chose to not include them with the re-sale of the computer it was installed in.}+
    However, to answer the initial question. To get and use an externally enclosed
    hard drive in suitable boot-capable housing, and get a free-running Clone
    Utility (download online; often a donation-ware product, runs free) you can
    make a bootable backup of everything in your computer to an external HDD.
    This is the way to make a complete backup to restore all functions to the computer.
    The Time Machine has some limits, in that it can restore only that which it saves.
    It does not make a bootable clone of your entire computer system with apps and
    your files, to an external drive device. A clone can. And some of the clone utility's
    settings can also backup changes to an external drive's system; if that other drive
    is attached to the computer correctly.
    Carbon Copy Cloner, from Bombich Software; and also SuperDuper, another of
    the most known software names you can download and use to clone boot-capable
    system backups of your computer's hard disk drive contents, are often cited.
    However you resolve the matter of the running OS X system in your computer,
    derived from what appears to be questionable means, is part of the initial issue.
    Since you do need to be able to fix an existing installation by unmounting the
    computer's hard disk drive and run the computer from the other (install disc or
    system clone) while it is Unmounted; and use the correct Disk Utility version to
    help diagnose and perhaps be able to fix it. You can't use a Tiger version Disk
    Utility to fix a Leopard installation, and so on.
    So, the situation and replies as far as they can go (since the matter does
    constitute an illegal system, if it was arrived at without correct discs) is a
    limited one. And file sharing of copied Mac OS X (and other) software is
    also considered illegal.
    And, one way to get odd malware and unusual stuff, is to get an unauthorized
    system upgrade from an illegal source online. You never know what's inside it.
    The other reply was not a personal attack; the matter is of legal status and as
    you have a product with a questionable system, the answer is to correct it.
    And if you want to save everything in your computer, make a clone to a suitable
    externally enclosed self-powered boot capable hard disk drive. With older PPC
    Macs, that would best be to one with FireWire and the Oxford-type control chips.
    However that works out...
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Imac won't restore from time machine backup after HD (hard drive) recall replacement

    I have an imac bought in 2011, running Snow Leopard.  It required an HD replacement due to the 1 TB Seagate recall - the replacement was done by a certified Apple repair station yesterday.  Before the guy left he started a backup/restore from my latest time machine backup set.  It failed.  I attempted it two times and got error messages that it failed and the computer needed to be restarted to try it again.  No luck.  I called the guy back and he told me to call Apple Care.  Not thrilled about that response since the guy had just left my house I did what he told me to do.  (A quick sideline here:  I recognize that a time machine backup should be no big deal and SHOULD work everytime, but it doesn't.  It irks me that Apple is replacing my HD through no fault of mine and yet they don't allow the restore of data to be a "covered" expense in this process - this isn't just because this was an authorized repair guy - the Apple store would have done the same). 
    Back to the issue.  When I called apple care they pretty much had me try the same thing again with an earlier back up set.  To my knowledge, it didn't work.  I say this because it looked like it was working and when I came back to the imac later, it had restarted and once again booted to the OSX install.  (The boot disc is still in the imac).  When I tried to boot from another location, one did not show up to boot from so I assumed that the data didn't transfer and it forced another restart.  So, I tried something else.  I tried to re-install the snow leopard OSX without using the restore function.  That appeared to work and then when the machine restarted it asked if I had another mac and I chose the option to get the files/apps/etc. from my time machine backup.  The computer chose what I can only assume is the most recent backup set (It chose what I know to be a subfolder that appears under the dated backup folder - Macintosh HD--which btw is confusing seeing as that's always the name of the HD on the imac).  I again stepped away from the computer so it could do its thing for two hours.  When I returned, I was back to the MAC OSX screen that asks you to choose a language.  There were no more options to choose DISK UTILITY or RESTORE FROM BACKUP, etc.  When I clicked on English it took me right back into the screen where you say whether you have another Apple that you want to transfer data from.  I realized that the imac must have restarted and I assumed maybe it was because the boot disk was still in - except how do you get the disc to eject?  I also initially assumed that the backup had somehow failed again and triggered a restart.  I tried to choose the option to just set up the machine without transferring data and when I got to the choose a name for your HOME folder message I tried to enter the same name I had it as before and it wouldn't allow me to do so, saying that that name was already in use.  I also tried a different name and that didn't work either - got the same message (I assume if it is not the same name that it won't sync up with the time machine data from the backup set).  So, I almost tried the "select time machine backup" option again until I looked at my HD space.  Clearly, there is space that has been used.  HD space was 997 at the start and now it's 636. My initial thought is to somehow get back into the setup area where I can use disc utility and erase the whole thing and then start over but 1) I don't think it's going to work even if I could get back there 2) I have no idea how to get this thing to reboot into that mode 3) I can't get the boot CD out to even try to restart to see if this thing did what it was supposed to, SO NOW I AM TOTALLY STUCK!  I have not called Apple Care back because quite frankly they were useless the first time.  I have a call into the repair guy but who knows how much help he will be.  In the mean time, I have a million things to do and a computer that isn't working - Whoever said Apples never have issues needs to be seriously censored!
    A few other notes:  I use Time Machine Editor to run my backups weekly.  It was set up that way from the get go by an Apple rep who came to my house to get us up and running.  Editor should not effect the way that time machine does its work, so I doubt there is relevance but thought it worth mentioning. 
    One other note is that the Apple Care agent tried to have me do something called a "Source" something or other from the disk utility screen but when she realized that my backup file (shown by date) contained many other sub files (11-27-12/MacintoshHD/MyNamesIMAC/etc.), it was not possible to run this operation - thus we aborted.  Sorry I don't remember the name of the process and unfortunately now can't access that option to go find it. 
    If you can help me, I would be eternally grateful!  I am open to having a phone conversation if you are willing to give me your email to mail you my number. I have so much work to do this week and this was the last thing I needed.  Did I mention this was supposed to be EASY?
    I used to be quite the geek with my PC - still on the learning curve with the mac but not enjoying it.  I am fairly tech savvy and I can follow instructions for a step by step solution if you've got one. 

    I got a recall and had the drive replaced. I have retored 3 timesa dn even had apple do the job and it is still not right. I still can't get a simple ghost of the data from time machineback tot he new drive. 
    This is Apple's explaination as taken from their web page.:
    Restoring your entire system from a backup
    If you are restoring a backup made by a Mac to the same Mac
    With your backup drive connected, start up your Mac from the Recovery system (Command-R at startup) or Mac OS X v10.6 installation disc. Then use the "Restore From Time Machine Backup" utility.
    Note: If "You can't restore   this backup because it was created by a different model of Mac" appears  when restoring  a backup that was  made on a different Mac, follow the onscreen instructions.
    I even posted this information on the community and apple removed it... because they don't like the:
    Off-topic or non-technical posts
    Non-constructive rants or complaints
    But here is my experieince:
    Take in 27iMac running 10.6.8, 5-7 days, what a joke, my boss will be happy to pay for a week without working. Finally get, "if you have TM back up, 3 days." Get machine back with 10.6.3, hit the R recovery, click TM back up, runs for 2 hours, reboots, looks great. Box up take back to office... update to install - OH NO, still running 10.6.3. Updates crash with no specific error on install, BUG PROBELM, nothing runs.
    Call Apple... after hours, tells me to boot using 10.6.2 disk, wipe, reinstall OS, udate to 10.6.8, THEN do the restore. GREAT! Only thing 10.6.2 DVD won't read... now back on phone... take back to the store, Genius says, he'll ix it just like it was. PROMISES it'll be fixed.
    Pick up next day, supposedly, booted to disk, wiped drive, reinstalled, updated to 10.6.8 and THEN did the RIGHT restore... Looks GREAT... apps run and 10.6.8 OS. Back to the office... NOT RUNNING right!!!... fonts messed up, drop box app needs new install, cocktail needs upgrade, Fetch not working, memorized paths gone... back ups locked out of permissions... ***!!
    4 hours on phone with apple and still no rsolution - to missing "settings". Seems there are THREE WAYS TO RESTORE (according to apply tech)... Running MIGRATE ASSISTANT and being able to choose your files, including settings, "R" RESTORE after they load a new OS... or NOW WAITING for them to send me a bootable 10.6.3 disk and then boot from disk, w/o installing OS and doing a restore from TM. I think this is done via the disk Utilties application.
    So now can't back up without doing a full 400 GB back up since permissons are screwed and possibly destroying any good back ups... can't work, like having hands tied behind back. WAITING for solution! Very upset!!!
    I did my first restore just like they said and now an 10 days without proper machine. Just FYI. I thnk I am going to make the store do the tech work so I have somthing to fall back on.

  • HT201250 I recently replaced my 2009 Macbook Pro's hard drive.  I had the Apple store upgrade the OS to Mountain Lion while it was being repaired.  I want to restore all of my old files and data, if I restore from Time Machine, will it revert to the old O

    I recently had to replace my 2009 Macbook Pro's hard drive.  I had the apple store upgrade the OS to Mountain Lion while it was in being repaired.  I want to restore all of my old data and files.  If I perform a restore from Time Machine, with a date prior to having the hard drive replaced, will it revert back to the old OS?

    No, it won't revert to the prior OS X but you you may have third party apps installed that were compatible with Lion that may not be compatible with Mountain Lion.
    App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps - App compatibility and feature support for OS X & iOS
    After you restore from TM, check HD > Incompatible Software

  • Will a system restore from Time Machine erase any of the data that is currently on the Mac and not in the Time Machine?

    We had a lot of data on our Mac (i.e. photos, iTunes libraries etc) which we backed up via Time Machine. The hard disk corrupted so we had to get it wiped. When we got it back, my parents started using the mac as per usual but they didn't do a full System Restore from Time Machine. So, if I do a full restore now, will it erase any of the new photos, musc etc that is currently on the mac?

    The Time Machine restore will only restore what is on Time Machine.  Making a clone is probably a better means of ensuring whatever data you want recovered gets recovered together with Time Machine.
    Generally speaking, applications that are newer than the operating system from Apple that are included with the operating system are not supported.  So in your data recovery process from your clone, you'll have to be careful what data you choose to copy back.

  • Can't restore from time machine after SSD upgrade

    Macbook Pro 13" mid-2009, 10.7.5 Lion
    I just swapped out my 160GB  HDD with a 250GB SSD on my MBP. When I booted up, I pressed Command-R to try to get into recovery mode but all it does was showing a gray folder with a question mark on it.
    I had previously backed up my HDD with time machine. My original HDD is no longer available because I tried to upgrade to Mavericks (since the command-R was not working) and upon restarting my MBP was locked with system pin code (that is another nightmare all by itself)
    What are my options besides getting a 10.7 Lion CD from the apple store and try to boot it up that way? and then restore from time machine?
    Any other way I can get into receovery mode?
    Thanks (My MBP is now a brick sitting on my desk)

    It's a bare drive so it isn't formatted and it doesn't yet have a Recovery HD installed on it.
    Your computer originally came with a version of Leopard installed. You can reinstall it if you still have the original discs that came with the computer. Or, if you have a retail Snow Leopard DVD you can reinstall Snow Leopard from which you can then upgrade to Mavericks (Lion is no longer available for re-download.) It's unlikely your local Apple Store has a Lion USB flash drive or DVD although you can certainly make an appointment and ask for their help.
    You should see if you can boot from the Recovery HD invisible image in your Time Machine backup drive. Connect it to the computer and use OPTION boot to get the boot manager. If you see a Recovery HD on your backup drive displayed, then boot from it.

  • Restoring from Time Machine AFTER install

    My hard drive crashed, so i had to buy a new one (WD scorpio blue). I replaced it, then reinstalled from the install disk (10.4.10, Tiger). That was mistake one. What I meant to do was to restore from my time machine backups on an external HD. I also have the leapord disk that came with, which i forgot to install from, my second mistake. so my question is -- do i have to erase the hard drive and start back over to install from my TM back up, or can i do it either during the upgrade to Leopard or from Tiger?

    Matt Clifton wrote:
    Boot from your Leopard disk (with your TM drive connected), and go to Utilities - Restore from Time Machine Backup.
    So, using this procedure will restore my MB onto a totally new hard drive with all my programs back intact along with any files?
    If so, this looks like a great way to replace/upgrade a hard drive. Re "go to Utilities", is this folder or option from the Leopard disk?

  • How do I Restore from Time Machine after I have reinstalled my system software (Snow Leopard and then Lion) ?, How do I Restore from Time Machine after I have reinstalled my system software (Snow Leopard and then Lion) ?

    I have never done this before, so can someone explain in detail how I reintall my system software and then restore from Time Machine please ?

    Your profile indicates that you currently have an older version of Snow Leopard (10.6.2).  In order to install Lion, a prerequisite is the latest version of Snow Leopard (10.6.8).  Perhaps a few more details would be helpfull in solving your problem. ex. If all you want to do is to upgrade to Lion, a restoration of data is unneccessary.  Download the latest version of Snow Leopard and then download (purchase) and install Lion.  User data will remain intact.
    If I am missing something, please elaborate.

  • Downloads folder missing after system restore from Time Machine

    I installed a new HDD, installed Leopard, and the did a system restore from Time Machine. Everything seems to work fine except from a big question mark in the dock, where downloads folder should be. Any suggestions pls?

    Thank you very much for your quick answers.
    Probably the problem originated from excluding the Downloads folder from my backup, although it should have been there in my new installation. The interesting thing was that this folder were nowhere to be found in the Finder, and by trying to download something from Safari, it just wouldn’t.
    I did a Repair Permissions from the HDD, not the Leopard DVD, and all came back to normal.
    I have to admit, that coming from The Win world, this HDD replacement was the easiest and fastest ever, by far!

  • System Restore from Time Machine Back up and Mail

    I have around 16,000 Messages in my Mail 3.2 Inbox. I use Gmail IMAP service. One thing I like about Mail is that next to all my messages there are these arrows that indicate whether I have replied to or forwarded a particular message and clicking on them takes me to my response to a particular email.
    I need to reformat my MBP HD and want to do a system restore through Time Machine.
    My question is, will Mail return to my current state (with all the arrows and tags) after I do the complete restore from Time Machine.
    Any help on this is highly appreciated.

    Mheck21 wrote:
    I replaced the internal because I need more space, I'm not an expert, but I've done it before. I wasn't having trouble I was just running out of room and decided to upgrade?
    Ah, ok, that rules that out.
    I think it wasn't backing up because it was showing I had files on the external but I couldn't locate them. It's my understanding that the external must be blank to back your computer up with time machine.
    No, it doesn't have to be empty (although Time Machine works best if it has its own, exclusive space).  Without the error message(s), we don't know what is/was wrong.
    I have run the Verify Disk on the internal and it says its all good.
    Ah, good.  That means you don't have directory problems.
    I have not run a Repair Disk Permissions. I am not sure how to do that? Is that also located in the Disk Utility.
    Yup, same window, different button.
    I tried to just run the update from the update software option in the apple on the top left. I also then ran the combo that I downloaded from the apple site.
    With what results?  Did they compete?  If not, what message did you get?

  • Can't restore from Time Machine using recovery partition

    I came up with the idéa to put in an extra disk (SSD) into my mid 2009 13" Macbook Pro running Mountain Lion and create my own fusion drive.
    In order to make sure not to lose all of my data I made sure to back up all my files using Time Machine so that simply could restore my entire system to the new drive.
    Careful as one should be when about to wipe the entire drive on a computer I wanted to check so that I could make a proper restore from my TM backup disk. So I booted into recovery mode and choose to restore from Time Machine and then I selected my external drive, but then nothing. Where the list of my latest backups should be there was nothing.
    I've tried to format the disk several times, changing disk permissions etc.
    Does anyone have a clue what could solve this? Is it possible that it has something to do with the fact that I'm (probably) running 10.8.3 and that my recovery partition is 10.8.2?

    Is the TM backup complete? When you Enter Time Machine, do you have snapshots going back in time?
    See here for info on a problem Pondini has found with Time Machine that may have affected you:
    UPDATED: Serious Time Machine bug on Mountain Lion (Updated)
    You may just have to restart your TM backups to get those folders backed up.
    If you do have that issue, please post at his link. He is trying to get enough background info to pass to Apple to solve the problem.

  • Can't restore from Time Machine backup error message

    My hard drive on my Macbook failed a few days ago. Just makes a clanking noise and won't boot up etc... I installed a new drive, formatted it, and selected restore from Time Machine backup from the installer screen. It started restoring from my backup I had on an external drive and everything was fine untill it got about 6% done then get a message that says "An error occured when restoring from the backup" It is pretty non descriptive. It also says please restart your system and try again or something to that effect. I tried again, same problem.  When I try to copy files over manually I eventually gets some error that says there is a problem with a file and it will quit. Any ideas on how to get my data? I can see all my files on there, but can't get them. My backup disc is just used for backup on this one machine nothing else, so it shouldn't have a problem. Help!

    Good to hear MA is doing something!
    >I have never had much luck with Time Machine...
    Same here, not one good backup or restore, can't tell which.
    You can set any of these to Clone/Update as often as you wish...
    Carbon copy cloner...
    Or SuperDuper...
    Or the most expensive one & my favorite, Tri-Backup...

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