Restore rows from a deleted table

Dear all,
My developer accidentally use "delete from" to delete rows from a table in archive log, can I only restore these rows without affecting other data?
If yes, would you just brieft me the way to do it?

Which version of oracel you are on?
If you are using 9i or greater, data deleted some time ago and your are using undo tablespace with rentention which satisify the lost time, you can use flash back facility to bring the deleted back.
The other option would, restore the database from back up to another system, do the incomplete recovery using until time option (time when the develper deleted the data), export the table and import back to the production one.

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    dataitem =(item) dataTable.getrowdata();
    List newlist = new ArrayList();
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        product = (product)table.get(i);
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    A decent IDE ships with a code debugger which allows you tracking variables and running code step by step. If you don't use an IDE or you're unable to use it, then just add some sysouts which prints the desired variables at strategic locations and/or moments.

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    DATA lo_nd_t_bseg TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
        DATA lo_el_t_bseg TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
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    Now the problem is although it's deleteing the selected line correctly but because of this I am losing one line on the screen for the user to enter... my form has a fixed number of lines and in my case it's 10... so everytime I am using deleting a line item I am losing one line to enter..... can you please tell me how can I avoid this?
    Edited by: rajatg on Aug 4, 2011 3:12 PM

    lets say...
    i have 1,2,3 documents
    i have cleared , document 2....
    1. when the user selects this record.... you can read the context_element....using the context element you can get the values and clear those values and set the blank values...
    when the user click on save can have only those two records in the table.
    2. conitnue with your logic .... remove_element. once it is done ,,, create_element at the deleted index...
    3. when clicked on delete ...remove_element ( current code).... bind the table to the node... and you will have ur values

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    Txh in adv.

    Your manager doesn't agree to your running an EXPLAIN PLAN? What is his objection? Sounds like the prototypical 'pointy-hair boss'.
    Take a look at these:
    -- do_explain.sql
    spool explain.txt
    -- do EXPLAIN PLAN on target queries with current index definitions
    truncate table plan_table
    set echo on
    explain plan for
    <insert query here>
    set echo off
    -- get_explain.sql
    set linesize 120
    set pagesize 70
    column operation     format a25
    column query_plan     format a35
    column options          format a15
    column object_name     format a20
    column order           format a12
    column opt           format a6
    select     lpad(' ',level) || operation "OPERATION",
         options "OPTIONS",
         decode(to_char(id),'0','COST = ' || NVL(to_char(position),'n/a'),object_name) "OBJECT NAME",
         cardinality "rows",     
         substr(optimizer,1,6) "OPT"
    from     plan_table
    start     with id = 0
    connect by prior id = parent_id
    There are probably newer, better ways, but this should work with all living versions of Oracle and is something I've had in my back pocket for several years now. It's not actually executing the query or dml in question, just running an explain plan on it.

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    I found a solution.... and posted it below
    dk.ucm_docketnumber [UCM DocketNumber],
    dk.ucm_docketid [UCM DocketID],
    vc.FirstName [Victim FirstName],
    vc.MiddleName [Victim MiddleName],
    vc.LastName [Victim LastName],
    vc.Suffix [Victim Suffix],
    vc.Address1_Line1 [Victim AddressLine1],
    vc.Address1_Line2 [Victim AddressLine2],
    vc.Address1_Line3 [Victim AddressLine3],
    vc.Address1_City [Victim City],
    vc.Address1_StateOrProvince [Victim StateProvince],
    vc.Address1_PostalCode [Victim Postalcode],
    oc.FirstName [Offender FirstName],
    oc.MiddleName [Offender MiddleName],
    oc.LastName [Offender LastName],
    oc.Suffix [Offender Suffix],
    oc.Address1_Line1 [Offender AddressLine1],
    oc.Address1_Line2 [Offender AddressLine2],
    oc.Address1_Line3 [Offender AddressLine3],
    oc.Address1_City [Offender City],
    oc.Address1_StateOrProvince [Offender StateProvince],
    oc.Address1_PostalCode [Offender Postalcode],
    pc.FirstName [Arresting Officer FirstName],
    pc.MiddleName [Arresting Officer MiddleName],
    pc.LastName [Arresting Officer LastName],
    pc.Address1_Line1 [Arresting Officer AddressLine1],
    pc.Address1_Line2 [Arresting Officer AddressLine2],
    pc.Address1_Line3 [Arresting Officer AddressLine3],
    pc.Address1_City [Arresting Officer City],
    pc.Address1_StateOrProvince [Arresting Officer StateProvince],
    pc.Address1_PostalCode [Arresting Officer Postalcode]
    FROM ucm_docket dk
    left outer join ucm_victim v on dk.ucm_docketid = v.ucm_docketnumber
    left outer join contact vc on vc.contactid = v.ucm_victimlookup
    left outer join ucm_offender o on o.ucm_offenderid = dk.ucm_offenderlookup
    left outer join contact oc on oc.contactid = o.ucm_individualid
    left outer join contact pc on pc.contactid = dk.ucm_ArrestingOfficerLookup
    WHERE (dk.ucm_docketnumber = @DocketNUM)

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    Transaction 513 to transaction 768 with sequences from 0 to 255
    Transaction 769 to transaction 1000 with sequences from 0 to 231
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    How can I find all missed transactions of all cards with a MDX QUERY?
    I really appreciate for helps

    Thank you Liao
    I need to find missed numbers, In this scenario I want the query to tell the missed numbers are: 151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159
    Relative transactions are also missed, so I think it is impossible to get them by your MDX query
    Suppose this:
    As you can see the sequence number of the last transaction at the 20140701 is 150
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    BillingTransactionsIndex      CreateDate      UserType      UserIndex      TransType      Reference      Total      Balance
    2      6/5/2008 15:02      1      51      1      150      -288.2      -288.2
    5      6/8/2008 11:55      1      51      1      157      -1.58674      -289.787
    In the table above I want SUM fields Total and Balance for the first row and the the next row SUM 2nd row Total with 1st row Balance
    Please help

    SQL> with tbl as
      2  (select 1 as ID,  90 as total from dual
      3          union all
      4  select 2 as ID,  23 as total  from dual
      5          union all
      6  select 3 as ID,  15 as total  from dual
      7          union all
      8  select 4 as ID,  20 as total  from dual)
      9  select id , total, sum(total) over (order by ID) as balance from tbl
    10  /
            ID      TOTAL    BALANCE
             1         90         90
             2         23        113
             3         15        128
             4         20        148

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    Hi All,
    I need to find out number of rows from 3 different table for the same conditions. Instead of writing 3 queries, is it possible to get it thru one query?
    For example, i need to find out number of rows in tables where name = 'Ameet' from 3 different table, i will end writing 3 queries.
    1. select count(1) from table_a where name = 'Ameet';
    1. select count(1) from table_b where name = 'Ameet';
    1. select count(1) from table_c where name = 'Ameet';
    Is it possible to write a single query to get result of all above 3 queries?
    table_a table_b table_c
    34 44 2

    One way:
    ,     (SELECT     COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM TABLE_B WHERE name='Ameet') AS TABLE_B
    ,     (SELECT     COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM TABLE_C WHERE name='Ameet') AS TABLE_C
    FROM DUALIf you want the total:
         SELECT     COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM TABLE_A WHERE name='Ameet'
         UNION ALL
         SELECT     COUNT(*) FROM TABLE_B WHERE name='Ameet'
         UNION ALL
         SELECT     COUNT(*) FROM TABLE_C WHERE name='Ameet'

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  • Randomly selecting some rows from the database table

    Hi can some one help me in selecting some rows from a database table which has around 90,000 rows.

    One thing you might try is the "sample" clause if you have 8i which is supposed to return a random percentage of the table. Say for example, you have a sequence number on your table as the pkey. Then you might try:
    select * from <table_name> where pkey in(select pkey from <table_name> sample(10));
    This should give you a random 10 percent of the rows in the table but I tried this once and the results seemed unpredictable. For example it returned a different number of rows each time even though the number of rows in the table didn't change.
    Hope this works for you.

  • Abap logic not fetching multiple rows from master data table

    I just noticed that my logic is fetching only 1 row from master data table.
    ProdHier table
    PRODHIERACHY            Level
    1000                                  1
    1000011000                      2
    10000110003333              3
    10000110004444              3
    '10000110005555              3*
    logic only fetches one row of level 3, I would like to fetch all level 3 rows.
    DATA: ITAB type table of /BI0/PPROD_HIER,
          wa like line of ITAB.
    Select * from /BI0/PPROD_HIER INTO wa where /BIC/ZPRODHTAS = 3.
         RESULT = wa-PROD_HIER.
         RESULT = wa-PROD_HIER.

    I have implemented the logic in end routine and it still reads only the first row.
    I am loading only PRODH1 and PROD2 but now I want to get all values of PRODH3 from the master data table.
    The first 5 values are PRODH1 and first 10 values belongs to PRODH2.
    Whenever PRODH2 = 1000011000 in source I should get the following values
    I have multiple rows of 1000011000 so my result should be
      1000011000               10000110001110
      1000011000               10000110001120
      1000011000               10000110001130
    DATA: ITAB type table of /BI0/PPROD_HIER,
    wa like line of ITAB.
    data rp type _ty_s_TG_1.
    Select  * from /BI0/PPROD_HIER INTO table itab where /BIC/ZPRODHTAS = 3.
    read table itab into wa with key PROD_HIER(5) = rp-PRODH1.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
         rp-PRODH3 = wa-PROD_HIER.
    read table itab into wa with key PROD_HIER(10) = rp-PRODH2.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
         rp-PRODH3 = wa-PROD_HIER.
    Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Sep 10, 2010 11:27 AM
    Edited by: Bhat Vaidya on Sep 10, 2010 11:37 AM

  • Problem in deleting row from database in table component

    I have a table component that its content change by diffrent links.
    in this table i have a hyperlink in each row to deleting that row from dataBase.
    so i must get the current row .
    i do it like this:
    define a rowset in the page that have a delete query :
    delete from response where responseID=?
    in action of delete hyperlink ,i have:
    Integer responseId=(Integer)responseDataProvider.
    getValue("#{currentRow.value['responseID']}") ;
    but in first line occure a exception:
    illigalArgument #{currentRow.value['responseID']}

    by using data table
    first you should get current record (row that recived action)
    then delete it by using data provider.
    I do not think that you could execute delete statement using rowSets because they just can provide Select statements.
    btw , following code will retrive clicked row from data table and
    delete that row
    try {
    RowKey rk = getTableRowGroup1().getRowKey();
    if (rk != null) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    log("ErrorDescription", ex);

  • Deleting multiple rows from SUD dialog table

    I have some SUD dialog tables that I would like to delete some rows from.  I can select and delete all or one row (using a SUD button that finds out which one row was selected or if all, and then deleting them with the table.rows.remove command), but I seem to have troubles if I want to select multiple rows (either in a range, ex: rows 3-10, or non-sequential, ex: 1, 4, 6 and 23).  I just started working on this but thought maybe someone has already done this and can save me the trouble!
    Julia Moeller

    Hi Julia,
    Just a quick guess-- try looping backwards and deleting the last rows first:
    FOR i = 10 TO 3 Step -1
      table.rows.remove i
    Haven't tested it, so no guarantees,
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Deleting Millions of Selected rows from a production Table.

    Hi Friends.
    I have to copy millions of Rows from one table to a second one to do and export of its Data and run a Truncate command after(Second one). The main problem is the Time spend it in the Deleting process. The Inserting is nice and easy with /* +Append */ But The Deleting is a mess because required to much time and make the process really slow....Could someone give me a tip with this issue?  Thanks for your time!
    Emmanuel G. Carrillo Trejos.

    It would help if you could quntify "subset" here. If you are deleting 75% of the table, it will likely be faster to follow Syed's suggestion and move the data you want to keep to a new table, drop the old table, and rename the new table to the old table name. If you are going to be deleting a small fraction of rows, but you are going to be doing this regularly (i.e. you delete all rows older than X days), it will be faster to partition the table and drop the partition.
    I see no possible beneit to playing around with any transaction-related comands.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • How do I select a range of rows from an internal table in the debugger?

    I have a case where I wanted to delete a range of rows (several thousand) from an internal table using the debugger.
    It seems that rows can only be selected one at a time by selecting (clicking) on the far left side of the row.
    This is cumbersome, if not impossible when wishing to delete several thousand rows. 
    Other tools, such as Excel for example, allow for selecting a range of rows by selecting the first row and then holding the SHIFT key and selecting the last row and all rows in between will be selected.
    I can't seem to find the combination of keys that will allow this in the table (or structure) tab of the debugger.
    Is it possible to select a range of rows without having to select each row one at a time?
    Thanks for your help,

    While it's a Table Control and should/could have a button to select all fields (or visible fields)...I don't think we can do it right now...I know it's a pain to select each row one at a time...but I don't we have any more options...

Maybe you are looking for