Rights for using qaaws in an InfoView SWF

Hi experts,
I wonder if you would be able to help me with this one.
I am posting swf files to Infoview with embedded security rights within them.  When I embed user credentials that are part of my Power Users group errors are generated within the swf saying that the QAAWS query cannot be accessed ( invoke () could not find the service name=QueryName).
However when I add the user whose credentials are embedded to an Administrators group they are able to be run with no error. 
Does anyone know the group access right property that has to be altered to enable the Power Users group users to run QAAWS queries?

Hi William
This is from memory but I think there is a QaaWS Users group set up by default, can you add your users to that group (if it still exists iin your system!)

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         Dim webIApplication As InfoObject
         webIApplication = istore.Query("SELECT * FROM CI_APPOBJECTS WHERE SI_ID = " &     applicationID.ToString()).Item(1)
         If webIApplication.SecurityInfo.CheckRight(17170446) Then
                    permissionOK = True
         End If
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    ISessionMgr sm = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr();
       IEnterpriseSession _es = sm.logon("Niko", "", "machine", "secEnterprise");
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         System.out.print(irids<i>.getDescription(lyLO2) + " -->" + irids<i>.getBaseID() + " -- " + irids<i>.getRightPluginKind() + " = ");
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    You got it right. Within the InfoView, your Xcelsius-swf gets the CELogonToken as a parameter field to authenticate against the data for example. If you access another Xcelsius-Dashboard from within a swf you can even pass the LogonToken on.
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    Revision: 3672
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-15 16:54:51 -0700 (Wed, 15 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Removing the commonly used getUnqualifiedClassName out of the less commonly used utility class to reduce SWF size for the general case.
    Reviewer: Gordon
    QE: No
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/flex4/src/mx/graphics/graphicsClasses/TextGraphicEleme nt.as

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    Your feedback is appreciated.

    Originally Posted by spond
    how about
    4) use the remote execute option to remotely launch an app as admin?
    Shaun Pond
    That's probably an option that we will make available. I wasn't sure how some things will work under the SYSTEM context vs local admin.

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    If that is the case please let me know if the following mapping between RE webservice and RE browser UI is correct.
    enabledFormFillIn                     - Basic form fill-in
    enabledFormDataImportExport   - Import and Export form data
    enabledSubmitStandalone         - Submit outside web browser
    enabledOnlineForms                - Database and web service connectivity
    enabledDynamicFormFields      - Add, delete and change form fields
    enabledDynamicFormPages      - Create pages from templates
    enabledBarcodeDecoding      - 2D bar decoding
    enabledDigitalSignatures      - Digital signatures
    enabledComments                - Commenting
    enabledCommentsOnline      - online commenting
    enabledEmbeddedFiles           - Embedded file attachments
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    function displayMap(e) {
    var title = e.data.title,
        latlng = e.data.lat + ',' + e.data.lng;
    if (typeof device !='undefined' && device.platform.toLowerCase() == 'android') {
    window.location = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?z=16&q=' + encodeURIComponent(title) + '@' + latlng;
    } else {
    $('#map h1').text(title);
    $('#map div[data-role=content]').html('<img src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=>' + latlng + ' &zoom=16&size=320x420&markers=' + latlng + '&sensor=false">');
    $.mobile.changePage('#map', 'fade', false, true);
    my phonegap (Adobe press, Powers jQuery with dw 5.5) book (old book (c)2010-11) says for above code: // is this valid for today, is this the right to use or for iOS can use dynamic google maps embeded(can be embedded fo iOS)???
    On iOS, calling window.location loads the map directly
    into the app. That’s great until you realize that iOS devices
    don’t have a Back button, so there’s no way to exit the
    map. To get round this problem, I loaded a static map as
    an image in the map page block. It’s not interactive, but at
    least you can continue using the Travel Notes app after
    viewing the map by clicking the Back button generated by
    jQuery Mobile.

    Well, this took me a while to get solved, but it is indeed solved.
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    I created a shortcut in Quickeys for the ASD app; added the middle button of the foot pedal as the trigger; set one step, entering 'space bar' as the step (which toggles playback, similar to many audio players).
    It all worked.
    Quickeys is very confusing and seemingly featured with an endless array of options. Enter at your own risk. Ask me for help. This was the only way to get it done that I could find. I did write to the author of USB Overdrive asking him to please support additional devices as I did find some traction from gamers who like to use a foot pedal in addition to other input devices. There was a Windows-only management utility for the foot pedal that was intended for custom input, assigning the buttons to any keyboard input or mouse click event. It would be nice to have a simple and easy to use utility like this. But, Quickeys did do the job.
    Thanks for your help, you guys!!!

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    Press and hold the Control (Ctrl) key while you click the mouse button. This is identical to right-clicking with a mouse. (Ctrl+click = Right click)
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  • Xcelsius error: Unable to load URL while using QAAWS on XI 3.0.

    Hi Experts,
    I am getting "unable to load url" in xcelsius 2008 while importing a qaaws url.
    After all the testing below are my observations:-
    1) This has something to do with QAAWS.
    2) When I logged into QAAWS and tried accessing the newly created url from the browser. It gave this error " can not communicate to the server mcc69u01:6400" but intrestingly the cms port is located at 6464 and not 6400.
    3) For every other application like infoview and cmc it picks the correct port i.e. 6464.
    4) Server is present on a UNIX box.
    5) I read somewhere that I need to make changes in the dsws.properties file under war files folder. There I enetered "domain= mcc69u01:6464" and restarted TOMCAT.
    6) After making this change I was unable to even log into QAAWS as it gave the error 02718 " you are not authorized to create query".
    7) After reverting the changes now I am able to log into QAAWS and create new queries but the same problem persist.
    8) TOMCAT is listening to port 8088 for our environment.
    9) Tried the same thing from a different client machine with fairly new BO XI 3.0 client installation(same server) but no success.
    I believe somehow QAAWS is not able to connect to the correct port 6464 and that is the reason for this issue.
    Could anyone suggest what I should do???
    Thanks in anticipation,

    hi Anshul,
    The QAAWSservletprincipal is not related to how you log into the server when creating queries
    It is used when the queries are actually running, or when you are trying to load the query to a tool like Xcelsius. I had the same unable to load error and it was caused by the QAAWSservletprincipal being set to concurrent licence when my server was all named users.
    I think the issue you are seeing is more likely a bug caused by hardcoded cms port, but I think it is worth ruling out.

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    I'm seeking a little guidance -
    How do I create/host interactive articles with embedded video for use in browsers?
    The aim is to bring together video, design, images and writing in one place. A little like Born Presents, but very accessible and user friendly.
    I'm happy using InDesign but want to create interactive articles / magazines that have embeded video files as required. I've been looking at .SWF files but I've come unstuck.
    I want people to view the articles via a blog, ideally with them opening in a lightbox style viewer. It's not intended for tablet viewing and people should be able to view and interact with the files with little effort on their part.
    I think I know how to create these files within InDesign, but I'm not so hot on web design and I'm not sure how to host these online. Does this start coming into the realms of Flash?
    If anyone could point in the right direction I'd really appreciate it - Thank you in advance.

    PDF is one thing. Folios for DPS is another. There is a little bit of
    overlap but not much.
    The interactivity in the folio overlays panel is for DPS only.

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