Rotate a Cylinder within the x,y,z axis

I want to set a Point3d object as an argument in the method and then the cylinder to orientate accordingly to that point (maybe vector). Is this possible?

It worked, now i want to rotate a TruncatedCone like this
package shape;
import shape.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.vecmath.*;
Truncated Cone is a geometry primitive defined with two radius and a height.
It is a truncated cone centered at the origin with its central axis
aligned along the Y-axis.
When a texture is applied to a truncated cone, the texture is applied to the
caps and the body different. A texture is mapped CCW from the back of the
body. The top and bottom caps are mapped such that the texture appears
front facing when the caps are rotated 90 degrees toward the viewer.
This class hs been copied from the Cylinder class and was then modified to
match the needs of a runcated cone.
@author <a href="" target="_top">Rene Gressly</a>
public class TruncatedCone extends Primitive
    float radius1, radius2, height;
    int xdivisions, ydivisions;
    boolean bDrawCaps=true;
    static final int MID_REZ_DIV_X = 10;
    static final int MID_REZ_DIV_Y = 1;
     * Designates the body of the truncated cone.  Used by <code>getShape</code>.
    public static final int BODY = 0;
     * Designates the top end-cap of the truncated cone.
     * Used by <code>getShape</code>.
    public static final int TOP = 1;
     * Designates the bottom end-cap of the truncated cone.
     * Used by <code>getShape</code>.
    public static final int BOTTOM = 2;
     *   Constructs a default truncated cone of bottom radius of 1.0, top radius 0.5 and height
     *   of 2.0. Resolution defaults to 15 divisions along X axis and
     *   1 along the Y axis.
    public TruncatedCone()
          this(1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, GENERATE_NORMALS, MID_REZ_DIV_X, MID_REZ_DIV_Y, null/*,true*/);
     *   Constructs a default truncated cone of two given radius and height.
     *   @param radius1          Bottom Radius
     *   @param radius2      Top Radius
     *   @param height           Height
    public TruncatedCone (float radius1, float radius2, float height)
          this(radius1, radius2, height, GENERATE_NORMALS, MID_REZ_DIV_X, MID_REZ_DIV_Y, null/*, true*/);
     *   Constructs a default truncated cone of two given radius, height height and appearance.
     *   @param radius1          Bottom Radius
     *   @param radius2      Top Radius
     *   @param height           Height
     *   @param ap                Appearance
     *      @param bDrawCaps     Indicates if top and bottom caps shall be drawn
    public TruncatedCone (float radius1, float radius2, float height, Appearance ap/*, boolean bDrawCaps*/)
          this(radius1, radius2, height, GENERATE_NORMALS, MID_REZ_DIV_X, MID_REZ_DIV_Y, ap/*, bDrawCaps*/);
     *   Constructs a default truncated cone of two given radius, height, primitive flags and appearance.
     *   @param radius1          Bottom Radius
     *   @param radius2      Top Radius
     *   @param height           Height
     *   @param primflags      Flags
     *   @param ap                Appearance
     *      @param bDrawCaps     Indicates if top and bottom caps shall be drawn.
    public TruncatedCone (float radius1, float radius2, float height, int primflags, Appearance ap/*, boolean bDrawCaps*/)
          this(radius1, radius2, height, primflags, MID_REZ_DIV_X, MID_REZ_DIV_Y, ap/*, bDrawCaps*/);
     *  Obtains the Shape3D node associated with a given part of the truncated cone.
     *  This allows users to modify the appearance or geometry of individual parts.
     *  @param partId The part to return (BODY, TOP, or BOTTOM).
     *  @return The Shape3D object associated with the partID.  If an
     *  invalid partId is passed in, null is returned.
    public Shape3D getShape(int partId)
        if (partId == BODY)
            return (Shape3D) ( (Group)getChild(0) ).getChild(BODY);
        else if (partId == TOP)
            return (Shape3D) ( (Group)( (Group)getChild(0) ).getChild(TOP) ).getChild(0);
        else if (partId == BOTTOM)
            return (Shape3D) ( (Group)( (Group)getChild(0) ).getChild(BOTTOM) ).getChild(0);
        return null;
    /** Sets appearance of the truncated cone. This will set each part of the
     *  truncated cone (TOP,BOTTOM,BODY) to the same appearance. To set each
     *  part's appearance separately, use getShape(partId) to get the
     *  individual shape and call shape.setAppearance(ap).
    public void setAppearance(Appearance ap)
     *   Constructs a customized truncated cone of two given radius, height,
     *   resolution (X and Y dimensions), and appearance. The
     *   resolution is defined in terms of number of subdivisions
     *   along the object's X axis (width) and Y axis (height). More divisions
     *   lead to more finely tesselated objects.
     *   @param radius           Radius
     *   @param height           Height
     *   @param xdivision      Number of divisions along X direction.
     *   @param ydivision      Number of divisions along height of cylinder.
     *   @param primflags      Primitive flags.
     *   @param ap                Appearance
     *      @param bDrawCaps     Indicates if top and bottom caps shall be drawn.
     public TruncatedCone(float radius1, float radius2, float height, int primflags,
                              int xdivision, int ydivision, Appearance ap/*, boolean bDrawCaps*/)
          this.radius1 = radius1;
          this.radius2 = radius2;
          this.height = height;
          this.xdivisions = xdivision;
          this.ydivisions = ydivision;
          flags = primflags;
          this.bDrawCaps = bDrawCaps;
          boolean outside = (flags & GENERATE_NORMALS_INWARD) == 0;
          // Create many body of the cylinder.
          Quadrics q = new Quadrics();
          GeomBuffer gbuf = null;
          Shape3D shape[] = new Shape3D[3];
          GeomBuffer cache = getCachedGeometry(Primitive.CYLINDER, radius1, radius2, height, xdivision, ydivision, primflags);
          if (cache != null)
               shape[BODY] = new Shape3D(cache.getComputedGeometry());
               numVerts += cache.getNumVerts();
               numTris += cache.getNumTris();
               gbuf = q.cylinder((double)radius1, (double)radius2, (double)height, xdivision, ydivision, outside);
               shape[BODY] = new Shape3D(gbuf.getGeom(flags));
               numVerts += gbuf.getNumVerts();
               numTris += gbuf.getNumTris();
               if ((primflags & Primitive.GEOMETRY_NOT_SHARED) == 0)
               cacheGeometry(Primitive.CYLINDER, radius1, radius2, height, xdivision, ydivision, primflags, gbuf);
          if ((flags & ENABLE_APPEARANCE_MODIFY) != 0)
          if ( bDrawCaps )
          {          Appearance a = new Appearance();
  Material mat = new Material();
  PolygonAttributes polyAtt= new
, 0.0f);
               // Create top of cylinder
               gbuf = q.disk((double)radius2, xdivision, outside);
               shape[TOP] = new Shape3D(gbuf.getGeom(flags));
               if ((flags & ENABLE_APPEARANCE_MODIFY) != 0)
               numVerts += gbuf.getNumVerts();
               numTris += gbuf.getNumTris();
               //move it up
               Transform3D t2 = new Transform3D();
               Vector3d vec = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, (double)height);
               TransformGroup objTrans2 = new TransformGroup();
               // Create bottom
               gbuf = q.disk((double)radius1, xdivision, !outside);
               shape[BOTTOM] = new Shape3D(gbuf.getGeom(flags));
               if ((flags & ENABLE_APPEARANCE_MODIFY) != 0)
               numVerts += gbuf.getNumVerts();
               numTris += gbuf.getNumTris();
               // Flip the cap so that texture coords are right.
               Transform3D t3 = new Transform3D();
               rotMat = new Matrix4d();
               objectMat = new Matrix4d();
               // rotMat.rotZ(Math.PI);
               objectMat.mul(objectMat, rotMat);
               // Move it down
               vec = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
               TransformGroup objTrans3 = new TransformGroup();
          // Set Appearance
          if (ap == null){
          else setAppearance(ap);
                 transformCylinder(new Point3f(-5f,-5f,-5f), new Point3f(5f,5f,5f),new TruncatedCone());
     * Used to create a new instance of the node.  This routine is called
     * by <code>cloneTree</code> to duplicate the current node.
     * <code>cloneNode</code> should be overridden by any user subclassed
     * objects.  All subclasses must have their <code>cloneNode</code>
     * method consist of the following lines:
     * <P><blockquote><pre>
     *     public Node cloneNode(boolean forceDuplicate) {
     *         UserSubClass usc = new UserSubClass();
     *         usc.duplicateNode(this, forceDuplicate);
     *         return usc;
     * </pre></blockquote>
     * @param forceDuplicate when set to <code>true</code>, causes the
     *  <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> flag to be ignored.  When
     *  <code>false</code>, the value of each node's
     *  <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> variable determines whether
     *  NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
     * @see Node#cloneTree
     * @see Node#duplicateNode
     * @see NodeComponent#setDuplicateOnCloneTree
    public Node cloneNode(boolean forceDuplicate)
        TruncatedCone c = new TruncatedCone(radius1, radius2, height, flags, xdivisions, ydivisions, getAppearance()/*, bDrawCaps*/);
        c.duplicateNode(this, forceDuplicate);
        return c;
     * Copies all node information from <code>originalNode</code> into
     * the current node.  This method is called from the
     * <code>cloneNode</code> method which is, in turn, called by the
     * <code>cloneTree</code> method.
     * <P>
     * For any <i>NodeComponent</i> objects
     * contained by the object being duplicated, each <i>NodeComponent</i>
     * object's <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> value is used to determine
     * whether the <i>NodeComponent</i> should be duplicated in the new node
     * or if just a reference to the current node should be placed in the
     * new node.  This flag can be overridden by setting the
     * <code>forceDuplicate</code> parameter in the <code>cloneTree</code>
     * method to <code>true</code>.
     * @param originalNode the original node to duplicate.
     * @param forceDuplicate when set to <code>true</code>, causes the
     *  <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> flag to be ignored.  When
     *  <code>false</code>, the value of each node's
     *  <code>duplicateOnCloneTree</code> variable determines whether
     *  NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
     * @see Node#cloneTree
     * @see Node#cloneNode
     * @see NodeComponent#setDuplicateOnCloneTree
    public void duplicateNode(Node originalNode, boolean forceDuplicate)
        super.duplicateNode(originalNode, forceDuplicate);
     Retrieves the height of the truncated cone.
     @return     The height of the truncated cone.
     public float getHeight()
          return height;
     Retrieves the bottom radius of the truncated cone.
     @return     The bottom radius of the truncated cone.
     public float getRadius1()
          return radius1;
     Retrieves the upper radius of the truncated cone.
     @return     The upper radius of the truncated cone.
     public float getRadius2()
          return radius2;
       public void transformCylinder(Point3f pointA, Point3f pointB, TruncatedCone c) {
          Point3f a=pointA;  
          Point3f b=pointB;   
          //rotation components   
          double za=Math.atan(Math.abs((b.x-a.x)/(b.y-a.y)));   
          System.out.println("RZ: "+Math.toDegrees(za));   
          double ya=Math.atan(Math.abs((b.z-a.z)/(b.x-a.x)));   
          System.out.println("RY: "+Math.toDegrees(ya));   
          Transform3D rotY=new Transform3D();   
          Transform3D rotZ=new Transform3D();   
          Transform3D upT=new Transform3D();   
          upT.setTranslation(new Vector3f(b));  
           Transform3D downT=new Transform3D();   
           downT.setTranslation(new Vector3f(a));   
           GeometryArray top=(GeometryArray)c.getShape(TruncatedCone.TOP).getGeometry();   
           GeometryArray bottom=(GeometryArray)c.getShape(TruncatedCone.BOTTOM).getGeometry();   
           GeometryArray body=(GeometryArray)c.getShape(TruncatedCone.BODY).getGeometry();   
           for(int i=0;i<top.getVertexCount();i++) {     
           Point3f p=new Point3f();     
           if(p.y<0) {       
           p.y += c.getHeight() / 2;      }    
            if(p.y>0) {        p.y -= c.getHeight() / 2;      }    
             top.setCoordinate(i,p);    }   
             for(int i=0;i<body.getVertexCount();i++) {    
              Point3f p=new Point3f();     
              float ly=p.y;     
              if(ly>0f) {       
               upT.transform(p);      }
               else {       
               downT.transform(p);      }     
               body.setCoordinate(i,p);    }   
               for(int i=0;i<bottom.getVertexCount();i++) {     
               Point3f p=new Point3f();     
               if(p.y<0) {       
               p.y += c.getHeight() / 2;      }     
               if(p.y>0) {        p.y -= c.getHeight() / 2;      }     
}i recieve no errors but it doesn't work.
It requires the shape package. Please write your mail if you want me to send the package to you in order to test the whole class himself.
Thanks in advance

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    That will work, but it is the long way 'round.
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    Sorry it hasn't worked out for you. I threw together a simple project that uses rectangles to represent your Bike and wheel groups. They all animate across the canvas in the bike group and the wheels rotate. I have attached screen shots so you can see how they are constructed.
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    I have got a 80 gb sata hard disk and i am not able to install Dual OS(solaris and Windows XP ) on it.My Partitions are as follows: Primary partition-5GB Remaining are extended Partition. Extended partition details 8 gb NTFS partition(installed windo

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    Please help! My mac duo has crashed after a mac software update. Now it won't logon past the blue screen! I've tried everything online like DISK UTILITY on Mac os x disc and SAFE MODE but no joy whatsoever. SAFE MODE won't work now after doing it thr

  • 20 in. or 24 in. ?

    Im finally converting to a mac, but im stuck with a dilemna. I cant decide between the 20in or the 24 in. What exactly are the differences besides the screen size? I know that the 24 inch comes with a graphics card that has dedicated memory. Is it im