RSS reader-server side

anyone see or plan to develop server sider RSS reader for Oracle Applicatiron Server?

I don't see "JavaFX" in this message, what it is doing in this forum?

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    Assuming you want to read from a file on the server and write to a client socket:
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    Hope this helps.

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    I think you might be over complicating things.
    You can use SSIS with Excel Source/Destination connections to read in, or output to an excel sheet/file.

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    Thanks by your help Shanu.
    Nevertheless, finally I tryed the easiest way (pass the parameter with 'GET'). Moreover I found why my code wasn't working. It was a fool thing. I though PDA connect throught a proxy, but it wasn't true. Whatever.
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         <field sortid="0" id="Poliza" inputtype="textbox" label="Poliza" rows="1" wide="false" required="false"/>
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    var szURL="http://URL/vonline/vonline?parameter1=";+Poliza.value;                         
    var m_HttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Pocket.HTTP");                                             m_HttpReq.timeout = 15000;
    var m_HttpResponse = m_HttpReq.GetResponse(szURL,"");
    if (m_HttpResponse.statusCode==200)  {....}
    else {....}

  • Cron RSS Reader

    So I've been using newsbeuter like many people for over a year now. However, the one complaint I and many others have voiced on the forums is that: there exists no cron RSS reader. Sure you can run newsbeuter 24/7 with the auto-refresh feature enabled, but who wants that. So a week ago at the start of the holidays I wrote my own. Now after a week I have seen that it works and that it should be ready to release in beta. Please understand that this is designed in my favorite way; stupid simple. It is source edited and demands only two files: a history file, and the program. I wrote it in python because of the wonderful feedparser library and because this way you can edit your feeds on the fly without needing to recompile.
    For anyone who wishes, feel free to play around with this and give me your feedback.
    To get it working just run the following to ensure you have the deps:
    sudo pacman -Sy coreutils curl python3 python-feedparser youtube-dl
    Next put the following source in a file and chmod 700 it. Now you can ./rss or maybe put it in ~/bin and add that to your path so you can run it like any other binary. But wait! Now before you run it, you will more than likely want to edit the config unless you want all of my feeds and just happen to have a /home/keller/downloads folder you want all the stuff put in. To edit the urls just follow the examples I left in. They are in the style ("Name Of Feed", "http:\\\rss\url.xml") where the first entry starts with and additional open brace and then each end in a comma if it is not the last feed entry or a additional close brace if it is. If you don't have anything for the particular category, just use (). Now give it a run by appending the --no-download option. If you don't, it's going to take a while and will work on every feed entry.
    To quote --help:
    Usage: rss [Options]
    This is a zero hassle RSS reader. It is designed to be source configured and
    run without a care in the world. Cron it, script it, just plain run it...
    -h, --help Show me this message.
    --no-download Do not act on new entries.
    (Simply mark as old.)
    -q, --quiet Don't talk.
    -v, --say-something The opposite of -q.
    In terms of action, it will:
    First: Append new links to a file called links.html in the downloads folder that you can view with your browser of choice. This is the fastest so you can read your feeds while you wait on the downloads.
    Second: Download the attached image from Deviant Art
    Third: Download every youtube video at a max of 720p (To speed up the download and conserve bandwidth)
    Lastly: Download all of your podcasts
    I was debating adding twitter, but I don't use RSS for twitter (or twitter for that matter) so if there is a desire for it (or others) let me know.
    # Depends on:
    # * coreutils
    # * curl
    # * python3
    # * python-feedparser
    # * youtube-dl
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Configuration and URLs - - - - - - - - - - - - - #
    be_quiet = False # True disables output (Good for cron)
    download_dir = "/home/keller/downloads/"
    history_file = "/home/keller/.rss_history"
    # Appends to links.html page in download directory
    link_urls = (("Extra Ordinary", ""),
    ("Doghouse Diaries", ""),
    ("Cyanide & Happiness", ""),
    ("XKCD", ""),
    ("Scandinavia And The World", ""),
    ("Surviving The World", ""),
    ("Something Of That Ilk", ""),
    ("Invisible Bread", ""),
    ("Happle Tea", ""),
    ("Dilbert", ""),
    ("What-If", ""),
    ("Networking Nerd", ""),
    ("Fry Guy's Blog", ""),
    ("Ethereal Mind", ""),
    ("Packet Pushers", ""),
    ("Lone SysAdmin", ""),
    ("Arch Linux News", ""),
    ("Schneier on Security", ""))
    # Deviant Art RSS
    deviant_art_urls = (("Isbjorg's Main Gallery", ""))
    # Youtube RSS - Youtube Username Only
    youtube_users = (("Phillip DeFranco", "sxephil"),
    ("Freddie", "freddiew"),
    ("Freddie BTS", "freddiew2"),
    ("Corridor Digital", "corridordigital"),
    ("Corridor Digital BTS", "samandniko"),
    ("Jenna Marbles", "jennamarbles"),
    ("Source Fed", "sourcefed"),
    ("Minute Physics", "minutephysics"),
    ("VSauce", "vsauce"),
    ("Numberphile", "numberphile"),
    ("Veritasium", "1veritasium"),
    ("Sixty Symbols", "sixtysymbols"),
    ("Periodic Videos", "periodicvideos"))
    # Podcasts - Audio/Video linked content download
    podcast_urls = (("Security Now", ""),
    ("Ted Talks", ""),
    ("Scam School", ""),
    ("Hak 5", ""),
    ("Film Riot", ""),
    ("SANS News", ""),
    ("The Techie Geek", ""))
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - No need to modify below here - - - - - - - - - - - - #
    from feedparser import parse
    from os import system
    from sys import argv
    import pickle
    # -- Argument Parse
    no_download = False
    if "--help" in argv or "-h" in argv:
    print("""Usage: rss [Options]
    This is a zero hassle RSS reader. It is designed to be source configured and
    run without a care in the world. Cron it, script it, just plain run it...
    -h, --help Show me this message.
    --no-download Do not act on new entries.
    (Simply mark as old.)
    -q, --quiet Don't talk.
    -v, --say-something The opposite of -q.
    if "--no-download" in argv:
    no_download = True
    if "--quiet" in argv or "-q" in argv:
    be_quiet = True
    if "--say-something" in argv or "-v" in argv:
    be_quiet = False
    # -- Unpickle History
    history = pickle.load(open(history_file, "rb"))
    tmp = open(history_file, "w")
    history = {"podcast" : [], "deviant_art" : [], "youtube" : [], "link" : []}
    current_links = [] # Holds all current links so we can prune ancient history
    # -- Link
    for url in link_urls:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse(url[1]).entries:
    if not in history["link"]: # If is a new link
    if not be_quiet : print(" * New Content Found!")
    if no_download or system('echo "<a href=\"' + + '\">' + url[0] + ' : ' + entry.title + '</a><br />" >> ' + download_dir + 'links.html') == 0: # Append to file
    # -- Deviant Art
    for url in deviant_art_urls:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse(url[1]).entries:
    if entry.media_content[0]["url"][-4] == '.': # Check it's a file
    if entry.media_content[0]["url"] not in history["deviant_art"]: # If is a new link
    if not be_quiet : print(" * Downloading:", entry.media_content[0]["url"][entry.media_content[0]["url"].rfind('/') + 1:])
    if no_download or system('curl -so "' + download_dir + entry.media_content[0]["url"][entry.media_content[0]["url"].rfind('/') + 1:] + '" "' + entry.media_content[0]["url"] + '"') == 0: # Download
    # -- Youtube
    for url in youtube_users:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse("" + url[1] + "/uploads").entries:
    if not in history["youtube"]: # If is a new link
    if no_download or system('youtube-dl --max-quality 22 -o "' + download_dir + '%(title)s.%(ext)s" "' + + '"' + ['', ' -q'][be_quiet]) == 0: # Download
    # -- Podcast
    for url in podcast_urls:
    if not be_quiet : print("Checking", url[0] + "...")
    for entry in parse(url[1]).entries:
    for link in entry.links:
    if link.type[0:5] == "video" or link.type[0:5] == "audio": # If _IT_ describes itself as video or audio
    if link.href not in history["podcast"]: # If is a new link
    if not be_quiet : print(" * Downloading:", link.href[link.href.rfind('/') + 1:])
    if no_download or system('curl -#Lo "' + download_dir + link.href[link.href.rfind('/') + 1:] + '" "' + link.href + '"' + ['', ' -s'][be_quiet]) == 0: # Download
    # -- History Dump
    for key in history:
    for link in history[key]:
    if link not in current_links:
    # -- Pickle History
    pickle.dump(history, open(history_file, "wb"))
    That's all folks. If you do give it a try, please give feed back even if it's just that the whole thing sucks. I'd love to know what feeds don't work, if there is anything you want added, or if you just think it's swell.
    If there appears to be some interest I'll look at putting this in the AUR. Maybe with a mode for config files so that each user can have thier feeds all independantly checked with each run under cron. Though that'll take some work to get just right so I'm only doing so if people are sure they would like such a feature. So yeah, feel free to ask for the moon, I'll see what I can do in most cases.
    Lastly, I am humbly sorry that I suck at documenting how exactly it works here. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to post away and I will do my best to answer them.

    This is a shame that Apple doesnt (somehow) make this one of the cross-platform features.
    I mean come on, how many of us mac users actually have ALL our computer-using relatives on a mac? In a perfect world, all of us, but reality is, I'm the only one out of about 11 people on my and my wife's side of the family that we share pics of the kids with. Everyone else uses Winblows.
    I was pumped when I heard about photocasting. Alas, now that I've tried to make this work smoothly for the novice windows users who want to see pictures of our kids, I realize there is *zero chance* of me being able to use this. There is no way I can see myself sending my 63 year old mother an RSS feed link and having her figure out what to do with it (when she can barely figure out how to look at the pics I send in email he he). If she has to go install an RSS reader, forget it.
    Anyway, great mac only feature, but this would be a huge feather in Apple's cap if they could figure out how to serve this up to Windows end users just as effortlessly.
    eMac, PB17"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

  • RSS reader suggestion?

    Yes, there are hundreds of RSS readers available. I've tried some and made a couple of my own, but has anyone used a reader they really liked? My client will need to manage it w/o my supervision, so I'm looking for one that won't be difficult for them to use.
    Two features I'd like it to have are the ability to display feeds from multiple sources, and also the ability to scroll automatically.

    This is a shame that Apple doesnt (somehow) make this one of the cross-platform features.
    I mean come on, how many of us mac users actually have ALL our computer-using relatives on a mac? In a perfect world, all of us, but reality is, I'm the only one out of about 11 people on my and my wife's side of the family that we share pics of the kids with. Everyone else uses Winblows.
    I was pumped when I heard about photocasting. Alas, now that I've tried to make this work smoothly for the novice windows users who want to see pictures of our kids, I realize there is *zero chance* of me being able to use this. There is no way I can see myself sending my 63 year old mother an RSS feed link and having her figure out what to do with it (when she can barely figure out how to look at the pics I send in email he he). If she has to go install an RSS reader, forget it.
    Anyway, great mac only feature, but this would be a huge feather in Apple's cap if they could figure out how to serve this up to Windows end users just as effortlessly.
    eMac, PB17"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

  • Multi tab rss reader

    hey everyone i have started working on a multitab flash builder mobile app, since i have very little experience with action script and such i used the tutorial here:
    but i can not repeat the process for the other tabs
    does anyone have an where that they can point me

    This is a shame that Apple doesnt (somehow) make this one of the cross-platform features.
    I mean come on, how many of us mac users actually have ALL our computer-using relatives on a mac? In a perfect world, all of us, but reality is, I'm the only one out of about 11 people on my and my wife's side of the family that we share pics of the kids with. Everyone else uses Winblows.
    I was pumped when I heard about photocasting. Alas, now that I've tried to make this work smoothly for the novice windows users who want to see pictures of our kids, I realize there is *zero chance* of me being able to use this. There is no way I can see myself sending my 63 year old mother an RSS feed link and having her figure out what to do with it (when she can barely figure out how to look at the pics I send in email he he). If she has to go install an RSS reader, forget it.
    Anyway, great mac only feature, but this would be a huge feather in Apple's cap if they could figure out how to serve this up to Windows end users just as effortlessly.
    eMac, PB17"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

  • Error while saving a workflow via sharepoint designer: Server-side activities have been updated. You need to restart SharePoint Designer to use the updated version of activities.

    While saving a workflow using SharePoint designer on a SharePoint site, I get the following error: 
    Server-side activities have been updated. You need to restart SharePoint Designer to use the updated version of activities.
    Steps to recreate error:
    Login to the WFE server hosting IIS and workflow manager, open SharePoint Designer 2013 and login to a SharePoint site.
    Access the list using SharePoint Designer 2013, in the workflow section, click new workflow. 
    In the new workflow dialog, enter workflow details, click save (see screenshot below).
    Error message is displayed as below:
    After restarting SharePoint Designer, the saved workflow is not seen in the site/workflows or list/workflow section.
    When the above steps are repeated while accessing the site via SPD from any other box besides the WFE/Workflow manager host server, the error is not encountered and its possible to save/publish workflows.
    Workflow Manager 1.0 is installed.
    The site has been registered with Workflow manager using Register-SPWorkflowService
    Any clue on why is this happening?

    Hi Vivek,
    Please close your SharePoint Designer application, clear/delete the cached files and folders under the following directories from your server installed SharePoint Designer, then check results again.
    <user profile>\appdata\roaming\microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache
    <user profile>\appdata\local\microsoft\websitecache\<sitename>
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How could I clear all my data(bookmarks) on Mozilla server side in new version of Sync (Firefox Account)?)

    Problem is the same as
    Also, there was no solution has been given in discussion.
    So, problem that noone could delete all data which have been synced with new Firefox account services.
    I've disconnected all my devices from previous (old) firefox sync system (which worked perfectly on several devices), after that i gone on link and deleted all my sensitive data.
    After I've created firefox account in new firefox sync system ( ), and all my data (bookmarks exactly) now present in browser twice.

    I have a problem with over 12,000 unwanted bookmarks in my 4 PCs (all standard Mozilla bookmarks that have been replicated). So if I would like to purge my server side data. If I do this by deleting my Sync account can I re-use my same email address to re-open a "new" Sync account?

  • Contribute changing relative path for server-side include

    I am using Contribute CS3, version 4.1, and my pages crash
    every time a send a draft for review, because Contribute is
    rewriting a relative URL in a server-side include.
    The server-side include (before I send for review) reads:
    <!--#include file="../foo/bar.fileextention"-->
    After I edit other portions of the page and send the draft
    for review, it reads:
    <!--#include file="http:
    Which results in the draft being unreadable.
    Is there any way to tell Contribute not to monkey with this
    URL? I have hunted, read the forums, checked the knowledge base,
    and coming up empy.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!! I really
    appreciate it!

    Answering my own question.
    I researched this complete forum and with taking ideas from
    different posts, I was able to figure this out. I thought I would
    post it for anyone else needing to know the answer in one place:
    Include tags must read:
    <!--#include virtual="includes/fileName.html"-->
    (Include file is NOT a real HTML doc -- no tags in file
    except for CSS, as it would be used if not using Contribute.)
    No reference to .dwt needed nor Template created.
    No Edit instance tags needed anywhere.
    Contribute user navigates to page:
    [Upper right corner] Click Choose...
    [In my structure] User opens includes folder (double clicks)
    User selects THE file (clicks OK)
    User clicks on Edit Page button
    (Text is now editable.)
    User edits text.
    User clicks on Publish button.
    Worked for me several times trying.
    - Janet

  • How can i load file into database from client-side to server-side

    i want to upload file from client-side to server-side, i use the following code to load blob into database.
    if the file is in the server-side, it can work, but if it in the client-side, it said that the system cannot find the file. i think it only will search the file is in the server-side or not, it will not search the client-side.
    how can i solve it without upload the file to the server first, then load it into database??
    ResultSet rset = null;
    PreparedStatement pstmt =
    conn.prepareStatement ("insert into docs values (? , EMPTY_BLOB())");
    pstmt.setInt (1, docId);
    pstmt.execute ();
    // Open the destination blob:
    pstmt.setInt (1, docId);
    rset = pstmt.executeQuery (
    "SELECT content FROM docs WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE");
    BLOB dest_lob = null;
    if ( {
    dest_lob = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getBLOB (1);
    // Declare a file handler for the input file
    File binaryFile = new File (fileName);
    FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream (binaryFile);
    // Create an OutputStram object to write the BLOB as a stream
    OutputStream ostream = dest_lob.getBinaryOutputStream();
    // Create a tempory buffer
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int length = 0;
    // Use the read() method to read the file to the byte
    // array buffer, then use the write() method to write it to
    // the BLOB.
    while ((length = != -1)
    ostream.write(buffer, 0, length);
    // Close all streams and file handles:
    // Commit the transaction:
    } catch (SQLException e) {

    Without some more details of the configuration, its difficult to know
    what's happening here. For example, what do you mean by client side
    and server side, and where are you running the upload Java application?
    If you always run the application on the database server system, but can't
    open the file on a different machine, then it sounds like a file protection
    problem that isn't really connected with the database at all. That is to
    say, if the new FileInputStream (binaryFile) statement fails, then its not
    really a database problem, but a file protection issue. On the other hand,
    I can't explain what's happening if you run the program on the same machine
    as the document file (client machine), but you can't write the data to the
    server, assuming the JDBC connection string is set correctly to connect to
    the appropriate database server.
    If you can provide some more information, we'll try to help.

  • Scheduling web intelligence reports from SAP EP Portal : Server Side Trust

    We have set-up SSO between SAP EP 701, SAP BI 701 and Business Object XI 3.1  to allow users to access reports without having to sign-on again as explained here :
    But, we have recently been contacted by some users because when scheduling Webi Report from a link within the portal they have the following errors :
    u201CA database error occured. The database error text is: Unable to connect to SAP BW server System received an expired SSO ticket. (WIS 10901) u201D
    The user told us that he doesn't encounter the error when :
    Login in directly to the BO Infoview (without SSO from the SAP Enterprise Portal.)
    The first Webi scheduling is succesful from the portal (I suppose because the portal token is still valid)
    I understand that we also have to configure the Server Side Trust between BO Enterprise server and the SAP BI7 backend as explained here , but I do not really understand its purpose
    I've found a similar discussions here ;
    Issue with SAP Single Sign-On and Scheduling Reports
    I still have some questions :
    If we configure the Server Side Trust between BO Enterprise server and the SAP BI7 backend .
    The Portal Logon ticket will remain an issue at some point of time , does it mean tha the WeBi report job sheduling should not be perfromed from the SAP EP Portal ?
    We haven't configured the Server Side Trust , yet the users told us that they are able to schedule webi report directly from the BO Infoview ? How is it posible ?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Thank you Mr Hilgefort for your detailled explanations.
    I now have to provide some explanations to my managers, and to be honest , there are still some points that
    are unclear to me, and it would be extremely helpful if could confirm (or not) the follwoing points.
    When scheduing Webi report from the sap portal, we're getting SSO errors.
    SAP provide the follwoing note explaining how to extend the validity of the J2EE token (Portal token), but this is not a long term solution, at certain point of time the ticket will expire. Webi shceduling should not be perfromed from the Portal.
    Sap note 1352127 - Scheduled Webi report fails with: A database error occurred. The database error text is: Unable to connect to SAP BW server System received an expired SSO ticket
    Webi Scheduling should be performed from BO Infoview. SNC should be configured between BO server and SAP BI7.0 backend.
    We should Configure Server SNC as explained in the BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide at Chapter "Configuring SAP for server-side trust". (1341043)
    The SAP Portal is not involved here and is not an option even with the configuration of SNC/Server side trust.
    thank you for your patience.
    Best Regards.

  • How can I disable excel addin on the Server side?

    Hi, is there any way to disable excel addin on the server side?
    We want to disable it so that no one can modify or read data in the cube in the production environment, even if he or she had installed the add in. Instead, we provide the Planning data forms as the only interface for end-users to read and write. we do this because the add in is very easy to install and users can read and write data in the cube at their will.
    As we designed to keep the security filters simple, it is not a good idea to controll data access through security filters.
    so, what i'm asking is how to disable excel addin on the server side?
    Thank you for replying.
    Edited by: user4592285 on 2012-10-18 上午6:48

    As Gurus suggested, you will have to restrict viewing of data through dimension level security.
    Give access of members to users, only which are relevant to users so that they can't view other user's data/members.
    Like give access of members belonging to HR dept only to HR users and give access of Finance dept related members to finance users only.
    Hence HR users will view only HR relevant data and won't be able to view (read or write) finance related data and vice-sa-versa.
    Hope this helps
    Edited by: 918547 on Oct 18, 2012 8:40 PM

  • Can i use same Server for server side and client??

    i m developing webservices in java and using two different server for server side and client.
    e.g. i m using one tomcat server on a machine to run webservice and again using one more tomcat server on client side at different machine.
    and hence it need two tomcat server.
    But i want only one server to run webservice and client.
    So please help me out...

    It is always recommended to maintain different servers

Maybe you are looking for