RTP and applets

Since rtp is a push protocol (unicast, multicast, broadcast)...what to do when you are connecting via an applet from a dynamic ip?
Does one need to 'register' one's ip (of the applet) and restart the video server (i.e. jmf)?
Since server requires destination address this must be pre-known, but when you are connecting from some coffeehouse browser...and maybe via dhcp with a changing ip, how does this happen?
I've got applets on the same network showing rtp video...however for dynamic ips outside of this network???

you should get the IP of the visitor through the Webserver. There are different methods in different languages like ASP/PHP to get this done ... once you get the IP of your visitor you can send the stream to that IP. I m gona give an example of ASP for your help.
Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST")this returns the IP
have fun .. since ur using Applets i might add my question here, JMF is very large to download if do not already have it installed on ur system when someone visites your webpage (with applet using JMF), is there anyway to customize the size of this JMF.
NOTE that i need to include the sound capturing feature in my applet too, so cant use the CROSSPLATFORM version of JMF :).

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    Correct. Part of the security model, I'm afraid. An
    applet can only communicate with its original host.And, I belive, on the same port at that so you can't use another protocol even if it is on the same server.

  • Rtp stream applet

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    an applet needs nothing great ...As someone who ..
    - has deployed 1.1-1.4 compatible applets,
    applets that interact with JavaScript, full (browser)
    window applets, applets that load screensavers
    and launch applications, web-started applets,
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    ..I can assure you.
    1) Applets are anything but easy to deploy
    successfully on the wilds of the internet.
    2) As someone who has dealt a little with the
    JMF, I can add that JMF applets add a whole
    new level of complications to the mix.
    Generally, the end user needs to have
    pre-installed JMF in order to see JMF
    based applets. Even then, the browser
    might not detect the JMF classes.
    It is generally far more sensible, and reliable,
    to launch such projects in a free floating frame
    using web-start.
    Here is an example of a webstart launch.
    Note that any such web-start launch might be
    optimised in a variety of ways (to download less).
    The most obvious would be to use the
    customizer.jar to make a cut-down version
    that handles only the required sources (e.g. RTP)
    and formats (e.g. MOV).

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    thanks and sorry for late reply, let me go through the link,
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    Best regards
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    Refers to your assertions,
    Please help me..
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    Best Regards,

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    1a: Yes , (If firewall rules permit)port 554 for RTSP (http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~rakerman/port-table.html)
    1b: No, (if firewall rules disallow)
    2:(see answers above)

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    ok but whats the problem the fast refreshing??
    if so then u have two options:
    1)double buffering
    2)if u dont need the re-paint let the java do it for u dont overide it

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    Ary Junior

    I have a J2EE application, for which I have a module which is used by system administrators. this module is completly written in Java swing.
    and it does talk to my EJBs.
    If you don't have a firewall in your application, then you can directly make your applications in awt, swing and applets talk to EJBs. if you do have a firewall, then just write a web-service wrapper over your EJBs and other J2EE components and use them from desktop applications.
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    hope this helps.
    PS:How did you manage to adore the AWT ;-) ? I found that it sucks (good performance.. very poor lnf) ... java swing sucks too (very poor performance ... avaerage lnf).

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    Probably nothing to do with XML. You use it in an applet precisely as you would use it in an application. You are probably running into one of the usual applet problems. Of course, this is all guesswork without any idea of what errors you are actually having.

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    I'm french speaking. Sorry if my english is poor.
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    I think you can't solve your problem.
    The fact is that appletviewer supports the java classes you have installed with the sun's jdk... if you are using jdk 1.3.1, it uses the java libraries included in your installed distribution. IE virtual machine, instead, uses its own library, so you can't use in your applets classes like: swing, graphics2d, and so on...
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Maybe you are looking for

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