Safari in the Background?

Is there a way to make Safari run in the background? Even when I open a new tab for like 30 seconds, the previous page has to refresh (which messes up the web IM). This also happens when you switch to a different application. Nearly kills the use of any IM on the phone (even IM Mobile doesn't work too well as the max contacts is 30)

I don't think there's any legit way to have any program run in the background. I do know that the reason Safari has to refresh is because the WiFi or Edge is more or less turned off when there is no active program using it. This is to conserve battery life. It would be like having bluetooth on all the time, it just takes power to run it constantly. Apple probably figured people cared more about battery life than waiting for a page to reload.

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    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
     Cheers, Tom

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              end try
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              on error errmsg
                        display dialog " löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
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              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "Cache.db löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari/History"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "History löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -f ~/Library/Cookies/Cookies.plist"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "Cookies.plist löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -f ~/Library/Safari/LastSession.plist"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "LastSession.plist löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -f ~/Library/Safari/TopSites.plist"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "TopSites.plist löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.Apple.Safari/*"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "Safari Cache löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -f ~/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash Player/AssetCache"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "Flash Player AssetCache löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash*/ #*"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "Flash Player löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
                        do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash*/#SharedObjects/*"
              on error errmsg
                        display dialog "Flash Player #SharedObjects löschen gescheitert" with icon caution
              end try
      delay 10
    end repeat
    PS: The dialogues are in German… But that shouldn't be a problem

    You can use the applescript Script Menu to run scripts in Photoshop (or any application).
    If you don't have it installed, run the AppleScript (find it in the Applescript folder in your applications folder) and make sure the 'Show Script Menu in menu bar' is checked.
    Edit: I thought you'd be able to use this with an action by inserting a menu item, but apparently it doesn't recognize the appescript menu.

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    iOS doesn't truly multi-task, so you can't run one app in one window and another in a separate window. There are probably some good reasons for this, including battery life, but you'd have to ask Apple:

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    Try running Pandora in its own tab and leaving that tab open (Safari 7.1.5, OS 10.9.5).  I don't have Pandora to try this, but it works for me otherwise.
    Good luck

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    I have been encountering this strange behavior recently. I had thought it could be something wrong with my system, until yesterday i upgraded my Safari for Windows to the v.5.1 on a Windows XP laptop, and found the same issue. Now i guess I can be quite certain this is a safari issue.
    System info:
    1. Macbook Pro 17", OSX 10.6.8, 64bit boot (i have 8GB RAM).
    2. Safari (Mac) is the lastest version (as updated by the Auto update), run in the default 64bit mode.
    3. The windows machine is an old Thinkpad T60 with Windows XP Pro SP3. The Safari for windows is Safari 5.1 (7534.50), also updated by auto update.
    4. I have not installed any Safari extensions/plugs that feature an auto-reloading -- as such behavior was never seen before i upgrade to Safari 5.1
    Since i mostly work on mac the mac has been kept most updated. But the windows machine which i use now and then, i don't update everything very frequently. And the earlier Safari 5.0 worked fine without the current issue.
    1. Let's say I have 1 Safari window open with 5 tabs, and I have been working on the 4th tab for a while, and left the other 4 tabs "idling" in the background.
    2. And then i want to switch to another tab: click on that tab, and that tab will come to the foreground while being automatically refreshed.
    3. It looks to me this behavior happens after the inactive tabs have been idling longer than a certain period of time - then if you switch to them, they will be switched to and in the same time auto-reloaded. But I still don't know how long it needs for the "idling" before an auto-reloading "threshold" is triggered.
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    5. I checked all the Preferences settings and didnt find any option that indicates this behaviors.
    Guys. any ideas? anyone have the same trouble? Thanks a lot guys. This is really annoying.

    Carolyn Samit wrote:
    I'm running Safari 5.1 / SL v10.6.8 on one Mac with Glims installed and I never have a problem with tabs auto reloading. You might want to give it a try.
    It's free!
    Once the software is installed you can access the settings from Safari / Preferences - Glims.
    If you don't like the software you can use their uninstaller here.
    Hi Carolyn thanks a lot for the idea.
    The weird thing is... after i tried to uninstall and re-install a few apps the "auto-loading" behavior disappeared ... guess something was interfereing with safari 5.1...
    But thanks for recommending Glims. I took a quick look at the website and it looks great. will do some more research before i start using it. Thanks for the recomm!

  • SAFARI: running in the background:

    When I access a website there is an automatic refresh of the content. When I open a different webpage with Safari, then the automatic refresh on the first page stopps! How can I have a webpage be refreshed in background?
    Does Safari download content when it is minimized / not visible?
    When I go back to the first page, then the automatic refresh is not there any more. The function has been de-activated by Safari on Ipad. (On a Firefox on windows there is no such problem). How can I get the same webpage behaviour than before. (I know that reloading the page does the job. But this should be automatic and not from the user)

    The ipad like a lot of other mobile devices use a type of multitasking that differs from multitasking you would find on Mac OS X, Windows or Linux.  Apple chooses to put most background apps on iOS devices in a suspended mode which allows the application to be paused in the background and then respond quickly when brought to the foreground. Some application functions can continue to run in the background.
    Features that are allowed to run in the background are music, location services, airplay, VoIP, push notifications, but it is still up to the developers to make use of this functionality.
    I don't believe Safari is one of the applications that will continue to run in the background.
    Why does Apple choose to do this? Short answer: Battery life and performance.  If app developers were allowed to choose whether or not to have their application to run in the background, bad programmers would quickly kill the performance and battery on the iOS device.
    Some devices such as andriod phones and the blackberry playbook allow broader multi-tasking. The trade off? Andriod phones have task killers, which forces the user to manage their performance and battery life. The playbook comes shipped with a default of using suspended multi-tasking on vs. full multi-tasking - since full multi-tasking would again affect performance and battery life.
    I agree it would be nice if webpages continued to load if Safari is in the background, and maybe this will be added / enabled in the future. I think Apples design provides a better user experience and still allows most of the functions to run in the background that need to.  (I don't need a movie to play in the background or game).
    My guess would be Safari doesn't allow background use right not because of issues like auto-refresh pages, which again would affect performance and battery.

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    Backup your files off the computer (not TimeMachine) and disconnect.
    Hold c boot off the 10.6 disk, under the Utilities menu > Disk Utiltiy > Repair Disk, and Repair Permissions
    (quit and stop if Disk Repair (only) issues a failure and notify us)
    Quit and install 10.6 again, reboot and Software Update again,  this time download it and then run it. Check Software Update until clear.
    c boot off the 10.6 disk and use Disk Utility >Repair Disk again (fixes a bug)
    Reboot and check any installed programs, some may not function who have installed kext files into OS X, those need to be reinstalled.
    You didn't mention if you upgraded from 10.5 or 10.6.7, the above steps are for fixing a 10.6 to 10.6.8
    If you upgraded from 10.5, you should erase the drive in Disk Utility first, then install 10.6 fresh, but then all your programs will have to be reinstalled or updated from original sources.
    Also the 10.6.3 upgrade disk has no free iLife, but you can install 10.5 fresh then upgrade to 10.6.3, then to 10.6.8 and then all new programs and that will give free iLife that came on the factory 10.5 disks.
    You also can use Pacifist to extract iLife from 10.5 disks.

  • Safari "communicating" in the background

    Hi all,
    Has anyone else noticed that Safari seems to be communicating with something/someone in the background?
    I noticed the network connection on my router blinking rapidly this evening, and went to check my machine, only to find out that it wasn't Mail or any other app. After quitting Safari, the connection stopped.
    Even now, with only this window open, its sending around 180 packets per second, and getting them right back. It doesn't matter if I close this window and open another window, the same thing occurs. Running Safari with no windows open continues to do it again. Very strange.
    I'm quite sure that I have no malware running (consistently doing scans for these sorts of things) so I'm a little stumped. Any ideas?
    Happy New year and thanks!

    That would do the trick. I didn't realise that top sites updated themselves even when the Top Sites page itself was not open. It seems to constantly communicate over the net to ensure that pages are relevant and updated, which is ironic, because it seems that they rarely look updated when I browse them at startup.... Oh well...
    Thanks very much.

  • Youtube (Browsed on safari) not works in the background on multi tasking

    I often use my ipad for long periods of time on study and need something (music) running in the background and i want to specify to youtube because i dont want to use all the GB's on the ipad on downloaded music.
    I had no problem at first but after i updated my ipad to ios 6.1 and when i double click the homescreen button then slide to the right i click the play button which apears near a safari icon but IT DOES NOT RESPOND AND I KEEP PRESSING AND STILL NO REUSLT please help. Any solutions please

    Same exact problem. I am getting tired of Apple playing the whole 'let's lose all of our costumer by making our iOS worse and worse with each update' game.

  • Does Safari use up bandwidth if I leave it running in the background with zero tabs open?  Do I have to quit the application each time I am done to avoid exceeding my internet usage/host quota?

    If I leave Safari running in the background with zero tabs open, does it still use up bandwidth?  Do I have to quit the application each time I am done to avoid exceeding my internet usage/host quota?  I'd rather not have to since quitting the application and restarting it when I need to will quickly become tedious, but if that saves me on bandwidth usage, I'll do it.  Thanks!

    iStat pro is another good means of checking your Mac's activity.   Set it up within Dashboard.   It is a free facility.
    iStat pro for Mac - CNET

  • Why can't I play Safari and Chrome videos in the background anymore?

    Before iOS 6, I was able to play videos on Safari and Google Chrome while the app is running in the background. I really enjoyed playing music from YouTube videos in the background whilst multitasking on other things. How come I can't do this anymore? Is it a copyright/compatibility issue or something? When I play a video, and pull up the app switcher to play the music, it has the app there, but when I press Play it doesn't do anything.

    I did more research and found that after the 4.2.2 update if you leave the or OFF of your "add mobileme account when logging onto ATV that the error message: cannot load content, try again later goes away and allows your Gallery movies to play.  Hope this helps.

  • Safari on in the background

    I've noticed that Safari is repeatedly running in the background and doesn't allow us to logout from the account or shutdown without force quitting it, and when you do, you have to be the Administrator.
    What's the reason for this?
    We use Firefox for web browsing, so we hardly ever start Safari for any reason.

    What you can try is to trash the
    This is the preferences file for Safari. You can find this file in ... HD>Users>Your_Name>Library>Preferences folder.
    And if this is not solving the problem, that DRAG "_don't trash_" the Cookies.plist to the Desktop ...
    You will find it in ... HD>Users>Your_Name>Librari>Cookies folder>Cookies.plist
    Post back with the results ...

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