Sampling scheme

I have created a sampling scheme & assigned it in sampling procedure.When i record results if the sample size is 15 if i have
inspected only 12 & enter the value the system is giving an error msg,
You can directly confirm the number of nonconforming units or the system calculates the number of nonconforming units from the number of sample units beyond the tolerance range.
System Response
The number of nonconforming units cannot be greater than the number of inspected test units.
Check and correct your entry.
What should be done to overcome this bcoz in real time all the sample might not be inspected

Are you sure you had the numbers in the right colums?  I've found that people easily confuse and put the wrong values in the colums "No. inspected" and "No. defects". 
Also, what was the scope you set for your characteristics?
If you had fixed scope on the characteristics, the system is expecting 15 results and will throw errors if you don't record 15. 
From your error message however, it looks like you have attempted to record a higher number of defective units then what was inspected.  So if you make 1000 widgets and in QM you are inspecting 15, you can't record more then 15 defective units. If you inspect more then 15, then you have to change the number of inspected units to the actual number of units you actually inspected.  Then you can confirm up to that many defective units.

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    I have just downloaded and installed  the oracle 12c on my desktop(Hurray!), but i don't see any of the sample schemas like scott and hr to play with. Do we have anything like those schemas in 12c?
    Yes - but they would be in a PDB if you installed the sample schemas; you won't find them in the CDB.
    If, like many people new to 12c, you did a default install for a database named ORCL and then connect to ORCL you are connecting to the CDB; that is, the root container. You won't find any sample schema there.
    If you installed the sample schemas then the install process would have created one PDB name PDBORCL (by default) and that PDB would contain the sample schemas.
    Then the next thing users typically do is connect as sysdba and do a STARTUP and then find they can't connect to PDBORCL. Surprise! The PDBs are NOT opened by default; you need to open them manually when you startup the DB or create an AFTER STARTUP trigger that opens the ones you want.
    Review chapters 17 and 18 of the Database Concepts doc

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    You did not have to change any of your scripts to put the connect_identifier.
    Within SQL*Plus you can use the "SET INSTANCE <connect_identifier>" command to make that Oracle instance
    your default for this session. After you do this, all your connect statements will not require a
    $ sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> set instance ORA901
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
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    As you can see, after the SET INSTANCE command, the connect command does not need a connect_identifier.

  • Queries on samples schemas (HR, OE, SH ...)

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    The sample schemas are intended to allow practicing and exercising specific features of the database. The purpose of each schema is described in the 'Oracle® Database Sample Schemas' manual for your database version at (See 'Master Book list' or 'All books'.)
    Many of the examples of `how to use a feature`using these schemas will be found in the documentation ( related to the feature. For example, base queries will be found in the SQL Language Reference manual. Spatial features will be found in the Spatial Users Referrence manual. And so on.
    Other than that, many of the samples found at htp:// > Sample Code assume that the samples are installed.
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    I am new to Oralce
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    I connected Using SYSTEM as SYSDBA, and execute the provided script and given the parameter as below :
    specify password for HR as parameter 1:
    Enter value for 1: hr
    specify default tablespeace for HR as parameter 2:
    Enter value for 2: myspace ( I dont know what should be here , it is where things went worng i think. I got a error here ORA-00959: tablespace 'MYSPACE' does not exist)
    specify temporary tablespace for HR as parameter 3:
    Enter value for 3: temp
    specify password for SYS as parameter 4:
    Enter value for 4: sys
    specify log path as parameter 5:
    Enter value for 5: d:/Oracle_log
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    CREATE TABLE regions
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'SYSTEM'
    I dont understand tablespace in oracle. I had a look in the HR script. It create user HR and then connect as HR then start to creat table. i dont understand why the tablespace is still 'SYSTEM'
    Thanks for your help

    This looks like the doc you need:
    Just do a search for the error text, it appears to be a sample that produces a deliberate error.

  • Oracle 9i Sample Schemas

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    Still, life's good

    Does your database have Oracle Intermedia installed?
    The other thing to check is whether your DBA has revoked execute on those objects from public. A couple of them served as vectors for DoS attacks against the database,
    Cheers, APC
    Blog :

  • How to create 9i db without sample schema?

    I have (finally) gotten 9iR2 installed on RH 7.3.
    During installation I created sample database instance TEST.
    I then used dbca to create a second instance JSDB.
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    If it can not be done, how best to expunge the sample database schema and all related litter?
    There seems to be tables for SCOTT, HR, OE, SH, PM.
    Temporal Arts

    To drop SCOTT schema, run the batch file/shell script:
    To drop HR schema, run SQL script:
    There are a number of other sample schema scripts to drop the other schemas installed with Oracle9i. If you can't find them easily, read the Sample Schema Guide on

  • Problems creating a db in 11g with Sample Schemas

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    I have tried to add it to my existing database using dbca, as well as creating a new database with the sample schemas. In both cases I run into a problem with insuficient priveleges. If I do not include the sample schemas I can create the db just nice with dbca, however since it is the sample schemas I need that does not help me a lot.
    below the fist part of sampleSchema.log showing up til and including the first ORA-01031: insufficient privileges just ignoring it will lead to a lot more of them showing up.
    Any suggestion how to fix this?
    specify password for SYSTEM as parameter 1:
    specify password for SYS as parameter 2:
    specify password for HR as parameter 3:
    specify password for OE as parameter 4:
    specify password for PM as parameter 5:
    specify password for IX as parameter 6:
    specify password for SH as parameter 7:
    specify password for BI as parameter 8:
    specify default tablespace as parameter 9:
    specify temporary tablespace as parameter 10:
    specify log file directory (including trailing delimiter) as parameter 11:
    Sample Schemas are being created ...
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01918: user 'HR' does not exist
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01918: user 'OE' does not exist
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01918: user 'PM' does not exist
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01918: user 'IX' does not exist
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01918: user 'SH' does not exist
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01918: user 'BI' does not exist
    specify password for HR as parameter 1:
    specify default tablespeace for HR as parameter 2:
    specify temporary tablespace for HR as parameter 3:
    specify password for SYS as parameter 4:
    specify log path as parameter 5:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01918: user 'HR' does not exist
    old 1: CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY &pass
    new 1: CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY password
    User created.
    old 2: QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &tbs
    User altered.
    User altered.
    Grant succeeded.
    Grant succeeded.
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
    SP2-0640: Not connected

    please check Note:Is It Possible To Recreate The Example Schemas Hr And Oe? [ID 752140.1]
    Hope it helps

  • Dropping sample schemas like scott,hr,bi  from Oracle 11g Database.

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    Do any one have the query to drop all the sample schemas from Oracle 11g Database.Any steps need to be
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    Best regards,

    Please see:
    drop all objects owned by schema
    drop all objects owned by schema

  • JDeveloper 11g Sample Schema FOD installation failure

    Do not have any previous experience about JDeveloper. Downloaded 11g version. Try to follow this link: to install a sample schema FOD for a tutorial. However at the following step:
    5. In the Application Navigator, right-click the build.xml file and choose Run Ant Target-->buildAll.
    I got:
    C:\FOD\Infrastructure\Ant\build.xml:52: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\FOD\Infrastructure\DBSchema\build.xml:91: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\FOD\Infrastructure\DBSchema\build.xml:56: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\FOD\Infrastructure\DBSchema\build.xml:28: C:\FOD\Infrastructure\Ant\wlserver_10.3\server\lib not found.
    Appreciate someone can help me out.
    - Denis

    Hi, Arun,
    Thanks for your reply. I double-checked, looks there is no settign WLS home in the build.xml. My current setting is as follows, does it look right+
    # Base Directory for library lookup
    # JDBC info used to create Schema
    # Information about the default setup for the demo user.
    - Denis

  • Can't find sample schemas

    I have installed 10g xe. I am self training using the oracle press book "Oracle Database 10g A Beginner's Guide." However, the book indicates that the customer table, mentioned in chapter 2 is provided as part of the sample schema in 10g. But the only schema I have is HR. Is there a place where I can download and import the schemas mentioned in the book? Or must I install enterprise edition in order to work with them? Thanks to any that can assist.

    The Order Entry (OE) schema builds on the purely relational Human Relations (HR) schema with some object-relational and object-oriented features. The OE schema contains seven tables: Customers, Product_Descriptions, Product_Information, Order_Items, Orders, Inventories, and Warehouses. The OE schema has links into the HR schema and PM schema. This schema also has synonyms defined on HR objects to make access transparent to users.
    rem Header: oe_cre.sql 09-jan-01
    rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
    rem Owner  : ahunold
    rem NAME
    rem   oe_cre.sql - create OE Common Schema
    rem   Creates database objects. The script assumes that the HR schema
    rem   is present.
    rem NOTES
    rem   The OIDs assigned for the object types are used to
    rem   simplify the setup of Replication demos and are not needed
    rem   in most unreplicated environments.
    rem MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YY)
    rem   hyeh      08/29/02 - hyeh_mv_comschema_to_rdbms
    rem   ahunold   09/17/01 - FK in PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS
    rem   ahunold   04/25/01 - OID
    rem   ahunold   03/02/01 - eliminating DROP SEQUENCE
    rem   ahunold   01/30/01 - OE script headers
    rem   ahunold   01/24/01 - Eliminate extra lines from last merge
    rem   ahunold   01/05/01 - promo_id
    rem   ahunold   01/05/01 - NN constraints in product_descriptions
    rem   ahunold   01/09/01 - checkin ADE
    PROMPT specify Sample Schema version as parameter 1:
    DEFINE vrs     = &1
    -- ======================================================================
    -- Type definitions
    -- ======================================================================
    CREATE TYPE cust_address_typ
      OID '82A4AF6A4CD1656DE034080020E0EE3D'
        ( street_address     VARCHAR2(40)
        , postal_code        VARCHAR2(10)
        , city               VARCHAR2(30)
        , state_province     VARCHAR2(10)
        , country_id         CHAR(2)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create phone_list_typ varray to be varray column in customers table.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TYPE phone_list_typ
      OID '82A4AF6A4CD2656DE034080020E0EE3D'
      AS VARRAY(5) OF VARCHAR2(25);
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create customers table.
    REM The cust_geo_location column will become MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY (spatial)
    REM datatype when appropriate scripts and data are available.
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/ccus_&vrs
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX customers_pk
       ON customers (customer_id) ;
    REM Both table and indexes are analyzed using the oe_analz.sql script.
    ALTER TABLE customers
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_pk
          PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create warehouses table;
    REM  includes spatial data column wh_geo_location and
    REM  XML type warehouse_spec (was bug b41)
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/cwhs_&vrs
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX warehouses_pk
    ON warehouses (warehouse_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE warehouses
    ADD (CONSTRAINT warehouses_pk PRIMARY KEY (warehouse_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table order_items.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE order_items
        ( order_id           NUMBER(12)
        , line_item_id       NUMBER(3)  NOT NULL
        , product_id         NUMBER(6)  NOT NULL
        , unit_price         NUMBER(8,2)
        , quantity           NUMBER(8)
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_pk
    ON order_items (order_id, line_item_id) ;
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX order_items_uk
    ON order_items (order_id, product_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_id, line_item_id)
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER insert_ord_line
      BEFORE INSERT ON order_items
        new_line number;
        SELECT (NVL(MAX(line_item_id),0)+1) INTO new_line
          FROM order_items
          WHERE order_id = :new.order_id;
        :new.line_item_id := new_line;
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table orders, which includes a TIMESTAMP column and a check
    REM constraint.
    REM ===========================================================================
    DEFINE vscript = ?/demo/schema/order_entry/cord_&vrs
    ON orders (order_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_pk
          PRIMARY KEY (order_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create inventories table, which contains a concatenated primary key.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE inventories
      ( product_id         NUMBER(6)
      , warehouse_id       NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT inventory_warehouse_id_nn NOT NULL
      , quantity_on_hand   NUMBER(8)
    CONSTRAINT inventory_qoh_nn NOT NULL
      , CONSTRAINT inventory_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id, warehouse_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table product_information, which contains an INTERVAL datatype and
    REM a CHECK ... IN constraint.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE product_information
        ( product_id          NUMBER(6)
        , product_name        VARCHAR2(50)
        , product_description VARCHAR2(2000)
        , category_id         NUMBER(2)
        , weight_class        NUMBER(1)
        , warranty_period     INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
        , supplier_id         NUMBER(6)
        , product_status      VARCHAR2(20)
        , list_price          NUMBER(8,2)
        , min_price           NUMBER(8,2)
        , catalog_url         VARCHAR2(50)
        , CONSTRAINT          product_status_lov
                              CHECK (product_status in ('orderable'
                                                      ,'under development'
    ALTER TABLE product_information
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_information_pk PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create table product_descriptions, which contains NVARCHAR2 columns for
    REM NLS-language information.
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE TABLE product_descriptions
        ( product_id             NUMBER(6)
        , language_id            VARCHAR2(3)
        , translated_name        NVARCHAR2(50)
    CONSTRAINT translated_name_nn NOT NULL
        , translated_description NVARCHAR2(2000)
    CONSTRAINT translated_desc_nn NOT NULL
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX prd_desc_pk
    ON product_descriptions(product_id,language_id) ;
    ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT product_descriptions_pk
         PRIMARY KEY (product_id, language_id));
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_sales_rep_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (sales_rep_id)
          REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
    ALTER TABLE orders
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT orders_customer_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (customer_id)
          REFERENCES customers(customer_id)
    ALTER TABLE warehouses
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT warehouses_location_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (location_id)
          REFERENCES hr.locations(location_id)
    ALTER TABLE customers
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT customers_account_manager_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (account_mgr_id)
          REFERENCES hr.employees(employee_id)
    ALTER TABLE inventories
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_warehouses_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (warehouse_id)
          REFERENCES warehouses (warehouse_id)
    ALTER TABLE inventories
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT inventories_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information (product_id)
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_order_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (order_id)
          REFERENCES orders(order_id)
    enable novalidate
    ALTER TABLE order_items
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT order_items_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
    ALTER TABLE product_descriptions
    ADD ( CONSTRAINT pd_product_id_fk
          FOREIGN KEY (product_id)
          REFERENCES product_information(product_id)
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create cross-schema synonyms
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE SYNONYM countries FOR hr.countries;
    CREATE SYNONYM locations FOR hr.locations;
    CREATE SYNONYM departments FOR hr.departments;
    CREATE SYNONYM employees FOR hr.employees;
    CREATE SYNONYM job_history FOR hr.job_history;
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Create sequences
    REM ===========================================================================
    CREATE SEQUENCE orders_seq
    START WITH     1000
    REM ===========================================================================
    REM Need commit for PO
    REM ===========================================================================
    COMMIT;And yes, you must install at least Oracle SE to get completely this sample schemas on your file system :(

  • Help with sample schema

    Hello. I am reading a self teaching guide called databases demystified by andy oppel. In the book it says that a sample hr schema is used to demonstrate sql. It then leads the reader to download a free trial version of oracle personal edition from In the sample the release that is being used is it says that once opend to go to orahome92............I am a novice user and tried to download this and it did not work. I have tried to install this many times. Is there something that I am misssing. I read something about metalink. I do not have access to that so how can I use the sample download. Im sure that he would not put that download in the book if it was not readily availible to all to use. Could someone please help me with this. Do I need something special on my computer to make it work properly? Im using a reg household computer to study with and it is running one xp. Thanks

    First of all, metalink is a paid oracle support site. Unless you dont have support from oracle, you can't access it.
    Secondly, you can simply download the oracle software either 9i or 10g from the following link.
    Once you install oracle software and then create database (if you are creating database through wizard, using database configuration assistant, you will have all example schemas, like HR and other). You can also find scripts to create sample schema on the following directory structure:

  • Determine Physical Samples using a Sample Scheme

    Dear QM friends,
    currently I am struggling with a QM issue that maybe you can help me with.
    Within the one of our factory sites we have rolled-out QM for quality inspection at GR, for this we use Physical Samples (just like we do in other factory sites). Only thing is that in this specific site they want to draw their physical samples based on a sample scheme. The other site use formulas to draw samples.
    So we have setup a sample-drawing procedure to determine the samples based on a specific sample scheme that has been setup for this factory.
    What I expected SAP to do when doing a goods receipt of for example 3 items is that SAP will draw 3 Physical Samples with a quantity of 1. However strangely SAP creates 1 Physical Sample with a size of 3 items.
    With kind regards,
    Kenny Galle

    Thanks for both of your responses
    In relation to you questions I checked the following:
    1. I am using Primary Samples alone and they are to be taken from a Sample Scheme linked in the Sample-Drawing Procedure;
    2. Increasing the sampel size does not work, I am still left with one physical sample and multiple items. Where I want a physical sample PER item.
    When we use a formula in the Sample-Drawing procedure (e.g., "P1" or "TRUNC(P1/10)+1") it works fine and we get a Physical Sample per serialize item.
    Any guidance will be highly appreciated!

  • Missing Type Definitions on the SAmple Schema Script

    Hi Gurus,
    The following is the script taken from Oracle 9i Sample schemas page. Here the scripts for some types ORDSYS.ORDImage, ORDSYS.ORDImageSignature,ORDSYS.ORDVideo,ORDSYS.ORDAudio,ORDSYS.ORDDoc are not given.
    Can you help me in getting those.
    CREATE TABLE online_media
    ( product_id NUMBER(6)
    , product_photo ORDSYS.ORDImage
    , product_photo_signature ORDSYS.ORDImageSignature
    , product_thumbnail ORDSYS.ORDImage
    , product_video ORDSYS.ORDVideo
    , product_audio ORDSYS.ORDAudio
    , product_text CLOB
    , product_testimonials ORDSYS.ORDDoc
    ) ;

    Does your database have Oracle Intermedia installed?
    The other thing to check is whether your DBA has revoked execute on those objects from public. A couple of them served as vectors for DoS attacks against the database,
    Cheers, APC
    Blog :

  • Script to create Sample Schemas

    I'd like to create sample schemas in my Oracle 11g DB.
    1) I tried to use the DBCA, but it didn't give me any option to create them for my existing db.
    2) I tried to see the scripts under \demo folder, but HR folder contained hr_code.sql script. No script for creating the tables and data.
    3) I searched the companion CD (in 10g), and couldn't know how to obtain the script from there.
    Any help is appreciated.

    This script mksample.sql is not in 11g(atleast in my system).
    D:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\demo\schema>dir mk*
    Volume in drive D is VAIO
    Volume Serial Number is 7476-8930
    Directory of D:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\demo\schema
    06/30/2007  10:35 PM            28,262 mkplug.sql
    02/09/2008  05:34 PM             1,775 mk_dir.sql
    02/09/2008  05:34 PM             1,775 mk_dir.sql.ouibak
    08/16/2006  10:10 AM             1,648
                   4 File(s)         33,460 bytes
                   0 Dir(s)  12,980,768,768 bytes freeI have seen it in 10g but Ahmed is using 11g.

  • Download 9i sample schemas

    I have 11g installed on my machine and I want to add the HR.OE...etc sample schemas and data from Oracle 9i.
    Does anyone know where I can download these schemas as well as the data?
    Steve K.

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