I got an error in import phase of CRM system (JAVAABAP) [win2008SQL2008+701]
sapinist thrown error : sap_z_collector
Logs are :sapinist_dev
TRACE      2010-12-16 20:38:27.566 [iaxxejsbas.hpp:483]
JS Callback has thrown unknown exception. Rethrowing.
ERROR      2010-12-16 20:38:27.568 [sixxcstepexecute.cpp:950]
FCO-00011  The step ExeProcs with step key |NW_Doublestack_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload_MSS|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssProcs|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|ExeProcs was executed with status ERROR .

Logs are
INFO 2010-12-16 15:42:08.342
Copied file 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/CRM70/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/statistic.xml' to 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/CRM70/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS/statistic.17.xml'.
INFO 2010-12-16 15:42:08.750
Execute step ExeProcs of component |NW_Doublestack_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload_MSS|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssProcs|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0
ERROR 2010-12-16 15:42:36.29
FCO-00011  The step ExeProcs with step key |NW_Doublestack_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload_MSS|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssProcs|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|ExeProcs was executed with status ERROR .
ERROR 2010-12-16 15:42:36.026
MDB-05053  Errors when executing sql command: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Associated statement is not prepared
<p> SOLUTION: If this message is displayed as a warning, you can ignore it. If this is an error, contact SAP support.</p>
INFO 2010-12-16 15:45:55.105
An error occured and the user decided to retry the current step: "|NW_Doublestack_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload_MSS|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssProcs|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|ExeProcs".
ERROR 2010-12-16 15:46:05.950
FCO-00011  The step ExeProcs with step key |NW_Doublestack_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_Postload_MSS|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssProcs|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|ExeProcs was executed with status ERROR .
ERROR 2010-12-16 15:46:05.948
MDB-05053  Errors when executing sql command: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Associated statement is not prepared
<p> SOLUTION: If this message is displayed as a warning, you can ignore it. If this is an error, contact SAP support.</p>

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    Right before ABAP Import it throws error - test connection to databse failed
    sapinst log file says check R3load.exe log and R3load.exe contain following error -
    sapparam: sapargv(argc, argv) has not been called!
    sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
    sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
    D:\usr\sap\DID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20090715122638
    D:\usr\sap\DID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/710_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#10 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\DID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: version R7.20/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Oct 26 2007 00:59:56
    D:\usr\sap\DID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe -testconnect
    (DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
    (DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 99
    D:\usr\sap\DID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    D:\usr\sap\DID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20090715122639
    I tried loging with SIDadm and continu same installation but didnt work.
    envirnment variable are ok.
    SQL database service is up and running and I can open SQL database from windows and login too.
    Any body any idea ????

    Hi Markus,
    I hae generated following SQL MSS log duing intallation. Plz go thru it
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: SAPPIDEV
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use DID
    setuser 'did'
    if  ((select object_id(user + '.' + 'sap_updatecolumns', 'P'))
    drop proc sap_updatecolumns
    /* sap_updatecolumns                                                  */
    /* Juergen Thomas, Microsoft Corp.,   05/20/98                        */
    /* Procedure is called by sap_updtstat to perform the update statistic*/
    /* on a single table.                                                 */
    /* Changes                                                            */
    /* Do update if 5% of the rows are changed.    06/18/98   J.Th MS     */
    /* Treatment of tables with less than 20 pages 07/14/98   J.Th MS     */
    /* Inventing fullsample and forcefullsample, skipping recompute,      */
    /* norecompute and firstrun                    10/25/98   J.Th MS     */
    create procedure sap_updatecolumns @tabname varchar(64),
    @statstype varchar(3) as
    declare @updatemode varchar(30),
    @printmessage varchar(30), @sum_changes int
    declare @tabname2 sysname, @done_changes varchar(1),
    @smalldpages int
    declare @stmt varchar(8000)
    select @sum_changes = 0
    select @sum_changes = (rows+1.0)/(rowmodctr+1.0)
    from sysindexes where id = object_id(@tabname) and
    indid <= 1 and (status&0x20) = 0
    if @sum_changes < 20
    select @smalldpages = dpages from sysindexes (nolock)
    where id = object_id(@tabname) and
    indid <= 1 and (status&0x20) = 0
    -- if data pages less than one extent, don't update the statistics
    if (@smalldpages <= 8)
    select @sum_changes = 100
    select @tabname2 = quotename(@tabname)
    select @done_changes ='N'
    select @updatemode =
    case @statstype
    when 'FU' then 'FULLSCAN'
    when 'SA' then 'SAMPLE'
    when 'FS' then 'SAMPLE'
    when 'FF' then 'FULLSCAN'
    when 'SF' then 'FULLSCAN, INDEX'
    when 'SFF' then 'FULLSCAN, INDEX'
    else ' '
    select @printmessage =
    case @statstype
    when 'FU' then 'FULLSCAN Mode '
    when 'SA' then 'SAMPLE Mode '
    when 'FS' then 'FORCED SAMPLE Mode '
    when 'FF' then 'FORCED FULLSCAN Mode '
    when 'SF' then 'FULLSCAN mode (index) and SAMPLE mode (statistics) '
    when 'SFF' then 'FORCED FULLSCAN mode(index)and SAMPLE mode(statistics)'
    else ' '
    if @statstype in ('FF', 'FS', 'SFF')
    select @done_changes = 'Y'
    /* Force to do update statistics, regardless of rowmodcntr  */
    if @sum_changes < 20 or @done_changes = 'Y'
    print 'Updating ' + @tabname + ' in ' + @printmessage
    select @stmt = 'update statistics ' + @tabname2 +
    case when @statstype is null then '' else ' with ' + @updatemode end
    if @statstype = 'SF' or @statstype = 'SFF'
    select @stmt = 'update statistics ' + @tabname2 + ' with columns'
    print 'No update statistics on table ' + RTRIM(@tabname) +
    ' necessary'
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: SAPPIDEV
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will be copied to current
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use DID
    setuser 'did'
    declare @rel nvarchar(3)
    set @rel = (@@microsoftversion / 65536) / 256
    if @rel = '10' set @rel = 'A'
    set @rel = @rel + N'.0'
    select SRCLINE from MSSSOURCE
    where PROCNAME = 'sap_updtstat'
    and DBRELEASE in (N' ', @rel)
    and REVISION = (select MAX(REVISION) from MSSSOURCE where PROCNAME = 'sap_updtstat' and DBRELEASE in (N' ', @rel))
    order by LINENR
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: SAPPIDEV
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use DID
    setuser 'did'
    if  ((select object_id(user + '.' + 'sap_updtstat', 'P'))
    drop proc sap_updtstat
    create procedure sap_updtstat @name varchar(30) = NULL,
    @statstype varchar(20) = NULL as
    declare @vname sysname
    declare @forceflag varchar(3), @time1 datetime,
    @time2 datetime, @timediff int
    declare @tmpstore varchar(30), @pmessage varchar(60),
    @forceflag2 varchar(3)
    set nocount on
    select @time1 = getdate()
    if @name is NULL
    select @name = 'ALL'
    select @forceflag = 'EM'
    select @forceflag2 = 'EM'
    if @statstype is not NULL
    select @forceflag =
    case @statstype
    when 'fullmode' then 'FU'
    when 'samplemode'  then 'SA'
    when 'forcesample' then 'FS'
    when 'forcefull' then 'FF'
    when 'forcefullsample'  then 'SFF'
    when 'fullsample'  then 'SF'
    when 'helpmode' then 'HE'
    else 'SA'
    if @forceflag = 'EM' and @name <> 'ALL'
    select @forceflag2 =
    case lower(@name)
    when 'fullmode' then 'FU'
    when 'samplemode'  then 'SA'
    when 'forcesample' then 'FS'
    when 'forcefull' then 'FF'
    when 'norecompute' then 'NR'
    when 'recompute' then 'RE'
    when 'firstrun' then 'FR'
    when 'forcefullsample'  then 'SFF'
    when 'fullsample'  then 'SF'
    when 'helpmode' then 'HE'
    else 'AL'
    if @forceflag = 'HE' or @forceflag2 = 'HE'
    print ' sap_updtstat is updating table and index statistics.' +
    ' Per default the row modification counter is '
    print ' used to decide, whether a update statistics has to be' +
    ' performed on a table or not. Per default a '
    print ' update statistics is performed if 5% of the rows are' +
    ' modified. If no specific parameter is'
    print ' specified, the default sample mode is used. '
    print ' Call: '
    print ' sap_updtstat [tablename], [fullmode|samplemode|' +
    'forcefull|forcesample|forcefullsample|fullsample' +
    print ' tablename:   Name of one table, if not specified, all' +
    ' tables of the database will be updated'
    print ' fullmode:    A full scan over the tables is performed' +
    ' during the upgrade'
    print ' samplemode:  The default sampling rate is used for the' +
    ' update statistics'
    print ' forcefull:   The row modification counter is not used.' +
    ' The table is updated in '
    print '              full scan mode, regardless whether it would' +
    ' be necessary or not'
    print ' forcesample: The row modification counter is not used.' +
    ' The table is updated in '
    print '              sample scan mode, regardless whether it ' +
    'would be necessary or not'
    print ' fullsample:  The update is done with full scan for ' +
    'indexes. The columns statistics will be updated in sample ' +
    'mode. The row modification counter is used to estimate, ' +
    'whether an update statistics is necessary '
    print ' forcefullsample: The update is done with full scan for ' +
    'indexes. The columns statistics will be updated in sample ' +
    'mode. The row modification is not regarded. This means the' +
    'update statistics is executed on all tables '
    print ' helpmode:    This explaination is coming up with no' +
    ' further action'
    if @name = 'ALL' or @forceflag2 not in ('EM', 'AL')
    declare c1 cursor for select name from sysobjects where
    uid = user_id() and
    type in ('U') order by name
    select @name = 'ALL'
    if not exists (select name from sysobjects where
    uid = user_id() and name = @name)
    print 'Table does not exist!'
    select @vname = @name
    if @name = 'ALL'
    open c1
    fetch c1 into @vname
    while @@fetch_status <> -1
    exec sap_updatecolumns @vname, @forceflag2
    fetch c1 into @vname
    deallocate c1
    if @forceflag = 'EM'     /* no forceflag specified  */
    select @forceflag = 'SA'       /* perform sampling */
    exec sap_updatecolumns @name, @forceflag
    set nocount off
    select @time2 = getdate()
    select @timediff = datediff(ms, @time1, @time2)
    Select @pmessage =  'Time needed in milliseconds: ' +
    print @pmessage
    set nocount off
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: SAPPIDEV
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will be copied to current
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use DID
    setuser 'did'
    declare @rel nvarchar(3)
    set @rel = (@@microsoftversion / 65536) / 256
    if @rel = '10' set @rel = 'A'
    set @rel = @rel + N'.0'
    select SRCLINE from MSSSOURCE
    where PROCNAME = 'sap_z_coll_level2'
    and DBRELEASE in (N' ', @rel)
    and REVISION = (select MAX(REVISION) from MSSSOURCE where PROCNAME = 'sap_z_coll_level2' and DBRELEASE in (N' ', @rel))
    order by LINENR
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: SAPPIDEV
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use DID
    setuser 'did'
    -- (C) SAP Labs, 2003
    --- Create table sap_perfhist -
    if  ((select object_id(user + '.' + 'sap_perfhist'))
    IS NULL )
    CREATE TABLE sap_perfhist
    ( entry_id   int           IDENTITY ,
    udate      datetime      NOT NULL ,
    frequency  int           NOT NULL ,  -- minutes
    retention  int           NOT NULL ,  -- days
    enabled    tinyint       NOT NULL ,
    activity   nvarchar(128)     NULL ,
    PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (entry_id)  )
    --- Initialise "enabled" entry -
    DECLARE  @frequency  int
    DECLARE  @retention  int
    IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sap_perfhist
    ORDER BY entry_id )
    select @frequency = dflt_freq ,
    @retention = dflt_retent
    from sap_p_status(default)
    INSERT INTO sap_perfhist
    ( udate, frequency, retention, enabled, activity )
    VALUES ( GETDATE(), @frequency, @retention, 1,
    'Initial record by sap_z_coll_level2' )
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: SAPPIDEV
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will be copied to current
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use DID
    setuser 'did'
    declare @rel nvarchar(3)
    set @rel = (@@microsoftversion / 65536) / 256
    if @rel = '10' set @rel = 'A'
    set @rel = @rel + N'.0'
    select SRCLINE from MSSSOURCE
    where PROCNAME = 'sap_z_collector'
    and DBRELEASE in (N' ', @rel)
    and REVISION = (select MAX(REVISION) from MSSSOURCE where PROCNAME = 'sap_z_collector' and DBRELEASE in (N' ', @rel))
    order by LINENR
    executeSQL is called with following parameters:
    Server: SAPPIDEV
    Login: integrated security
    Resultset will not be copied
    Ignore errors is false
    Append results is false
    use DID
    setuser 'did'
    -- (C) SAP Labs, 2001, 2003
    -- =============================================
    -- Check whether the MSSQL DB collector job
    -- is scheduled and enabled. If not, create all
    -- required objects and start the job.
    -- =============================================
    -- Remove the temporary DBCOLL schema creation
    -- stored procedure
    IF NOT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#sap_coll_user') IS NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE #sap_coll_user
    -- Create table sap_perfhist
    if  ((select object_id(user + '.' + 'sap_perfhist'))
    IS NULL )
    CREATE TABLE sap_perfhist
    ( entry_id   int           IDENTITY ,
    udate      datetime      NOT NULL ,
    frequency  int           NOT NULL ,  -- minutes
    retention  int           NOT NULL ,  -- days
    enabled    tinyint       NOT NULL ,
    activity   nvarchar(128)     NULL ,
    PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (entry_id)  )
    -- Initialise collector job status -
    declare @enabled    smallint
    declare @job_flag   smallint
    declare @job_exists smallint
    select @enabled    = enabled ,
    @job_flag   = job_flag ,
    @job_exists = job_exists
    from sap_p_status(default)
    -- Create the needed tables
    --   sap_perfcntr always gets re-created
    EXECUTE sap_create_cntr 0
    -- Re-create the job, if necessary
    IF ( @job_exists <= 0 )
    EXECUTE sap_perfadd ' '
    -- Enable the job
    IF ( @job_exists > 0 and @job_flag <> @enabled )
    EXECUTE sap_p_parameter @agtflag = @enabled
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Associated statement is not prepared

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