SATA III in a Mac quad 2009 SATA II?  Want a fast boot drive, but would the SATA III be a waste?

Mac is SATA II and I need a new HDrive.   Quiet, boot speed desired.   Must the new hard drive be SATA II ?
Are hybrid drives (200 MB SSD) reliable and reasonably priced?
Thanks in advance.  

RE: SATA Bus speed:
Most Rotating drives available today, whatever their SATA spec, can source data off the spinning platters no faster than about 125MBytes/sec.
SATA 3 is rated at 6G bits/sec, which theoretically is about 750 Mega Bytes/sec
SATA 2 is rated at 3G bits/sec, which is theoretically about 375 Mega Bytes/sec
SATA 1 is rated at 1.5G bits/sec, which is theoretically about 187.5 Meg Bytes/sec
None of the SATA Busses is a bottleneck for consumer Rotating drives you can buy today. Trying to speed up the SATA Bus will not provide any real-world performance increases for Rotating Drives.
Even most common SSD drives are not bottlenecked by SATA 2.

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    Hi All,
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    Well dont worry as to whether the Tranfer Mode is Reporting you S-ATA Drive at, as the UDMA Modes do NOT apply to S-ATA Drives, so if it is Reporting UDMA-5 or UDMA-6, there is No Difference with the Transfer speeds as far as S-ATA Drives are concerned........And I would Try to Enable the RAID Option in the BIOS, If indeed you are running a RAID Array ...............Sean REILLY875

  • I have recently purchased a hybred 750GbHDD as an upgrade for my MAC Book Pro (Intell Version) I have a boot camp partition to the original 500GB HDD. How can I expand both partitions to fit the new drive?

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    Ouch, well there is a problem.
    This is the stack of partitions on your old drive
    EFI (hidden)
    Lion (50GB say)
    Bootcamp (50GB say)
    Lion Recovery Partiton (hidden)
    This is the same stack on your new drive imaged from the old one.
    EFI (hidden)
    Lion (50GB say)
    Bootcamp (50GB say)
    Lion Recovery Partiton (hidden)
    Emtpy Space (100GB say)
    This is what you want
    EFI (hidden)
    Lion (100GB say)
    Bootcamp (100GB say)
    Lion Recovery Partiton (hidden)
    EFI has to be at the top of the drive and Lion Recovery has to be at the bottom of the drive.
    And you only have four partitions.
    You can't move the Lion Recovery Partition or Bootcamp partiton, however you can expand the Lion Partition into empty space below it. (but can't delete or move the Lion Recovery partition)
    Your Duplicator duplicated perfectly, too perfectly Likely would work with same sized drives/partitions.
    This is what your going to need to do.
    You need to move the Bootcamp partition to a blank external drive using WinClone and disconnect. This is so you have two backups of it. (one on your old 500GB drive)
    You will need a drive enclousre or IDE/SATA to USB adapter cable for the older 500GB drive and option key boot from it. (some enclosures can't be booted from so check first Other World Computing is good place to ask)
    Download the free Carbon Copy Cloner, grab any new files off the new 750GB internal drive to the old 500GB your booted from.
    Open Apple's Disk Utility and Erase with Zero option the entire internal 750GB drive and let it rip, this will map off as many bad sectors and improve reliability.
    Now use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the 500GB Lion + Lion Recovery Partitions to the internal 750GB, it will "fix" things and place Lion Recovery at the bottom of the drive where it belongs, give all the extra space to OS X Lion.
    Next your going to have to follow WinClones instructions to restore your Bootcamp, likely you will have to recreate the Bootcamp partition first (in Bootcamp) to the size you want and then clone. Likely Winclone may "fix" Windows to recognize it's in a new larger partition now. I don't know you'll have to check as I haven't used it.
    When Bootcamp creates the partition it will place it near the bottom next to the Lion Recovery Partition.
    As you know you will have to re-validate Windows with Lord Redmond or it expires as you changed the hardware.

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    Well if there is a EFI block, then running a program in OS X isn't going to do a lick of good.
    After all EFI was designed for Trusted Computing and Digital Rights Management, to act between the OS and hardware, can read drives, contact the Internet and everything.
    Windows doesn't use EFI, will have UEFI in Windows 8 though.

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    Thank you.

    You're welcome
    Just remember to reformat the partition (bootcamp partition) to NTFS with the windows installer, ensure to pick the correct partition.

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    Which model MacBook Pro do you have (e.g., “15-inch Late 2011”) and which version of OS X are you running?

  • Mac Mini 2009 - Can't daisy chain two FW800 drives

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    Those enclosures use an Oxford UF934DSB chipset.
    What's ironic that I had a FW400 enclosure daisy chained to one FW800 enclosure until this afternoon and that daisy-chain worked fine.
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    I always though the FW ports were just wired in parallel.
    Well, this is interesting - since these new FW800 enclosures also have one FW400 port as well, I just connected the second one using the FW400 ports and now they both mount.
    But now the whole chain only runs at FW400 speeds.
    Anyone else come across this problem or better yet, what is the solution to get both daisy-chained FW800 drives to mount.
    The enclosures are Rosewell, the drive in each a 1.5 TB WD green.

    I don't think it has anything to do with the power supply.
    The two enclosures are identical and react (work or not) exactly the same when I interchange them or the FW cable.
    They also work flawlessly if I connect the second one using FW400 instead of FW800. Would just trying to get the enclosure to mount with FW800 draw more current than when mounting with FW400 to put the power brick over the edge? I doubt it.
    A few other things I'm going to try - I do this when I have a few extra minutes since I can't afford to spend my time on this continuously.
    1. See if there is a F'W update for the enclosure and/or the Oxford chip.
    2. Talk to the Oxford and enclosure support people
    3. Update to 10.6.4, I'm on 10.6.2 right now
    4. Do a bit more digging on the net to see how others got the FW800 daisy-chaining working.
    The two enclosures react the same when I try each one separately and also when I switch them around. Whatever the problem is, it affects both equally so it's not some defect on one of them.
    With the rest of the testing I have done, I'm now pretty sure it's a Mac software problem.
    Although I would have thought someone else would have this problem as well but I can't even find any discussion on daisy-chaining with this chipset when running OS 10.6.
    There is a 15-digit number in disk utility called connection ID.
    I assume that is the Firewire ID number that some threads I read refer to.
    That ID is the same for the two FW800 ports and the FW400 port on each enclosure but it's different for the two enclosures, so some conflict there is definitely not the issue.
    So far I couldn't find what the latest issue of firmware is for the Oxford chip set, but I copied all the information that comes up with the firewire hardware listing so when I find the information I can check it against the firmware issue on my two units.
    Now, another interesting tidbit - some people say they had to power up the enclosure a few times occasionally to get a single drive to mount.
    I never had that problem, a single FW800 drive always mounted right away, but I decided to try that with the daisy-chained drive.
    So I turned the power switch on that second drive off and then on again...and lo and behold - doesn't it mount now........
    But that is not the interesting tidbit........the tidbit is when I check back in the Mini Firewire hardware listing.
    Whereas before it showed all the expected detail with either drive when connected individually via FW800, now with both FW800 drives connected I get this:
    *FireWire Bus:*
    *Warning: Unable to list FireWire devices.*
    *Maximum Speed: Up to 800 Mb/sec*
    ....and oooops - both FW800 drives just disconnected by themselves.
    Sure seems to point to a Mac software issue.
    And if you google for "Warning: Unable to list FireWire devices." you get pages of hits - many on Leopard but also a fair share on SL.
    I updated the software to 10.6.4 - still the same problem.
    Daisy-chain with FW400 is fine, with FW800 the second drive in the chain - doesn't matter which one it is, won't mount.

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    iancray wrote:
    UPDATE:  Last night, I installed Windows 7 next to Yosemite on my MBP.  Copied the Windows partion to my external, and then tried to copy that partition on the external to my MP.  No success, probably because MBP and MP have different drivers?
    You will need to use Winclone to move images from one Mac to a different Mac if there are any hardware differences. It is a commercial tool.
    Please see Partition-with-Winclone-4
    It requires a Sysprep on the source first to remove any HW-specific parts and make it a proper image to move it to a different HW platform. Once you have this migrated, you will need to reactivate Windows and install the appropriate Windows drivers which will support your MP-specific HW.

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    Only if you decide to share with us your particular situation. Guild Wars should install and run like any other Game. Other than the Game Installer, Games don't need some other installer to make them work. Only someone who reads the instructions for the proper installation.

  • My Mac Mini (2009 version) does not let me boot from another device

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    As Squiggle wrote, the external drive was definitely bootable.  It was a clean installation of Leopard (retail package) on an empty drive.  I tested it on my own mini before going over.  It did not boot on his mini.  The drive was visible.  It mounted properly.  It was visible, and selectable, in the "Startup Disk" system preference.  The mini went into an endless reboot cycle.  The only way to interrupt the cycle was to hold down the option key and select the internal drive (yes, the external drive was listed at this point as well).
    After giving up on that approach we tried TDM, using the retail Leopard DVD in the DVD drive in my PowerBook. Again, the drive was visible, and selectable.  The same reboot cycle occurred, and the same method had to be used to break the cycle.
    Yes, I zapped PRAM (not that I expected it to do anything).
    The DVD drive in the mini appears to have problems, but will that prevent booting from any device other than the internal drive?
    I'm stumped.

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    I have a mac computer that uses no password.  When installing flash player I get the message "Install adobe flash player wants to make changes  Type your password to allow this.  I can't get past this message.

    To change your password you will need to open System Preferences, then open Users & Groups, click on Change Password.  Change your password to a temporary one, then when you have finished you do the same procedure to change it back, by typing in the temp password then leaving the new password blank.  Hope this helps.

  • I have an 2.4 Mac Book Pro.  I want to wipe it clean and reinstall the Lion OS I bought from the App Store.  I looked for instructions but did not find them any advice where the instructions are would be appreciated.  Thanks

    I am looking for help on how to or where I can find information on how I can clean my hard drive and then reinstall Lion,  Thanks

    Boot from Recovery HD upon startup hold-down keys Command R . Until you see the Apple logo then select the Arrow (Next)
    From the OS Utility, select Disk Utility then click Macintosh HD. click the Erase tab on the right side.
    Format:Mac OS Extended(Journaled)
    Name:Macintosh HD
    And click Erase
    Once Erase process is done, close Disk Utility and select the second option in the OS Utility which is Reinstall OS. Let it run. It should take about an hour to complete, this type os installation is internet dependent so somehow the completion of the process depends on internet speed as well.

  • How do I tell my Mac to automatically save files to an external hard drive instead of the on-board storage?

    My question is: how do I make my Mac save file automatically to my external hard drive? I don't want to have a bunch of storage on my computer taken up because I can't save it to my external hard drive. I have an early 2014 MacBook Air 13.3" 128GB hard drive. As you can see I don't have a whole lot of space for files. I would prefer for them to be on the external hard drive.Thanks,

    Many applications will remember the last saved folder but some like Microsoft Word will allow you to set a default location.
    There is a third party app that you might want to check out called DefaultFolder X. You can set a default folder per application with this app. Has a 30 day demo.
    Users with the small drives often put their iPhoto & iTunes Libraries on the external. You can then set the applications to look at the library on the external drive.
    Hope this helps!

  • I want to place my contacts from Iphone to my mac, and i don't want to lose my contacts, wat is the best option?

    Is it safe to sync my iphone with the mac, i want to place my contacts from my Iphone to the mac.
    How can i do this?

    Of course it is safe, it's what you are supposed to do. The only time you might have an issue is if you have already synced to a different computer. As long as there is at least one contact already on your Mac, when you first sync you will be given the option to merge the contacts.

  • Mac pro 2.66 Quad Core - boot drive mirrored, replace?

    I have a Mac Pro 2.66 Quad Core system.
    I got all 'sexy' when I set it up - loaded four 1-TB drives in the 4 bays, Mirrored the boot set, also mirrored the secondary set for data.
    I am getting ready to have these guys filled up (I do lots of video, pics, etc), and am thinking about 'growing' the drives to 2TB or even 3TB disks (mirrored of course, I'm paranoid).
    So I am thinking about the 'how' of moving my data to the larger drive, getting things set up.  I have not had any of the drives fail, so I haven't needed to do a swap out yet.
    Can I simply take out one of the mirrored boot drives, put in a larger drive, and it will then rebuild the mirror?
    or if anyone has some info they can point me to, I'd appreciate it.

    You cannot just add a larger drive and grow your RAID Volume size. You need to create an empty larger RAID Volume and COPY the data to the larger Volume, e.g., from your Backups.
    Mirrored RAID is NOT Backup. It merely extends the time to repair to keep a drive failure from becoming a data disaster. RAID gives you no protection from human error, crazy software or file problems that happen "just because". You still need backup.
    One of the best ways to get increased performance from a computer with the ability to support multiple Internal drives is to keep only System, Library, Applications, and the hidden unix files including paging/swap on the Boot Drive, and move everything else off. This dramatically reduces competition for the Boot Drive and everything speeds up. A Velociraptor is a little faster, and an SSD is incrementally faster still.
    If that is all that is on the Boot Drive, you do not need to RAID it, since it can be reproduced from DVDs or downloads in short order. All your User files and Preferences are on other drives..
    Implementing this would suggest a single small fast Boot Drive, typically with an offline clone as Backup for emergencies, and forget about RAID-ing the Boot Drive.

Maybe you are looking for