Satellite R830-10C: Need an advise

Hi guys,
Was just wondering if there was anyone out there with a Satellite R830-10C who could advise me on how hot it gets.
I'm looking to upgrade from a netbook to a (cheapish) ultraportable and this looks like really good value for money and well reviewed. However, I've seen some comments on the R830-11c and -143 that seem to indicate they get very hot on the bottom.
I realise the 10C is less powerful so should run cooler, but I need to be able to use this on my lap, leave it on sofa arms etc (not duvets or anything silly) without any issues or I'm better off going for something bulkier and cooler.
Your advice would be very much appreciated

The left side can get a bit warm but I don't think it's too bad. If you are just browsing the internet or something else light, then it stays relatively cool.
If you are worried about the heat, you may be better off getting a slightly larger model with a bigger chassis such as the Tecra R840.

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    Take care.

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    Section "Device"
    Identifier "card0"
    Driver "intel"
    Option "Backlight" "intel_backlight"
    BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
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    Last edited by entodoays (2015-05-18 15:21:04)

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    /* available kernel interfaces in priority order */
    static const gchar *backlight_interfaces[] = {
    Patching this file, eliminating the toshiba device from the preferred list and adding intel_backlight to it might solve the issue.
    On another page, … issues/135 they suggest another possible hack: changing the priority of device type
    file plugins/power/gsd-backlight-helper.c
    /* search the backlight devices and prefer the types:
    * firmware -> platform -> raw */
    path = gsd_backlight_helper_get_type (devices, "firmware");
    if (path != NULL)
    goto out;
    path = gsd_backlight_helper_get_type (devices, "platform");
    if (path != NULL)
    goto out;
    path = gsd_backlight_helper_get_type (devices, "raw");
    if (path != NULL)
    goto out;
    Changing the order to firmware -> raw -> platform would solve the problem for me too.
    Unfortunately I've never done any patching yet. How would I go about it?
    Last edited by entodoays (2015-05-12 07:22:06)

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    Thank you very much.

    Thank you for your reply.
    I was using the mouse without installing the software that came with it (IntelliPoint), which seems to have been necessary to obtain the latest driver. So I've installed the latest driver now, but... I've still come across the same high CPU usage problem after wakeup.
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    THX in advance!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Germany...

    A new recovery DVD you can get from your local ASP (authorized service provider).
    Or you order a DVD from Toshiba directly:
    The AHCI drivers or lets say Intel Storage Manager you can download from the Toshiba website as you already said.
    The .exe file you must extract to use it during the installation but with the recovery disk you dont need them.
    Please read the readme file in from the Storage Manager, there is an example how to extract it. Use he command line
    For example: -A -A -PC:\<path>

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    Thank you in Advance

    Hi! Go here!
    You need to order the recovery discs and start over. Goodness people this is not Rocket Science! You need a media to install a operating System. Toshiba has given you all the tools to do these things. There is more than just knowing where the power button is. You can't just delete or formatt and exspect miracles. If you failed to create the recovery discs, then order them from Toshiba
    I Love my Satellite L775D-S7222 Laptop. Some days you're the windshield, Some days you're the bug. The Computer world is crazy. If you have answers to computer problems, pass them forward.

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    I need a part number to go on, and any other compatable power adapters numbers.
    Appreciate any help given.

    Hi Jane,
    I believe the part number you need is PA3283E-2ACA
    Check it out on the following link :- duct_uid=64945&_LOC=UK

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