Saving Pics on Multiple Devices

What is the best way to share photos among all my devices?  I have several ipads etc.  I don't want them to be deleted every 30 days which is my understanding with ICloud.

That is not how iCloud works.  It backs up the contents of your camera roll when on, connected to wifi and in sleep mode. 
To answer your question, I use dropbox.  It's a free app for all platforms and devices and automatically uploads all pictures and video once a day when connected to your home wifi.  Add it to the computer, iPad, smart phone, iPod touch, etc.
You can get 5 GB of free storage.  Your pics are available on all devices to download any time.

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    Itunes content and pics are NOT part of the backup that itunes performs.
    Backing up, updating, and restoring iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone software
    You should transfer any purchases from iphone regularly:  File>Transfer Purchases  , if they fail to be transferred when you sync.
    You buy one and only one download.  It is your responsibility to move/copy/backup your purchases.
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    Go to Solution.

    Programs of this type usually use a state machine of some sort.  You can find many tutorials on LabVIEW state machines in these forums or the LAVA forums.  If you are doing a rewrite, I would also recommend you consider LabVIEW classes.  They help modularize your code and make the subparts more reuseable.  You may end up with less to maintain, as a result.
    <shamelessPlug>You may also want to consider TestStand.  It was designed to run sequences of tests, so may make your life easier.  It could also be gross overkill.</shamelessPlug>
    Let us know if you run into issues with state machines or classes.
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.



    Hi pimentel!
    I have an article here for you that can help address that question for you:
    iBooks: Viewing, syncing, saving, and printing PDFs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    rcschnoor wrote:
    1 - I can't think of any reason why this would be moral OR ethical. Saving you money does not make something moral or ethical.
    2 - Don't we all. If you are paying too much for minutes you don't use, lower your plan. If you are routinely close to exceeding a 2GB allowance, then you are NOT carefully rationing your data. I am constantly browsing/downloading/updating/emailing and I don't come close to exceeding 2GB.
    1 Saving me money is not moral or ethical? Sure it is. Greed is NEVER moral or ethical. I believe the OWS protesters are trying to make this very point as I write. And they are being beaten and arrested for it.
    2 Costs too much, lower my plan? Would love to. But, the carrier doesn't provide one for me to switch to. NOt one for which I "qualify" anyway, though plans with lower voice minutes do exist in the system. Years ago there were $20 50 minute and $30 200 minute plans. Not anhy more. Why? Cattle drive customers into higher price plans.
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    Do you know where the downloaded file is saved ?? Use the SHIFT button while pressing the restore option in iTunes. It will allow you to browse the downloaded file.

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    Hey Rookeydooks,
    Sounds like you have Apple Configurator set to automatically refresh when you connect iPads. To turn this off (in Apple Configurator 1.2.1), in the menu bar go to Apple Configurator -> Preferences. On the General tab, uncheck "Automatically refresh". This way, the iPad won't automatically revert back to the saved supervised backup.
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    Hope this answers your question!

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    Thank you!

    Any of the above will work, depending how you would like to set it up.
    Given that kids tend to eventually grow up and be independent, the best long term answer for most people is to let her have her own account and her own library as soon as she can handle it.  Keep in mind that content purchased from the iTunes Store is permanently tied to the account from which it was originally purchased, so separating later is a challenge.
    If you want to sync multiple devices to the same library, that will work.  Or if you want separate libraries (as I would recommend), they can be either on separate computers or on separate Windows user accounts on the same PC.
    For the name change:  Connect the device.  When the name appears in the left sidebar of iTunes, highlight it and change it.

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    I personally would recommend to use different iCloud account for your own stuff like email, calendars, reminders etc. If you want to have a calendar for your family then just share it via your iPhone, iPad or Mac. Yes, you could keep you me,com email address but it should be migrated to icloud because MobileMe was shut down.

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    Should it be viewed as one iCloud account per user? Is that possible from one itunes on the PC?
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    A single account would mean you all shared the same calendars, contacts, Photo Stream and email, but they can all be turned off individually, iTunes and the app store are separate accounts but it sounds as though you already have a single account for those any way, but again you can turn off automatic downloads and have each device sync different music and apps if you wish. It won't affect Facebook in any way.
    If you have seperate iCloud accounts you would ideally need different user accounts on the PC.

  • One itunes account multiple devices in family - help

    I have one itunes account but multiple devices used by the family and I am having conflicts with sharing and face time, imessage etc.
    Listed devices
    Me - iphone 5, Ipad mini, Apple Tv, Macbook Pro 13" (just purchased)
    Wife - iphone 5, ipad
    Daughter - iphone 4, ipad mini
    Son - iphone 4
    Son - ipad
    At the moment we all use one itunes account (mine) we all have our own email adresses etc.
    I have itunes U which can be accessed.
    The problem is everyone wants to use face time and imessage etc but I keep having conflicts with the devices sharing eachothers messages etc. Plus not eveyone wants to share photos etc so how do you manage that across mulitple devices.
    Is it a set up issue or is it easier for everyone to have their own accounts.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You could simply ensure that only the numbers and addresses you wish to use on each device are checked at Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. However this isn’t an ideal solution because the other person can always change these settings from their device and have some fun with you and your contacts.
    You’d be far better getting them to delete your account from their device and have them create one of their own. If you are sharing an ID for some other service such as iTunes, you can continue to do so, you only need change the ID for messages.

  • Sync multiple devices owned by other family members to one iTunes account

    I am wondering if it is OK since we have one imac computer running iTunes in the house, but I have an iphone and ipad, my son has an iphone, my daughter has and ipod, and my wife has an iphone, if it is OK to be syncing all of our devices under MY login in iTunes.  Or should I log out of iTunes and have that particular person log in to iTunes each time we sync?  Not sure how that would work though when each device is set up to sync over wifi if I stay logged in on the computer and in iTunes.  I just hate to see all the apps in the apps section of the iTunes/Devices/Sync Apps.  Not a problem though since it does keep them seperate...most of the time.  I mean, it seems as though a few times I have hooked up a device and it corrupted my sync causing all my newly synced devices to change the apps.  Only happened a few times.  This is kind of vague info, but it hasn't happened only a few times and I don't know how better to explain it.  The main question here is as stated in the beginning.
    Also, on a seperate note that I'll rant about in a seperate listing, I really hate the fact that I have to login into iTunes with a third party (Gmail) email address.  I converted over from a PC and from Google Android to a Mac and iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV....and I have set up everyone with addresses, but we can't login to iTunes/Apple ID with them.

    That doesnt apply very well. Everyone in my family has a separate account. Although for the main home sharing and apple tv it is off my account. I suppose that it is a good thing that we use one pc since everything stored on the hard rive that I sync to iTunes is then available for any user to sync to there device. Ie; home videos, movies ripped from DVD, CDs, I have one original,iPod touch with no cloud support. I just synced it to my itunes on our one pc and it transferred to my pc over 640 purchases. Albeit they were all free, but now I have to sift through them all in the iTunes/devices/sync apps screen. Oh well. It actually seems as though the way I'm doing it is the best for my family of six with many multiple devices and im sure more to come in time. Again I can always sign out and let someone else sign into iTunes. A plus this way since still all my media is on my pc and network storage drive.

  • I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.

    I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.
    I have been reasearching how to do this on the internet, but I haven't found an easy explanation yet.  My family is going crazy over each others imessages being sent to others in the family and not being able to use FaceTime because of conflicting email addresses.  I have read that if each person gets their own iCloud account, this would work.  However, I need to know what to do after I set everyone up with their own iCloud account.  Do I make that the default email address to be contacted or can they still use their hotmail email addresses.  Any help- with easy explanation- would be much appreciated!!

    We do this in my family now.  We have one account for purchases, so it is used to share music and apps (I think that is in Settings/iTunes & App Stores).  Each iDevice has this configured.
    Then, each of us has our own iCloud account that is configured under Settings/iCloud.  That then allows us to have our own Mail/Contacts/Calendars/Reminders/Safari Bookmarks/Notes/Passbook/Photo Stream/Documents & Data/Find My iPhone/and Backup.  That Backup piece is pretty sweet and comes in handly if you replace your iDevice.  You can just restore from it.
    So we all share the Apple Store account but we all have our own iCloud accounts to keep the rest seperate or things like you mentioned are a nightmare.
    In answer to what iCloud does for you:
    Think of it as an internet based ("cloud") area for all of those items listed in my response.  What you need to remember is photo stream only maintans the last 1000 pictures so don't count it as a complete backup solution for your pictures.  Even though I rarely sync with a computer these days, I do still try to sync my phone with iPhoto (I have an iMac) so that I have copies of all of my pictures.  1000 may not stretch as far as it sounds.
    Message was edited by: Michael Pardee

  • Multiple devices using the one Apple ID

    We have multiple devices (2 x iPhone and 2 x iPod Touch) that use the one Apple ID for our family.  As we all have separate email accounts, calendars and contacts, do we need to create individual Apple ID for iCloud syncing and iTunes purchases or is it possible to destinguish devices use the one ID?
    Appreciate any guidance here, as not keen on setting up new Apple ID's for young children.

    Sorry, just want to chime in and say that we have this issue too. We have only three devices, Mac, PC, and iPod touch. But we have two each of separate email accounts, address books, and calendars. We decided several years ago to use one Apple ID for iTunes only on one computer and the iPod. But how will several adults in a family share an Apple ID and iTunes login, but enable separate email, contacts, and calendars in iCloud? We really want this to work.
    Thanks very much!
    OH, wait - it looks like it is answered here:
    The answer is a little bit hard to understand, so I will keep reading. We did not have Mobile me addresses, so I guess we will create two new ones.
    I'll post more threads if I find them.
    Message was edited by: def

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