Scaling a Custom Component? (pressing a button)

"To resize a custom component, edit the components content"
Does that mean edit in Photoshop?? I can't find anywhere to scale the object. I have a button and I want it to scale down as I press it...
I basically want an easy way to make an image into a button that looks depressed or something when you click it...

It means to edit the component in Catalyst.
For example:
1) Draw a Rectangle
2) Choose the Arrow tool. Right-clck on Rectangle and choose Convert Artwork to Component > Button
3) With the Button selected, notice that the HUD displays "Edit Button Appearance" with Up, Down, Over, and Disabled choices. Choose one.
Or, you can double-click on the Button.
4) In either case, you will enter what is called Edit-in-Place mode, where you are now editing the definition of the Button.
5) You can use the Catalyst drawing tools to change the Button so that it looks different in the Up and Down states.
6) Use the bread crumb bar above the ArtBoard to exit Edit-in-Place mode, or double-click outside the Button.
Hope this helps,
-- Greg

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    I can handle any data with my buttons on the component but after editing data
    i need the save the data when the save button on the overview(top) is pressed.
    I have redefined save button of overview but i cant get my data.
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    How can i do that?
    Thank you

    Probably it can be done by
    i am trying
    Thank you

  • How Do I Link to Custom Component States From Scrolling Content Buttons?

    Hi there, I'm in need of some help as i've got a deadline to meet within the next few weeks and im stuck!
    Basically what I've done is i've made a scrolling content lists, containing about 10 products in each one, my plan was to turn each product into a button so that users could click on that product, and take them to a new page containing more detailed information on that product; when they've finished looking at that product they can click a button to return them to the list they were on previously. However I can't just make a brand new state for each product as there is a limit to 20 states, and I will need around 50 of them.
    So, from what i've read I will need to create custom components. the only trouble with doing this is that I can't link to the custom component on a different main timeline state (I dont get the option to link to the states of the custom component).
    If i put the image of the detailed product into the scroll panel I am able to link to it, however, it's inside the scrolling content and it just scrolls around and stuff which isn't what I want; as it makes it look messy.
    - Basically I just need to link from the buttons in the scrolling list, to a more detailed page for that product. Then be able to return to the list using a button.
    If anybody has any input on how to achieve this, please help me out. Starting to panic now as this needs to be finished before september :s
    Btw i'm happy to share my .fxp file it that helps.
    Thanks alot, Hoping for some helpful replies on this topic
    - Tom

    Hi Tom,
    Adding this back here to share my wireframe with the community.
    Have put a quick .fxp together based on the 'product' section of your project.
    Take a look at how the product lists are linking into the product detail pages within their custom components. 
    Using this model you should be able to expand out to infinite product detail states.  If a particular product area has more than the maximum allowed states, just start a new custom component (part 2 for that product section).
    Let me know if you have any questions. Hope this sets you on a path to getting your project complete.  It's looking nice.

  • Scroll bar, buttons and a Custom Component - help

    Thanks to another forum I was able to create a scroll panel and add a scroll bar to it.  That works fine.  Inside the scroll panel I have thumbnails of the product that I'm highlighting.  I want to be able to click on the thumbnail and have a full size photo of the product come up in the window next to the scroll panel.  I created a custom component that has a stage showing each full size product individually.  This worked fine when I simply had buttons and no scroll bar.  I could convert the thumbnail to a button and then add interaction so that it would go to the proper state of the custom component.  Where I'm having problems is now that I've imbedded the buttons in a scroll panel I'm no longer given the custom component as an option to pick from.  I can add interaction, but it only gives me the option of picking one of the pages, and not a component.
    I've attached a screen grab to help show what I'm describing.
    Any ideas?

    Doug, thanks for asking this question.
    Hi ADAM...
    It seems that a lot of us are asking the same question: Scrollbar Navigation-Make Actionable
    (I created a low-fidelity proof-of-concept to test—using a datalist as you suggested. See link in my posting).
    I have reviewed the video you refer to here, but you example still does not allow for individual items in the datalist (scrollbar) to be assigned individual actionable events.
    Can you expain your thinking in Option 1, as a workaround? Do you have any other suggestions?
    We are all looking to do the same thing... something we are going to see A LOT MORE of after Uncle Steve's TABLET presentation next week:
    A scrolling menu, with selected items in the menu causing "navigation" to a certain point in a scroll panel. (imitating the flick or slide effect of iPhone).
    Suggestion: Can you add a field to thedatalist so that when the "repeated item" (in edit mode) is configuredto do an action (i.e., On-Click, Transition to State), we can then assign the state  you'd like for each item in thetable itself?
    Now the issue is making it change the "State" within another component (i.e. scrolling panel). Can that be done?
    - Rick

  • Button in custom component not showing

    I made a very simple custom component with a TextField and Button but when I add multiple instances of it to a Layout, only the first Button shows up while the other show only when I focus the corresponding TextField. I'm quite new to fx and I'm not sure I did everything correctly but I don't see any obvious error in my code.
    The component:
    public class TestComponent extends BorderPane {
        private Button browseButton;
        private TextField textField;
        public TestComponent() {
            FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("TestComponent.fxml"));
            try {
            } catch (IOException exception) {
                throw new RuntimeException(exception);
    The fxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import java.lang.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.HBox?>
    <fx:root type="javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane" xmlns:fx=""
            <TextField fx:id="textField" prefWidth="200.0" />
            <Button fx:id="browseButton" mnemonicParsing="false" maxHeight="-Infinity"
                minHeight="-Infinity" prefHeight="${textField.height}" text="Browse"
                textAlignment="CENTER"  />
    and the test code
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
            VBox box = new VBox(5);
            box.setPadding(new Insets(5));
            TestComponent a = new TestComponent();
            TestComponent b = new TestComponent();
            TestComponent c = new TestComponent();
            box.getChildren().addAll(a, b, c);
            Scene scene = new Scene(box);
    I'm running on Ubuntu with jdk-8-ea-bin-b111-linux-i586-10_oct_2013. I tested with jdk 1.7.0_40 and the buttons don't show.
    I'd include screenshots but the button to add images is disabled.
    Thanks for the help

    The issue is with the bind definition in the FXML, if you remove that definition, the buttons will display.
    I think the binding is working, but when there is some kind of error (bug) in the layout process such that the scene is not automatically laid out correctly when the binding occurs.
    You can get exactly the same behaviour by removing the binding definition in FXML and placing it in code after the load.
    When the scene is initially displayed, the height of all of the text fields is 0, as they have not been laid out yet, and the browser button prefHeight gets set to 0 through the binding.
    That's OK and expected.
    Then the scene is shown and a layout pass occurs, which sets the height of the text fields to 26 and the prefHeight of all of the browser buttons adjust correctly.
    That's also OK and expected.
    Next the height of one of the buttons is adjusted via a layout pass.
    That's also OK and expected.
    But the height of the other buttons is not adjusted to match their preferred height (probably because a layout pass is not run on them).
    That is not OK and not expected (and I think a bug).
    If you manually trigger a layout pass on one of the components which did not render completely, the button will be displayed - but that should not be necessary.
    You can file a bug against the Runtime project at:
    You will need to sign up at the link on the login page, but anybody can sign up and log a bug.
    Here is some sample code.
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.geometry.Insets;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class ComponentTestApp extends Application {
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        VBox box = new VBox(5);
        box.setPadding(new Insets(5));
        TestComponent a = new TestComponent();
        TestComponent b = new TestComponent();
        TestComponent c = new TestComponent();
        box.getChildren().addAll(a, b, c);
        Scene scene = new Scene(box);
        b.requestLayout(); // I don't understand why this call is necessary -> looks like a bug to me . . .
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.fxml.FXML;
    import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
    public class TestComponent extends BorderPane {
        private static int nextComponentNum = 1;
        private final int componentNum = nextComponentNum;
        private TextField textField;
        private Button browseButton;
        public TestComponent() {
            FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("TestComponent.fxml"));
            try { 
                System.out.println(componentNum + " " + browseButton + " prefHeight " + browseButton.getPrefHeight());
                textField.heightProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
                  public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
                    System.out.println(componentNum + " " + textField + " height " + newValue);
                browseButton.prefHeightProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
                  public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
                    System.out.println(componentNum + " " + browseButton + " prefHeight " + newValue);
                browseButton.heightProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
                  public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
                    System.out.println(componentNum + " " + browseButton + " height " + newValue);
                    new Exception("Not a real exception - just a debugging stack trace").printStackTrace();
            } catch (IOException exception) {
                throw new RuntimeException(exception); 
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import java.lang.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.HBox?>
    <fx:root type="javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane" xmlns:fx=""
            <TextField fx:id="textField" prefWidth="200.0" />
            <Button fx:id="browseButton" mnemonicParsing="false" maxHeight="-Infinity"
                    minHeight="-Infinity" text="Browse"
                    textAlignment="CENTER"  />
            <!--<Button fx:id="browseButton" mnemonicParsing="false" maxHeight="-Infinity"-->
                    <!--minHeight="-Infinity" prefHeight="${textField.height}" text="Browse"-->
                    <!--textAlignment="CENTER"  />-->
    Here is the output of the sample code:
    1 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' prefHeight 0.0
    2 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' prefHeight 0.0
    3 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' prefHeight 0.0
    1 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' prefHeight 26.0
    1 TextField[id=textField, styleClass=text-input text-field] height 26.0
    2 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' prefHeight 26.0
    2 TextField[id=textField, styleClass=text-input text-field] height 26.0
    3 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' prefHeight 26.0
    3 TextField[id=textField, styleClass=text-input text-field] height 26.0
    2 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' height 26.0
    java.lang.Exception: Not a real exception - just a debugging stack trace
      at testcomponent.TestComponent$3.changed(
      at testcomponent.TestComponent$3.changed(
      at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$Generic.fireValueChangedEvent(
      at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
      at javafx.scene.layout.Region.setHeight(
      at javafx.scene.layout.Region.resize(
      at javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane.layoutChildren(
      at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
      at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
      at javafx.scene.Scene.doLayoutPass(
      at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(
    java.lang.Exception: Not a real exception - just a debugging stack trace
      at testcomponent.TestComponent$3.changed(
      at testcomponent.TestComponent$3.changed(
      at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$Generic.fireValueChangedEvent(
      at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
      at javafx.scene.layout.Region.setHeight(
      at javafx.scene.layout.Region.resize(
      at javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane.layoutChildren(
      at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
      at javafx.scene.Parent.layout(
      at javafx.scene.Scene.doLayoutPass(
      at javafx.scene.Scene$ScenePulseListener.pulse(
    1 Button[id=browseButton, styleClass=button]'Browse' height 26.0

  • Show a custom component on button click in a view stack`

    Hello folks
    I have a view stack in which i have some custom components.
    Now there is one custom component in which there is one button. On the button click, i want to show another custom component but i dont know how to do it. Should i write the inline mxml click event in custom component?? If yes then how??
    Currently i am doing it as

    As you know, ViewStack  has containers, lilke VBox for its views.
    Assuming one of your views VBox has an id of myVBox, and that VBox has the Button that when clicked will display the component, just have the component in the view already, but you can make it invisible with visible=false and includeInLayout=false, and then upon button click set those two variables to true.
    You will probably want a show handler for the view VBox to make those properties false each time that view is displayed.
    Here is some simple sample code.
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
    ---------- MySimpleComponent.mxml ----------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
      width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
      <mx:Label text="My Custom Component"/>
    ---------- MainApp.mxml  ----------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
      xmlns:comp="*" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
      <mx:LinkBar dataProvider="{vs}"/>
      <mx:ViewStack id="vs" width="100%" height="100%">
        <mx:VBox label="view1" width="100%" height="100%"
          <mx:Label text="View One"/>
        <mx:VBox label="view2"  width="100%" height="100%"
          <mx:Label text="View Two"/>
          <mx:Button label="Make myComp Visible" click="myComp.visible=true;myComp.includeInLayout=true;"/>
          <comp:MySimpleComponent id="myComp" visible="false" includeInLayout="false"/>

  • Creating a button that leads back into the main Pages/States from a custom component

    Hello Y'all! isnt F.C. awesome!
    BUT... just cant get a button that leads from a custom component ive made back into the main bulk of pages and states ive created to work.
    it runs a bit like this:
    Main title page...
                                                 Nature (on which theres a Custom Component which when clicked leads to...)
                                                            20 different custom component states each with different pics, linked via buttons
    from each of which id love a button that led back to Photography, exiting the custom component
    ive tried the basics:      Add interaction.. when clicked.. play transition to.. state: Photography
    but to no avail
    any ideas? im at a loss!
    thanks in advance,

    Cross component communications are an issue in Flash Catalyst 1.0. Thankfully, in Flash Catalyst 5.5 the team addressed some of those issues.
    The only idea I have for remove the 'return' button from within the component, then it should be able to get you back to the home state.
    Or, you might be able to wait a few weeks for the new version of Flash Catalyst to ship (or you can play with the older preview release on

  • Problem with inputText in my custom component

    Hi, I have a custom dataTable component that I'm trying to get to work. It has to be a custom component because dataTable doesn't support rowspan, colspan, multi line headers, and a rendered attribute for rows. The problem is, that when I wrap the column tag inside my row tag then the method for the inputText tag never gets called in the UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES phase.
    I'm starting to think that JSF doesn't support 2 levels of tags between the inputText and dataTable. I'm hoping that someone can tell me what I have wrong with my components.
    Here is the JSP snippet.
         <cjsf:data id="dataTable1" value="#{allAuthUser.tableRows}" var="myTableRow1">
                        <h:inputText id="tableTestFld" value="#{myTableRow1.testFld}" size="5" maxlength="5"/>
    </cjsf:rptTable>Here is what it renders. It looks to me like everything renders fine. So I'm guessing that there is something in a component that is causing JSF during the life cycle to not be able to process correctly.
                   <td><input id="tblmaintForm:body:dataTable1_0:tableTestFld" name="tblmaintForm:body:dataTable1_0:tableTestFld" type="text" value="" maxlength="5" size="5"/></td>
                   <td><input id="tblmaintForm:body:dataTable1_1:tableTestFld" name="tblmaintForm:body:dataTable1_1:tableTestFld" type="text" value="" maxlength="5" size="5"/></td>
                   <td><input id="tblmaintForm:body:dataTable1_2:tableTestFld" name="tblmaintForm:body:dataTable1_2:tableTestFld" type="text" value="" maxlength="5" size="5"/></td>
    </table>Note: If I leave off the row tag it renders the same way except of course the <tr> and </tr> tags are missing. If I do this, then the backing method for the inputText tag is called and everything works fine. Why doesn't it work with the row tag in place?
    Here are the components:
    public class UIRptTable extends UIComponentBase {
         public UIRptTable() {
         public String getFamily() {
              return "javax.faces.Output";
    public class UIRptTableData extends HtmlDataTable {
         public UIRptTableData() {
         public String getFamily() {
              return "javax.faces.Data";
    public class UIRptTableRow extends UIOutput {
         public UIRptTableRow() {
         public String getFamily() {
              return "javax.faces.Output";
    public class UIRptTableCol extends UIColumn {
         public UIRptTableCol() {
         public String getFamily() {
              return "javax.faces.Column";
    }Here is part of the faces-config file in case you need it.
    <!-- Components -->
    <!-- Render Kits -->
    </render-kit>I sure hope that someone can help me out. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

    Hi, Ray!
    1) I was trying to put a button in the column header (for sorting) and I couldn't get that to work. That involved the >colhdr tag. I got that to work but I don't remember the fix. I'll look it up and reply back with that when I can.Dealing the first part of your trouble, you need NOT a custom component.
    I have looked through the implementation of RepeaterRenderer, as you advised me, and found that the multi-header possibility is included in the implementation of dataTable control.
    The code below is the part of source of repeater.jsp with only change:
    <d:data_repeater> &#61664; <h:dataTable>
    And it works fine.
    <h:dataTable id="table"
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Customer List"/>               <!� First Header row -- >
    <%-- Visible checkbox for selection --%>
    <%-- Invisible checkbox for "created" flag --%>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Account Id"/>               <!�Second Header row -- >
    <h:inputText id="accountId"
    <h:message for="accountId"/>
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Customer Name"/>               <!�Second Header row -- >
    <h:inputText id="name"
    <h:message for="name"/>
    <f:facet name="header">                    <!�Second Header row -- >
    <h:outputText value="Symbol"/>
    <h:inputText id="symbol"
    <h:message for="symbol"/>
    <f:facet name="header">                    <!�Second Header row -- >
    <h:outputText value="Total Sales"/>
    <h:outputText id="totalSales"
    <f:facet name="header">                    <!�Second Header row -- >
    <h:outputText value="Commands"/>
    <h:commandButton id="press"
    <h:commandLink id="click"
    You may have a look at HTML source to prove that dataTable is already what you need:
    <table id="myform:table">
    <tr><th colspan="6" scope="colgroup">Customer List</th></tr>
    <th scope="col"></th>
    <th scope="col">Account Id</th>
    <th scope="col">Customer Name</th>
    <th scope="col">Symbol</th>
    <th scope="col">Total Sales</th>
    <th scope="col">Commands</th>
    2.) The second trouble is still unsettled as previously. Right now I have different task at my job, and I can�t continue investigation of this problem.
    But when you find smth., please let me know. I�ll be very grateful.
    Oleksa Stelmakh

  • How to create custom component in CRM 2007

    I am new for the CRM 2007 Web UI.
    Here we have CRM_UI_FRAME.
    Like this so many Components are there.
    I want how to create our own component.
    I created it as follows.
    Open the Transaction code bsp_wd_cmpwb.
    Provide Z Name in the Component.
    Press Create button.
    Go to Run Time Repository.
    Press Change Mode.
    Create a MODEL as ALL.
    GO to Browser Component Structre.
    Select View.
    Provide View name.
    Create the View.
    Go to view Layout.
    Provide the code like this.
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@ extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <%@ extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb"%>
    <%@ extension name="crm_bsp_ic" prefix="crmic"%>
    <%@ extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp"%>
    Create the context under the context.
    Go to Configuration tab.
    Assigne the Attributes to the Screen.
    GO to the Run Time Repository.
    press change mode.
    Assigne the view name to the Window.
    Save it.
    Test the Componet. But it is not diaply anything on the screen.
    How i will get the data into the web UI.
    Can anybody expalin about this one to me with screen shorts if possible.
    I want add some fields into the web UI. Provide some values into that. Capture the values.
    Navigate the data from one screen to another screen. How it is possible. I did not understand. 
    If i am changing any screens in the pre define component it shows dump.
    So, now i need Custom component with adding of the fields.
    Please give me proper information regarding this one.
    Thank You.
    Krishna. B.

    Try put the htmlb to show a field:
    <thtmlb:label design="LABEL" for="//<context>/<field>" text="<field>"/>
    <thtmlb:inputField  id="<field>" maxlength="31" size="20" value="//<context>/<field>"/>
    In order to get value, you can write a simple code in the event_handler:
    LR_BOL                      type ref to IF_BOL_BO_PROPERTY_ACCESS
    LR_BOL = ME->TYPED_CONTEXT-><context>->COLLECTION_WRAPPER->get_current()
    take a look at lr_bol methods so that you can see the set and get methods.

  • AET custom field in custom component

    The button Create New Field is disabled in AET in my custom component/view, how could i create a new field in my custom component. Do i need to assign my custom component or custom BOL anywhere ?

    Hi Lisha,
    You are right. It is maintained by SAP.
    The reason that AET does not work is because there is/are missing entries in one of DB table.
    Namely the enhance BO assignment to the UI Object Type.
    Could you please tell me, what is the UI Object Type in your current application.
    In order to figure this out, you can put mouse cursor in one of the field in the UI and then press F2.
    Then you can go to SM30 in SAP GUI open the View BSPDLCV_OBJ_TYPE and search for the UI object type.
    Select the UI object type and see whether any enhanced BO is defined.
    In your case it should be empty, otherwise you can use AET.
    And if it is empty we need to figure out which enhanced BO is relevant for the given UI Object Type.
    If the buttons are disabled, it can have two meaning.
    1. AXTREG is not completely maintained
    2. The Object you want to enhance is not supported by AET
    [SAP Community Network Forums on mobile|]

  • Entity not saved inside custom component embedded in standard view

    Hi ,
    I have embedded a custom component inside a standard component. The custom component has two views. The first view is assigned to the item overview page and the second view is assigned to the main window of the standard component.
    I have enhanced the BOL model (using EEWB) and created a new entity with z structure.
    There is a button in the first view which is used to navigate to the second view. The custom fields are filled up in the second view.
    Even though I am able to fill up the custom fields in the second view, these fields are not getting saved when I save the main transaction.
    However, If I fill up the fields from the first view ( ie the overview page ) , these are getting saved.
    Please let me know if you have any solution. This would be very helpful.

    Hi Anubhav,
       I have created the Custom Component(zso_disclaimer)  with the BOL Object BTAdminH. I have used few fields which is available in the BTAdminH(ZZDISC_WAR_ID,ZZACC_EX_CONT,ZZACCEPT_WAR and ZZFLD00004G). I have used this custom component(zso_disclaimer) in the standard conponent BT115H_SLSO as Assignment block. when i enter the values in the fields and press enter the values get disappears. So i am not able to proceed further. Can anyone help me to solve this problem.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Complex custom component

    I'm tring to create a custom component that implements browse control.
    the component is composed of a input box that holds the browse result a dialog with data table and a button that cause the dialog to open.
    I have some implementation issuses :
    1. the datatable needs to get it's input from the database, normally I would create a value binding to a managed bean but I don't know where to put it in this case. (there can be more then component in a page so managed bean won't work)
    2. when the browse button is pressed I need to change the dialog display property so it would appear. how can I get hold of it's backing bean in the decode() method ? getting it through the context.getViewRoot().getChildren();isn't good enough since the component hierarchy changes from one page to another.

    did you find a solution for your "composite" component problem?
    I am also trying to create a custom component that contains several standard jsf components such as HtmlCommandLink and HtmlInputText.
    I build all the standard components within my component programmatically using things like:
    HtmlCommandLink link = (HtmlCommandLink) application.createComponent(HtmlCommandLink.COMPONENT_TYPE);
    Also at the beginning of the encodeBegin I clear all children from my custom component using getChildren().clear()
    and rerender the component based on my new internal model which I updated during the previous decoding of my component.
    As a simple jsf custom tag it works ok, however, I am facing deep problems with action events as soon as I use the component within a jsf HtmlDataTable tag.
    Am I missing something here?
    Any ideas? Help is really really appreciated. This different behavior in different contexts is slowly but constantly driving me nuts.

  • How to manage focus in custom component

    Hallo. As you know some flex components have native focus, like buttons, textinput etc.. I have created a custom component which is a borderContainer.. As you know, by default, if user press TAB my BorderContainer will never receive the focus.. I tryied to set some property like setFocus() and tabFobusEnabled to true but i still have some focus problems with my borderContainer .. It is like my App knows that my Custom component is not a native component.. Is there a way for my component to receive focus without problems??.. Which is the best way for doing that??
    Thx a lot

    Components must implement IFocusManagerComponent in order to receive focus.

  • Unable to Edit the View in Custom Component

    Hi Experts,
    Please help me to resolve this issue !
    I am unable to lock the BOL Entity in my custom component using BTAdminH. I have written the below code in the Edit event Handler for Edit Button. The lr_entity->lock( ) condition statement is getting false and it is skipping the "set_view_editable( me )." code statement. Why??
    This is code excerpt that I have taken from edit button of the BP_HEAD/AccountViewSet and altered to my component/View
    DATA: lr_entity     TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
            lr_controller TYPE REF TO cl_ZVKH8_bspwdcomponent_impl.
          lr_controller ?= me->comp_controller.
          lr_entity ?= lr_controller->typed_context->btadminh->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
    IF lr_entity IS BOUND.
      IF lr_entity->IS_LOCKED EQ abap_false.
        IF le_entity->IS_CHANGEABLE EQ abap_true.
           IF lr_entity->lock( ) EQ abap_true.
            me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ).
    and when I directly executed the below code in the Edit event Handler for Edit Button I am receiving the dereferencing NULL value exception. Why in my custom component in many places this happening??
      me->view_group_context->set_view_editable( me ).
    Exception Details
    CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL - Dereferencing of the NULL reference

    Hi Summit & NishaNC,
    Thanks for your responses !
    As suggested, I have debugged the code for ->lock( ) method and there are exceptions raised from some methods.
    Method GET_LOCK () -> Method GET_ROOT () ->Method GET_PARENT ()
    At GET_ROOT( ) method i have received an exception
    "Root entity BTAdminH could not be determined" and one more "Entity BTAdminH could not be locked"
    Later when I have checked in MODEL Browser, I found that the BOL object "BTAdminH" for my view is an Access object and not the Root Object.
    Hence, I have a question? Does the locking can be done only for ROOT Objects?
    If this is TRUE then I think this is the major problem with my custom component where even the cross component navigation is also not happening and in many places I am receiving "Dereferencing NULL Value" information.
    Also I have gone through some of the Threads and one information that I found from Sumit Mittal
    1. An access object is an independent entity, has primary keys of its own.
    2. A root object is a special access object that is at the top of the hierarchy based on business rules.
    3. A dependent object's primary keys are supplied by access objects and it's lifetime is bound to them. If the parent object is destroyed, the dependent object is also destroyed.
    4. Search objects are query objects useful for querying root objects
    5. Search result objects - Search objects return the results in the form of a result object together with a relation pointing to the root object.
    6. View objects - ?
    7. Dynamic search objects - Used in advanced search, supports ranges and operators
    Could you please specify in which scenarios we have to go for Access Objects and Root Objects

  • I want to add DataGrid in my custom component as a child component,

    I want to add DataGrid in my custom component as a child component, can we ?? or should i generate HTML for table creation in my custom component's renderer ?

    I did that:
    for example, if i want to add a Button control in my custom control:
    public void encodeChildren( FacesContext context ) throws IOException
             super.encodeChildren( context );
            //createComponent raises exception.... invalid component type     
            //UIComponent field = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().createComponent( javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.class.getName() );
             HtmlInputText input = new HtmlInputText();
            getChildren().add( input );
        public boolean getRendersChildren()
            return true;
        }Can you give me any example, i want to add child components at run time basically..

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