Scaling to Browser Window

Hi all,
I'm trying to design a site that will fit the browser window
but, instead of stretching the text and some of the images, allow
for proper word wrapping and such. Any help would be welcomed.
Thanks very much!

"postgoop" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:e57epm$56j$[email protected]..
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to design a site that will fit the browser
window but, instead of
> stretching the text and some of the images, allow for
proper word wrapping and
> such. Any help would be welcomed. Thanks very much!
You can resize selectively..

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    I take it you want a liquid effect.  I wrote a site that does that or rather the background of this site does that .  It's fairly simple just tell the backrgound to change width and height on stage resize.
        public class NuPigs2 extends MovieClip
            var holder:btnHolder; // container for nav buttons
            var onStage:*;     // this can be anything
            var ratio:Number;
            var rRatio:Number;
            var newRatio:Number;
            var com:FLVPlayback;
            var bkg:*;
            public function NuPigs2(){
                com = new FLVPlayback();
                setCom("droolPigsWrestling.flv");                     // set the video for player com
                addChildAt(com, 0);
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;    // this is needed for resizing to work
                onStage = com;                                                   //  the video player is assigned to onStage
                ratio = onStage.height/onStage.width;
                rRatio = onStage.width/onStage.height;
                stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, fillBG);
    ////////////////////// FILL BG ////////////////////////   
    // this code makes the video resize with the stage
            function fillBG(evt:Event = null):void {
                newRatio = this.stage.stageHeight/this.stage.stageWidth;
                holder.x = this.stage.stageWidth - (holder.width +25);    // position the buttons on the right
                holder.y = 50;
                if (newRatio > ratio){
                     onStage.height = this.stage.stageHeight;
                     onStage.width = (this.stage.stageHeight * rRatio);
                    else {
                      onStage.width = this.stage.stageWidth;
                      onStage.height = this.stage.stageWidth * ratio;

  • Responsive animation disappears when scaling browser window

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    Hi Devendra.
    How are you today?
    It is doing it on a page I am currently working on, however I noticed that
    it also does it on the last site I worked on.
    Here is a link. If you resize the window down and then back up you
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    Here is the link to the live site.
    Thanks for getting back.
    Cheers from Jules

  • Scaling to fit browser window?

    Hi Everyone; I'm new to Captivate (specifically Captivate 4) , and I have what I know must be a rather dumb question, but I've spent two hours looking for the answer, and I can't find it. I have my project scaled to a custom width of 768 wide by 576 tall. How in the heck do I set the publish settings so that the output HTML knows to scale the darned browser window to exactly fit my output (no empty space around it)? I know I can go in through HTML and probably fix it there, butI'm just not that old school anymore. I expect the darned app to do that for me in the publishing process. Help.

    Hi there
    Although it isn't exactly recommended, one way to make things always fit the browser window is to simply link to the SWF and not the associated HTML page.
    If you open the SWF it will simply scale to whatever dimension is largest to fit the browser. (If it's taller than wide, it will always fill the browser from top to bottom but not left to right. Or if it's wider than tall, the opposite. There isn't a way I'm aware of to coax it to simply fill the entire space.)
    Cheers... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
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  • Flash Full Browser Window & Scaling Question

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    Hmm. I had a look at all 4 links to the sites you posted.
    VERY COOL sites. I shall be watching this thread closely 'cause
    this is what I'm trying to develop. I'm busy trying to re-design my
    photography website in Flash and have the same problem... I cannot
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    100% of the browser.
    Many thanks in advance

  • Can't Flex apps scale to fit browser window?

    This has been brought up a couple of times, but seems to be a
    mystery: How does one scale all content to fit the browser window,
    preserving aspect ratio, and centering the content vertically or
    horizontally (depending on whether the window aspect ratio is less
    than or greater than the content aspect ratio)?
    Since Flash is vector-based, I would have thought this would
    be straightforward and encouraged!
    Some information in an earlier post, plus experimentation on
    my part, has yielded a bizarre and inflexible partial solution -
    using StageScaleMode, and sizing the app's base container to
    exactly 500x375 pixels, I can get content that scales with
    the window size and doesn't have mismatched margins (though I
    haven't figured out how to center it yet). In addition, there are
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    browser window size).
    Again, not being a Flash programmer, I baffled that this
    isn't better supported, but I have to admit, most of the Flash apps
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    like 640x480 or something. Are there some serious bugs here, or am
    I missing something? Is there a better approach?
    Here's a simple, complete, example (based on an example from
    an earlier thread, but simplified a good bit):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=''
    pageTitle="Resize Test"
    layout="absolute" autoLayout="false"
    addedToStage="event.currentTarget.stage.scaleMode =
    VBox {
    cornerRadius: 4;
    borderStyle: solid; border-color: #000000; borderSize: 1;
    horizontalAlign: center; verticalAlign: middle;
    dropShadowEnabled: true;
    <mx:VBox width="500" height="375"
    paddingTop="20" paddingBottom="20" paddingLeft="20"
    <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:Label text="This is some text" fontSize="12"
    width="128" textAlign="center"/>
    <mx:Button label="Button"/>

    Originally posted by:
    Not bitmaps. Externally loaded images that get converted to
    bitmaps. What I said is that 90%+ are online catalogues. Logically
    it would be safe to assume they display external images of a set
    size. Sorry that was unclear. It would interesting to see an
    official survey.
    Yeah, I was using "bitmap" to mean raster graphics, whether
    the actual source be jpg, png or what have you.
    Originally posted by:
    And good luck getting anyone from Adobe to pay attention to
    this forum let alone comment. Better to contact their support if
    you're ever really stuck.
    Another reason I'm thinking MS is going to win this war - my
    colleague is having great luck in the WPF forums.
    Originally posted by:
    Another reason I thought of why resizing does not result in
    rescaling by default:
    HTML and JSP applications don't rescale when you change the
    browser size. Just go to hotmail or msn and check. They reposition.
    Flex applications are intended to behave the same way but with RIA
    capabilities. That is probably the more likely explanation than
    bitmaps merely not scaling well. Anyway, this behaviour was a
    thought-out decision and I happen to agree with it. By the way,
    older Flash applications
    do rescale to fit the window by default.
    Exactly! That's the big problem, in my view, with the
    HTML/JPG based web, and is what a vector-based solution
    (discounting raster graphics) should solve.
    Firefox, and now IE7, have features to allow you to scale web
    pages to overcome, in a stop-gap way, this problem. IE even scales
    images and Flash apps, though some Flash suffers problems when
    scaled. Firefox does not (yet?) scale images or Flash along with
    the other content. Flash-based Elmo games at, at
    640x480, look pretty stupid on my 42" 1920x1080 LCD (played by my
    3-year old, not me!), but at least I can now (try) to scale them up
    with IE7 for him.
    I do not believe this was a thought-out decision, it's just
    inertia from the bad old ways of doing things. There should be a
    working option to easily scale content to the browser window, and
    if Flex doesn't provide one, Microsoft certainly is going to (with
    WPF/E) as they have with WPF. I'm not a big MS fan, but I think
    they get the way things are going with the proliferation in the
    range of screen resolutions and sizes that web content is being
    displayed on.
    That said, I realize there is more to dealing with different
    screen sizes than just scaling - you may have to change the amount
    of content on the screen, dependent on what the subject is.
    Originally posted by:
    Now if you want the Flash Player to be able to import huge
    .jpg files with 1000px+ resolution and selectively only load enough
    information to make a smaller size bitmap image so you can rescale
    with impunity, more power to you. Sounds great. I would love this.
    But it still doesn't address what should happen when the image goes
    beyond the original size. I know you're only using vector graphics
    so it's not an issue for you.
    Yep, raster graphics are troublesome. Worst case, a beautiful
    picture frame grows to surround the image as one zooms beyond its
    original size (insert smiley icon of choice here)
    Originally posted by:
    Finally to get back on the main topic:
    if SWFLoader isn't working well, you could programatically do
    the same thing. Have a sub-contaier inside the application
    container which adjusts its scale accordingly to the size of the
    parent application container. I have done this myself with the
    Image class for zooming in and out from images (ironically 1000px+
    images which were displayed at much smaller sizes).
    <Application resize="adjustSize()"
    creationComplete="adjustSize()" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"
    paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0">
    private function adjustSize():void {
    var newScaleX = this.width/content.width
    var newScaleY = this.height/content.height
    content.scaleX = newScaleX;
    content.scaleY = newScaleY;
    <Box id="content" borderStyle="none" width=400 height=300
    /> <!-- the width and height are arbitrary -->
    Something along the lines of the above should definitely
    work. I am just basing it off my own previous code. You may have to
    be careful of borders and padding if you decide to add them.
    Whether it works better than the other suggestions you'll have to
    Thanks for the code, and I'll try it. I'm new to Flex, and so
    I'm still struggling with some things (such as when objects are
    available for manipulation).

  • How can i get my movie to expand the browser window?

    hi everyone,
    thanks for checking out my post...
    i want to create a fullscreen site like or where the movie expands to the whole of the
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    from the pages just to test it but my movie just appears as
    1024x768 in the top left of the screen and doesnt reach to the far
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    does anybody have a clue what im doing wrong?
    thank you very much and i hope to hear from you.
    all the best,

    Hi Mark,
    First thing: in the HTML tab of the publish settings, set the
    dimensions to percent and choose 100 for width and height.
    Depending on your content, you might then need to play around
    with the scaling of the objects on stage. There's some info in the
    online help about this: eDocs_Parts&file=00000150.html

  • Add option to open swf in new browser window

    I have a small animation on a webpage. The properties are to
    small to view all details. Can I add functionality to this swf that
    the user can open the swf file into a new browser window. This
    allows then for scaling to what ever size is appropriate.
    Any suggestions??

    I hope I understood your question correctly, if so my suggestion may be helpful. Otherwise I think it's nearly the same what paul writes, I only made clear my proposal in a website for you, first a photo:
    and here is the link:
    Note 1: "Ausgabe 9" und "ein Mausklick hier genügt" are links!!
    Note 2: " Um pdf-Dateien ...." Means: To read pdf files, you need the free Adobe Reader. The current version you can download from the Adobe website.
    Look at it's source code.
    Viel Erfolg

  • Open discoverer report in new browser window and without connections page

    Hi All,
    We are using Oracle 11g Discoverer  Requirement is to open the discoverer report in a new browser window and without connections page.
    When we are running discoverer reports with this parameters we unwantedly get the connections page of the discoverer plus which we don't want.
    Went through the documentation given in this page and followed it still the issue persists, and i see couple of threads with my issue and no updates.
    This excerpt is from the documentation available in the link
    " _plus_popup=true and framedisplaystyle=embedded launches Discoverer Plus in a new pop-up browser window that contains the Plus applet embedded in it "
    and Here is what we use to invoke our reports.
    Request the forum users from PRO discoverer group to help me out of this issue and expect a good discussion on this.
    Thanks in advance

    Closing the thread
    We were able to achieve by changing the browser settings in the IE 8 Browser. Disabled Tabbed browsing.

  • Need help to open a blob from a report into another tab or browser window.

    Hello everyone.
    I'm looking for a bit of guidance on something I'm trying to do in Apex.
    I have a report that contains a blob. Users can click on the link to open it in same browser. I also know how to make it download if they click the link. But what I really want to do is to click the link and open the blob in another tab or browser window.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    I should have noted I'm using version 3.2
    Edited by: DW Brown on Feb 22, 2012 3:13 PM

    DW Brown wrote:
    It becomes a link from the column format section..
    DOWNLOAD:<tablename>:<column>:ID::MIMETYPE:FILENAME:LAST_UPDATE_DATE::inline:Click Here
    So far I haven't found a way to use something link "target=_blank"One way would be to use a Dynamic Action to apply the <tt>target="_blank"</tt> attribute to each link, or convert them to use APEX pop-ups or a jQuery lightbox like fancyBox.
    Create an example on if you need more assistance.

  • Opening New Browser window for click event on an image

    hi all,
    I want someone to help me out solving the problem of opening
    a new browser window on the mouse click event of an image or a
    button etc.... The new window would contain the datagrid details
    from the main window, but in an expanded form. If at all there is a
    solution, I even want to know whether there is anyway for sizing
    the poped up window,because I dont want the new poped up window to
    cover the entire screen.
    For getting better idea of my problem, the best example I
    could give is the popup window that appears when we click on the
    preview button while posting the message to the forum.
    Someone please do help me out in this regard.

    I'd definitely try to use a Flex popup... but the method is a simple way to open a popup
    window in a new browser. You can pass any data needed by the new
    page using the URLRequest and/or URLVariables. The URL you navigate
    to could, of course, be another Flex application if necessary. I
    use this only when I need to open a popup window on another site,
    or an HTML formatter report or something similar.
    Concerning yourself with the size of the popup window may be
    a bad design choice also. I, for example, have my browser
    configured to open all popups in a new tab regardless of sizing
    constraints imposed by the designer. If it is absolutely necessary
    for you to have control over the size of your popup window, you
    should follow the advice given by others and use a Flex

  • Targeting url hyperlink to blank browser window

    Hi everyone,
    I have an indesign file and have created some hyperlinks that go to specific URLs. After I export to pdf the file is uploaded and is embedded in a browser. When this happens, the problem is that when the hyperlink is clicked, the destination page opens in the same browser window, so I wondered if there was a way to customise the link in Indesign so that it will open in a blank browser window once the pdf file is within the browser. I know I would have to use target="_blank" but I don't know if there's a way to add this within ID.
    I wondered if anyone has had this scenario and whether there's any solution?
    Once again, I appreciate any advice.

    There's the APex javascript function you can use html_PopUp - you can use it in the button's URL Target:
    google it to get more details - you can specify the new window name e.g. myWindow and window size etc

  • When I have multiple browser windows open - but in the "minimized" mode - and I want to open up one of them for viewing, ALL of the windows automatically open as well. How do I prevent this annoying function. I cannot find it anywhere in the options.

    This does not appear to be a system issue, but rather a functional aspect of the browser windows. E.g., if I have 7 browser windows open to different sites... and all are Minimized, and I decide to open one to study, THEY ALL POP OPEN automatically. I am using Firefox v3.6.8 on Windows 7. This is an annoying behavior of the browser, and I am sure it can be somehow "turned off" but cannot determine how to do that. I have looked through all options. I am not a techie, but have reasonable proficiency with software apps.

    This can happen if you drag a tab slightly down in the browser window while clicking.
    Firefox has a feature called tear-off tabs
    You can detach a tab from the current window and open it in a new window by dragging a tab in the browser window.
    You can also do this via the right-click context menu of a tab: Move to New Window
    You can drag that tab back to the tab bar in the original window to undo that detaching.

  • How do i control an external movie in a separate browser window?

    i am creating a website for a band, with an mp3 player. i
    want to be able to make an mp3 player that pops up in a separate
    browser window. the mp3 player would have a "playlist" that can be
    dynamically changed from the main window, which gives a list of
    albums & tracks to choose from. the model for this is
    Rhapsody's web interface.
    so, how would i go about creating & dynamically changing
    the playlist (while music is playing) across multiple browser
    windows? the "playlist" would be an array of references to mp3s, i
    guess-- so is there a way to pass events & variables across the

    This URL has simple demo on LocalConnection. ml

  • How do I make my website fit in all size browser windows?

    Hi there,
    I should start off by saying that I am very new to web design, and have very limited knowledge of CSS and HTML.  I understand what they are and the nature of what they do, I'm just not code savvy. 
    Now that that's out of the way, I've been designing/attempting to build a website using Dreamweaver.  I have all of the components and layout that I want designed and ready to go, but I desperately need help with translating that into Dreamweaver.  I've been researching information all over the web, but with one person suggesting one thing and another suggesting something completely different I'm afraid my brain is about to melt.
    Here's what I've done so far:
    Because I want everything fully customized and to use a less common font style, I saved everything from the graphics, photos, and links as .png files.  I then inserted each of those images into an AP Div Tag in Dreamweaver and arranged them appropriately.  That's absolutely all I've done.  It works great, except I have no idea how to configure everything so the site layout shows up centered in any size browser window, instead of sitting awkwardly in the corner.
    Here's a link to what currently exists:
    I've read dozens of articles and forum responses about building tables, but I'd like to avoid that since to me they seem clunky and kind of a hassle to deal with.  Can anyone please help me?  Thanks.

    You need to put only the bold part into your code.
    Immediately after your starting <body> tag add in
    <div id="wrapper">
    and immediately before your ending </body> tag add in
    Then at the end of your css, you currently have...
    #apDiv10 .navBarLinks .navBarLinks {
    font-weight: bold;
    Change that to...
    #apDiv10 .navBarLinks .navBarLinks {
    font-weight: bold;
    #wrapper {
         margin:0 auto;

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