Scheduled java process; how to do ?

I have a question:
1) I want to schedule a java process every night at midnigt. What are the options that i have to achieve this ?
I know that we can put this java process in a cronjob, but the Linux server does not allow the non-priviledged users to run a cronjob. And we can not get "root" to run this process.
Please let me know know of any ideas how to achieve the same.
Thanks again for all your advised in the past too.
Best Regards, sangita

hmmm .....are you sure that a non-priviledges user
can run a crontab on LINUX. I know that this is true
on SUN UNIX but what i have been told is that you CAN
NOT run a crontab as a non-proviledged user on
Iam not that familiar with LINUX administrationIt's configurable. The admins can allow/deny cron rights to individuals or to everybody.
Try typing crontab -l or crontab -e and see what happens.
If you're not allowed, I don't know if the crontab command itself would fail, or if you just won't be allowed to create entries, so crontab -l not giving an error might not necessarily mean you have permission (though I think that it does).
You can use crontab -e to create entries. Put an entry in for yourself that touches a file 2 minutes from now, and see if it works.

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    Hi Suresh,
    If you want to change in the Production system, you may not have the Authorizations. If you have authorization;
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    masijade. wrote:
    georgemc wrote:
    laguna8 wrote:
    Socket will not be appropriate for my case.
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