Scientific Notation for Calculator

Hello All
I am working on a calculator project and am trying to format the results of my calculations so that it displays just like the Windows calculator, eg. 99999999999999999999999999999999 * 9 should be = 8.9999999999999999999999999999999e+32.
My calculations are done using BigDecimal (for precision reasons) and my result needs to be a String (for display).
Can anyone please tell me how I can format the results of the following calculation:
BigDecimal num1=new java.math.BigDecimal("99999999999999999999999999999999");
BigDecimal num2=new java.math.BigDecimal("9");
BigDecimal numRes=new java.math.BigDecimal("0");
numRes = num1.multiply(num2);
After the calculation i need the result in a String.

Not AFAIK. It's retaining the place holders of the largest number: basically, computing, 1000/3=333.333.

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    Thanks Erland.
    I got your point that internal storage as you mentioned will be 53 bit and 11 bit exponent of 2. However my question remains the same that is there any method\threshold from which we can say that after this numeric value stored data will be represented in
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    table #t
    TABLE #T (T1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 0.000001
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 0.00001
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 0.0001
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 0.001
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 0.01
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 0.1
    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
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    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 10000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 100000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 1000000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 10000000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 100000000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 1000000000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 10000000000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 100000000000.1
    INTO #T (T1)
    SELECT 1000000000000.1
    FROM #T
    Here you can see value < 0.0001 i.e. 0.00001 and 0.000001 both are in scientific notation. So which rule or formula drives this behavior that is what my question is. Sorry I am somewhat poor in mathematics fundamentals So if you can make it simple.
    Thanks Again.

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    2. ============ 2.
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    Here, you should find what you are looking for: ticles/FormatStrings.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000943 ticles/FormatStrings.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000943 Classes/NSStringClass/Reference/NSString.html#//appleref/occ/clm/NSString/stringWithFormat:

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    Then, I'm at a loss. Mine only shows scientific notation when the value exceeds whatever's set as the number's max range. You might want to peruse Calculator's help files.

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    Go to Solution.

    MyVar is a 2 dimensional pointer (Channel Group, Channel) to numeric channels that meet some criteria.
    change box size: I had to make the box 3 times the width to display the number correctly. It shows 1.27933333333333E-03*. I'm appending the "*" to show the field is calculated instead of unadultered from the .csv. Maybe the problem isn't that the number is small, but that it's infinitely repeating. The number is calculate from the values .001919 - abs(.001919)/3
    Left Justify: no difference from right justify.
    Autoadj: shows 1.28E-
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    Humphreyy - thanks for your ideas and help.

  • Scientific Notation in Java

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    DecimalFormat decf = (DecimalFormat)DecimalFormat.getInstance();
    as the first step in the execution process but this is not working. Am I missing something?

    It might help if you explained what "not working" means in this case. You can only use formatting to control how the numbers appear to you, not how they are represented internally for calculation, if that's part of your question.

  • Double.parseDouble(String) - problems when string is in scientific notation

    Hello guys,
    I'm doing some numerical calculations and I wonder whether it is possible for Double.parseDouble(String) to parse string in the scientific notation i.e. 1.0824234234E-10. Is it the notation itself causing the exception : NumberFormatException or the number is just too big/small and double can't hold it ?
    If it's just the notation how can I fix it ?

    i'm not quite sure whether double odoes not allow it.
    perhaps consider the api Double.valueOf() and the testing code provided; reproduced below:To avoid calling this method on a invalid string and having a NumberFormatException be thrown, the regular expression below can be used to screen the input string:
            final String Digits     = "(\\p{Digit}+)";
      final String HexDigits  = "(\\p{XDigit}+)";
            // an exponent is 'e' or 'E' followed by an optionally
            // signed decimal integer.
            final String Exp        = "[eE][+-]?"+Digits;
            final String fpRegex    =
                ("[\\x00-\\x20]*"+  // Optional leading "whitespace"
                 "[+-]?(" + // Optional sign character
                 "NaN|" +           // "NaN" string
                 "Infinity|" +      // "Infinity" string
                 // A decimal floating-point string representing a finite positive
                 // number without a leading sign has at most five basic pieces:
                 // Digits . Digits ExponentPart FloatTypeSuffix
                 // Since this method allows integer-only strings as input
                 // in addition to strings of floating-point literals, the
                 // two sub-patterns below are simplifications of the grammar
                 // productions from the Java Language Specification, 2nd
                 // edition, section 3.10.2.
                 // Digits ._opt Digits_opt ExponentPart_opt FloatTypeSuffix_opt
                 // . Digits ExponentPart_opt FloatTypeSuffix_opt
           // Hexadecimal strings
           "((" +
            // 0[xX] HexDigits ._opt BinaryExponent FloatTypeSuffix_opt
            "(0[xX]" + HexDigits + "(\\.)?)|" +
            // 0[xX] HexDigits_opt . HexDigits BinaryExponent FloatTypeSuffix_opt
            "(0[xX]" + HexDigits + "?(\\.)" + HexDigits + ")" +
            ")[pP][+-]?" + Digits + "))" +
                 "[fFdD]?))" +
                 "[\\x00-\\x20]*");// Optional trailing "whitespace"
      if (Pattern.matches(fpRegex, myString))
                Double.valueOf(myString); // Will not throw NumberFormatException
            else {
                // Perform suitable alternative action

  • Int printing out as scientific notation

    maybe doing something stupid here but I can't seem to pick it up.
    I have a Window that calls a subclass to display a calculator, and then returns the final value to the Window, if I input 10 digits it prints on as a 12345678E5
    something like that.
    Anywho here's the two methods that deal with value in the subclass( calculator )
    public int ReturnNumber(){//the method that will return the value from the keyboard
       int final_number = Integer.parseInt(number); 
        return final_number;   // returns value to question screen
      private void NextButtonActionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
       if ( value.length() != allowable_answers[currentQuestionNumber] ){
                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Please make a valid entry.", "Invalid",
                     JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
                     jTextField1.setText( null );
        else {
                number = value.toString();
               frame.final_number = ReturnNumber();
               frame.userMakeSelection = true;
               frame.ButtonSelected();Code from window that deals with the number
                currentAnswers[currentQuestionNumber][1] = final_number;// currentAnswers is a float[][]
                numeric_question_value[currentQuestionNumber][0] = final_number;// used in poll frequency
              }// numeric is a int[]
                currentAnswers[currentQuestionNumber][currentChoice] = currentChoice;Is from trying to jam an int into float?
    Any suggestions

    Is from trying to jam an int into float?That's exactly the cause. Here are some solutions:
    - Use java.text.DecimalFormat to format the output or cast the float to an integer type when you want to print it (presicion might become a problem).
    - Keep the number in an int or long all the time. This way you'll not lose any presicion.
    Explanation can be found in the API docs of Float.toString():"If the argument is NaN, the result is the string "NaN".
    Otherwise, the result is a string that represents the sign and magnitude (absolute value) of the argument. If the sign is negative, the first character of the result is '-' ('-'); if the sign is positive, no sign character appears in the result. As for the magnitude m:
    If m is less than 10^-3 or not less than 10^7, then it is represented in so-called "computerized scientific notation." Let n be the unique integer such that 10n<=m<1; then let a be the mathematically exact quotient of m and 10n so that 1<a<10. The magnitude is then represented as the integer part of a, as a single decimal digit, followed by '.' (.), followed by decimal digits representing the fractional part of a, followed by the letter 'E' (E), followed by a representation of n as a decimal integer, as produced by the method Integer.toString(int) of one argument."

  • Scientific display in Calculator?

    Is there anyway to have the display show scientific notation?  If the number is less than the number of digits shown it just shows 0.  As soon as you enter another number and the current number goes on the stack (in RPN lingo)  it is shown in scientific notation.  On HP calculators you can have the display use Fix, Sci, and Eng.     The Decimal Places . . .   command under View is only for Fix  type display, anyway to set Sci for the display?

    Thanks for trying to be helpful.  I well aware of nonpareil, which used to have a bug where you had to turn on the 15c, then off, then back on.  If I am going to do anything major, I don't use a calculator, so I don't need anything fancy, the Apple calculator fills the bill.  Another item is that Apple's shows the 4 elements of the stack, which is nice, instead of the 'realist' HP look alikes (and PCalc too).

  • Select Query resulting in Scientific Notation

    Hello all,
    I am running a Select query through a batch file that extracts data from an Oracle database. Several of the fields that I am extracting from contain numbers that are up to 38 digits long. When I extract the data, it converts the numbers into scientific notation and it is important for me to have the entire field. Is there something I can change to my query that will pull the data in its entire form? This is what I'm running now:
    select * FROM ML.APPT where APPTDATE >= to_date('01/1/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'
    I apologize in advance if this has been answered already.

    When the extractor finishes, it returns the data into a flat file.
    don't quite understand the TO_CHAR function. Does this function mean I need to say something like this: select "TO_CHAR('column name', 99999999999999999999999999999999999999" FROM ML.APPT where APPTDATE >= to_date('01/1/2010','mm/dd/yyyy')
    Yes- if the tool you use to extract the data (your 'extractor') is converting the numeric data to a string then it is responsible for creating the string in the proper format. If the number is an integer that can have as many digits as you have '9's in your sample format string then that is what you need to do.
    Here is how sql*plus (Oracle's tool) will display the data using default settings
    SQL> select 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 no_format,
      2  to_char(12345678901234567890123456789012345678, '99999999999999999999999999
    999999999999') with_format
      3   from dual;
    1.2346E+37  12345678901234567890123456789012345678
    ----- TOAD will display something similiar but the default uses more decimal digits in the scientific notation data
    1.23456789012346E37, 12345678901234567890123456789012345678You can either format the numeric data in the query using TO_CHAR or the 'extractor' can do it when it converts the data to a string.

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