Score updating problem

I developed game in which score increment by 10 per second.It works fine in emulator but in sony when i tried to run, score increment by 1 and as level pass means in third level it increment 1 after few second.....
any one know reason?

And you do you propose that we should know the reason?

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    Hello Siva,
    This is what I did:
    > Check how many entries do you have in VBDATA currently.
    More than 1.000 in every SAP systems that Iu2019m creating from Production
    > You might want to run the reorganize updates program to clear the old updates
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    Good point!!
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    Thanks for you help,

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    Chart Sweep Scale Update ‏32 KB

    You have a typical race condition!
    There is no data dependency between the property node and the while loop, so in your case the loop starts executing first and the property node starts slightly later, immediately erasing the first point. Execution order is not defined.
    All you need to do is add a data dependency, e.g. as with the error cluster in the image. This forces the property node to complete before the loop is allowed to start.
    (Execution order is enforced even if the wire value is not even used inside the loop )
    Try it!
    Message Edited by altenbach on 12-23-2008 11:08 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    HistoryRace.png ‏10 KB

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    Please do the following:<br><br>
    #Go to [ Download Firefox 4.0.1] and download a fresh installation file to the desktop.<br><br>
    #Then go to Add/Remove Programs, scroll down to "Mozilla Firefox" and remove it, choosing to keep your bookmarks, customizations etc., (''don't checkmark the box'').<br><br>
    #Then reboot and delete the folder called "Mozilla Firefox" at this location: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox<br><br>
    #Finally run the installation file you downloaded to the desktop earlier.<br>
    Your bookmarks, customizations etc., are maintained in a different location and will become available to you again once you complete the installation.

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    jjtopspin wrote:
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    We have a cache update problem in our PI development server.
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    Jack Nuson

    HI Jack ,
    first try to manually update the cache from ID select on your cache notifiaction and click on delta cache refresh button and refresh button .IF it does not yied any result then
    Perform a full cache refresh using the URL
    http://<host>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=full . If the cache refresh happens properly then your problem will get resolved other wise you have to see the cache log to view why it failed there it will show you the exact reason . You might need to restart your java server also if the problem persist .

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    See this support document

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  • Installation Problems, Permissions Problems, SW Update Problems, Solved

    I'm posting here to relate some problems I've had and how I ultimately solved them, in the hope that it might help somebody.
    The following relates to OS 10.5.4 on an imac PPC 1.8.
    It started (at least the first symptom I noticed was) with Super Duper not working to auto-clone my drive, because the first thing SD does before running a clone job is to repair permissions on the subject drive. The repair permissions task failed with "the underlying task failed" error.
    So I tried the manually repair permissions from Disk Utility and got the same "the underlying task failed" error. It's a bit alarming not to be able to repair permissions. I tried a reboot, no change. This persisted for at least a week as I didn't have time to aggressively go after it.
    Then I purchased DiskWarrior (again - owned it years ago in Sys 9 days), as in my experience that was the "if all else fails" fix for everything directory-related. I booted from another blessed drive (do people still say that anymore? lol, showing my age) and ran DW on the drive in question. Sure enough DW found and fixed about 150 problems. Great I think, reboot from the original drive, run Disk Utility, repair permissions...nope! Same error. What now? I checked the console installer log for more and all the errors looked like "failure to write" permission type errors. Grr.
    Verify Disk ran OK. I checked the SMART status and it was OK, as I was by now worrying about the physical drive.
    Then along comes the 10.5.5 incremental update in Software Update and I get the following error: "The Installer could not install some files in "/" check permissions". Doh! Same thing with the Java update. Since I can't repair permissions I'm stuck.
    So now I have only one course of action (well maybe there were others, but this is what I did) which was to do an Archive and Install. My OS X DVD is 10.5.0 so that is what I got of course when I reinstalled.
    Running Disk Utility after the A&I allowed me to repair permissions successfully. Some progress. But now I had a slew of updates to get back to the present version of everything. Most installed successfully, except the 10.5.5 combo update. For that I got "package contents could not be validated". Rats.
    So I decided (after reading here about SW update problems especially with combos) to manually download the 10.5.5 combo. For some reason running SW Update under 10.5.0 gave me download rates of 32kb/s, where I am used to 1.1MB/s. Projected download time 3 way! So I booted back to my 10.5.4 clone and downloaded the 612MB at normal speed there. I downloaded the 10.5.1 incremental as well just in case.
    Finally I was able to run the 10.5.5 combo (manually downloaded) successfully. Check Disk Utility and repair permissions...all good. Run SW Update and get the Java update, all good.
    Deep breath. Phew.
    So there you have it. I was able to fix it all. I probably didn't need to buy DW (but it's so great I'm ok with that) as I conclude now that the A&I ultimately was the real fix. It was a very frustrating experience though, especially with SW update giving me a bad download.
    I'm hoping that this post might now show up in searches and help somebody out there.

    WonderWoofy wrote:
    I don't think you have either of those kernels... as they don't exist.  I assume you meant that you are using 3.10.5 and supposedly have 3.10.6 installed.  You issue is a bit of a catch 22, as you are unable to mount the ESP (no vfat module matching your running kernel), yet mounting the ESP would be required in order to properly udpate.  I imagine that you actually have the correct kernel as /boot/vmlinuz-linux.  But whatever mechanism you use to copy it from that location to the ESP didn't work.
    You are going to have to boot from live media, and fix this from a chroot.  Please search around for how to do this, as this information is all over the place.
    Looks like I'm in for a treat. I chroot-ed, did a full upgrade in case there was an even newer kernel (and there was, 3.10.7). After the upgrade I copied /boot/vmlinuz-linux, /boot/initramfs-linux.img and /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img to /boot/efi/EFI/arch/ renaming the files vmlinuz-arch.efi, initramfs-arch.img, initramfs-arch-fallback.img respectively. I unmounted everything and rebooted. Now reFINd freezes as soon as it tries to boot Arch.

  • Demonstrating lost update problem

    I would like to know if it's possible to demonstrate the 'lost update' problem in oracle without using simulation. If so how would I go about doing this? I assume I will need to establish multiple sessions within a single transaction in order to have independent transactions to demonstrate this properly.

    The type of behaviour that leads to a lost update can be demonstrated with something like this.
    In session 1 run a pl/sql block like:
       FOR r IN (SELECT * FROM t ) LOOP
          IF = 5 THEN
             DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line ('ID is '||||' and descr is '||r.descr);
             UPDATE t SET descr = 'SLEEPY' WHERE id =;
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
    END;The Sleep simulates user thinking time, or perhaps some delay in the proce for complex calculations and lookups.
    While session 1 is busy, in session 2 do
    SQL2> UPDATE t SET descr = 'AWAKE' WHERE id = 5;
    1 row updated.
    Commit complete.
    SQL2> SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = 5;
            ID DESCR
             5 AWAKEThen, when the block in session 1 is finished, you will see:
    ID is 5 and descr is ALL_CATALOG
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Then do
    SQL1> SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = 5;
            ID DESCR
             5 SLEEPYThe update by session2 was lost.
    There are two ways to handle the situation. First, define the cursor as FOR UPDATE. In this case, session 2 would receive an error. The other way, optimistic locking, is to use something like the following as an update statement in the pl/sql block:
    UPDATE t SET descr = 'SLEEPY'
    WHERE id = and
          descr = r.descr;Then check for the success of the update.

  • Firmware update problem solved after Win XP SP3 -upd

    I'm one of the numerous victims of ZEN firmware updating problem. At the start I had Win XP SP2 and WMP. My player is ZEN Micro 5gb and after trying to update firmware it had firmware problem and stayed in the recovery mode. Firmware updater and ZEN Media Explorer couldn't recognize the player. So that's how I got it work again:
    1. Rolled back WMP to WMP9, updated it to WMP0.
    2. Removed ZEN Media Explorer and Jukebox driver (all Creative stuff) from Add/Remove programs in Control Panel.
    It didn't solve the problem. I also tried my player with couple of other computers, but it didn't help either.
    3. Installed Win XP SP3 -update.
    4. Reinstalled driver for ZEN Micro in Control Panel.
    5. Ran the firmware updater and this time it did recognize the player.
    (6. Updated WMP back to version and the player's still working.)
    Hope this will help you too.

    I can start the upgrading process, but at around 95% it stops, and says "firmware upgrade failed." I didn't uninstall WMP though, because I have Vista, and I hae no idea how to do it. I can only get my computer to recognize my 6G Zen when I go into recovery mode and choose 'reload firmware' then I connect it to the computer and I can start trying to upgrade it. If I dont go into recovery mode, its just a blank screen, the computer doesnt recognize it, and I can't even turn it off without reseting.
    ?I've tried so much, now when I try to upgrade, it loads a little bit and jumos to the end quckly and says "firmware upgrade fails" and nothing works. Do I have to try to do all the things you listed to fix this?

Maybe you are looking for