Scorm and flex3

           I am new flex.I am working on the course player design.I want to know how i can scorm on my player.Help me out.I dont know how to use scorm tool.Please help me out friends!!!!!!!!
thanks in advance

What you are asking to do violates the SCORM standard which states that each SCO object must be self-contained and not call external files.  Even if you ignore this, SCORM uses a JavaScript API to handle the communication between the SCO and the LMS. Calling external files as you propose would likely break the JavaScript connection.
A lot of things are possible in the hands of a good programmer.  But what you're asking for here is beyond the scope of this forum. It would not be solved with a few lines of code.  You'd need to put together a project and a budget to pull it off.

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  • Problems with Scorm and Captivate

    There appears to be a major problem with Scorm compliance and Captivate 4.
    From my understanding, Scorm 1.2 requires that the Manifest include the filenames of all resource files in order to import them. It appears that when Captivate externalizes its resources (Skins, etc) it does not include them in the Manifest. This is because Captivate does not dynamically create the manifest, but rather uses template manifest to fill in variables. The file that is missing from the template is untitled_skin.swf. Below is the template and the output from my test. From the template, it does not appear that Captivate will support anything other than a single SWF and be compliant with Scorm 1.2 (1.2 Scorm Specs
      <resource identifier="@RD_MQZ_MANIFEST_ID_RES" type="webcontent" href="@RD_MQZ_MANIFEST_HTM_NAME_HREF" adlcp:scormtype="sco">
             <file href="@RD_MQZ_MANIFEST_SWF_NAME"/>
          <file href="@RD_MQZ_MANIFEST_HTM_NAME"/>
                <file href="SCORM_support/scorm_support.htm"/>
                <file href="SCORM_support/scorm_support.js"/>
                <file href="SCORM_support/scorm_support.swf"/>
    Actual XML:
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    <file href="untitled.swf" />
    <file href="untitled.htm" />
    <file href="SCORM_support/scorm_support.htm" />
    <file href="SCORM_support/scorm_support.js" />
    <file href="SCORM_support/scorm_support.swf" />
    Please advise..
    Thank You!

    SCORM packages do have a number of "must-haves", but the listing of every last resource asset is more a best practice (although a good idea).
    The content doc that you reference actually states that it is a best-practice document at the top. 
    My stand has always been that in the long run you are much better off if you follow all the rules (especially as the standards evolve and build on each other) so I would love to see captivate list all the resources in the future.
    Importantly though, for any SCORM certified LMS there are two instances where resources MUST be listed.
    First, if it is the href launch file for that particular resource (i.e. <resource identifier="SCO_ID1_RES" type="webcontent" href="untitled.htm"adlcp:scormtype="sco"> in your example) then obviously it must be listed in order for LMS to serve up the next part of the course.
    The other time it must be listed is if that particular resource is actually a "dependency sub-element" of whatever sco or other resource it applies to.
    As long as you have those bases covered, and all the other rules of course (schemas definitions, etc...) it should still pass the appropriate ADL conformance test suite.
    I use both captivate 3 and 4 with a whole host of different LMS systems and have found the generated files to be quite sufficient for basic packaging needs.
    Although, I have made a few customizations based on comments I have read from Andrew Cherney and Mike Rustici (I try to read everything either one of them answers for someone on the forum).
    If you are saying that a particular LMS is doing some kind of "import validation" before it accepts and allows you to publish your content, then that is actually quite common (though usually transparent unless you hit a snag in the validation).
    Typically, the validation will consist of a shortened version of the same basic items that the ADL test suite checks for (schemas and declarations, launch files, etc..).
    That said, if because of an LMS that you need to account for, you absolutely NEED to have all the files listed in the manifest, a great tool for ensuring that is actually free.
    It is called RELOAD, and if you ever take one of the courses run by the ADL Academic Co-Lab (which I highly recommend) that is the tool they use for teaching about packaging and sequencing.
    Very useful tool for creating new packages or editing existing packages as well as adding metadata, sequencing rules and so on.
    RELOAD lets you drag and drop whole directories of resources and set their dependency requirements so you could use it to quickly add all your resources to the manifest.
    This is their website:
    I can generally get by with just the files that captivate generates for scorm 1.2 , but for any heavy lifting (i.e. dynamic sequencing in scorm 2004), I always bring RELOAD into the picture.
    I hope this was helpful.  I tend to ramble on about standards sometimes...

  • SCORM and Desire 2 Learn (D2L)

    Is there a way to create a course in Captivate 5.5 and import it into D2L and have the quizzes linked to the gradebook? I am able to import my course (by saving and publishing the course as a SCORM 1.2, not 2004), but can only view a "report" based on whether or not a student has viewed a certain part of the course or not. Thanks for any help! Amber Price

    I'm looking for some guidance on this topic as well.  Or, just have the Captivate 5.5 quizzes auto-insert students' score results directly into their personal D2L accounts.

  • Captivate SCORM and WebCT

    When I tried posting a SCORM zip file into WebCT 6.0 I
    received the following message.
    "The SCORM package could not be imported because it does not
    comply with one or more specifications within the package. The
    following error was produced: **Parsing Error** Line: 12 Message:
    cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'xsi:schemalocation' is not
    allowed to appear in element 'lom'. Please inform the SCORM vendor
    and try again once the problem has been resolved."
    I did not know if this was a WebCT or Captivate issue until I
    downloaded a SCORM player called RELOAD and opened the file in that
    program. I received the same error there, as is follows:
    Problem validating manifest
    (file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/u0352996/reload/reload-scorm-player/server/webapps/rel oad-scorm-player/course-packages/allergy/imsmanifest.xml:
    12, 92): cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'xsi:schemalocation' is
    not allowed to appear in element 'lom'.
    (file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/u0352996/reload/reload-scorm-player/server/webapps/rel oad-scorm-player/course-packages/allergy/imsmanifest.xml:
    95, 102): cvc-id.2: There are multiple occurrences of ID value
    (file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/u0352996/reload/reload-scorm-player/server/webapps/rel oad-scorm-player/course-packages/allergy/imsmanifest.xml:
    95, 102): cvc-attribute.3: The value 'Allergies_Assessment' of
    attribute 'identifier' on element 'item' is not valid with respect
    to its type, 'ID'.
    Please let me know what I am doing wrong here.

    Hi, I am not a WebCT expert, but i have noticed, that in zip
    file, if you have paths associated then some of the servers gives
    error while uploading.
    So what i will suggest you to do is, publish the captivate
    files in a folder, select all the files and create a zip out of
    that. Open the zip, and make sure that the path column is either
    empty or relative for SCORM_* files.
    Not sure if it will help you, but you may give it a try.

  • UPK11 - SCORM and Blackboard 9.1

    We are new to using UPK at Arizona State University.
    We are trying to figure out the "LMS" publishing using SCORM -
    (We think we have most of the "player" functionality as far as publishing figured out).
    What we are looking for is if the LMS publishing via SCORM can allow us to show an individual topic from withing a Blackboard 9.1 shell.
    We know about the stand alone topics, but having our end-users have to download a player before viewing the topic will be problematic in our environment.
    Has anyone successfully connect UPK 11 content and Blackboard?
    We would be very interested in any Wisdom that you can share!

    I don't think many Blackboard users have the option of just "changing the LMS".  That's a decision that would be out of their control.
    My suggestion is to make sure that the users who are not getting their course modules marked completed are actually moving beyond the Quiz Results slide.  In many cases you'll find that learners are just shutting down the course player as soon as they get to the Quiz Results slide.  This can mean their score is not transmitted to the LMS.
    I've found that with many LMSs you need to have at least one slide beyond the Quiz Results slide and you need to force (or at least strongly encourage) the learners to click the Continue button on the Quiz Results slide to ensure the timeline moves into that final slide.  So I rename the Continue button to something more encouraging like REGISTER YOUR SCORE! so that learners believe they need to click this button.

  • Scorm and Full Screen Launch

    I created a eLearning program in Captivate and exported via
    zip to my LMS (GEO Learning) and the course will not lauch in a
    browser frame that is full screen or can be enlarged to full screen
    by the user. I read in the help that " If you select AICC or SCORM
    options for the project, the full screen publishing option cannot
    be applied."
    Does anyone know a fix for this issue or how I can get my
    project to launch full screen as a Scorm course?

    Without resorting to a custom ActiveX control or something
    similar, you only get to specify the browser window features when a
    window is initially opened. The best you can do after the fact is
    resize the window using the JavaScript window.resizeTo() method in
    the Captivate-generated HTML page.
    This means that it's basically up to the LMS to launch the
    course in a new window with only the features you want. If your LMS
    won't let you customize the new window, you're pretty much out of
    You *might* be able to use JavaScript in the HTML page to
    redirect the course into a new window that has only the features
    you need, but doing so would very likely break the SCORM connection
    between the course and the LMS. I haven't worked with Captivate's
    SCORM implementation enough to know for sure.
    If you want to give it a shot, you can learn more about the
    JavaScript method here:

  • SCORM and Blackboard 6

    Hello everyone,
    While Captivate 3 appears to be robust in its SCORM
    capabilities, I have tried and failed after long hours to implement
    a Captivate 3 assessment simulation in a Blackboard CE 6 course. I
    have been through the technotes, and tried many of the fixes, even
    changing a lower case "l" to a capital "L" in the word
    "schemaLocation" in an XML file as instructed by one technote. I
    have run the gamut.
    As a result, I can import a Captivate 3 SCORM package into
    Blackboard CE6 (Campus Edition 6), so it will be recognized, but
    Blackboard CE6 will not report the user's scores-- the main reason
    for importing the package in the first place. The SCORM package
    should instruct CE6 to create a grading column and report scores,
    but it just does not happen.
    I have also communicated with the Blackboard community on
    this and some of their "gurus" have thrown their hands up in
    frustration. I refer to this discussion thread at Blackboard:,
    where it appears Blackboard tried and gave up on integrating
    Captivate 3's SCORM protocols with Blackboard about a year ago
    after trying to work things through.
    Wouldn't it make sense for Adobe Captivate's SCORM content to
    be compatible with this country's biggest and most widely utilized
    learning management system? This is not a rhetorical question.
    You've got some smart guys, Adobe. If you agree that it does make
    sense, please, make it work, or tell me (and by extension others)
    what works. I'll be happy to learn and eat humble pie.
    Glen Gummess
    Instructional Designer
    University of St. Francis
    Joliet, IL

    While I've no direct experience with Blackboard, I would
    suspect the issue lies with Blackboard and not Captivate.
    There are stories tenfold about the net about issues with
    Blackboard and
    true SCORM functionality, as well as general IT reviews of
    code being a mash of years-old spaghetti.
    Not that Captivate is necessarily the essence of efficient
    not at all...but I don't think it fair or likely to put the
    square on Adobe's shoulders. The fact that Captivate works
    pretty well
    with many, many other LMS systems alone would indicate it's
    more likely
    a Blackboard issue.
    However, reading through the thread, this appears to be a
    issue? Only? I've not had to deliver any Captivate-specific
    projects to
    a Vista environment so perhaps my above opinion is not as
    rounded as it
    needs to be. Are you sure this is not a browser issue? Do you
    find the
    Captivate files to work correctly in the ADL Test Suite and
    Player? If they work in those environments properly, then
    even more an
    indication of a Blackboard issue...
    Glen Gummess wrote:
    > Hello everyone,
    > While Captivate 3 appears to be robust in its SCORM
    capabilities, I have tried
    > and failed after long hours to implement a Captivate 3
    assessment simulation in
    > a Blackboard CE 6 course. [snip]
    Erik Lord
    Adobe Community Expert - eLearning -
    Authorware Tips!

  • SCORM and IE7 incompatability

    Published SCORM 1.2 quizzes from captivate 3 do not report
    scores to the Moodle LMS when using IE7, however it does report
    just fine when using Safari and Firefox. My htm file is attached.

    What you are asking to do violates the SCORM standard which states that each SCO object must be self-contained and not call external files.  Even if you ignore this, SCORM uses a JavaScript API to handle the communication between the SCO and the LMS. Calling external files as you propose would likely break the JavaScript connection.
    A lot of things are possible in the hands of a good programmer.  But what you're asking for here is beyond the scope of this forum. It would not be solved with a few lines of code.  You'd need to put together a project and a budget to pull it off.

  • Scorm and Video

    I'm having problems publishing my project. It was an import
    of a PowerPoint, interactive. It also had two videos on it (which
    had to be imported in separately) and a quiz was added on the end
    after the PowerPoint.
    When we try to publish either with or without scorm it isn't
    really working. Usually it just comes out as a white screen with
    nothing in it.
    Twice I've managed to get the slides in it but no video.
    Is there some sort of limit that might be affecting this or
    some hidden setting or something I'm clearly missing?

    Hi Alison,
    Videos in a CP6 project work fine when uploaded to ScromCloud with the above mentioned Video Properties.
    We have tried some flvs and mp4s, they are working fine on Scrom Cloud.
    Please respond to the following:
    1. Is the content slides (other than video) also getting froze on i-Pad for you?
    2. Which version of IOS are you using? (Recommended for i-devices : IOS 5.0 or greater)
    Please share the sample captivate project (emailto : [email protected]) with us for further investigation.

  • SCORM and Captivate 6

    Has the SCORM publish feature been improved significantly in Captivate 6? I understand that the code in Captivate 5.5 and previous versions caused lots of problems.

    Yes  and why ?
    1. We now use Industry best scorm engine
    2. We have tested against many popular LMS
    3. SCORM output is ADL compliant
    Suresh J
    Captivate Engineering team

  • Captivate 5.5, SCORM, and Blackboard 9.1

    I'm currently administering online classes that rely on Captivate 5.5 modules published in SCORM format, which are housed on Blackboard 9.1. Even though all of the modules are published with the exact same settings, they don't all work consistently--for example, the grade center will report one module attempt as "in progress" instead of the quiz score, but when I check the attempt, it appears that the student viewed the module and completed the quiz successfully. Other modules in the same course report the score with no problem whatsoever.
    Is anyone currently using Captivate SCORM in Blackboard 9.1 successfully with consistent results? I'd be happy to share my Captivate/Bb settings to see if I'm doing something wrong on my end. However, since some of the modules report to the grade center with no issues, I'm not sure if that's the case.
    Thanks in advance,

    I don't think many Blackboard users have the option of just "changing the LMS".  That's a decision that would be out of their control.
    My suggestion is to make sure that the users who are not getting their course modules marked completed are actually moving beyond the Quiz Results slide.  In many cases you'll find that learners are just shutting down the course player as soon as they get to the Quiz Results slide.  This can mean their score is not transmitted to the LMS.
    I've found that with many LMSs you need to have at least one slide beyond the Quiz Results slide and you need to force (or at least strongly encourage) the learners to click the Continue button on the Quiz Results slide to ensure the timeline moves into that final slide.  So I rename the Continue button to something more encouraging like REGISTER YOUR SCORE! so that learners believe they need to click this button.

  • Cp6 - scorm and question pools?

    I have a particular activity that was formerly built in cp5.5 (non-scorm) which I've now republished in Cp6 and uploaded to our LMS.
    This particular lesson has 32 questions which pull from 5 question pools.  The filmstrip shows 41 slides.
    I set the "Success/Completion Criteria" to 'slide views' and 90%.  However, once complete the LMS is not recognizing the lesson as complete and continues to show 0% completion.
    I have a different lesson without question pools that does show completion, and the slide view % is the same.  I can't find a difference between them other than the question pools.
    Does the Success/Completion Criteria look at the question pool slides as part of the total, or does it only count the slides the learner might see?

    you have to design undebuggable version...

  • SCORM and Moodle problem

    Hi All,
    I have created an eLearning course in SCORM 1.2 and uploaded to Moodle. Previously the course was working fine, there have been no updates to either Captivate CS6 or Moodle. I made some amendments to the course, re-published and now the course is just hanging at the loading screen and won't go past it. All my other courses (I have about 10) are also working fine in Moodle.
    Really frustrated with this. Anyone help?

    Thanks for your reply Rod.
    I have now solved this issue, as it was to do with the amount of attempts in Moodle.

  • Captivate SCORM and SharePoint...

    My company is working to set up a training program using
    SharePoint Learning Kit (SLK) as the LMS and Captivate 3/SCORM
    compliant classes for the content.
    Here are my questions:
    1. Can captivate class progress be saved and resumed at a
    later date exactly where the student left off? Currently we are
    using demo mode not interactive, but I'm wondering if this can be
    done with both as we may go interactive later.
    2. Can the captivate flash player be rebranded to fit the
    company brand?
    3. Do you have any links or resources on configuring
    captivate to work with Microsoft SharePoint Learning Kit?
    Thanks in advanced.

    1. Sure, as long as the LMS supports it. Captivate stores
    progress in the suspendData field. So as long as the LMS has
    variable and can send the values back to a Captivate lesson
    on request
    (when relaunched), Captivate will resume (in most cases).
    2. I think so, at least to some degree. Search about a bit
    and find out
    where the 'skins' are stored. You should be able to use one
    as you
    basis, modify it, and save as a new skin. I think they're
    pretty much
    all just BMP/JPG files.
    3. I'd like to know this too!
    malcolmlo wrote:
    > My company is working to set up a training program using
    SharePoint Learning
    > Kit (SLK) as the LMS and Captivate 3/SCORM compliant
    classes for the content.
    > Here are my questions:
    > 1. Can captivate class progress be saved and resumed at
    a later date exactly
    > where the student left off? Currently we are using demo
    mode not interactive,
    > but I'm wondering if this can be done with both as we
    may go interactive later.
    > 2. Can the captivate flash player be rebranded to fit
    the company brand?
    > 3. Do you have any links or resources on configuring
    captivate to work with
    > Microsoft SharePoint Learning Kit?
    > Thanks in advanced.
    Erik Lord
    Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
    samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
    *Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*

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