Screen exit for FK01.

I have implemented badi VENDOR_ADD_DATA / CS to add a new tab in transaction FK01, but I want to show the tab only for a particular account group. Right now I'm able to view this tab for all account groups.How do we make it work for a particular account group ??

I think you cannot hide a tab. but you can hide the fields
by using
loop at screen.
  if account_group eq 'XX'.
  screen-invisible = '0'.  " I am always confused with 1 or 0
  modify screen

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  • Screen-exit for profit center creation - transaction KE51.

    Hi All,
    Background: The client has the requirement of importing profit centre master data from legacy system into SAP ECC system. Few of the legacy data could not be filled into existing sap fields, hence the requirement has been to populate the data into custom fields.
    The client also has the requirement, that the same fields are required during online entry. For this we need to enhance the profit centre creation screen (transaction code KE51) with two additional custom fields.
    Requirement: To enhance profit centre creation screen with custom fields. Screen-exit for KE51 transaction.
    Pre-work: Program SAPLRKPM in SAP ECC system is the main program. It does not have any screen or sub screen area for custom fields addition. Debugged the program to check for screen-exits, found none.
    Below user-exits are not either screen-exits or cannot be used for enhancing profit center screen.
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    Solution required for: Could anyone please let me know if it is possible to enhance the profit center creation screen. If yes, please provide the names of the screen-exit/  badi exit.
    (Just a thought, modifying the standard seems to be the only solution, this should be the last option and i agree, please provide your inputs.)
    Thanks in advance.
    Warm Regards,

    Thank you Manohar for the response.
    The requirement is to display custom fields on standard sap screen and there are no screen-exits. So, i suppose the standard screen has to be modified.
    Could you please provide brief explanation on
    May be you should consider maintaining custom mapping table instead of going for chaning standard.
    With Regards,

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      How to find out the screen exit for this transaction.
      If we dont have screen exit for this transaction, is there any other way to add the field.
      Ps help regardng this.

    Check the BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS , this is used to add a tab screen with the custom fields.
    VENDOR_ADD_DATA Additional Vendor Data
    Vendor Master (XK01) Screen Exit
    check the foll link,
    userexits be..
    RFKRRANZ User exits: Accounts Payable Information System
    SAPMF02K User exits: Vendor master data
    Kiran Sure

  • Screen exit for transaction VA41

    dear all,
    i want to add two fields to the transaction code VA41 contract creation.can anybody tell me screen exit for this or else how to do it?

    Hi Debesh Tripathy,
               In additional data A Tab you have some customer field than you can use it, if these fields don't match with you request you can add fields in Additional data B tab with help of ABAP, since you need to modify the screen the PBO and PAI 8459 of program SAPMV45A. Bear in mind this screen is also used by VA21 and VA01 so you need to put a conditional to doesn't show this field in these others transaction.

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    Does anyone know what the screen exit for transaction MD14 is?  I need to add an extra field to the detail screen of transaction MD14.  The field name to be added is MDBA-LIFNR.

    Exit found.

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    Please guide me is there any other alternative way to solve this issue.
    Thanks and Regards
    Praveen Kumar

    What ever you can achevie by using User Exit you can acheive with Badi's
    [ABAP BADI SCREEN ENHACEMENTS |http://www.*******************/2008/09/abap-badi-screen-enhacements.html]html
    [badi screen enhancements implementation |http://www.*******************/2008/10/badi-screen-enhancements-implementation.html]

  • Screen Exit for TX01/02/03

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    Any inputs is appreciated.

    Thanks! that link solved my problem. I have one question though, when I add the custom tab with some fields, can we add the custom fields to the database table VTBFHA/VTBFHAZU? or should we create a custom table for this custom fields?
    Edited by: Marc  Ng on Feb 24, 2009 4:38 AM

  • Screen exit for me32k for header and for items

    hi experts,
    i need a screen exit  from me32k to add subscreen in :
    1. items
    2. header
    thanks in advanced,

    Just some information on screen exits:
    Screen Exit:
    How to implement screen exit for a SAP standard transaction
    SAP provides standard transactions to enter data into database. But a client may want to maintain some additional information in SAP other than what is provided.
    To make provisions for this, additional screens have to be provided and additional fields must be added into appropriate database table.
    To pave way for this, SAP has provided the option for screen exits. Usually, SAP provides the following:
    An append structure in the database table with the new fields.
    A subscreen area into the standard screen – where the programmer can attach his subscreen of his own program with the new fields.
    A function group under which the new subscreen has to be created with the new fields.
    Function exits to synchronize the PBO and PAI of the standard SAP program with the PBO and PAI of the subscreen – so that data can flow back and forth between the standard SAP program and the program written by the developer for the subscreen. These function modules also exist in the same function group under which the subscreen will have to be developed.
    Finally, a linkage has to be done between the subscreen area of standard SAP screen with the custom subscreen constructed by the developer.
    Typically, SAP provides an enhancement in which the developer can create an append structure, use the function exits to synchronize the PBO and PAI of the standard SAP program and the custom subscreen program, and make the necessary linking( as mentioned above in step 4. But, again, this is not a hard and fast rule. Linking in some case, is also done by configurations.) SAP also usually provides the name of the function group under which the subscreen has to be developed.
    Necessary guidance about implementing a screen exit development is usually available in the Documentation section of the enhancement ( can be availed by transaction SMOD).
    The developer to work on screen exit should have essential knowledge on the following:
    DDIC concepts, including the knowledge of append structure.
    Concept of SAP Enhancements and implementing them using Projects.
    Concept of function exits.
    Knowledge on Module Pool – including subscreens, Tabstrip controls etc.
    So, a developer can follow the guidelines mentioned below to implement a screen exit to a standard SAP transaction, as and when required:
    Find out the Required Enhancements
    Go to SMOD. Press F4 in the Enhancement field. In the next popup window, click pushbutton ‘SAP Applications’. A list will appear that contains information on all the enhancements, categorized under functional areas. Developer must search for the enhancements relevant to his functional area of interest – for e.g., Purchasing, Asset Accounting, etc.
    Note down the enhancements. Then, come to the initial screen of SMOD and view the documentation of each enhancement to find out which one is required for your development.
    Utilize the Enhancement in a Project
    After you have found one, do as directed in the documentation. Generally, the steps are as follows:
    Create a project using CMOD including your enhancement.
    Create the append structure with new fields.
    Go to the desired function group and create a subscreen with the new fields. Write PBO and PAI for the subscreen, if required.
    Use the function exits in the enhancement to link the PBO and PAI of the subscreen with that of the main SAP program supporting the SAP transaction.
    Maintain necessary linkage between the subscreen area of standard SAP program with the custom subscreen developed along with the custom program name. This can be done in the project (developed by CMOD including the enhancement) or outside as a part of configuration.
    Activate the project.
    Test to ensure that required functionality are met.
    Case Study 1
    Add three new custom fields for Asset master and maintain information for them
    Three fields in the legacy system have to be maintained in Asset master. These fields are:
    Original Asset number – 20 characters
    Location 2 – 15 Characters.
    Model no – 20 characters
    Location 2 should start with ‘L’.
    Finding out the Enhancement
    As described above, the enhancement is determined. It was found, that enhancement AIST0002 will serve the purpose. It contains the following components (can be viewed by transaction SMOD):
    Exit Type Description EXIT_SAPL1022_001 Function Exit Check of User-Defined Fields when Using Create and Change BAPI EXIT_SAPLAIST_002 Function Exit Transfer Data for User Subscreens in PBO. EXIT_SAPLAIST_003 Function Exit Transfer of User-Defined Fields to SAP Master Data Transactions CI_ANLU Customizing Include Include structure to add new fields
    Studying the Function Exits
    The function module level documentation for the function exits are then viewed from transaction SE37. The documentation clearly laid out for the purpose for their use:
    Function module Level Documentation
    This function module is called by asset master data maintenance at the start of the dialog. (When changing, it is called after reading of the data from the database; when creating it is called after the transfer of the default values from the asset class and reference asset.) The purpose of the function module is to enable this function group to recognize the master data. For interpreting or controlling master data fields that are important for user fields, it is possible to transfer to global variables at this point, so that they can be recognized when the user subscreens are processed.
    Import Parameters
    This function module is called at the PBO to pass the information retrieved from the database to pass them to the custom subscreen and its underlying program. Import parameter : I_ANLU will be populated with the values for user-defined fields which will be passed to the subscreen program. So, there must be some sort of variable assignment from I_ANLU.
    Function module Documentation: This function module is called by SAP asset master data maintenance after the screens are processed, but before saving. The purpose of the function module is to transfer fields entered on user sub-screens of SAP asset data maintenance to the database for updating. The export parameter for this function module is:
    This function module will be used to transfer the user entered data in the subscreen fields to the main SAP program, which will then be saved into the database.
    Studying the Documentation of the Enhancement
    The enhancement documentation (as is viewed from the initial screen of SMOD] also supports the idea. Moreover, it informs that we need to develop a subscreen under function group XAIS. This is the function group under which the two function exit modules also exist. So, if the custom subscreen refers to the global data of the function group XAIS, then those values will also be available to these function exits as well.
    Going to SE80 and viewing the function group XAIS helps us to inform that there are three DDIC tables declared for it:
    Deciding the Final course of Action
    After making all the investigations, the final course of action was determined.
    SrlNo Step Justification
    A project has to be created using transaction CMOD where the enhancement AIST0002 will be included.
    Customizing include CI_ANLU has to be created with the custom fields demanded When CI_ANLU will be developed, the custom fields will get appended to the database table ANLU. Also, these fields will be used to create screen fields in the new subscreen.
    A custom subscreen, say, 9000 will be developed under function group XAIS. The screen group for the screen will be ‘CUST’ (or any name). The three custom fields added to table ANLU (by creating CI_ANLU) will be used to create new fields in the screen.
    In the PAI of the subscreen, validation for Location to start with ‘L’ will be added. The subscreen with three new fields has to be developed so that it can be attached to a subscreen area of the asset master screens.
    In the custom include of the function exit module ‘EXIT_SAPLAIST_002’, the following code will be written:-
    ANLU = I_ANLU. I_ANLU is the import parameter of this FM. The value is assigned to the global variable ANLU, referring which the three new subscreen fields are developed. So, data retrieved from database table ANLU will be passed to this FM as I_ANLU by the standard SAP main program. The value will be taken and passed to the global variable of the function group XAIS, so that the three custom fields (referring to ANLU of XAIS) get populated.
    In the custom include of the function exit module ‘EXIT_SAPLAIST_003’, the following code will be written:-
    E_ANLU = ANLU. The changed values in the subscreen fields exist in global variable ANLU for the function group XAIS. This function exit module will pass the data back to the SAP main program as E_ANLU.
    Proper linkage/configuration has to be done so that the new subscreens get linked to the appropriate subscreen area of the Asset master screen. This has to be done – otherwise, the new custom subscreen will not be displayed in the Asset master screens.
    Creating a Project to include the enhancement
    Go to transaction CMOD and create a project.
    Enter a description for the project. Then, click on the pushbutton ‘Enhancement Assignments’ in the Application Toolbar.
    Enter the name of the enhancement and Save.
    Go to ‘Components’.
    Creating Custom Include for ANLU
    The screen shown below will appear, showing all the enhancement components under the assignment AIST0002. Double-click on the name of the Include Structure to create it.
    Create the include structure with three new fields, as required. Then, save and activate it.
    Develop the subscreen and the program
    Go to transaction SE80. For the function group XAIS, create a new subscreen 9000.
    Create it as subscreen.
    Then, go to the Layout of the screen and create three new fields from Database table ANLU.
    Drag the fields in the screen body and place them.
    Then, save and activate the screen and come back to screen flow editor.
    Create the PAI module to add validation for field “Location 2”, as required .
    Activate the whole function group and come out.
    Write code in the Function Exits to synchronize the programs
    Now, code has to be written in the function modules EXIT_SAPLAIST_002 and EXIT_SAPLAIST_003 so that data flows to and fro between the main SAP program and custom subscreen program. For that, go back to transaction CMOD and change the function exits.
    Write code in the function module EXIT_SAPLAIST_002 called once at the beginning of the transaction:
    Write code in EXIT_SAPLAIST_003 to pass the data from the subscreen to SAP main program.
    Then, activate everything – the whole project and come out.
    Complete the configuration to link the subscreen
    The development portion is complete. Now, linking of the subscreen has to be done with the subscreen area of the main program. In most of the cases, this linking can be done in the enhancement itself. But, here, requirement is a bit different. It is done by configuration using SPRO.
    Assets are created under Asset class. And for each asset class, there is a layout assigned to it. For a layout, there are multiple tab pages assigned to it. And, for each tab page, there are multiple screen groups/field groups assigned.
    Here, the requirement is to create these three custom fields in the tab page ‘General’ of asset master screen ( AS01/AS02/AS03/AS91).
    Determine the Layout
    To achieve this, first of all, we need to find out which layout is assigned to asset class 1000.For that, go to transaction AOLK( information has to be obtained from functional consultant).Select the Asset Class ‘1000’ and click on folder ‘General Assignment of Layout’.
    Here, for Asset class 1000, for all the user groups, tab layout SAP is assigned. Since layout ‘SAP’ cannot be changed, it has to be copied and manipulated to include our screen group. Later, the new layout has to be assigned over here.
    Create new tab layout
    Go to transaction AOLA. Copy the tab layout ‘SAP’ to create another layout, say, YSUB.
    System will copy all the settings and will inform you about that.
    Select your newly created layout and double-click on the folder ‘Tab page titles’.
    You want to put your custom fields in the tab page “General”. So, select this tab page entry and double-click on the folder "Position of Groups".
    Here, all the field groups currently residing in the tab-page “General” are shown. Add an entry for your newly created fields.
    Select the group box from the list. An entry will come with “U” padded with the custom subscreen prepared by you.
    Then, save and come out.
    Assign the new Layout to Asset Class
    Now, go to tcode AOLK and assign tab layout YSUB for asset class 1000.
    Save and come out.
    Test the Exit
    Everything is over. Now, go to transaction code AS01/02/03 or AS91 to deal with an asset of asset class 1000. You will see your new fields added to the screen. Add values to them…save. Then, enter into the tcodes again to see whether the values entered by you are being displayed or not.
    Original Source:
    User Exits:
    User exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP. The exit is implementerd as a call to a function module. The code for the function module is written by the developer. You are not writing the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is implemented in the function module.
    The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is:
    EXIT_<program name><3 digit suffix>
    The call to a functionmodule exit is implemented as:
    CALL CUSTOMER.-FUNCTION <3 digit suffix>
    To find a Exit.
    Goto Transaction -- Find The Package
    SMOD >f4>Use the Package here to Find the Exits In the Package.
    Else if you Want to search by Application Area wise ,
    There is one more tab to find the Exits in the Respective Application Area.
    Implementing the Exit-- CMOD Create ProjectsAssgn your Component .
    Now Run ur Transaction to Check if it Triggers.
    Thats it..
    Suppose you need to find out all the user exits related to a tcode.
    1. Execute the Tcode.
    2. Open the SAP program.
    3. Get the Development Class.
    4. Execute Tcode SE84.
    5. Open the Node 'Envir. -> Exit Techniques -> 'Customer Exits -> Enhancements'
    6. Enter the Development class and execute.
    Check out this thread..
    The specified item was not found.
    1. Type the transaction : system->status-> <PROG. NAME>
    2 open SE37 , type EXIT<PROG NAME> and press F4 to get the list of function exits available.
    3. Open CMOD utilities->SAP enhancements
    EDIT->All selections
    4.type the function module name obtained in step 2, in fields 'component name' in 'additional selections' block. and execute.
    5. The displayed list contains the enhancements names for the transaction You were looking for.
    6. Create a project in CMOD and the code in default include->activate.
    which gives the list of exits for a tcode
    For information on Exits, check these links
    These links will help you to learn more on user exits.
    Also please check these threads for more details about user exits.
    Re: Screen exit
    user exit and customer exit
    user exit
    1. Document on UserExits in FI/CO
    2. Finding User Exits...
    3. List of all User Exits...
    Reward if found helpfull,

  • How to Implement Screen Exits for MK01...

    Hi All,
    I have to implement screen exits for Tcode MK01.
    There is a BADI namely VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS for Mk01.
    Please guide me on how to implement a screen exit..
    If possible send me the steps to be followed.

      Check this:
    Have a look at this thread:
    your working with BADI Then do as follows....
    you follow the SPRO way and do everything they say. make an own z program with your subscreens VENDOR_ADD_DATA you put something like this to method CHECK_ADD_ON_ACTIVE:
    Aktivierung Zusatzfelder für ZDB
    if i_screen_group = 'Z1'.
    e_add_on_active = 'X'.
    endif. VENDOR_ADD_DATA_CS you put something like this to get_taxi_screen
    CASE i_taxi_fcode.
    WHEN 'Z1_SRCE1'.
    e_screen = '0100'.
    e_program = 'ZPM_SCREENEXIT_MK02'. " your own program
    e_headerscreen_layout = ' '.
    WHEN 'Z1_SRCE2'.
    e_screen = '0110'.
    e_program = 'ZPM_SCREENEXIT_MK02'.
    e_headerscreen_layout = ' '.
    4. you make sure, that everything is active
    Edited by: Kiran Sure(skk) on Apr 11, 2008 3:42 PM

  • Screen Exit for LT12

    Hi Folks,
      I need a help regarding Screen Exit for LT12 Tcod.My requirement is to add a screen for Serial Number Keyin for a material and confirm the TO.I try to find an Exit and a Badi where i can put my Custom logic which updats the Serial Number in a Custom 'Z' Table but iam unable to stop at none of the exits .Please help me if any one had worked on this sort of an requirement. I want an Exit/Badi which stops at the time of Save or Confirm TO Ok_code

    hi vamsi,
    check the below link may be helpful for you
    User-Exit in transaction LT12
    if u find it useful plz reward the points

  • Screen exit for co11n and problems in writting the PBO and PAI Logic ?

    Hi People,
    I am developing a screen exit for transaction co11n. I have found the exit ( CONFPP07 ) ... I created a project and have
    assigned this exit and activated the project. I have created a field named SHIFT  on clicking this field i have to give three
    possible values (a,b,c  ) and i have to store these values in some table .......... now my problem is in which include i
    have to write PBO and PAI logic ... should i have to write pbo logic in the include provided in the exit
    EXIT_SAPLCORU_S_100 and PAI in EXIT_SAPLCORU_S_101.......or .........Can any tel me what should i have to do to
    meet the requirements... and in which structure i have to add this field so that it gets stored in some table.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Use the includes in the program SAPLXCOF given in CONFPP07 Exit.
    You may use include zxcofzzz ( for Subprograms and Modules )
    by creating it upon double click.
    Wajid Hussain P.

  • Field/Screen Exit for MIRO

    Hi Friends,
    The client requirement is to fix an Exit to disable or inactive the field INVFO-LIFRE or to put the INVFO-LIFRE field (invoice party in Details tab) as display mode where the user not able to change it while posting invouces in MIRO.
    I've tried by program screen enhancement in 'SAPLFDCB' but i couldn't able to fix it since the screen name of INVFO-LIFRE is not showing/coming while posting MIRO (checked in debugging mode).
    Instead of fixing error message through BADI/USER EXIT, is there any way to make field/screen exit to disable or inactive the filed??
    Please advise.
    Thanks & regards

    Check the below link.
    [Screen exit for MIRO transaction;
    [Re: steps to create field exit;

  • Screen exit (for newTabstrip) for ME21 TRANSACTION CODE AT ITEM LEVEL

    Hi All ABAPERS,
    I had a urgent requirement that I need to provide new tabstrip in ME21 tcode at ITEM level.
    note: not in Item overview.
    So, friends could you please tell me what is the screen exit for it and if you have steps for it please give me the solution as early as possible and good points will be rewarded.

    use this enhamcement MM06E005
    go to se51 give program name SAPLXM06 and create 0111 screen and mention subscreen under attributes of screen.
    and go to layout define ur fields in the layout..
    use exit_sapmm06e_013 for getting data .
    also create ci_ekpo structrure and write the req logic to update that strucutre so that values will go and sit in stadard ekpo table.
    after creating that structure dont forget to activate ekpo thr se14.
    and go to se80 and give function group of exit_sapmm06e_013(this fm) and u will find under includes some z*top where u can declare all ur screen fields .

  • Screen Exit for VA01/02 Additional data tab B

    i am working on screen exit for Additional Data Tab B to add custom fields.I have included the fields in VBAK table using append structure(is there a way to include fields using Include Structure?).
    Also i have seen in many threads that SAPMV45A program and 8309 is the screen number to do the changes.
    I am new to this Screen exits can someone tell me how to add these fields in that tab?i dont understand what to do from here.
    give me step by step process or any link to do this.

    but does it ask me for ACCESSKEY?
    i must not change the standard thing. i need to implement in Exits only.i have seen in SAPMV45A there are 2 exits exit_**_002 and 003 which can be used for PBO and PAI.
    but i am confused on how to bring the fields into ADDITIONAL DATA TAB B  without changing standard directly?

  • Screen exit for FB60 on header level

    hi , i am working on FB60 .  i want to add an extra tab  i.e extra screen on the header level . are there any screen exits for fb60 to add extra screen?

    hi praveen,
    search this forum on how to implement a badi if you haven't done one before. also, go to transation SE18 and read the documentation on badi_fdcb_subbas01 which clearly says that its used for FB60... see the example how they have used it by going to menubar Implementation->Overview then choose FI_FDCB_SUBBAS01_EX (Example for Screen Enhancement 1 on FDCB Basic Data Screen) should look at the method PUT_DATA_TO_SCREEN_OBJECT and tab Subscreens where the screen exits are available to use.
    In FB60, if you go to menubar System->Status and check the Program (Subscreen) and Screen Number, you'll see it'll match the program name and screen no. provided in the Subscreen tab of the BADI.
    Hope this helps.

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