Script for motorola l6i or SE P910i to use as gprs modem

hi, I have a motorola l6i that I'd like to use as an usb gprs modem for my powerbook, it is correctly detected but I don't know where to find a modem script to use it for the purpose via the usb cable.
the other option would be to use the SE P910i as BT gprs modem but also here I don't know where to find the scripts, any suggestion?
p.s. I'll use the phones on a powerbook g4 with tiger or leopard

You can find many modem scripts for many models of phones including motorola at Ross Barkman's Homepage

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    I would recommend you to use Power Shell so that you can do the automation easily. You can use
    power shell for earlier version of SharePoint as well. 
    Look why removing the solution is getting failed. May be you are trying to remove before the solution is retracted. Wait for retract and remove the solution. Refer to the following post for more information

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    Head_on_a_Stick wrote:
    jerik wrote:I was wondering if it would be possible to have a look at the PKGBUILD file that is used?
    You can use the ABS to download the PKGBUILD for the (many) Gambas packages available.
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    ==> Downloading tarballs...
    ==> core...
    ==> ERROR: Download failed
    ==> extra...
    ==> ERROR: Download failed
    ==> community...
    ==> ERROR: Download failed
    ==> multilib...
    ==> ERROR: Download failed
    Last edited by jerik (2014-12-26 00:31:50)

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    No there is no multi-select for creating SQL-Loader scripts.
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    As it is an online environment, to troubleshoot this issue in an easier way, I suggest you contact Office 365 Support to see if there is any useful information in
    the log files in the server side:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Company1=Warehouse Alpha
    Address1=1234 Any Street
    City/State/Zip1= Los Angeles, CA 90020
    Contact Name1= Mr. Nice Guy
    Phone Number1= 213-854-8565
    Email1=[email protected]
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    Address2= 5678 Awesome Blvd.
    City/State/Zip2= San Bernardino, CA 96545
    Contact Name2= Mr. Handsome
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    Email2=[email protected]

    So one has two check boxes and one wants them to be mutually exclusive. Name them the same and change the export value of the field. Try it and observe what happens as you check the different check boxes.
    You have described what happens if either box is checked but what happens when a checked box Is unckecked?
    One can place scripts in many locations. I would use a mouse up action for both the check boxes, use the same script for both check boxes.
    I would assume you are using the following names for the fields to populate:
    // Mouse up action for both check boxes;
    // initial value for the fields:
    this.getField("Company"),value = "";
    this.getField("CityStateZip"),value = "";
    this.getField("ContactName"),value = "";
    this.getField("PhoneNumber"),value = "";
    this.getField("Email"),value = "";
    // test for check box value for selected box;
    if(event.value == 1) {
    this.getField("Company"),value = "Warehouse Alpha";
    this.getField("CityStateZip"),value = "1234 Any Street";
    this.getField("ContactName"),value = "Los Angeles, CA 90020";
    this.getField("PhoneNumber"),value = "213-854-8565";
    this.getField("Email"),value = "[email protected]";
    if(event.value == 2) {
    this.getField("Company"),value = "Warehouse Beta";
    this.getField("CityStateZip"),value = "5678 Awesome Blvd.";
    this.getField("ContactName"),value = "San Bernardino, CA 96545";
    this.getField("PhoneNumber"),value = "Mr. Handsome";
    this.getField("Email"),value = "[email protected]";
    // end Mouse up action for both check boxes;

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    Just ensure that the service account that you use to trigger the Powershell scripts has access to IIS and SharePoint.  Most often, the SharePoint Farm account would be used for scheduling the warm up scripts on the WFE server.
    I trust that answers your question...

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    [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") | out-null
    if (!$wsus) {
    $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer();
    $computerScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetScope;
    $computerScope.IncludedInstallationStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateInstallationStates]::InstalledPendingReboot;
    $updateScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope;
    $updateScope.IncludedInstallationStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateInstallationStates]::InstalledPendingReboot;
    $computers = $wsus.GetComputerTargets($computerScope);
    $report = @()
    $computers | foreach-object {
    $computer = $_.FullDomainName
    $updatesForReboot = $_.GetUpdateInstallationInfoPerUpdate($updateScope)
    $updatesForReboot | foreach-object {
    $temp = "" | Select Computer,Update
    $temp.Computer = $computer
    $temp.Update = ($wsus.GetUpdate($_.UpdateId)).Title
    $report += $temp
    $report | Select "Computer","Update" | Export-Csv -Path c:\..PendingReboot.csv -Delimiter 1 -NoTypeInformation

    Modified script
    work great. I have report from all replica server and master server after new updates
    from today. I am add mail option and finaly this is what I am modify:
    [reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration") | out-null
    if (!$wsus) {
    $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::GetUpdateServer();
    $computerScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.computerTargetScope;
    $computerScope.IncludeDownstreamComputerTargets = $true
    $computerScope.IncludedInstallationStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateInstallationStates]::InstalledPendingReboot;
    $updateScope = new-object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope;
    $updateScope.IncludedInstallationStates = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateInstallationStates]::InstalledPendingReboot;
    $computers = $wsus.GetComputerTargets($computerScope);
    $report = @()
    $computers | foreach-object {
    $computer = $_.FullDomainName
    $updatesForReboot = $_.GetUpdateInstallationInfoPerUpdate($updateScope)
    $updatesForReboot | foreach-object {
    $temp = "" | Select Computer,Update
    $temp.Computer = $computer
    $temp.Update = ($wsus.GetUpdate($_.UpdateId)).Title
    $report += $temp
    $report | Select "Computer","Update" | Export-Csv -Path c:\yourpath...PendingReboot.csv -Delimiter 1 -NoTypeInformation
    $smtpServer = "your mail server"
    $att = "c:\yourpath...PendingReboot.csv"
    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg.From = "[email protected]"
    $msg.To.Add("[email protected]")
    $msg.Subject = "Pending Reboot"
    $msg.Body = "Your msg"

  • Running Permission Scripts for App-V packages in VDI environment

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    Would love to get some help
    Tamir Levy

    Hi Nicke
    that's what I did! the problem is that I find my self over and over again want to sequence packages in App-V 5.0 and forced to sequence it in App-V 4.6.
    I really hope that it wasn't App-V team's goal. announcing App-V 5.0 and tell us it doesn't support many things so we will still need App-V 4.6 forever.
    I have to maintain 2 different App-V environments with 4 different servers , 4 different sequencers and 2 clients on each computer. it doesn't make any sense for me to forced to stay with both of the versions forever.
    correct me if I'm wrong but App-V 4.6 is a legacy application. the new versions cover only support on newer operating systems and nothing more. I won't be surprised if in the next version of MDOP won't come with App-V 4.6 anymore and Microsoft will announced
    it's unsupported very soon.
    Every time I open a ticket with MS Support the best thing I get is "It's a known issue, we can't tell when it will be fixed"
    can you help me more ? move it forward to other people from the inside? at least agree with me that something is not as expected in App-V 5.0... :(
    I love the technology, I believe in it, I'm kinda depend on it and I only want it to be better
    Tamir Levy

  • One script for multiple loaded movie clips

    I am sure that this has been asked or answered before, but
    could not locate the correct response.
    There are 20 movie clips loaded onto the stage through
    actionscript. I have 20 different onPress scripts to start the drag
    for each (which also contain custom variable).
    Problem, I have one single onRelease script which is to be
    used for each, but do now wish to give 20 custom handled scripts.
    Can I somehow use certain scripting for using one single
    generic script for the onRelease? So no matter what was released it
    will go through this one script.

    like this...
    set the_folder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder you want to add folders to..."
    tell application "Finder"
    set the_name to "Name"
    set the_count to 3
    repeat with this_num from 1 to the_count
    set new_num to this_num as string
    if (count new_num) is 1 then set new_num to "0" & new_num
    make new folder at the_folder with properties {name:the_name & " " & new_num}
    end repeat
    end tell

  • Getting error while running script for online backup

    I am running a script for online backup but ended up with an the below error.
    *ERROR* [Backup Worker Thread] Failed to create temporary directory
    Please help out in resolving this.
    Thanks in Advnace.

    Hi mahesh,
    If you are using backup feature from crx console, I mean http://localhost:4502/crx/config/backup.jsp  I can say that we had also some problems with this functionalities.
    First off all what you need to check are the permissions, because when you check a source code there is line which creates a File object using a path specified by you to make a backup of repository.
    File targetDir = new File(req.getParameter("targetDir", listDir.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()));
    You need to have sure that the proper read write access has been granted for this path.
    Another issue is that maybe there was already prepared some hotfix if you are using CQ5.4. Please refer to the following link:
    and also to this one: which contains a hotfix number #34797 which was applied to backup.jsp file.

  • Please help me resolve the Lync server 2013 deployment error: "An error occurred while applying SQL script for the feature BackendStore."

    I am getting an error in "Step 2 - Setup or Remove Lync Server Components" of "Install or Update Lync Server System" step.
    "An error occured while applying SQL script for the feature BackendStore. For details, see the log file...."
    Additionally, all previous steps such as: Prepare Active Directory, Prepare first Standard Edition server, Install Administrative Tools, Create and publish topology are done without any errors. The user that I used to setup the Lync server is member of:
    Domain Admins
    Domain Users
    Enterprise Admins
    Group Policy Creator Owners
    Schema Admins
    I have tried to re-install all the things and started to setup a new one many times but the same error still occurred. Please see the log below and give me any ideas/solutions to tackle this problem.
    ****Creating DbSetupInstance for 'Microsoft.Rtc.Common.Data.BlobStore'****
    Initializing DbSetupBase
    Parsing parameters...
    Found Parameter: SqlServer Value\rtc.
    Found Parameter: SqlFilePath Value C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\DbSetup.
    Found Parameter: Publisheracct Value LCTBU\RTCHSUniversalServices;RTC Server Local Group;RTC Local Administrators;LCTBU\RTCUniversalServerAdmins.
    Found Parameter: Replicatoracct Value LCTBU\RTCHSUniversalServices;RTC Server Local Group.
    Found Parameter: Consumeracct Value LCTBU\RTCHSUniversalServices;RTC Server Local Group;RTC Local Read-only Administrators;LCTBU\RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins.
    Found Parameter: DbPath Value D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath.
    Found Parameter: LogPath Value D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath.
    Found Parameter: Role Value master.
    Trying to connect to Sql Server\rtc. using windows authentication...
    Sql version: Major: 11, Minor: 0, Build 2100.
    Sql version is acceptable.
    Validating parameters...
    DbName rtcxds validated.
    SqlFilePath C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\DbSetup validated.
    DbFileBase rtcxds validated.
    DbPath D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath validated.
    Effective database Path: \\\D$\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath.
    LogPath D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath validated.
    Effective Log Path: \\\D$\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath.
    Checking state for database rtcxds.
    Checking state for database rtcxds.
    State of database rtcxds is detached.
    Attaching database rtcxds from Data Path \\\D$\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath, Log Path \\\D$\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath.
    The operation failed because of missing file '\\\D$\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath\rtcxds.mdf'
    Attaching database failed because one of the files not found. The database will be created.
    State of database rtcxds is DbState_DoesNotExist.
    Creating database rtcxds from scratch. Data File Path = D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath, Log File Path= D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath.
    Clean installing database rtcxds.
    Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
    ****Creating DbSetupInstance for 'Microsoft.Rtc.Common.Data.RtcSharedDatabase'****
    Initializing DbSetupBase
    Parsing parameters...
    Found Parameter: SqlServer Value\rtc.
    Found Parameter: SqlFilePath Value C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\DbSetup.
    Found Parameter: Serveracct Value LCTBU\RTCHSUniversalServices;RTC Server Local Group.
    Found Parameter: DbPath Value D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath.
    Found Parameter: LogPath Value D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath.
    Trying to connect to Sql Server\rtc. using windows authentication...
    Sql version: Major: 11, Minor: 0, Build 2100.
    Sql version is acceptable.
    Validating parameters...
    DbName rtcshared validated.
    SqlFilePath C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\DbSetup validated.
    DbFileBase rtcshared validated.
    DbPath D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath validated.
    Effective database Path: \\\D$\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\DbPath.
    LogPath D:\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath validated.
    Effective Log Path: \\\D$\CsData\BackendStore\rtc\LogPath.
    Checking state for database rtcshared.
    Reading database version for database rtcshared.
    Database version for database rtcshared - Schema Version5, Sproc Version 0, Update Version 1.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Thanh Le

    Thanks Lạc
    Phạm 2
    I Had similar issue i end up uninstalling and reinstallting but same issue, then i change the drive but same issue. It was I/O issue. After adjusting my I/O it fix our issue and installation went on without any issue. 
    If any one using KVM here is detail article 
    We just  give this option cache=‘writeback
    using this article and this fix my issue thanks 

  • An error occurred while applying SQL script for the feature BackendStore.

    I am using my AD in Windows Azure VMs. I created new VM of A3 (4 cores, 7 GB Memory) Windows Server 2012 R2, Port 1433 MSSQL added, made it a member of Domain and planned to install first Lync Server 2013 on it.
    In "Setup or Remove Lync Server Components" of "Install or Update Lync Server System", got an Red Coloured text "An error
    occurred while applying SQL script for the feature BackendStore."
    I have not enabled monitoring and archiving server in topology builder. I added "Network Service" and assign "Full Control" in Security Permissions of "C:\CsData" and "C:\LyncShare".
    I executed the SQL Setup Wizard and upgraded any instance to 2012.
    Please guide.
    Thanks, Divyaprakash Koli

    Please check you have enough disk space for the disk where the folders are.
    Check view log for detailed log information.
    The following link is a similar thread for you to refer:
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • I am trying to update my iTunes to 10.5.1 so that I can upgrade my 3GS phone but am getting the following error message when trying to install the itunes:Install step failed: Run pre upgrade script for apple mobile device support. Contact software manufac

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    Thanks for your help in advance....

    Did you ever figure out the problem? "Contact Software Manufacturer"?? That sounds ominous... I've got the same issue and I'm pretty durn aggravated right about now....

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