Scripting Tool

Ok...I have downloaded the Scripting Tool from work...So I don't have Eclipse installed...I don't have it my home either...hehehe...So, here's the big question...
How I'm supposed to install those plug-ins??? -:)
I'm planning to make some tests tonight...So I need a quick answer if possible -;)

Don't worry, it'll all come
The Webservice functionality was implemented first. We're just right now working on BAPI-RFCs, both connectors and generators.
This project is a bit different than what you may be used from SAP, as we intended to have it as a real community project. We didn't implement each and every function and only present it when it's finished and polished, but instead as soon as we had a somewhat reasonable architecture - which in this case means general functionality and Webservice connectability.
In fact we hope that, given enough interest, others might join the development - both inside SAP and external developers - and provide own plugins.
About the general support for scripting languages in Eclipse, there are Eclipse-based tools out there which provides you with good IDE functionality. Take a look at PHPeclipse, for example. Also Craig made a package named 'Scripting in a Box' which contains supports for several languages, including Ruby and PHP. You can find it in the SDN Technology section about Scripting. Our Scripting Tool was designed to integrate in IDEs like this.

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    Hi keerthi,
    1. I have pasted the code for the first issue
                                       "/web:window[@index='0' or @title='Manage Network Targets - Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Order and Service Management']/web:document[@index='0' or @name='1824fhkchs_6']/web:form[@id='pt1:_UISform1' or @name='pt1:_UISform1' or @index='0']/web:button[@id='pt1:MA:0:n1:1:pt1:qryId1::search' or @value='Search' or @index='3']")
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                        .columnSort("Ascending", "Name" );

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    Thanks in advance,

    choose  type as "Function module test" (if you are in release less than 6.4 abap) after entering into t.code SCAT.
    Pl. refer to this documentation for creating function module test cases
    <a href=""></a>
    reward if it helps

  • Anyone tried the new Weblogic Scripting Tool (WLST)?

    Has anyone tried using the new WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) that was recently
    posted on the dev2dev WebLogic Utilities site:
    It looks to be a handy tool that is built upon jython and enables you to easily
    navigate, inspect and manipulate the WebLogic MBean tree on a running server.
    It also has a nice scripting tool which allows you to convert a config.xml file
    into a script that can be run to recreate a domain or specific resources within
    the domain. This is exactly something I have been looking for because we occasionally
    recreate domains or subsets of a domain for testing and POC purposes.
    The utility is fairly well documented and works well for the most part. The only
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    it throws a null pointer exception. I have not tried a cluster yet.
    I noticed the utility was authored by someone at BEA. Is there potential that
    BEA will support this in the future if it catches on? Has anyone had experience
    with WLST or jython that would cause you to reccomend (or not) using it?

    Thanks for the valuable feedback. My comments are inline.
    Darryl Stoflet wrote:
    As a fairly long time wlshell user who recently started testing wlst there are
    few features I have found lacking in wlst.
    1. For monitoring purposes I am frequently using the -g and -r options to wlshell's
    get command for graphing and repeating respectivelyI haven't looked at -g and -r options in wlshell, but will do so.
    Although there is no graphical monitoring of attributes in wlst, but
    there is certainly some monitoring capability (which will be enhanced
    further in the coming version). Please take a look at the
    monitorAttribute() function.
    wls:/(offline)> help('monitorAttribute')
    Monitors the specified attribute every by polling every interval.
    monitorAttribute(attributeName, interval, monitorFile)
    attributeName = Name of the attribue that you would like to monitor.
    interval = Time (in seconds) to wait before the next fetch
    monitorFile=[optional] File path where the monitored data will be
    written to.
    Press Return to quit monitoring
    Monitoring started for attribute ServicedRequestTotalCount
    2. wlshell 2.0 adds the option when connecting to the admin server to also connect
    to all managed servers in that domain. This is a nice feature for monitoring because
    you then have access to all the runtime mbeans in each managed serverYes, this indeed seems to be a very nice feature. We will consider this
    for our next release.
    3. There is not a good way to pass cmd line options(variables) to wlst. In wlshell
    I can send cmd line options via -v. I have tried something similar with wlst using
    -loadProperties but this is a little laborious because I do not necessarily want
    to create a properties file when a passing in only one or two variables. Also
    I find loadProperties lacking somewhat (see 4 below)ok, I just realised that there is indeed a bug in wlst where the command
    line arguments are not being honored. In Jython one can access the
    command line arguments from the sys.argv variable. For example,
    java weblogic.WLST -i var1 var2 var3
    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to Weblogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    wls:/offline> print sys.argv
    ['', 'var1', 'var2', 'var3']
    But this isn't working properly, please keep using the loadProperties
    untill this has been fixed.
    4) loadProperties treats all created variables as strings. While this is understandable
    from the perspective that getProperty returns a string, it would be nice if wlst
    was smart enough that when a property is numbers only its an int, otherwise a
    string etc.
    wlshell does this logic/conversion for you which really simplifies calling methods
    that expect the particular datatype. To get around this problem you can create a script file say, which would look like,
    # variables that will be used
    theInterpreter.set('var2','i am a string')
    java weblogic.WLST
    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to Weblogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    wls:/(offline)> print var1
    wls:/(offline)> print var2
    'i am a string'
    5. I'd like to be able to send cmd output etc to a file while running within wlst.
    In wlshell its a simple as adding >> filename to the end of the command. In wlst it is not as simple as doing >>, it is more than that. You can
    choose any output stream to direct your output to. In your case you can
    create a FileOutputStream and route the output to this stream for any
    particular command.
    # create a file output stream say fos
    from import FileOutputStream
    fos = FileOutputStream("output.txt")
    # save the default output stream to a variable to
    # switch it back
    # Now all output for any function will go to output.txt
    # after done with your functions switch it back
    This is the right Jython way to do it. This works for all output streams
    , very useful when you embed an interpreter in a servlet and would like
    to display the output via a PrintStream etc.
    All in all wlst is a nice tool. Personally if the above features were added it
    would be much easier to transistion to wlst for good.
    Also I really like the wlst offline tool. Its nice to be able to do the whole
    create and configure domain process with one tool. Will this be supported. Yes indeed. We are working on merging both the tools into one.
    I do
    not want to rely on it too much if it will not work in future weblogic versions.It will be supported in future release of weblogic.
    "Steve Hess" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am the BEA Product Manager behind WLST.
    WLST, as it appears today on dev2dev, is an early release version of
    a tool that
    BEA does intend to support as part of our next major release. We decided
    to issue
    early versions of the tool because of the demand for a supported scripting
    and to generate feedback from our user community. I encourage you to
    work with
    WLST, and assure you that this tool represents our current direction
    in management
    Also note, this newsgroup can be used to issue questions, concerns and
    about WLST. The engineering and PM team will monitor this group and
    respond to
    your questions as quickly as we can. While we will not be able to respond
    every feature request, we really value your suggestions, and will endeavor
    improve the tool in ways that meet your real-world needs.
    Steve Hess
    Director, WLS PM
    "George Lupanoff" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Has anyone tried using the new WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) that was
    posted on the dev2dev WebLogic Utilities site:
    It looks to be a handy tool that is built upon jython and enables you
    to easily
    navigate, inspect and manipulate the WebLogic MBean tree on a running
    It also has a nice scripting tool which allows you to convert a config.xml
    into a script that can be run to recreate a domain or specific resources
    the domain. This is exactly something I have been looking for because
    we occasionally
    recreate domains or subsets of a domain for testing and POC purposes.
    The utility is fairly well documented and works well for the most part.
    The only
    issue I have run into so far is that is does not seem to understandJMS
    Destinations. When I try to convert a config.xml that contains a DDto
    a script
    it throws a null pointer exception. I have not tried a cluster yet.
    I noticed the utility was authored by someone at BEA. Is there potential
    BEA will support this in the future if it catches on? Has anyone had
    with WLST or jython that would cause you to reccomend (or not) using

  • Is there any Scripting tool available?

    I am brand new to Web AS and wondering is there any command line scripting tool available within Web AS? For example, something similar to BEA's WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) that is based on Jython or IBM’s WebSphere Administrative (wsadmin) that is based on Jacl and Jython.
    Any input/comments/pointers are much appreciated.
    or  if above link fails, try this
    Yes, I believe you can use any text editor, including a javascript editors to write serverside AS, but may not get intellisense in most of those editors while coding.
    check the above links for a development IDE with intellisense enjoy
    Mohamed D. Sankoh
    Alberta, Canada

  • How to create control dynamicall​y while front panel fly using Xcontrol or anyothere options but without scripting tools

    Hello friends
               I have one doubt How to create control dynamically while front panel fly using Xcontrol or anyothere options but without scripting tools.I need to create the controls while vi is running.For example I need to create one Boolean  while VI was Fly and i need one Examples it is easy to understand.

    You must be using a different dictionary than the rest of us.
    You can't dynamically create controls while a VI is running.   (If I'm mistaken, then I'm sure someone else can jump in and say how it can be done.)
    Do you have a finite number of controls you could possibly need?  What you can do is create enough controls of the type you need ahead of time.  At the beginning of your program, you hide all of those controls.  As you need to create a control, you make it visible using property nodes.  There are numerous properties you can set at run time suce as ranges, colors, captions, ...  Of course you can't wire these controls to any other bits of code ahead of time since at that time, you haven't defined what you want each one to actually control.  But if you use an event structure to detect when the values of the controls have changed, you can then programmatically pass the data off to other parts of your code using queues.  The architecture can get complicate quite fast, so you may want to look through Ben's Action Engine Nugget and other related threads for how to create mechanisms for using these controls.  Perhaps storing queue reference numbers or assign user events to each one.

  • Help with Oracle Scripting Tool

    Hello all, I am currently new to using the Oracle Scripting Tool. I can already launch the scripting author and develop some basic scripts using PL/SQL commands and test them using the scripting user responsibility. My main problem is with this one requirement in one of the panels of the script.
    In the first panel, there is a multi-list select box with a number of options. The user will select any number of these options then click continue to the next panel. Now here is my problem, if say the user selects 3 options in the last panel, the next panel should show 3 text fields. These text fields will correspond to each option selected meaning if I select 2 options in the last panel, 2 text fields will appear in the next panel or if I select 5 options in the last panel then 5 text fields will apper in the next panel. I dont know how to implement this using the Oracle Scripting tool, please help.. Any advice on this would be of greatly appreciated..

    Neither can be affected by the user.  The first is a long-standing, frustrating, bug.  Please report it via Aperture feedback at "Aperture➞Provide Aperture Feedback".  (I make thousands of crops a week, and make hundreds of details from crops (re-cropping smaller).  The current set-up, which "helpfully" over-rides _my_ setting, is extremely frustrating.)
    The second is not changeable.  You could recommend larger and/or more visible sizing handles by filing a second feedback request.
    Sorry for the unhelpful news.

  • How to create a server through WLST  ( Weblogic Scripting Tool ) ?

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    Thanks in advance...

    Hi Murugesh,
    Thanks a lot for you reply..
    I was able to create a server using create(). Is it possible to clone a server ?
    When i create a server following tags is added to config.xml
    And if i do a clone through admin console, following is added to config.xml
    <machine xsi:nil="true"></machine>
    <cluster xsi:nil="true"></cluster>
    If incase, cloning is not possible through WLST, can i add following
    <machine xsi:nil="true"></machine>
    <cluster xsi:nil="true"></cluster>
    under <server> tag which is created through WLST ?
    I am using 9.2 version.

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    This faze run indefinitly and listing of object and generation of scripts  don't take place.
    Database has more then 1600 merge articles.
    Thanks in advanced. 

    Check during that time which process is blocking the Generate Scripts command. You may use this query to find out which process is blocking.
    select session_id,blocking_session_id from sys.dm_exec_requests where blocking_session_id <>0
    Pradeep Adiga
    My blog:

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    what is photoshops  "script tool kit" and what is it used for

    There is a whole forum on ps scripting.  So check here

  • Shell Scripting Tools - If any?

    Does anyone know if there are any Shell Scripting tools (GUI Based) where we can test our scripts in different shells and see the outputs or stuff like that?

    That would be a good idea.
    Usually you write on a standard shell, i.e. in many places ksh is the standard for scripting.
    If you want to run the same script on csh will require sintax changes, you may write a template for the most commonly used commands and use them as a reference to translate the scripts from ksh to csh or viceversa.
    When a gui is out to do this tell us ;-)

  • Outbound: Duplicated records, Scripting tool, Campaign name

    Hi All;
    Is there an option to remove duplicated records in the outbound which could happen when importing two files that have some same numbers, so we need the new to be used while old to be removed (this option is called: remove the duplication .. or something like this).
    Also, I am looking for a scipting tool, so when the agents is talking with the customer, there is a script that help the agent to know how to deal with the customer, this script need to be created per each campaign. Is there something like this?
    Another thing, when the call reaches to the agent, is it possible the name of the campaign to be shown at the CTI client?

    Dear Pallavi,
    Very useful post!
    I am looking for similar accelerators for
    Software Inventory Accelerator
    Hardware Inventory Accelerator
    Interfaces Inventory
    Customization Assessment Accelerator
    Sizing Tool
    Which helps us to come up with the relevant Bill of Matetials for every area mentioned above, and the ones which I dont know...
    Request help on such accelerators... Any clues?
    Any reply, help is highly appreciated.
    Manish Madhav

  • Script/tool to Customized URLs

    I have an e-book in Adobe format. There are many URLs in the document to pointing to different websites. I need to distribute this file to others and let them customize the URLs to point to their own websites. However, they should do this by using a tool or a script (no by re-compiling the PDF file)
    Does anyone know a scrip or a tool, which can do the above task?

    The URLs on the PDF are really just ordinary text in the page content. Each of these probably has an invisible link or button object floating over top of it. The buttons and links provide the interactive functionality. Alternatively, Acrobat/Reader has the ability to recognize text that looks like an URL and provide a kind of pseudo-interactive link.
    Ok, to change the link you have to change two things, the page text and the interactive element. The interactive element is easy, it's something that can be changed from Acrobat JavaScript. But there's nothing you can do about page text from Acrobat JavaScript, it is what it is. You could write a plug-in that modifies the text, but then you have a flow problem for text that appears within a sentence or paragraph. You can't easily reflow text in a PDF. You know, PDF is supposed to be the final format, it's not designed for editing.
    The easiest solution, although not the cleanest, is to place a button with a white background and no border over all of the link areas, Place text on the button that is the exact color, font, and size as the page text. Now both the link text and the link destination can be programed from JavaScript. The only problem is with the size of the new text. If it's much larger than the original URL, the text might be cut off, if it's much smaller it might look funny.
    Thom Parker
    The source for PDF Scripting Info
    The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often

  • Object Scripting Tool

    Newbie question here: Is there a tool to script all objects in a schema? I want to move several schemas from a 2000 server to a Sun Solaris server. I don't need to move the test data, just the tables, views, triggers, etc. I found in EMC (9i) where I can script one object at a time, but there are several thousand objects to move over.
    Thanks in advance!

    Newbie question here: Is there a tool to script all objects in a schema? I want to move several schemas from a 2000 server to a Sun Solaris server. I don't need to move the test data, just the tables, views, triggers, etc. I found in EMC (9i) where I can script one object at a time, but there are several thousand objects to move over.
    Thanks in advance!

  • Weblogic Scripting Tool

    Hi All,
    I have installed weblogic portal version 10. I want to use WLST for deplyimg a portal application .Can anyone please suggest a introductory pdf describing how to start with or expalining basic concepts of wlst.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Kalluri,
    Have you tried configToScript? You can run configToScript on a config.xml to create a wlst script and a properties file. You can change the server names, domain name etc in the properties file and run the script on a different machine to create the same configuration. The script might need a little tweaking depending on any errors or any encrypted passwords.

Maybe you are looking for

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