Scroll Bar Help

I've attached the code that I created for using a scroll bar.. When you click to scroll and go back up to the top it doesn't go all the way up to the top..It goes a few lines down still.  How can I adjust this to be correct?
import caurina.transitions.*;
laminatetxt_mc.mask = scrollmask_mc
var yOffset:Number;
var yMin:Number = 0;
var yMax:Number = scrollbar_mc.track_mc.height - scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.height;
scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleDown);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, handleUp);
function handleDown(e:MouseEvent):void
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleMove);
yOffset = mouseY - scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y;
function handleUp(e:MouseEvent):void
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleMove);
function handleMove(e:MouseEvent):void
scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y = mouseY - yOffset;
if(scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y <= yMin)
scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y = yMin;
if(scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y >= yMax)
   scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y = yMax;
   var scrollpercent:Number = scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y / yMax;
   Tweener.addTween(laminatetxt_mc, {y:(-scrollpercent*(laminatetxt_mc.height-scrollmask_mc.height)), time:1});

import caurina.transitions.*;
laminatetxt_mc.mask = scrollmask_mc
var yOffset:Number;
var yMin:Number = 0;  // set minimum handle_mc y
var yMax:Number = scrollbar_mc.track_mc.height - scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.height; // set max handle_mc.y
scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleDown);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, handleUp);
function handleDown(e:MouseEvent):void
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleMove);
yOffset = mouseY - scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y;
function handleUp(e:MouseEvent):void
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleMove);
function handleMove(e:MouseEvent):void
scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y = mouseY - yOffset;
if(scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y <= yMin)
scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y = yMin;
if(scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y >= yMax)
   scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y = yMax;
var n:Number = scrollbar_mc.m*scrollbar_mc.handle_mc.y+scrollbar_mc.b;
   Tweener.addTween(laminatetxt_mc, {y:n, time:1});
// the following assigns the parameters needed to scroll correctly.
paramF(scrollbar_mc,yMin,scrollmask_mc.y,yMax,scrollmask_mc.y-laminatetxt_mc.hei ght+scrollmask_mc.height);
function paramF(mc:MovieClip,x1:Number,y1:Number,x2:Number,y2:Number):void{
    mc.m = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2);
    mc.b = y1 - mc.m*x1;

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    pOutputWindow->AddLine("Some test...");
    if( m_phNotifyWnd[RECEIVE] && m_puiEventWMsg[RECEIVE] ) {
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    CSPkt* pPkt;
    CRWPkt* pRWPkt;
    CSPktSocket* pSocket;
    ULONG ulType;
    CString csTemp;
    CBSWords bsWords;
    CSSSWords sssWords;
    CRWPkt* pLoopBackRWMsg; // used if we have to send a loopback msg back to sender
    CLMsg lmsg;
    m_wndTextWindow.AddLine("Test message");
    return 0;
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    void COutputWnd::AddLine( CString& strLine, COLORREF crColor )
    And this function then makes a call to :UpdateVScroll().  The problem seems to arise because thread B does a
    post to thread A, where thread A in turn writes to the output window. Eventually, the program
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    SetScrollInfo() below...
    void COutputWnd::UpdateVScroll()
    CSingleLock lock( &m_CSVertScrollLock ); // lock things up while we are in here
    BOOL bok = lock.Lock();
    if (lock.IsLocked() == TRUE)
    int iMax = m_FifoIndices.GetHighestIndex();
    if( iMax < ( m_iMaxViewableLines - 1 ) )
    iMax = 0;
    //SetScrollRange( SB_VERT, 0, iMax, FALSE );
    //SetScrollRange( SB_VERT, 0, 9, FALSE );
    SCROLLINFO scrollinfo;
    scrollinfo.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
    scrollinfo.fMask = SIF_RANGE;
    scrollinfo.nMax= iMax;
    SetScrollInfo(SB_VERT, &scrollinfo, FALSE);
    It doesn't take long for the program to hang...maybe about 10 seconds. 
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    [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
    mfc100d.dll!AfxInternalPumpMessage()  Line 153 + 0x13 bytes
    mfc100d.dll!CWinThread::PumpMessage()  Line 900
    mfc100d.dll!CWinThread::Run()  Line 629 + 0xd bytes
    mfc100d.dll!_AfxThreadEntry(void * pParam=0x0022f6a4)  Line 122 + 0x13 bytes
    msvcr100d.dll!_callthreadstartex()  Line 314 + 0xf bytes
    msvcr100d.dll!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x004f97c0)  Line 297
    NOTE: If I never make the call to SetScrollInfo(), the program never HANGS.
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    It might look like working but it will crash eventually. The windows are thread affine and other thread must never touch other threads windows. Sometimes you might get along but usually it just crashes.
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    This is what the program looks like. topPanel has newItemPanel on top of it. when you click continue newItemPanel becomes invisible and newItemDescriptionPanel becomes visible. When you click continue newItemDescriptionPanel becomes invisible and priceEnterPanel becomes visible.
    I want newItemDescriptionPanel and priceEnterPanel to have a scroll bar. but everything I have tried hasn't worked. I am new. You will see the code is ugly and there is an attempt to add a scrollbar.
    Please help
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.System;
    public class MainPanel extends      JFrame implements     ActionListener
         private boolean      firstRun = true;
         private final int     ITEM_PLAIN     =     0;     // Item types
         private final int     ITEM_CHECK     =     1;
         private final int     ITEM_RADIO     =     2;
         private     JPanel          topPanel;
         private JPanel          newItemPanel;
         private JRadioButton onlineAuctionRadio;
         private JRadioButton fixedPriceRadio;
         private ButtonGroup bg;
         private JButton     continueButton;
         private JLabel      blankLabel;       //used to give space between things
         private JPanel           newItemDescriptionPanel;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel3;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel5;
         JScrollPane displayScroller;
         JEditorPane itemDescriptionTextArea;
         GridBagLayout gridbag;
         GridBagConstraints gbc;
         private JCheckBox   secondCategoryCheckBox;
         private JLabel          itemTitleLabel;
         private JLabel          requiredLabel, requiredLabel2;
         private JLabel      requiredStarLabel;
         private JTextField  itemTitleTextField;
         private JLabel           subtitleLabel;
         private JTextField      subtitleTextField;
         private JLabel          itemDescriptionLabel;
         private JButton     itemDescriptionContinueButton;
         private JLabel          percentageLabel;
         //------- price enter page ----------------
         private JLabel          startingPriceLabel;
         private JLabel           dollarSignLabel;
         private JTextField     startingPriceTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel1;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel2;
         private JLabel          buyItNowLabel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel3;
         private JLabel          dollarSignLabel2;
         private JTextField     buyItNowTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel5;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel6;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel7;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel8;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel9;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel10;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel11;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel12;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel13;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel14;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel15;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel16;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel17;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel18;
         private JLabel          donatePercentageLabel;
         private JTextField     donatePercentageTextField;
         private JPanel          fSp; // fill space panel
         private JPanel          fSp1;
         private JPanel          fSp2;
         private JPanel          fSp3;
         private JPanel          fSp4;
         private JPanel          fSp5;
         private JPanel          fSp6;
         private JPanel          fSp7;
         private JPanel          fSp8;
         private JPanel          fSp9;
         private JLabel           numberOfPicturesLabel;
         private JTextField     numberOfPicturesTextField;
         private JCheckBox     superSizePicturesCheckBox;
         private JLabel          superSizePicturesLabel;
         private JRadioButton standardPictureRadioButton;
         private JRadioButton picturePackRadioButton;
         private JCheckBox     listingDesignerCheckBox;
         private ButtonGroup bgPictures;
         private JCheckBox      valuePackCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryPictureCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     subtitleCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     boldCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     borderCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     highlightCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     featuredPlusCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryFeaturedCheckBox;
         private JLabel          homePageFeaturedLabel;
         private JComboBox     homePageFeaturedComboBox;
         private JCheckBox     giftCheckBox;
         JScrollPane priceEnterPanelScroll;
         private JButton          backToRadioButton;
         private JButton          backToItemDescriptionButton;
         private JPanel           priceEnterPanel;
         private final static String RADIOPANEL = "JPanel with radios";
         private final static String DESCRIPTIONPANEL = "JPanel with description";
         private final static String PRICEENTERPANEL = "JPanel with price entering";
         private JPanel           cards;
         private     JMenuBar     menuBar;
         private     JMenu          menuFile;
         private     JMenu          menuEdit;
         private     JMenu          menuProperty;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertySystem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyEditor;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyDisplay;
         private     JMenu        menuFileNew;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewAccount;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewItem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileOpen;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSave;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSaveAs;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileExit;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCopy;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCut;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditPaste;
         public MainPanel()
              requiredLabel = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel.setForeground (;
              requiredLabel2 = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel2.setForeground (;
              requiredStarLabel = new JLabel ("*");
              requiredStarLabel.setForeground (;
              setTitle( "photo galleries" );
              setSize( 310, 130 );
              topPanel = new JPanel();
              topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
              topPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("TopPanel"));
              //topPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (300,300));
              getContentPane().add( topPanel );
              topPanel.setVisible (false);
              //     For New Item Panel
              ButtonListener ears = new ButtonListener();
              blankLabel = new JLabel ("  ");  // used to give space between radio buttons and continue button
              continueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              continueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToRadioButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              itemDescriptionContinueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              itemDescriptionContinueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToItemDescriptionButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToItemDescriptionButton.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //topPanel.add (newItemPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("NewItemPanel"));
              newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
              onlineAuctionRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold item at online Auction"     );
              fixedPriceRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold at a Fixed Price");
              bg = new ButtonGroup();
              onlineAuctionRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              fixedPriceRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel.add (onlineAuctionRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (fixedPriceRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (blankLabel);
              newItemPanel.add (continueButton);
              // ------ After continue pressed ---------
              newItemDescriptionPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemPanel.add (newItemDescriptionPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("newItemDescriptionPanel"));
              secondCategoryCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("The item was listed in a second category");
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (false);
              itemTitleLabel = new JLabel ("Item title");
              itemTitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              subtitleLabel = new JLabel ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              subtitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              itemDescriptionLabel = new JLabel ("Item description");
              itemDescriptionTextArea = new JEditorPane();
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setContentType( "text/html" );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( false );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (500,250));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setFont(new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setForeground( );
              gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc.gridx = 0;
              gbc.gridy = 4;
              displayScroller = new JScrollPane( itemDescriptionTextArea );
              gridbag = new GridBagLayout ();
              gridbag.setConstraints( displayScroller, gbc );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( true );
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Additonal 2"));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox.add (secondCategoryCheckBox);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (blankLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (itemTitleLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (requiredLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (itemTitleTextField);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel.add(itemTitleTextField);//<--add textfield to panel
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel);//<--add panel to boxlayout panel
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2.add (subtitleLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.add (subtitleTextField);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (itemDescriptionLabel);
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (requiredLabel2);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel4);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3.add (displayScroller);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel3);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (backToRadioButton);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (itemDescriptionContinueButton);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel5);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //----------- Price Enter Page ----------------
              priceEnterPanel = new JPanel();
              priceEnterPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(priceEnterPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              priceEnterPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Price enter Panel"));
              priceEnterPanel.setVisible (false);
              priceEnterPanelScroll = new JScrollPane (priceEnterPanel);
              topPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              standardPictureRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Standard");
              picturePackRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Picture Pack ($1.00 for up to 6 pictures or $1.50 for 7 to 12 pictures)");
              bgPictures = new ButtonGroup();
              standardPictureRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              picturePackRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Supersize Pictures ($0.75)");
              listingDesignerCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Listing designer $0.10");
              valuePackCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Get the Essentials for less! Gallery, Subtitle, Listing Designer. $0.65 (save $0.30)");
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              listingDesignerCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              valuePackCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              startingPriceLabel = new JLabel ("Starting Price");
              dollarSignLabel = new JLabel ("$");
              startingPriceTextField = new JTextField (10);
              buyItNowLabel = new JLabel ("Buy It Now");
              dollarSignLabel2 = new JLabel ("$");
              buyItNowTextField = new JTextField (10);
              donatePercentageLabel = new JLabel ("Donate percentage of sale");
              donatePercentageTextField = new JTextField (2);
              donatePercentageTextField.setText ("0");
              percentageLabel = new JLabel ("%");
              // Right-justify the text
              numberOfPicturesLabel = new JLabel ("Number of pictures used");
              numberOfPicturesTextField = new JTextField (1);
              numberOfPicturesTextField.setText ("0");
              galleryPictureCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery ($0.35) [Requires a picture]");
              subtitleCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              boldCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Bold ($1.00)");
              borderCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Border ($3.00)");
              highlightCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Highlight ($5.00)");
              featuredPlusCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Featured Plus! ($19.95)");
              galleryFeaturedCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery Featured ($19.95) [Requires a picture]");
              homePageFeaturedLabel = new JLabel ("Home Page Featured ($39.95 for 1 item, $79.95 for 2 or more items)");
              homePageFeaturedComboBox = new JComboBox ();
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("None..."));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("1 item"));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("2 or more items"));
              giftCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Show as a gift ($0.25)");
              fillUpSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel6 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel7 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel8 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel9 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel10 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel11 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel12 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel13 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel14 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel15 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel16 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel17 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel18 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp1     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp2     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp3     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp4     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp5     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp6     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp7     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp8     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp9     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (startingPriceLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (requiredLabel2);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (dollarSignLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (startingPriceTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel2);     
         //     fillUpSpacePanel1.add (backToItemDescriptionButton);
         //     priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel3.add (buyItNowLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel3);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (dollarSignLabel2);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (buyItNowTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel4);
              fillUpSpacePanel1.add (donatePercentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (donatePercentageTextField);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (percentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel5);
              fillUpSpacePanel6.add (numberOfPicturesLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel6);
              fillUpSpacePanel7.add (numberOfPicturesTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel7);
              fillUpSpacePanel8.add (standardPictureRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel8);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (blankLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (superSizePicturesCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel9.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel11.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel11);
              fillUpSpacePanel12.add (listingDesignerCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel12);
              fillUpSpacePanel13.add (valuePackCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel13);
              fSp.add (galleryPictureCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp);
              fSp1.add (subtitleCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp1);
              fSp2.add (boldCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp2);
              fSp3.add (borderCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp3);
              fSp4.add (highlightCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp4);
              fSp5.add (featuredPlusCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp5);
              fSp6.add (galleryFeaturedCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp6);
              fSp7.add (homePageFeaturedLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp7);
              fSp8.add (homePageFeaturedComboBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp8);
              fSp9.add (giftCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp9);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              //Create the panel that contains the "cards".
              cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
              cards.add(newItemPanel, RADIOPANEL);
              cards.add(newItemDescriptionPanel, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
              cards.add(priceEnterPanel, PRICEENTERPANEL);
              topPanel.add(cards, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              // Create the menu bar
              menuBar = new JMenuBar();
              // Set this instance as the application's menu bar
              setJMenuBar( menuBar );
              // Build the property sub-menu
              menuProperty = new JMenu( "Properties" );
              menuProperty.setMnemonic( 'P' );
              // Create property items
              menuPropertySystem = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "System...", null, 'S', null );
              menuPropertyEditor = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Editor...", null, 'E', null );
              menuPropertyDisplay = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Display...", null, 'D', null );
              //Build the File-New sub-menu
              menuFileNew = new JMenu ("New");
              menuFileNew.setMnemonic ('N');
              //Create File-New items
              menuFileNewItem = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Item", null, 'A', null );
              menuFileNewAccount = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Account", null, 'A', null );
              // Create the file menu
              menuFile = new JMenu( "File" );
              menuFile.setMnemonic( 'F' );
              menuBar.add( menuFile );
              //Add the File-New menu
              menuFile.add( menuFileNew );
              // Create the file menu
              // Build a file menu items
              menuFileOpen = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Open...",
                                            new ImageIcon( "open.gif" ), 'O',
                                            "Open a new file" );
              menuFileSave = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Save",
                                            new ImageIcon( "save.gif" ), 'S',
                                            " Save this file" );
              menuFileSaveAs = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Save As...", null, 'A',
                                            "Save this data to a new file" );
              // Add the property menu     
              menuFile.add( menuProperty );
              menuFileExit = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Exit", null, 'X',
                                            "Exit the program" );
              // Create the file menu
              menuEdit = new JMenu( "Edit" );
              menuEdit.setMnemonic( 'E' );
              menuBar.add( menuEdit );
              // Create edit menu options
              menuEditCut = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Cut", null, 'T',
                                            "Cut data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditCopy = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Copy", null, 'C',
                                            "Copy data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditPaste = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Paste", null, 'P',
                                            "Paste data from the clipboard" );
         public JMenuItem CreateMenuItem( JMenu menu, int iType, String sText,
                                            ImageIcon image, int acceleratorKey,
                                            String sToolTip )
              // Create the item
              JMenuItem menuItem;
              switch( iType )
                   case ITEM_RADIO:
                        menuItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem();
                   case ITEM_CHECK:
                        menuItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem();
                        menuItem = new JMenuItem();
              // Add the item test
              menuItem.setText( sText );
              // Add the optional icon
              if( image != null )
                   menuItem.setIcon( image );
              // Add the accelerator key
              if( acceleratorKey > 0 )
                   menuItem.setMnemonic( acceleratorKey );
              // Add the optional tool tip text
              if( sToolTip != null )
                   menuItem.setToolTipText( sToolTip );
              // Add an action handler to this menu item
              menuItem.addActionListener( this );
              menu.add( menuItem );
              return menuItem;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileExit)
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewAccount)
                   System.out.println ("hlkadflkajfalkdjfalksfj");
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewItem){
                   if (firstRun){
                        newItemPanel.setVisible (true);
                        topPanel.setVisible (true);
                   firstRun = false;
              //System.out.println( event );
         private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
             //, (String)evt.getItem());
                   if (event.getSource() == continueButton){
                        if (!(onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()) && !(fixedPriceRadio.isSelected()))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must select at least one.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                             if (onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()){
                         (cards, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                                  //newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
                                  //newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (true);
                   if (event.getSource() == itemDescriptionContinueButton){
                       if (itemTitleTextField.getText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(""))
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must enter a title.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                    (cards, PRICEENTERPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToRadioButton){
               (cards, RADIOPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToItemDescriptionButton){
              , DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                   if (standardPictureRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (true);
                   if (picturePackRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              } //end of action performed

    Mostly I see there is about 100 times as much code as I care to look at.
    So you don't know how to get a panel in a scroll pane, and then get that scroll pane into your GUI? Then try doing that by itself, not encumbered with 10000 lines of irrelevant code. Once you have it working, plug it into the big lump of code. Or if you can't get it working, ask about the small problem here.

  • Scroll bar problem...please help !

    I have 2 blocks. The first is master with a SCROLLING BAR, and the other one is detail. I wanna do some validations when the scroll bar of the master is scrolled...and i tried the forms trigger, KEY-SCRDOWN, but in version 4.5 of forms is doesn't fire. I tried with version 6i, but the trigger didn't fire. Could someone tell me how i am suppose to catch a scroll bar move if the KEY-SCRDOWN isn't working ?
    Thank you.

    Than you but i'm now 1 record after or behind the one i need to validate if some changes have been made ! Your answer is not bad, but i want to stop the scroll if the record is "CHANGED". Anybody help me !

  • Scroll Bar Troubles, Please Help.

    When In A WebPage, I Have No Scroll Bars, And The Up And Down Arrows Will Not Scroll The Page Either. The Only Way I Can Scroll Is By Dragging The Screen Up And Down By Highlighting And It's Rather Bugging Now. I'm New To Macs By Two Weeks So Please Please Help.

    What browser are you using? Do you get this condition on all web pages you access?

  • Scroll Bar code in Awt Required Plz Help me

    My requirment is to add Vertical Scrollbar to the table.There are 12 rows in a table like from January to December.
    I am able to see data of rows as jan,feb,mar,apr only .
    i want to see the data of rows of next months by adding vertical scroll bar using Awt code.
    I added vertical scroll bar using awt code. When i click on that Vertical scroll bar event is going to below method.
    public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) {
    I tried with some logic inside above method but it is not working.what is the code i have to write inside the above method inorder to scroll the next months.
    Plz Help me.
    Thanks In Advance.........

    But i want to do this code In Using Awt only......Well, a JTable is a Swing component so I have no idea what you are talking about.
    To control the size of the table you can use:
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table );

  • Help with a vertical scroll bar issue with a List component

    hi. i have a basic <s:list> that uses an XMLListCollection as it's data provider and a very basic itemrenderer. when a row in the list is clicked a function gets the list.selectedIndex then populates some text fields with more xml data. that all works fine.. the problem i have is that the vertical scroll bar on the list seems to be "clickable" - just like a row in the list. the scroll bar scrolls normally but when it's clicked the selectedIndex becomes -1 which is not helpful b/c the value -1 is passed to the XMLListCollection.
    any ideas? cheers.

    thanks but still problematic...surely the <s:List> component shouldn't return a value when the scrollbar thumb is clicked? i created a very basic list (see below) and made the list dimensions short enough so that there is a vertical scrollbar and found that when the scrollbar thumb is clicked the trace(event.currentTarget.selectedIndex) returns a number. that's annoying b/c i just want a selectedIndex value for a row that is clicked not the scrollbar.
    any ideas to get around? cheers
    protected function list1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    <s:List x="162" click="list1_clickHandler(event)" y="276" labelField="@label" width="144" height="153">
    <fx:XMLList xmlns="">
    <node label="one"/>
    <node label="two"/>
    <node label="three"/>
    <node label="four"/>
    <node label="five"/>
    <node label="six"/>
    <node label="seven"/>
    <node label="eight"/>
    <node label="nine"/>
    <node label="ten"/>
    <node label="eleven"/>

  • Scroll bar, buttons and a Custom Component - help

    Thanks to another forum I was able to create a scroll panel and add a scroll bar to it.  That works fine.  Inside the scroll panel I have thumbnails of the product that I'm highlighting.  I want to be able to click on the thumbnail and have a full size photo of the product come up in the window next to the scroll panel.  I created a custom component that has a stage showing each full size product individually.  This worked fine when I simply had buttons and no scroll bar.  I could convert the thumbnail to a button and then add interaction so that it would go to the proper state of the custom component.  Where I'm having problems is now that I've imbedded the buttons in a scroll panel I'm no longer given the custom component as an option to pick from.  I can add interaction, but it only gives me the option of picking one of the pages, and not a component.
    I've attached a screen grab to help show what I'm describing.
    Any ideas?

    Doug, thanks for asking this question.
    Hi ADAM...
    It seems that a lot of us are asking the same question: Scrollbar Navigation-Make Actionable
    (I created a low-fidelity proof-of-concept to test—using a datalist as you suggested. See link in my posting).
    I have reviewed the video you refer to here, but you example still does not allow for individual items in the datalist (scrollbar) to be assigned individual actionable events.
    Can you expain your thinking in Option 1, as a workaround? Do you have any other suggestions?
    We are all looking to do the same thing... something we are going to see A LOT MORE of after Uncle Steve's TABLET presentation next week:
    A scrolling menu, with selected items in the menu causing "navigation" to a certain point in a scroll panel. (imitating the flick or slide effect of iPhone).
    Suggestion: Can you add a field to thedatalist so that when the "repeated item" (in edit mode) is configuredto do an action (i.e., On-Click, Transition to State), we can then assign the state  you'd like for each item in thetable itself?
    Now the issue is making it change the "State" within another component (i.e. scrolling panel). Can that be done?
    - Rick

  • Scroll bar goes crazy and active window jumps around in size - Help

    I've got iTunes 7.0.5 installed. If I use iTunes for any length of time, my system goes crazy. The scroll bar on whatever program I make active goes up and down like mad, while the content of the active window shrinks and magnifies in size multiple times a second. It's very bizarre and consistently happens only when I run iTunes for some length of time. I have no problem if I choose Windows Media Player. It's very disturbing, as I can no longer use iTunes. Any help in knowing how to fix the problem, or even to trouble shoot it further, would be greatly appreciated.

    Here are a couple of thoughts on the Timeline scrolling and other possible display issues:
    1.) make sure that you have the very latest video driver - the very latest
    2,) if you have Vista, turn Aero and Sidebar off
    3.) if you have Window Blinds, get the very latest version
    4.) if you have an InteliPoint mouse driver, try removing it, and using the standard Windows mouse driver instead*
    5.) if you have a laptop and both the touch-pad and a mouse are installed and ON, turn the touch-pad OFF
    These are some suggestions that might affect your display issues.
    Good luck,
    * The MS InteliPoint has caused many display issues with Adobe products. Most often, these have manifested themselves in flashing GUI's and similar, but other odd behaviors have been experienced. If the removal of InteliPoint does help, try the very latest version, but be ready to revert to the standard Windows mouse driver.

  • I have not found the scroll bar I need yet... any help would be great!

    Anyone know where I can get a scroll bar that has two
    important capabilities:
    1). It can be re-skinned so that the dragging scroll bar
    stays at a fixed height. I re-skinned the ScrollPane component and
    the bar re-adjusts itself depending on the height of the entire
    scroll pane. I need the scrollbar NOT to change its dimensions.
    2). I can pass in something like the yPosition property to
    move the scroll bar and its contents to a certain location based on
    a variable. The yPosition works great using the ScrollPane but I
    cannot skin it like I would like.
    Any info would be great!

    The following may help: iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

Maybe you are looking for

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