Scrolling JTextArea Problems

I have created a simulator based on Pattis's Karel the Robot, in Swing, which has two "logging" JTextArea's. During execution of a main method that runs the simulator the logs append new entries, and the scroll pane that they are contained within changes the viewport position so that the last entry is always shown. The caret is also adjusted so that it is located at the last appended or selected entry. However during execution I often get Null Pointer Exceptions or Array Index out Of Bounds exceptions (non-fatal) relating to the PlainView class in the JDK - and they always seem related to the refresh of dirty components. I am sure it is related to the constant scrolling of the JTextArea's but I may be wrong about that ....I was just wondering if you have any suggestions on what I can do about this or what may be the possible source.
Master Sifo-Dyas

It seems that I have found an answer in the archived Swing forum (how did I not see it before?).
It seems that after appending a message I should use the line:
to move the caret to the end of the text, which updates the scrolling automatically.
I tried it and it seems to work.

Similar Messages

  • Auto scrolling JTextAreas

    I am having an infuriating problem with my JTextArea which hopefully someone can help me with.
    On my GUI I have a JTextArea in a JScrollPane which is uneditable as it
    is there purely to give the user feedback. The user presses a button
    and the program happily does its thing creating datafiles and other
    such things and all the while telling the user what it is up to.
    The code I use to update the display is this:
    public void updateText(String str)
        textarea.append(string + "\n");
    }This works fine until the text reaches the bottom of the JTextArea
    because what ever the last line of text is, it gets repeated evertime
    it scrolls until the program stops updating the display at which point
    the text changes to what it should be. So for example, if the last text
    was "This is rubbish" before it starts scrolling then the
    display would look like this...
    This is rubbish
    This is rubbish
    This is rubbish
    This is rubbish....(and so on until the end where it changes to the proper text).
    One thing I have noticed is that the last line in the JTextArea before
    scrolling starts has about the bottom two rows of pixels missing from
    the text, could this be causing the scrolling to mess up. I have tried
    making the JTextArea double buffered and swapping the order of the
    scrolling and the paintImmediatly.
    I am really stuck and have searched through the forums trying all the
    usual suggestions for scrolling such as setting the caret position but
    this seems to be the only one that make the JTextArea scroll, albeit
    with a messed up display.
    Please can someone help me, this is really bugging me. (No pun intended).
    Cheers Jim.

    Check this code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    class Test extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         static int nCount = 0;
         JTextArea m_areaTest = null;
         JButton m_btnTest = new JButton("Add");
         public Test()
              m_areaTest = new JTextArea(10,30);
              JScrollPane scrollTest = new JScrollPane(m_areaTest);
              getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
         public static void main(String args[])
              System.out.println("Starting CopyPaste...");
              Test mainFrame = new Test();
              mainFrame.setSize(400, 400);
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if(e.getSource() == m_btnTest)
                   m_areaTest.append("This is rubbish"+ nCount+ "\n");

  • Scrolling JTextArea

    I have a problem with scrolling inside of JTextArea.
    I get position by method getVisibleRect()
    And then I set position by scrollRectToVisible()
    But it moves me to the end of textarea.
    How do I need to deal with it?

    Could you please tell me more about SwingUtilities.invokeLater(). How and where do I need to use it?
    //from initialization
    //this is method is launched when "start" button is pressed
        private void startTimer() {
                Rectangle rect = SessionBean.getLastRect();
    //this is method is launched when "stop" button is pressed
        private void stopTimer() {
    //this is how I change rectangle, executed by Timer every 5 sec
    public void setLastRect() {

  • Scrolling JTextArea to Last Line

    Hi Gurus:
    I have seached the forum, but didn't find a solution to this problem. It must be something really simple that I'm not getting!
    I have a JTextArea with JScrollbar attached to it. My application appends output text to this text area for user information. I would like to scroll the text up, so that the last line of text is always visible in that area.
    Currently, this is what I'm doing:
    txtOutput.setCaretPosition(txtOutput.getText().length());where txtOutput is the JTextArea in question.
    This does scroll the text up (as desired), however, it also scrolls the text leftwards to show the latest text (not desired), since that's what I asked it to do. How can I get it to scroll back to the top of the line? Or should I use some other approach?

    If I understand your problem you should be able to use the following methods from the JTextArea API:
    int getLineCount() - Determines the number of lines contained in the area.
    int getLineStartOffset(int line) - Determines the offset of the start of the given line.
    You should be able to do something like:
    caretPosition = textArea.getLineStartOffset( getLineCount() );
    This should position the caret to the beginning of the last line.
    BTW - JTextArea is a Swing Component. There is a whole forum devoted to Swing questions. You should post your question there - you might get an answer faster. This will also improve your searches as the search function only search the current forum you are looking at.

  • JScrollPane w/ JTextArea problems

    I've written a simple terminal for a project I'm working on, with a JTextField for inputs and a JTextArea to display outputs. The JTextArea uses a JScrollPane to let it scroll vertically, and wraps text to avoid horizontal scrolling.
    My problem is this: when I append text to the text area, the scroll pane sometimes scrolls to the bottom, sometimes scrolls part-way, and sometimes doesn't move at all. Ideally, I'd like to have the scroll pane always pushed to the bottom. Does anyone know what causes this kind of behaviour? What input causes the bar to scroll, and what input doesn't?

    I don't know what causes the kind if behaviour you described, but this is how you get the scrollPane to scroll to the bottom:
    int bottom = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum();

  • Scroll bar problems ..Please help!!!!!!

    This is what the program looks like. topPanel has newItemPanel on top of it. when you click continue newItemPanel becomes invisible and newItemDescriptionPanel becomes visible. When you click continue newItemDescriptionPanel becomes invisible and priceEnterPanel becomes visible.
    I want newItemDescriptionPanel and priceEnterPanel to have a scroll bar. but everything I have tried hasn't worked. I am new. You will see the code is ugly and there is an attempt to add a scrollbar.
    Please help
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.lang.System;
    public class MainPanel extends      JFrame implements     ActionListener
         private boolean      firstRun = true;
         private final int     ITEM_PLAIN     =     0;     // Item types
         private final int     ITEM_CHECK     =     1;
         private final int     ITEM_RADIO     =     2;
         private     JPanel          topPanel;
         private JPanel          newItemPanel;
         private JRadioButton onlineAuctionRadio;
         private JRadioButton fixedPriceRadio;
         private ButtonGroup bg;
         private JButton     continueButton;
         private JLabel      blankLabel;       //used to give space between things
         private JPanel           newItemDescriptionPanel;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel;
         private JPanel          takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel2;
         private JPanel      takeAdditionalSpacePanel3;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel           takeAdditionalSpacePanel5;
         JScrollPane displayScroller;
         JEditorPane itemDescriptionTextArea;
         GridBagLayout gridbag;
         GridBagConstraints gbc;
         private JCheckBox   secondCategoryCheckBox;
         private JLabel          itemTitleLabel;
         private JLabel          requiredLabel, requiredLabel2;
         private JLabel      requiredStarLabel;
         private JTextField  itemTitleTextField;
         private JLabel           subtitleLabel;
         private JTextField      subtitleTextField;
         private JLabel          itemDescriptionLabel;
         private JButton     itemDescriptionContinueButton;
         private JLabel          percentageLabel;
         //------- price enter page ----------------
         private JLabel          startingPriceLabel;
         private JLabel           dollarSignLabel;
         private JTextField     startingPriceTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel1;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel2;
         private JLabel          buyItNowLabel;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel3;
         private JLabel          dollarSignLabel2;
         private JTextField     buyItNowTextField;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel4;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel5;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel6;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel7;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel8;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel9;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel10;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel11;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel12;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel13;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel14;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel15;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel16;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel17;
         private JPanel          fillUpSpacePanel18;
         private JLabel          donatePercentageLabel;
         private JTextField     donatePercentageTextField;
         private JPanel          fSp; // fill space panel
         private JPanel          fSp1;
         private JPanel          fSp2;
         private JPanel          fSp3;
         private JPanel          fSp4;
         private JPanel          fSp5;
         private JPanel          fSp6;
         private JPanel          fSp7;
         private JPanel          fSp8;
         private JPanel          fSp9;
         private JLabel           numberOfPicturesLabel;
         private JTextField     numberOfPicturesTextField;
         private JCheckBox     superSizePicturesCheckBox;
         private JLabel          superSizePicturesLabel;
         private JRadioButton standardPictureRadioButton;
         private JRadioButton picturePackRadioButton;
         private JCheckBox     listingDesignerCheckBox;
         private ButtonGroup bgPictures;
         private JCheckBox      valuePackCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryPictureCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     subtitleCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     boldCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     borderCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     highlightCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     featuredPlusCheckBox;
         private JCheckBox     galleryFeaturedCheckBox;
         private JLabel          homePageFeaturedLabel;
         private JComboBox     homePageFeaturedComboBox;
         private JCheckBox     giftCheckBox;
         JScrollPane priceEnterPanelScroll;
         private JButton          backToRadioButton;
         private JButton          backToItemDescriptionButton;
         private JPanel           priceEnterPanel;
         private final static String RADIOPANEL = "JPanel with radios";
         private final static String DESCRIPTIONPANEL = "JPanel with description";
         private final static String PRICEENTERPANEL = "JPanel with price entering";
         private JPanel           cards;
         private     JMenuBar     menuBar;
         private     JMenu          menuFile;
         private     JMenu          menuEdit;
         private     JMenu          menuProperty;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertySystem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyEditor;
         private     JMenuItem     menuPropertyDisplay;
         private     JMenu        menuFileNew;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewAccount;
         private JMenuItem   menuFileNewItem;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileOpen;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSave;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileSaveAs;
         private     JMenuItem     menuFileExit;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCopy;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditCut;
         private     JMenuItem     menuEditPaste;
         public MainPanel()
              requiredLabel = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel.setForeground (;
              requiredLabel2 = new JLabel ("* Required");
              requiredLabel2.setForeground (;
              requiredStarLabel = new JLabel ("*");
              requiredStarLabel.setForeground (;
              setTitle( "photo galleries" );
              setSize( 310, 130 );
              topPanel = new JPanel();
              topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
              topPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("TopPanel"));
              //topPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (300,300));
              getContentPane().add( topPanel );
              topPanel.setVisible (false);
              //     For New Item Panel
              ButtonListener ears = new ButtonListener();
              blankLabel = new JLabel ("  ");  // used to give space between radio buttons and continue button
              continueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              continueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToRadioButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              itemDescriptionContinueButton = new JButton ("Continue >");
              itemDescriptionContinueButton.addActionListener (ears);
              backToItemDescriptionButton = new JButton ("< back");
              backToItemDescriptionButton.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //topPanel.add (newItemPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("NewItemPanel"));
              newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
              onlineAuctionRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold item at online Auction"     );
              fixedPriceRadio = new JRadioButton ("Sold at a Fixed Price");
              bg = new ButtonGroup();
              onlineAuctionRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              fixedPriceRadio.addActionListener (ears);
              newItemPanel.add (onlineAuctionRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (fixedPriceRadio);
              newItemPanel.add (blankLabel);
              newItemPanel.add (continueButton);
              // ------ After continue pressed ---------
              newItemDescriptionPanel = new JPanel();
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemPanel.add (newItemDescriptionPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("newItemDescriptionPanel"));
              secondCategoryCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("The item was listed in a second category");
              newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (false);
              itemTitleLabel = new JLabel ("Item title");
              itemTitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              subtitleLabel = new JLabel ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              subtitleTextField = new JTextField (30);
              itemDescriptionLabel = new JLabel ("Item description");
              itemDescriptionTextArea = new JEditorPane();
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setContentType( "text/html" );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( false );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension (500,250));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setFont(new Font( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 12 ));
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setForeground( );
              gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
              gbc.gridx = 0;
              gbc.gridy = 4;
              displayScroller = new JScrollPane( itemDescriptionTextArea );
              gridbag = new GridBagLayout ();
              gridbag.setConstraints( displayScroller, gbc );
              itemDescriptionTextArea.setEditable( true );
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));//<--added, to take additional space
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Additonal 2"));
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox.add (secondCategoryCheckBox);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelCheckBox);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (blankLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (itemTitleLabel);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel.add (requiredLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.add (itemTitleTextField);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel.add(itemTitleTextField);//<--add textfield to panel
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel);//<--add panel to boxlayout panel
              takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2.add (subtitleLabel);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanelLabel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel2.add (subtitleTextField);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel2);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (itemDescriptionLabel);
              //takeAdditionalSpacePanel4.add (requiredLabel2);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel4);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel3.add (displayScroller);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel3);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (backToRadioButton);
              takeAdditionalSpacePanel5.add (itemDescriptionContinueButton);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (takeAdditionalSpacePanel5);
              //newItemDescriptionPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(newItemDescriptionPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              //----------- Price Enter Page ----------------
              priceEnterPanel = new JPanel();
              priceEnterPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout(priceEnterPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              priceEnterPanel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder ("Price enter Panel"));
              priceEnterPanel.setVisible (false);
              priceEnterPanelScroll = new JScrollPane (priceEnterPanel);
              topPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              standardPictureRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Standard");
              picturePackRadioButton = new JRadioButton ("Picture Pack ($1.00 for up to 6 pictures or $1.50 for 7 to 12 pictures)");
              bgPictures = new ButtonGroup();
              standardPictureRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              picturePackRadioButton.addActionListener (ears);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Supersize Pictures ($0.75)");
              listingDesignerCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Listing designer $0.10");
              valuePackCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Get the Essentials for less! Gallery, Subtitle, Listing Designer. $0.65 (save $0.30)");
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              superSizePicturesCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              listingDesignerCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              valuePackCheckBox.addActionListener (ears);
              startingPriceLabel = new JLabel ("Starting Price");
              dollarSignLabel = new JLabel ("$");
              startingPriceTextField = new JTextField (10);
              buyItNowLabel = new JLabel ("Buy It Now");
              dollarSignLabel2 = new JLabel ("$");
              buyItNowTextField = new JTextField (10);
              donatePercentageLabel = new JLabel ("Donate percentage of sale");
              donatePercentageTextField = new JTextField (2);
              donatePercentageTextField.setText ("0");
              percentageLabel = new JLabel ("%");
              // Right-justify the text
              numberOfPicturesLabel = new JLabel ("Number of pictures used");
              numberOfPicturesTextField = new JTextField (1);
              numberOfPicturesTextField.setText ("0");
              galleryPictureCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery ($0.35) [Requires a picture]");
              subtitleCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Subtitle ($0.50)");
              boldCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Bold ($1.00)");
              borderCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Border ($3.00)");
              highlightCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Highlight ($5.00)");
              featuredPlusCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Featured Plus! ($19.95)");
              galleryFeaturedCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Gallery Featured ($19.95) [Requires a picture]");
              homePageFeaturedLabel = new JLabel ("Home Page Featured ($39.95 for 1 item, $79.95 for 2 or more items)");
              homePageFeaturedComboBox = new JComboBox ();
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("None..."));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("1 item"));
              homePageFeaturedComboBox.addItem (("2 or more items"));
              giftCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Show as a gift ($0.25)");
              fillUpSpacePanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel2 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel3 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel4 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel5 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel6 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel7 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel8 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel9 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel10 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel11 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel12 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel13 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel14 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel15 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel16 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel17 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel18 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp1     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp2     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp3     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp4     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp5     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp6     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp7     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp8     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fSp9     = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (startingPriceLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel.add (requiredLabel2);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (dollarSignLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel2.add (startingPriceTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel2);     
         //     fillUpSpacePanel1.add (backToItemDescriptionButton);
         //     priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel3.add (buyItNowLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel3);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (dollarSignLabel2);
              fillUpSpacePanel4.add (buyItNowTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel4);
              fillUpSpacePanel1.add (donatePercentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel1);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (donatePercentageTextField);
              fillUpSpacePanel5.add (percentageLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel5);
              fillUpSpacePanel6.add (numberOfPicturesLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel6);
              fillUpSpacePanel7.add (numberOfPicturesTextField);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel7);
              fillUpSpacePanel8.add (standardPictureRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel8);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (blankLabel);
              fillUpSpacePanel10.add (superSizePicturesCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel9.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel10);
              fillUpSpacePanel11.add (picturePackRadioButton);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel11);
              fillUpSpacePanel12.add (listingDesignerCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel12);
              fillUpSpacePanel13.add (valuePackCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fillUpSpacePanel13);
              fSp.add (galleryPictureCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp);
              fSp1.add (subtitleCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp1);
              fSp2.add (boldCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp2);
              fSp3.add (borderCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp3);
              fSp4.add (highlightCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp4);
              fSp5.add (featuredPlusCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp5);
              fSp6.add (galleryFeaturedCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp6);
              fSp7.add (homePageFeaturedLabel);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp7);
              fSp8.add (homePageFeaturedComboBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp8);
              fSp9.add (giftCheckBox);
              priceEnterPanel.add (fSp9);
              newItemDescriptionPanel.add (priceEnterPanelScroll);
              //Create the panel that contains the "cards".
              cards = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
              cards.add(newItemPanel, RADIOPANEL);
              cards.add(newItemDescriptionPanel, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
              cards.add(priceEnterPanel, PRICEENTERPANEL);
              topPanel.add(cards, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              // Create the menu bar
              menuBar = new JMenuBar();
              // Set this instance as the application's menu bar
              setJMenuBar( menuBar );
              // Build the property sub-menu
              menuProperty = new JMenu( "Properties" );
              menuProperty.setMnemonic( 'P' );
              // Create property items
              menuPropertySystem = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "System...", null, 'S', null );
              menuPropertyEditor = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Editor...", null, 'E', null );
              menuPropertyDisplay = CreateMenuItem( menuProperty, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Display...", null, 'D', null );
              //Build the File-New sub-menu
              menuFileNew = new JMenu ("New");
              menuFileNew.setMnemonic ('N');
              //Create File-New items
              menuFileNewItem = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Item", null, 'A', null );
              menuFileNewAccount = CreateMenuItem( menuFileNew, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Account", null, 'A', null );
              // Create the file menu
              menuFile = new JMenu( "File" );
              menuFile.setMnemonic( 'F' );
              menuBar.add( menuFile );
              //Add the File-New menu
              menuFile.add( menuFileNew );
              // Create the file menu
              // Build a file menu items
              menuFileOpen = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Open...",
                                            new ImageIcon( "open.gif" ), 'O',
                                            "Open a new file" );
              menuFileSave = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN, "Save",
                                            new ImageIcon( "save.gif" ), 'S',
                                            " Save this file" );
              menuFileSaveAs = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Save As...", null, 'A',
                                            "Save this data to a new file" );
              // Add the property menu     
              menuFile.add( menuProperty );
              menuFileExit = CreateMenuItem( menuFile, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Exit", null, 'X',
                                            "Exit the program" );
              // Create the file menu
              menuEdit = new JMenu( "Edit" );
              menuEdit.setMnemonic( 'E' );
              menuBar.add( menuEdit );
              // Create edit menu options
              menuEditCut = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Cut", null, 'T',
                                            "Cut data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditCopy = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Copy", null, 'C',
                                            "Copy data to the clipboard" );
              menuEditPaste = CreateMenuItem( menuEdit, ITEM_PLAIN,
                                            "Paste", null, 'P',
                                            "Paste data from the clipboard" );
         public JMenuItem CreateMenuItem( JMenu menu, int iType, String sText,
                                            ImageIcon image, int acceleratorKey,
                                            String sToolTip )
              // Create the item
              JMenuItem menuItem;
              switch( iType )
                   case ITEM_RADIO:
                        menuItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem();
                   case ITEM_CHECK:
                        menuItem = new JCheckBoxMenuItem();
                        menuItem = new JMenuItem();
              // Add the item test
              menuItem.setText( sText );
              // Add the optional icon
              if( image != null )
                   menuItem.setIcon( image );
              // Add the accelerator key
              if( acceleratorKey > 0 )
                   menuItem.setMnemonic( acceleratorKey );
              // Add the optional tool tip text
              if( sToolTip != null )
                   menuItem.setToolTipText( sToolTip );
              // Add an action handler to this menu item
              menuItem.addActionListener( this );
              menu.add( menuItem );
              return menuItem;
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileExit)
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewAccount)
                   System.out.println ("hlkadflkajfalkdjfalksfj");
              if (event.getSource() == menuFileNewItem){
                   if (firstRun){
                        newItemPanel.setVisible (true);
                        topPanel.setVisible (true);
                   firstRun = false;
              //System.out.println( event );
         private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(cards.getLayout());
             //, (String)evt.getItem());
                   if (event.getSource() == continueButton){
                        if (!(onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()) && !(fixedPriceRadio.isSelected()))
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must select at least one.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                             if (onlineAuctionRadio.isSelected()){
                         (cards, DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                                  //newItemPanel.setVisible (false);
                                  //newItemDescriptionPanel.setVisible (true);
                   if (event.getSource() == itemDescriptionContinueButton){
                       if (itemTitleTextField.getText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(""))
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must enter a title.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                    (cards, PRICEENTERPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToRadioButton){
               (cards, RADIOPANEL);
                   if (event.getSource() == backToItemDescriptionButton){
              , DESCRIPTIONPANEL);
                   if (standardPictureRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (true);
                   if (picturePackRadioButton.isSelected()){
                        superSizePicturesCheckBox.setEnabled (false);
              } //end of action performed

    Mostly I see there is about 100 times as much code as I care to look at.
    So you don't know how to get a panel in a scroll pane, and then get that scroll pane into your GUI? Then try doing that by itself, not encumbered with 10000 lines of irrelevant code. Once you have it working, plug it into the big lump of code. Or if you can't get it working, ask about the small problem here.

  • Mighty Mouse scroll ball problems

    I wondered if anyone could help me with a scrolling issue with the mighty mouse. Some days scrolling works vertically up and down and other times just one direction. I dont believe it is due to dirt in the mouse - it seems software related and is sporadic in its operation. Any advise you could give would be welcome

    DP, that is what worked best for me in the past.
    After months of problems with the scrolling ball, and after trying all the suggestions found on the web, this method of using a white sheet of paper was an excellent one: my MM was again clean and working as if it was new!
    However, be careful about it: don't push too much when running the MM upside down. Eventually, yes, the gunk will come out, but the ball would go down-inside the case if pressed too hard for too long. It happened to me when using this method for a second time, and I was in the need to disassemble the device in order to correct this, and I think that's exactly what I was trying to avoid in the first place.
    Hope it helps.

  • Mighty Mouse scroll ball problem

    I have had this Mighty Mouse for about a year and a half and the only problem has been the scroll ball. Every once in a while it won't scroll down. I was told to hold it upside down and rub the ball good with a wool cloth. Basically every time it did the trick. Now it won't scroll down anymore (it scrolls everywhere else though). Is there something broken inside? Is there anyway to take it apart? Not being able to scroll down is quite annoying and I'd love to be able to do it again.
    Scrolling down, the ball moves but doesn't make the little clicking like sound like it does in any other direction. Any advice?

    Hi. Sometimes using a clear spirit such as denatured alcohol (or vodka...) instead of the water suggested here
    helps - but I've had one that wouldn't be fixed, and was replaced. Good Luck.

  • JTabel Horizontal scroll bar problem

    I want a horizontal scroll bar added to my table
    hence I do this
    but the problem is If I increase the size of frame
    the cells do not resize hence there is a gap after
    the last column.
    How do I remove this gap

    Please reduce the container size in the screen thru SE51 that automatically create the scroll
    or check whether in the attributes of the screen "Hold scroll positio" not to be checked

  • Horizontal Scroll bar problem with CL_GUI_ALV_GRID

    Hi Experts,
    I have created Dynamic ALV by using CL_GUI_ALV_GRID . Everthing is working fine if all the data is displaying in single screen. But if the number of columns increase with the output of data the horizontal scroll bar is not working.
    It is visible but when I click to scroll it to the end of screen it is not working. Can anybody help me that what can be the problem?

    Please reduce the container size in the screen thru SE51 that automatically create the scroll
    or check whether in the attributes of the screen "Hold scroll positio" not to be checked

  • Horizontal scroll bar problem in Portal????

    Hi Guys,
    I am facing some problem when i open any thread. Horizontal scrollong bar is coming at the end of the thread.
    eg: If i have some text in the thread which is more than width of the screen and has some 10 replies to that thread, Then i should be able to scrool at that position itself. But now i have to scroll down till end of all the replies and then i have to scroll the horizontal bar to right/left and scroll up to particular reply to see what is there.
    Is there any enhancement going on in portal or it is specific to my system? Please do let me know.

    I too am facing this problem with the horizontal scroll bar. 
    There are many other bugs, but I am reluctant to spend my time reporting them as last time I reported a problem here, I got a rude response.
    Al Lal

  • Scroll Bar Problem after Printing a web page containing multiple page data

    Hi All,
    I have a web application which has two DIV, one is main and one is child. I am having problem in printing multiple pages. There is a lot of data in the child DIV and i am using JavaScript functions to control the print functionality. When i print using window.print(), only the data on the main page currently being showed is printed. I further researched and checked out the Style.Overflow property.
    Now i am using = "visible"
    After this the complete print comes. But in Firefox, the scroll bar disappears and only single page is left with no scroll bar .
    Now if after print i give = "Auto" OR = "Scroll", still the scroll bar doesn't come and if it comes then its inactive. I am unable to see the complete data on the page after the print is taken.
    The problem is not coming in I.E and the full data with scroll bar is recovered in I.E.
    Please help me how to get the normal page with full data and scroll bar after printing in Firefox.

    hi, i would update my reader first to the newest version.
    does the size of the textfield never change, independant how much text is in it?
    perhaps check your subforms, if they are type "position" size does not change in my opinion, except your parent subforms expand to fit....
    or use "flowed" subforms...and regard the parent subforms too!

  • Creating a 1 page scrolling site - problems with the final section scrolling too far

    I have created a 1 page scrolling site that works fine apart from the final section, which scrolls too far. My site is made up of a pinned headr, a pinned footer, and 4 sections (defined by rectangles - each one 1011 pixels high). I have used scroll effects to bring the items in and out.
    The site can be viewed here: Home
    The problem is with the contact us section, where you seem to be able to scroll further than the bottom section.
    These are my document set up settings:
    so my height is set to 4042 (though I have tried it with 4044 - 4x1011 - it makes no difference. When I click on the link to the contact section it looks fine, but I then seem to be able to scroll further down, and this seems dependant on the monitor / browser size. The problem is more pronounced with a smaller monitor / browser size in height.
    I have tried everything I can think of to make it not scroll beyond what the anchor takes it to when I click on the link, but whatever I do the problem seems to persist.
    I would welcome any suggestions on this, and also any general feedback on the site. But help with the problem first please.
    Many Thanks in advance - I would be happy to post the muse file but cannot seem to find a way to do this.

    Thanks for the help. Is there a way that I can upload the file for someone to look at - I have tried your suggestion but cannot find any empty text boxes or anything at the bottom. I have gone top right and tried the upload file section but it tells me that I am not allowed the create the content.
    Actually i'll put it in dropbox and share it that way.
    Dropbox - YESS2.muse
    Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can see what I have done wrong - it is my first time doing a 1 page scrolling site so it might be a school boy error

  • Set Font to the JTextArea Problem

    Hi all, i've got a problem in setting the font for my JTextArea.
    Here is my piece of code.
    Display is JTextArea, Message is String.
    The problem is i whenever i do this, everytime i change the Font of the Message, the whole messages in the Display font also change.
    What i want is, when i change the font of certain message, that certain message font ( instead of all message) also change in the Display.
    I know the problem is because of the Display.setFont(), it set the font for the whole content inside the Display. Any help to fulfill what i want?

    I'm not sure a JTextArea is appropriate for what you're doing. As its API documentation begins by saying "A JTextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text. "
    You can set the font used by this component: but the point is that it uses a single font.
    Perhaps you are looking for a JEditorPane (including JTextPane). Check out Sun's tutorial for code examples etc:

  • InputVerifier for JTextArea problem

    I am having a problem with using an InputVerifier to check a max character limit on a JTextArea. It seems that occasionally after the verify of the JTextArea fails, I lose the next character I type into it! Here is the code, followed by a description of how to reproduce the problem. Note this code is copied from the Java 1.4.2 API documentation of the InputVerifier class, with the first JTextField changed to a JTextArea and the verify method modified:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Frame;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
    import javax.swing.InputVerifier;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    public class TestJTextArea  extends JFrame {
        public TestJTextArea () {
           JTextArea ta = new JTextArea ("");
           ta.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 50));
           getContentPane().add (ta, BorderLayout.NORTH);
           ta.setInputVerifier(new PassVerifier());
           JTextField tf2 = new JTextField ("TextField2");
           getContentPane().add (tf2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
           WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
               public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
        class PassVerifier extends InputVerifier {
            public boolean verify(JComponent input) {
                JTextArea jText = (JTextArea)input;
                boolean retValue = jText.getText().length() < 5;
                if (!retValue) {
                    System.out.println("MAX CHARS");
                return retValue;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Frame f = new TestJTextArea ();
    }A way to reproduce the problem is type in the TextArea: "123455", then Ctrl+Tab and the verify will fail. Then backspace twice to delete the "55" and Ctrl+Tab to move to the TextField. Then Tab again to go back to the TextArea and type any charachter over than 5. About 80% of the time, the character that you type will be lost and not appear in the TextArea. It doesn't always happen, but if you try it a few times it will come up. Also, occasionally the backspace keystroke is also lost in the TextArea. Note this only happens when I use Tab. I am not able to reproduce it by using the mouse to change focus.
    I have searched for a bug report on this, but have found nothing. Am I doing something wrong? I am simply using the sample code from the InputVerifier JavaDoc, but with a JTextArea... This is on a WinXP Pro machine with Java Std. Ed. 1.4.2.
    Thank you for your help.

    JTextField jtf = (JTextField)comboBox.getEditor().getEditorComponent();
    jtf.setInputVerifier(new YourInputVerifier());

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