Searching for a substring within a string

can someone reccomend a simple way to search for a substring within a string and count the number occurences of that substring.
The substring and the string will be provided as command line parameters.

A simple way would be to use the indexOf methods in String:
Not sure what this has to do with event handling though :-P

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    I have a problem like this:
    Assume i type a sentence from keyboard: "I want to play football"
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    Thank you very much in advance.

    Use the String.indexOf() method:
    String original = "I want to play football";
    int result = original.indexOf("football");
    if (result != -1)
    System.out.println("computer found it");
    If the word "football" is in the original String, the indexOf() method will return the index of the word. If it does not find the word "football", it will return a value of -1. The String API is full of useful methods.

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    Hi Aniruddha,
    check this...
    Data var string,
    var = 'India'.
    search var for 'Ind'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.    " var having ind
    Message 'Ind found' type 'I'.
    else  .            "var not having ind
    Message 'Ind not Found' type 'I'.

  • Looking for a substring within a string (regexp)

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    21;0000;4145054;4;A;4 mit ALU XEOFX,117107,XEOFX YWY,1,YWY
    21;0000;4145054;4;A;4 goldglamsnu XEOFX,198877,XEOFX YWY,1,YWY
    I'm looking for the substring:
    and try this SQL statement
    SQL> select REGEXP_substr('21;0000;4145054;4;A;4 mit ALU XEOFX,117107,XEOFX YWY,1,YWY' ,',[^YWY]+[0-9]')
    2 from dual;
    I don't know where my mistake is. Can anybody please help me?
    Database Version 11G R2
    Edited by: ben512 on May 14, 2013 5:05 PM

    ben512 wrote:
    Hi folks,
    I want to select a substring from a string
    21;0000;4145054;4;A;4 mit ALU XEOFX,117107,XEOFX YWY,1,YWY
    21;0000;4145054;4;A;4 goldglamsnu XEOFX,198877,XEOFX YWY,1,YWY
    I'm looking for the substring:
    YWY,1,YWYWhy do you want that substring. Do you always want the last 9 characters of the string?
    If you're looking for a substring that starts with 'YWY', and then has any number (including 0) of commas, digits, and additional 'YWY' strings after it, then:
               , 'YWY[,[:digit:]]*)
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, maybe 5 or 10 rows), and also post the results you want from that data. Include examples of any special cases you need to handle (e.g., the target pattern is not found at all, or it is found at 2 different places in the string).
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data. Say what your business rules are.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using (e.g.,
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • How to search for upper/lower case using string using JAVA!!!?

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    -I also have to use a JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() to tell the user how many upper and lower case e's were in the string.
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    please help if you can
    what i have so far:
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    public static void main(String[] args) {
      String[] uppercase = {'E'};
      String[] lowercase = {'e'};
      String isOrIsNot, inputWord;
      while (true) {
       // This line asks the user for input by popping out a single window
       // with text input
       inputWord = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter a sentence");
       if ( inputWord.equals("stop") )
       // if the inputWord is contained within uppercase or
       // lowercase return true
       if (wordIsThere(inputWord, lowercase))
        isOrIsNot = "Number of lower case e's: ";
       if (wordIsThere(inputword, uppercase))
         isOrIsNot = "number of upper case e's: ";
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       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The word " + inputWord + " " + isOrIsNot + " on the list.");
    } //main
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       if (findMe.equals(theList[i])) return true;
      return false;
    } // wordIsThere
    } // class Lab4Program1

    So what is your question? Do you get any errors? If so, post them. What doesn't work?
    And crossposted: how to search for upper/lower case using string using JAVA!!!?

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    thanks for your help!

    The documentation is your friend.
    Look up what the method indexOf(String) of the class java.lang.String does.

  • Search for a space within a text field

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    I am trying to search for a sapce within a text field but sofar not being very successful. I have used:
    FIND search_str
               IN text_str
               MATCH COUNT  lv_mcnt
               MATCH OFFSET lv_moff.
    where search_str = TYPE c VALUE ' '.
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    Check this..
    DATA string7(30) TYPE c VALUE 'This is a little sentence.'.
    WRITE: / 'Searched', 'SY-SUBRC', 'SY-FDPOS'.
    ULINE /1(26).
    SEARCH string7 FOR 'X'.
    WRITE: / 'X', sy-subrc UNDER 'SY-SUBRC',
                   sy-fdpos UNDER 'SY-FDPOS'.
    SEARCH string7 FOR 'itt   '.
    WRITE: / 'itt   ', sy-subrc UNDER 'SY-SUBRC',
                       sy-fdpos UNDER 'SY-FDPOS'.
    SEARCH string7 FOR '.e .'.
    WRITE: / '.e .', sy-subrc UNDER 'SY-SUBRC',
                      sy-fdpos UNDER 'SY-FDPOS'.
    SEARCH string7 FOR '*e'.
    WRITE: / '*e ', sy-subrc UNDER 'SY-SUBRC',
                    sy-fdpos UNDER 'SY-FDPOS'.
    SEARCH string7 FOR 's*'.
    WRITE: / 's* ', sy-subrc UNDER 'SY-SUBRC',
                    sy-fdpos UNDER 'SY-FDPOS'.
    Thanks ,

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    Hi JossefPerl,
    Searching on a page is actually really easy. You can just hit ''CTRL + F'' to use the search feature. You should take a look at the Knowledge Base article on [[Searching within a page]] for more information.
    Hopefully this helps!

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    Could anybody help me how to search for a word in a string ?
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    String[] weather = {"snow", "rain", "sunny", "temperature", "storm", "freezing"};
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    "Today is a sunny day"
    I want to break this sentence to pickup the word "sunny" and search this word in String[] weather to see if they match. How could i do that?
    Thank you very much. I really appreciate.

    1 iterate through the strings in your array.
    2. use String.indexOf(...) to test if the query string is present in the string

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  • Search for White space within strings

    create table emp_dtl
    (empname varchar2(23));
    Insert into emp_dtl values ('WAYNE');
    Insert into emp_dtl values ('JOSEPH KRUPP');     --------- has white space
    Insert into emp_dtl values ('YING ZONG LEE');    --------- has white space
    Insert into emp_dtl values ('COHEN');
    Insert into emp_dtl values ('MARIE');How can i search for empnames which has White space in it? From other OTN threads, I gathered that this has something to do with
    chr(32)But i don't know how to put this in LIKE operator.

    SELECT  *
    FROM    emp_dtl
    WHERE   REGEXP_LIKE (empname, '\s')
    ;will look for any kind of whitespace (including spaces, which are CHR (32)).
    It may be more efficient to specifically list all the different whitespace characters, and see if the string changes when you remove all of them:
    SELECT     *
    FROM     emp_dtl
    WHERE     empname != TRANSLATE ( empname
                           , 'x ' || CHR (9)     -- CHR (9)  = <tab>
                                          || CHR (10)     -- CHR (10) = <newline>
                                 || CHR (13)     -- CHR (13) = <return>
                           , 'x'
    ;Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 12, 2010 8:47 AM

  • How can I use SQL to search for a pattern within a field?

    Hello, Frank, Solomon, ect
    I am now faced with this particular scenario, I've got the SQL to search through a field to find text within the field, but I have to know what it is before it can look for it.
    What I have to do is this:
    Search through a field, for a pattern, and I won't know what the data is I am looking for. Can this be done in SQL?
    For instance, Here is my SQL this far, I was helped allot in order to get to this point.
    select table_name,
           :search_string search_string,
      from (select column_name,
                   'ora:view("' || table_name || '")/ROW/' || column_name || '[ora:contains(text(),"%' || :search_string || '%") > 0]' str
              from cols
             where table_name in ('TABLE1', 'TABLE2')),
           xmltable (str columns result varchar2(10) path '.')
    When you execute the above SQL, you have to pass in a value. What I really need is to alter the above SQL, to make it search for a pattern that exist's within the text of the field itself.
    Like for instance, lets say the pattern I am looking for is this" xx-xxxxx-xxxx" and it's somewhere in a field.
    I need to alter this SQL to take this pattern and search through all the schemas and tables to look for this pattern match.
    Can be done?

    When you use something dynamically within a function or procedure, roles do not apply and privileges must be granted directly.  So, you need to grant select on dba_tab_cols directly.  If you want to do pattern matching then you should use regular expressions.  The following example grants the proper privileges and uses regexp_instr to find all values containing the pattern xxx-xxxx-xxxx, where /S is used for any non-space character.  I limited the tables in order to save time and output for the test, but you can eliminate that where clause.
      2  /
    User created.
      2  /
    User altered.
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SYS@orcl> GRANT SELECT ON dba_tab_cols TO test
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SYS@orcl> CONNECT test/test
    TEST@orcl> SET LINESIZE 90
    TEST@orcl> CREATE TABLE table1
      2    (tab1_col1  VARCHAR2(60))
      3  /
    Table created.
      2  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('xxx-xxxx-xxxx')
      3  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('matching abc-defg-hijk data')
      4  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('other data')
      6  /
    3 rows created.
    TEST@orcl> CREATE TABLE table2
      2    (tab2_col2  VARCHAR2(30))
      3  /
    Table created.
      2  INTO table2 (tab2_col2) VALUES ('this BCD-EFGH-IJKL too')
      3  INTO table2 (tab2_col2) VALUES ('something else')
      5  /
    2 rows created.
    TEST@orcl> VAR search_string VARCHAR2(24)
    TEST@orcl> EXEC :search_string := '\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Searchword"     FORMAT A24
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Table"     FORMAT A6
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Column/Value" FORMAT A50
    TEST@orcl> SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR (:search_string, 1, 24) "Searchword",
      2               SUBSTR (table_name, 1, 14) "Table",
      3               SUBSTR (t.column_value.getstringval (), 1, 50) "Column/Value"
      4  FROM   dba_tab_cols,
      5          TABLE
      6            (XMLSEQUENCE
      7           (DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXMLTYPE
      8              ( 'SELECT ' || column_name ||
      9               ' FROM ' || table_name ||
    10               ' WHERE REGEXP_INSTR
    11                     (UPPER (' || column_name || '),''' ||
    12                  UPPER (:search_string) || ''') > 0'
    13              ).extract ('ROWSET/ROW/*'))) t
    14  WHERE  table_name IN ('TABLE1', 'TABLE2')
    15  ORDER  BY "Table"
    16  /
    Searchword               Table  Column/Value
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE1 <TAB1_COL1>matching abc-defg-hijk data</TAB1_COL1>
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE1 <TAB1_COL1>xxx-xxxx-xxxx</TAB1_COL1>
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE2 <TAB2_COL2>this BCD-EFGH-IJKL too</TAB2_COL2>
    3 rows selected.

  • Search for certain Characters within set of Characters - in a field

    Hello -
    I know a search can be made within a field for a word, but I am not to sure, or I don't know how to accomplish this...To do a search in a field for certain characters within a larger set of charcters.
    For example: I would search, in the Call Description field, for DXXXX within CA0001DXXXXYYY or search for LXXXX within CA0001LXXXXYYY, the X is numeric characters and the Y's are Alpha characters. Can crystal accomplish this....
    Thanks for your gracious help....

    Like I said earlier, this code:
    If instr({database_field}, 'DXXXX') > 0 then "String Found" else "Not Found"
    cannot be used in a Record Selection formula.
    The following code can be used in the Record Selection formula:
    Instr({database field}, "string") > 0
    If you wish to search for 'D4444' in the field and return records where a match is found, you would use:
    Instr({database field}, "D4444") > 0

  • Searching for percent character (%) in a string

    Hi All,
    A strange request from one of our developers that I have not come across before.
    Is there a way to search for a percent character (%) in a string and also use the wildcard special character (%)?
    i.e. to return all values with a percent character (%)
    e.g. select column1 from table1 where column1 like '%%';
    When I do this all records are returned.

    or use an INSTR function.If INSTR comes, can REGEXP be far behind ? - Ode to the Warren Tolentino... ;)
    test@ORA10G> @ver1
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    test@ORA10G> with t as
      2   (select 'the percentage (%) determines the final results' remarks from dual union all
      3    select 'otherwise non at all' remarks from dual)
      4  select * from t
      5  where regexp_like (remarks,'%');
    the percentage (%) determines the final results
    test@ORA10G> with t as
      2   (select 'the percentage (%) determines the final results' remarks from dual union all
      3    select 'otherwise non at all' remarks from dual)
      4  select * from t
      5  where regexp_instr (remarks,'%') > 0;
    the percentage (%) determines the final results

  • I want to Search for a file within a directory

    how can i access a directory and search for a folder name in that directory

    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> Declare
      2     l_conn UTL_TCP.connection;
      3     l_list ftp.t_string_table;
      4  Begin
      5     DBMS_OUTPUT.disable;
      7     l_conn := ftp.login( ''
      8                        , '21'
      9                        , 'test'
    10                        , 'test123' );
    12     ftp.list( p_conn => l_conn
    13             , p_dir  => ''
    14             , p_list => l_list );
    16     ftp.logout(l_conn);
    18     utl_tcp.close_all_connections;
    20     DBMS_OUTPUT.Enable;
    22     If l_list.Count > 0 Then
    23        For i IN 3 .. l_list.Last Loop
    24           DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(Trim(substr(l_list(i),instr(l_list(i),' ',-1))));
    25        End Loop;
    26     End If;
    27  End;
    28  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    Or Chris Poole's XUTL_FTP package:
    SQL> -- How to Install
    SQL> -- .../RDBMS/ADMIN/dbmsbkrs.sql
    SQL> -- .../RDBMS/ADMIN/prvtbkrs.plb
    SQL> -- .../RDBMS/ADMIN/catproc.sql
    SQL> Set Serveroutput on;
    SQL> Create or replace directory DIR_TEMP as 'c:\temp';
    Directory created
    SQL> Create OR Replace Procedure list_directory(directory Varchar2) Is
      2     ns          Varchar2(1024);
      3     v_directory Varchar2(1024);
      4  Begin
      5     v_directory := directory;
      6     DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.SEARCHFILES( v_directory
      7                                    , ns );
      8     For each_file IN (SELECT fname_krbmsft As Name
      9                         FROM x$krbmsft) Loop
    10        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(each_file.Name);
    11     End Loop;
    12  End;
    13  /
    Procedure created
    SQL> begin
      2    list_directory('c:\temp');
      3  end;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completedRegards,
    Christian Balz

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