Second motherboard goes bad

Hi there,
my iMac G5 rev A needs another motherboard replacement. This is the second one in 14 months, and now I wonder if this is just bad luck, or should I think about possible reasons for that kind of failure? The first time I had the motherboard replaced was seven months after I bought the machine, the second one again after seven months since the last replacement. My temperatures have been very constant (between 49 and 52 C for the HD, and between 52 and 55 for CPU). Could there be something else I am missing? Or is it just rev A blues?

Heat is the culprit in most of the problems with the Rev As and some rev Bs. I owned a rev A iMac G5 and had 5 issues, major issues and in the end, on the 13th month I had it replaced because I had had SOOOO many problems and failures with the computer. Luckily I got a Rev C or iSight iMac G520 " and lemme tell you, the huge changes they did on the inside and adding the vent on the center of the back panel really has made this a much more stable computer. Gone are the noisey fans and HIGH run temps. This model is rock solid now. If you havent looked Ill link the comparison photos on just how much they changed this computer since Rev A. Its amazing!
I'd go for a replacement. It sounds like you have several documented major issues, if you push it and are calm, they may just give you one. ( If you are so inclined that is.) I had to debate my case for 2 hours very calmly and finally got someone who could see that after 5 major repairs, the computer just wasnt working as intended.
Anyway, good luck and heres that photo so you can see just what the prob was/is for the Rev As and Bs. Look at how they completely rearranged the internals, putting heat generating components at the top instead bottom and moving the Ram away from the processor. The fans are even at the bottom, where they should be instead on the bottom. Anyway, enjoy, good luck to you.\
Also, heres one that tells you just what they did and why.

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    Dude or hot-spur,
    Not fishy at all!!!! You really think I would have taken any more of my time to post a bogus rant? We'll no, it is unfortunately all true. I want to hear from anyone who is experiencing such problems not anyone else that wants to put there two cents in. I really don't need anymore hate or negativity. Just people's experiences because I feel like I am the only one having so many problems. Thank you
    Yes, I have had some unfortunate bad luck to have so many problems at the same time, but some of them are just things you cannot do on the new OS.
    Thank you again

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    Everything's speculation, but replacing the fuse did the trick in my case and I saved myself time and about $150 (on average for a used PS on eBay). I picked up a second fuse to tape to the inside of the CPU, near the power supply, so I will have a backup fuse if I need it in the future. I may also have a drive that is going bad, or I may have too many drives operating off one supply. My Mac's been configured like this for about five years now. I will replace at least two drives with new, larger capacity drives. I keep my video and digital image files on separate drives, but have a third drive I can blow out. That surely will help prolong the life of my power supply.
    While I had the computer apart I gave it a good vacuum and a little air can action. Dust can aid overheating and defeat the purpose of good airflow from fans.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hello again Tim,
    Maybe your machine is not in as bad shape as you are trying not to think about. You have had no errors reported by the hardware test or Tech Tool. Chances are you have a corrupted system cache, internet cache and a couple of .plist (preference) files, which common and not difficult to cure.
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    Onyx -
    Preferential treatment -

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    Check this thread out -> iTunes 10.4 & Multimedia Keyboard
    It doesn't look like there is a fix yet, but some people in the thread are pointing to this workaround:
    pikot wrote:
    Following some suggestion i seem to have found a solution for the problem and my play/pause, next and previous buttons work with iTunes 10.4.1
    - You need to open a text editor (like notepad) as an administrator.
    - Open the SetPoint players.ini file (C:\Program Files\Logitech\SetPointP\players.ini)
    - Edit the line under the [Players] section to match the line bellow (bold is the wndClass which is to be changed)
    - Save the file
    - Restart the SetPoint and hopefully play/pause, next and previous buttons should work (at least they work for me)

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    I try again and works normally. Sometimes do that.
    What Happens?

    Try the standard fixes:
    - Reset. Nothing will belost.
    Reset iPod touch:  Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory defaults/new iPod.

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    My display has 30-50 vertical columns, from top to bottom, across the screen. Within each column, are numerous vertical lines, like bar codes, that are pink in color. This situation happens at start up before any applications are opened. The computer(apps) works like normal, mail, safari, etc, except these lines are always in my view, on the desktop or window/page. If I "grab" a page to move it , then the whole page turns pink. If I click off of the page and then return, the page looks normal again, except for the columns of pink, vertical bars.
    Is this my display going bad or video card?? I have the ATI Radeon X850 XT video card. If it's the video card , do I replace with a new old stock (ATI Radeon X850 XT) or can I replace with a newer, better card??
    Any help GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!! I'm Very Novice at this!!

    Sounds very much like a baked graphics processor.
    Have you tried cleaning the dust from the card?
    Is the fan on the card clean and rotating freely?
    If you are at all mechanically inclined, removing the fan and reapplying thermal compound is worth a try before laying out serious cash.
    As for replacement, the X850XT was the top card ever offered by Apple.
    It is also THE most rare.
    Because of this, they command high prices:
    eBay also has a number of them for similar prices.
    Radeon X850XT
    can I replace with a newer, better card??
    Only one option for better.
    A flashed (converted PC version) Geforce 7800GS:
    At less than half the price of the X850XT, it is worth considering:
    Geforce 7800 GS.

  • Sound goes off, goes bad then effects the PC

    I'm a tumblr user and I spend most of my time there on my computer. Recently videos sounds started to go off after a few loops. Then it completely goes off or goes bad like the audio damaged terribly. Even the system slows down. When I checked other sites their sounds are bad too and even chrome or something I listen from winamp gets effected. I checked my sound settings and try to test the sound then I got an error messege saying "Failed to play test tone". It gets normal after restart.
    So I thought it's hopeless and I was even thinking of formatting my pc. But when I used chrome all day I didn't encounter this problem at all.

    Some problems with Flash video playback can be resolved by disabling hardware acceleration in your Flash Player settings. (See [[Flash Plugin - Keep it up to date and troubleshoot problems|this article]] for more information on using the Flash plugin in Firefox).
    To disable hardware acceleration in Flash Player:
    #Go to this [ Adobe Flash Player Help page].
    #Right-click on the Flash Player logo on that page.
    #Click on '''Settings''' in the context menu. The Adobe Flash Player Settings screen will open.
    # Click on the icon at the bottom-left of the Adobe Flash Player Settings window to open the Display panel. <br/> <br/>[[Image:fpSettings1.PNG]] <br/>
    # Remove the check mark from '''Enable hardware acceleration'''.
    # Click '''Close''' to close the Adobe Flash Player Settings Window.
    # Restart Firefox.
    This [ Flash Player Help - Display Settings page] has more information on Flash Player hardware acceleration, if you're interested.
    Does this solve the problem? Let us know.

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