Second screen no more detected

HelloAfter installing Windows 10 on  Yoga 2 Pro, the second screen, connected on a Thinkpad usb 3 dock is no more detected. Have an idea ?Pascal

This has been solved by installing nes displaylink driver.Pascal

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    Check here:
    System Preferences > Mission Control > uncheck Displays have separate Spaces > Log Out ( >Log Out <user>) > Log back in

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    Hi Fanoos,
    Although this post is a couple years old, I figured I would give it a reply anyway just so other people with similar issues have a little more up to date info.
    AugyTek is actually the name of my repair shop, and this is a "fun" problem that I see all the time.
    Regarding specifically the Touchsmart 610 system, when you see the flash like that, there is an easy way to tell exactly where the problem is originating from.
    First, check your power supply "brick".  It should be warm to the touch with it plugged in and machine running.  If it feels like it is going to burn your hand, your PS is probably the culprit.  I recommend taking it to your local technical shop, or using a voltmeter if you have one to see exactly what it is putting out.  It should be 19v give or take a couple tenths of a volt.  Anything more than a couple of tenths off and your power supply is probably the culprit, and may have done some additional damage to the PC itself.
    If everything is good there, now it's time to assess internally.  Power off the machine, disconnect the power supply, hold the power button in for a couple of seconds until the green light on the back is no longer lit.  Follow the instructions on the HP website to removing both the left and right covers on the back of the PC.  (Take proper precautions for static electricity.)
    Take out the Hard Drive and the RAM.  replace the covers, but no need to screw them in.  Plug your power supply back in and power the machine on.
    You should get one short and one long beep and nothing should display on the screen.  This is testing for proof of life from the board.  If you get no beeps, your board is malfunctioning and sadly with these it often is easier and cost effective to just get a new machine than replace the board.
    If you get beeps, the board is fine and you need to replace one stick of ram after powering off properly again and then start it up.  You should be able to see the "no boot media" message it displays because the system will halt.  
    If the lettering is fuzzy, diminished, in a low resolution, or looks anything other than normal, the likely cause is video related.  You now have to determine to what extent the video is malfunctioning.  
    (Yes, I know that you probably arrived at this conclusion already that the something was messed in the video/display area, but I can't tell you how many times I have asked people if they have tested for other things and they say no or how do you do that?  By ruling out other malfunctions, you arrive with the correct solution faster.)
    You can power the machine down and remove the back covers and carefully reseat ALL micro style cables that you can see.   There should be 3 in the top left, 2 on the inverter (the thing with the cover), and then 4 in the top right that are kind of hard to manage.  These cables are all related to power, with some related to video and the touchscreen itself.
    So now boot the system up normally, if you still have the one second screen, then attempt to plug in USB devices, insert a CD/DVD, and if you have one handy, use a USB to VGA adapter.  If any of these things do not initalize/work properly with the typical windows sound when you plug them in, the likely cause is your motherboard, related to power issues.  
    If your board is not able to route enough power through it past the graphical chip, into the inverter, and the LCD, power USB devices, etc., this is a tell tale sign that your machine has issues supplying enough power to all these things.  This is why you will see the one second screen everytime you turn the screen on or wake it out of standby, because there isn't enough or consistent power to keep the system running normally.  
    Because it is fairly cost prohibitive and time consuming to replace the board, you can pretty much write off the system.
    Now if your USB devices and Optical drive work fine and everything initializes, you may be able to get away with replacing the inverter.  These parts do go bad, and the inverter, which sits on top of the optical drive in the system is naturally exposed to heat from the DVD drive and is a really bad design flaw.  Replacing this may solve your problem.
    If it is replaced and you still have the same issue, likely your problem is with the LCD screen itself, and again... not really worth it to replace it.
    If it is your board and power issues, if you are hell bent on repairing this, and you are familiar with how to reflow a board, or know a professional that can attempt it, you certainly can give it a whirl.  DO NOT attempt the unprofessional ways to reflow a board as you see on some videos.  Whereas these methods can work, you need to have an intricate knowledge of electronics and temperature effects on circutry to even warrant attempting them.  
    Some people say a hair dryer will work, but the problem is then you dont know exactly how much heat you are at temperature wise, and a hair dryer will auto cool and heat it's coils as it sees fit to maintain it's own stability, where as a genuine heat gun will not.  Again, if you don't have experienced knowlege in reflowing boards, I wouldn't recommend doing it.  
    By reflow, I am referring to reflowing the solder in the board.  Unless a visible malfunctioned blown or bulged capacitor is present, reflowing the solder to it's original paths is done by the way of keeping the board level, and gradually and evenly heating the board up to a temperature to where solder melts.  Solder will naturally go back into it's original form at a certain temperature and reseal any cracks or breaks in the solder, thereby repairing the flow of electricity for that certain component.  This is also assuming the component that has the solder is not damaged as well.
    This process is best left to professionals with proper equipment, because you can in fact to irrepariable damage to the board if you are inexperienced.  Being careful will not save you in this instance.
    The one thing you want to remember with All in ones, and especially touch screens, is that they generate an AMAZING amount of heat.    Any blockage from dust or covered vent ports can quickly lead to your machines demise.  Due to the design of any All in one, heat has been, and probably always will be an issue with these units.

  • Macbook pro 2012 as second screen for imac 2013 via thunderbolt cable

    I was wondering wether it is possible to use my macbook as a second screen for my imac using a thunderbolt cable.
    I want to use my imac as primary mac because the specs are better.

    Most new monitors will support standard DVI and VGA connections. Some may support Mini-DVI ports. That's about all I can tell you.
    As for other factors I would look at monitor reviews - as many as you can - for the size and resolutions in which you are interested. There are a lot of products out there. You might try first doing a Google search to learn more about the meanings of the various specs the manufacturers provide so you might wade through the smoke and mirrors in search of meaningful information.

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    I'm very curious about this

    You're right, my Swing application does open that way, except that the period where the blank grey screen (my choice of colour) appears is less than half a second, so I never noticed it before. That may be because the blank white screen catches your attention more than a blank grey screen.
    Anyway, I looked at the source for the SwingSet2 demo and it appears that the relevant code must be inside the show() method of JFrame, since that's the only method called. Unfortunate, that. (If you want to know how the splash screen business is done, you could look in the source, it's in the directory "src" below where the jar file is.)
    frame.setBackground(Color.lightGray);If nothing else, you may find it less annoying.

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    Anyone with similar problems?
    Any solution available?

    I only have one optical drive, so I can't check it out, but you may want to try this:
    Remove the eject icon from the menu bar, dragging it out by holding down .
    Make sure both drives have a cd/dvd loaded.
    Restore the eject icon by double clicking /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/
    Any difference??

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    of using both screen while RDC is running. This is clearly a backward step from 2.1.1.

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    There is one expected MAC behavior as on Mac only one app gets focus when you go full screen.
    In addition, please share some more light with snapshot for your issue for further research.
    Thanks for your understanding and support!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

  • Why can I only see my pictures on my second screen?

    I can only see my pictures on the seconds screen.
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    But I can't see any picture. Not on the main screenn, not in the filmstrip and not in the navigator.
    This worked without a problem for about two years till now.
    The strangest part is that i can still see everuthing on the second screen.
    Does anyone know how to fix this? I allready reinstalled the LR software again.

    Flickr app on Apple TV is rudimentary, needs a lot of improvement such as being able to see all photos (scrolling through 500 at a time if memory is a problem), searching sets, seeing Collections. So I really don't use it except as a screen saver for the most recent photos. Until they improve the app, I display photos via an iPad or iPhone mirroring from the Flickr app, Flickr Studio, or Fickstackr. Far more convenient, too.

  • Cannot use my primary Screen since I plugged a second screen [SOLVED]

    Hi folks,
    I use a bumblebee configuration with intel + nvidia and I plugged in a second screen via HDMI. Even after restarting with out X!! The first screen remains black after booting. I think I might have to reconfigure the GRUB video config in order to reset the old settings. The Problem arises as following:
    1. When I start, the GRUB shows me the Options, where I select Arch. (still on the primary screen)
    2. Arch beginns to boot, I see messages such as "arch clean ... " (primary screen)
    3. Primary Screen goes black
    The only possibility to continue for me is to pluggin the HDMI second screen now, where I can see my Login (no X, only framebuffer)
    From the second screen I can start X without problems. When I then go to the gnome settings it tells me that the primary screen should be running as a secondary screen since the external HDMI screen is primary now. But in fact the screen remains black!!
    If you have any questions regarding to this please dont hesitate to raise them since this problem is holding me back from my work.
    The problem was only the backlight dimming, which has an unusal behavior. Thanks #archlinux for the help.
    Last edited by vsilv (2013-12-23 18:52:43)

    I had the same problem (also HDMI), and while I dont remember how I set my xorg.conf up, what worked for me was just reading up on creating your own xorg.conf and then do everything from scratch. I use a VGA and HDMI. Tiring work, but now my monitor setup works flawlessly.
    I dont think it'll be of any help, but here is my xorg.conf
    # x config created by myself :P Lets hope it doesnt break everything
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "TwinLayout"
    Screen 0 "metaScreen" 0 0
    InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
    Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier "Mouse0"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol" "auto"
    Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Section "InputDevice"
    # generated from default
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    ModelName "HP w2007"
    Option "Enable" "true"
    Option "DPMS" "false"
    Option "Primary" "true"
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor1"
    ModelName "SAMSUNG"
    Option "Enable" "true"
    Option "DPMS" "false"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "GeForce GT530"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
    Option "NoLogo" "true"
    #refer to the link below for more information on each of the following options.
    Option "MetaModes" "1680x1050, 1920x1080"
    Option "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT-1, DFP-1"
    Option "MetaModeOrientation" "CRT-1 LeftOf DFP-1"
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "metaScreen"
    Device "GeForce GT530"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Option "TwinView" "True"
    SubSection "Display"
    Modes "1680x1050"

  • Split funtionality - How to nevigate to second screen directly

    I have a dropdown UI element which is in the first screen.From that dropdown,I can select either "Travel Expense" or "Non Travel Expense". Both these options are available in the dropdown in the first page.
    So based on the selection,we can go to the respective application in the second screen.
    Problem :- I have to make two separate links for these two application (Travel expense and Non Travel Expense),so that the user can direcly go to the respective application(direcly to the second screen) without going to the first screen and then go to the respective application.
    Please suggest me how to do that.

    Hi Sandip,
                   In portal, u might have created two different pages for ur web dynpro applications.
    get the url of the page and navigate using WDPortalNavigation to respective page, when the user selects travel Expense or non travel expense.
    refer this article for more information.
    if ur requirements does not satisfy with this solution then please elaborate ur query.
    thanks and regards

  • Restart killed my second screen.

    Ok, basicallly I've got two 19" Vison screens and they used to work perfectly fine. Then one day, yesterday, I decide to restart my computer because it was acting funny (safari crashed like 6 times in a row).
    After the restart my second screen only runs at 640x480 resolution. It gets worse, when I hit "detect displays" the second screen goes black and isn't recognized at all.
    I tried going into preferences on both the screen and system preferences, but the screen doesn't have any option to fix that and system preferences only has one option for the resolution. That being 640x480.
    What now? Thanks much in advance

    double bump ! Same problem here with a LCD...
    The screen model isn't recognized. The screen was just working perfectly, till I had to change it and put a new one longger (the old one didn't work anymore). Now, it detect the screen like standard "VGA Monitor" and doesn't display the right resolutions/frequencies asked by the screen to work properly. I must run with 1024*768 instead of 1344*768 required (and what it was before cable changing...)
    Is this because of the cable ? What kind of cable should I buy ?
    Thanks for the help you may give.

  • Finder hangs for 10 seconds - icons dissapear on second screen

    Hi, I just did a clean install of Lion and did all my software updates so that brings me up to 10.7.2.
    Re installed all my software as usual. I had a problem that made the Finder hang. Tried to find the bug but couldn't, so what I did is rename the current user, and create another user account with the name I usally use. Logged in to that new one, and the problem went away.
    I copied some stuff over from the old account to the new one. While doing so I realized by clicking in the "buggy account's" desktop folder, it made my finder crash again. So I deleted that account to make sure not to get those problems back.
    Since then, my Finder doesn't actually crash but it hangs from time to time for about 10 seconds. While it hangs, My files on my second's screen desktop dissapear. (JPG's PDF files icons dissapear). All other apps are OK.
    It's kinda annoying.... Is there a way to log what is going on? I can't seem to find anything at that precise time in the Console.
    Is there a pref file I can trash that is affecting me second screen?
    Or, is my iMac trying to detect the second screen become unresponsive?
    Really weird, please help!

    You might try resetting Finder prefs...
    Go to Finder "Go" menu hold the option key and choose Library. Then go to Preferences trash these files:
    Then, restart, or log out and in again.
    (You will have to reset a few finder prefs the way you like them.)

  • I have two screen on my PC. Adobe always opens on the second screen. I would like to change this. Ho

    I have two screens on my PC Adobe always opens on the second screen. How do I change this to open on the first screen.

    It should (should) stay where you close it from, especially if you have it maximized on that monitor. I can't guarantee that because I'm having the same problem with Firefox this morning. I always open it on my secondary montior, and today it will only open on the primary.

  • I was told of an application that will allow the use of a second screen to view my data and files, but I forgot its name. I'd like to make the connection because my LCD is broken.

    I was told of an application that will allow the use of a second screen to view my data and files, but I forgot its name. I'd like to make the connection because my LCD is broken.

    You don't need an application, just plug a compaitble monitor into the display port of your MacBook Pro, set the screen up in System Preferences>Displays

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    I want the capability of adobe reader to just run on one screen.

    I had the same problem.
    Try this. _as_the_Safari_PDF_Viewer.html

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