Segments in a file

Hi all,
What do you mean by Segments in a file  ? What is the difference Between Record and  a Segment ?
General definition of a File is : file is a group of records and Record is a group of  fields.....right ?
Thanks in advance

What do you mean by segments in a file?
Segments are refer to fields.
What is the difference Between Record and a Segment ?
A single record can contain more than one segment (field).
I believe you are correct for general definition of a File is : file is a group of records and Record is a group of fields.
Ferry Lianto

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    DTL .........
    DTL ........
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    Hi Deepthi,
        Did you find the solution, please let me now if you get.
    did you mention the below code to solve the issue.
    copy the below section in the NewMapping Program:
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       SetDestinationDelimiter("Segment", "\n");
    Varun Reddy.K

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    Hi Swapna,
    You can use below mapping.
    Execution type : All Values Of Context
    public void removeDuplicates(String[] context, ResultList result, Container container) throws StreamTransformationException{
    HashSet<String> hashSet = new HashSet<String>();      
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    Hi Pravesh,
                         could you please kindly provide a sample input and output.
    If I have understood your requirements properly, we can achieve this in mapping itself,separate IDOCXmlToFlatConvertor module may not be required. In mapping we can count 1063 characters in each idoc segment and put it in target message. Then use receiver File content conversion to achieve this. Preferably java mapping will definately meet all requirements.
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    Hi Kevin -
    It's funny...  We are doing the exact same thing that you are.  We are recording webinars, chunking up the audio into individual files according to PPT slides, and putting the audio back into the PPT presentation so they can be played back as the presentation initially aired.  We're also exporting the reconstituted presentations as standalone webcasts that people watch online.
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    Something also that may work for you (but not for us for various reasons) is iSpring Presenter's sync function.  This allows you to bring in the entire audio clip and put it on the first PPT slide.  Then you click a stopwatch icon when the audio is supposed to go to a different slide.  This syncs up your audio and PPT for you.  No more Premiere.  Here is specific info on how to do that.  It works great.  We don't use it because we have to cut back into the presentation with live audio.  But it may work great for what you're doing.

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    Timothy Leerhoff wrote:
    > Two items I ran into that caused segmentation errors are:
    > 1 - Poor network communications. Everything from NIC to NIC might be
    > the culprit
    > 2 - Source of the image had corrupt sectors. Ran CHKDSK to repair the
    > source, sent the image back to the server, and was able to image
    > again.
    Have run chkdsk afew times, will try again and see if it reports
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    Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    The error is "Could not complete your request because a JPEG marker segment length is too short (the file may be truncated to incomplete).
    I'll try the preferences resetting.
    Thanks for the quick responses.

  • Segmenting large video files

    can anyone recommend a software to divide up large video files into 1GB chunks ready for upload to my iDisk storage. The files will be in MPEG2 format.

    You can break up large files into smaller segments using the Terminal command "Split".
    In the following example, we will break an (imaginary) movie, "" into 1000MB pieces.
    Place the file to be split onto the desktop (this keeps it simple, otherwise you will have to "cd" to the directory where your movie resides)
    Open Terminal and...
    TYPE: *cd desktop* and press return.
    TYPE: *split -b 1000m* and press return.
    This will produce a number of files on your desktop named xaa, xab, xac and so on. There is a way to retain the original name or rename the file to something else but I don't have documentation on this at hand. You could move them to a suitably named folder.
    The "1000m" part of the command is the size of the individual split files (in this case, the file will be broken into pieces of approx. 1000MB each
    This may take some time to process, depending on the total size of the resulting files, how much RAM you have and the speed of your Mac.
    At some point, your archived files will need to be re-assembled into a viewable movie. So....
    Rejoin a set of split files:
    Place all the files "xaa", "xab" etc, that are to be rejoined, onto the desktop
    (keep it simple, remember...)
    In Terminal;
    TYPE: *cd desktop* and press return.
    Type cat x* > and press return. Again, this may take some time, depending on the size of the resulting files.

  • Re: How to segment a video file into it's individual frames?

    I am trying to do the same thing as you - grab individual frames from a video stream. I am finding that the Java players do not provide frameGrabbingControls and hence I am unable to access individual frames. Have you had any success?

    QuickTime requires player and plugins that most people don't have.  You'll reach a much wider audience if you use HTML5 <video> with mp4, webm and ogg files.
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5 with Video</title>
    <!--help for older IE browsers-->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src=""></script>
    video {
        margin:0 auto;
    <h2>Use 3 File Types to support all browsers &amp; mobile devices:  MP4, WEBM and OGV.</h2>
    <h3>Online Video Converter</h3>
    <!--begin video-->
    <video controls poster="Your_poster_image.jpg">
    <!--these are 6 sec sample videos for testing purposes. Replace sample-videos with your own files-->
    <source src="" type="video/webm">
    <source src="" type="video/ogg">
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">
    If you're seeing this, you're using an
    outdated browser that doesn't support
    the video tag. </video>
    <!--end video-->
    Nancy O.

  • Maximum PDF file size for browsers to cache?

    My site distributes daily newsletters via PDF that are typically about 2MB in size. A link is provided to the PDF, and when clicked, it opens the Adobe Reader plugin within the browser (Firefox, IE) and opens the file therein.
    Recently it was brought to my attention by a dialup user (they do still exist) that when he navigates back or forward in his browser's history, the PDF has to be redownloaded rather than reloaded from his browser's cache. I, with a broadband connection and some wonderful Firefox extensions (Firefox Throttle and Live HTTP Headers) confirmed this behavior.
    However, a similarly sized file (2MB) of a different type (text) is cached by the browser and I can go back and forth in the history without the file having to be redownloaded. I also had success with a smaller sized PDF (70kb).
    What appears to happen is this:
    1) Click the link to the 2MB PDF, and it loads in the browser.
    2) Click browser's back button to back to previous page in browser history.
    3) Click forward button to return to PDF.
    4) A request with a "Range: <byte range>" header is sent which I think requests part of the PDF file (the byte ranges).
    5) The server responds with a "206 Partial Content" response code and resends some/most/all of the PDF to the browser.
    What should happen (and does with other file types and smaller sized PDFs) is that the browser should make a simple request for the PDF file, and assuming the PDF hasn't been modified since the latest request for it, the server should send a "304 Not Modified" response code which instructs the browser to use what it has in cache.
    I've increased my browser cache sizes dramatically to no avail. Cleared them before starting the process to no avail. Should be no problem with any browser's cache limit.
    I'm using Firefox 2 and IE7. My co-worker has IE6 and Acrobat Reader 6 installed on another machine and it works fine there (PDF is cached and does not need to be redownloaded).
    Help! Why aren't these larger PDF files being cached correctly, and what can we do to get them saved in the cache so our poor dialup users don't have to redownload them everytime they navigate their browser history?

    Just wanted to reply with my discovery and fix. I'm not sure if it is Adobe Reader or the web browsers (I tested Firefox 2 and IE7), but they appear to request parts of large PDF files "on demand." That is, they send requests to the web server with a "Range: <byte range(s)>" header which instructs the web server to only send segments of the file. I think they use the feature of HTTP 1.1 that keeps the connection open or alive to request/send the data incrementally.<br /><br />While this might seem preferrable, in the case of dialup users that navigate through their browser(s) history, they should instead download the PDF in its entirety and allow the browser to cache the file. This way, when they click the link to open the PDF again (or go back/forward in their browser's history), they use what they have in their cache instead of redownloading the PDF (which in the case of dialup users is quite painful).<br /><br />We fixed the problem by instructing our web server to ignore/disregard byte range requests. In a nutshell, you need to have the web server issue a header:<br /><br />Accept-Ranges: none<br /><br />In Apache, you can do this on a per-file-type basis using a FilesMatch directive. In IIS (we're using 5.0), you cannot specify a file type for this behavior; you have to set it in Internet Services Manager by adding a custom header under the "HTTP Headers" tab.<br /><br />Personally, I prefer folks use their browser cache than repeatedly request data (PDF file in this case) from our server. To each his own I guess. Hope this helps someone.

  • LSMW me51n, how to create one PR document for all the records in the  file

    HI all,
    I need to create LSMW for t-code me51n -Create Purchase Requisition. I`m using Bapi BUS2105, method CREATEFROMDATA, idoc message type PREQCR, basic type PREQCR03. The problem is that the LSMW is creating different idoc and different PR document for every record in the source file. My requirement is to create one PR document for one source file (Every source file is different Purchase Requisition) . I`m trying to do this with writing some code(global functions ) in the 'Mapping and conversion rules'  events - BEGINOF_TRANSACTION_, ENDOF_TRANSACTION__..., but i`m not very sure what exactly i`m doing .
    Please help me resolve this problem, any help will be appreciated .
    Best regards, Emil Milchev.

    Thank you for you answer.
    But I have found faster way of doing it - two source structures, one HEADER and ONE ITEM.
    HEADER: one empty text field and identificator for it.
    ITEM: everything else.
    Then everything was just fine, i`ve mapped the different IDOC segments by PREQ_ITEM fields (equal values in the source file : 10-10-10..., 20-20-20,.... etc.) and put all required fields for my LSMW
    Z_ME51N_V2 - MASS_UPLOAD - CREATE create
    Source Fields
    UPFILE                    upload file
                IDENT                          C(010)    ident
                                               Identifing Field Content: header
                TEXT                           C(001)
                UPFILE2                   123
                    IDENT                          C(010)    ident
                                                   Identifing Field Content: item
                    BSART                          C(004)    Document type
                    BANFN                          C(010)    Purchase requisition number
                    BNFPO_FOR_MAP                  N(005)    Item number of purchase req. for MAPPING acc.
                    BNFPO                          N(005)    Item number of purchase requisition
                    KNTTP                          C(001)    Account assignment category
                    PSTYP                          C(001)    Item category in purchasing document
                    MATNR                          C(018)    Material Number
                    WERKS                          C(004)    Plant
                    LGORT                          C(004)    Storage Location
                    MENGE                          N(013)    Purchase requisition quantity
                    EKGRP                          C(003)    Purchasing group
                    KONNR                          C(010)    Number of principal purchase agreement
                    KTPNR                          N(005)    Item number of principal purchase agreement
                    LIFNR                          C(010)    Desired Vendor
                    FLIEF                          C(010)    Fixed Vendor
                    AFNAM                          C(012)    Name of requisitioner/requester
                    PREIS                          AMT4(011) Price in purchase requisition
                    ABLAD                          C(025)    Unloading Point
                    WEMPF                          C(012)    Goods Recipient
                    PS_POSID                       C(024)    Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
                    KOSTL                          C(011)    COST_CTR v bapito ?
                    NAME1                          C(040)    Name1 - Name of an address
                    NAME2                          C(040)    Name2 - Name of an address 2
                    STREET                         C(060)    Street
                    DELIVERY_DATE                  C(008)    Date on which the goods are to be delivered
                    TEXT                           C(132)    item text
    Structure Relations
    E1PREQCR              Header segment                                               <<<< UPFILE  upload file
               E1BPEBANC             Transfer Structure: Create Requisition Item                  <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPEBKN              Transfer Structure: Create/Display Requisition Acct Assgt    <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPEBANTX            BAPI Purchase Requisition: Item Text                         <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPESUHC             Communication Structure: Limits                              <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPESUCC             Communication Structure: Contract Limits                     <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPESLLC             Communication Structure: Create Service Line                 <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPESKLC             Create Comm. Structure: Acct Assgt Distr. for Service Line   <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPESLLTX            BAPI Services Long Text                                      <<<< UPFILE  upload file
               E1BPMERQADDRDELIVERY  PO Item: Address Structure BAPIADDR1 for Inbound Delivery    <<<< UPFILE2 123
                   E1BPMERQADDRDELIVERY1 PO Item: Address Structure BAPIADDR1 for Inbound Delivery    <<<< UPFILE2 123
               E1BPPAREX             Ref. Structure for BAPI Parameter EXTENSIONIN/EXTENSIONOUT   <<<< UPFILE2 123
    the MAPPING between two IDOC`s segments:
    In first segment:
    E1BPEBANC                      Transfer Structure: Create Requisition Item
                 PREQ_NO                      Purchase requisition number
                                     Source:  UPFILE2-BANFN (Purchase requisition number)
                                     Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                                     Code:    E1BPEBANC-PREQ_NO = UPFILE2-BANFN.
                 PREQ_ITEM                    Item number of purchase requisition
                                     Source:  UPFILE2-BNFPO (Item number of purchase requisition)
                                     Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                                     Code:    E1BPEBANC-PREQ_ITEM = UPFILE2-BNFPO.
    In second segment :
    E1BPEBKN                       Transfer Structure: Create/Display Requisition Acct Assgt
                   PREQ_NO                      Purchase requisition number
                   PREQ_ITEM                    Item number of purchase requisition
                                       Source:  UPFILE2-BNFPO_FOR_MAP (Item number of purchase req. for MAPPING
                                       Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                                       Code:    E1BPEBKN-PREQ_ITEM = UPFILE2-BNFPO_FOR_MAP.
    After that everything was OK .

Maybe you are looking for