Selection now crops to canvas size...HELP!

I *finally* upgraded from v7 to CS4, and so far I am not very happy...just took me half an hour to figure out that you have to hold ALT down first and THEN drag your layer effect to another layer without completely losing the effect from the original layer...the tabbed interface makes no sense to me whatsoever (can't believe what I have to go thru just to drag a layer from one file to another)...but anyways, here's my current and biggest problem:
When I make a marquee selection, say a circle, and I want the circle to go outside the canvas area, when I let go of the mouse the selection gets cropped to the edges of the canvas. Here's some pics illustrating how I did this in v7:
And here's the problem in CS4:
Is there a way to keep the off-canvas selection, or is this something I have to live with? If the latter then I am very sad, will have to go back to v7 I guess...
I posted this on a few other forums and got some rather condescending responses, so if you can help me without calling me stupid I'd greatly appreciate it.

The selection behavior in Photoshop CS5 now matches the behavior in Photoshop 7.

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    Ok, so, what I did:
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    Silkrooster wrote:
    I am not really seeing the need for it. If that was the case, it would make more sense to save the entire document.
    There is plenty need for it. For one, not every project is a web site where CSS is even relevant. But if you have a large stack of icons, it is often incredibly inefficient to position them all individually with CSS instead of just exporting them as PNGs with matching dimensions. It also gives you better control over the scaling; for example, if you have 2px strokes that are going to be scaled to 50% on export, you want to align them to a 2px grid so they don't go fuzzy.
    In my case I often need to export large batches (hundreds) of logos, which all need to be exported at canvas size and not trimmed to endless random sizes. The layer mask hack sounds like a lifesaver, but has plenty of shortcomings. It should be easy enough to add it as a simple parameter, and it would save a lot of time and hassle for a lot of users.

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    What exact version of Photoshop?  There were changes to the crop tool as of CS6, althoughy there's an option to use Classic (the old crop tool behaviour).
    It wouldn't hurt to specify your platform (Mac or Win)…
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you better and faster.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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    Yes; when you go to use the Crop command, there should be a little arrow pointing upward on the left hand side of the crop options. Tap it to specify an exact width, height, or X and Y coordinates.
    (This tip can apply to other tools as well, like the Transform command (5th icon from the upper right). Be on the lookout for the same arrow icon when using the other tools.)

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    Thank you,
    Kerry Jenkins
    Harte-Hanks Analyst

    Hi Kerry,
    Are you using Crystal Reports Designer or BusinessObjects designer ( what ever it was called ) Crysstal Reports 5 was released in the summer of 1997 and definitely did not support a flash file.
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    Thank you

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    How did you open the new document? What Image mode is the document in and what exactly did you copy to the clipboard? What was the current Photoshop target when you did the copy? Was it a straight copy or a copy merge etc...

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  • Cropping at same size and with aligned images (and/or at scale)

    hi all. i am hoping for a little help as i tune up my photoshop usage.
    i am finding that i sometimes have a need to crop a couple of images from something like an architectural line drawing. this means that i have lines in this drawing and i am oftentimes in need - for instance if i have copied two floor plan with one above the other - of having these images sit in a frame that is the SAME SIZE.
    i am also in the need of cropping so that the resulting images are ALIGNED - with for instance one line in one image at the same spot at the bottom and to the left with the same amount of bleed area around the image both at this point and at all other points.
    is there a way to crop an image in two different spots at the SAME SIZE?
    is there a way to crop a "sloppy" copy of two sets of images so that the canvas is the same size but the resulting set of images are aligned in the manner described above?
    ALSO, is there some way for me to SCALE a set of images in Photoshop?
    thanks in advance for any links, advice, expertise etcetera.
    - jon

    hi jjm.
    i think i threw something in that should have been separated into antother posting. i am not so concerned about the scaling question.
    i am more concerned about being able to get two separate sets of images - with for instance a line drawing - out of another drawing so that i have two images that when placed in a document will have the same size and the same amount of bleed area in white around it.
    i guess in thinking about this - that i would just copy and paste each image to a new document, CROP as close to the image as possible and then ENLARGE THE CANVAS SIZE to whatever size i wanted. this would then meant that the image had almost the same placement in the canvas since i CROPPED the two images as close as possible and then enlarged to suit.
    but this seems like it only would work for images with white backgrounds or single color backgrounds in a way somehow.
    i mean, is there a way to place a COPY box on a very large image with a set of other images in it and Copy two sets of images to new documents so that they are the same size? or i mean a more accurate way to COPY information out of a document? what about making sure that an image is placed correctly in a CANVAS?
    it seems like i would be asking for a tool that would let me select a point on the image and to tell photoshop to give me this image (or each image in this case) a CANVAS of some size or a CANVAS with some BORDER /around/ the rest of the image of some measurement.
    is there anything like this? something more accurate for copying information so that i can repeat the copy and something more accurate for CUT or Canvas so that i can place an image in the final file more accurately?
    i always sort of wing it with this and have to do Canvas sizes freehand or CUT the image close and then enlarge the canvas and this seems rather imprecise...

  • Adobe Photoshop cs4-What Does Canvas Size Really Mean?

    What are we actually looking at when we place a picture on a canvas?
    For example, if I have a canvas of a width of 800 and a height of 1500 it appears on the screen to my eyes to be about 3 inches by 7 inches.
    Then let's say I add the headline: Risk takers of all kinds think the same.
    This headline will possibly take three rows to complete itself.
    But then I can make the same canvas fit the screen.
    Now the entire headline will fit on one row.
    What confuses me is which image of the canvas is a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" in terms of how it will actually look on my webpage?
    In other words I guess my real question is how do I start with a canvas size that actually reflects my webpage or a defineable portion of it.
    Thank You,

    You'll have to forgive me but at times I'm not really sure what I'm talking about or doing.
    But an image or other content is built on layer canvas' I think?
    It gets all confusing because you may or may not fill a canvas with an image?
    Assuming you do fill a canvas with an image then I think the pixel dimensions and resolution will be directly tied to the canvas size?
    But I don't think any of that is my real point.
    I'll try to speak to my confusion using words other than those I first used.
    For example let's say you are making a squeeze page for your website.
    So you start with a headline that reads as follows: INTERNET MARKETER STICKS TO HIS GUM!
    Let's say those words are in large print.
    On my computer and I am using a small screen, if I create a canvas of a width =800 and height=1500 it occupies a space of
    of about 3" by 7". 
    Now (and this part is now becoming like what I wrote above) those six words in large letters will occupy three to four rows on my computer.
    So in my mind I am thinking that when I eventually publish that page that the headline should occupy four lines. Make sense?
    But if I click the "fit to screen" Photoshop button, the canvas becomes larger on my screen and the entire headline will now fit on a "single" line.
    So now in my mind I am thinking that when I eventually publish that page that the headline should occupy one line.  See my problem?
    I guess my point is am I looking at WYSIWYG in the first, second or neither case?
    In other words what is the meaning of what I see when I look at a canvas?
    Thank you for your help.
    Here's one more attempt.
    Let's say you spend 12 hours designing a canvas in Photoshop that you thought would properly fill your webpage, and then you discover to your dismay that instead of your headline fitting properly only 37% of it does.  This would make you very unhappy and perhaps others.
    So what I'm trying to understand as a beginner is how does what I see on a canvas in Photoshop cs4 relate to a webpage.

  • Smart Objects...changing canvas size problem

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    Is there a solution to this, or an easy way to quickly update every instance of the smart object on the original doc?
    To clarify: I know that you can change the dimensions of the smart object on the original doc and it'll fix it, my question is if there's a way to automatically have that happen and have the original doc smart objects respect your canvas size changes on the smart object doc.
    1) Draw a circle
    2) Turn it into a smart object
    3) Go into the smart object, change the canvas size by increasing the height of the canvas. The smart object should now have a circle with blank space above/below it.
    4) Save the smart object
    5) The circle on the original document will now be squished.
    I'm using Photoshop CS5

    xg3 wrote:
    When changing the canvas size of a smart object, the layer on the original document will distort visually since it doesn't update the size of the smart object.
    When you change the canvas size of a document the only layer that will change is a backgroung layer for it does not support transparency so its pixels will be changed.  However a background layer should not distort it may be cropped  and have canvas added in which case the color of the empty canvas can be set in the canvas size dialog.  All other layer including Smart Object layer should not chang at all.  Layer positioning in relationship to the canvas  and the new canvas size is set during the canvas size change.  Layers can be any size and have any aspect ratio. Their sizes can be smaller, the same or larger then the canvas size. Even layer that can fit  within a documents canvas size may be positioned so that all, some or none of the layer is over the documents canvas.
    I do not know what you mean when you write the original document chages. A smart object layer has an embedded copy of an object. The original document is not touched. You can open the smart object layer embedded object in  Photoshop by double clicking on the smart object icon in the layers palette smart object layer and change it size. And distort it f you wish. When you use Photoshop save. Photoshop will change the enbedded object in the smart object layer. You can also leave the embedded smaro object as is and change the smart object layer size and distort it using transform on the smart object layer itsself.
    I think what you did was to open the smart object in photoshop change its canvas saze then save it. The updated smart object is realy round but you dont see that it is becaue it is being transformec ti fit the original documents canvas. If you do a Canvas size on the codument you will see the original docyment canvas size is not change and thet your now squaching a now changed taller object into a shorter canvas.  With each Smart Obkect layer there is as associated transform.
    No I was wrong I just tried that and it looks like the transform was not the problem as yo can see I dir a Ctrl+T so you can see the size of the smart object layer is now biger then the original document and is positioned centered canvas is still 300x300 white area in image

  • How to crop & print specific sizes in Aperture

    I have a project I am working on where I need to make a series of prints that are flush-mounted onto boards that are 2.25"x5". I want to take images from my Aperture library, crop the long and skinny portion from them them, and print them out on my Inkjet printer (single prints on 4x6's on my Canon 6220 for tests, but I am going to want to print multiple-up prints on 5x7 paper once I get going as I need 10-20 copies of each print). I started by cropping (using the Custom feature) and then using a 4x6 preset in the printer dialog with the image size set to 2.25x5. I, of course, have run into the issue that the crop tool does not crop by inches, but rather pixels, and only in certain aspect ratios. I have tried making an export preset, as some suggested, but that only works if the image is the right size to begin with. By chance, some of my prints are exactly the right size, but mostly they are a bit short or wide...
    How do I make a template or crop guide so that I can crop-out the portion of my image that I want, keeping it in the correct aspect of 2.25x5, and then print it out at the exact size? And then how will I do this as a multiple print job on a single piece of 5x7 paper? Do I need to figure out how many pixels a 2.25x5 print will be? Can I set a custom aspect somehow? I know in PS there is the ability to set the "canvas Size" and work the image into that, but I don't have PS on this machine. I have Pages to work with as well, but no Illustrator or InDesign apps or skills. Ideas?

    If you select Do not constrain or Custom in the crop tool you can set the crop to any aspect ratio you like. You can either drag the box or enter your dimensions in the tool. Note it won't take decimal points in the dimension boxes so in your case enter 500x225
    The crop tool only reports MP because inches would make no sense here. The image could be exported and printed at any size the crop tool only sets the aspect ration of the image.

  • Increasing canvas size and re-clipping (intentionally)

    So I bolluxed up a little bit while creating my first full-bleed print piece. I used Ps to edit the image, Ai to add some stuff, and ignored Id completely for the printer. Now I have a perfect 8.5 x 11 image that I want to print all the way to the edges without scaling; I left white bleeds 1.8" but apparently that won't suffice.
    I'm trying to go back into photoshop and increase the canvas size (8.75 x 11.25 to include bleeds), and with it, extend the image that was originally clipped when I trimmed the document from a vertical picture (12 x 16 or whatever) to fit the standard letter paper size. When I do that, I get only white areas around the canvas.
    Can anyone provide a solution to create full-color bleeds the way they should have been done originally? I have tried changing the canvas size and re-placing another layer of the image behind the existing one (with the hopes that it would clip automatically), but it didn't work. At this point, should I worry about bringing anything into InDesign?
    - boda

    The Nish Adeel,
    > i wants to increase my fla canvas size from all sides...
    when we
    > increase the size of a file it increases from right and
    bottom , i
    > want to make it from all four sides like photoshop ...
    is there any
    > way to do this.
    There is a way to do this; unfortunately, it's not an
    automatic feature
    like in Photoshop. The approach you'll need to take is to
    update the
    document dimensions (basically, the canvas size) as desired,
    then use the
    Edit Multiple Frames button on the lower left of the Timeline
    panel to
    manually move all assets on the main timeline. To do this,
    you'll have to
    make sure all layers are unlocked. To do this quickly, click
    Lock/Unlock All Layers button at the top, between the eye and
    the square
    buttons, until you see that all locks have been removed (one
    or two clicks
    will do it). In the Modify Onion Markers button next to the
    Edit Multiple
    Frames button, choose Onion All. Select Edit > Select All,
    then use the
    arrow buttons to move your assets.
    David Stiller
    Co-author, Foundation Flash CS3 for Designers
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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    Unfortunately the Script crops to the layer's boundary so every file has different dimensions. How to keep the canvas size of the PSD in the exported files?
    Thanks for your help
    PS-Version: MacOS, CS 5.1

    un-check trim if that does not work then try this version it may do what you want.

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    Or you have color for the document window area outside the document bounds set to white.
    Right click just outside the picture and see if selecting one the grays like light gray, makes a difference.

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