Selection of a mobile framework - for enterprise mobility app.

There have been many plethora of mobility frameworks (e.g Kony, HTML5 based  frameworks) that have same features as Cordova - write your code once and run it on multiple platforms. Some are free,others are not. Having recently implemented enterprise mobility app (integrating with ECC, CRM) using one such framework, there are a certain I would like to consider before choosing a framework:
a) How easy it to build security into the app (the login module)?
b) How do I know that the requests for my data is an authenticated source?
c) How good is the vendor support with plugins, upgrades to SDK?
d) For frameworks that are free, do vendors really pay attention to issues that you are facing during (very specific to) your implementation.
e) Scalability of the framework to support the app with newer mobile OSs, mobility sets (Motorola, Micromax, Blackberry), tabs.
f) All mobile sets have limited memory at most to 2GB (or little more). How will the framework help in viewing huge amount of data that is there in SAP?
From my experience, I would say it is big pain, implementing a enterprise mobility app with open framework adhering with the go live dates.
SAP products are more easy to handle. A lot of featues comes inbuilt. Mobile apps comes as pre-packaged apps. One needs to customize it according to it needs. Product support from SAP is remarkable. Implementing and going live with such product becomes automatically easy adhering to the timelines. So is the maintenance. But of course comes the licensing price for SAP.

Sukanta Rudra,
I love to work with SAP products and so i m in SAP. Having worked on several other mobile applications before , i can clearly see the ease in development of Enterprise applications using SAP products portfolio.
Often I have seem blogs in SCN, advocating for frameworks other than that of SAP. No harm
Please mention the blogs as a reference for more understanding. I can always only see Cordova / appcelerator being the recommended platforms by SAP for cross platforms development.
SAP Partners with Adobe-Cordova/phonegap , Appcelerator, Sencha (the three big players in cross platform development)
Developer Announcement: Third Party Tools
SAP Drives Openness and Choice for Millions of Mobile App Developers
More over i have worked mostly on all the three for a while and have experienced the ease in development with cordova.
Also the HWC (Hybrid Web Container ) - the former way for developing hybrid applications on SAP Mobile Platform till 2.x has Cordova/phonegap plugins inbuilt in it. Literally it followed the approch of Cordova and ui framework was of Jquery Mobile .
But Now with the release of SMP 3.X things are completely under the control of developer. There are no restrictions to use a particular framework for development and developers are free to use their choice for development (SMP 3.x highlights BYOT - Bring Your Own Tools for Developers).
Adding to above , just would like to mention there are few products mainly focused and developed on cordova technology (KAPSEL plugins, Appbuilder, Fiori Client , River RDE in future integrating Kapsel plugins)
SMP 3.x is all open for developers , we are free to use any platform as per our requirements and convenience now.
PLease have a look at these videos on how SMP 3.x strategy stands for
My experience has been using Kony-SKY framework for developing the mobility apps (not mobile web). SKY plugins has been certified by SAP, to be used for developing mobility applications. (SAP does embrace other vendors). My questions pointed out above, was out of the struggles we had while implementing the project. Many at times, I felt I was reinventing the same tools while integrating into the SAP backends.
I am not a Kony guy, but will surely look into this and would check if i can help you.But out of my experience with Cordova /HWC/ Kapsel , it was satisfactory.
I presume you might have used/using SAP's Fiori apps, SAPUI5, mobile architecture and would like to gather some more information very specific to SAP's environment. I have no experience now on delivering apps using SAP's products. Maybe three months from now, I would get deep with 'SAP Fiori UX and SAP Screen Personas'. Maybe you could throw some light on few more queries.
Yeah , thanks to SAP for Fiori being out of License now and UI5 an Opensource. I have had the opportunity to also work and implement Fiori transnational applications and also develop Custom UI5 applications .
Note : Personas is really a good product , but on the down side is n't responsive in nature , so might not be a best fit for mobile devices
How are builds generated for different platforms? (Android uses.apk, Blackberry uses .cod, iPhone uses .ipa)
I can help you understand this with an Android Phone Gap project example
Typically Native Android apps are developed using Core Java.
Initially all the Core libraries of Android and java are loaded with import command
import android.os.Bundle;
Now Cordova libraries are added to existing libraries
import android.os.Bundle;
import org.apache.cordova.*;
and Android uses the concept activities and layout for screen navigation and designing.
and by default any android project should have an activity and layout for launching the application, for which the code looks something similar to this
so , a Relative layout is initially launched as main view.
As mentioned in the blog in  " How does it actually work section " cordova loads web views instead of the native layouts /activities
How Does it actually work ?
Technically the User Interface of a Cordova Application is effectively a WebView that occupies the complete screen and runs in the native Container. So , it is the same web view that is used by the Native  Operating systems. This purely means that only the Native Containers changes according to the OS and internally the web pages remain the same. (Since the browser rendering of webpages are different for each operating systems)
For       IOS it is UIWebView class
             Android it is in  android.webkit.webview
             Windows it is WebViewClass and the similar goes to other OS .
This line of code is responsible for that
our developed web applications should reside in the above mentioned location to access as any native web view
also few other hacks are to be done at
public class [appname]Activity extends Activity {
public class [appname] Activity extends DroidGap {
and to the android manifest file accordingly to get the permissions
Now internally the android applications works just like any native applications but accessing the web applications files in the web view. and just generates the .apk accordingly to the application.
Say a query is executed from a mobility app, say the result set is some 1000 rows, how does the data fetch mechanism work. Do you use some delta data fetch mechanism?
if i were to handle this , would try to filter this out to sections. Lets imagine huge PO s are resulted upon a query, i would try to create some sections/categories for Unreleased/Open/Approved /... and again try to perform some dynamic filter operations on each category selection/ or make use of pagination property to move across the items/records
Also user would not be interested to scroll and search for his item from a huge collection of items.
More over for handling of huge records Native approach is preferred to Hybrid/mobile web.
When a mobility connection snaps while the user is using the app, does the app stop immediately? Or rather how is user informed about non availability of the network connection?
Lets assume two cases here
1) Complete Online application
2) Online Offline Application
1) If user is trying to access the data from the application , since this being an online application , a proper network connectivity id to be checked properly before making any request .
for phone gap/cordova , Network Object helps us to check if network connectivity is available to make any request. else throw an alert to check the connectivity/ turn on the connectivity.
Similarly a Connectivity manager API exists for Android . Here is an example. Same would apply for other OS also.
2) For online - offline application . user wouldn't be able to read records from back end , but can perform other necessary operations on the device, and once the device gets connected to network, can sync with the back end . An alert should be thrown to inform the user about the loss in network connectivity and the limitations in accessing the data .
Build/release mechanism and subsequent tracking for mobility apps for periodic release of apps  - say there would regular fixes to bugs, upgrades to framework SDK, device OSs might get upgraded - Is there a tool for tracking all these, etc
Yes. MDM tools are perfect fit for these. Afaria and Mocana are doing well now.
And, anything that you would like to share, related to SAPs environment, that makes implementation easier.
SAP Mobility is really booming and will grow , dominate in enterprise mobility in future.
For our understanding:
Let us know for more.
Edit :
IG is a part of SMP 3 but not a separate component as NWG
Message was edited by: Virinchy P

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    No SUP vc desenvolve em Java, em Eclipse (além da linguagem de cada SDK, no caso de WinMo, .NET no Visual Studio).
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    Os treinamentos. Ou se virar batendo cabeça. :P
    No caso do SUP, há o treinamento SUP511 que a SAP Education já oferece (antes era oferecido diretamente pela Sybase).
    No caso do Gateway, ainda não há treinamento oficial, mas para parceiros há o Gateway Hands-on sessions by COIL, que introduzi no blog que vc linkou acima.
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    Como falado, SUP511 p/ desenvolvimento em SUP.
    Ouvi falar tb de SUP611 para afaria, mas nao sei dizer se a SAP Education já está oferecendo.
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    O Gateway sim, é focado em backends ABAP.
    Já o SUP nao, vc pode usar para integrar quaisquer plataformas compativeis com padroes abertos como JDBC, SOAP & REST.
    Espero ter ajudado.

    Dear siva,
    Thanks for your replay.
    which then can be moved to the devices via OTA or BES
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    Two things to look at are:
    The mobile capabilities of ADF Faces.
    Which has components that will render automatically on mobile devices and HTML browsers adjusting themselfs.
    Also you might be interested in the JWE extension to JDeveloper for Wireless development.

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    psydrake wrote:
    > I am an administrator of a WebSphere 6 Network
    Deployment installation, and I
    > have a customer who would like to run her Coldfusion
    application in WebSphere.
    > instructs to do the following:
    > 1. Install the ColdFusion files.
    > 2. Deploy the ColdFusion J2EE application.
    > 3. Configure ColdFusion in the Configuration and
    Migration Wizard.
    > 4. Enable specific functionality required by ColdFusion
    applications, such
    > as the Verity search engine.
    > Is this a separate application server that must be
    installed and run on the
    > WebSphere machine, or is everything (e.g. the Coldfusion
    libraries) that is
    > needed included in the resulting J2EE .ear file that the
    developer hands to me?
    All the standard Java bits are included in the EAR file.
    ColdFusion comes with additional functionality such as Verity
    and a JDBC-ODBC bridge that run as separate services (and may
    Windows-only). If your developer uses those, they need to be
    as well and that is not part of a standard EAR file
    deployment. Your
    developer should be able to tell you more about those.
    > Would I as a WebSphere administrator be performing all
    of this installation and
    > configuration, or are these all steps that the developer
    performs in the
    > process of packaging her J2EE .ear file?
    When we deliver an EAR file we perform most of these tasks
    packaging the EAR file so all that is left for the WebSphere
    admin is
    step 2 "Deploy the ColdFusion J2EE application.". You need to
    your developer to see how much he does and how much you need
    to do for him.
    Jochem van Dieten
    Adobe Community Expert for ColdFusion

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    I don't recall the product shipping a facet called Mobility Framework. This might have come from another product called WebLogic Mobility Server. I do not believe that this product exists anymore since the Oracle purchase of BEA. This product came from a partner called MobileAware and I think you can still purchase it from them if you require it.
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    Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format.
    Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format.
    Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format.
    Non-PIE Binary - The executable '' is not a Position Independent Executable. Please ensure that your build settings are configured to create PIE executables. For more information, refer to Technical Q&A QA1788 - Building a Position Independent Executable
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    has this been rejected by Apple or is it just a warning flagged? What is the version of ADF Mobile. Did you download and install the recent ADF mobile version. Try Help --> About --> Extensions and look for the "ADF Mobile Framework" version. Ensure its
    ADF Mobile Framework
    If the version is below, then use Help--> Check for update to install the latest version.

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    Thanks & Regards,

    1. Download and product details are at Oracle Mobile Security Suite. Product documentation is at
    2. There is no SDK to embed in your app. Once your app has been developed it can wrapped using the containerization toolkit.

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    Virgin Mobile: This is what you have to add to your mobile web plan if you want to tether.  This does not include mobile web for your mobile device. You can tether with your devices just like T-Mobile, but if you get caught THEY have the right to terminate your contract or service and charge you the ETF. 
    Broadband2Go Plans
    You may purchase a Broadband2Go data plan necessary to access the Internet from your laptop personal computer in the following data allocations ("Broadband2Go Plans"):
    $10.00 for 100 megabytes ("MB")
    $40.00 per month for unlimited mobile Internet (but not unlimited downloaded content)
    When you purchase the $10.00 Broadband2Go Plan, your data usage will be deducted from the available data allocation. Unused data expire 10 days from the date the Broadband2Go Plan was activated on your account. If you use your allocation of data before the end of the data expiration date, you must purchase an additional Broadband2Go Plan to use the Broadband2Go service.
    With the $40.00 Broadband2Go Plan, your monthly charge is due on the monthly payment date of your $40.00 Broadband2Go Plan. Your monthly payment date is based on the day of the month that you activate your $40.00 BroadBand2Go Plan, switch from another Broadband2Go Plan to the $40.00 Broadband2Go Plan, or restart the $40.00 Broadband2Go Plan. If you do not pay your monthly charge on your payment date, you will no longer have access to the Broadband2Go service, regardless of the balance in your account. When you next pay your monthly charge, you will receive the data allocation associated with that monthly plan. If you fail to pay your monthly charge when due, your payment date will be reset based on the day you successfully pay your monthly charge.
    Most carriers will give you unlimited, but if you hit a certain point they'll throttle you down, but you still can use the internet.  To even use 5G's a month is very hard to do unless you stream a lot of content.

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    Can anyone help me with the approach i need to follow to develop such an application which can be used on Android or other OS.

    Hi CV,
    Oracle Application Development Framework Mobile (ADF Mobile) browser is a standards-based framework that enables the rapid development of enterprise mobile applications. Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g release 1 of ADF Mobile browser extends Oracle ADF to browsers running on mobile devices. Because ADF Mobile browser is built upon the component model of Java Server Faces (JSF), you can quickly develop applications for mobile browsers. ADF Mobile browser's mobile-specific extensions to JSF enable you to develop mobile applications using the same methodologies for developing JSF applications for the desktop.
    Give points - it is good etiquette to reward an answerer points (5 - helpful; 10 - correct) for their post if they answer your question. If you think this is helpful, please consider giving points

  • Which is the latest version for BO Mobile?

    Hi everybody,
    We have installed BO XI 3.1 SP4 Enterprise Platform installed, and now we want install BO Mobile Server.
    I have been looking for the latest BO Mobile version in SAP, and i have found BO Mobile 3.1 XI SP5. Is this the latest version for this product? I see that the forums talks about Bo Mobile 4.0 version, but i don´t find anything of this.
    Is BO Mobile 3.1 XI SP5 compatible with BO XI 3.1 SP4 Enterprise Platform ?
    Thank you,
    Edited by: Fernando Acevedo on Jan 18, 2012 1:55 PM
    Edited by: Fernando Acevedo on Jan 18, 2012 1:56 PM

    Here it is.
    Software downloads -> BusinessObjects downloads -> select A-Z index from left pane -> click B
    and select SBOP BI platform (former SBOP Enterprise) at the last then you will see two platforms which is 4.0 and XI 3.1
    It changed product name that's why you can't find
    James Lim

Maybe you are looking for