SelectOneMenu inside h:dataTable gives conversion error

Hi guys,
I'm enduring quite alot of misery attempting to put selectOneMenu UI components in my h:dataTable. Due to the 30000 character restriction, I can only submit my view and backing bean and DTO and the converter (even though the total characters of my files is only 26,583? [cat * | wc -c]). Perhaps you can figure out a way I can send me all my files and you'll be able to test it much easier.
The jist of the problem is that I get a conversion error between the selectOneMenu and the backing DTO of the <h:dataTable>. After I define a converter I get a ClassCastException.
My BIGGEST question is "Why do I even need a converter?", the selectItem(s)/options are hardcoded label/value Strings and so is the the property of the dataTable row's backing DTO!!!
Here's the files, any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I'm running JDeveloper
(All these files are in the same package so you can just put them all in a directory named "example"):
package example;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
public class BudgetEquipmentListVO {
    private Integer rowNo = new Integer("0");               //Row number for paging thru dataTables.
    private String equipmentListId = new String("0");                        //From equipment_list table.
    private Integer equipmentCodeId = new Integer("0");         //From equipment_codes table
    private String objectCode = "0730";                     //So far, 0730,0735 are possible.
    private Integer budgetId = new Integer("0");            //fed_budget_id from fed_budget table.
    private String  description = "";
    private String  equipNo = "";                           //Alphanumeric
    private Date    dateAcquired = new Date();  
    private Integer estimatedCost = new Integer("0");       //Used for Stimulus Application
    private Integer actualCost = new Integer("0");          //Used for EOY expenditures.  Disable for stimulus application
    private String  bldgLocation = "";                      //Address where equipment is at.
    private String  approvedInd = "N";                      //Whether item's been approved or not. Y/N
    private Integer amountApproved = new Integer("0");      //Gets set on approval page.
    private StringBuffer comment = new StringBuffer(4000);  //Currently max 4000 chars
    private String  suppInstInd = "I";            //Support or Instruction item, S or I
    private Integer approvedById = new Integer("0");        //User id of approver.
    private Date    approvedDate = null;                    //Date approved
    private List<BudgetEquipmentListVO> innerList;
    public BudgetEquipmentListVO() {
    public void setObjectCode(String objectCode) {
        this.objectCode = objectCode;
    public String getObjectCode() {
        return objectCode;
    public void setBudgetId(Integer budgetId) {
        this.budgetId = budgetId;
    public Integer getBudgetId() {
        return budgetId;
    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;
    public void setEquipNo(String equipNo) {
        this.equipNo = equipNo;
    public String getEquipNo() {
        return equipNo;
    public void setDateAcquired(Date dateAcquired) {
        this.dateAcquired = dateAcquired;
    public Date getDateAcquired() {
        return dateAcquired;
    public void setEstimatedCost(Integer estimatedCost) {
        this.estimatedCost = estimatedCost;
    public Integer getEstimatedCost() {
        return estimatedCost;
    public void setActualCost(Integer actualCost) {
        this.actualCost = actualCost;
    public Integer getActualCost() {
        return actualCost;
    public void setBldgLocation(String bldgLocation) {
        this.bldgLocation = bldgLocation;
    public String getBldgLocation() {
        return bldgLocation;
    public void setApprovedInd(String approvedInd) {
        this.approvedInd = approvedInd;
    public String getApprovedInd() {
        return approvedInd;
    public void setAmountApproved(Integer amountApproved) {
        this.amountApproved = amountApproved;
    public Integer getAmountApproved() {
        return amountApproved;
    public void setComment(StringBuffer comment) {
        this.comment = comment;
    public StringBuffer getComment() {
        return comment;
    public void setSuppInstInd(String suppInstInd) {
        this.suppInstInd = suppInstInd;
    public String getSuppInstInd() {
        return suppInstInd;
    public void setApprovedById(Integer approvedBy) {
        this.approvedById = approvedBy;
    public Integer getApprovedById() {
        return approvedById;
    public void setApprovedDate(Date approvedDate) {
        this.approvedDate = approvedDate;
    public Date getApprovedDate() {
        return approvedDate;
    public void setRowNo(Integer rowNo) {
        this.rowNo = rowNo;
    public Integer getRowNo() {
        return rowNo;
    // Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Getters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public String getKey() {
         return equipmentListId;
     public BudgetEquipmentListVO getValue() {
         return this;
    // This must return true for another Foo object with same key/id.
    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        return other instanceof BudgetEquipmentListVO && equipmentListId != null && equipmentListId.equals(((BudgetEquipmentListVO) other).getEquipmentListId());
    // This must return the same hashcode for every Foo object with the same key.
    public int hashCode() {
        return equipmentListId != null ? this.getClass().hashCode() + equipmentListId.hashCode() : super.hashCode();
    // Override Object#toString() so that it returns a human readable String representation.
    // It is not required by the Converter or so, it just pleases the reading in the logs.
    public String toString() {
        return "BudgetEquipmentListVO[" + equipmentListId.toString() + ", " + equipmentCodeId.toString() + ", " + objectCode + ", " + approvedInd + ", " + suppInstInd + "]";
    public void setEquipmentListId(String equipmentListId) {
        this.equipmentListId = equipmentListId;
    public String getEquipmentListId() {
        return equipmentListId;
    public void setEquipmentCodeId(Integer equipmentCodeId) {
        this.equipmentCodeId = equipmentCodeId;
    public Integer getEquipmentCodeId() {
        return equipmentCodeId;
    public void setInnerList(List<BudgetEquipmentListVO> innerList) {
        this.innerList = innerList;
    public List<BudgetEquipmentListVO> getInnerList() {
        return innerList;
The View, equipmentList.jspx:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0"
  <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
              doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
  < contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
  <f:loadBundle basename="myBundle" var="myBundle"/>
      <afh:head title="ARRA - Equipment List (0730, 0735)">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
              content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/crud.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/global.js"></script>
        <h:form id="equipmentForm">
          <afh:tableLayout width="100%">
            <afh:rowLayout width="100%" halign="center">
              <afh:cellFormat columnSpan="1" width="100%" halign="center"
                <h:dataTable value="#{backing_equipmentScreen.dataList}"
                             styleClass="dataTable" rowClasses="rowOdd,rowEven"
                             var="dataItem" id="table" border="2"
                             bgcolor="#C2DFFF" width="100%"
                <f:facet name="header">
                    <af:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerTable}"
                        <f:facet name="header">
                            <af:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnRowNumber}"
                        <af:outputText value="#{backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.rowIndex + 1}"
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnDesc}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:outputText value="#{dataItem.description}"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnEquipNo}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:inputText value="#{dataItem.equipNo}"
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnDateAcquired}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <af:selectInputDate value="#{dataItem.dateAcquired}"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnObjCode}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:selectOneMenu value="#{dataItem.objectCode}" binding="#{backing_equipmentScreen.objCodeMenu}">
                            <f:selectItem id="item1" itemLabel="0730" itemValue="0730"/>
                            <f:selectItem id="item2" itemLabel="0735" itemValue="0735"/>
                            <f:converter converterId="selectOneMenuConverter"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnInsSuppInd}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:selectOneMenu value="#{dataItem.suppInstInd}" binding="#{backing_equipmentScreen.suppInstMenu}">>
                            <f:selectItem id="supportitem1" itemLabel="Support" itemValue="S"/>
                            <f:selectItem id="supportitem2" itemLabel="Instruction" itemValue="I"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnEstCost}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:inputText value="#{dataItem.estimatedCost}">
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnActualCost}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:inputText value="#{dataItem.actualCost}">
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnBldgLoc}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:inputTextarea value="#{dataItem.bldgLocation}"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnApprovedInd}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:selectOneMenu value="#{dataItem.approvedInd}" binding="#{backing_equipmentScreen.yesNoMenu}">>
                            <f:selectItem id="yesnoitem1" itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="Y"/>
                            <f:selectItem id="yesnoitem2" itemLabel="No" itemValue="N"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                          <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.headerColumnComments}"/>
                        <afh:cellFormat inlineStyle="font-size:small;">
                          <h:inputTextarea value="#{dataItem.comment}"/>
                    <f:facet name="footer">
                        <h:panelGrid columns="4">
                            <h:outputLabel for="rows" value="#{myBundle.labelRowsPage}:" />
                                <h:inputText id="rows" value="#{backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.rows}" styleClass="input" size="1"><f:validateLongRange minimum="1" maximum="100" /></h:inputText>
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonSet}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.pageFirst}" styleClass="input" />
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.labelPaging}:" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonFirst}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.pageFirst}" styleClass="input" disabled="#{backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.first == 0}" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonPrevious}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.pagePrevious}" styleClass="input" disabled="#{backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.first == 0}" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonNext}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.pageNext}" styleClass="input" disabled="#{backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.first + backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.rows >= backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.rowCount}" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonLast}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.pageLast}" styleClass="input" disabled="#{backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.first + backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.rows >= backing_equipmentScreen.dataTable.rowCount}" />
                                <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.labelPage}: #{backing_equipmentScreen.currentPage} / #{backing_equipmentScreen.totalPages}" />
                            <h:outputLabel for="add" value="#{myBundle.labelAddRows}:" />
                                <h:inputText id="add" value="#{backing_equipmentScreen.addCount}" styleClass="input" size="1"><f:validateLongRange minimum="1" maximum="100" /></h:inputText>
                        <af:commandButton action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionAdd}"
                            <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.labelActions}:" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonSelectAll}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionSelectAll}" rendered="#{!backing_equipmentScreen.editMode and !backing_equipmentScreen.selectAll}" styleClass="input" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonUnselectAll}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionSelectAll}" rendered="#{!backing_equipmentScreen.editMode and backing_equipmentScreen.selectAll}" styleClass="input" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonEdit}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionEdit}" rendered="#{!backing_equipmentScreen.editMode}" styleClass="input" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonDelete}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionDelete}" rendered="#{!backing_equipmentScreen.editMode}" styleClass="input" />
                                <h:commandButton id="save" value="#{myBundle.buttonSave}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionSave}" rendered="#{backing_equipmentScreen.editMode}" styleClass="input" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonRefresh}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionRefresh}" immediate="true" styleClass="input" />
                                <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonReset}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionReset}" immediate="true" styleClass="input" />
                <h:panelGroup rendered="#{empty backing_equipmentScreen.dataList and !backing_equipmentScreen.message}">
                    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{!backing_equipmentScreen.searchMode}">
                        <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.textNoData}" />
                        <h:commandButton value="#{myBundle.buttonAdd}" action="#{backing_equipmentScreen.actionAdd}" styleClass="input" />
                    <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.textRefineSearch}" rendered="#{backing_equipmentScreen.searchMode}" />
                <h:panelGroup rendered="#{backing_equipmentScreen.message}">
                    <h:outputText value="#{myBundle.textErrors}" styleClass="error" />
                    <h:messages styleClass="error" />

Hi evryone,
I have following piece of code
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0"
< contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="ABC" itemValue="ABC"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="DEF" itemValue="DEF"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="GHI" itemValue="GHI"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="JKL" itemValue="JKL"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="MNO" itemValue="MNO"/>
When I run this program , I get following compiler error:
Error(12): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemLabel" of tag "selectItem".
Error(12): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemValue" of tag "selectItem".
Error(13): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemLabel" of tag "selectItem".
Error(13): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemValue" of tag "selectItem".
Error(14): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemLabel" of tag "selectItem".
Error(14): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemValue" of tag "selectItem".
Error(15): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemLabel" of tag "selectItem".
Error(15): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemValue" of tag "selectItem".
Error(16): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemLabel" of tag "selectItem".
Error(16): Unable to convert constant to type javax.el.ValueExpression for attribute "itemValue" of tag "selectItem".
Anyone has any ideas? Where could be problem?

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    ...then index 0 becomes index 1 and my program doesn't work properlyThe program works properly, just not as you expect it to.
    As you've noticed the table gives you the flexibility to move columns around. So if you move column 0 to column 1, why would you expect to still use 0 as the index? The table manages the reordering of columns for you to make sure the data being displayed in each table column comes from the correct column in the data model.
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    My target structure looks like below.
    EmployeeJobDetails                                        --> Message Type
       JobCode                                                      --> Node
            EmployeeNumber            xsd:string
            Domain                           xsd:string
       JobTrack                                                     --> Node
             Department                    xsd: string
             Position                         xsd: string
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    Recordset Structure:    JobCode,JobTrack
    JobCode.fieldSeparator = |
    JobCode.endSeparator = 'nl'
    JobTrack.fieldSeparator = |
    JobTrack.endSepartor = 'nl'.
    Because, we want the output like below
    like this.
    In this scenario Source is XML and target is txt file.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    <EmployeeJobDetails    namespace >
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    Message processing failed. Cause: Exception in XML Parser (format problem?):'java.lang.Exception: Message processing failed in XML parser: 'Conversion configuration error: Unknown structure '' found in document', probably configuration error in file adapter (XML parser error)': java.lang.Exception: Exception in XML Parser (format problem?):'java.lang.Exception: Message processing failed in XML parser: 'Conversion configuration error: Unknown structure '' found in document', probably configuration error in file adapter (XML parser error)'
    Friend, how to convert this when source XML is empty.
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    But, in the first case, how to solve the issue?
    Kind Regards,
    Jegathees P.

    Hi friends,
    If we remove JobTrack node in target strucutre and remove the JobTrack parameters in CC, then if we send the <b>same empty XML file</b> FCC is working fine and<b> we get the target text file 0 KB</b>. (Amazing !!)
    But, if we give parameters like JobCode,JobTrack then send pass the same empty file, we face the problem 'File Content Conversion' Error.
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    When running the Stored procedure from query analyser, this row with bad data is not selected based on #TblPermission and SP returns other rows without errors.
    The issue is when running the SP from the application, i am getting an arithmatic conversion error.
    It appears that the SELECT conversions are happening even before join on the temp table is satisfied.
    Shouldnt it filter data based on the join first and then do the conversions (like when run from query analyser) ?
    We will be fixing the conversion issue at a later point.
    But any ideas/suggestions on how to address this to stop it from erroring when called from the UI ?
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Test_Report]
    @_user varchar(10)
    SELECT PID INTO #TblPermission FROM dbo.tbl_permissions(nolock) WHERE userid= @_user
     CAST(A.ProjectAmount as decimal(12,2))  Amt -- giving an arithmatic conversion error
    FROM TableA A
    Join #TblPermission UP on UP.PID= A.PID
    WHERE A.ProjectType ='mapped'

    It appears that the SELECT conversions are happening even before join on the temp table is satisfied.
    Shouldnt it filter data based on the join first and then do the conversions (like when run from query analyser) ?
    The answer to that question is no.  SQL is allowed to process a query in whatever order it believes will be most efficient.  So it can do the conversion, and later do the WHERE clause.  So you have to write the code so that it is safe if SQL
    does that.  One way is to use a case statement to only do the conversion when the value will fit in decimal(12,2), so you could do
    Case When A.ProjectAmount Between -9999999999.99 And 9999999999.99 Then CAST(A.ProjectAmount as decimal(12,2)) End Amt
    FROM TableA A
    Join #TblPermission UP on UP.PID= A.PID
    WHERE A.ProjectType ='mapped'
    That will work on all releases of SQL.
    If you are on SQL 2012 or later, you can use the new TRY_CONVERT function which will do conversions without causing errors.  Instead of an error when the valued being converted is invalid, you get NULL.  So that would be
    TRY_CONVERT(decimal(12,2), A.ProjectAmount) Amt
    FROM TableA A
    Join #TblPermission UP on UP.PID= A.PID
    WHERE A.ProjectType ='mapped'

  • Conversion error in checkboxgroup component.....

    i have a checkboxgroup component. first time when i go this particular page no validation error occurs. but when i go to a different page and return back conversion error occurs in that component.
    getSubmittedValue() method for that component returns some value when error occurs.
    can anyone give some suggestions to resolve the error. or suggestions on the value to be converted for checkboxgroup

    the actual code is
    <cg:checkboxGroup binding="#{view$UsersSMSReport.action_chkbxgrp}" columns="1" id="action_chkbxgrp" style="width: 100%;"/>
    <cg:message binding="#{view$UsersSMSReport.action_msg}" for="action_chkbxgrp" id="action_msg"/>
    where cg is the our own tag discriptor file
    we use jsp-api.jar and jstl.jar for customization of components.
    the taglib file for this tag refers to class
    CGCheckboxGroupTag extends UIComponentTag
    the setProperties method in above class contains code for convertor
    if(converter != null)
    javax.faces.el.ValueBinding _vb = getFacesContext().getApplication().createValueBinding(converter);
    component.setValueBinding("converter", vb);
    } else
    javax.faces.convert.Converter _converter = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().createConverter(converter);
    component.getAttributes().put("converter", converter);
    the design time class for this component is
    CGCheckboxGroupBeanInfoBase extends SimpleBeanInfo
    they are compiled into a tld file and added as complib file in project
    the same component sometimes i get conversion error in validation phase and sometimes i get error in page displaying
    MethodName: convertValueToArray

  • A conversion error occurred while the program -- display data on the screen

    HI all,
    Iam getting a dump error described below:
    A conversion error occurred while the program was trying to
    display data on the screen.
    The ABAP output field and the screen field may not have the
    same format.
    Some field types require more characters on the screen than
    in the ABAP program. For example, a date field on a screen needs
    two characters more than it would in the program. When attempting to
    display the date on the screen, an error will occur that triggers the
    error message.
                  Screen name.............. " Ztable_MM_MRQ "
                  Screen number............ 0100
                  Screen field............. "WA_PO_ITEMS-MENGE"
                  Error text............... "FX015: Sign lost."
    Further data:
    Give us step by step procedure to rectify the same with

    please give details in se51 where i have to put a "V"  to allow negative amounts
    whether it is in Text or I/O templates
    name                                     type of screen element         Text or I/O field
    WA_PO_ITEMS-MENGE     Text                           PO_quantity__     

  • Error in BPEL11g :Parse struct conversion  error.

    Hi All,
    I am facing following error while invoking a procedure which is in apps schema from BPEL by giving it parameters.
    actually this procedure/function will accept the payloads as parameters and will give some output parameters, but while processing i am getting following error :
    Non Recoverable System Fault :
    Exception occurred when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'PreImportCleanup' failed due to: Parse struct conversion error. An error occurred while parsing XML representing a Java struct. Unable to convert the XSD element P_INVOICE_REC whose user defined
    type is AXF.AXF_PREIMPORT_CUSTOM_PKG_R_IN to a Java struct.
    Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-04044: procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here ".
    The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
    Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.
    Any suggestion to get over this issue will be so helpful !
    Thanks & Regards,

    when configuring DBAdapter , make sure you specify the procedure by prefixing the schema name like APPS. <procedureName>
    Also, make sure grants are there for all objects used by procedure to the user which is connected from BPEL.
    You can also edit the XSD generated after DBAdapter configuration by manually prefixing the schema name.

  • WebDynpro call Returns an exception: Type conversion error

    I'm trying to start some of the standard SAP web dynpro .
    most of then work fine.
    some don't and i get the following error message.
    Root Cause
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was: Type conversion error, field TAX_PER_DIEMTAX, complex type class
    +... 66 more+
    See full exception chain for details.
    could anyone give me an hint.
    jco connetion are made and testet for:
    analog the *_MetaData
    Thank in advance

    did you solve this problem? I have the same error

  • Conversion Error setting value ''{0}'' for ''{1}''

    I have to populate a drop-down list on my page with the values coming from the DB.
    JSF code:
    <td align="right"><div id="wait" style="visibility:hidden;">Select an existing Application</div></td>
    <td align="left"><div id="wait1" style="visibility:hidden;" >
    <h:selectOneMenu id="exist" value="#{processApplication.selectedOwner}" styleClass="selectOneMenu">
    <f:selectItems value="#{processApplication.existingOwners}"></f:selectItems>
    processApplication bean:
    public List<SelectItem> getExistingOwners() {                    
    //existingOwners = this.getOwners();
         List < SelectItem > existingOwners = new ArrayList < SelectItem > ( ) ;
         SelectItem si_0 = new SelectItem();
         SelectItem si_1 = new SelectItem();
    SelectItem si_2 = new SelectItem();
         existingOwners.add(si_1);"values in the list" +existingOwners.get(1).getValue());
              }catch(Exception e){
              return existingOwners;
         public void setExistingOwners(List<SelectItem> existingOwners) {
              this.existingOwners = existingOwners;
              }catch(Exception e){
    public String getSelectedOwner() {
         List<SelectItem> test = this.getExistingOwners();
         selectedOwner = (String)test.get(1).getValue();
         logger.debug("selected owner from the list" +selectedOwner);
         }catch(Exception e){
         return selectedOwner;
         public void setSelectedOwner(String selectedOwner) {
              this.selectedOwner = selectedOwner;
    public List<SelectItem> getExistingOwners() should actually be a call to the DB to get the list.
    But since i was getting exception I tried to hard code the list in the method itself.
    But , I get this exception: values in the list 21
    [6/15/09 12:49:45:687 EDT] 0000003d ServletWrappe E SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception thrown in one of the service methods of the servlet: /processApplication.jsp. Exception thrown : javax.servlet.ServletException: Conversion Error setting value ''{0}'' for ''{1}''.
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    Earlier, I had a drop down list that was working perfectly fine.
    But its values came from a Helper class and not the DB.
    What is it that Iam missing or doing wrong?
    Please help me.

    Based on your example on the link that you referred to I tried to do this
    as the initialization block (I read what it means)
    changed my getter method to
    public List<SelectItem> getExistingOwners() { return existingOwners; }
    private void fillSelectItems() {
    this.existingOwners = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
         List test = this.getOwners();
         SelectItem[] myitem = new SelectItem[test.size()];
         for(int i=0;i<test.size();i++) {
         Object[] arrayOne = (Object[])test.get(i);
         SelectItem tmp = new SelectItem();
         myitem[i] = tmp;
    }catch(Exception e){
         }catch(Exception e){
    Basically, I moved what I had earlier in getter method I have it now in the fillSelectItems()
    Butthen, I get a NullPointerException.

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