Sending very large email attachments (100MB+)

I want to send aome video attachments to a friend, the problem is that the largest of them is approx 120MB in size!!
I've tried to Zip them to make them smaller but it doesn't make a lot of difference
When i've tried to send them they get bouced back for being too large.
Any thoughts on how i can email them to my frend?

challenger wrote:
I want to send aome video attachments to a friend, the problem is that the largest of them is approx 120MB in size!!
I've tried to Zip them to make them smaller but it doesn't make a lot of difference
When i've tried to send them they get bouced back for being too large.
Any thoughts on how i can email them to my frend?
There are various ways to send large files - you can use file transfer in something like skype or a different messenger service (e.g. yahoo, msn etc) - this requires you both to be online at the same time.
There are a variety of other online services like - but read their T&Cs.
You can use your digital vault, which can be accessed via the portal at login. You can upload a file, and then email your contacts where to find the file to either download or view.
You can setup a youtube account (which is free) and send them up. You can make them private and only allow viewing by invite.

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    I have reset Firefox to default settings, as well as reinstalling.
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    Update Adobe® Acrobat® Plug-in for Web Browsers, Version 10.1.13 to version 11.
    Also please update all of your plugins and try again.
    Does this happen when you open the pdf in pdf.js, it is possible to change the default viewer by:
    * [[How to disable the built-in PDF viewer and use another viewer]]

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    It will not ALWAYS fix the problem that this topic is about; I had my Mail preferences set to send as Plain Text and it did not fix the problem. Additionally, since there is NOT an option in Iphoto as you previously noted, it might be confusing to some people.
    However, for those of you who have the same problem, there seems to be a solution that worked for me. I also had the problem that Mail was overriding my sizing preference when I selected them in Iphoto (share > email) and always sending them as small instead of medium as I preferred.
    Since it seems that sometimes Mail does not deploy the plain text default so you need to kick start it to remember. This is how I did it....
    - Select the photos you want and hit SHARE > EMAIL in Iphoto
    - Now, in Mail click on the photo browser button
    - Find another photo in Iphoto via the browser and drag and drop it into the email that you're composing
    - You'll see a size option appear in the bottom right hand corner
    - Playing around with the sizing option a few times kicked it into gear and it seems to be working better since then
    I hope that helps anyone who has had the same problem.

  • Sending photos as eMail attachments

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    No problem. Glad you asked. Gave me a chance to check up on what is going on with my Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 and its Elements Organizer 9.
    I was ready to call it a day when the email from Adobe with the verification code arrived in my regular gmail email INBOX. So a gmail address should work.
    Please go through the steps already mentioned in post 3 and wait for the email to arrived. It took about 1/2 hour in my case.
    When the email arrives copy the verification code in the email.
    Open the Elements Organizer and go to Share/E-Mail Attachment or Photo Mail. Go through the paces of setting up the email for sending in this area.
    Before you get to the end where there is the email with a Send button ready for you to hit, there will be a pop up asking for the verification code.
    Paste the verification code (from the email that you just received)  in the verification field of the pop up. Click OK, and move forward in sending
    the email by pressing the Send button in the completed email with attachments.
    Later you might also want to experiment with Elements Organizer 9 Share/Photo Mail.
    I had problems with my Contact Book for this task. But, if you have problems with the Contact Book, please let me know. If that happens,
    we can keep away from the Contact Book icon and type in the recipient email address immediately before hitting the Send button for the email.
    Looking forward to your results. Any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.

  • Unwanted resending large emails\attachments

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    ....i know the best setting would be stop people sending 170Mb attachments but until i get that changed is there anywhere this can be set ? i'm familiar with the retry setting on the gwia but don't know of any client\poa options for internal messages

    Thanks Massimo, basically thats what i thought but wasn't sure enough to say the user was lying.... (only been here 2 weeks and first gw job in a while !!!)
    btw, ran expire statistics for items over 170mb and got all the details in there (sender, recipient, time sent etc.)
    thanks for the help
    Originally Posted by mrosen
    On 21.01.2011 11:36, james smith99 wrote:
    > Hi, we had a user send a 170Mb email internally yesterday. After running
    > mailbox stats to find who it was you can see that the message was sent
    > 10 times.
    *Where* can you see that? Sender? Receipient? Both?
    > I spoke to the recipient (the senders not around) and he said
    > that the sender hadn't done it intentionally so it seems that because
    > the client didn't think the message was being delivered it just kept on
    > trying again. is there a setting anywhere to prevent this ??
    No, and your analysis is certainly wrong. The client never does anything
    like that, and even *if*, the message still would always be the one and
    the same one.
    > i'm familiar with the retry setting on the gwia but don't know of
    > any client\poa options for internal messages
    Seriously, there is no such thing as a retry in an online connection
    client/poa. *If* the client loses the connection to the server (which
    hardly ever happens), it presents an error and closes itself. The client
    also never transfers the same message to the PO multiple times. Think of
    it like Windows Explorer. When you copy a file to a server, and it fails
    underway, does it retry? Nope, it gives you an error, and disconnects
    the drive mapping. This is very close to how GW behaves.
    In addition, when you see the message 10 times in a gwchekc, it *was*
    sent 10 times, as it's 10 individual messages.
    In short: you really need to look at the senders outbox.
    Massimo Rosen
    Novell Product Support Forum Sysop
    No emails please!
    Untitled Document

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    ''HEUFTUSA [[#question-1043842|said]]''
    I am able to send and receive emails with UN-password protected documents, but ones that have are protected or have protected fields within the document I cannot send or receive. Additionally, I do not get any notification that the email was not accepted; BIG problem!
    Thank you for the speedy reply. I will pass this back to the Corporate office and see what they have to say.
    Thanks again,

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    I have now deleted the email and attachment off the server, so it's gone there. But the phone just refuses to give it up.
    Seems like the upgrade to 4.1 was a big mistake. This OS seems to have all sorts of problems with email choking it, if there's any attachment of any significant size. I don't recall 3.X OS having this problem.

    Apparently you feel I offended you in some way which upon reviewing my response to your post I am at a loss to pinpoint. So my apologies if your feelings were hurt because I didn't intend to do so. I also don't feel that deleting and recreating an email account on the iPhone is a legitimate solution. I get plenty of emails with large attachments (CAD files, renderings and the like). While it might be a work-around to overcome what is clearly a bug in the OS. Deleting and recreating email accounts on the iPhone is obviously therefore not a very convenient or useful solution to this.
    Earlier versions of the iPhone OS had similar issues with emails, even with much smaller file attachments. So somewhere along the release cycle, same or similar bug was introduced. Looking through the numerous posts on the discussion board I did not find a similar problem posted. Therefore felt it necessary to relegate this to something in search of a fix, temporary workaround notwithstanding.
    It is also clear that OS4.1 has introduced some problems in 3GS performance, as the phone just goes "stupid" from time to time doing the most mundane things.
    Take a deep breath and don't be so quick to criticize people, especially when there's plenty of legitimate reasons for getting your hackles up.

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    Some types of photos are already compressed and can't be further reduced without losing quality. Use a service such as YouSendIt instead.

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    Is this a known issue with BT broadband's email service?

    rhyds wrote:
    pottyperson wrote:
    It's Yahoo! alright, and this is not the most serious problem that has occurred. BT's success in getting resolution has been slow and limited. Heaven knows what the service level agreement (if they got one) says.
    I'd say not being able to recieve email is a pretty serious problem!
    Sorry, clumsy wording. I was referring to the even more serious problem of not being able to connect with BT Yahoo! at all, and didn't intend to belittle your situation. They've had more than enough time to resolve all  the issues.
    You can click the white star next to this message if you think it was helpful.

  • Sending Photos as email attachments, Elements 8, Mac version

    Re use of Elements 10, Mac Version.  I can't send photo attachments thru the "sharing" link in the Organizer, becasue I can't enter the contact.  When I click to edit contacts, it brings up a dialogue box, asking for my password. I enter the password and then another box comes up "signing in."  But it never opens anything.

    No problem. Glad you asked. Gave me a chance to check up on what is going on with my Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 and its Elements Organizer 9.
    I was ready to call it a day when the email from Adobe with the verification code arrived in my regular gmail email INBOX. So a gmail address should work.
    Please go through the steps already mentioned in post 3 and wait for the email to arrived. It took about 1/2 hour in my case.
    When the email arrives copy the verification code in the email.
    Open the Elements Organizer and go to Share/E-Mail Attachment or Photo Mail. Go through the paces of setting up the email for sending in this area.
    Before you get to the end where there is the email with a Send button ready for you to hit, there will be a pop up asking for the verification code.
    Paste the verification code (from the email that you just received)  in the verification field of the pop up. Click OK, and move forward in sending
    the email by pressing the Send button in the completed email with attachments.
    Later you might also want to experiment with Elements Organizer 9 Share/Photo Mail.
    I had problems with my Contact Book for this task. But, if you have problems with the Contact Book, please let me know. If that happens,
    we can keep away from the Contact Book icon and type in the recipient email address immediately before hitting the Send button for the email.
    Looking forward to your results. Any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.

  • Can't send large emails with dial-up

    I have a new iMac. The new ones do not have an internal modem so I am using a USB Apple modem to connect to my ISP. When trying to send a large email, either a lot of text or with an attachment, the send stalls and will not complete. I can not send a 500KB file as I could on my Windows machine. If I zip the 500KB down to 30KB it works just fine. The sending blue progress bar extends about 3/8inch and just stalls there. Finally times out and I get an error.
    Any help is appreciated.

    It's probably an issue with your ISP--you should contact them first. Also, it could be an issue with your email provider--maybe they have size limits on emails. But if you are connected to the internet, and everything else is working as it should, it's probably not the iMac.

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    I have also been trying to send very large PDF files today for artwork to be printed.Do you think this might be the problem ?

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    letters are very large. I have tried changing the font but it doesn't help. This is very annoying. How can I remedy this?

    I use these settings, so try them:
    Tools > Options > Display > Formatting tab
    Menu icon > Options > Options > Display > Formatting tab
    * eg: Default font: Arial
    * size 14
    Note: this sets the default font to be used in both display of messages and the font to use as default in composing messages.
    Under Plain text Messages
    * select: Style : Regular Size: Regular and colour Black
    * Click on 'Advanced' button
    * make sure all sizes - 14
    * select; 'allow messages to use other fonts'
    * Select; 'Use fixed width fonts for plain text messages'
    * click on OK
    Note: This will use the default eg: Arial to be used, but allows the display of messages to use other fonts if the sender specified them.
    then at top click on 'Composition' > General tab
    note: This sets the default composing text colour and background colour.
    under HTML
    * Font: Variable width
    * Size : Medium
    * Select a text colour for writing emails eg: Blue
    * Select background colur eg: white
    click on OK to save and close Options.

  • Sending existing BDS documents as email attachments

    I have documents stored in BDS which I wish to send as email attachments. There is a lot of very helpful material around sending emails but it all seems to relate to sending the contents of an internal table as an excel attachment, for example. There is much detail on the methods to be called to convert the data from one format to another and then add it as an attachment.
    I want to be able to attach an existing document(it could be any type of document but in my case it is a word document) to an email and send it to an email address. This seems a very basic requirement and I'm a bit puzzled that my sdn searches have not come up with the goods.
    I was expecting there to be a CL_BDS(or CL_BDS_DOCUMENT_SET) method to do this but I can't find one. I have ended up using an Outlook OLE2 approach and have got it working, see Max Bianchi's contribution within the following thread for a model(thank's Max):
    How to send e-mail from Report to MS-outlook
    This is good but restricts me to Outlook and  would prefer to have everything within SAP with no outside dependencies. i.e. if this site changes from using Outlook to another mail application the program will stop working.
    Is there another way I can construct emails and attach existing files to them without reading the documents in, reformatting them etc??
    I am closing this thread as there have been no responses. It does not seem that there is a way to attach existing documents within SAP. The options are to use an OLE2 approach which has the advantage of dealing with the original document  but restricts the solution to the OLE2 object (in this case Outlook) or to read the document to be attached into an internal table via CL_BDS methods, reformat it suitably and send an email via CL_DOCUMENT_BCS methods.

    I have documents stored in BDS which I wish to send as email attachments. There is a lot of very helpful material around sending emails but it all seems to relate to sending the contents of an internal table as an excel attachment, for example. There is much detail on the methods to be called to convert the data from one format to another and then add it as an attachment.
    I want to be able to attach an existing document(it could be any type of document but in my case it is a word document) to an email and send it to an email address. This seems a very basic requirement and I'm a bit puzzled that my sdn searches have not come up with the goods.
    I was expecting there to be a CL_BDS(or CL_BDS_DOCUMENT_SET) method to do this but I can't find one. I have ended up using an Outlook OLE2 approach and have got it working, see Max Bianchi's contribution within the following thread for a model(thank's Max):
    How to send e-mail from Report to MS-outlook
    This is good but restricts me to Outlook and  would prefer to have everything within SAP with no outside dependencies. i.e. if this site changes from using Outlook to another mail application the program will stop working.
    Is there another way I can construct emails and attach existing files to them without reading the documents in, reformatting them etc??
    I am closing this thread as there have been no responses. It does not seem that there is a way to attach existing documents within SAP. The options are to use an OLE2 approach which has the advantage of dealing with the original document  but restricts the solution to the OLE2 object (in this case Outlook) or to read the document to be attached into an internal table via CL_BDS methods, reformat it suitably and send an email via CL_DOCUMENT_BCS methods.

  • How to send Zip files as attachments !! Very urgent, Please help!

    I am sending PDF files as attachments using java mail (it works fine). But now my requirement is to zip the PDFs and send them as attachments instead of actual PDF's. But i don't know how to achieve that. does java mail API support zip attachment facilities? I have looked in activation API also, but i couldn't find anything helpful. even i searched the forums, but no clue. Please, anybody help me about this, it's very urgent.

    Check the first "if". If I specify an attachment, then a myme multipart doby is created: one for text and the other for the attachemnt I use this myme ovbject only for attachemnts, because some ISPs have problems and report error in email format if the attachemnet is missing and it contains only text and no attachment.
    static public void send(String to,
         String from,
         String host,
         String smtpPort,
         String subject,
         String body,
         String fileAttachment,
         String attachmentMimeType,
         String username,
         String password,
         String debug)
    throws Exception
         // create some properties and get the default Session
         Properties props = new Properties();
         props.put("", host);
         props.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort);
         props.put("mail.debug", debug);
         Session session = null;
         if (username != null && password != null)
              props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
              MyPasswordAuthenticator auth = new MyPasswordAuthenticator(username, password);
              session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props,auth);
              session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
         // create a message
         MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
         message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
         InternetAddress[] address = InternetAddress.parse(to, false);
         message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
         message.setSentDate(new Date());
         // create the message part
         if ( fileAttachment != null && fileAttachment != "NO" )
              MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
              //fill message
              //Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
              Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("alternative");
              // Part two is attachment
              System.out.println("----->fileAttachment DISTINTO de NULL");
              messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
              FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(fileAttachment);
              messageBodyPart.setDataHandler( new DataHandler(fds));
              messageBodyPart.setFileName(fileAttachment); //<-- El archivo atachado.
              //EN DESARROLLO el envio de attachment!!          
              // Put parts in message
         } else { //Envio es solamente TEXTO
         // send the message

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