Serious problems with variance

Consider the following program:
import java.util.*;
class Test<T> {
     Comparable<-T> c;
     T t;
     Test(T t, Comparable<-T> c) {
          this.c = c;
          this.t = t;
     void compwith(Comparable<-T> c) {
     Comparable<-T> getcomp() {
          return c;
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          Test<+Number> t = new Test<Integer>(new Integer(0), new Integer(0));
          // Should be a compiler error: t.getcomp() of type Comparable<*>?
          t.getcomp().compareTo(new Float(0));
          // Should be a compiler error: parameter type is Comparable<-Number>?
          t.compwith(new Float(0));
The compiler should reject the last two lines, otherwise the program would fail with a ClassCastException at runtime, i.e. the typesystem would be unsound. The compiler reports the following errors:
C:\java\TestApp\ compareTo(=-java.lang.Number) in java.lang.Comparable<-java.lang.Number> cannot be applied to (java.lang.Float)
          t.getcomp().compareTo(new Float(0));
C:\java\TestApp\ compwith(java.lang.Comparable<-java.lang.Number>) in Test<java.lang.Number> cannot be applied to (java.lang.Float)
          t.compwith(new Float(0));
Unfortunately these messages are rather weird. The spec says nothing about the existance of types like "Comparable<-+Number>". Furthermore the spec says nothing about how to handle the above situation correctly. Especially what's the type of Comparable<-T> if T is +Number?
-- Dennis
Dennis Strein

The compiler reports the following errors:
compareTo(=-+java.lang.Number) in
java.lang.Comparable<-+java.lang.Number> cannot be
applied to (java.lang.Float)
          t.getcomp().compareTo(new Float(0));
compwith(java.lang.Comparable<-+java.lang.Number>) in
Test<+java.lang.Number> cannot be applied to
          t.compwith(new Float(0));
Unfortunately these messages are rather weird. The
spec says nothing about the existance of types like
"Comparable<-+Number>". Furthermore the spec says
nothing about how to handle the above situation
correctly. Especially what's the type of
Comparable<-T> if T is +Number?This issue is not a problem with variance as such. The problem is that only some areas of variance have been formally documented, and this is not one of them. The case of Comparable<-T> where T is Number is actually well understood and is handled correctly by the compiler: the lines with problems are rejected. The error message looks wierd, and that's because the diagnostics part of the compiler still needs a little bit of work before you get Comparable<*> rather than Comparable<-Number>. Diagnostics have (unfortunately, maybe) been given a low priority compared with getting the semantics right.
-- Christian

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    Unfortunately, when a hard drive starts clicking that means it's going bad. The mechanism is having trouble reading the drive. Since the iPod is mostly just a harddrive and a battery I have a feeling that this is your problem.
    watch this video.
    about 25ss in is where the clicking starts. If it sounds like that, but softer and more muffled since it is a smaller drive that is being enclosed then I think you might be SOL. Maybe if you're iPod is still under warranty you can get a credit and go for a touch and avoid moving parts all together?

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    Are you on a plan that has the CRM feature that stores your customers' data? If so, the idea of the contact form is that you'll receive a notification that there's been an inquiry filled out on your contact form and there should be a link in that email notification that leads to the "Case" that was created when that customer filled out a contact form.  You can click that link and visit the case for that customer in your BC site and reply to them from there so that all of the correspondence is logged in the CRM for safe-keeping and for your records.
    If your client finds this is too much work to login to BC to reply every time, then you should check to see if you have the "Customer Service Ticketing" feature on your hosting plan.  This is a feature where you create a dedicated email account (like [email protected]) and the BC system will automatically login to that email account and pull any emails in that inbox and convert them to a customer case for the sender of the email and then it will send out a notification via email to any of the BC Admin users you delegate as "Customer Service Agents".  Since the CST integrates with the BC CRM it lets you reply directly within the email-- but when you reply it will be going to that same email address dedicated to the CST but once the CST service checks your email again and sees that you replied to this inquiry it will log your reply against the customer's case and sends your reply via email back to them so that all the correspondance gets logged on BC's CRM but you can still reply via email.
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    Here's some more information about CST:
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    Here is a quick note from the event viewer:
    The program WINWORD.EXE version 14.0.7134.5000 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel. 
     Process ID: 1138 
     Start Time: 01d07dcede19c458 
     Termination Time: 15 
     Application Path: C:\Program (file:///C:/Program) Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE 
     Report Id: 
    Microsoft Word: Accepted Safe Mode action : Word experienced a serious problem with the 'acrobat pdfmaker office com addin' add-in. If you have seen this message multiple times, you should disable
    this add-in and check to see if an update is available. Do you want to disable this add-in?.
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    Windows 7 x64 SP1
    Office 2010 v 14.0.7128.5000
    Adobe Reader MUI X and Adobe Acrobat X

    As the event log indicated, this is due to acrobat pdfmaker office com addin doesn't work well with Microsoft Word.
    I would suggest you go ahead and try to upgrade your Adobe product to the latest version and see if issue persists.
    Or contact the support of Adobe and see if there is a known compatibility issue or not.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Thank you!

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    2. The file is a PPT not PPTX.
    3. I am running Windows7 and Office 2010.
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    This seems to work. So, it appears that any PPT file needs to be saved as a PPTX file before using Presenter. If you have another solution that I might be able to keep in my back pocket (in case this happens again and what I did does not work), then please answer. Otherwise, I'm good now.

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    I decided to change it to map-mapping and the problem related with a single detail
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    May anyone of you help me with that?
    I am very confused I do not know what to do.
    Have any of you a solution for that problem?
    Thank you very much.

    Have you tried a restore in iTunes?

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    Hi people,
    i have a serious problem with my vga (gtx86m)
    when i wanna play with gtav,fifa 15 or mgs ground zero and i start msi after burner i notice that my vga usage is 0%.why?
    i have the last nvidia drivers installed on my notebook(350.12)
    anyone have the same problem?
    do u have some solution?
    i have a msi ge60 apache pro
    gtx860m 2GB
    8gb ram
    ssd samsung 120GB
    thanks anyway

    Forum Rules: Don’t… - Bump posts. (Bumps will be deleted without further notice)
    There are many people having the same problem (according to the ROCKSTAR forum), so I think the problem is from the GTA V and the NV Graphics Driver.
    There are users sharing the temporary fix:
    Quote:"There is a temporary fix for the Nvidia cards where you disable the Nvidia cards in the device manager and reenable after launching game."
    Give it a try.
    I'm sure that the long term solution should be a game patch or the new NV driver. It's better that you report the issue to the ROCKSTAR GAMES.

  • Urgent! Serious problem with J2EE Classloader!

    Hi all,
    I'm having a serious problem with j2ee Classloading.
    I have "inherited" a J2EE application where all business classes (invoked by the EJB) are placed in the Application's Server classpath (Weblogic 8.1.4).
    Very bad because every time a class is changed the a.s. must be restarted.
    So I re-enginereed the package putting the business classes in a jar that is referenced by the EJB's MANIFEST file.
    This way all the classes would be loaded by the EJB classloader and no need to start/stop weblogic.
    Unfortunately it's not such !! I discovered that all business classes are loaded via REFLECTION
    Object objCommand = objClass.newInstance();
    Object[] param = new Object[1];
    param[0] = aDataContainer;
    objDataContainerReturn = (DataContainer) objMethod.invoke(objCommand,param);
    and the application server cannot find them using the standard J2EE Classloader mechanism.
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: irma/utility/log/LogPrintStream
    On the other hand they're found if I put the classes on the application server classpath.
    Has anybody got advice for this ? Should I refactor the application giving up reflection ?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Reflection uses the classloader as well so it should work fine.
    A common cause of a NoClassDefFoundError is something in a parent classloader that refers to something only available in a child loader.
    For instance, do you have any of your application classes which are in the $CLASSPATH but reference something that is only (now) in the business.jar in your ear?
    -- Rob
    -- Rob
    WLS Blog

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    I have Mac mini and Macbook Pro 13". Bouth with HD3000. And I can't work at all. With Snow Lepard I had no problems. It's tiny problem in code. And such pain for lots of users!

    If you have a problem with Adobe products, voice your issues with them.
    It is the software developers responsibility to maintain compatability
    with any operating system, beit OSX or Windows.

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    - Keyboard problem with Pages: I was very happy with the new iCloud syncing for Pages documents but after 5 minutes, I met a big problem with Mountain Lion. Whenever I type in Pages with Vietnames Keyboard( Mac OS X built in or from another developer: ), Pages stops working immediately. I can still drag the Pages's window around but can't type or do any editing. After that I have to force quit pages. It is really stupid that I'm writing a book in Pages and now I have to stop my working till apple fixes this ridiculous bug. I tried German Keyboard as well and Pages worked flawlessly. Do you hate Vietnamese, Apple?
    - Messages problem: Since upgrading to Mountain Lion I couln't send or receive any messages. It worked perfectly in Messages beta.
    Does anyone have the same problems like me? Any solution such as how to reinstall Messages(I googled but found nothing)
    Apple, please test your software more before release it. I feel like I have no computer at the moment because I can't work, can't surfing the web wirelessly and can't communicate with my friends.

    - Messages problem: Since upgrading to Mountain Lion I couldn't send or receive any messages. It worked perfectly in Messages beta.
    Does anyone have the same problems like me? Any solution such as how to reinstall Messages(I googled but found nothing)
    What Messages to what type of Buddies or Contacts ?
    I found out that the problem with my wifi was my MBP received automatically a ridiculous IP such as instead of as it should be.
    WIll be part of the Issue as will be DNS issues.
    mDNSresponder crashed with Handsoff! v1.5.3. After upgrading Handsoff! to v2.0.2, it works again.
    In this case mDNSresponder also being stopped will stop DNS working.
    I would guess if you have resolved these that you can Chat to people again.
    4:33 PM      Friday; July 27, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Update your graphics driver or turn off OpenGL in the prefs.

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    Mouse cursor works, but I can't click on anything.
    I can't switch to text console.
    But I can kill xorg with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE.
    Have you noticed something similiar?
    I use xfce4, [testing] repository.

    Jacek Poplawski wrote:
    In the last week I've notices serious problems with xorg.
    After some event, I am not sure which one, keyboard stops responding.
    Mouse cursor works, but I can't click on anything.
    I can't switch to text console.
    But I can kill xorg with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE.
    Have you noticed something similiar?
    I use xfce4, [testing] repository.
    I had that a few days ago, couldn't reproduce it. I was also running xfce4. I havn't had it today and im running xfdesktop+xfce-mcs-manager+pekwm+xfce4-panel... so it may have been xfwm4.

Maybe you are looking for

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