(Server)Object types in Forms 5.5

I know it's old
but I don't remember well (it seams to me that it isn't possible)
  tree tvthemes; 
  treeObj SOTVProductTree; 
  treeObj := new SOTVProductTree(9987451);
  tree :=  treeObj.tree;
end;So ... can i do this in forms?
Strangely is that the declaration part works
Florin POP

I havenţt managed to this with objects but with plain types works... :)
this is my package:
create or replace package n is
  -- Author  : FLORINP
  -- Created : 11/5/2009 3:16:53 PM
  -- Purpose :
  -- Public type declarations
  type s is record(
    n number
  type x is record(
    y varchar2(100),
    z s
  ready boolean := false;
  function getX return x;
  function getReady return boolean;
  procedure setReady(b boolean);
end n;
create or replace package body n is
  function getX return x is
    vx x;
    vs s;
    for i in 1..1000 loop
    end loop;
    ready := true;
    vx.y := 'gata '||to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi');
    vs.n := 1000;
    vx.z := vs;
    return vx;
  function getReady return boolean is
    return ready;
  procedure setReady(b boolean) is
    ready := b;
end n;and this is how i use it:
  x n.x;
  x := n.getX;
END;...and it realy works... but unfortunately i haven't managed to use with an object
So why 'type is record' is serializeble but 'type is object' no?
And as far as I figure forms complains about the 'new' keyword (call the constructor)... I wonder if I get just the object allready constructed on the server....

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    With one object type A everything works fine in form. But with the other object type B it doesn't.
    I am calling the constructor of object B and after the constructor finshed, forms says that there is a numeric or value error.
    Well, by nbow I have reduced attributes from object B so that they are identical to object A (which works). But still get the same error or if I use a different constructor I get NULL as a return value. I tested the constructors with test script in the database directly and viola - the constructor are working fine.
    Only if I use the constructors in forms environment they fail.
    Any ideas why this might happen?
    Thank you
    Well, I fear to use the object types in my next project cause if I run into trouble if the object types are so easy with less code, what else might happen if they are filled up with much more code?

    Hello again,
    I have tried again and still get the exception.
    Now I provide the code. Perhaps someone can see, why this exceptioon occurs.
    In the database I coded the following:
    create or replace type GenericObject as object
    -- Attributes
    iVersion VARCHAR2(8),
    -- Member functions and procedures
    create or replace type body GenericObject is
    -- Member procedures and functions
    RETURN SELF.toString001();
    RETURN 'GenericObject(' || SELF.iVersion || ')';
    create or replace type MyTestA UNDER GenericObject
    -- Attributes
    iPk VARCHAR2(16),
    iName VARCHAR2(100),
    -- constructor
    -- Member functions and procedures
    create or replace type body MyTestA is
    -- constructors
    SELF.iVersion := '1.1';
    SELF.iPk := 1;
    SELF.iName := pName;
    SELF.iDCN := 1;
    SELECT VALUE(o) INTO SELF FROM v_testa o WHERE o.ipk = pPk;
    RETURN MyTestA(pName, 1);
    -- Member procedures and functions
    RETURN toString002();
    lvText VARCHAR2(1000);
    lvText := SELF.toString001();
    RETURN 'MyTestA(' || iPk || ', ' || iName || ', ' || 'lvHersteller.toString()' || ', ' || lvText || ')';
    '1.0' iVersion
    ,g.pk iPk, g.NAME iName, g.ora_rowscn iDCN FROM o_geraete g
    DROP TABLE o_geraete;
    pk VARCHAR2(16)
    , name VARCHAR2(100)
    , hersteller_FK VARCHAR2(16)
    , zaehlernummer VARCHAR2(20)
    , dummy VARCHAR2(10)
    INSERT INTO o_geraete
    '100', 'Stromzähler', '1', 'AB-56', 'dumb'
    INSERT INTO o_geraete
    '200', 'Wasserzähler', '2', 'WS-09', 'dumb'
    In forms I created a form from the view and coded into the on-insert-trigger:
         lvtest mytesta;
         lvtest := new mytesta(:blk_testa.iname, 1);
         message('3' || lvtest.tostring());
         when others then
              message('Exception: ' || sqlerrm);
    And in that forms block I got the exception.
    Perhaps someone has ANY idea...
    Thanx a lot
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  • Forms & Object Types

    Its Urgent !
    I tried to create types in Personal Oracle 8.0. but it gives an error message 'Object Types not enabled'. Is there any way to enable these objects and types ? Another query is on Oracle 8i on NT, objects acn be created. But while connecting through forms 5.0, it does not allow to make data blocks with tables which have user-defined types as their datatype. What I believe is that it might be because forms 5.0 uses SQL 3.3 to connect to database and SQL 3.3 does not support objects. What is the solution for this ? Is there any patch of Oracle which enables such features ? Its very Urgent.

    I havenţt managed to this with objects but with plain types works... :)
    this is my package:
    create or replace package n is
      -- Author  : FLORINP
      -- Created : 11/5/2009 3:16:53 PM
      -- Purpose :
      -- Public type declarations
      type s is record(
        n number
      type x is record(
        y varchar2(100),
        z s
      ready boolean := false;
      function getX return x;
      function getReady return boolean;
      procedure setReady(b boolean);
    end n;
    create or replace package body n is
      function getX return x is
        vx x;
        vs s;
        for i in 1..1000 loop
        end loop;
        ready := true;
        vx.y := 'gata '||to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi');
        vs.n := 1000;
        vx.z := vs;
        return vx;
      function getReady return boolean is
        return ready;
      procedure setReady(b boolean) is
        ready := b;
    end n;and this is how i use it:
      x n.x;
      x := n.getX;
    END;...and it realy works... but unfortunately i haven't managed to use with an object
    So why 'type is record' is serializeble but 'type is object' no?
    And as far as I figure forms complains about the 'new' keyword (call the constructor)... I wonder if I get just the object allready constructed on the server....

  • How to trigger a form based on object type and process type

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    I am new into SRM.. I have been asked to develop a form by cloning an existing standard form..
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    Please help as to how i can trigger the form based on the object_type and the process_type.
    Thanx in advance.

    Thanx again Jay Yang.. Well is there any possibility that you could get the items that were confirmed..
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    v_Number OBJ_TYPE_NUMBER(10);
    and then call it's method:
    it work's!
    But when I try to compile a previous variable declaration
    (v_Number OBJ_TYPE_NUMBER;) in Oracle Forms 6i I see only an error message.
    So my question is How can I declare and use an object-type variable in Forms 6i?

    the release after Forms 6i is Forms9i. Forms9i does have the PLSQL engine of Oracle database which means that it should knwo how to handle object types in PLSQL.

  • Increased Object Type support within Data Modeler

    This is a question mainly for the Data Modeler Development Team as well as the Tools group. First of all, the production version of Data Modeler 3.0 is very nice and the improvements in the DataTypes area over what was in EA1 are great. Thanks for adding the Domain support to the definition of Attributes and Parameters for Methods, that makes life much simpler and opens the door for a much wider range of object type modeling and ease of implementations since consistency can now be maintained much easier via Domains. Also the support for straightening of lines is awesome. This is the best implementation I have seen, even better that what we had in the Design Editor in Oracle Designer, kudos again to the team that built the diagrammer interfaces.
    My question is, Going forward will Data Modeler continued to be enhanced to finally fully support Oracle Objects and the object relational (OR) model? I ask this because as users of Oracle's RDBMS, we do not have a tool that allows us to fully model and implement the features provided by the Server Group in the area of Object-Relational features and functionality. Oracle Designer had some OR modeling capability, but the end of life on product stopped all further development. One of the common excuses is there is no market demand for object - relational modeling. I would argue, that the lack of market demand for object - relational applications is because we have never have had a tool that fully supports Oracle's object - relational model. Nor do have we had a development tool that allows us to implement a fully developed Oracle Object - Relational model. The tools group stopped the development of Oracle Forms support for nested objects and collections. The LOV functionality for REF columns is pretty awesome, but we can't get to nested collections much less a nested collection of REFs.
    So as a member of the end user community, we are stuck in this Catch 22. The Server Group continues to support and enhance the Object - Relational model, but the Tools and Modeling Groups haven't kept up with the tools to model or implement the functionality and features supported by the database. As a result we have a partially built set of tools that allows us to scratch the surface of the Object - Relational model but are not able to take full advantage of the powerful features of inheritance, inherited and extended collections, the ability to inherit and then extend methods, etc...
    The Object - Relational model was introduced with Oracle8, 10g solved the type evolution problem which made production implementation of object types realistic. My question is; Is Data Modeler finally going to fully support Oracle's object - relational model? If we as the end user community finally get a tool that does fully support the OR model, we'll finally be able to model, build and deploy applications that will in turn create that market demand which is lacking for the object relational model.
    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, having the ability to include an attribute from an data type as part of the PK, UK and or index will be very, very nice. Doing that opens a number of doors on the design, modeling and implementation sides. It would allow us to model and then create a data type which has all the common attributes for housekeeping information within each entity -> table. This is something we tried to do with Designer but was pretty involved script wise. By being able to create specialized housekeeping datatypes and then using the 'add attribute' with the scripts provided with DM 3.0, it simplifies the model after the fact. Think about it, we'll be able to have a datatype with all the attributes for created on/by and modified on/by along will all the methods to populate those attributes (formerly columns), then we can include that datatype into the entity as an attribute called say, 'row_audit' with the datatype of 'common_'. Now in one pass we have the place to hold the information of who created and modified the row as well as the date and time along with all the code required to populate and maintain that information. Everything modeled, defined and written in one place. No more have to include or write the pl/sql across several different modules, rather the calls to the method, a constructor, are within the insert or update statements for that table. If we take that train of thought and extend it to include the housekeeping functions for relational primary keys, then we can create one datatype with the attribute and methods to create a single column primary key. Once that is pulled into an entity, defined as the part of the unique identifier and then pushed down as a primary key and resulting foreign keys. We have all the code to enforce and populate primary and foreign keys wrapped up in one datatype with its supporting method as a constructor. Think of the other possibilities that would be available once we can include nested attributes w/i keys and indexes. It makes some models and designs much simpler, more maintainable, more scalable (less code to execute), etc...
    I have been thinking about this. I see ya'll have provided the options for IN, OUT, IN/OUT, COPY and NOCOPY as modifiers for the parameters on methods. We also have the option for COPY / NOCOPY in the constructor method for type. Will that be included?
    Lastly, since the Server Group solved the type evolution problem, that coupled with the ability to include a datatype as a definition for column really opens the design doors. For example, by using a datatype of 'common_', as mentioned above, if the system requirement appears after the system is built for a the name of the source system to be included with the 'row_audit' information, we can modify the datatype 'common_' to include these new attributes and methods and then the ALTER TYPE syntax provided by the Server and Language groups to effectively extend all the tables to include this new system requirement. Till the Server group solved the type evolution problem, this wasn't possible and we had to write several 'alter table add column' scripts. This is all replaced with the ALTER TYPE... cascade data command now. Once DM 3.0 includes the ability to reference embedded attributes, design and modeling life will be great.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Problems on Object types

    I faced some problems with O8(Release object types.
    Look at the following definition:
    (JMJX LIST_JMJX,...)
    One day when I opened Schema Manager,I got a shock: TABLE JXGC.JMJXJL has four colunms with the same name !!
    name schema datatype
    But in SQL*Plus I type 'decs JMJXJL',the column JMJX appears only once.
    Other tables that has object type columns has the same problem.
    This doesn't has any infection on my applications.
    The real problem comes when one day I want to move the user JXGC to an other server.
    Export was done successfully but has curious phenomenon:
    Exporting NJMJXJL(the Nested Table)......19678 Exported
    The number of rows Exported is about four times than the rows it should has.
    When Imp80 goes to the tables that have object type columns ,I got the following errors:
    Importing Table JMJXJL ........
    IMP-00009: abnormal end of export file
    Import terminated successfully with warnings.
    Please help me to solve this problem.Thanks a lot!

    Hi Alberto/Herald,
    Thanks for your response.
    p_serial_prod_in is a variable of table type srl_prd_type, and there are two elements in the table, serial number and product number.
    My procedure has to handle all the serials and the products that it will receive as an input, (Both Forms and Java application will use this procedure)
    I have used l_serial_num because after all the special characters are filtered i will use the value that i have captured in the l_serial_num.
    I wish to put the validation in a loop for all the serials and products that i receive as an input. Please advise.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Oracle JDBC driver and the object types cache

    Hi there,
    Oracle JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference says (version 11gR1):
    Oracle JDBC drivers cache array and structure descriptors. This provides enormous performance benefits. However, it means that if you change the underlying type definition of a structure type in the database, the cached descriptor for that structure type will become stale and your application will receive a SQLException exception.http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/java.111/b31224/oraoot.htm#g1104293
    That is the problem we are having here... We have web services deployed to WebLogic server that use custom object types. Every time we have to change an object type definition the web services stop working (the error ORA-00902: invalid datatype is raised) and the only solution is to restart the JDBC data source which is quite disruptive to the development process.
    Is there a workaround to disable that "feature"?

    Luis Cabral wrote:
    jschell wrote:
    Although if you are changing the object structure then the code to deal with it must change as well. So, especially in developement, why is restarting a problem?It is not that restarting per se is a problem. Here us developers do not have the required privileges to restart the JDBC pool and we have to ask the DBA to do it, and sometimes he is not immediately available. It is not a big thing but this can impact the development process.Your development process is hideously flawed then.
    The pool exists in the JEE server. And from your first post it seems that you have permission to restart that but not to access the management console. It is ridiculous to have access the the former and not the later.
    Not to mention that you should have your own JEE instance to develop on. Actually it is weird to me that a DBA would even be touching a JEE server. The competent ones I know don't even know how to do that. They know the database not the application servers.
    In addition, having to restart a whole JDBC pool just because you changed a database object definition does not seem very flexible to me. Such issue does not exist in other connection types, for instance in OCI connections, that is why I thought there should be an option to turn it off if required.
    Well specifically you have to restart the pool because you were USING the object that changed.
    And I am rather certain that you can turn off the pool entirely.
    Even in production, I reckon that this may have a negative impact. For instance, say that you need to deploy a hot fix for a bug in one application that involves the re-creation of one single object type. This means that the whole JDBC pool, which may be used by other applications, may have to be shut down just because of that single object.Good point.
    I suggest you stop using complex objects in Oracle. I suspect that would eliminate the problem completely.

  • Need Objective Type Qns

    Hi all,
    Kindly send me ABAP-Objective type qns.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ravi,
    Refer the following and reward points if it helps.
    <b>Also, refer the following questions on ABAP :</b>
    ABAP Interview Questions
    1. How data is stored in cluster table?
    Each field of cluster table behaves as tables which contains the no. of entries.
    2. What are client dependant objects in abap/sap?
    SAP Script layout, text element, and some DDIC objects.
    3. On which even we can validate the input fields in module progams?
    In PAI (Write field statement on field you want to validate, if you want to validate group of fields put in chain and End chain statement.)
    4. In selection screen I have three fields, plant mat no and material group. If I input plant how do I get the mat no and material group based on plant dynamically?
    CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' to get material and material group for the plant.
    5. How do you get output from IDOC?
    Data in IDOc is stored in segments, the output from Idoc is obtained by reading the data stored in its respective segments.
    6. When top of the page event is triggered?
    After excuteing first write statement in start-of-selection event.
    7. Can we create field without data element and how?
    In SE11 one option is available above the fields strip. Data element/ direct type.
    8. How do we debug sapscript?
    Go to SE71 give lay set name , go to utilities select debugger mode on.
    9. Which transaction code can I used to analyze the performance of ABAP program.
    TCode AL21.
    10. How can I copy a standard table to make my own z_table.
    Go to transaction SE11. Then there is one option to copy table. Press that button. Enter the name of the standard table and in the Target table enter Z table name and press enter.
    1. What is the use of 'outerjoin'
    Ans. With the use of outer join you can join the tables even there is no entry in all the tables used in the view.
    In case of inner join there should be an entry in al the tables use in the view.
    2. When to use logical database?
    Ans. Advantage of Logical databases:
    less coding s required to retrieve data compared to normal internel tables.
    Tables used LDB are in hierarchial structure.
    3. What is the use of 'table index'?
    Ans .Index is used for faster access of data base tables.
    4. What is the use of 'FOR ALL ENTRIES'?
    Ans. To avoid nested select statements we use SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES statement.
    If there r more than 10000 records SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is used.
    Performance wise SELECT FOR ALL ENTRIES is better to use.
    5. Can you set up background processing using CALL TRANSACTION?
    Yes,Using No Screen Mode.
    6. What are table buffers?
    Table buffers reside locally on each application server in the system. The data of buffered tables can thus be accessed
    directly from the buffer of the application server. This avoids the time-consuming process of accessing the database.
    Buffering is useful if table needs to be accessed more no. of times in a program.
    ABAP Technical Interview Questions:
    1. What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?
    2. What are field symbols and field groups.? Have you used "component idx of structure" clause with field groups?
    3. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program?
    4. What is a batch input session?
    5. What is the alternative to batch input session?
    6. A situation: An ABAP program creates a batch input session. We need to submit the program and the batch session in background. How to do it?
    7. What is the difference between a pool table and a transparent table and how they are stored at the database level?
    8. What are the problems in processing batch input sessions? How is batch input process different from processing on line?
    9. What do you define in the domain and data element?
    10. What are the different types of data dictionary objects?
    11. How many types of tables exist and what are they in data dictionary?
    12. What is the step-by-step process to create a table in data dictionary?
    13. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the database physically?
    14. What are the domains and data elements?
    15. Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements?
    16. What is the advantage of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP programs?
    17. What does an extract statement do in the ABAP program?
    18. What is a collect statement? How is it different from append?
    19. What is open sql vs native sql?
    20. What does an EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP? What is the disadvantage of using it?
    21. What is the meaning of ABAP editor integrated with ABAP data dictionary?
    22. What are the events in ABAP language?
    23. What is an interactive report? What is the obvious diff of such report compared with classical type reports?
    24. What is a drill down report?
    25. How do you write a function module in SAP? Describe.
    26. What are the exceptions in function module?
    27. What is a function group?
    28. How are the date abd time field values stored in SAP?
    29. What are the fields in a BDC_Tab Table?
    30. Name a few data dictionary objects?
    31. What happens when a table is activated in DD?
    32. What is a check table and what is a value table?
    33. What are match codes? Describe?
    34. What transactions do you use for data analysis?
    35. What is table maintenance generator?
    36. What are ranges? What are number ranges?
    37. What are select options and what is the diff from parameters?
    38. How do you validate the selection criteria of a report? And how do you display initial values in a selection screen?
    39. What are selection texts?
    40. What is CTS and what do you know about it?
    41. When a program is created and need to be transported to prodn does selection texts always go with it? if not how do you make sure? Can you change the CTS entries? How do you do it?
    42. What is the client concept in SAP? What is the meaning of client independent?
    43. Are programs client dependent?
    44. Name a few system global variables you can use in ABAP programs?
    45. What are internal tables? How do you get the number of lines in an internal table? How to use a specific number occurs statement?
    46. How do you take care of performance issues in your ABAP programs?
    47. What are datasets?
    48. How to find the return code of a stmt in ABAP programs?
    49. What are interface/conversion programs in SAP?
    50. Have you used SAP supplied programs to load master data?
    2. Adapted from response by Maram Roja on Tuesday, June 15, 2004
    1. What are the techniques involved in using SAP supplied programs? Do you prefer to write your own programs to load master data? Why?
    2. What are logical databases? What are the advantages/disadvantages of logical databases?
    3. What specific statements do you using when writing a drill down report?
    4. What are different tools to report data in SAP? What all have you used?
    5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ABAP query tool?
    6. What are the functional areas? User groups? How does ABAP query work in relation to these?
    7. Is a logical database a requirement/must to write an ABAP query?
    8. What is the structure of a BDC sessions.
    9. What are Change header/detail tables? Have you used them?
    10. What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session?
    11. What do you do with errors in BDC batch sessions?
    12. How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What are the event driven batch jobs?
    13. Is it possible to run host command from SAP environment? How do you run?
    14. What kind of financial periods exist in SAP? What is the relevant table for that?
    15. Does SAP handle multiple currencies? Multiple languages?
    16. What is a currency factoring technique?
    17. How do you document ABAP programs? Do you use program documentation menu option?
    18. What is SAPscript and layout set?
    19. What are the ABAP commands that link to a layout set?
    20. What is output determination?
    ABAP Interview Questions
    1.Without using Tcode SE11, How can we enter the values in to the table???
    2.What is the difference between Collect statement and Append Statement???
    3.What do you mean by correction and Transportation system???
    4.What is the difference between User Exits and BADI????
    5.How can we identify User exits in our screen???
    6.What do you mean by Inbound and Outbound interface???
    7.In realtime do we configure ALE systems or Administator will take care of that??
    8.How to release an object???
    9.What is the flow of a Sales document???
    10.What is the flow of Purchase order???
    12.What is the flow of Invoice???
    13.What are the standard IDOC's used???
    14.What do you mean by table control???Where will we use this???
    15.What are field symbols??Where will we use these symbols???
    1. There are other ways of entering data into a DB table. ex. B D C
    2. Collect statement collect/adds the records basing on a key field. allows to create summarised data sets.
    Append will append/add a record at the end of existing records
    8. to release an object - use se10/se9
    9. sales doc flow: S. A. - S. O. - Delivery - Billing
    12. Delivery - invoice.
    15. field symbols are used for dynamic allocation. at runtime u can assign a concrete field to field-symbol.
    1. you can go to abap editor (se38) and use insert statement for insertion update for update and modify for modifications.
    2. collect will not allow duplicate entries, while append can allow duplicates.
    3. if any changes are made to objects they are to be transported to different systems i.e, change and transport.
    4. in user exits we go by general method for enhancements while BADIs we use objects (oops concepts)
    methods for enhancement.
    14. table controls are enhanced version for step loops where we can expand rows .main difference between these two
    is step loop can be expanded to two lines table controls can`t.
    15. field symbols are just like pointers concept which are used in C language. We use them when we want to refer to
    the fields considered,it doesnt allocate any memory for it.
    Venu Rapolu
    1. Ans: Using BDC., LSMW,,ALE., BAPI
    2. Ans: Collect: it adds the numeric fields to the existing non numeric key field records., thereby avoiding duplicate
    values., and append will simply adds the record
    3 . Ans: The CTS contains work bench organizer and transport system :
    The workbench organizer is used to record and contol changes to the ABAP/4 development objects;
    The transport system is used to move objects from an SAP dev.system to production system
    6. Ans: Outbound interface is used to send IDocs to the ALE server.,
    Inbound interface is used to Analyse the received Idoc.
    7. Ans: We (ABAPers) don't do.
    8. Ans: se09 or se10
    13. Ans: MATMAS
    GLMAST etc...
    14. Ans: to display records in table format., we use in Screens
    15. Ans: we assign the field content at run time with ASSIGN stmt.
    Satish D
    1. goto se16 u can view the table contents
    2. collect will collects all the numeric fields of nonnumeric field values
    append will append record at the end of table
    3. when we are creatiing new task like dev. a new prg.. after completion of dev. that will be trnsported to testing system or production system to do that we are assigning an
    transport request from our dev.class(system) by using se09
    4. badis are dev. by class and inheritence methods where as user exitsdev by SAP only and empty shells filled wit user logic
    5. go to system then status
    6. outbound generating an idoc in ale layer with master_idoc_create_messgetype,
    inbound is receivng system with idoc_inbound_process, gives an return variable wether it is sucess or not
    7. no we have to configur that
    8. go to se09 or se01 there write your task no and use release button it will asks whats the other system name
    and number enter them and relase by pressing jeep button
    9. inquiry
    sales order
    return goods
    12. after creation of delivry note invoice is prepared
    13. master_idoc_distribute will generate standard idoc
    I am enclosing some of answers which I know.
    1. We can use t.Code SE16 to enter values into table only if table maintainence is allowed for that table.
    2. Append will add new entries into the table where as collect add into the numeric type fields if other charatcer fields
    matches to your selection criteria.
    3. CTS used for creation of ABAP development transport requests.The transaction code for this is SE10.
    4. UserExits r used for adding additional functionality to the existing SAP standard transactions.Using UserExits we can add additional functionality standard SAP functionality without making any changes to the original code.BADI is a standardized interface for ABAP sources that enables partners and customers to enhance SAP-delivered programs in their namespace.
    5 .We can identify User exits by using transactions CMOD and SMOD.
    6. After entering transaction code SE10 select the transport request which u want to transport and click on transport icon(Truck symbol) to release it.
    10. Purchase Requistion->RFQ->Vendor Evaluation->Purchase Order(ME21).
    14. Table control is the only facility provide thru dialog programming when we come acrosse the use of updating standared,deletion,insertion and all database operations.
    15. Field symbols r pointers to the existing data types(like 'C') which does not allocate any memory space. These are used faster access of data.
    Answers to some ABAP Interview Questions:
    Questions which I have faced in an interview:
    1) What is runtime analysis? Have you used this?
    2) What is meant by performance analysis? Have done anything to improve the performance?
    3) How to transfer the objects? Have to transferred any objects?
    4) How did you test the developed objects?
    5) What is the difference between SAP Memory and ABAP Memory?
    6) In order to upload Purchase order details, how you handle multiple values for a single field?
    Eg: Item field may contain no. of values for a record
    7) What is the procedure you followed to upload the data?
    8) How did you handle errors in Call Transaction?
    9) Among the Call Transaction and Session Method, which is faster?
    10) What are the difference between Interactive and Drill Down Reports?
    11) How to pass the variables to forms?
    12) How to create a link between modified form and modified print program?
    13) What is the table, which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms?
    14) How did you test the form u developed? How did you taken print?
    15) What are Standard Texts?
    16) What is the difference between Clustered Tables and Pooled Tables?
    17) What is pf-status?
    18) Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one?
    19) What are the output type and Tcodes?
    20) Where we use Chain and Endchain?
    21) Do you use select statement in loop endloop, how will be the performance? To improve the performance?
    22) In select-options, how to get the default values as current month first date and last date by default?
    Eg: 1/12/2004 and 31/12/2004
    Go thru these answers:
    1) What is runtime analysis? Have you used this?
    It's checks program execution time in microseconds. When you go to se30.if you give desired program name in performance file. It will take you to below screen. You can get how much past is your program.
    2) What is meant by performance analysis? Have done
    3) How to transfer the objects? Have you transferred any objects?
    4) How did you test the developed objects?
    I was testing a developed object. There are two types of testing
    - Negative testing
    - Positive testing
    In negative testing we will give negative data in input and we check any errors occurs.
    In positive testing we will give positive data in input for checking errors.
    8) How did you handle errors in Call Transaction?
    We can create a internal table like 'bsgmcgcoll'. All the messages will go to internal table. We can get errors in this internal table.
    Below messages are go to internal table. when you run the call transaction.
    - Message type
    - Message id
    - Message Number
    - Variable1
    - Variable2
    - Variable3
    9) Among the Call Transaction and Session Method, which is faster?
    Call transaction is faster then session method. But usually we use session method in real time...because we can transfer large amount of data from internal table to database and if any errors in a session. Process will not complete until session get correct.
    10) What are the difference between Interactive and Drill Down Reports?
    ABAP/4 provides some interactive events on lists such as AT LINE-SELECTION (double click) or AT USER-COMMAND (pressing a button). You can use these events to move through layers of information about individual items in a list.
    Drill down report is nothing but interactive report...drilldown means above paragraph only.
    11) How to pass the variables to forms?
    12) What is the table, which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms?
    Table contains vertical and horizontal lines. We can store the data in table as blocks. We can scroll depends upon your wish. And these all are stored in database (data dictionary).
    Which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms? (I don't know).
    13) How did you test the form u developed? How did you taken print?
    14) What are Standard Texts?
    16) What is the difference between Clustered Tables and Pooled Tables?
    A pooled table is used to combine several logical tables in the ABAP/4 dictionary. Pooled tables are logical tables that must be assigned to a table pool when they are defined.
    Cluster table are logical tables that must be assigned to a table cluster when they are defined.
    Cluster table can be used to store control data they can also used to store temporary data or text such as documentation.
    17) What is pf-status?
    Pf status is used in interactive report for enhancing the functionality. If we go to se41, we can get menus, items and different function keys, which we are using for secondary list in interactive report.
    18) Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one?
    I guess, 'move corresponding' is very efficient then 'move' statement. Because usually we use this stamtent for internal table fields only...so if we give move corresponding. Those fields only moving to other place (what ever you want).
    19) What are the output type and Tcodes?
    20) Where we use Chain and End chain?
    21) Do you use select statement in loop end loop, how will be the performance? To improve the performance?
    22) In select-options, how to get the default values as current month first date and last date by default?
    Eg: 1/12/2004 and 31/12/2004
    SAP ABAP interview questions
    Thanks to the reader who sent in this question set:
    1. What is an ABAP data dictionary?- ABAP 4 data dictionary describes the logical structures of the objects used in application development and shows how they are mapped to the underlying relational database in tables/views.
    2. What are domains and data element?- Domains:Domain is the central object for describing the technical characteristics of an attribute of an business objects. It describes the value range of the field. Data Element: It is used to describe the semantic definition of the table fields like description the field. Data element describes how a field can be displayed to end-user.
    3. What is foreign key relationship?- A relationship which can be defined between tables and must be explicitly defined at field level. Foreign keys are used to ensure the consistency of data. Data entered should be checked against existing data to ensure that there are now contradiction. While defining foreign key relationship cardinality has to be specified. Cardinality mentions how many dependent records or how referenced records are possible.
    4. Describe data classes.- Master data: It is the data which is seldomly changed. Transaction data: It is the data which is often changed. Organization data: It is a customizing data which is entered in the system when the system is configured and is then rarely changed. System data:It is the data which R/3 system needs for itself.
    5. What are indexes?- Indexes are described as a copy of a database table reduced to specific fields. This data exists in sorted form. This sorting form ease fast access to the field of the tables. In order that other fields are also read, a pointer to the associated record of the actual table are included in the index. Yhe indexes are activated along with the table and are created automatically with it in the database.
    6. Difference between transparent tables and pooled tables.- Transparent tables: Transparent tables in the dictionary has a one-to-one relation with the table in database. Its structure corresponds to single database field. Table in the database has the same name as in the dictionary. Transparent table holds application data. Pooled tables. Pooled tables in the dictionary has a many-to-one relation with the table in database. Table in the database has the different name as in the dictionary. Pooled table are stored in table pool at the database level.
    7. What is an ABAP/4 Query?- ABAP/4 Query is a powerful tool to generate simple reports without any coding. ABAP/4 Query can generate the following 3 simple reports: Basic List: It is the simple reports. Statistics: Reports with statistical functions like Average, Percentages. Ranked Lists: For analytical reports. - For creating a ABAP/4 Query, programmer has to create user group and a functional group. Functional group can be created using with or without logical database table. Finally, assign user group to functional group. Finally, create a query on the functional group generated.
    8. What is BDC programming?- Transferring of large/external/legacy data into SAP system using Batch Input programming. Batch input is a automatic procedure referred to as BDC(Batch Data Communications).The central component of the transfer is a queue file which receives the data vie a batch input programs and groups associated data into “sessions”.
    9. What are the functional modules used in sequence in BDC?- These are the 3 functional modules which are used in a sequence to perform a data transfer successfully using BDC programming: BDC_OPEN_GROUP - Parameters like Name of the client, sessions and user name are specified in this functional modules. BDC_INSERT - It is used to insert the data for one transaction into a session. BDC_CLOSE_GROUP - This is used to close the batch input session.
    10. What are internal tables?- Internal tables are a standard data type object which exists only during the runtime of the program. They are used to perform table calculations on subsets of database tables and for re-organising the contents of database tables according to users need.
    11. What is ITS? What are the merits of ITS?- ITS is a Internet Transaction Server. ITS forms an interface between HTTP server and R/3 system, which converts screen provided data by the R/3 system into HTML documents and vice-versa. Merits of ITS: A complete web transaction can be developed and tested in R/3 system. All transaction components, including those used by the ITS outside the R/3 system at runtime, can be stored in the R/3 system. The advantage of automatic language processing in the R/3 system can be utilized to language-dependent HTML documents at runtime.
    12. What is DynPro?- DynPro is a Dynamic Programming which is a combination of screen and the associated flow logic Screen is also called as DynPro.
    13. What are screen painter and menu painter?- Screen painter: Screen painter is a tool to design and maintain screen and its elements. It allows user to create GUI screens for the transactions. Attributes, layout, filed attributes and flow logic are the elements of Screen painter. Menu painter: Menu painter is a tool to design the interface components. Status, menu bars, menu lists, F-key settings, functions and titles are the components of Menu painters. Screen painter and menu painter both are the graphical interface of an ABAP/4 applications.
    14. What are the components of SAP scripts?- SAP scripts is a word processing tool of SAP which has the following components: Standard text. It is like a standard normal documents. Layout sets. - Layout set consists of the following components: Windows and pages, Paragraph formats, Character formats. Creating forms in the R/3 system. Every layout set consists of Header, paragraph, and character string. ABAP/4 program.
    15. What is ALV programming in ABAP? When is this grid used in ABAP?- ALV is Application List viewer. Sap provides a set of ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) function modules which can be put into use to embellish the output of a report. This set of ALV functions is used to enhance the readability and functionality of any report output. Cases arise in sap when the output of a report contains columns extending more than 255 characters in length. In such cases, this set of ALV functions can help choose selected columns and arrange the different columns from a report output and also save different variants for report display. This is a very efficient tool for dynamically sorting and arranging the columns from a report output. The report output can contain up to 90 columns in the display with the wide array of display options.
    16. What are the events in ABAP/4 language?- Initialization, At selection-screen, Start-of-selection, end-of-selection, top-of-page, end-of-page, At line-selection, At user-command, At PF, Get, At New, At LAST, AT END, AT FIRST.
    17. What is CTS and what do you know about it?- The Change and Transport System (CTS) is a tool that helps you to organize development projects in the ABAP Workbench and in Customizing, and then transport the changes between the SAP Systems and clients in your system landscape. This documentation provides you with an overview of how to manage changes with the CTS and essential information on setting up your system and client landscape and deciding on a transport strategy. Read and follow this documentation when planning your development project.
    18. What are logical databases? What are the advantages/ dis-advantages of logical databases?- To read data from a database tables we use logical database. A logical database provides read-only access to a group of related tables to an ABAP/4 program. Advantages: i)check functions which check that user input is complete, correct,and plausible. ii)Meaningful data selection. iii)central authorization checks for database accesses. iv)good read access performance while retaining the hierarchical data view determined by the application logic. dis advantages: i)If you donot specify a logical database in the program attributes,the GET events never occur. ii)There is no ENDGET command,so the code block associated with an event ends with the next event statement (such as another GET or an END-OF-SELECTION).
    19. What is a batch input session?- BATCH INPUT SESSION is an intermediate step between internal table and database table. Data along with the action is stored in session ie data for screen fields, to which screen it is passed, program name behind it, and how next screen is processed.
    20. How to upload data using CATT ?- These are the steps to be followed to Upload data through CATT: Creation of the CATT test case & recording the sample data input. Download of the source file template. Modification of the source file. Upload of the data from the source file.
    21. What is Smart Forms?- Smart Forms allows you to create forms using a graphical design tool with robust functionality, color, and more. Additionally, all new forms developed at SAP will be created with the new Smart Form solution.
    22. How can I make a differentiation between dependent and independent data?- Client dependent or independent transfer requirements include client specific or cross client objects in the change requests. Workbench objects like SAPscripts are client specific, some entries in customizing are client independent. If you display the object list for one change request, and then for each object the object attributes, you will find the flag client specific. If one object in the task list has this flag on, then that transport will be client dependent.
    23. What is the difference between macro and subroutine? - Macros can only be used in the program the are defined in and only after the definition are expanded at compilation / generation. Subroutines (FORM) can be called from both the program the are defined in and other programs . A MACRO is more or less an abbreviation for some lines of code that are used more than once or twice. A FORM is a local subroutine (which can be called external). A FUNCTION is (more or less) a subroutine that is called external. Since debugging a MACRO is not really possible, prevent the use of them (I’ve never used them, but seen them in action). If the subroutine is used only local (called internal) use a FORM. If the subroutine is called external (used by more than one program) use a FUNCTION.
    Message was edited by: Amit Mishra

  • Error in creation of Object Type from XML passed

    I am facing a problem creating a appropriate a object type for a XML.
    Below are the details:
    XML Passed
    Types Declaration
    My Declaration
    +merOffActDataXML      xmltype;
    Inside Pl/SQL block
    +-- Converts XML data into user defined type for further processing of data
    when I run the Pl/Sql block it gives me error
    ORA-19031: XML element or attribute FORM_ID does not match any in type ORADBA.MER_OFFER_ACTION_DATA
    which means the object type mapping is wrong
    I would like to know whether the object type I had created is correct or not.
    Thanks for your help

    Bedabrata Patel wrote:
    Below are the details:The details except for a description of the problem
    I am facing a problem creating a appropriate a object type for a XML.And which error you are getting
    Error in creation of Object Type http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10880/toc.htm
    And which version of Oracle you are getting the unknown error creating the unknown problem.

  • Error in creation of Object Type

    I am facing a problem creating a appropriate a object type for a XML.
    Below are the details:
    XML Passed
    Types Declaration
    My Declaration
         +merOffActDataXML          xmltype;
    Inside Pl/SQL block
         +-- Converts XML data into user defined type for further processing of data
    Thanks for your help
    Edited by: Bedabrata Patel on Jul 12, 2010 5:51 AM

    Bedabrata Patel wrote:
    Below are the details:The details except for a description of the problem
    I am facing a problem creating a appropriate a object type for a XML.And which error you are getting
    Error in creation of Object Type http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e10880/toc.htm
    And which version of Oracle you are getting the unknown error creating the unknown problem.

  • Create a site collection with dedicated content db with the help of server object model

     I have a requirement to implement a create a new site collection with dedicated content db. i have got 2 PowerShell scripts which does the same. first i will  create a content  db and then create the sitecollection with contentdb
    parameter with the created contentdb name.
    Now the site collection created must contain few doc libs and few splists with look up columns, people picker data type, multiline of text, single line of text,choice field. hence i am thinking the below approach:
     1) create a web template and include sp doclibs, splists , site columns in this.
     2) i am thinking of a ui design to create the below:
     These are called "projects" which is actually the site collection with the doclibs, splists and must be created by sharepoint admin on click of a link in my landing page.end users access these "projects"  aka 
    "site collections" and uploads the documents into these projects and collaborate.
    so my question is :  On click of a button can I create a site collection with a dedicated content db based on the web template created with the  hel of  server  object model?
    The other approach is on click of this button call the power shell script which accepts the sitecollection name and contentdb name as parameter. is this possible in  server obj.model ?
    passing a paramter from code behind- visual web part ui to power shell ?
    and it should create the site collec based on the web template and create the content db.
    my doubt #3 : will it not throw error "request timed out" when creating the site collec and contentdb from ui ?

    Try below:
    PowerShell is just a wrapper for the object model. You shouldn't need to reference PowerShell in your feature, just create the new site collection with C# inside your feature. There's a blog post here that illustrates some code that may get you started.
    # Enable the remote site collection creation for on-prem in web application level
    # If this is not done, unknon object exception is raised by the CSOM code
    $WebApplicationUrl = http://dev.contoso.com
    $snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
    if ($snapin -eq $null)
    Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
    $webapp=Get-SPWebApplication $WebApplicationUrl
    $newProxyLibrary = New-Object "Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPClientCallableProxyLibrary"
    $newProxyLibrary.AssemblyName = "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Dedicated.TenantAdmin.ServerStub, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"
    $newProxyLibrary.SupportAppAuthentication = $true
    Write-Host "Successfully added TenantAdmin ServerStub to ClientCallableProxyLibrary."
    # Reset the memory of the web application
    Write-Host "IISReset..."
    Restart-Service W3SVC,WAS -force
    Write-Host "IISReset complete."
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Creating PL/SQL web services from object types

    Jdeveloper, pl/sql web-services working successfully with object types.If we want to send the web-services to the client, do we need to send the entire folder that is created in the web-services folder of the external oc4j..?
    Creating the client process:
    we are using the wsdl file that is generated in the web-services and adding to the partner link to Invoke the operations of web-services. Is there any other way to invoke the webservices?Could any one please suggest me?
    Thanking you

    Accessing the pl/sql webservices from the application server:
    I have created pl/sql webservice using the nested tables. This will insert the object data into database tables.after deplying the webservice into external oc4j, when I test the webservice locally with url: http://localmachine:8888/PL_SQL_WS-Nest_Obj_Webservice-context-root/ObjWebserviceSoapHttpPort
    The above web-services working and I am able to insert into the database tables.
    Same when I want to access through the application server, I have changed the wsdl file soap address as
    <soap:address location=""/>
    When I access this url, I am able to give the input data
    but the out from the web-service is:
    <faultstring>Error creating target: DBConnImpMftest.ObjWebserviceUser</faultstring>
    Err from the OC4j log:<PAYLOAD>
    <MSG_TEXT>An error occurred for port: {http://dbconnimpmftest/Nested_Webserv.wsdl}Nested_WebservSoapHttpPort: javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Error creating target: dbconnimpmftest.Nested_WebservUser.</MSG_TEXT>
    Could any one help me to solve the above issue?
    Kind regards

  • S/A bridge problem: No object type found for the message

    Hi all,
    I've been spending days looking into the following problem. I have a RFCXIFile scenario. The R3 system sends data via an RFC to XI and XI post the data as a flat file on a certain server using FTP.
    This scenario worked just fine for 1 exception. I could only run this scenario once. The second time I got timeouts when checking the data sent to my RFC destination using SM58. When I reactivated my RFC communcation channel I could again send 1 RFC to the system. All subsequent tries would fail.
    I guess this is due to the fact that I use a synchonous call (RFC) to an asynchronous one. Thus the adapter is still waiting for the response from the XI system and will not accept any further new calls from R3.
    So I figure let's use this pattern called the S/A bridge. So I designed everything according to guides and examples and I'm quite certain everything is configured right but when I run the scenario I get the following message:
    <i> <!--  Call Adapter
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>No object type found for the message. Check that the corresponding process is activated</SAP:Stack>
    It seems that the adapter cannot find any integration process to send the message into!?
    I've looked at numerous threads on sdn and tried all kinds of stuff (looked at the cache==> code 0 = OK , tried to reactivate my integration process, checked the interface determination,...), but to no avail. Does anybody has an idea what could be wrong ?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated for I'm all out of clues....

    First of all, Thank you for trying to help me out here.
    Some answer to your suggestions/questions:
    The IP has return code 0 in SXI_CACHE. so that doesn't seem to be the problem.
    I've checked the BPM for syntax errors. I doesn't have any.
    I've reimported the BPM into the integration directory.
    And did a full cache refresh in SXI_CACHE. Return code is (stays) zero, so that's OK.
    I've already included the error message from SXI_MONI. It is in the last step ("Call Adater") that the error occurs.
    The other steps execute just fine...
    The RFC communcation channel accepts the incoming RFC call and puts into the pipeline, so no problems with the communication channel either. the problem is actually when the pipeline is trying to forward the message into an IP trhough the BPE_ADAPTER (according to SXMB_MONI).
    Therefore I'm not able to go to into PE, because the workflow is never started. the BPE_ADAPTER does not find any active process for the interface determination i've entered.
    So i can not debug the IP in the PE and check container variables, like some of you mentioned.
    Maybe some more information about the scenario:
    The RFC is called from an R3 system to XI over the interface "CONTROL_RECIPE_DOWNLOAD", which is an imported RFC, with a request and response message type.
    Then I got a receiver and interface determination with lead the incoming RFC message to the IP, into interface "XI_ERP_MF_MD_CONTROL_RECIPE_REQ_AI_MI".
    This is an abstract synchronous interface based on the request and response types of the "CONTROL_RECIPE_DOWNLOAD" imported RFC.
    This interface is used the first step (receive) of my BPM as the synchronous interface to open the S/A bridge.
    The message (container var)  used in this step is
    name: CORREQ
    Category: Abstract interface
    The interface "XI_ERP_MF_MD_CONTROL_RECIPE_REQ_AI_MI" is an abstract, asynchronous interface based on the request type of the "CONTROL_RECIPE_DOWNLOAD".
    Then there are 2 send steps for putting the flat files into place and finally i close the the S/A bridge using message:
    name: CORRES
    Category: Abstract interface
    The interface "XI_ERP_MF_MD_CONTROL_RECIPE_RES_AI_MI" is an abstract, asynchronous interface based on the response type of the "CONTROL_RECIPE_DOWNLOAD".
    I hope this information gives you guys a better understanding of hte problem.
    Really looking forward to see more suggestions and to solve this nasty problem ...

  • Partitioned IOT of Object Type - mapping table not allowed for bitmap index

    looks like a feature available for standard Partitioned IOTs is not supported for object based tables, namely the MAPPING TABLE construct to support secondary local bitmap indexes.
    Can you confirm behaviour is as expected/documented?
    If so, is a fix/enhancement to support mapping table for object-based Partitioned IOTs in the pipeline?
    Results for partition-wise load using pipelined table function are very good, look-ups across tens of millions of rows are excellent.
    Environment = Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    OS = Oracle Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Carthage) 2.6.18 92.el5 (32-bit)
    Here's the potted test-case...
    1) First the non object based Partitioned IOT - data is range-partitioned across the alphabet
    textData VARCHAR2(10),
    numberData NUMBER(10,0),
    (PARTITION Text_Part_A VALUES LESS THAN ('B') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_B VALUES LESS THAN ('C') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_C VALUES LESS THAN ('D') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_D VALUES LESS THAN ('E') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_E VALUES LESS THAN ('F') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_F VALUES LESS THAN ('G') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_G VALUES LESS THAN ('H') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_H VALUES LESS THAN ('I') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_I VALUES LESS THAN ('J') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_J VALUES LESS THAN ('K') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_K VALUES LESS THAN ('L') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_L VALUES LESS THAN ('M') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_M VALUES LESS THAN ('N') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_N VALUES LESS THAN ('O') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_O VALUES LESS THAN ('P') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_P VALUES LESS THAN ('Q') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_Q VALUES LESS THAN ('R') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_R VALUES LESS THAN ('S') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_S VALUES LESS THAN ('T') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_T VALUES LESS THAN ('U') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_U VALUES LESS THAN ('V') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_V VALUES LESS THAN ('W') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_W VALUES LESS THAN ('X') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_X VALUES LESS THAN ('Y') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_Y VALUES LESS THAN ('Z') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_Z VALUES LESS THAN (MAXVALUE) PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0))
    SQL> table IOT_TABLE created.
    2) Create the local secondary bitmap index utilising the underlying mapping table
    CREATE BITMAP INDEX IOT_Table_BMI1 ON IOT_Table (numberData)
    SQL> bitmap index IOT_TABLE_BMI1 created.
    3) Quick test to confirm all ok
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOT_Table VALUES ('ABC123',100);
    SQL> 1 rows inserted.
    ABC123     100
    4) Now create a minimal object type to use as the template for object table
    textData VARCHAR2(10 CHAR),
    numberData NUMBER(10,0)
    ) FINAL
    SQL> TYPE IOT_type compiled
    5) Attempt to create an object-based range partitioned IOT, including MAPPING TABLE clause as per step (1)
    CREATE TABLE IOTObj_Table OF IOT_type (textData PRIMARY KEY)
    MAPPING TABLE -- we'd like to use this feature to enable use of Bitmap Indexes...
    (PARTITION Text_Part_A VALUES LESS THAN ('B') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_B VALUES LESS THAN ('C') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_C VALUES LESS THAN ('D') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_D VALUES LESS THAN ('E') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_E VALUES LESS THAN ('F') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_F VALUES LESS THAN ('G') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_G VALUES LESS THAN ('H') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_H VALUES LESS THAN ('I') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_I VALUES LESS THAN ('J') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_J VALUES LESS THAN ('K') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_K VALUES LESS THAN ('L') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_L VALUES LESS THAN ('M') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_M VALUES LESS THAN ('N') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_N VALUES LESS THAN ('O') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_O VALUES LESS THAN ('P') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_P VALUES LESS THAN ('Q') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_Q VALUES LESS THAN ('R') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_R VALUES LESS THAN ('S') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_S VALUES LESS THAN ('T') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_T VALUES LESS THAN ('U') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_U VALUES LESS THAN ('V') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_V VALUES LESS THAN ('W') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_W VALUES LESS THAN ('X') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_X VALUES LESS THAN ('Y') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_Y VALUES LESS THAN ('Z') PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0),
    PARTITION Text_Part_Z VALUES LESS THAN (MAXVALUE) PCTFREE 0 TABLESPACE Firewire Storage (Initial 10M Next 1M PCTIncrease 0))
    This errors out with the following...
    SQL Error: ORA-25182: feature not currently available for index-organized tables
    25182. 00000 - "feature not currently available for index-organized tables"
    *Cause:    An attempt was made to use one or more of the following feature(s) not
    currently supported for index-organized tables:
    partitioning/PARALLEL/CREATE TABLE AS SELECT options,
    ALTER TABLE with ADD/MODIFY column options, CREATE INDEX
    *Action:   Do not use the disallowed feature(s) in this release.
    6) Re-running the create table statement in step 5 without the MAPPING TABLE clause works fine. Not surprisingly an attempt to create a secondary local bitmap index on this table fails as there's no mapping table, like so...
    CREATE BITMAP INDEX IOTObj_Table_BMI1 ON IOTObj_Table (numberData)
    partitioning/PARALLEL/CREATE TABLE AS SELECT options,
    ALTER TABLE with ADD/MODIFY column options, CREATE INDEX
    *Action:   Do not use the disallowed feature(s) in this release.
    CREATE BITMAP INDEX IOTObj_Table_BMI1 ON IOTObj_Table (numberData)
    Error at Command Line:99 Column:13
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00903: invalid table name
    00903. 00000 - "invalid table name"
    7) Creating a secondary local b-tree index is fine, like so...
    SQL> CREATE INDEX IOTObj_Table_I1 ON IOTObj_Table (numberData)
    index IOTOBJ_TABLE_I1 created.
    8) A quick test to ensure object table ok...
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('DEF456',500));
    SQL> 1 rows inserted.
    SQL> SELECT * FROM IOTObj_Table;
    DEF456     500

    Thanks Dan,
    the intention is to range partition based on the initial character, so A* -> Text_Part_A, B* -> Text_Part_B, and so on.
    Here's an example, using an empty IOTObj_Table as created previously.
    1) Set up & confirm some test data (two 'D's, one 'N', and two 'Z's)
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('DEF456',500));
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('DDD111',510));
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('N3000',515));
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('ZZ1212',520));
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('Z111X',530));
    SQL> SELECT * FROM IOTObj_Table;
    DDD111     510
    DEF456     500
    N3000     515
    Z111X     530
    ZZ1212     520
    2) Just to prove our IOT is enforcing the Primary Key based on the TextData attribute, try to insert a duplicate
    SQL> INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('Z111X',530));
    Error starting at line 141 in command:
    INSERT INTO IOTObj_Table VALUES (IOT_Type('Z111X',530))
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (OCDataSystems.SYS_IOT_TOP_84235) violated
    00001. 00000 - "unique constraint (%s.%s) violated"
    *Cause:    An UPDATE or INSERT statement attempted to insert a duplicate key.
    For Trusted Oracle configured in DBMS MAC mode, you may see
    this message if a duplicate entry exists at a different level.
    *Action:   Either remove the unique restriction or do not insert the key.
    3) Now confirm that our data has been slotted into the range-based partition we expect using the PARTITION clause of SELECT...
    - The two 'D's...
    SQL> SELECT * FROM IOTObj_Table PARTITION (Text_Part_D);
    DDD111     510
    DEF456     500
    - The single 'N'...
    SQL> SELECT * FROM IOTObj_Table PARTITION (Text_Part_N);
    N3000     515
    - The two 'Z's...
    SQL> SELECT * FROM IOTObj_Table PARTITION (Text_Part_Z);
    Z111X     530
    ZZ1212     520
    4) And to wrap up confirm an empty partition
    SELECT * FROM IOTObj_Table PARTITION (Text_Part_W);

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