Set stage overflow from trigger code

Cannot figure out how to change the value of overflow from trigger code. I can't even read it.
No code in the trigger after the above line will run. Lines before run.
Using this link as reference, I thought I could do this:
I tried using an intermediate variable. No dice. Any ideas?

Use like this:

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    If you have a symbol in your library with a Class identity of "Symbols" then you should only need to use...
    var symbols:Symbols = new Symbols();
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    You aren't the first one to wonder whether that would work, so don't call yourself stupid on that account.
    Not taking 15 minutes to set up and run a test to actually see if it works... well, if you really needed the answer, that would be different.

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    Please go through the following thread which discusses about setting teh selected item for a dropdown:
    Hope it helps

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    975033 wrote:
    I hav got the answer from you r previous link, but not completly. I need help regarding on how to do code that handles a set of questions from database and place it on JSP.
    Any help is highly appreciated.Yes but what kind of help do you expect to get? What kind of help do you think is possible through something as cold and distant as a forum, where you clearly require personal guidance and tutoring?
    If you are going to answer "example code", I should warn you that the answers are not going to be to your liking.

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    SET NOCOUNT ON;        
     if(@Status ='1')      
     insert into dcmnt_mstr       
      values(@TranId,@SubsriberNo,@UserId,@RefId,@EmailId,'00000000',getdate(),@RefText,'0','0','Bulk Order',@AppId)      
     insert into dcmnt_bulk       
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    Thank you

    It looks like the application code is examining the row count returned and retrying the insert if less than 1.  So you need to either specify SET NOCOUNT OFF (the default) or change the app code.
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

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    But its not working. Am i using the correct approach?

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    UIComponent component = findComponent( context.getViewRoot(),"treeTableID");
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    public static UIComponent findComponent(UIComponent base, String id)
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    return base;
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    children = (UIComponent);
    if (id.equals(children.getId()))
    result = children;
    result = findComponent(children, id);
    if (result != null)
    return result;
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    Any help would be appreciated.
    Gaurav Agarwal

    Where then this RunID is consumed?
    Arthur My Blog
    The RunID is set by the MasterPackage in a parameter, this parameter is used as value of derived column in the data transformation task of the ChildPackage.
    As mentioned ChildPackage has a RunID column.
    Gaurav Agarwal


    i want to set an item lenght by code!!!! and not by using " property palette". i want to use it in the pre-insert/update trigger . i tried to use "set_item_property" but i didnt find any parameter that can solve my problem.
    Please help me it is very important .
    thanks .

    i will try to explin myself i want to let the user to enter only 40 characters despite the fact that the text item can get up to 70 char ( the text item is based on DB column that is varchar2(70)) and i want to limit the user to 40 char because i take the item he updated or insered from the oracle DB and load it to another DB there the same column is in type varchar2(40) and i want to limit the user insted of substructing the string he is inserting.

  • Java function call from Trigger in Oracle

    Moderator edit:
    This post was branched from an eleven-year-old long dead thread
    Java function call from Trigger in Oracle
    @ user 861498,
    For the future, if a forum discussion is more than (let's say) a month old, NEVER resurrect it to append your new issue. Always start a new thread. Feel free to include a link to that old discussion if you think it might be relevant.
    Also, ALWAYS use code tags as is described in the forum FAQ that is linked at the upper corner of e\very page. Your formulae will be so very much more readable.
    {end of edit, what follows is their posting}
    I am attempting to do a similar function, however everything is loaded, written, compiled and resolved correct, however, nothing is happening. No errors or anything. Would I have a permission issue or something?
    My code is the following, (the last four lines of java code is meant to do activate a particular badge which will later be dynamic)
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE java_contact_t4 (member_id_in NUMBER)
    NAME 'ThrowAnError.contactTrigger(java.lang.Integer)';
    // Required class libraries.
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import com.ekahau.common.sdk.*;
    import com.ekahau.engine.sdk.*;
    // Define class.
    public class ThrowAnError {
    // Connect and verify new insert would be a duplicate.
    public static void contactTrigger(Integer memberID) throws Exception {
    String badgeId;
    // Create a Java 5 and Oracle 11g connection.
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection:");
    // Create a prepared statement that accepts binding a number.
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT \"Note\" " +
    "FROM Users " +
    "WHERE \"User\" = ? ");
    // Bind the local variable to the statement placeholder.
    ps.setInt(1, memberID);
    // Execute query and check if there is a second value.
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    while ( {
    badgeId = rs.getString("Note");
    // Clean up resources.
    // davids badge is 105463705637
    EConnection mEngineConnection = new econnection("",8550);
    mEngineConnection.setUserCredentials("choff", "badge00");"/epe/cfg/tagcommandadd?tagid=105463705637&cmd=mmt%203");"/epe/msg/tagsendmsg?tagid=105463705637&messagetype=instant&message=Hello%20World%20from%20Axium-Oracle");
    Edited by: rukbat on May 31, 2011 1:12 PM

    To followup on the posting:
    Okay, being a oracle noob, I didn't know I needed to tell anything to get the java error messages out to the console
    Having figured that out on my own, I minified my code to just run the one line of code:
    // Required class libraries.
      import java.sql.*;
      import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
      import com.ekahau.common.sdk.*;
      import com.ekahau.engine.sdk.*;
      // Define class.
      public class ThrowAnError {
         public static void testEkahau(Integer memberID) throws Exception {
         try {
              EConnection mEngineConnection = new EConnection("",8550);
         } catch (Throwable e) {
              System.out.println("got an error");
    }So, after the following:
    SQL> {as sysdba on another command prompt} exec dbms_java.grant_permission('AXIUM',"SYS:java.util.PropertyPermission','','write');
    and the following as the user
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec dbms_java.set_output(10000);
    I run the procedure and receive the following message.
    SQL> call java_contact_t4(801);
    got an error
         at ThrowAnError.testEkahau(ThrowAnError:13)
    Call completed.
    NoClassDefFoundError tells me that it can't find the jar file to run my call to EConnection.
    Now, I've notice when I loaded the sdk jar file, it skipped some classes it contained:
    c:\Users\me\Documents>loadjava -r -f -v -r "axium/-----@axaxiumtrain" ekahau-engine-sdk.jar
    arguments: '-u' 'axium/***@axaxiumtrain' '-r' '-f' '-v' 'ekahau-engine-sdk.jar'
    creating : resource META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    loading : resource META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    creating : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EConnection
    loading : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EConnection
    creating : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EErrorCodes
    loading : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EErrorCodes
    skipping : resource META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    resolving: class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EConnection
    skipping : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EErrorCodes
    skipping : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EException
    skipping : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EMsg$EMSGIterator
    skipping : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EMsg
    skipping : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EMsgEncoder
    skipping : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EMsgKeyValueParser
    skipping : class com/ekahau/common/sdk/EMsgProperty
    resolving: class com/ekahau/engine/sdk/impl/LocationImpl
    skipping : class com/ekahau/engine/sdk/status/IStatusListener
    skipping : class com/ekahau/engine/sdk/status/StatusChangeEntry
    Classes Loaded: 114
    Resources Loaded: 1
    Sources Loaded: 0
    Published Interfaces: 0
    Classes generated: 0
    Classes skipped: 0
    Synonyms Created: 0
    Errors: 0
    .... with no explanation.
    Can anyone tell me why it would skip resolving a class? Especially after I use the -r flag to have loadjava resolve it upon loading.
    How do i get it to resolve the entire jar file?
    Edited by: themadprogrammer on Aug 5, 2011 7:15 AM
    Edited by: themadprogrammer on Aug 5, 2011 7:21 AM
    Edited by: themadprogrammer on Aug 5, 2011 7:22 AM
    Edited by: themadprogrammer on Aug 5, 2011 7:23 AM
    Edited by: themadprogrammer on Aug 5, 2011 7:26 AM

  • Documaker : How to set the overflow repeated 3 times always.

    Hi Experts,
    I have 3 forms as follows.
    1. FormA (contains Subform1)
    2. Subform1 (contains Subform2)
    3. Subform2
    Subform1 on FormA is setting the overflow with the trigger by the XML.
    Search Mask (counter) : !/xxx/data/Repeats/Repeat
    I want to output always 3 times Subform2 on Subform1.
    I tried to set the trigger "ALWAYS" and '3' at "Records per overflow Section", but the setting is not working.
    Can I set to repeat the number of times that I specify always?

    Here's one option:
    1. Create a new DAL script called "REPEAT_3_TIMES" and add it to your existing DAL library. The DAL SCRIPT should consist of one line: "RETURN(3);"
    2. Add a single trigger (yellow) on Subform2 and change the trigger name from "ALWAYS" to "REPEAT_3_TIMES", the name of the DAL script you just created.
    3. Check-in your changes and run a unit test to see that Subform2 repeats exactly 3 times for every occurrence of Subform1.
    Good luck and let me know (if)/how it works out!
    Edited by: 1003412 on Apr 30, 2013 2:09 PM

  • Control stage animation from buttons nested in a symbol

    I have a symbol that is animated png SEQ of a rotating "cube". Added to the symbol I created "buttons" that are clear rectangles that define a "clicking area" . Each one corresponds to a side of the "cube". As the cube turns i turn these "buttons" on/off and track the corresponding cube face while it is facing the user. The symbol name is "CubeSpin" the button names in the symbol are Button1, Button2, etc to Button6.
    What I want to be able to do is create click actions for these buttons from the main stage compositionReady which would - (1) stop() the play of "CubeSpin" symbol and (2) goto and play(label) on the main stage timeline.  The animation at the head of play(label) on the main stage, among other things, slides symbol "CubeSpin" off the stage and out of view, then turns it off (display off). At the end of this animation, "CubeSpin" slides back on stage and I want to add a trigger code to start play() again for the "CubeSpin" symbol.
    Thanks for any help here.
    Joel H

    Hi there!
    Edge is a very flexible tool that allows you do very simple things (animate objects on the timeline), and very complex things (custom javascript coding in the code panel, using external code libraries, etc).
    For specific Edge Animate questions, a good place to start is this forum- use the search function to find answers to your questions, or start a new thread if you can't find your answer here.
    Also, be sure to read through the Edge API doc:
    If you are looking to dive deeper into javascript, here are a few good JS tutorials:
    If you have a javascript-specific question, is also a great resource.

  • Calling API mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online from Trigger

    Hello Gurus,
    I'm inserting rows into mtl_transaction_interface table and calling mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online to process it from a TRIGGER on mtl_material_transactions table.
    But it doesn't process the data and errors with process_flag 3.
    If I comment the call to mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online and just insert into interface table and then call mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online from independent PLSQL block it works fine.
    Can someone suggest a solution for the problem, I think the issue is in the design.

    I hope you are using an 'after insert' trigger on mtl_transactions_interface.
    Ensure that the MTI record is populated with transaction_header_id with transaction_mode = 1 (Online), process_flag = 1 and lock_flag = 2.
    Call the txn processor with transaction_header_id, and it should work.
    If transaction_mode is 2 (immediate) or 3 (Background) then the MTI record must be commited in database; calling txn processor from trigger cannot see the record as it is not committed.
    If it doesn't work, then you will have to retrieve errors from the return message to understand the problem in detail.
    I would strongly recommend not to use trigger for such processing.
    I believe, you have a custom package/procedure from which you are inserting data into MTI.
    once the insert is done, then you can call the same API from custom code.
    Also check how exactly is MTI is getting inserted, is apps context set correctly (either by means of concurrent program, or by explicitly calling fnd_global.apps_initialize(..) )
    If it still doesnt work, enable Inventory Debug by setting up profiles INV%DEBUG%, and see the log messages. (e.g. set the log file as /usr/tmp/mti.log )
    Hope it helps,

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