SetDaemon(true) problem, named pipe communication

hi all!
i have a "strange" problem, when running a thread in a daemon mode.
Thread parsing = new Thread(){
               public void run(){
                    String[] __log_data;
                    String line;
                         _action = 0;
                              line = _comm_in.receive();
                              __log_data = vpncDataParser(line);
                              if(_action != 0 )
                         }catch(ProbeException pe){
                         }catch(NullPointerException npe){
          parsing.start();as you see in the code above, i set daemonizing to false...and everything works. but as soon as i set it to true the program exits without exception triggered.
i use a socket to read data ( _comm_in.receive() ), i used a named pipe before that and hadn't had problems with daemonizing. but there was an another problem - the program exited after a couple of lines read.
any ideas will be appreciated.

I wish I did, unfortunately I'm not much of a named pipe guru. I noticed something though, you're calling initParser() in the parsing Thread. I don't see that method in your anonymous inner class so I assume it's in the enclosing class (rather than omitted here for brievity). Similarly commin and commout appear to be from the enclosing class. Since those are in the enclosing class, a number of parsing threads could be messing with them at the same time.
Is it possible that any of these are getting messed up by another thread while your anonymous inner class is running? For example, if it was doing something like:
Thread parsing = new Thread(){
               public void run(){
          _comm_in = null;    // This would break itI assume it's not that straight-forward, but a more complicated variation of it perhaps? Is it possible for two parsing threads to be running at once? If so, is the second one calling initParser() messing up the first?
Other than that, if its some weird named-pipe goings on then I'm useless to you :).
- Jemiah

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    I am trying to have a LabView program that collects data and displays it using another program (non-LabView) running concurrently. The non-LabView program would display the data in a PPI window. We would like to use a Named Pipe method to transfer the data from the LabView program to the non-LabView program. Can that be done using LabView?

    There is a project on OpenG I have started which does implement pipes
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    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 07-07-2005 04:41 PM

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    I managed to solve the problem. So don't worry about it.
    For others who are looking for the solution...
    - I have referred to the
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    Hope this helps.
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    According to you can do the following (substitute your c# program for 'type load.dat'):
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    Alternative (for both , unix and windows)- infile syntax:
    load data
    infile "-"
    into table...
    Metalink note 191043.1 may be interesting for you as well.
    Does the performance then improve?

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       Executed as user: Sx\xxx. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility  Version 10.0.5500.0 for 64-bit  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.    Started:  9:00:00 PM  Progress: 2014-03-11
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    I have already tested the linked server connection between those servers and its fine. And what is weird is that when i run the job manually it runs successfully. 
      Any ideas? 

    How often does the job run? Does the query fail intermittently?
    I suggest you check the following configuration on both servers:
    1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server Native Client Configuration, right-click
    Client Protocols, and then click Properties. What’s the order of protocol?
    2. Check if the default port of TCP/IP  is set to 1433.
    By default, the top protocol is to use TCP/IP and then Named Pipes. There are two possible situations:
    1. Connection fails and client protocol is using TCP/IP 1433.
    When server A remotes to server B, it will use TCP/IP connection. If it encounters some issue during connecting (such as network issues), it will use Named Pipes instead. If the Name Pipes 445 still fails, thus the above error message will
    be thrown out. It will use Name Pipes afterwards until the SQL Server service is restarted.
    2. The port number is not 1433.
    However, the remote machine is listening 1433. Then, the linked server will trying to use TCP/IP first. Because of the port error, it will change to Name Pipes.
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can't connect to the database after 1-2 day, Named Pipes Provider, error: 40,Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 121

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    How can I fix this?

    Hi Lee,
    Please refer to the following article to configure SQL Server 2005 to allow remote connections:
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Named pipes Windows (OpenG implementation)

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    Thank you in advance for your consideration!
    Go to Solution.
    Screenie 1.jpg ‏92 KB
    Screenie 2.jpg ‏96 KB
    Screenie 3.jpg ‏93 KB

    Pipes are point to point communication endpoints. That means you get undefined behaviour if you try to read the same pipe from multiple locations. In fact already the opening of a pipe for the same direction more than once might fail although it seems to work here (at least in screenie2), but if it wouldn't fail the Read that happens first will see the data that was sent and the rest won't see anything. You should definitely try to disable the ENTIRE Read pipe handling in your first VI in order to allow for the second VI to have any chances of working.
    Error 42 is the LabVIEW error "generic error" used by the shared library when an error occurred that it doesn't specifically recognize. So that is not so helpfull when one can't go into the shared library itself to see what Windows API error happened.
    Error code 8 is the LabVIEW errro code "file not found". The code tries to detect if a pipe with the name does already exist and if so it tries to connect to it. This could fail if the path to the pipe was invalid or if the pipe was opened with higher privileges than what you currently have or if it was opened by the other process for that direction already. This will generailly result in the error 8.
    The OpenG Pipe library is indeed not a fully stable product. And it interfaces to a Windows part that is somewhat unknown and not so often used, and Microsoft is continously changing small parts of its implementation so that the library may indeed stumble over subtle changes in Windows over the time. Principially there shouldn't be any reason that it couldn't work in even Windows 8 since Pipes are a mechanisme that is used by many Windows components quite extensively it's just a little known feature for non-Microsoft applications and its semantics (details of operation) look a bit weird to the casual programmer. It originally (Windows NT) was trying to mimic the Posix standard but having been always different enough to what the normal Unix way of how pipes work is.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Named Pipes Error Recovery

    I have a program which uses named pipes to communicate with a (third party) named pipe server. I call CreateFile to open the pipe, then Readfile and Writefile to read and write data. If I get an error, e.g. due to a network fault, I call CancelIo, then
    CloseHandle to close the pipe, then Createfile to re-open it. I have tested this by unplugging/replugging the network cable. However, on site in a 'real' environment, I have had a couple of occasions where I have received a 'ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED' from the
    pipe I/O, and when I close the handle and call CreateFile to try and recover, I get the error 'ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT' from the CreateFile call. Can anyone think why this might be? I guess a difference between my testing and what is happening 'for real' might be
    that my testing involved disconnecting the network cable, whereas the 'live' incident may have been just a temporary glitch on the network.

    Yes, unpluggin a network cable is entirely different from communication glitches, lost packets and firewall issues.
    One of the big reasons is that unplugged network cables are detected by windows, and the port is shut down. In network management in control panel you'll see the red cross. resources associated with that port will be freed, and communications will be aborted.
    However, if the network port stays up, Windows will not know that anything went wrong. It still sees an active port, so it will just keep waiting for data to arrive. Communications that were in process may still be waiting when you retry them, so you have
    to be careful with the error handling, and verify that a) you handle all problems, and b) you cancel all necessary things.
    If you want to test such scenarios, you could play with the firewall on the target computer to simulate lost packets and timeouts.

  • Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server

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    OLE DB provider "SQL-IDA" for linked server "SQL-IDB" returned message "An error has
    occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005,
    this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
    allow remote connections.".
    Msg 53, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
    Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53].
    It seems to suggest that SQL-IDA cannot find the network path to SQL-IDB. We've followed the steps in this article;EN-US;914277 but it did not resolve our issue. Is it possible that the MSDTC dynamic port range
    should be set to a specific range on both servers?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Albert,
    Can you try to use the SQL Server Management Studio on server ‘SQL-IDA’ to connect to the instance on server ‘SQL-IDB’ to see if it works or not?
    There are possible reasons to error 53:
     a) typo in the server name, or using "/" rather than "\" between server name and instance name, e.g. "myserver/myinst" is not correct.
     b) name resolution to the server name is not correct, "ping -a yourserver" would tell if that's the case
     c) The server machine is firewall'ed and file sharing is not in the exception list. You need put "File and Printer Sharing" in exception.
    For more information:
    Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: XXX).
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are
    TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback
    Stephanie Lv
    TechNet Community Support

  • Named Pipes provider, error:40 could not open a connection to sql server. Only happens on one of the front end SRS servers

    when testing a datasource connection I get the following error.
    Named Pipes provider, error:40 could not open a connection to sql server.
    I've read all the posts on this and nothing works.  This is a scale out deployment and the connection
    works from the other server I have setup with SRS that is connected to the same backend SRS databases.  It just doesn't work from one of the SRS front ends.  I'm at a loss..  please help

    Enable both named pipe and TCP communications.
    Make sure client is using the same (named) pipe name as server for connection.
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    Free T-SQL Scripts
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Re: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server

    I'm encountering an issue with "Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 windows" and am having problems determining how to fix it due to the environment I'm using.  I have two SQL Servers installed on two separate Win2K3 Server boxes, one is SQL Server 2000 and the other is SQL Server 2005.  The SQL Server 2000 contains the actual application data.  The 2005 database is used only for Reporting Services.  I've set up the reports on SSRS such that their datasources hit the 2000 server.  This is using SQL Server authentication.
    When testing the reports via SSRS (in Visual Studio 2005), the connection to the data works and the reports are generated fine.  When I deploy them to the reporting server and launch IE to test locally (still on the 2005 box), I get this "Named Pipes Provider, error 40" issue.  I made sure that Named Pipes and TCP were enabled and the port set at 1433 (to match that on the 2000 box). 
    Now I changed the datasource's authentication from SQL Server to Windows authentication.  I tested this in SSRS and this works too.  When I redeployed the reports with this authentication change, testing the reports via IE locally (on the 2005 box) worked.  Great.  Now when I open IE on an external box, i.e. on the 2000 box, and try to test the reports, I get this same error 40 issue.  I've been through a few threads describing the error 40, fiddling around with the SQL Server configuration as well as SSRS, to no avail.  I have a feeling this error 40 issue has to due with permissions/authentication between the SQL Server boxes but I can't really be sure.  Anyone have any ideas on how to troubleshoot my situation.  Thanks.

    Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server :
    I.   Incorrect connection string, such as using SqlExpress.
    Check out:
    The typical error when dealing with Express includes:
    a.  User is not aware of SqlExpress was installed as a named instance, consequently, in his/her connection string, he/she only specify ".","localhost" etc instead of ".\SqlExpress" or "<machinename>\Sqlexpress".
    b. Np was disabld by default after installing SqlExpress.
    c. If Sqlexpress was installed on the remote box, you need to enable remote connection for Express.
    Please read the following blog for best practice of connecting to SqlExpress.
    II. Named Pipes(NP) was not enabled on the SQL instance.
    Check out:
    Oppose to SQL 2000 which turn on all protocols, SQL 2005 SKUs turn off NP by default. So, when you see this error, please check:
    1) Go to SQL Server Configuration Manager, See Server has NP enabled.
    2) %windir%\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql.1\mssql\log, notepad ERRORLOG, see whether Server is listening on NP.  You should see "Server named pipe provider is ready to accept connection on [ \\.\pipe\sql\query ] or [\\.\pipe\mssql$<InstanceName>\sql\query]"
    3) Notice that "sql\query" is the default pipe name, so you need to know server is listening on which pipe name. eg: if you specify server pipe name is "sql\query1", then you would see in the errorlog that server listening on [ \\.\pipe\sql\query1 ], and go to SQL Server Configuration Manager, click client Named Pipe properties, see whether the pipe name is same with the one server listening on.
    4) If you are using SQL Native Client ODBC/OLEDB provider({SQL Native Client} or SQLNCLI), go to SQL Configuration Manager, click client protocols, make sure NP and TCP are both enabled. Right click properties of NP, make sure client is using the same pipe name as server for connection.
    5) If you are using MDAC ODBC/OLEDB({SQL Server} or SQLOLEDB) provider, in command line, launch "cliconfg.exe" and make sure NP enabled and right pipe name specified.
    III. Remote connection was not enabled. 
    Check out: when you right click on the Server in SQL Server Management Studio, in Connections, the Remote server connections part, you have enabled the "Allow remote connections to this server" check box
    If you are making a remote connection, namely, your target SQL Server is on the different box as client application, you might need to check whether:
    a. "File and Printer Sharing" was opened in Firewall exception list.
    b. Please see the blog for enabling remote connection for express and troubleshooting tips of remote connection.
    IV. Server not started, or point to not a real server in your connection string.
    Check out: Open SQL Server Surface Area Configuration and ensure all the required services are started, Remote Connections are configured.
    a. use "sc query mssqlserver" for default instance or "sc query mssql$<instancename>" to make sure SQL Server was started. Sometimes, reseason behind the broken of your client application w/ this error:40 might be SQL server restarted and failed, so, it'd better for you to double check.
    b. User specified wrong server in their connection string, as described in the forum discussion, "MSSQLSERVER" is an invalid instance name. Remember, when you connect to default instance, <machinename> could be best representitive for the instance, when you connect to a named instance such as sqlexpress, you should specify <machinename>\<instancename> as data source in your connection string.
     V. Other reasons such as incorrect security context.
    Check out:
    Such error also occured during user operation such as moving database or db mirroring or cluster, any DB OP that might invovle different sql instances, namely, the destination database is located in another sql instance and user is not aware of the state of the destination. I recommend you first isolate whether this fail is during connection stage or data operation stage.
    a. During data operation, you are normally asked to type in the destination server name whether it is default to "(local)" or another server "<remotemachinename>". So, remember the exact string that represent the target instance, then when the error repros, open command line, use "sqlcmd -S<representitive> -E" ,see what happens, if the connection fail, please follow up above I - IV troubleshooting lists. otherwise continue.
    b. If you can make basic conection, but still face the error, then there must be something that server reject the connection or client close the connection for some reason.
    VI. Please try basic connectivity tests between the two mahcines you are working on. One simple way to verifty connectivity is to use command line tools, such as osql.exe. For example, osql -E -Stcpervername\instancename. If it connects cross-machine successfully, please also verify that your connection string in your scenario is correct.
    Here are some blogs which could be helpful: just follow the basic connectivity troubleshooting guidelines on the SQL Protocols blog, see:
    SQL Server 2005 Connectivity Issue Troubleshoot - Part I
    SQL Server 2005 Connectivity Issue Troubleshoot - Part II
    Hope this helps.

  • SQL Server Agent - [165] ODBC Error: 0, Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. [SQLSTATE 08001]

    I keep receiving the error below in the SQL Server Agent Error Log;
    [165] ODBC Error: 0, Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. [SQLSTATE 08001]
    It is occurring approximately 20 times an hour and i cannot link it to any job failures. All jobs on the same SQL instance are working.
    The server is a clustered server and there are no errors occuring in the SQL Server error log at the same time. I have attempted to trace using profiler looking for errors and warnings but anything that does occur doesn't seem to correspond to the reported
    times of the errors within the sql agent error log.
    Please could someone point me where to look next?
    Many thanks.

    Please may I add that this is on a SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise edition patched to 10.50.1600.
    Nah, that server is not patched at all, because 10.50.1600 is the RTM version. Find Service Pack 2 and install at the next maintenance window, after having performed tests according to your local policy.
    It is not going to resolve your particular problem though.
    It seems like you have a job that attempts to a connect to s server that is down or non-existing. The job may be configured to return success also on failures. I would check if there are jobs that target other servers.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]

    I'm a complete sql/ newbie and want to try this tutorial:
    First I installed:
    Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta 2
    systemsettings\software shows the "sql server 2005 express edition ctp (sqlexpress)" installed
    mmc\service shows me the SQL Server (SQLExpress) is running
    Following the guided tour I use the commandline, type cmd, and type in the commandbox:
    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\SQLCMD90" -S "localhost\SqlExpress"
    Instead of localhost I also tried computername.smallbusiness.local (thats my fully domain name).
    However I always receive the error:
    Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]
    Thank you very much for all your help

    Typically I have found problems with connection strings as one of a few things:
    1. Your instance is named different than the default.  I labeled mine BrettSQLServer instead of the regular instance.
    2. Your default storage of the your database has a user the system does not like and won't give it access.
    3. You have ports blocked that SQL Server is trying to access.
    1. Your instance should show up under 'SQL Server Configuration Manager'.  Start>MS SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools> SQL Server Configuration Manager.  You should see a left view panel where you can click 'SQL Server Services'.  This
    will show on the right all of your SQL services that are running.  The most important one is SQL Server({Your SQL Server Name}).  You will see column headers's displaying: "Name, State, Start Mode, Log on as,  ProcessID" by default.  If
    you don't see a version of this you may have no installed SQL server properly and gotten SQL management studio but not the server.  If you have the server and it's off or not running that is another problem.  If your "LOG On AS" is a service account
    is "NT ...." or something besides "Local System" that may be a problem.  Without getting into the symantecs of protection suffice to say you log in with less than system, yes you are more secure but some built in functions for connections may not work.
    2. Going off of rights of your 'Log On As' I WOULD USE 'System' NOT "NT Authority....".  The reason is that you can access less things with 'NT Authority....' but yes you are more secure for that reason.  If you are just trying to connect at home
    to test non secure things I don't see the harm.  If you are setting up a database for a multinational corporation than, Yes I would use a more secure account.  If you need to change it while still in SQL Server Confi Manager: Right Click> SQL
    Server(Your Version) > On 'Log On' tab > Choose drop down for 'Built-in Account' select 'Local System'.  As extra steps make sure by some strange reason your database locales have this user by default(They should).  MS likes to install database
    as default to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.{instanceName}\MSSQL.  If you go to this location by going: right click>Properties>Security Tab .. and you fail to see your user that SQL server is defined as you may have lots of
    3. Turn off Windows Firewall during SQL installation.  If you are scared of being attacked during this down window, disconnect your NIC and reconnect later.  I have not added a port manually in a while but it is simply easier to just
    turn off your firewall during install.  Having your TCP/IP connection from SQL Server blocked is kind of bad if you need to connect to it that way later.
    Problems most commonly encountered with SQL Server by users I have seen and I myself encountered a lot with full blown SQL Server Enterprise as well as Express versions of SQL:
    Connection string DO not work for BIDS,, Linq, etc...
    Once you follow steps above just go {ComputerName}\{SQL Server Instance} as your connection name.   That mostly always works.  As a preliminary test you should install SQL Management Studio first before doing connection strings for a basic test
    that it can access your server.  When you first boot it up and click 'New Database Engine Query' it will display Server Type: "Database Engine" and a blank field or autopopulated field for 'Servername'.  The {ComputerName}\{SQL Server Instance} almost
    always works.  If it works and you can connect, you know that you have access, if you don't start there first before getting into connection strings through .NET languages.   I suggest just adding an easy alias, my local SQL box is simply called
    'Brett'.  Go again back to SQL Server Configuration Manager.  On the left side click 'SQL Native Client ...' > 'Aliases' > New > type in whatever you want.  Go back to the left pane click on 'SQL Server Services' ensure the service
    'SQL Server Browser' is running and set to run automatic.  Have fun accessing SQL Server with your alias.  
    Help I can't get FileStream to work and I ran 'spconfigure' in SQL and it still doesn't work.
    Kind of annoying that more sites don't list that it is entirely in the Configuration manager and has zilch to do with setting the option if the config has it off.  I am not a master of the sp_configure TSQL access method but I know during installs turning
    it on fails to REALLY turn it on.  Once again go to SQL Config Manger > SQL Server Services > Right click your instance > Select FILESTREAM tab > enable both check boxes.  Restart SQL Server.  Install Adventureworks 2008 and whatever
    else failed due to filestream access levels.
    Medium to Advanced on some things, but always wanting to know more

  • Bcp out to windows named pipe

    I'm trying to export from bcp to a Windows Named Pipe.  Is this supported?
    I'm getting the error below when running this export...
    "bcp" [SQL_Class].[dbo].[Customer_table] out "\\.\pipe\testpipe" -S,12121 -U sa -e "err.txt" -o "out.txt" -w
    I'm able to log on to SQL Server, but I'm getting this error...
    SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
    Error = [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Unable to open BCP host data-file       
    PipeDirection.InOut, 4,
    PipeOptions.Asynchronous, 131072,
    I've been able to start a reader which is Teradata Fastload and it is able to open the pipe and is waiting for the read from bcp, but I keep getting this error.  Is it looking for the pipe on the server instead of locally? Is this a permission
    error.  I haven't found too much with regards to using bcp and a Windows Named Pipe so I'm just wondering if this is possible?  Thanks.

    Hi coffingdw,
    I agree with you. There should not be an issue with BCP.  You can use following command to export the data to a txt file.
    BCP MyAdventureWorks.Person.Person out "c:\out.txt" -S servername -T -c
    As the description, I know you are using Teradata FastLoad. You can refer to the following thread regarding sending data to Windows Named Pipe in the Teradata website forum.
    Best Regards,
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • Disable Shared memory & Named Pipes protocols - Post implementation issues

     As per security guidelines, we disabled Shared memory & Named Pipes protocols and enabled "TCP/IP" only. Also, we changed the port# from 1433 to 1533 and after that, in management studio, SQL Server Error logs is not openning up and SQL
    Agent Service doesn't start.
     Error while opening SQL Server Error Logs in SSMS:
    The description for Event ID 17052 from source MSSQLSERVER cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    Severity: 16 Error:10061, OS: 10061 [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. 
    the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table
    Error while trying to start SQL Agent Service from the configuration manager:
    SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server '(local)'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).
     We changed the Server host in the registry by entering <ServerName>,<Port#>. This resolved SQL Agent Service startup issue. After startup, we tried to run jobs but they all are failing with the below error.
    Job runtime Error:
    Could not load package "Maintenance Plans\Daily DB Backups" because of error 0xC0014062.  Description: The LoadFromSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80004005 (Login timeout expired).  The SQL statement that was issued
    has failed.  Source:   Started:  4:40:45 PM  Finished: 4:41:00 PM  Elapsed:  15.547 seconds.  The package could not be loaded.  The step failed.
     Resolution: If I create an alias name then all problems are solved.
     Question: Alias name is the only one solution or is there any other turn around? For some reason, I’m not at all comfortable with alias name. I feel like cheating. :-) .
    If you feel that I have answered your question then please "Mark as Answer".

     Shared memory is a security threat reported by several security audit tools. In our company, we are using "DBProtect" and "FortiDB" tools. Both checks for "Shared memory" & "Named Pipes" protocols. In case,
    our server is compromised then the last step is to get into the SQL Server to steal the data and we are trying to restrict this from being happening. So, we are disabling both protocols.
     Finally, we got it worked.
     "Cliconfig" in run command and enable "TCP/IP" protocols and it worked like a charm. This is a fluke resolution and I don't know the technical reason why we need to do this in "Client Configuration" on the server when
    we have "Configuration Manager".
     We successfully configured by disabling "Shared memory/Named Pipes" protocols. SQL Browser is also disabled & no aliases are configured.
    If you feel that I have answered your question then please "Mark as Answer".

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