Setting custom table attribute set value in region item table

Dear all
I am working on oracle application customization and extension in
oracle JDeveloper R12. I am finding a difficulty in an query region of
a OA framework page
My Entity object is on the table FWK_TBX_ADDRESS table
and VO objects has the fields or columns
AddressName, AddreessId, TownC-OrCity
what I am doing shown in the following steps
1-I select region using wizard option
2-select my AM and VO
3-select table as style
4-shuttle all attributes associated with VO
5-in region items table , select the Attribute set field for AddressName attribute and click the serach flashligh icon
6-After that select the browse button , using the package browser , expand down to oracle > apps > fnd> framwork > toolbox > attributesets, then oK
7-select the serach control , and then it list all the attributes set related to fwkTbxEmployees table like the following
Now the problem which I am facing now is that if I have custom table suppose "xxEmployees" and have attributes or column
for example employeeId, employee_name, email etc. what would I do to search these attributes when I come to step number 6 which
I mentioned above. from where in which package I can find these attributes to set attributesset value. in above i find these attributes
in /oracle/apps/fnd/framewok/toolbox/attributesset/FwkTbxAddress/AddressName
but in my case for attribute lie employeeId or employee_name from where I can get this how can I set the value of attribute set field in regin item
table in step 5

I dont know what u trying to ask
My problem is just that I want to set the attribute set value of my attribute employee_name, same is AddressId in fwk_tbx_address
ame is AddressId in fwk_tbx_address found on
where can I find my attribute employee_name
in jdeveloper

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    You dont have to apologize. I didnt meant that as offend.
    I appreciate the possibility to discuss that topic with somebody, because discussion itself sometimes shows other perspective to the problem, which can lead to solution
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    Hello chrissy,
    I don't see the connection between the item being Hidden or Text. The item id stays the same, and so the JavaScript reference to it.
    It is possible to assign values to hidden items using JavaScript, just as you did. In the following page -
    -you can see a working example of your situation – select list populate a hidden item, then display by using alert.
    After selecting from the list you should TAB out, so it will fire the JavaScript event. In your example, you were using onChange. I think that could be problematic in cases were the default value (first value) of the select list is the one chosen – no change there. In my example, I'm using onBlur.
    You can see the JavaScript on the source page.
    Hope this help,

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    thanks and kind regards

    Would the COPY built-in work for you? For example 50 items called genericItem1, genericItem2, ...
    for i in 1..50 loop
    COPY('new value', 'block.genericItem' || to_char(i));
    end loop;
    Candace Stover
    Forms Product Management

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    Hello Amit
    This would be a great place to start...
    Alternatively, APEX 4.0 will make this sort of task declarative.
    Kind regards
    Simon Gadd

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    If we enter Cha, the component works as expected
    If we enter A, the component works as expected
    If we enter Jimmy, the component does not work as expected and returns the first value of the result set ie. Brad
    If we enter Fred, the component does not work as expected and returns the first value of the result set ie. Brad
    I also verified that I get the same behavior in JDev
    UsersVOImpl (Programmatic View Object with 1 transient attribute)
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;
    import oracle.jbo.JboException;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl;
    import oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl;
    // ---    File generated by Oracle ADF Business Components Design Time.
    // ---    Wed Sep 18 15:59:44 CDT 2013
    // ---    Custom code may be added to this class.
    // ---    Warning: Do not modify method signatures of generated methods.
    public class UsersVOImpl extends ViewObjectImpl {
        private static ADFLogger LOGGER = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(UsersVOImpl.class);
        private long hitCount = 0;
         * This is the default constructor (do not remove).
        public UsersVOImpl () {
         * executeQueryForCollection - overridden for custom java data source support.
        protected void executeQueryForCollection (Object qc, Object[] params, int noUserParams) {
             List<String> usersList = new ArrayList<String>();
             Iterator usersIterator = usersList.iterator();
             setUserDataForCollection(qc, usersIterator);
             hitCount = usersList.size();
             super.executeQueryForCollection(qc, params, noUserParams);
        } // end executeQueryForCollection
         * hasNextForCollection - overridden for custom java data source support.
        protected boolean hasNextForCollection (Object qc) {
             Iterator usersListIterator = (Iterator)getUserDataForCollection(qc);
             if (usersListIterator.hasNext()) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 setFetchCompleteForCollection(qc, true);
                 return false;
             } // end if
        } // end hasNextForCollection
         * createRowFromResultSet - overridden for custom java data source support.
        protected ViewRowImpl createRowFromResultSet (Object qc, ResultSet resultSet) {
             Iterator usersListIterator = (Iterator)getUserDataForCollection(qc);
             String user = (String);
             ViewRowImpl viewRowImpl = createNewRowForCollection(qc);
             try {
                 populateAttributeForRow(viewRowImpl, 0, user.toString());
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 LOGGER.severe("Error Initializing Data", e);
                 throw new JboException(e);
             } // end try/catch
             return viewRowImpl;
        } // end createRowFromResultSet
         * getQueryHitCount - overridden for custom java data source support.
        public long getQueryHitCount (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet) {
             return hitCount;
        } // end getQueryHitCount
        protected void create () {
        } // end create
        protected void releaseUserDataForCollection (Object qc, Object rs) {
             Iterator usersListIterator = (Iterator)getUserDataForCollection(qc);
             usersListIterator = null;
             super.releaseUserDataForCollection(qc, rs);
        } // end releaseUserDataForCollection
    } // end class
    <af:inputListOfValues id="userName" popupTitle="Search and Select: #{bindings.UserName.hints.label}" value="#{bindings.UserName.inputValue}"
                                                  label="#{bindings.UserName.hints.label}" model="#{bindings.UserName.listOfValuesModel}" required="#{bindings.UserName.hints.mandatory}"
                                                  columns="#{bindings.UserName.hints.displayWidth}" shortDesc="#{bindings.UserName.hints.tooltip}" autoSubmit="true"
                              <f:validator binding="#{bindings.UserName.validator}"/>                      

    I have found a solution to this issue. It seems that when using a programmatic view object which has a transient attribute as its primary key you need to override more methods in the ViewObjectImpl so that it knows how to locate the row related to the primary key when the view object records aren't in the cache. This is why it would work correctly sometimes but not all the time. Below are the additional methods you need to override. The logic you use in retrieveByKey would be on a view object by view object basis and would be different if you had a primary key which consisted of more than one attribute.
    protected Row[] retrieveByKey (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSetImpl, Key key, int i) {
        return retrieveByKey(viewRowSetImpl, null, key, i, false);
    protected Row[] retrieveByKey (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSetImpl, String string, Key key, int i, boolean b) {
        RowSetIterator usersRowSetIterator = this.createRowSet(null);
        Row[] userRows = usersRowSetIterator.getFilteredRows("UserId", key.getAttribute(this.getAttributeIndexOf("UserId")));
        return userRows;
    protected Row[] retrieveByKey (ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSetImpl, Key key, int i, boolean b) {
        return retrieveByKey(viewRowSetImpl, null, key, i, b);

  • How to Set Value of page item?

    String dimLayoutNew[][] = new String[3][];
    dimLayoutNew[0] = new String[1];
    dimLayoutNew[1] = new String[1];
    dimLayoutNew[2] = new String[2];
    dimLayoutNew[0][0] = measureString;
    dimLayoutNew[1][0] = strDimension1;
    dimLayoutNew[2][0] = strDimension2;
    dimLayoutNew[2][1] = strDimension3;
    Boolean applyNewLayoutFlag = tableQuery.layout(dimLayoutNew);
    In this Layout,How to set the value of strDimension2 page item to one member of strDimension2?

    what about this - look up the javadoc to get more >info ....You would have to admit, while BI Beans are great, the documentation is a little light.
    int targetHPos[] = targetDataAccess.getEdgeCurrentHPos (2);
    now apply the order to the targethpos as you, once you make your changes to the targetHPos, how does one actually make the change to the Query object (i.e. what method does one need to call to pass the new targetHPos in??) I looked through the JavaDoc and didn't see a SetCurrentHPos or equivalent function in the DataAccess Class. Is there one?
    Also, what role, if any, should the SetCurrentPage method of the query object play if I'm not using it correctly?

  • Set Value of one item to another item at runtime

    I'm using APEX 4.2
    my question is i'm creating two region on same page one is form another is html region
    i'm filling form and press create button then the value created by primary key should be display in
    html region page item (while it only display in form editable mode)
    i want after click create button html region get refreshed and value should display in that display only page item
    any idea?

    At first you said,
    my question is i'm creating two region on same page one is form another is html region
    i'm filling form and press create button then the value created by primary key should be display in
    html region page item (while it only display in form editable mode)
    i want after click create button html region get refreshed and value should display in that display only page item
    After that you said,
    i want value should be display in display only item in another region after i click create button, not in form editable mode
    now when i'm click create button page get refreshed now at backend whatever value is stored in database column should be display on disply only item after click create button.
    Really hard to get your requirement.. If possible can you create an example application for this in and share the detail with explanation. So that anyone can help you..

  • Set value to each item with loop instruction

    I use a collection to change dynamically my interactive report.
    But I need to fetch the column names of my query to display the right column headings.
    So I created items for each of these : :P13_C001, :P13_C002, :P13_C003, etc. to give their value to my report columns.
    And I tried a before header process :
    for i in 1..50
    SELECT column_id, column_name
    INTO Vs_Id, Vs_Name
    AND COLUMN_ID = i;
    ':P13_C00' || i := Vs_Name ;
    end loop;
    unfortunately it's not working, I've got a synthax error :
    The following error has occurred:
    ORA-06550: Ligne 12, colonne 11 :
    PLS-00103: Symbole ":P13_C00" rencontré à la place d'un des symboles suivants :
    *( begin case declare end exit for goto if loop mod null*
    pragma raise return select update while with ........
    Anyone would have an idea ?

    Of course this one woks fine, but it would be too bad not to use a simplier method... :
            SELECT   column_id, column_name
              INTO   Vs_Id, Vs_Name
              FROM   USER_TAB_COLUMNS
              WHERE  TABLE_NAME = My_Table
                AND  COLUMN_ID = 1;
          :P13_C001 := Vs_Name ;
            SELECT   column_id, column_name
              INTO   Vs_Id, Vs_Name
              FROM   USER_TAB_COLUMNS
              WHERE  TABLE_NAME = My_Table
                AND  COLUMN_ID = 2;
          :P13_C002 := Vs_Name ;
            SELECT   column_id, column_name
              INTO   Vs_Id, Vs_Name
              FROM   USER_TAB_COLUMNS
              WHERE  TABLE_NAME = My_Table
                AND  COLUMN_ID = 3;
          :P13_C003 := Vs_Name ;

  • Setting values for items other than default value

    How can I set the value of Items (hidden item, display item etc) without using any of navigational control such as list, select list or tree?
    I have a two report region on a page and no navigation control. the requirement is only one region should be displayed at one point of time.
    Condition that drives this are passed from other page through links.
    The code is like this
    For Region A
    select * from table a where cola = :P_VALUE_FROM_OTHER_PAGE; //value passed is JOE
    For Region B
    select * from table a where cola = :P_VALUE_FROM_OTHER_PAGE; //value passed is JOHNnow there is the hidden item :P_HIDDEN that i am comparing in expression1 = expression2 conditions for each region
    for e.g.
    for region A
    value in expression1 = expression2
    P_HIDDEN = 1
    for region B
    P_HIDDEN = 2my issue is, where can I set values for P_HIDDEN item (set to 1 and set to 2) without any navigational control on the page.
    now there is the hidden item :P_HIDDEN that i am comparing in expression1 = expression2 conditions for each region
    for e.g.
    for region A
    value in expression1 = expression2
    P_HIDDEN = 1
    for region B
    P_HIDDEN = 2
    my issue is, where can I set values for P_HIDDEN item (set to 1 and set to 2) without any navigational control on the page.
    Edited by: Rich V on May 21, 2010 10:41 PM

    The question I would ask is:
    How are you determining which region you want to be displayed by default?
    Either way, you could potentially use a 'before header' computation to calculate the value of your hidden item, although you'd also need to include some sort of conditional means of preventing the computation from running everytime to run the page (otherwise you'd never see your other region) e.g. you might only want it to run if the hidden item is null.

  • Cascading LOVs (APEX 4.1) problem, using in report does not set values

    i am using APEX and i have a simple report as
    SELECT * from region
    WHERE region like '%'||P3_REGION||'%'
    and country like '%'||P3_COUNTRY||'%'
    and city like '%'||P3_CITY||'%'
    select distinct region as d, region as r from region
    Display Null value: YES
    Null display value: - select -
    Null return value: +0+
    select distinct country as d, country as r from region where region = :P3_REGION
    Display Null value: YES
    Null display value: - select -
    Null return value: +0+
    Cascading LOV Parent Item(s): P3_REGION
    +select distinct city as d, city as r from region where country = :P3_COUNTRY
    Display Null value: YES
    Null display value: - select -
    Null return value: +0+
    Cascading LOV Parent Item(s): P3_COUNTRY
    The LOVs work fine and the correct values are displayed if cascading through them
    So in the last step i want to filter the report with the values that were selected in the lovs. And this i get not working.
    I tried to add a button with SUBMIT of the page. After choosing values in all LOVs and clicking the SUBMIT button the page submits, alle LOVs are cleared (with value - select -) and the report shows all rows.
    I tried to change the button to "redirect to Page 3" and setting the values P3_REGION, P3_COUNTRY, P3_CITY to &P3_REGION., &P3_COUNTRY., &P3_CITY. but without success.
    I tried to use the setting "Page Action when Value Changed" to "Submit" and/or "Redirect and set value" for all Item LOVs and/or only the last item LOV, but then the cascade of the LOVs does not work properly and the report does not change too.
    I am confused as i don´t know what i can do until now. I think this should be an easy requirement to limit/filter the report with values in the LOVs.
    Furthermore it should be possible to choose only the region LOV and then limit the report with that region (without choosing country and city)
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Dan,
    thank you for your answer. I have the solution now from Kleber_M, this works.
    Dan McGhan wrote:
    1. Use bind variables in my query. It would look something like:
    SELECT *
    FROM region
    WHERE region LIKE '%'|| :P3_REGION ||'%'
    AND country LIKE '%'|| :P3_COUNTRY ||'%'
    AND city LIKE '%'|| :P3_CITY ||'%'
    This was only a mistake when writing the post, i forgot the colon. I use bind variables of course.
    2. Make sure you have a comma separated list of item names that the report depends on beneath the SQL Query where it says Page Items to Submit. This will make sure that the value of those items on the page are bound into session state prior to the query executing.I tried this, too, but without success...
    3. Use Dynamic Actions to perform the refresh action when any of the three items changes. This would be both more performant and a better experience for the end user than a full page refresh.How can i do this. This sounds good, because when refreshing the page often some items oder actions are done that i don´t want to.

  • Help on how to set value on LinkButton type column

    Can I programmatically set a value on Item No. in matrix on Sales Quotation which is of type SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton?
    This code helped me set values to an edittext type column
    Dim et As SAPbouiCOM.EditText = oMatrix.Columns.Item(matrixColumnID).Cells.Item(rowNumber).Specific
    et.Value = value
    Dim et As SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton = oMatrix.Columns.Item(matrixColumnID).Cells.Item(rowNumber).Specific
    How can set value for the Item No.?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Just treat the Item No. column as an EditText for purposes of setting its value.
        Dim sboEdit As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
        Set sboEdit = sboMatrix.Columns("1").Cells(lngRow).Specific
        sboEdit.Value = "XXXXXX"

  • Setting a default initial value to a CHAR type field in a custom table

    Is it possible to set a default initial value to a field in a customer table(Ztable) that is not SPACE?  SAP sets the initial value to " " space for datatype CHAR.
    I am looking at creating a field in a table that would always default to 'X' on creation of a new row.
    Your response is appreciated..

    I believe this cannot be done..
    If you are inserting the row through a program then you can insert the field value to be 'X'.. If the value is not passed ..Then it will be blank..
    If you are using table maintenance then in the PAI can insert values..

  • How set the values programatically in custom tables ?

    Hi Guru's,
    Please help me where i did mistake....
    My scenario is i have 4 columns that 4 columns are look up based on row i need save the "XX_hr_Vacancies_CompTab"
    4 columns look like....
    column1(15 questions ) column2(message choice) column3(message choice) column4(free text)
    (1-15)question manually select (1-10) manually select (1-10) comments
    this vo purpose i am using this query
    , xhv.RFP_NO
    , hl.lookup_code
    , hl.meaning
    FROM hr_lookups hl ,
    xx_hr_vacancies xhv,
    WHERE lookup_type = 'XX_JE_QUESTIONAIRE'
    AND xhv.RFP_NO = 'IRC616'
    I am using sample code is for one column inserting.....please help where i am doing mistake.
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Save") != null)
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    OAViewObject vacncyVO = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("XXTableLookupVO1");
    int fetchedrowcount = vacncyVO.getRowCount();
    RowSetIterator multiIter;
    multiIter = vacncyVO.createRowSetIterator("VacancyId");//Attribite of the select box
    System.out.println("no before for loop condition rows"+fetchedrowcount);
    for(int i=0;i<fetchedrowcount;i++)
    OAViewObject vacncyVO1 =
    Object vacancy = vacncyVO.getRowAtRangeIndex(i).getAttribute("VacancyId"); */*63 Line code is this one*/*
    System.out.println("vacancy number is in table region current row is "+vacancy);
    System.out.println("no or rows"+fetchedrowcount);
    if(vacancy != null && !"".equals("vacancy"))
    System.out.println("set create vacancy number is in table region current row is "+vacancy);
    System.out.println("out of for loop :"+fetchedrowcount);
    13/01/10 06:55:28 no before for loop condition rows15
    13/01/10 06:55:29 Header is =725
    13/01/10 06:55:30 vacancy number is in table region current row is 616
    13/01/10 06:55:30 no or rows15
    13/01/10 06:55:30 set create vacancy number is in table region current row is 616
    13/01/10 06:55:30 Header is =726
    ## Detail 0 ##
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageLayoutHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source)

    Thanks Keerthi,
    i am getting values but i unable to set the values, once i am setting values i am facing null pointer exception ..
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageLayoutHelper.processFormRequest(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean.processFormRequest(Unknown Source)
    i am using below coding in PFR
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("Save") != null)
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    OAViewObject oaviewobject =(OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("XXTableLookupVO1");
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"View Object is exists",OAFwkConstants.STATEMENT);
    int rowcountValue = oaviewobject.getRowCount();
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Row returned by the View Object"+rowcountValue,OAFwkConstants.STATEMENT);
    System.out.println("before for loop geting values = "+rowcountValue);
    Row rowAdv= oaviewobject.first();
    RowSetIterator iterator = oaviewobject.createRowSetIterator("iterator");
    for(int i=0; i<iterator.getRowCount(); i++)
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Inside For loop ",OAFwkConstants.STATEMENT);
    rowAdv =iterator.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
    if(rowAdv != null)
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"flag not null",OAFwkConstants.STATEMENT);
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this,"Flag Value Checked as Y",OAFwkConstants.STATEMENT);
    OAViewObject vacncyVO1 =
    Object vacancyname = rowAdv.getAttribute("VacancyId").toString();
    vacncyVO1.getCurrentRow().setAttribute("VacancyId",vacancyname); This is the 86 line
    System.out.println("Vacancy ID IS = "+vacancyname);
    System.out.println("Vacancy ID IS = "+rowAdv);
    // System.out.println("out of for loop :"+iterator);
    please help me where i am doing mistake...

  • SQL Query (updateable report) Region - Conditionally Hide and Set Values

    SQL Query (updateable report) Region - Conditionally Hide and Set Values
    Outline of requirement :-
    Master / Detail page with Detail updated on same page using SQL Query (updateable report).
    The detail region has the following source
    SELECT item_id,
           CASE WHEN hardware_id IS NOT NULL THEN
                WHEN backup_dev_id IS NOT NULL THEN
                WHEN hardware_os_id IS NOT NULL THEN
           END item_type,
    FROM   "#OWNER#".support_items
    WHERE  contract_id = :P26_CONTRACT_IDThe table support_items implements arced relationships and has the following columns
      ITEM_ID         NUMBER                        NOT NULL,
      CONTRACT_ID     NUMBER                        NOT NULL,
    )A check type constaint on support_items ensures that only one of the fk's is present.
          (    hardware_id    IS NOT NULL
           AND backup_dev_id  IS NULL
           AND hardware_os_id IS NULL
    OR    (    hardware_id    IS NULL
           AND backup_dev_id  IS NOT NULL
           AND hardware_os_id IS NULL
    OR    (    hardware_id    IS NULL
           AND backup_dev_id  IS NULL
           AND hardware_os_id IS NOT NULL
          )    Hardware_Id is a FK to Hardware_Assets
    Backup_dev_id is a FK to Backup_Devices
    Hardware_os_id is a FK to Hardware_op_systems
    The Tabular Form Element based on item_type column of SQL query is Displayed As Select List (based on LOV) referencing a named list of values which have the following properties
    Display Value     Return Value
    Hardware Asset    HA
    Backup Device     BD
    Computer System   HSThe Tabular Form Elements for the report attributes for hardware_id, backup_dev_id and hardware_os_id are all Displayed As Select List (Based on LOV).
    What I want to do is only display the Select List for the FK depending on the value of the Select List on Item Type, e.g.
    Item_Type is 'HA' then display Select List for hardware_id, do not display and set to NULL the Select Lists for backup_dev_id and hardware_os_id.
    Item_Type is 'BB' then display Select List for backup_dev_id, do not display and set to NULL the Select Lists for hardware_id and hardware_os_id.
    Item_Type is 'HS' then display Select List for hardware_os_id, do not display and set to NULL the Select Lists backup_dev_id and hardware_id.
    There are properties on elements to conditionally display it but how do we reference the values of the SQL query Updateable region? they are not given a page item name?
    Also on the Tabular For Elements there is an Edit tick against a report item - however when you go to the Column Attributes there is not a property with which you can control the Edit setting.
    What's the best way of implementing this requirement in APEX 3.1?

    Welcome to the forum: please read the FAQ and forum sticky threads (if you haven't done so already), and update your profile with a real handle instead of "user13515136".
    When you have a problem you'll get a faster, more effective response by including as much relevant information as possible upfront. This should include:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s) (making particular distinction as to whether a "report" is a standard report, an interactive report, or in fact an "updateable report" (i.e. a tabular form)
    With APEX we're also fortunate to have a great resource in where we can reproduce and share problems. Reproducing things there is the best way to troubleshoot most issues, especially those relating to layout and visual formatting. If you expect a detailed answer then it's appropriate for you to take on a significant part of the effort by getting as far as possible with an example of the problem on before asking for assistance with specific issues, which we can then see at first hand.
    I have a multi-row region that displays values and allows entries in a number of fields.Provide exact details of how this has been implemented. (An example on is always a good way to do this.)
    I should like the fields to be conditional in that they do not permit entry, but still display, if certain conditions apply (e.g. older rows greyed out). Can this be done? Almost anything can be done, often in multiple ways. Which are appropriate may be dependent on a particular implementation, the skills available to implement it, and the effort you're willing to expend on it. Hence it's necessary to provide full details of what you've done so far...

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