Setting up JSTL

Seems to be a common problem but I am getting the following error when trying to use the JSTL:
"The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application".
The taglib line in the jsp page is
<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>my web.xml looks like this...
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
</web-app>I haven't ported across any jars or tlds for this as yet (i have tried but came up with a number of errors!!)
I am using Tomcat 6.0.14 and netbeans.
Can anyone advise on how to get this to work?
Thanks in advance!

hi tcsmith1978
Check whether your are using jstl's jar file in your project library while using jstl tags. If you havenot added them, then add them taking it as priority task

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  • Setting a jstl bean varable?

    i have a java bean like this:
              <jsp:useBean id="empskill" class="com.Database.EmployeeSkill" scope="page">
                   <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="ename" value="<%= session.getAttribute( "ename" ) %>"/>
                   <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="skill.skillname" value="<%= session.getAttribute( "sname" ) %>"/>
              <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="yearsexperience" value="<%= session.getAttribute( "yexp" ) %>"/>
              </jsp:useBean>and i have java set method in employeeskill :
       public void setSkill(Skill skill) {this.skill = skill; }and i have a java set method in skill :
        public void setSkillname(String skillname) { this.skillname = skillname; }why is it that i cant set the parameter like this, i get this error:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /main.jsp at line 277
    275:           <jsp:useBean id="empskill" class="com.Database.EmployeeSkill" scope="page">
    276:                <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="ename" value="<%= session.getAttribute( "ename" ) %>"/>
    277:                <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="skill.skillname" value="<%= session.getAttribute( "sname" ) %>"/>
    278:           <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="yearsexperience" value="<%= session.getAttribute( "yexp" ) %>"/>
    279:           </jsp:useBean>
    root cause
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find any information on property 'skill.skillname' in a bean of type 'com.Database.EmployeeSkill'
    root cause
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find any information on property 'skill.skillname' in a bean of type 'com.Database.EmployeeSkill'

    This is a tough looking design. Here is what I would ask myself, if I were you:
    Is EmployeeSkill A Skill, or does EmployeeSkill Have A Skill?
    Your design says: EmployeeSkill Has A Skill, but it seems to me that EmployeeSkill Is A Skill.
    So instead of having EmployeeSkill contain an object of type Skill, maybe EmployeeSkill should extend Skill:
    class Skill {
        private ResultSet rs ;//the result set to hold the data from the database
        private Connection con;//holds the connection to the database
        private Statement stmt;//used to run SQL       
        private int skillid;
        private String skillname, description;
        SkillType skilltype = new SkillType();
        public void setSkillid(int skillid) { this.skillid = skillid; }
        public void setSkillname(String skillname) { this.skillname = skillname; }
        public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }
        public void setSkilltype(SkillType skilltype) { this.skilltype = skilltype; }
        public int getSkillid() { return this.skillid; }
        public String getSkillname() { return this.skillname; }
        public String getSkillDescription() { return this.description; }
        public SkillType getSkilltype() { return this.skilltype; }
    } //end Skill class
    public class EmployeeSkill extends Skill {
        private ResultSet rs ;//the result set to hold the data from the database
        private Connection con;//holds the connection to the database
        private Statement stmt;//used to run SQL       
        private String skilllevel;
        private double yearsexperience = 0;
        Employee employee = new Employee();
        public void setSkilllevel(String level) { this.skilllevel = level; }
        public void setYearsexperience(double yearsexp) { this.yearsexperience = yearsexp; }
        public void setEmpid(int empid) {this.employee.setEmpid(empid); }
        public void setEname(String ename) { this.employee.setEname(ename); }
        public int getEmpid() { return this.employee.getEmpid(); }
        public String getEname() { return this.employee.getEname(); }
        public String getSkilllevel() { return this.skilllevel; }
        public double getYearsexperience() { return this.yearsexperience; }
    } //end EmployeeSkill classIn that case, because EmployeeSkill is a Skill, it has all the methods of the parent Skill type.
    Choosing between inheritance (EmployeeSkill Is A Skill) and composition (EmployeeSkill Has A Skill) can be tricky sometimes. Only use the inheritance scheme if it actually fits (it does appear to fit to me), and only if the Skill referenced by EmployeeSkill doesn't change in relationship to the EmployeeSkill (for example, if the Skill's SkillType can change indepependently, or if, over the course of your application, the EmployeeSkill may point to several different Skills, while maintaining its own identity).
    An Composition alternative to the above code would have delegate methods in the EmployeeSkill class to pass information to the Skill, and get it back:
    public class EmployeeSkill {
        private ResultSet rs ;//the result set to hold the data from the database
        private Connection con;//holds the connection to the database
        private Statement stmt;//used to run SQL       
        private String skilllevel;
        private double yearsexperience = 0;
        Employee employee = new Employee();
        Skill skill = new Skill();
        public void setSkilllevel(String level) { this.skilllevel = level; }
        public void setYearsexperience(double yearsexp) { this.yearsexperience = yearsexp; }
        public void setEmpid(int empid) {this.employee.setEmpid(empid); }
        public void setEname(String ename) { this.employee.setEname(ename); }
        public void setSkillid(int skillid) { this.skill.setSkillid(skillid); }
        public void setSkillname(String skillname) { this.skill.setSkillname(skillname); }
        public void setDesctiption(String description) { this.skill.setDescription(description); }
        public void setSkilltype(SkillType skilltype) { this.skill.setSkilltype(skilltype); }
        public int getSkillid() { return this.skill.getSkillid(); }
        public String getSkillname() { return this.skill.getSkillname(); }
        public String getDescription() { return this.skill.getSkillDescription(); }
        public SkillType getSkilltype() { return this.skill.getSkilltype(); }
        public int getEmpid() { return this.employee.getEmpid(); }
        public String getEname() { return this.employee.getEname(); }
        public String getSkilllevel() { return this.skilllevel; }
        public double getYearsexperience() { return this.yearsexperience; }
    } //end EmployeeSkill classIt looks worse because it has more methods, but it can be the better design in the long run.
    I would also question the design that says 'EmployeeSkill Has An Employee'. It seems to me that the opposite should be true, the 'Employee Has An EmployeeSkill', or a bunch of them. So it might be worth thinking about how to better manage that relationship.

  • Frustrating JSTL, help me plz

    I'm using Tomcat 5 and JSTL 1.1. I copied the JSTL files jstl.jar and standard.jar in Tomcat's /root/WEB-INF folder. Then I ran the following code
    <%@ page contentType="text/html" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    <body bgcolor=lightblue>
    <form   method=post  action="demo1.jsp">
    NAME <input  type=text  name="text1"><br>
    PLACE<input  type=text  name="text2"><br>
           <input type=submit>
    NAME:<c:out value="${param.text1}"  /><br>
    PLACE:<c:out value="${param.text2}"  />
    </html>After clicking submit, the code failed to get the value. What's wrong in it? Do I need to copy those tld's in WEB_INF or do I need to make certain change in my web.xml file? I'm working hard since yesterday, help me plz.

    You are still using the JSTL1.0 uri
    The taglib import should be:
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    (note the subtle addition of /jsp/ in there)
    See this thread for full details on setting up JSTL and Tomcat: rely #6

  • Is there any way to use Integer.parseInt using jstl

    actually i m getting a string in a varible i need to convert it to int so that i can use it for further calculation.
    so plz tell how to do that...

    The exception clearly states the variable isn't a valid number. Print out the value and see what it is.
    And no, you can't set the 'JSTL variable' for the simple reason that there are no 'JSTL variables' ( at least none that are public ). You're probably thinking of the EL. And no, you can't do anything there either.
    People on the forum help others voluntarily, it's not their job.
    Help them help you.
    Learn how to ask questions first:
    (Yes I know it's on JavaRanch but I think it applies everywhere)

  • Help about JSTL: I can't use c:if .. in option.. !

    Hi, all
    I build my project on STRUTS before, and using the tableligs of struts,But now ,I find it is a good choice using JSTL.However ,problems accurred as follows:
    (my project is on Eclipse and Tomcat)
    In the page , I have already include that:
    <%@ taglib uri="/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/jstl/fn" prefix="fn" %>
    <%@ page isELIgnored="false"%>
    In web.xml, I added that :
    Problem occur here:
    <select name="category">
    <option value="IM1" <c:if test="${CCOption == 0}"> selected</c:if> ><bean:message key="IM1"/></option>
    but the system told that " undefined attribute name <c:if .... " that is to say, they cannot find the tag in this page,but I have try to put the <c:if to ..>out , not in the <option...> ,then that is OK.
    But in fact ,we can use the tag <c:if....> in such as <option...> and so on . I don't know why I can't.
    By the way, in jslt 1.1, JSTl.jar/standard.jar have 15 .tld files , I don't
    know what are the differences among the file c-1_0-rt.tld, c-1_0.tld and c.tld(which are inclued in the 15 tld files)?How can I set up JSTL in my Tomcat?
    Look forward for your help!
    Many thanks in advance!

    You may find it useful to go and read [url] this post. (reply #6)
    Basically you are making a whole lot of work for yourself that you don't need.
    JSTL doesn't need the tld files in WEB-INF.
    It doesn't need entries in web.xml
    All it needs is you to use the standard import URI: <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
    So get rid of those tlds. Leave them hidden inside the jar file. Tomcat will find them there.
    The other thing of not is the <%@ page isELIgnored="false"%> attribute you have.
    You only need this because your web.xml is defining itself as version2.3.
    If you update your web.xml to version2.4, EL is enabled by default
    Hope this helps,

  • JSF and JSTL integration

    Can anyone tell me how to access JSF objects from JSTL tags?
    I want to set a requestScope flag in my changeListener
    ... context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put("xxx","ok"); ... and render output depending on existance of this flag:
    ...<c:if test="${!=null}" > .... .
    This examplecode doesn't work, JSTL tags cannot access this var! How can I do that?
    What I realy want is to reload another frame when user changed a specific input field.
    Above code should add a JavaScript to reload the frame if this is true .
    I can't do this on submit because the other framepage uses the stored/modified data.
    Maybe there's a better approach for this anyway?
    Thanks for your help!

    Thanks for your help - I found it was my own mistake why it didn't work. Now it does, as you said.
    But in the meentime I ran into another Problem mixing JSTL und JSF:
    I want to build a SelectOneMenu and populate it with data from a database, but with selectItemValue
    other than selectItemLabel (value should be numeric DB-ID, label a readable name).
    Since "selectItems" allows only one dimensional Arrays (?) as parameter, I must use "selectItem" for
    each row. So I wrote following code:
    <h:selectOneMenu id="m1" value="#{worktime.employee}">
       <sql:query var="employees" dataSource="jdbc/WebOfficeDB">
           select oid,displayname from employees order by displayname asc
        <c:forEach var="row" items="${employees.rows}" >
           <f:selectItem itemValue="#{row.oid}" itemLabel="#{row.displayname}" />
    </h:selectOneMenu>This doesn't work, I get NullPointer Exceptions from selectItem.setValue().
    I think because JSF "#" references another context than JSTL "$" - is this correct?
    So I tried to set a JSTL variable inside the forEach loop to access the datarow
    <c:set var="data" value="${row}" scope="request"/>
    <f:selectItem itemValue="#{}" itemLabel="#{}" />
    ...The effect is that all lines of the selectOneMenu have the same content (from the last datarecord)!?
    Since this is my first project in JSTL and JSF and should stay a small one I don't want to go into building
    CustomComponents and so on for such a simple Task.
    I would be very very happy for some tips and hints, since I think this mixing of JSTL and JSF Context
    will be a very common problem within my project.

  • Setting properties using java?

    the varables:
         String ename;
         String skillname;
         String yearsexp;
    %>setting them when the button is clicked
         function search(main)
              ename = document.main.EmployeeName.options[document.main.EmployeeName.selectedIndex].value
              skillname = document.main.SkillName.options[document.main.SkillName.selectedIndex].value
              yearsexp = document.main.yearsExp.value
         }setting the jstl varables using the varables just set:
         <jsp:useBean id="empskill" class="com.Database.EmployeeSkill" scope="page">
              <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="ename" value="<%ename%>"/>
              <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="skillName" value="<%skillname%>"/>
              <jsp:setProperty name="empskill" property="yearsexperience" value="<%yearsexp%>"/>
         </jsp:useBean>but this doesnt work??? please help
    Message was edited by:

    what is the point in submitting a form if the jstl can read the value of the input parameters directly?
    how do i set the jstl to read the input parameters?
    therefore all it needs to do is re-fresh the page?
    if not, i have created a new form called 'search within the main form called 'main'
    <form name ="search">.....
                                       <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Search"onClick="search(">
                         <form name ="search">it contains two drop downs and one text box...
    the button submits the form.. what do i need to do with the submitted form to allow me to set the properties??

  • Setting Locale in JSP manually..

    Hi All,
    how to set locale in JSP.. like as we set in JSTL i.e <fmt:setLocale value="en_US"/>.. If we set it in head.jsp, it should be used in all the JSPs.. How to set like that..
    Thanks in Advance,
    VishnuVardhan Bovilla

    Since RequestLocale is session component , i think this may work.- but you will have to set it again once new session is created
    for syntax you can refer
    A better way is already suggested :
    make in path - /atg/dynamo/servlet
    create class MyRequestLocale extending RequestLocale
    overide discernRequestLocale method :
    example :
         public Locale discernRequestLocale(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest, RequestLocale pReqLocal)
             Locale resultLocale = null;
                  resultLocale = localeFromHTTPHeader(pRequest,pReqLocal);
                       resultLocale = getDefaultRequestLocale();
             return resultLocale;

  • Display from another website

    Hello all,
    I need to display a page from another website in my jsp. I'm using Sitemesh to build the header, footer and layout of the page, but I need to bring a page from another website to display in the body. I have searched the internet and haven't found any good posts/articles/tutorials/ect. on the subject. Could someone please point me in the right directions.

    Use a tool that gets data from a URL then sets a JSTL tag. You can use the tag then to place the new content. Please only do this if the site belongs to you. This will be frowned at if not.
    Simple class to get a URL
    * Grabs data from an URL after passing parameters in a POST or GET request
    * @author Garry Taylor
    public class WebFetch {
         private String Url;
         private String Method;
         private String Response;
         private String PostData;
         public WebFetch() {
              this.PostData = "";
              this.Method = "POST";
         public void setUrl( String value) {
              this.Url = value;
         public void setMethod( String value) {
              this.Method = value;
         public String getUrl() {
              return this.Url;
         public String getMethod() {
              return this.Method;
         public String getResponse() {
              return this.Response;
         public void setPost(String name, String value) {
              String prefix = "";
              if( this.PostData.equals("") ){
                   prefix = "";
              } else {
                   prefix = "&";
              try {
                   this.PostData += prefix + name + "=" + URLEncoder.encode (value, "UTF-8" );
              } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         public String getRequest() throws IOException {
              URL url;
              URLConnection urlConn;
              DataOutputStream printout;
              DataInputStream input;
              // URL of CGI-Bin script.
              url = new URL (this.Url);
              // URL connection channel.
              urlConn = url.openConnection();
              // Let the run-time system (RTS) know that we want input.
              urlConn.setDoInput (true);
              // Let the RTS know that we want to do output.
              urlConn.setDoOutput (true);
              // No caching, we want the real thing.
              urlConn.setUseCaches (false);
              // Specify the content type.
              ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
              // Send POST output.
              printout = new DataOutputStream (urlConn.getOutputStream ());
              String content = this.PostData;
              printout.writeBytes (content);
              printout.flush ();
              printout.close ();
              // Get response data.
              input = new DataInputStream (urlConn.getInputStream ());
              String str = "";
              String result = "";
              while (null != ((str = input.readLine()))) {
              System.out.println (str);
              //textArea.appendText (str + "\n");
                   result += str + System.getProperty ( "line.separator" );
              input.close ();
              return result;

  • Finding message bundle from custom tag

    I have a JSP page which has a <fmt:setBundle> to set the translations bundle. It also has a tag which I handle using a custom tag handler based on TagSupport. One of the attributes to this tag is a string which I need to look up in the message bundle, so I need to find the right message bundle as set at the top of the JSP page.
    So putting the question succinctly, how, from custom tag handler code, do I find the message bundle the page is using?

    So putting the question succinctly, how, from custom tag handler code, do I find the message bundle the page is using? To answer your question:
    The <fmt:setBundle> tag (according to the documentation:
    Creates an i18n localization context and stores it in the scoped variable or the
    javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.localizationContext configuration variableSo you can look up that configuration variable, and use its information to obtain the resource bundle name, or the Localization object which wraps the bundle.
    Of course, thats the hard way...
    You see the friendly folks who wrote the JSTL knew that there would be people who would want to do this.
    So they wrote a helper class for us: [javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.LocaleSupport|]
    A better question is actually:
    How do I look up a message in the bundle set by JSTL <fmt:setBundle> when I am in a custom tag handler?The answer is:
    LocaleSupport.getLocalizedMessage(pageContext, key)Its all in their (relatively readable) [JSTL specification|]

  • Can you assign the value of a jstl:out value to a jstl:set variable?

    Basically can you do the following?
    <jstl:set var="journeyVisit"
    value="<jstl:out value=${journeyVisits.stopPoint.description} />" />
    Basically we have our own independent markup language and I need to use our own href tag to wrap the 'journeyVisit' tag.
    Any ideas?

    <jstl:set var="journeyVisit" value="${journeyVisits.stopPoint.description} " />

  • How to set  an object in request scope in  a jsp uysing  jstl

    I usally use scriptlet in jsp to set an object in request is
    there a way to do this using jstl
    instead of this
    <%request.setAttribute("test",myObject);%> I want to use tag ?

    The <c:set> tag should be useful...
    Of course if you can access it as a JSTL variable it IS already an attribute in scope.

  • Displaying a set of records using jstl

    hi i am new to requirement is i want to display a set of records from my database using jstl.for eg i want to display 50 records per page and i want to navigate to other records using next and prevoius buttons and i need to put view and edit buttons in that page.can anybody give me a solution for this.urgent

    You may try the paging taglib ...

  • Filtering a set of collections using JSTL

    Hi, i am currently facing a problem where i tried to query a set of collections in JSTL. My 1st query is using date for example,
    <sql:setDataSource var="ds" driver="" url="jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=eleavedb;SelectMethod=cursor" user="sa" password="sapassword"/>
    <sql:query var="countLeave" dataSource="${ds}">
    SELECT * FROM VCST_EMPLOYEE_LEAVE WHERE leave_from LIKE 'May 31 2006%'
         <sql:param value="${dates}%" />
    After querying through date, i need to query these collection of data based on its type. But, my problem to do it? This is because it's type is not unique.

    You may try the paging taglib ...

  • JSTL c:set tag replace single qoutes to & #039;

    Hi all,
    i'm using the JSTL-Tags to create and query a SQL-Statement.
    I use the c:set Tag to set a part of my query...
    <c:set var="selectSeveral" value="d.hardwarecode = '${param.p_macAddress}'"/>
    ...and the sql:query Tag to excecute the query:
    SELECT <c:out value="${selectValue}"/>
    FROM event e, device d, billingunit b
    WHERE e.eventdate >= to_date('<c:out value="${param.p_dateFrom}"/>', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND e.eventdate <= to_date('<c:out value="${param.p_dateTo}"/>', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND <c:out value="${selectSeveral}"/>
    AND e.deviceid = d.deviceid
    AND d.billingunitid = b.billingunitid
    GROUP BY <c:out value="${groupValue}"/>
    By excecuting the Statement with Tomcat i get a Oracle ORA-00911: invalid character Errormessage.
    I found the reason for this in the Logfile, where the Statement looks like this:
    SELECT e.eventdate, e.sessionend, e.sourceip, e.amount, d.hardwarecode, d.typecode,, b.code
    FROM event e, device d, billingunit b
    WHERE e.eventdate >= to_date('17.03.2003 19:44:06', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND e.eventdate <= to_date('17.03.2003 20:54:59', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    AND e.sourceip = & #039; #039;
    AND e.deviceid = d.deviceid
    AND d.billingunitid = b.billingunitid
    ORDER BY eventdate asc
    As you can see JSTL replaced the single quotes with the number code of the single quotes. (& #039;)
    Any ideas how to solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance.
    Cu Daniel

    Try setting the escapeXml attribute to false - it defaults to true, and will replace XML (and HTML) special characters to their entity codes. For example:
    <c:out value="${selectValue}" escapeXml="false"/>

Maybe you are looking for