Setvars.bat trouble

i am trying to develop dbservlets and having trouble in defining the jdev home.
can someone help me in defining the jdev home through the setvars.bat file ...

JDeveloper Team (guest) wrote:
: Ignacio,
: These lines, and the one like it in setjboenv.bat:
: set JDEV_TEMP=%1
: set the value of the JDEV_TEMP environment variable to whatever
: argument you pass in on the command line (%1), then strips out
: any quotation marks in that value.
: For example, if you enter the following at the command prompt:
: c:\>setvars.bat C:\"Program Files"\Oracle\"JDeveloper 2.0"
: The first line would set JDEV_TEMP to C:\"Program
: Files"\Oracle\"JDeveloper 2.0" and the second line would strip
: out the quote marks so you end up with JDEV_TEMP=C:\Program
: Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 2.0
: -L
: Ignacio J. Ortega (guest) wrote:
: : What can you say with this line of BAT from the setvars.bat &
: : setjboenv.bat files:
: : set JDEV_TEMP=%JDEV_TEMP:"=%
: : i can't understand , perhaps a bug, an unix remniscent, or i
: have
: : RTF NT help...
What surprise, this not works on 4nt, this are my problem, i'm
trying to execute this bat files from 4nt, and this macro
substitution technique doesn't work, but it runs ok in cmd.exe, i
think that i knows NT in deep , but ..... it's not true.
The NT online manual don't talks about it, but "set /?" explains
this feature, live to see..... i'm revisting all de "/?" help
from all the NT commands......thanks the explanation, very util
in others areas of my work...
Ignacio J. Ortega. (very surprised)

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  • 903 setvars.bat does not work on Windows XP

    Just tried using the ...\jdev\bin\setvars.bat on Windows XP SP1...
    C:\>set JDEVELOPER_HOME=C:\JDev9i\903\jdev
    C:\>set JAVA_HOME=C:\JDev9i\903\jdk
    C:\>set JDK_VER=1.3
    C:\>set JAVA_VM=C:\JDev9i\903\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe
    C:\>set CLASSPATH=.;C:\JDev9i\903\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar
    C:\>set PATH=.;C:\JDev9i\903\jdk\jre\bin;C:\JDev9i\903\jdk\bin;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT
    C:\>call "C:\JDev9i\903\jdev\bin\setvars" -go
    Using JDeveloper installation in "C:\JDev9i\903\jdev\"
    Using JDeveloper root in "C:\JDev9i\903\"
    'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.

    Sorry to be so long getting back to this, it has been a really crazy week!
    The problem went away! I don't know what was going on the day I was having the problem. I guess my 'path' got hosed, but I thought I had restarted the session and retried. Oh, well, the mysteries of life!

  • How to use DTRshell.bat

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    I need to use DTRShell.bat. When I try to execute it from command line, i get the following error :
    C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\tools\dtr\dtrshell.bat"
    'setvars.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    Thanks for your help.

    Looks like the DTRshell.bat file is calling another bat file that doesn't exist.  I suggest opening DTRshell.bat and do a search for setvars.bat.  You may just have to change the path to that file inside of the DTRshell.bat script.
    Zach Shay

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    Any idea where the generated class is going to?

    should be, but isn't... JDeveloper3.1
    (build 681) default install... Is it in
    a custom package I didn't install? Or
    am I just a dumb nut?Hmm.. I thought it was in there.. JPub is a java based tool. You can invoke it as such.
    1st, use setvars.bat from your jdeveloper/bin directory.
    2nd, run java (pass it the same arguments as you would the jpub.exe)
    Here's the output from my machine here:
    D:\JDeveloper31\bin>setvars D:\JDeveloper31
    Setting JDeveloper 1.2 runtime environment to "D:\JDeveloper31"
    Setting JDK version 1.2 in "D:\JDeveloper31\java1.2"
    JPub: Java Object Type Publisher, version Production
    (and the rest of the help)
    Take Care,

  • Problem in creating workspaces..Please guide

    Hello All,
    Am facing a problem in creating workspaces in DTR. Am working on EP7 SR2 (SP9)
    Have read mostly all related posts on SDN but cannot catch the missing link...Please guide me for the same:
    @echo off
    rem Default properties definition for the DTR Client Commandline Tool:
    rem -
    rem (1) Mandatory: DTR configuration folder:
    set DTR_HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\RHunjan
    set CFG_DIR=%DTR_HOME%\.dtr
    rem Remark: How to find DTR_HOME folder?
    rem - In Release 6.40:
    rem          The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.sapnetweaver.
    rem - In Release 7.1:
    rem      Start Netweaver Developer Studio and login to the configuration / client
    rem      where you would like to work, then choose the menu: 'file' -> 'Switch workspace'.
    rem      The upcoming dialog shows the currently used Eclipse workspace.
    rem      The DTR configuration folder is <currently used eclipse workspace>.jdi
    rem (2) Optional: Folder with the definition of logging properties:
    rem (3) Default properties:
    rem set DEFAULT_PROPERTIES=-Dvfs.configfolder=%CFG_DIR% -Dvfs.logging=%LOGGING%
    @echo off
    rem Run DTR Commandline Shell:
    rem -
    rem (1) Get it running:
    rem -
    rem - Adapt configuration settings in setvars.bat.
    rem - Uncomment the settings for the used archives
    rem       that fit to the currently used Netweaver Developer Studio.
    call setvars.bat
    set CLASS_PATH=
    rem (2) Used Archives Settings:
    rem -
    rem Used Archives in 6.40 and 7.00 Netweaver Developer Studio installation:
    rem -
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;com_tssap_dtr_client_vfs.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;httpclient.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;httpclientext.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;com_tssap_dtr_client_commandline.jar
    rem Archives from foreign Plugins:
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\sapxmltoolkit.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\logging.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\jARM.jar
    rem The recommended value for maximum heap size for the JVM to run DTR Commandline client is 256M or higher.
    rem You can change the settings based on system resources available.
    set VM_PARAMS=-Xmx256m
    rem (3) Run DTR Commandline Shell:
    rem -
    java %VM_PARAMS% -classpath %CLASS_PATH% %DEFAULT_PROPERTIES% com.tssap.dtr.client.commandline.DTRShell %*
    I get an error saying:
    <i><b>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/tc/logging/Lo
            at com.tssap.dtr.client.commandline.DTRShell.<clinit>(</b></i>
    Please guide......
    Awaiting Reply.
    Thanks & WArm Regards,
    Message was edited by:
            Ritu  Hunjan

    Hello Ritu,
    the problem is probably in these lines:
    rem Archives from foreign Plugins:
    For a NW04s studio these paths are not correct, the plugin directories have some version suffix.
    rem Archives from foreign Plugins:
    Please check the folder names in the /eclipse/plugins/ directory to verify that this is correct for your installation.

  • Deploying InfoBus Applet

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    You have made a few mistakes.
    You can easily package your applet by creating a deployment profile (Project | Deploy | New Deployment profile...)
    Once you include all the appropriate libraries and such, you will have a Jar/Zip file.
    The Redist directory has nothing to do with your deployment target - redist simply contains libraries that you can safely distribute with your apps without licencing issues.
    Now, to test your applet outside of JDeveloper, you can do several things:
    1. You can deploy it to your actual server, etc which you will do eventually.
    2. You can test it using the AppletViewer.
    To do this, Create a CMD shell. Go to the [JDev]\bin directory. Run SetVars.bat to initialize your environment variables. Then run AppletViewer -classpath...;YOUR-JAR appletName
    I hope this helps,

  • How to use JNI and run javah

    When using a DLL I'm supposed to use javah on my class file, for creation of a C headerfile. How's this done in JDeveloper?

    JDeveloper doesn't include a wizard for this. You can run setvars.bat from the JDeveloper\Bin directory from a command prompt and that will set up your path and CLASSPATH for using the command line tools.
    You can then run the javah command directly to generate the header files to use when creating your C/C++ JNI code.
    Take Care,

  • Problem deploying JDeveloper files

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    John - JDeveloper Team:
    I am not sure what you are doing exactly, but
    The HTML file references the class file
    that must be found on the CLASSPATH.
    You may want to experiment with AppletViewer
    until you figure it out. Remember your
    CLASSPATH must point to a directory whose
    SUB-DIrectory is named package
    I am assuming your file is named
    and the output will be Test.class!You may also want to use a batch file included
    in the [JDeveloper]\bin directory called
    SetVars.bat which sets up such information
    for you when you are in a CMD shell.
    John - JDeveloper Team

  • Database PartnerLink problems

    I've got a simple procedure that returns a record set of names:
    create or replace PACKAGE "ICC_TEST" AS
    (first_name OUT names,
    last_name OUT names);
    I wanted to create a parner link in Oracle BPEL designer using a database adapter and selecting a stored procedure as a source and this is what I got:
    "Error while writing WSDL file blah.wsdl. Exception: WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: The wrapper procedure, ICC_TEST$PROCEDURE_RECORD_SET, could not be found in the package blah1, for the schema blah2."
    As far as I understand JDeveloper would try to create a new wrapper procedure together with the package.
    Thank you.

    I saw similar message WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR etc
    , I suggest checking that jpublisher package sqljutl is working correctly.
    To do this
    1. Go to jpub.exe location on the command line.
    cd <BPEL_HOME>\integration\jdev\bin>
    2. Set up the environment variables etc
    <BPEL_HOME>\integration\jdev\bin>..\jdev\bin\setvars.bat -go
    3. Have you package and such ready to go, in this case I had a package of BERT
    returning a type record and copied the rest from the jpublisher manual, using oracle xe
    database here
    jpub.exe -u hr/hr -url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE -s BERT:Bert -plsqlp
    ackage=WRAPPER1 -plsqlfile=wrapper1.sql,drop
    Using Oracle XE complicates things a little but getting it use to jpublisher was how I
    resolved the WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR generation problem. Which
    was to do with the sqljutl package not setup correctly (or in XE at all)
    4. If you run and see an error something like
    ORA-00904: "SYS"."SQLJUTL"."HAS_DEFAULT": invalid identifier
    and no files generated then may have the same type of problem
    5. Then following this post
    I got Jpub in Oracle XE by running
    This creates a package in the sys schema and then grants execute privelge
    on it.
    So is this package and privileges setup correctly in your case ?
    6. Running the jpub command again generated for me a bunch of files etc so
    then tried through the dbadapter and worked for my very simple record.
    good luck

  • Error when creating Workspace folder

    Hi SDN's,
    I am trying to create a workspace folder using the steps mentioned in the following link:
    i have executed dtrshell.bat in the command line and it shows the following lines on the command screen:
    C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.tssap.dtr.client.vfs_2.0.0>dt
    Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
               (to execute a class)
       or  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
               (to execute a jar file)
    where options include:
        -client       to select the "client" VM
        -server       to select the "server" VM
        -hotspot      is a synonym for the "client" VM  [deprecated]
                      The default VM is client.
        -cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
        -classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
                      A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,
                      and ZIP archives to search for class files.
                      set a system property
                      enable verbose output
        -version      print product version and exit
                      require the specified version to run
        -showversion  print product version and continue
        -jre-restrict-search | -jre-no-restrict-search
                      include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
        -? -help      print this help message
        -X            print help on non-standard options
                      enable assertions
                      disable assertions
        -esa | -enablesystemassertions
                      enable system assertions
        -dsa | -disablesystemassertions
                      disable system assertions
    C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.tssap.dtr.client.vfs_2.0.0>
    after this i have used the command  <b>mkws –F –w /Test</b>
    output for that command as:
    C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.tssap.dtr.client.vfs_2.0.0>mk
    ws -F -w /Test
    'mkws' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\com.tssap.dtr.client.vfs_2.0.0>
    here is the coding for my <b>dtrshell.bat</b>:
    @echo off
    rem Run DTR Commandline Shell:
    rem -
    rem (1) Get it running:
    rem -
    rem - Adapt configuration settings in setvars.bat.
    rem - Uncomment the settings for the used archives
    rem       that fit to the currently used Netweaver Developer Studio.
    call setvars.bat
    set CLASS_PATH=
    rem (2) Used Archives Settings:
    rem -
    rem Used Archives in 6.40 and 7.00 Netweaver Developer Studio installation:
    rem -
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;.\lib\vfs.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;.\lib\http.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;sap.comtcdidtrclientcommandline~library.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;.\lib\propagation.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;.\lib\admin.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;.\lib\deltav.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;.\lib\util.jar
    rem Used Archives from foreign Plugins:
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\sapxmltoolkit.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\logging.jar
    set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;..\\lib\jARM.jar
    rem (3) Run DTR Commandline Shell:
    rem -
    java -classpath %CLASS_PATH%,%DEFAULT_PROPERTIES%,com.tssap.dtr.client.commandline.DTRShell %*
    Please suggest me to solve this error.

    Hi Sireesha,
    java -classpath %CLASS_PATH%,%DEFAULT_PROPERTIES%,com.tssap.dtr.client.commandline.DTRShell %*
    Are there really commas in that line? If yes, replace them with space characters.

  • Please help. Deployment of application locally with BC4J in JDeveloper 3.2.

    Dear all friends,
    I am a beginner of JDeveloper. Yesterday, I asked a question involving deployment of application in this forum. However, there are no any replies to me. I am feeling a bit dispointed. Now, I would like to introduce the process I did this deployment. I wish to get any suggestions.
    1. At first, I developed an project of business component in my NT computer, which is one-table component. I tested it successfully. My database (Oracle 8) is located at a Solaris server.
    2. I deployed this project locally by simply archieve file. I also included all libraries (Jdeveloper runtime, JDBC, JBO runtime etc) in it.
    3. I created an new project for my client interface (GUI form) by using dataform wizard. I complied and execute it. Everything is fine.
    4. Before deploying, I created a library that points at the simply Jar file of my BC file in step2. And added it to the client project properties.
    5. In deployment of client project, I used "web and comand line application" option. And also included all the default library (they are JBO runtime, Jdeveloper runtime, JDBC etc and the library I created in step 4). I indicated the main class.
    However, when I double click this client Jar file. Nothing happened. In my imagination, it should be executed as in development process. I also think all necessary libraries and resource have been packaged into this executable jar file, which is stand alone and can be deployed to other platform. But I failed.
    I need help from you. Is my action and understanding correct?
    Thank you very much for help

    However, when I double click this client Jar file. Nothing happened. In my imagination, it should be executed as in development process. I also think all necessary libraries and resource have been packaged into this executable jar file, which is stand alone and can be deployed to other platform. Not all the dependent jar files are packaged into a single jar. I would recommend you create a batch file, set the classpath and the launch your app. To help set the classpath you can use setvars.bat script in the bin directory. You will have to add your middle tier jar file and the client tier jar and execute java
    call j:\bin\setvars.bat -tools=bc4j_local;
    rem dependent jars
    set classptath=%classpath%;mt.jar;ct.jar
    java ....
    Dear all friends,
    I am a beginner of JDeveloper. Yesterday, I asked a question involving deployment of application in this forum. However, there are no any replies to me. I am feeling a bit dispointed. Now, I would like to introduce the process I did this deployment. I wish to get any suggestions.
    1. At first, I developed an project of business component in my NT computer, which is one-table component. I tested it successfully. My database (Oracle 8) is located at a Solaris server.
    2. I deployed this project locally by simply archieve file. I also included all libraries (Jdeveloper runtime, JDBC, JBO runtime etc) in it.
    3. I created an new project for my client interface (GUI form) by using dataform wizard. I complied and execute it. Everything is fine.
    4. Before deploying, I created a library that points at the simply Jar file of my BC file in step2. And added it to the client project properties.
    5. In deployment of client project, I used "web and comand line application" option. And also included all the default library (they are JBO runtime, Jdeveloper runtime, JDBC etc and the library I created in step 4). I indicated the main class.
    However, when I double click this client Jar file. Nothing happened. In my imagination, it should be executed as in development process. I also think all necessary libraries and resource have been packaged into this executable jar file, which is stand alone and can be deployed to other platform. But I failed.
    I need help from you. Is my action and understanding correct?
    Thank you very much for help

  • JDeveloper Beta on SUS 7.2 wont run at all.

    I've downloaded the beta version and I can't get it to run at all.
    I try and start it using jdevd and get the following:
    Reading Configuration from: ./jdev.conf
    ./jdev: UNSET: command not found
    * Added VM Option -Xdebug
    * Added VM Option -Xnoagent
    * Added VM Option -Djava.compiler=NONE
    * Added VM Option -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5000
    Running under Linux.
    Setting stack size to 2048.
    Error [98] in bind() call!
    err:: Address already in use
    Socket transport failed to init.
    Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, rc = -1.
    FATAL ERROR in native method: No transports initialized
    SIGABRT 6* abort (generated by abort(3) routine, also SIGIOT)
    si_signo [6]: SIGABRT 6* abort (generated by abort(3) routine, also SIGIOT)
    si_errno [0]: Success
    si_code [0]: SI_USER [pid: 14094, uid: 1001]
    etc. etc.
    I notice from the forum that there is mention of editing an 'ini' file - but there doesn't seem to be one.
    There is a 'setvars.bat' file but that appears to be windows stuff!
    Not knowing java at all (I'm trying to learn) I have no idea what the message means. I have serched for dt_connect (OTN,Google,Sun) but with no luck.
    Any help would be appreciated
    Mick Wilkinson

    jdevd was an old script that starts up JDev on UNIX in debugging mode. It shouldn't have been in the beta and has subsequently been removed.
    The correct script to start the tool is jdev.
    JDev Team

  • Run application from console

    Referring to Steve Muench's example of Using ADF Data Binding from a Simple Console Program here
    Can anyone tell me how to actually run it? I want to run it outside of Jdeveloper - do I need to run the setvars.bat script? If so what arguments do I need to pass to it?
    - Nathaniel

    stand alone java programs typically are executed by
    java -classname
    or if they are in a package that has a default run target
    java -jar packagename
    Did you look at Steve's example?
    His sample client should have a main method that makes it runnable.

  • Acrobat XI Pro Crashes when Bates Stamping and/or Sanitizing

    Hi and help! I'm running Windows 7.  I'm trying to bates stamp pdf files (converted PSTs via Acrobat). The program gets as far as allowing me to pick the formatting, but freezes at the "replacing fonts"  satege. (Not certain why it has to do that either).  Was working fine on larger files (10,000 KB) until yesterday. I've broken them into smaller one, unchecked security preferences, but still nothing.  Taking longer to trouble shoot than it did to review the darn 10,000 pages! Any idea would be MOST appreciated! Thanks!

    Hi Erick5,
    What is the exact version of Acrobat XI installed on on you Mac?
    Have you tried to install latest updates for Adobe Acrobat? Also you may try to repair disk permission using Safe mode in Mac:
    Repairing Disk permissions:   
    Ajlan Huda

  • Capturing log files from multiple .ps1 scripts called from within a .bat file

    I am trying to invoke multiple instances of a powershell script and capture individual log files from each of them. I can start the multiple instances by calling 'start powershell' several times, but am unable to capture logging. If I use 'call powershell'
    I can capture the log files, but the batch file won't continue until that current 'call powershell' has completed.
    ie.  within Test.bat
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > a.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > b.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > c.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > d.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > e.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    start powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > f.log 2>&1
    the log files get created but are empty.  If I invoke 'call' instead of start I get the log data, but I need them to run in parallel, not sequentially.
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > a.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > b.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > c.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60
    call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > d.log 2>&1
    timeout /t 60call powershell . \Automation.ps1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > e.log 2>&1
    Any suggestions of how to get this to work?

    Batch files are sequential by design (batch up a bunch of statements and execute them). Call doesn't run in a different process, so when you use it the batch file waits for it to exit. From CALL:
    Calls one batch program from another without stopping the parent batch program
    I was hoping for the documentation to say the batch file waits for CALL to return, but this is as close as it gets.
    Start(.exe), "Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command". The reason it runs in parallel is once it starts the target application start.exe ends and the batch file continues. It has no idea about the powershell.exe process
    that you kicked off. Because of this reason, you can't pipe the output.
    Update: I was wrong, you can totally redirect the output of what you run with start.exe.
    How about instead of running a batch file you run a PowerShell script? You can run script blocks or call individual scripts in parallel with the
    Start-Job cmdlet.
    You can monitor the jobs and when they complete, pipe them to
    Receive-Job to see their output. 
    For example:
    $sb = {
    Write-Output "Hello"
    Sleep -seconds 10
    Write-Output "Goodbye"
    Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Here's a script that runs the scriptblock $sb. The script block outputs the text "Hello", waits for 10 seconds, and then outputs the text "Goodbye"
    Then it starts two jobs (in this case I'm running the same script block)
    When you run this you receive this for output:
    PS> $sb = {
    >> Write-Output "Hello"
    >> Sleep -Seconds 10
    >> Write-Output "Goodbye"
    >> }
    PS> Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    1 Job1 Running True localhost ...
    PS> Start-Job -Scriptblock $sb
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    3 Job3 Running True localhost ...
    When you run Start-Job it will execute your script or scriptblock in a new process and continue to the next line in the script.
    You can see the jobs with
    PS> Get-Job
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    1 Job1 Running True localhost ...
    3 Job3 Running True localhost ...
    OK, that's great. But we need to know when the job's done. The Job's Status property will tell us this (we're looking for a status of "Completed"), we can build a loop and check:
    $Completed = $false
    while (!$Completed) {
    # get all the jobs that haven't yet completed
    $jobs = Get-Job | where {$_.State.ToString() -ne "Completed"} # if Get-Job doesn't return any jobs (i.e. they are all completed)
    if ($jobs -eq $null) {
    } # otherwise update the screen
    else {
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) jobs"
    sleep -s 1
    This will output something like this:
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    Waiting for 2 jobs
    When it's done, we can see the jobs have completed:
    PS> Get-Job
    Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command
    1 Job1 Completed True localhost ...
    3 Job3 Completed True localhost ...
    Now at this point we could pipe the jobs to Receive-Job:
    PS> Get-Job | Receive-Job
    But as you can see it's not obvious which script is which. In your real scripts you could include some identifiers to distinguish them.
    Another way would be to grab the output of each job one at a time:
    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
    $job | Receive-Job
    If you store the output in a variable or save to a log file with Out-File. The trick is matching up the jobs to the output. Something like this may work:
    $a_sb = {
    Write-Output "Hello A"
    Sleep -Seconds 10
    Write-Output "Goodbye A"
    $b_sb = {
    Write-Output "Hello B"
    Sleep -Seconds 5
    Write-Output "Goodbye B"
    $job = Start-Job -Scriptblock $a_sb
    $a_log = $job.Name
    $job = Start-Job -Scriptblock $b_sb
    $b_log = $job.Name
    $Completed = $false
    while (!$Completed) {
    $jobs = Get-Job | where {$_.State.ToString() -ne "Completed"}
    if ($jobs -eq $null) {
    else {
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) jobs"
    sleep -s 1
    Get-Job | where {$_.Name -eq $a_log} | Receive-Job | Out-File .\a.log
    Get-Job | where {$_.Name -eq $b_log} | Receive-Job | Out-File .\b.log
    If you check out the folder you'll see the log files, and they contain the script contents:
    PS> dir *.log
    Directory: C:\Users\jwarren
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    -a--- 1/15/2014 7:53 PM 42 a.log
    -a--- 1/15/2014 7:53 PM 42 b.log
    PS> Get-Content .\a.log
    Hello A
    Goodbye A
    PS> Get-Content .\b.log
    Hello B
    Goodbye B
    The trouble though is you won't get a log file until the job has completed. If you use your log files to monitor progress this may not be suitable.
    Jason Warren

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