Severe Latency (almost 500ms) during 1 File Upload

My VOIP connection internally started severely degrading the other day at my house during a time when I was uploading a file and I only had 2 devices connected to the router. My laptop which was uploading, and my Grandstream VOIP phone. I have never experienced anything like this before, as I've uploaded to my company server many times. I called FIOS tech support and the tech was useless, instantly tried to sell me the fastest Quantum package they had, and then once I explained my issue, just wanted off the call and sent a new router.
Has anyone else seen this? You mean to tell me if I start uploading 1 file, I should expect my latency to jump to almost 500ms?! During this time, this completely impacts any VOIP call I am making.
No Activity: Last Result: Download Speed: 25705 kbps (3213.1 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 4571 kbps (571.4 KB/sec transfer rate) Latency: 92 ms Jitter: 1 ms Packet Loss: 0% 6/11/2014 1:13:58 PM
During Upload: Download Speed: 10098 kbps (1262.3 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 1237 kbps (154.6 KB/sec transfer rate) Latency: 461 ms Jitter: 5 ms Packet Loss: 0% 6/11/2014 12:59:55 PM

You have to remember that IP was never designed for time sensitive data transfer such as voice, audio and video.  There is nothing in the protocol itself to control latency.  Latency can be controlled by routers that are protocol aware and can enforce Quality of Service (QoS), but even then they are limited in what they can do.
The big problem with the co-existence of general purpose data and time sensitive media data on the same network is packet size.  Only one packet at a time is every transferred across a link.  If a file transfer uses full size (1518 bytes) or jumbo packets (9000 bytes), VoIP packets will have to wait a while until they get their turn at the link.  Media devices deal with this by increasing buffer sizes which means greater latency.
If your company's server recently changed settings to allow jumbo packets, that could explain the change in behavior.
Some VoIP products can be installed as a gateway between the home network and the Internet while providing some QoS.  If your equipment supports this you should try it.  Even then, large packets are a problem as they can't (easily) be broken up.
Good Luck.
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  • Rename file extension during a file upload ??

    I need to rename the extension of a file at some point during the file upload. I am not sure where to do this at.
    The file needs to be renamed before it is written to the directory.
    Basically, the file will come in with a .txt or .doc type. Based on a users profile, I will change the type to a non-relavent number such as 1111.
    Here is my upload servlet. Can you tell me where to change the type so it will write the file with the new extension?
    public class FileExport {
    //restrict upload files to 1 Meg
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POST_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
    private static final String NO_FILE = "unknown";
    private HttpServletRequest req;
    private File dir;
    private int maxSize;
    private Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(); // name - Vector of values
    private Hashtable files = new Hashtable(); // name - UploadedFile
    public FileExport(HttpServletRequest request,
    String saveDirectory) throws IOException {
    this(request, saveDirectory, DEFAULT_MAX_POST_SIZE);
    // request the servlet request
    // saveDirectory = directory in which to save any uploaded files
    // maxPostSize = maximum size of the POST content
    public FileExport(HttpServletRequest request,
    String saveDirectory,
    int maxPostSize) throws IOException {
    // check values
    if (request == null)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("request cannot be null");
    if (saveDirectory == null)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("saveDirectory cannot be null");
    if (maxPostSize <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxPostSize must be positive");
    // Save the request, dir, and max size
    req = request;
    dir = new File(saveDirectory);
    maxSize = maxPostSize;
    // Check saveDirectory is truly a directory
    if (!dir.isDirectory())
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a directory: " + saveDirectory);
    // Check saveDirectory is writable
    if (!dir.canWrite())
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not writable: " + saveDirectory);
    // Now parse the request saving data to "parameters" and "files";
    // write the file contents to the saveDirectory
    public FileExport(ServletRequest request,
    String saveDirectory) throws IOException {
    this((HttpServletRequest)request, saveDirectory);
    public FileExport(ServletRequest request,
    String saveDirectory,
    int maxPostSize) throws IOException {
    this((HttpServletRequest)request, saveDirectory, maxPostSize);
    // Returns the names of all the parameters as an Enumeration of
    // Strings. It returns an empty Enumeration if there are no parameters.
    public Enumeration getParameterNames() {
    return parameters.keys();
    // Returns the names of all the uploaded files as an Enumeration of
    // Strings. It returns an empty Enumeration if there are no uploaded
    // files. Each file name is the name specified by the form, not by
    // the user.
    public Enumeration getFileNames() {
    return files.keys();
    // Returns the value of the named parameter as a String, or null if
    // the parameter was not sent or was sent without a value.
    public String getParameter(String name) {
    try {
    Vector values = (Vector)parameters.get(name);
    if (values == null || values.size() == 0) {
    return null;
    String value = (String)values.elementAt(values.size() - 1);
    return value;
    catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
    // Returns the values of the named parameter as a String array, or null if
    // the parameter was not sent.
    public String[] getParameterValues(String name) {
    try {
    Vector values = (Vector)parameters.get(name);
    if (values == null || values.size() == 0) {
    return null;
    String[] valuesArray = new String[values.size()];
    return valuesArray;
    catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
    // Returns the filesystem name of the specified file, or null if the
    // file was not included in the upload. A filesystem name is the name
    // specified by the user. It is also the name under which the file is
    // actually saved.
    public String getFilesystemName(String name) {
    try {
    UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile)files.get(name);
    return file.getFilesystemName(); // may be null
    catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
    // Returns the content type of the specified file (as supplied by the
    //client browser), or null if the file was not included in the upload.
    public String getContentType(String name) {
    try {
    UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile)files.get(name);
    return file.getContentType(); // may be null
    catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
    // Returns a File object for the specified file saved on the server's
    // filesystem, or null if the file was not included in the upload.
    public File getFile(String name) {
    try {
    UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile)files.get(name);
    return file.getFile(); // may be null
    catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
    // method that actually parses the request.
    protected void readRequest() throws IOException {
    // Check the content length to prevent denial of service attacks
    int length = req.getContentLength();
    if (length > maxSize) {
    throw new IOException("Posted content length of " + length +
    " exceeds limit of " + maxSize);
    // Check the content type to make sure it's "multipart/form-data"
    // Access header two ways to work around WebSphere oddities
    String type = null;
    String type1 = req.getHeader("Content-Type");
    String type2 = req.getContentType();
    // If one value is null, choose the other value
    if (type1 == null && type2 != null) {
    type = type2;
    else if (type2 == null && type1 != null) {
    type = type1;
    // If neither value is null, choose the longer value
    else if (type1 != null && type2 != null) {
    type = (type1.length() > type2.length() ? type1 : type2);
    if (type == null ||
    !type.toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart/form-data")) {
    throw new IOException("Posted content type isn't multipart/form-data");
    // Get the boundary string; it's included in the content type.
    // Should look something like "------------------------12012133613061"
    String boundary = extractBoundary(type);
    if (boundary == null) {
    throw new IOException("Separation boundary was not specified");
    // Construct the special input stream we'll read from
    MultipartInputStreamHandler in =
    new MultipartInputStreamHandler(req.getInputStream(), length);
    // Read the first line, should be the first boundary
    String line = in.readLine();
    if (line == null) {
    throw new IOException("Corrupt form data: premature ending");
    // Verify that the line is the boundary
    if (!line.startsWith(boundary)) {
    throw new IOException("Corrupt form data: no leading boundary");
    // Now that we're just beyond the first boundary, loop over each part
    boolean done = false;
    while (!done) {
    done = readNextPart(in, boundary);
    // A utility method that reads an individual part. Dispatches to
    // readParameter() and readAndSaveFile() to do the actual work. A
    // subclass can override this method for a better optimized or
    // differently behaved implementation.
    protected boolean readNextPart(MultipartInputStreamHandler in,
    String boundary) throws IOException {
    // Read the first line, should look like this:
    // content-disposition: form-data; name="field1"; filename="file1.txt"
    String line = in.readLine();
    if (line == null) {
    // No parts left, we're done
    return true;
    else if (line.length() == 0) {
    // IE4 on Mac sends an empty line at the end; treat that as the end.
    // Thanks to Daniel Lemire and Henri Tourigny for this fix.
    return true;
    // Parse the content-disposition line
    String[] dispInfo = extractDispositionInfo(line);
    String disposition = dispInfo[0];
    String name = dispInfo[1];
    String filename = dispInfo[2];
    // Now onto the next line. This will either be empty
    // or contain a Content-Type and then an empty line.
    line = in.readLine();
    if (line == null) {
    // No parts left, we're done
    return true;
    // Get the content type, or null if none specified
    String contentType = extractContentType(line);
    if (contentType != null) {
    // Eat the empty line
    line = in.readLine();
    if (line == null || line.length() > 0) {  // line should be empty
    throw new
    IOException("Malformed line after content type: " + line);
    else {
    // Assume a default content type
    contentType = "application/octet-stream";
    // Now, finally, we read the content (end after reading the boundary)
    if (filename == null) {
    // This is a parameter, add it to the vector of values
    String value = readParameter(in, boundary);
    if (value.equals("")) {
    value = null; // treat empty strings like nulls
    Vector existingValues = (Vector)parameters.get(name);
    if (existingValues == null) {
    existingValues = new Vector();
    parameters.put(name, existingValues);
    else {
    // This is a file
    readAndSaveFile(in, boundary, filename, contentType);
    if (filename.equals(NO_FILE)) {
    files.put(name, new UploadedFile(null, null, null));
    else {
    new UploadedFile(dir.toString(), filename, contentType));
    return false; // there's more to read
    // A utility method that reads a single part of the multipart request
    // that represents a parameter. A subclass can override this method
    // for a better optimized or differently behaved implementation.
    protected String readParameter(MultipartInputStreamHandler in,
    String boundary) throws IOException {
    StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
    String line;
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    if (line.startsWith(boundary)) break;
    sbuf.append(line + "\r\n"); // add the \r\n in case there are many lines
    if (sbuf.length() == 0) {
    return null; // nothing read
    sbuf.setLength(sbuf.length() - 2); // cut off the last line's \r\n
    return sbuf.toString(); // no URL decoding needed
    // A utility method that reads a single part of the multipart request
    // that represents a file, and saves the file to the given directory.
    // A subclass can override this method for a better optimized or
    // differently behaved implementation.
    protected void readAndSaveFile(MultipartInputStreamHandler in,
    String boundary,
    String filename,
    String contentType) throws IOException {
    OutputStream out = null;
    // A filename of NO_FILE means no file was sent, so just read to the
    // next boundary and ignore the empty contents
    if (filename.equals(NO_FILE)) {
    out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // write to nowhere
    // A MacBinary file goes through a decoder
    else if (contentType.equals("application/x-macbinary")){
    File f = new File(dir + File.separator + filename);
    out = new MacBinaryDecoderOutputStream(
    new BufferedOutputStream(
    new FileOutputStream(f), 8 * 1024));
    // A real file's contents are written to disk
    else {
    File f = new File(dir + File.separator + filename);
    out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f), 8 * 1024);
    byte[] bbuf = new byte[100 * 1024]; // 100K
    int result;
    String line;
    // ServletInputStream.readLine()
    // adds a \r\n to the end of the last line.
    // Since we want a byte-for-byte transfer, we have to cut those chars.
    boolean rnflag = false;
    while ((result = in.readLine(bbuf, 0, bbuf.length)) != -1) {
    // Check for boundary
    if (result > 2 && bbuf[0] == '-' && bbuf[1] == '-') { // quick pre-check
    line = new String(bbuf, 0, result, "ISO-8859-1");
    if (line.startsWith(boundary)) break;
    // Are we supposed to write \r\n for the last iteration?
    if (rnflag) {
    out.write('\r'); out.write('\n');
    rnflag = false;
    // Write the buffer, postpone any ending \r\n
    if (result >= 2 &&
    bbuf[result - 2] == '\r' &&
    bbuf[result - 1] == '\n') {
    out.write(bbuf, 0, result - 2); // skip the last 2 chars
    rnflag = true; // make a note to write them on the next iteration
    else {
    out.write(bbuf, 0, result);
    // Extracts and returns the boundary token from a line.
    private String extractBoundary(String line) {
    // Use lastIndexOf() because IE 4.01 on Win98 has been known to send the
    // "boundary=" string multiple times. Thanks to David Wall for this fix.
    int index = line.lastIndexOf("boundary=");
    if (index == -1) {
    return null;
    String boundary = line.substring(index + 9); // 9 for "boundary="
    // The real boundary is always preceeded by an extra "--"
    boundary = "--" + boundary;
    return boundary;
    // Extracts and returns disposition info from a line, as a String array
    // with elements: disposition, name, filename. Throws an IOException
    // if the line is malformatted.
    private String[] extractDispositionInfo(String line) throws IOException {
    // Return the line's data as an array: disposition, name, filename
    String[] retval = new String[3];
    // Convert the line to a lowercase string without the ending \r\n
    // Keep the original line for error messages and for variable names.
    String origline = line;
    line = origline.toLowerCase();
    // Get the content disposition, should be "form-data"
    int start = line.indexOf("content-disposition: ");
    int end = line.indexOf(";");
    if (start == -1 || end == -1) {
    throw new IOException("Content disposition corrupt: " + origline);
    String disposition = line.substring(start + 21, end);
    if (!disposition.equals("form-data")) {
    throw new IOException("Invalid content disposition: " + disposition);
    // Get the field name
    start = line.indexOf("name=\"", end); // start at last semicolon
    end = line.indexOf("\"", start + 7); // skip name=\"
    if (start == -1 || end == -1) {
    throw new IOException("Content disposition corrupt: " + origline);
    String name = origline.substring(start + 6, end);
    // Get the filename, if given
    String filename = null;
    start = line.indexOf("filename=\"", end + 2); // start after name
    end = line.indexOf("\"", start + 10); // skip filename=\"
    if (start != -1 && end != -1) {                // note the !=
    filename = origline.substring(start + 10, end);
    // The filename may contain a full path. Cut to just the filename.
    int slash =
    Math.max(filename.lastIndexOf('/'), filename.lastIndexOf('\\'));
    if (slash > -1) {
    filename = filename.substring(slash + 1); // past last slash
    if (filename.equals("")) filename = NO_FILE; // sanity check
    // Return a String array: disposition, name, filename
    retval[0] = disposition;
    retval[1] = name;
    retval[2] = filename;
    return retval;
    // Extracts and returns the content type from a line, or null if the
    // line was empty. Throws an IOException if the line is malformatted.
    private String extractContentType(String line) throws IOException {
    String contentType = null;
    // Convert the line to a lowercase string
    String origline = line;
    line = origline.toLowerCase();
    // Get the content type, if any
    if (line.startsWith("content-type")) {
    int start = line.indexOf(" ");
    if (start == -1) {
    throw new IOException("Content type corrupt: " + origline);
    contentType = line.substring(start + 1);
    else if (line.length() != 0) {  // no content type, so should be empty
    throw new IOException("Malformed line after disposition: " + origline);
    return contentType;
    // A class to hold information about an uploaded file.
    class UploadedFile {
    private String dir;
    private String filename;
    private String type;
    UploadedFile(String dir, String filename, String type) {
    this.dir = dir;
    this.filename = filename;
    this.type = type;
    public String getContentType() {
    return type;
    public String getFilesystemName() {
    return filename;
    public File getFile() {
    if (dir == null || filename == null) {
    return null;
    else {
    return new File(dir + File.separator + filename);
    // A class to aid in reading multipart/form-data from a ServletInputStream.
    // It keeps track of how many bytes have been read and detects when the
    // Content-Length limit has been reached.
    class MultipartInputStreamHandler {
    ServletInputStream in;
    int totalExpected;
    int totalRead = 0;
    byte[] buf = new byte[8 * 1024];
    public MultipartInputStreamHandler(ServletInputStream in,
    int totalExpected) { = in;
    this.totalExpected = totalExpected;
    // Reads the next line of input. Returns null to indicate the end
    // of stream.
    public String readLine() throws IOException {
    StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
    int result;
    String line;
    do {
    result = this.readLine(buf, 0, buf.length); // this.readLine() does +=
    if (result != -1) {
    sbuf.append(new String(buf, 0, result, "ISO-8859-1"));
    } while (result == buf.length); // loop only if the buffer was filled
    if (sbuf.length() == 0) {
    return null; // nothing read, must be at the end of stream
    sbuf.setLength(sbuf.length() - 2); // cut off the trailing \r\n
    return sbuf.toString();
    // A pass-through to ServletInputStream.readLine() that keeps track
    // of how many bytes have been read and stops reading when the
    // Content-Length limit has been reached.
    public int readLine(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
    if (totalRead >= totalExpected) {
    return -1;
    else {
    if (len > (totalExpected - totalRead)) {
    len = totalExpected - totalRead; // keep from reading off end
    int result = in.readLine(b, off, len);
    if (result > 0) {
    totalRead += result;
    return result;
    // Class to filters MacBinary files to normal files on the fly
    // Optimized for speed more than readability
    class MacBinaryDecoderOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream {
    int bytesFiltered = 0;
    int dataForkLength = 0;
    public MacBinaryDecoderOutputStream(OutputStream out) {
    public void write(int b) throws IOException {
    // Bytes 83 through 86 are a long representing the data fork length
    // Check <= 86 first to short circuit early in the common case
    if (bytesFiltered <= 86 && bytesFiltered >= 83) {
    int leftShift = (86 - bytesFiltered) * 8;
    dataForkLength = dataForkLength | (b & 0xff) << leftShift;
    // Bytes 128 up to (128 + dataForkLength - 1) are the data fork
    else if (bytesFiltered < (128 + dataForkLength) && bytesFiltered >= 128) {
    public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException {
    write(b, 0, b.length);
    public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
    // If the write is for content past the end of the data fork, ignore
    if (bytesFiltered >= (128 + dataForkLength)) {
    bytesFiltered += len;
    // If the write is entirely within the data fork, write it directly
    else if (bytesFiltered >= 128 &&
    (bytesFiltered + len) <= (128 + dataForkLength)) {
    out.write(b, off, len);
    bytesFiltered += len;
    // Otherwise, do the write a byte at a time to get the logic above
    else {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) {
    write(b[off + i]);

    I am also need to rename a file and extension while uploadinf the file to the server. The oreilly example seems only save as the same file name and ext. I wonder if you have the ability chANGE OIT OR NOT. pLEASE LET ME KNOW

  • How do I update columns in a library using PowerShell during a file upload?

    I am trying to put together a script that will do a bulk upload of files along with associated metadata into a SP library. The first part of the requirement is to upload .pdf files while grabbing the metadata from the file name. Currently, my script does
    the uploads, but it it does not update the fields with the metadata it is getting from the file names. Here is what my script curently looks like
    if((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell") -eq $null)
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    #Script settings
    $webUrl = "http://llc-hdc-spfe1d:19500/sites/SampleRecordCenter/"
    $docLibraryName = "My Library"
    $docLibraryUrlName = "MyLibrary"
    $localFolderPath = get-childitem "C:\test" -recurse
    #Open web and library
    $web = Get-SPWeb $webUrl
    $docLibrary = $web.Lists[$docLibraryName]
    $files = ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo] (Get-Item $localFolderPath)).GetFiles()
    ForEach($file in $files)
    if ($localFolderPath | where {$_.extension -eq ".pdf"})
    #Open file
    $fileStream = ([System.IO.FileInfo] (Get-Item $file.FullName)).OpenRead()
    # Gather the file name
    $FileName = $File.Name
    #remove file extension
    $NewName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FileName)
    #split the file name by the "-" character
    $FileNameArray = $NewName.split("_")
    $check = $FileNameArray.Length
    $myArray = @()
    foreach ($MetaDataString in $FileNameArray)
    #Add file
    $folder = $web.getfolder($docLibraryUrlName)
    write-host "Copying file " $file.Name " to " $folder.ServerRelativeUrl "..."
    $spFile = $folder.Files.Add($folder.Url + "/" + $file.Name, [System.IO.Stream]$fileStream, $true)
    if ($FileNameArray.Length -eq 3)
    #populate columns
    $spItem = $docLibrary.AddItem()
    $spItem["FirstColumn"] = $myArray[0]
    $spItem["SecondColumn"] = $myArray[1]
    $spItem["ThirdColumn"] = $myArray[2]
    elseif ($myArray.Length -eq 4)
    #populate columns
    $spItem = $docLibrary.AddItem()
    $spItem["FirstColumn"] = $myArray[0]
    $spItem["SecondColumn"] = $myArray[1]
    $spItem["ThirdColumn"] = $myArray[2]
    $spItem["FourthColumn"] = $myArray[3]
    #Close file stream
    #Dispose web
    The .pdf files have the same naming convention like "first_second_third.pdf" and "first_second_third_fourth.pdf"...I want to grab each part of the file name, and put that data in the associated column in the library. Right now, am getting
    my file name and storing that information in an array, but my code isn't updating each column as I hope it will. What am I doing wrong here?
    Thanks for the help.

    Just figured out what was wrong with my logic...this does the trick.
    if ($localFolderPath | where {$_.extension -eq ".pdf"})
    $fileStream = ([System.IO.FileInfo] (Get-Item $file.FullName)).OpenRead()
    $FileName = $File.Name
    $NewName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FileName)
    $FileNameArray = $NewName.split("_")
    $folder = $web.getfolder($docLibraryUrlName)
    $spFile = $folder.Files.Add($folder.Url + "/" + $file.Name, [System.IO.Stream]$fileStream, $true)
    $spItem = $spFile.Item
    if ($FileNameArray.Length -eq 3)
    $spItem["FirstColumn"] = $FileNameArray[0].ToString()
    $spItem["SecondColumn"] = $FileNameArray[1].ToString()
    $spItem["ThirdColumn"] = $FileNameArray[2].ToString()
    elseif ($FileNameArray.Length -eq 4)
    $spItem["FirstColumn"] = $FileNameArray[0]
    $spItem["SecondColumn"] = $FileNameArray[1]
    $spItem["ThirdColumn"] = $FileNameArray[2]
    $spItem["FourthColumn"] = $FileNameArray[3]

  • Virus scan during Cfolder file upload

    Hi Guys,
    We have SRM with Cfolder. Supplier upload huge documents to cfolder, could you please let me know is there any antivirus software to scan the files. Please advise.

    As far as i know, there is no such feature available in cFolders. May be a virus scan at the server level could be possible. You need to check with SAP experts @ SAP security space.

  • Limited bandwidth during file upload

    Hi All,
    Does it exist a possibility to limit used bandwidth during a file upload from a AIR app?
    For example , is it possible to fix this limit to 10 or 100 kbps?
    Thanks in advance

    any news about this discussion?

  • CCM BAdi During File Upload

    Hi All,
    We are looking for a BADI during the file upload for Supplier catalog. The requirement is to modify the file ocntents during upload.
    We tried implementing BADI /CCM/CTLG_ENRICHMENT, but seems like this BADI is not called during the upload function at all..
    Please help us to fix this..
    Thanks in Advance

    The Upload process is launched in a background task, that is why you have to 'insert a infinite loop' as Bertrand said, in order to enter in debug mode through transaction SM50.
    PS: Please be careful, and use filters in your BADI implementation, because it is called also in the mapping and publishing processes.

  • Creating Progress Bar for File Upload

    Hi, I'm trying to implement a progress bar indicator for a file upload in WebDynpro, without very good results.
    I'm using a fileupload UI element, a TimerTrigger and a ProgressIndicator UI elements for this purpose.
    It seems that using the fileupload UI element the iview is locked during the file upload, and therefore it prevents for the timer triggered action to be performed (this action updates the progress bar).
    Additionally I havent been able to capture the transfered bytes from the upload. Maybe I'm using the wrong elements?
    How could I achieve this. Has anyone done it?
    I would really appreciate all the help I could get.
    Homer Vargas

    Can anyone please tell me the way to upload file from client system to server.
    The code i have is as follows:-
    function saveImage(){
         var strStatus = "save";
         document.saveImageForm.action="/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/TestXML.TextImageLink?frmstatus="+ strStatus;
    <form name="saveImageForm" encrypt="multipart/form-data">
    <table width="388" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#F0F0F0" border='0'>
                 <td><font color="blue" face="verdana" size="2">IMAGE:</font></td><td><input id="image" type="file" name="image" value=""/></td>
         <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onclick="saveImage();"/></td>
    now i am not getting what to write in java file
    using IPortalComponentRequest.
    Using the jsp file upload in tomcat is working but here it is not working
    please help meee
    Thanks in Advance

  • Error "A web exception has occurred during file upload" when trying to import ESXi image file into Update Manager

    I'm encountering this error and not sure how to fix, I'm quite new to vCenter so please bear with me.
    I'm trying out vCenter 5.1 with Update Manager 5.1 right now.  No license key has been entered and I still have 50 odd days to try it out.
    2 ESXi hosts are being managed by this vCenter, and they're both running ESXi 4.0
    I'm looking to use Update Manager to try to upgrade the ESXi 4.0 hosts to ESXi 5.1
    I downloaded the image file VMware-VIMSetup-all-5.1.0-799735.iso from VMWare website, and is looking to import it using the Update Manager so I can update the ESXi hosts, but I keep on getting the error:
    File name:     VMware-VIMSetup-all-5.1.0-799735.iso
    Failed to transfer data
    Error was: A web exception has occurred during file upload
    I tried importing it by using vSphere client to connect to vCenter server both remotely and locally, with firewall disabled.
    I've read
    I've disabled firewall, and there is no anti-virus program on the server.  I've also restarted the machine several times, to no avail, I didn't reinstall update manager because the whole Windows and VCenter installations are clean from scratch.
    I logged into the vSphere Client using Active Directory credentials, and I've made all Domain Admins (which my account is a member of) part of the administrator group on the vCenter server. I can't log in using admin@System-Domain because it tells me I don't have permissions for it, I still haven't really had the chance to figure out why that is and not sure if that makes a difference.
    Also, I'm fairly certain I'm using the right image file, as I've burned some DVD's used that image file to upgrade some other ESXi hosts.  Unless there's a special image file I need to download?
    I'm at lost on what I can do to make it work.  Please advise.

    The ISO file you mentioned is the one for vCenter Server. What you need is the "VMware-VMvisor-Installer-5.1.0-799733.x86_64.iso" (or VMware-VMvisor-Installer-201210001-838463.x86_64.iso) for the ESXi host.

  • Threading problem during File Upload with Apache faces upload tag

    First I am going to tell you "My Understanding of how JSF Apache Upload works, Correct me if i am wrong".
    1) Restores View (to show Input box and Browse button to facilitate users to select a file for upload)
    2) Translates Request Parameters to Component Values (Creates equivalent components to update them with request values).
    3) Validates Input(Checks to see whether the User has input the correct file)
    4) Updates Backing Bean or Model to reflect the values.
    5) Renders response to user.
    I am uploading huge files of sizes 400MB and above with the help of JSF apache extensions tag
    <h:form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <x:inputFileUpload style="height:20px;" id="upload" value="#{backingbean.fileContents}" storage="file" size="50" />
    In the backing bean
    private UploadedFile fileContents;
         public UploadedFile getFileContents() {
              return fileContents;
         public void setFileContents(UploadedFile fileContents) {
              System.out.println("File being uploaded...");
              this.fileContents = fileContents;
    Since, the file size is so huge, I am using temp folder to use for the apache tag instead of memory.
    In web.xml i am using like this
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    The upload process is working perfectly fine.
    Now coming to the problem:
    Suppose one user is logging into the application & uploading say 400MB of files.
    Until these files are linked to the model objects as my understanding of step 2, if second user tries to open the application he gets stuck with the loading page.
    The page gets loaded only after the request files are linked to the component values(Step 2 above) and updates the backing bean's values.
    I don't see any error in the logs. User is getting stuck. The user is getting stuck only when uploading the files. The other operations like searching are not blocking any other activities performed by the user.
    Server used: IBM Application Server V6.0. CPU is normal, memory usage is normal.

    Dear friend,
    i am also trying to upload using the common file upload.
    when try to run the file error is coming
    can give some suggestion.
    can i use if concurrent user file upload at a time

  • Error while during file upload in JSF

    I do get this error while uploading a file in JSF .
         at org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.MultipartRequestWrapper.getParameter(
         at javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper.getParameter(
         at com.sun.faces.context.RequestParameterMap.get(
         at jsf.PagePhaseListener.afterPhase(
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(
    Can anybody wat i must do

    but that answer is not solve my question. Actually i want to know.. can we develope a custom tag in JSF for file upload......

  • Facing problem during file upload

    we r designing a portal where it is required to upload files based on individual users who have logged in.
    For this purpose we r using a file field in one page and http upload tag in another page.
    The file uploads successfuly to the database, but the problem is that we r not able to get the value of pReq.getUser() in the page where the httpfileupload tag exists.
    we noted that request.getParameter() and session.getValue() is also not valid in this page.
    we also tried setting the session value to true in provider.xml. Even this didnt work.
    we noted that this problem comes only when the file field is used. can anyone tell me how to solve this??
    Thanks in advance.

    request.getParameter() nor session.getParameter() does not fetch anything. the value is null

  • View temporary data in Web layout during file upload in Integrated Planning

    Hi Experts,
    When using File Upload funcationality, in Integrated Planning,
    I have a requirment, How user can view the data in the web layout?
    After data display user can make changes in the data and on click of Save the updated data is saved in cube.
    If any one has come across this requirment can you please help me out how things can be carried out?
    If "how to implement" document is present can you please provide me the link.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Abhi,
    I assume, you are using WAD for this..
    Please do the following: (Please note the the cube has to be in Plan mode while executing WAD)
    1. Create a input enable query (through query designer) on th eaggregate level (the one you are using for IP). You might need to create filers for the aggregate level. these filters can also be used in the query.
    2. In the WAD, pull this query.
    3. Create a button in WAD and check for the planning functionalities readily available that you can use in WAD. One of the planning functionality is SAVE Data. This will save any data which is entered by the user.
    4. In the same button integrate a Refresh Data command after the SAVE data. This will automatically refresh the query and pull the updated/changed data from the cube.
    This should work. Please write back in case of any clarification.
    Regards, Rishi

  • SQL exception occurred during PL/SQL upload  (Web ADI)

    I am having issue loading data using Web ADI, I am getting "SQL exception occurred during PL/SQL upload" error, I tried to restart Apache, also looked into the BNE.log file for the exact error but I am still not sure about this exception, can anyone please help?
    bne:text="SQL exception occurred during PL/SQL upload."
    bne:cause="Database insert error"
    Oracle Applications: 12.0.6

    I am having issue loading data using Web ADI, I am getting "SQL exception occurred during PL/SQL upload" error, I tried to restart Apache, also looked into the BNE.log file for the exact error but I am still not sure about this exception, can anyone please help?Please rename the log file, reproduce the issue and check the log file then.
    bne:text="SQL exception occurred during PL/SQL upload."
    bne:cause="Database insert error"Please see these docs.
    R12 Uploading Intercompany Transactions Shows SQL Exception Occurred During PL/SQL Upload [ID 1234063.1]
    Batch Element Entry (BEE) Spreadsheet Interface > 10 Rows Fails with Error: 'SQL exception occured during PL/SQL Upload.' [ID 388012.1]
    How Do You Setup An AGIS Transaction That Has Several Transaction Lines For The Same Transaction [ID 946499.1]
    FCH: Error: "The upload process has completed with errors. Please Close to return to the document and fix the errors. - No rows uploaded - <999> rows were invalid" During WebADI Data Upload [ID 553025.1]
    R12: Legal Entity Name must be < 31 characters. [ID 472505.1]
    Oracle Payroll 'Batch Element Entry ( BEE )' Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ ) [ID 1353021.1]

  • Failed to load source - file upload post

    Hello All,
    I'm trying to implement an AJAX type of file upload. I'm using Sencha's upload form which creates an iframe on the go(this si doen with the parameter fileUpload true). This should take care fo the mechanics involved in AJAX file uploads inside APEX.
    I can see an attempt to upload the file but then I get the response:
    Failed to load source for: tried creating a branch on the page to branch to another page which has an On Page Process - On Load Before Header which returns a JSON formated message.
    END;Oddly enough when I check the APEX view I see that the file has not been uploaded to the APEX server. Can anybody offer some advise or a solution to AJAX file uploading inside APEX.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello All,
    I'm still trying to crack this one. Getting the following error.
    More files were uploaded in this request than the number of file item types defined on the page.I'm using an javascript extension whihc creates and ifram through whihc I'm uploading the file. That seems to be configured properly.
    As for the page setup, I've tried several variations and none seem to work.
    I tried to create a file browser item, and set some hidden html class on it. Then when I use the javascript uploader, I set the value inside the file browser($s('P1_FILENAME', myval)), this was to get over previous errors of
    failed to load sourceNow apex doesn't like that as well, so I'm thinking its just not possible to do a clean javascript file uploader. I guess the only option now is to create a separate page, hide the items and display it into an iframe.
    Any thoughts on fileuploader with javascript inside APEX? Oh, almost forgot to mention that I'm using the fileuploaderfield from sencha.

  • Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0 hangs while exporting and during peak file generation.

    I have Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0 (PRE7). I have a project which is using a single clip from a Mini-DV that was captured with Nero 8. Nero 8 was used because it was captured prior to installing PRE7. The file is 12GB and is on a USB disk drive because I don't have the space on my main hard drive (I have about 11GB free). My project doesn't do too much that's fancy. It merely uses about 20 minutes of the 60 minute Mini-DV captured AVI, and it uses simple transitions between each scene. I also have very simple titles at start and end. No themes or anything else.
    I've seen two problems. 1) While editing the project, seemingly (but I'm not positive it's related) while the peek file was being generated, PRE7 would get into a state of using about 40% to 50% CPU, and it would not let me do anything else. The other problem, 2) While using "Share" to export the video to WMA for playback on PC (about 180MB estimated file size according to Adobe), the file is exported to about the last remaining 5 seconds, but then PRE7 goes into that mode of hanging with 40% to 50% CPU usage.
    One time when it had this 50% CPU issue, I let it sit overnight, and the export was finished in the morning. The export that time was to a 90MB FLV for posting to the "web" according to the Share wizard. But when I was doing the above (issue #2), it went into the 50% CPU usage but didn't finish after waiting around 2 hours. Even if I were to let it sit that time, and it were to finish, it seems like something's wrong and that this is unacceptable.
    When this happens, and PRE7 goes into 50% CPU utilization, there is no pacifier or percentage bar advancing. It usually happens near 100% finished. Only one time did it complete successfully after leaving it unattended at 90% complete for an extraordinary amount of time.
    To recap:
    C:\ hard drive ---> PRE7, my project.
    E:\ USB drive ---> 12GB source AVI file and destination for export.
    I saw elsewhere on this forum that someone imported a mini-dv captured AVI into Window Movie Maker and then exported it to Mini-DV from that app. This solved that person's problem with hanging during peak file creation. I had the 50% hang issue during peak file generation but I'm not sure it was related to peak file generation. A peak file was generated in a project which, when exported with share as mentioned above, still did the hang 50% CPU issue. Regardless, I will try the import/export/movemaker thing and report back but I've been trying enough things that I wanted to take a second to ask for assistance.
    Does anyone have this issue, and is there a patch or fix?
    I might be able to provide a user mode dump of the 50% CPU adobe process. There is some call stack information and I'm wondering if developers would want this info if they don't already have a solution/fix to this bug.
    Thanks for any help.

    I have some more info on the hang which I've been experiencing during export/share of a project which uses an AVI as its one main clip. Adobe Premiere Elements 7 (PRE7) appears to be hanging because it's looping endlessly in ImporterAVI.prm. I'm wondering if this info can be passed onto Adobe developers and/or if I can submit this information elsewhere for such processing. I also have a process dump file which might be helpful, not to mention the original project files.
    I used Process Monitor to help analyze this situation, and prior to PRE7 getting into the endless loop, it appears to be reading from the AVI file little by little, and WMEncodingHelper.exe is writing out little by little to the destination file, both of which I would expect. When PRE7 gets to the end of the import/export, Process Monitor appears to show all the aforementioned disk activity ceasing. I see neither process reading or writing. This would be normal if the share/export procedure had completed. But PRE7 is not complete. It is hung and is operating at 50% CPU utilization.
    Far below in this post are technical details which may be helpful to an Adobe developer determine why the importer could get into this endless loop. In those details, there is a jump instruction, "jb ImporterAVI!xImportEntry+0xf32", which will always jump if a particular compare always turns out a certain way. But in my review of the counters being compared, it never will get to a point of exiting. When I modify a flag (the carry flag) to be 0, the loop exits. When I did this, my export/share of my project completed successfully. So it was done, but for some reason, PRE7 was looping and looping in its AVI importor instead of completing the export (aka "Share").
    I cannot say that this certainly indicates a bug with PRE7, but it seems to me that there's enough data for Adobe to be at least investigating this particular issue. I'm not the only person who has seen this as there was at least one other message describing the same problem which the user resolved by effectively re-creating the AVI file via a no-op import/export into and out of MovieMaker. My AVI also goes through MovieMaker, import/export, without a hitch.
    In a sense, I view PRE7's "share" as essentially an import, processing of imported information (i.e., effects and transitions), and an export. It's an import of all clips into the project at the right times, a processing of all effects, and finally an export to a destination. I realize this is simplistic, but the point I'm making is I have a simple project with a single AVI, and it appears that the "import" portion of PRE7's Share option is choking on the only clip used by this project. I also don't have much but simple transitions and a beginning/ending title on the project, so I'm not thinking this use of PRE7 is much more than what I'm doing with MovieMaker when importing/exporting this AVI.
    I fully agree that optimum hardware can be either required or critical for certain types of video editing, but PRE7 is a consumer program and I'm not using anything extensive about it and the symptoms are that PRE7 is looping on its import of a file other programs don't have a problem with. I already tried purchasing a 1TB external, which I'm glad I did, but I really think Adobe developers should look at this issue. There may be a problem with handling certain AVI clips used in a project when those clips come from certain sources. If there is an issue, perhaps it could warrant a fix that would make PRE7 more compatible with these other clips.
    Does Adobe have a procedure for people to upload (or mail) projects and files to it so that they can troubleshoot why the importer gets into this state? I also mentioned earlier that I have a full user-mode dump of the process which may be of value to a dev. Can I submit this information anywhere?
    Here are textual technical details:
    Plug-in which loops: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0\Plug-ins\en_US\ImporterAVI.prm
    The following are the instructions at the "bottom" of the loop which never ends. Below, I put "***" at the jump instruction I mentioned earler. If I force the carry flag to be 0 at that point, and the jump is skipped, the export completed successfully. Additionally, notice that [esp-0x1c] is 0x2000, and that both eax and edi are 0. When I see it loop, eax stays at 0 and never reaches 0x2000. I wonder if something about the AVI is causing values used by this importer to be such that it causes this endless loop, and if that's the case, and if such values are valid/good, I'm wondering if the importer can be fixed by being able to detect such values so as to not choke (if in fact it's an importer issue).
    1239dda2 50 push eax
    1239dda3 ffd1 call ecx
    1239dda5 8b442424 mov eax,dword ptr [esp+24h]
    1239dda9 015c2428 add dword ptr [esp+28h],ebx
    1239ddad 03c7 add eax,edi
    1239ddaf 83c410 add esp,10h
    1239ddb2 3b44241c cmp eax,dword ptr [esp+1Ch]
    1239ddb6 89442414 mov dword ptr [esp+14h],eax
    ; *** This is where it loops around and around.
    1239ddba 0f82f2feffff jb ImporterAVI!xImportEntry+0xf32 (1239dcb2)
    1239ddc0 8b542420 mov edx,dword ptr [esp+20h]
    1239ddc4 52 push edx
    1239ddc5 e810d40000 call ImporterAVI!xImportEntry+0xe45a (123ab1da)
    1239ddca 83c404 add esp,4
    1239ddcd 5f pop edi
    1239ddce 5e pop esi
    1239ddcf 5d pop ebp
    1239ddd0 33c0 xor eax,eax
    1239ddd2 5b pop ebx
    1239ddd3 83c428 add esp,28h
    1239ddd6 c3 ret
    ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
    WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
    3195d9b8 12387545 10590f9c 27c53e00 06b35ff6 ImporterAVI!xImportEntry+0x103a
    3195d9ec 1239ea10 06b35ff6 00000000 27ad8a60 ImporterAVI+0x7545
    3195da1c 1238aa31 06b3554b 00000000 7fdf0000 ImporterAVI!xImportEntry+0x1c90
    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ImporterAVI+0xaa31
    [esp-1Ch]: 3195d9a0 00002000
    eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=3195dbcc edx=00000000 esi=27ad8a60 edi=00000000
    eip=1239ddba esp=3195d984 ebp=3c7ba50b iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz na pe cy
    cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000287
    1239ddba 0f82f2feffff jb ImporterAVI!xImportEntry+0xf32 (1239dcb2) [br=1]

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