SharePoint infopath

.How to control or restrict alphabets in whole number integer field in infopath (user not to enter alphabets ) to add repeating section of users into library
.for me only displaying only one name in library

it is very simple
to prevent user from typing letters in your text box 
- right click and select properties 
- in Data Type drop down - select whole number (integer)
there is a repeated section in controls you can use it.
Ahmed Said Moussa SharePoint Consultant

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  • Sharepoint infopath form should have only new item rights

    Sharepoint infopath form should have only new item rights

    You may create a custom Permission level for this requirement. Go to Site Settings -> User And Permissions -> Site Permissions -> Click on Permissions Tab in the ribbon. Now click on Permission Levels. Click on Add a Permission level.
    Give name to this new permission level. In the List Permissions, Check Edit items and keep "Add items" unchecked. Select other permissions which you need to give. Save the Permission level. Now assign this permission level to the group. Note that,
    you can also change the OOB permission levels like "Contribute" and uncheck "Add Items" permission but that may have an undesirable effect on other things. It is always better not to change OOB things.
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    Hi Nols,
    The error might be caused by SharePoint does not trust root certificates when you are trying to access external list over SSL\TLS.
    Here is the link for the similar issue:
    If it does not work, please check in ULS log and find detail error message for further troubleshooting.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Check if below article can help you

  • Web service Impersonate in SharePoint InfoPath forms

    Hi All,
    We are using SharePoint 2010 InfoPath forms in one of the sites. We have IIS hosted Web service which is using TIBCO service to fetch the users info in InfoPath forms.
    Now my client wants to migrate to SAP, due to cost involved they want to use one dedicated account to get the user info from SAP instead of Sharepoint site logged in user.
    I implemented Impersonate in IIS web service web. Config file as below.
    <identity impersonate="true" username="Domain\Username" password="Password123" />
    However am getting error when I fetch the users in the form. I checked the log and found below error.
    The following query failed: GetEmployeeList (User: 0#.w|Domain\UserName, Form Name: NESS-TerminationRequest-v14, IP: , Connection Target: , Request:
    Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:NESS-TerminationRequest-v14:-myXSD-2008-11-02T22-14-53 Type: DataAdapterException, Exception Message: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. The remote server returned an error:
    (500) Internal Server Error.)
    I have double checked the service with SOAP UI which is working fine for dedicated test user.
    Could you please let me know is any one faced similar issues or any help here please.

    created UDCX connection and passed the credentials in SSO to access the SAP service, however i got below error.
    The following query failed: GetEmployeeList (User: 0#.w|domain\mohans, Form Name: NESS-TerminationRequest-v15, IP: , Connection Target:
    https://MYSite/forms/hr/DataConnections/GetEmployeeList.udcx, Request:
    Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:NESS-TerminationRequest-v15:-myXSD-2008-11-02T22-14-53 Type: DataAdapterException, Exception Message: Credentials in SSO (Windows=[yes], Username=[yes], Password= [yes]) did not match the specified type "Windows")
    i tried with NTLM,Basic and Windows in COnnection file and also tried various target types in SSO but nothing helped me.
    Any help on this please?

  • Sharepoint infopath 2013 mouseover not work on ipad browser

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    working is right .
    Any one please help that how can i change that behavior for info-path forms on IPad safari browser.
    Please and i will be great thankful to you

    Hi Umair,
    Thanks for posting your issue, Kindly browse the below mentioned URL to know more about your issue and fixed on that.
    I hope this is helpful to you, mark it as Helpful.
    If this works, Please mark it as Answered.
    Dharmendra Singh (MCPD-EA | MCTS)
    Blog :

  • Infopath to Sharepoint: Create multiple list items from a date range?

    Hi everyone!  I have a request from a client to create a SharePoint/InfoPath form that has Start Date and End Date fields.  Their request is that when submitted it will make a separate entry for each day in the date range.  For example: 
    John Doe is out from 4/1 - 4/3.  When submitted it will make an entry that he was out 4/1, 4/2, and 4/3.  this is requested due to them wanting to have a SharePoint list that shows all the day and not use a calendar.
    This question was previously posted on another forum by another individual a year ago with no responses so I'm hoping for better results then he got lol.
    Any ideas or pointing me in the right direction in terms of how to begin this would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance and I hope everyone is having a great day!

    I've been asked for things like this in the past too but never found a good solution.
    The closest i could think of would be to create a workflow that loops between the two dates and creates an entry for each one (of a different content type) then deletes the inital content entry. I haven't done this so i'm not sure if it's possible without
    custom SPD actions.

  • How to fix sharepoint user group in infopath peoples picker conrtrol

    i am customizinig  sharepoint  custom list in infopath 2010
    here my requirement is i want to fix a sahrepoint group in approver field
    i am running a approval process on a sharepoint  list
    when user creates a new item in list  this approval process going to start
    while he enter values he will see the  approvers group

    I try to reproduce the issue and have the same error as yours.
    To solve the issues, I suggest as follows:
    Install hotfix on all WFEs.
    In SharePoint Central Administration, create a new “Group” Secure Store App and assign “All Authenticated Users” as the membership condition.
    In the UDCX file for the data connection calling the “GetUserProfileByName” web service method.
    In the form template, in design mode, modify the “GetUserProfileByName” data connection.
    In the “Form Load” rule, add actions to set the “AccountName” query field of the “GetUserProfileByName” data connection to the “userName()” function.
    Here are some great blogs for you to take a look at:
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Setting up Sharepoint 2013 approval workflows depending on field value

    Dear Microsoft Support,
    I am still relatively new to Sharepoint-Infopath and would need help with setting up workflows for a requisition form I am creating. I have designed and created a form using Infopath 2013 and have successfully created the link
    to have the data uploaded into my Sharepoint Server 2013 library. This form's purpose is to have our users make supply requisitions from the Warehouse department. We are a school, therefore, there are numerous different departments with different approvers.
    My goal now is to setup the approval workflows using Sharepoint Designer 2013. The complication now is that only certain people need to approve the requests, depending on the department selected. For example, I am in the IT department, if I put a field's value
    as "IT" the form will be sent to the IT department manager prior to going to the Warehouse department for processing. If the user chose "English", the form will be routed to the English department head for approval. What are the steps that
    I would take to have that kind of customization? How do I setup approval workflows in Sharepoint Designer 2013 to meet that?
    I have tried searching for solutions over the web, but all of them are too generalized and would not be related to my case in terms of different approvers depending on the different departments in our school. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks. Jason

    I would create a second SharePoint list that is set up with two columns. The first column is Title (which is a default column) and the second column is 'Person or Group' column and name it 'Approver'. Then enter the department in the title field and select
    the person who needs to approve that department's forms in the 'Approver' field. Use this list and pull in this information in the InfoPath form by creating a data connection to the newly created list and set up the filter to only pull
    back the information where 'Title' = 'Department'. After this information is pulled into your form, store the approver information in a hidden field in the InfoPath form and use that field throughout the workflow.
    I know this is a very brief explanation so let me know if you need more information.

  • Amount of data has exceeded maximum limit - Infopath form

    Hello, I am having a problem on O365 concerning an Infopath form.
    The warning goes like this : " The amount of data that was returned by a data connection has exceeded the maximum limit that was configured by the server administrator" 
    Solutions exist for other version of Sharepoint/Infopath. I see in SharePoint 2013, this value is 1500 kilobytes by default
    and we can increase the maximum size of that. However, in SharePoint Online, it cannot be changed.
    Can you guys please help? 
    Thanking you in advance.

    Hi Nite,
    You should ask this question in the Office365 forums:
    But as this question has been asked before, it is not possible to change the limit in O365. Please see this thread:
    Nico Martens
    SharePoint/Office365/Azure Consultant

  • Questions about the future directions of InfoPath and Microsoft Access

    Because I have been confused about the future directions of InfoPath and Access, I wrote a short blog post, which I have pasted below.  My question is, can Microsoft provide some more guidance on Access vs InfoPath?  If Access is indeed the
    the future direction, can you please provide some pointers to resources that can help us transition.
    A Short Review of MS Access,  SharePoint ,InfoPath (2013)
    After the November 2012 SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas (#spc12) there were a number of blog posts and people saying that Access 2013 was great and would be replacing InfoPath.
    Marc Anderson and
    Gotz have short posts summarizing #SPC12 and touch on the subject of InfoPath and Access.  I also spoke with several individuals shortly after #SPC12 and they were excited about Access 2013.
    Since I rely heavily on InfoPath for much of what I do, I wanted to kick the tires and see what everyone was talking about.  First, a few notes about SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013.
    Microsoft should rename Access:  If you have tried to
    bing the word Access, then you know that the search results are overwhelming,  because the word "access" is used for so many other purposes.
    Use the RTM version of Office 2013! I was performing  my investigations by leveraging the Office 365 Beta and the Office Applications that come with it.  Not much was working!  After I uninstalled the Beta
    version of Office 2013 and Installed the RTM version everything seemed to work. 
    Windows 7 and IE 9.0: The drag & drop that is being touted as
    "manna from heaven" seems to work well with Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and IE 10, but it does
    not work with IE 9!
    Non Microsoft browsers are still second class citizens (except for the drag & drop):  Microsoft has finally done away with the Active X's for datasheet view (that is brilliant!)  One can now see the newly
    minted datasheet view in many browsers.  But I still find that one needs to be in IE to do a number of key manual opeartions.  For example pasting numerous rows of data from a spreadsheet into the new sheet view works only in IE.
    Access 2013
    Microsoft Access is touted as a non developer tool.  I know a number of people who are on the business side and love Access.  These people will like the renewed energy that Microsoft has applied to Access.   One should note that conceptually
    this functionality existed  in SharePoint 2010.  Here is what I see that is new:
    +The new version works better:Although I haven't tested it fully, it seems that many more features that work on the Desktop version of Access, now work in the published Web Application which is hosted by SharePoint 2013.
    +The new version has fairly robust browser based forms: End users can now fill in data using forms that are rendered in the browser.
    +The published version that resides in SharePoint now uses its own SQL server tables.  So the engine appears to be SQL Server, not a modified version of Access built for a server.  This stands to be quite robust, but I imagine
    that some quirks will surface due to new model.
    The limitations are:
    - Access is pretty much its own application and does not integrate with SharePoint building blocks.  For example, an Access table is not easy to integrate with a SharePoint workflow.  Further, although  Access forms now are visible
    in a browser, they are not nearly as rich as InfoPath forms.  InfoPath forms cannot easily integrate with the Access tables.  In order to integrate SharePoint features and Access, one needs to tie SharePoint list(s) to Access as data sources. 
    This overcomplicates the model and one may very well run into synchronization issues.
    In short, although I believe there will be some people who will be happy with newly minted Access, I do not think that Access will be able to replace InfoPath and Workflow technologies.  I do agree that Microsoft does not seem to have put much energy into
    InfoPath.  If they leave a vacuum in this space, then others may very well take over, for instance Nintex Forms.

    Although I agree with the comments made by Ruven and Marc after the conference please note that those blog posts are their own personal opinions and that they don't work for Microsoft.  A lot of people have asked Microsoft to clarify the future of InfoPath
    and the response up until now has been a deafening silence.  In my opinion speculations about Access replacing InfoPath are premature.
    I should also point out that most of your comments about Access 2013 above are actually about Access Services in SharePoint Server 2013.  Access Services are NOT Access they are a shared service offering in SharePoint that convert and publish Access
    databases and forms.  As you point out once an Access database is published through Access services it is converted to SQL Server and no longer resides in Access.  Of course I don't work for Microsoft either so these are all just my personal opinion. 
    Having said that I doubt you will get the confirmation/response that you are hoping for from any official Microsoft channel.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server
    MVP Principal Solutions Architect: BlueChip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

  • Read-only textbox and/or disable buttons in Infopath 2013

    In a InfoPath 2013 custom list form, my requirement is to make textboxes read-only, disable buttons, and/or create new buttons so users can not update fields in a custom list once the user has updated data in the list. Basically after the user hits the 'save'
    button so that the data is saved.
    The requirement is not to set up custom permissions since my SharePoint administrator said I should find another option. This administrator said he does not see a reason for only an 'add' permission.
    Thus can you tell me how to meet my requirements? Can you show me screen prints, pictures, or urls on how to solve the problem?

    According to your description, you might want to prevent users from editing the existing items.
    There are two workarounds I can provide as below:
    As the first workaround, you can remove Ribbon from SharePoint InfoPath List Form via modifying the OOTB settings of InfoPath Web Part.
    Here is a link about more details, you can use it as a reference:
    As the second workaround, you can apply the CSS code below to your page, it will hide the “Edit Item” button in the Ribbon:
    <style type="text/css">
    #Ribbon\.ListItem\.Manage\.EditProperties-Large{display: none !important;}
    About how to add JavaScript/CSS into SharePoint page:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • I have an InfoPath with submit button, publish the same to form library.

    Hi All,
    i have an InfoPath with submit button, publish the same to form library.
    Now, i open the form  fill it and attach some files, when i press submit button, that attachments will go to the particular document library.
    Can any one help me out.
    Thanks in Advance!

    Hi Anil,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the attachments attached to the form were submitted to an documents library.
    By default, the attachments should be attached with the InfoPath form and will not be submitted anywhere.
    There may be some customizations on the form that is to submit the attachments to the document library.
    Please check the links below if the customizations are made in the form.
     Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Assigning View permission to all the users that have been selected in contact selector - SP 2010, InfoPath 2010

    I have a SharePoint InfoPath 2010 browser form with item level security. Only submitter
    and approvers has access to the form.  This form contains a people picker that is populated with the names of attendees
    for the meeting they attended (which
    I am able to store in Field2 below). I want to allow attendees to be able to view (grant view permission) the InfoPath form. Field 2 has the users in form of domain\user1;domain\user2; etc. Following the below step, I am getting error when I ADD or REPLACE
    permission on current item. How do I go about assigning view permission to all the users that have been selected in contact selector?

    Hi ,
    i understand that the text box and the people picker hold multiple user names and you want to grant user permission based on the user in the text box.
    I have a test based on your description,the results are: When there are multiple users in the text box, the workflow will throw an error'Error Occurred'.It is the same with the people picker column.
    You need to limit the peopel picker to only allow to select one user,in this way the text box will only hold one user.Then you can use the people picker or the text box to grant user permission.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to redirect from Infopath form from old sitecollection to new sitecollection

    We have moved sharepoint infopath form to new site collection i.e. QA to Prod.
    The link for infopath in email is pointing towards QA. Is there any way that when user open the link for infopath from email. It should redirect to production infopath item.
    The link in Email: https://qaserver/sitename/formlibrary/req1.xml. Could it be redirected to
    Any idea?

    Hi fsd,
    For troubleshotting your issue, let's verify the followings:
    Where was the email from? Whether it was from the workflow approval email.
    How did you move the SharePoint InfoPath form? Whether you use Export/Import to do it.
    If the link was the link linked the item title in a workflow Approval email, please try to re-publish the workflow.
    If the link was defined by yourself in a workflow email, you need to change the URL manually in the email action, then publish the workflow again.
    If this issue still exists, please feel free to reply.
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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