Shell Script GUI

Hi, I'm very new to OS X development. I have three shell scripts that I'd like to add a GUI to, just a simple dropdown menu that can select which script you want to run, then run that script by clicking an "Okay" button, or something of the sort. Right now I have it running with an automator .app that runs the shell script, but I'd like to add a simple GUi. Any help would be much appreciate =)

No matter how you chose to do it it's going to be a bit more work than a simple shell script. There are a lot of choices though.
Objective-C/Cocoa (this is how most of the big boys do it) ction/chapter1_section1.html
AppleScript Studio ps/chapter01/chapter1_section1.html
Python/Cocoa bridge
There are more options if none of these appeal to you.

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    The behavior you describe is that used by the KDE and GNOME desktops of Linux.
    Under OS X, if you make a script then mark it as executable, double-clicking on it in the Finder will not execute it. Actually, it uses a rather complex algorithm ([summarized here|]) to determine what to do with it. This is implemented in Mac OS X' LaunchServices framework (incidentally, the associations are cached in /Library/Caches/*.csstore and ~/Library/Caches/*.csstore). You can read the details in the developer docs about LaunchServices.
    Anyway, in short, the suffix '.command' is a built-in type in the LaunchServices network that identifies a shell script. If you run
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    printf "Enter input\n"
    while [ $i -ne 1 ]; do
    read $inputVar
    if [  "$inputVar" == "y" ]; then
    printf "You typed yes\n"
    elif [  "$inputVar" == "y"  ]; then
    printf "you typed no\n"
    printf "Enter a valid character\n"
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    Harshad (user524171) wrote:
    I'm not aware of OEM grid control. Can i use it without Oracle or Oracle is must for this...Er.. this is an Oracle forum... and if you are not using Oracle s/w then why are you using Oracle support forums?
    I'm using teradata database and unix here...And what part of ORACLE Database General Forum+ do you not understand that makes you ask Teradata questions here?
    Teradata is not Oracle. Oracle is not Teradata. Please use the correct forum for your subject matter.

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    If you are using the Oracle database 10g, the new dbms_scheduler package allows you to run shell scripts. The dbms_scheduler.create_job procedure have one parameter called the job_action in which you specify the full path of the shell script.
    I hope this will help

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    There isn't anything wrong with using shell scripts, especially since AppleScript is designed to do this very thing. There is some overhead when using do shell script, just as there is some overhead when using an application tell statement, so it just depends on what you are doing.
    The performance of any particular script would also be up to whatever is acceptable to you (or your customers), and sometimes a shell script is the most efficient way to do something. Many of the system utilities are just GUI front-ends to a shell script, so they can't be all bad.
    To do your file copy or move with the Finder, you will need to tell it to duplicate or move the item(s) (there is that pesky overhead again). Shell scripts use POSIX paths while the Finder uses colons as its path delimiter, so you will need to use the correct file path references - there is a decent article about that at Satimage. Once your file paths have been defined (or using something like choose file or choose folder)), your script would be something like:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #DAFFB6;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    tell application "Finder"
    duplicate source to destination
    -- move source to destination
    end tell
    See the Finder and *System Events* scripting dictionaries for more information about the ways they deal with files.

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    soundar wrote:
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    I have migrated database from 8i to 10gr2.For Backup in 8i, we used a RMAN shell script (scheduled uding cron tab) to backup the database to Tape.(VERITAS BACKUP).
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    Edited by: soundar on Mar 9, 2010 10:53 PMDear soudar
    I woudn't suggest you to work with EM if you want to be a professional DBA. Start learning RMAN and use CLI instead of GUI
    Those who live by the GUI, die by the GUI

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    After seing this page...
    ... I believed to have found a great solution for some heavy cryptography, to protect some folder and for learning pleasure. What I wanted to do is to automate the openssl task mostly like this:
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    The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide is a great resource for beginners thru advanced users-

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    It is possible, but it kinda defeats the purpose of shell scripts no?

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    That would be a good idea.
    Usually you write on a standard shell, i.e. in many places ksh is the standard for scripting.
    If you want to run the same script on csh will require sintax changes, you may write a template for the most commonly used commands and use them as a reference to translate the scripts from ksh to csh or viceversa.
    When a gui is out to do this tell us ;-)

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    I need your ideas as soon as possible. :)))
    For connecting the java program and the shell scripts I use:
    Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("bash script ");
    OutputStream out = proc.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(out);

    I think u must use process.waitFor() method .
    By this, u r sure that the said process shall complete.
    Also I would recommend new Instance/Thread for running each script.

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    I want to create a GUI with Java and when I click a button or check a check box or choose something from a drop down list , I want a shell program to be called each time.For example, If i click a jbutton or check a jcheckbox, I want to execute something like this:
    sed 's/\([0-9]*\)\([-]\)\([0-9]*\)\([-]\)\([0-9]*\)\([-]\)\([0-9:.]*\)\(.*\)/\5\2\3\4\1\6\7/' $file >>temp;exit;;
    How can show the results on the GUI?
    All the graphical environment will be implemented with Java but underneath the job will be made by the scripts.
    I thank you in advance.
    I am looking forward to your answers.

    Runtime#exec() returns a Process where you can call getInputStream().

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    How can I hide it immediately after the app launch, or, preferably, avoid seeing it in the first place?

    A .command script is really just a data file for, which is why a terminal opens. One solution is to convert it to be its own .app (i.e., it would run on its own instead of being run by something else). I think platypus and dropscript are the two standard tools for doing that.

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    I don't know how to print out to the x-term. But you can add a JTextArea to the GUI and get the output there.
    String output = null;
    StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer();
    String command = /path/to/shell/script/
    process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (process.getInputStream());
    input = new BufferedReader(isr);
    while((output = input.readLine()) != null){
    }Wouldn't a System.out.println(returnString.toString()) print to the x-term console?
    hope this helps.

  • Determining if network is up from shell script?

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    Ted Lee
    Minnetonka, MN

    Here's a similar approach but waits for the specified interface to become active:
    <pre style="padding-left: .75ex; padding-top: .25em; padding-bottom: .25em; margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; margin-left: 1ex; max-width: 80ex; overflow: auto; font-size: 10px; font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; color: #222; background: #eee; line-height: normal">#!/bin/sh
    while [ "`ifconfig | sed -n '/^'$1'/,/^[a-z]/ s/.*status: \(.*\)$/\1/p'`" != "active" ]
    echo interface $1 is not up
    sleep .5
    echo interface $1 is now UP
    Save it as ifup, make it executable, and call it with the name of your interface:
    ifup en1

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