Shortcut key table

I'm testing this table with key shortcuts:
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldTableCell;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCharacterCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.util.Callback;
public class test extends Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        launch(test .class);
    public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
        final ObservableList<KeyCharacterCombination> items = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < 110; i++) {
        TableView<KeyCharacterCombination> table = new TableView<>(items);
        final TableColumn<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination> column = new TableColumn<>();
        column.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination>, ObservableValue<KeyCharacterCombination>>() {
            public ObservableValue<KeyCharacterCombination> call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination> cellDataFeatures) {
                return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(cellDataFeatures.getValue());
        column.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination>, TableCell<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination>>() {
            public TableCell<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination> call(TableColumn<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination> tableColumn) {
                final TableCell<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination> cell = new TextFieldTableCell<KeyCharacterCombination, KeyCharacterCombination>() {
                    public void updateItem(KeyCharacterCombination keyCharacterCombination, boolean b) {
                        super.updateItem(keyCharacterCombination, b);
                        if (this.getItem() == null || b) {
                        } else {
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                            if (keyCharacterCombination.getControl() == KeyCombination.ModifierValue.DOWN) {
                                sb.append("Ctrl + ");
                            if (keyCharacterCombination.getAlt() == KeyCombination.ModifierValue.DOWN) {
                                sb.append("Alt + ");
                            if (keyCharacterCombination.getShift()== KeyCombination.ModifierValue.DOWN) {
                                sb.append("Shift + ");
                cell.setOnKeyPressed(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
                    Set<KeyCombination.Modifier> keys = new HashSet<>();
                    public void handle(KeyEvent keyEvent) {
                        if (keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.CONTROL) {
                        } else if (keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.ALT) {
                        } else if (keyEvent.getCode() == KeyCode.SHIFT) {
                        } else if (keyEvent.getCode().isLetterKey()) {
                            items.set(cell.getIndex(), new KeyCharacterCombination(keyEvent.getCode().getName(),
                                    keys.toArray(new KeyCombination.Modifier[keys.size()])));
                return cell;
        stage.setScene(new Scene(table));;
There is problem which I cannot solve. For example I can set key combination Ctrl+'D' or Shift+Ctrl+Alt+'G' but I cannot use key combination like Ctrl + 'X' or Ctrl + 'Z'. Can you help to improve this code?

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts for this. Prior to the Oracle acquisition, Primavera had it as a goal for R7 to allow the operator to keep their hands on the keyboard most of the time, but this feature didn't make it into the final code. I feel your pain!

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    //oCycWin.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F6, 0, true));
    oCycWin.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          /* oCurWin is a JInternalFrame object (extended class) that tracks the
             current focussed window
          if(oCurWin.ID == 1)
            oCurWin.ID = 2;
          else if(oCurWin.ID == 2)
            oCurWin.ID = 3;
            oCurWin.ID = 1;
          catch(java.beans.PropertyVetoException e)
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    have you tried requesting the focus on your newly selected internal frame ?

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    I just had the same thing happen on my Macbook but was able to resolve it (at least for now!). Here's what I did:
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    On selection-screen u can assign only 5 your own buttons, the keys of keyboards assigned to them are:
    -  CTRL+F1
    -  CTRL+F2
    -  CTRL+F3
    -  CTRL+F4
    -  CTRL+F5
    U have to check the ok-code value in the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN, these butto can hav a code FC<XX>:
      MOVE: '@01@ 1' TO SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_01,
            '@02@ 2' TO SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_02,
            '@03@ 3' TO SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_03,
            '@04@ 4' TO SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_04,
            '@05@ 5' TO SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_05.
        WHEN 'FC01'. MESSAGE I208(00) WITH 'You have pressed KEY CTRL+F1'.
        WHEN 'FC02'. MESSAGE I208(00) WITH 'You have pressed KEY CTRL+F2'.
        WHEN 'FC03'. MESSAGE I208(00) WITH 'You have pressed KEY CTRL+F3'.
        WHEN 'FC04'. MESSAGE I208(00) WITH 'You have pressed KEY CTRL+F4'.
        WHEN 'FC05'. MESSAGE I208(00) WITH 'You have pressed KEY CTRL+F5'.

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    Hi Bruce and fruhulda,
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    btw thanks for your suggestion.

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    Unfortunately shortcuts will work only if your app is focused.

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    There are multiple ways to do similar things. One, built into the system, is to use text replacement. See:
    There are other programs you can buy that can do the job in different ways, such as TextExpander. You could also just create a clipping file by dragging your e-mail address to somewhere like the desktop, and then you can simply drag that file to wherever you like to insert your e-mail address there.

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    menuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK));
    However, I would rather not have it in the menu.
    How would I do this without having it as a JMenuItem?
    Daniel Lorimer

    As a user I hate designs like this. How am I supposed to know what all the shortcut keys are? Using a menu item is a form of self documentation
    Anyway, check out the Swing tutorial on [url]How to Use Key Bindings.

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    Just saw your posting from yesterday - <br />
    '''Checks your bookmarks are valid and the pages still exist, checks for duplicates ...'''

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    The modifier keys "Alt|Opt", "Ctrl|Cmd" and "Shift" work differently depending on the tool being used but the individual keys seem to provide somewhat related functions.
    For example the "Shift" key tends to be a constraining key Rectangle tools are constrained to square ellipse tools to Circles. However if there is an Active selection when you hold down the skey when you drag out a new selection it does not reset the current selection instead the new selection is not constrained and is added to the current selection. Shift constrains Transform tool to current aspect ratio,  Shift constrains Line tools to vertical, horizontal or 45 degree angles. Pen tool like line tool shift constrains the angle.
    The "Alt|Opt" key changes the way tools operate. Transforms are from the center not from the side or corner being dragged.  Selection tools like the rectangle and ellipse will cause the intal drag out be from the center however it there is a Active selection dragging out a new selection will be subtracted from the current selection. This key changes the Pen tool from draw mode to anchor point adjusting.
    The "Shift" and "Alt|Opt" modifier keys can be used together to have an operation be both constrain and from the center.
    The "Ctrl|Cmd" key seems to change the way a tool works on a control anchor point.  The Pen Tool changes from Pen Draw mode to Direct Selection tool to facilitate moving the point.  Transform can be distorted a single corner point can be moved and distort the rectangle bounding box.
    These keys may have other functions I don't know about.  Photoshop has many features so many I don't know if any one person know and uses all of them. For the rest of us they seem to be Photoshop hidden secrets.

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