Simple action creating problem

Hi. I'm having a problem with this simple script. All I want
to is "onClipEvent" go to the next frame in the current movie. I
have it set to _root - but want to use the next frame in the movie
symbol only. Anyone have advice?

Is there any sites you guys know of that actually teaches you
the concept of coding.(actionscript)

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    The problem is, when I create the action, the first step, when I open the PDF file, whatever name was in the name box, is it??? Every new PDF opens with that same name and overrides the next one.
    Does anyone know how to work around this???
    Is there a way to tell Photoshop to pick the current name of the file opening and not use the one that was the original file that the action was created from?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I recieved an email from Paul a few days ago. He has been on holiday in Egypt. And his web site was hacked, not taken down by him. He is trying to get it back up. He had to change the domain name and says that he is not sure he restored everything but you can try looking here
    I think the PDFProcessor can be found there now.

  • Find and Replace simple action crashes Illustrator CC

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    My actions is pretty simple:
    Find > "aa" (I do have to check all the options to work)
    Find and Replace > "aa" to "2014.01.29"
    This action works well if I use it once by the Edit menu, but if I close the Illustrator and reopen, it'll not work again and will crash the software.
    Everyday I do update my action to actual date, so the action will work normally but sometimes I do have to close the app and I have to make the action again and again everytime.
    This was a problem already in CS5, last version that I used.
    I'm using Windows 8.

    Msot likely this isthe problem of the action playing back to fast.
    Actions Flyout >> playback options > set to altast 1 second
    You will need to change this setting each time you resart illustrator

  • SIMPLE Database Design Problem !

    Mapping is a big problem for many complex applications.
    So what happens if we put all the tables into one table called ENTITY?
    I have more than 300 attributeTypes.And there will be lots of null values in the records of that single table as every entityType uses the same table.
    Other than wasting space if I put a clustered index on my entityType coloumn in that table.What kind of performance penalties to I get?
    Definition of the table
    EntityID > uniqueidentifier
    EntityType > Tells the entityTypeName
    Name >
    LastName >
    CompanyName > 300 attributeTypes
    OppurtunityPeriod >
    PS:There is also another table called RELATION that points the relations between entities.

    check the coloumn with WHERE _entityType='PERSON'
    as there is is clustered index on entityType...there
    is NO performance decrease.
    there is also a clustered index on RELATION table on
    when we say WHERE _entityType ='PERSON' or
    it scans the clustered index acts like a
    table as it is physically ordered.I was thinking in terms of using several conditions in the same select, such as
    WHERE _entityType ='PERSON'
      AND LastName LIKE 'A%' In your case you have to use at least two indices, and since your clustered index comes first ...
    Have you ever thought of using constraints in your
    modell? How would you realize those? fact we did.We have arranged the generic object
    model in an object database.The knowledge information
    is held in the object database.So your relational database is used only as a "simple" storage, everything has go through your object database.
    But the data schema is held in the RDBMS with code
    generation that creates a schema to hold data.If you think that this approach makes sense, why not.
    But in able to have a efficent mapping and a good
    performance we have thought about building only one
    table.The problem is we know we are losing some space
    but the thing is harddisk is much cheaper than RAM
    and CPU.So our trade off concerated on the storage
    cost.But I still wonder if there is a point that I
    have missed in terms performance?Just test your approach by using sufficiently data - only you know how many records you have to store in your modell.
    PS: it is not wise effective using generic object
    models also in object databases as CPU cost is a lot
    when u are holding the data.I don't know if I'd have taken your approach - using two database systems to hold data and business logic.
    PS2: RDBMS is a value based system where object
    databases are identity based.we are trying to be in
    the gray area of both worlds.Like I wrote: if your approach works and scales to the required size, why not? I would assume that you did a load test with your approach.
    What I would question though is that your discussing a "SIMPLE Database Design" problem. I don't see anything simple in your approach when it comes to implementation.

  • Finding association rule (creating problem)

    sir i m working on xquery for finding assocation rule using xquery i complete the conding for how i write xquery for that. but now i found a problem that they give me error that _"Unexpected token "declare function" beyond end of query_" i send me coding part for u plz help me out for how i do.........i m using oxygen xml developer for running the xquery my simple query running proper but we use more than one function in recursive manner they create problem give error Unexpected token "declare function" beyond end of query.
    (: You can activate the content completion by pressing the Ctrl+Space keys. :)
    xquery version "1.0";
    (: Namespace for the <oXygen/> custom functions and variables :)
    declare namespace oxy="";
    declare namespace global="";
    (: The URI of the document that is to be queried :)
    declare variable $oxy:document-uri as xs:string := "transaction.xml";
    declare variable $oxy:document-to-query as xs:string := "transaction.xml";
    declare variable $local:document-to-query as xs:string := "transaction.xml";
    declare variable $oxy:document as document-node() := doc($oxy:document-uri);
    let $src := doc("transaction.xml")//items
    let $minsup:=2
    let $total:=count($src)*1.00
    let $c:=distinct-values($src/*)
    let $l:=(for $itemset in $c
    let $items:=(for $item in $src/*
    where $itemset=$item
    return $item)
    let $sup:=(count($items)+1)
    where $sup>=$minsup
    return <largeItemset>
    <items> {$items} </items>
    <support> {$sup} </support>
    let $L:=$l
    return <largeItemsets>{oxyl:FP-growth($l,$L,$minsup,$total,$src)}
    _/////that part is fine but we we use next fp-growth function they give same error
    plz sir help me for solving this////*
    declare function oxy:FP-growth(element $l, element $L, element $minsup, element $total, element $src)
    returns element {
    let $f-item:= first item in $L
    let $l-item:= last item in $L
    let $T:=oxy:getl-itemsets($src, $total, $minsup)
    return <items>
    {oxy:join ($l-item, $T)}
    let $l:=$l-items
    let $L:=oxy:remove($l)
    for f-item in $L
    where $f-item != $l-item
    return oxy:FP-growth($l, $L, $minsup, $total, $src)
    declare function oxy:getl-itemsets(element $src, element $total, element $minsup)
    returns element {
    let $l:=(for $itemset in $src
    where $itemset=$l-item
    return $itemset)
    let $sup:=(count($l)+1
    where $sup>=$minsup
    return <largeItemset>
    <items> {$item} </items>
    <support> {$sup} </support>
    declare function oxy:join(element $X, element $Y) returns element {
    let $items := (for $item in $Y
    where every $i in $X satisfies
    $i != $item
    return $item)
    return $X union $items
    declare function oxy:removeDuplicate(element $C) returns element
    for $itemset1 in $C
    let $items1 := $itemset1/*
    let $items :=(for $itemset2 in $C
    let $items2 := $itemset2/*
    where $itemset2>>$itemset1 and
    count($items1) =
    count(commonIts($items1, $items2))
    return $items2)
    where count($items) = 0
    return $itemset1
    input file for this xquery is:=
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="personal-schema.css"?>
    <transaction id="1">
    <title>The Green Mile</title>
    <author>Stephen King</author>
    <transaction id="2">
    <title>The Green Mile</title>
    <author>J. D. Salinger</author>
    <transaction id="3">
    <title>The Green Mile</title>
    <author>Issac Asimov</author>
    <transaction id="4">
    <title>The Green Mile</title>
    <author>Isaac Asimov</author>
    <transaction id="5">
    <title>The Green Mile</title>
    <author>Oscar Wilde</author>
    Edited by: 920412 on Mar 12, 2012 11:26 PM
    Edited by: 920412 on Mar 14, 2012 10:57 PM
    Edited by: 920412 on Mar 14, 2012 11:17 PM

    thank u sir my code is running
    but there is one problem the result he regerate is not correct sir
    i send the complete information to u my input file my project code my output file and my actual output that i need ......plz sir chek it where is he logical mistak in code i completely chek lots of time i m not able to find where is the logical mistak plz sir help me
    input file "transactions.xml"
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <transaction id="1">
    <transaction id="2">
    <transaction id="3">
    <transaction id="4">
    <transaction id="5">
    coding :=
    xquery version "1.0";
    declare namespace local = "";
    declare function local:join($X as element()*, $Y as element()*) as element()* {
    let $items := (for $item in $Y
    where every $i in $X satisfies
    $i != $item
    return $item)
    return $X union $items
    declare function local:commonIts($X as element()*, $Y as element()*) as element()* {
    for $item in $X
    where some $i in $Y satisfies $i = $item
    return $item
    declare function local:removeIts($X as element()*, $Y as element()*) as element()* {
    for $item in $X
    where every $i in $Y satisfies $i != $item
    return $item
    declare function local:candidateGen($l as element()*) as element()* {
    for $freqSet1 in $l
    let $items1 := $freqSet1//items/*
    for $freqSet2 in $l
    let $items2 := $freqSet2//items/*
    where $freqSet2 >> $freqSet1 and
    count($items1)+1 = count($items1 union $items2)
    and local:prune(local:join($items1,$items2), $l)
    declare function local:prune($X as element()*, $Y as element()*) as xs:boolean
    every $item in $X satisfies
    some $items in $Y//items satisfies
    = count($X) - 1
    declare function local:removeDuplicate($C as element()*) as element()*
    for $itemset1 in $C
    let $items1 := $itemset1/*
    let $items :=(for $itemset2 in $C
    let $items2 := $itemset2/*
    where $itemset2>>$itemset1 and
    count($items1) =
    count(local:commonIts($items1, $items2))
    return $items2)
    where count($items) = 0
    return $itemset1
    declare function local:getLargeItemsets($C as element()*, $minsup as xs:decimal, $total as xs:decimal, $src as element()*) as element()*
    for $items in $C
    let $trans := (for $tran in $src
    where every $item1 in $items/* satisfies
    some $item2 in $tran/*
    satisfies $item1 = $item2
    return $tran)
    let $sup := (count($trans) * 1.00) div $total
    where $sup >= $minsup
    return <largeItemset> {$items}
    <support> {$sup} </support>
    declare function local:fp-growth($l as element()*, $L as element()*, $minsup as xs:decimal, $total as xs:decimal, $src as element()*) as element()*
    let $C := local:removeDuplicate(local:candidateGen($l))
    let $l := local:getLargeItemsets($C, $minsup, $total, $src)
    let $L := $l union $L
    return if (empty($l)) then
    local:fp-growth($l, $L, $minsup, $total, $src)
    let $src := doc("transactions.xml")//items
    let $minsup := 0.5
    let $total := count($src) * 1.00
    let $C := distinct-values($src/*)
    let $l :=(for $itemset in $C
    let $items := (for $item in $src/*
    where $itemset = $item
    return $item)
    let $sup := (count($items) * 1.00) div $total
    where $sup >= $minsup
    return <largeItemset>
    <items> {$itemset} </items>
    <support> {$sup} </support>
    let $L := $l
    return <largeItemsets> { local:fp-growth($l, $L,$minsup, $total, $src) }
    output that is get for running the query:=
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    but sir i want my output like that:=
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    sir i want that out which i shown last help me sir how i sort out this problem
    thank i advance

  • "ORA-20001: Invalid action CREATE on this object. (U)"

    I have a page where data are inserted in my procedure.
    <br>This procedure assign "PXX_ID" which is a key from that table.
    After that I use "Automatic Row Processing (DML)" with check only on UPDATE", to fill other fields that are not filled in my INSERT procedure. This process is defined with "PXX_ID" which is reassigned (not as it was when page was submitted - before my insert).
    <br>SAVE process, which is only calling this DML is working perfectly. My procedure is inserting new record also. But together they are not working. What I want is to use this process for changing data (SAVE button) and for INSERT part also.
    <br>Now I get this error "ORA-20001: Invalid action CREATE on this object. (U)"...any help on this?
    <br>If problem is that I'm reassigning value of "PXX_ID" then please let me give some hint how to make this if possible using DML processes...
    <br>If the solution is to put all fields in INSERT part and use this DML only for changes, let me know. All I need is some hints to understand more this error!
    <br>I have tried to recreate new process ... but no help.
    <br>P.S. II
    <br>I cannot sent app on WORKSPACE (too much work to do)...but I can send page export.

    This is caused because you have only checked the UPDATE option in the Automatic Row Processing(DML). By unselected the other options you are basically saying they aren't allowed. In order to get around this you need to put a conditional clause on the process. I would use something like if rowid = null then use my insert process. If rowid is not null then use the Automatic Row Processing(DML).

  • I want to go back to the previous 2014.2 version.  .3 is much too buggy and full of error messages. Creating problems as I am on a timeline with my client and I don't have time to fool around with all the problems.

    2014 .3 is much too buggy and full of error messages. Creating problems as I am on a timeline with my client and I don't have time to fool around with all the problems.

    You didn't mention what error(s) you've encountered? A workaround for the most commonly hit problem is here Re: error in Muse : Object UID:U6875 has two (or more) owners: U3633 and U3165
    If you have a copy of your .muse file that has not been saved using 2014.3, you can downgrade by uninstalling Muse and then choose Previous Version in the Filters drop down in the Apps panel of the Creative Cloud desktop app. There will be a popup next to Muse where you can select a prior version to install.

  • When firefox checking for updates and updates found but due to proxy restrictions it unable to download the updates then it continue trying to download that and this time it creating problem on running javascript

    When firefox checking for updates and updates found but due to proxy restrictions it unable to download the updates then it continue trying to download that and this time it creating problem on executing javascript and raising errors.

    What are the error messages you are seeing?

  • HT1386 I replaced my iPad and now don't see the iPad backup in iTunes.  Any advice?  Should I use my latest iPhone backup or will that create problems?

    I swapped out my broken iPad for a new one, and went to sync in iTunes and only see my iPhone backups.  Should I use those to back it up (most of the apps are the same across both, and same with the email, calendar, and contacts settings).  Will that create problems if I use the same backup for two devices?  Thanks!

    No it will not create problems but if the iPad that you got is running an iOS less than what you are running on the iPhone, you will have to update the iPad first, before you can restore from the phone backup. You can't use the backup of a newer iOS on a device running an older iOS without updating the device first.

  • I wish to rename my drive letter & not create problems

    I had an SSD installed on my PC.  The SSD is 'C' & kept for programs only. The other drive  letters I have currently got displayed don't make much sense.I started with CD burner & Blu-ray burner & got them away from my own files by changing the drive letters to Y & Z.   A USB drive which is red in color is not R drive.
    I want to give the drive that has all of my music files & its catalog data another letter.  I want to do this without having problem with file associations etc.  How is this done without creating problems?  My photos are also on this drive but I know that I can just direct that program to its catalog location.
    Since an SSD is fast enough it apparently doesn't need to be indexed.  What I have done is plugged a couple of my external drives into the PC & had Windows index every drive except 'C'.  I don't know is indexing will automatically updated the index to reflect the new drive letter for my music files but it It doesn't I'll ask for it to be done again.
    Thanks in advance

    Just before I did this I when I opened iTunes I got the message that said that I must have changed by burner or something to the effect & that I had to re install the program.
    I held of doing this because I wanted to change the drive letter first.  This I did & that appears to have worked.
    I hadn't made any changes to DVD burning software.  I did see that there was a new 64 bit version available so I downloaded & installed it.
    The next time I opened the program I got the same message that I needed to re install the program.  When I went to tell it where the library.itl I must have directed it to the wrong library as it asked me again about my account details & wanted my credit cards details.  Only after I give this information did I find that the library that I had nominated was in fact the account for my wife's iPad.
    So now I have 2 major problems firstly I'm linked to my wife's account where it displays the few things she purchased.  My library was make up 100% from all of my old CD's that I had ripped. nothing else.  How do I connect to the other library.itl file?
    The second problem is that even though I downloaded & & installed a new version of iTunes I'm getting the message that I need to reinstall because my burning software has changed & it hasn't.  How do I get past these problems?
    Thanks in advance

  • Hi, I have a macbook pro 17" 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo 2007, will upgrading to Yosemite slow me down or create problems with my Iphone or other app ?

    Hi, I have a macbook pro 17" 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo 2007, will upgrading to Yosemite slow me down or create problems with my Iphone or other app ?

    Yes, i do not suggest upgrading right now. There is some software malfunction or glitch that spontaneously shuts down this specific model. I upgraded and it was a pain to downgrade and make my mac usable again.

  • Will actions created in CS5 work in CS2-4 and CS6?

    Will actions created in Photoshop CS5 work in CS2-4 and CS6?

    I have some actions that were done in PS7 that work up to CC, I think the main challenge would be if you have some brushes or items that may be new in CC may not work in earlier versions.  all you can do is try the action and see, they can be deleted anyway if they do not work.

  • Actions created using tool recording backward compatible?

    Are actions created using the new "allow tool recording" option in PSCS6 backward compatible to previous versions? IOW, would an action created under CS6 using this option play correctly in CS4 or CS5 versions?

    JJ didn't quite say it, but the answer to your original question is no.  Older versions will not recognize the steps in which tool operations are recorded.  I've tested it.
    Keep in mind also that actions with tool recordings in them can be quite huge.

  • Can photoshop actions created in CS2  be imported and used in Photoshop CS6?

    I have a slew of actions that I created in Cs2, my previous version of Photoshop. I've upgraded to CS6  and would like to use my previous actions in the new version. Is this possible? If so, how?

    If you saved the in CS2 in theroy you should be able to load them in newer versions of Photoshop. As far as I know all Action created in CS2 will play in CS3 correctly. 
    Adode introduced options in CS4 that are not compatible with how Photoshop was designed to run.  When these options are set to have Photoshop work the way it worked before the CS4 options.  Actions will Play correctly.  However if you set these options to change the way Photoshop works some actions will now work correctlr in CS4, CS5 and CS6. It make no difference what version you record those actions in. Recording an action in CS6 doese not mean it will play correctly in CS6.  The Action will record the same way in CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6.  Thet will play correctle in CS2, CS3 and they may play correctle in CS4, CS5 and CS6 depending on what options are set. 

  • Cfcollection action='create' permission denied "read" (what???)

    Hello, everyone.
    I'm working on a script that will delete specific SOLR collections, re-create them, index them, then optimize them.
    The delete portion succeeds. The create, however, is failing with a permissions issue:
    access denied ("" "X:\www\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\collections\xyz" "read")
    What the heck is it trying to "read" when creating a collection with a CFCOLLECTION tag??
    <cfcollection action="create" collection="xyz" 
       categories="no" path="X:\www\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\collections\xyz" 
       language="English" engine="solr">
    It runs fine if sandbox is disabled. This is not an option. Can anyone, please, help fix this?
    Sandbox gives the CF account Read,Write,Execute on EVERYTHING.

    It is NOT related to Java 7.  I uninstalled Java 7 from my dev machine and tested.  The issue still remains.
    I thought there might be a possibility that Tomcat didn't have the permissions, but this is also not the issue.
    Still looking for a solution.

Maybe you are looking for